The necessary things to do before you leave for the holiday:

Please check out the 5K Run for the Children of Sandy Hook HERE!


Workout yesterday was 8 miles on the treadmill in 62 minutes.  It has been a monsoon here (a tad dramatic) and so the treadmill is how I roll when it rains.  #Notarealrunner.

Since we are leaving to go south today I tried to fit every last ounce of produce into a bowl with some ranch, turkey, an apple and the newest member of my food pyramid.  It is the cheez-it food group and it is the base of my pyramid.

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We had a bunch of last minute errands to run including the important one of going to Costco to get Hot Cocoa in bulk.  The Starbucks mix is probably the best hot chocolate mix I have ever had but you MUST use milk (or soy milk) with it… water doesn’t cut it.  I do not know why Brooke looks so bored in the photo, it’s not like we were there for 2 hours walking up and down every aisle.

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We went home and we were forced into trying the hot chocolate while watching Flash Point along with cheez-its and a pb cup.  Totally a normal food combination.

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Note to self:  Do not use your computer as a plate.  I have learned my lesson too many times and yet I still do it, Billy really loves it. 

Billy had a lawyer/cool people/networking dinner to go to and so I went and babysat a friend’s baby for a little while.  They are best friends.  

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Those of you with more than one child-  Wow.  

I had to go and say goodbye to some friends before we leave for TWO WEEKS!

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And I had to eat their fudge while I was there.

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By the time I got home it was 9.  My friend that I babysat for paid me in food (for some reason I have a reputation that I love food) by sending me home with chicken pot pie and I also had some Chinese food leftovers to go with my apple and chex mix.  

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Brookes newest thing is that she loves to grunt and has been grunting for the last hour, it is awesome.  


Have you ever made fudge?  I really want to make some so I need a good recipe from you!  Best fudge mix-ins?

Where are you going to be for Christmas?  Anyone else traveling for the holidays?

What is YOUR workout going to be today?  I must know.

Favorite hot chocolate mix or place to get hot chocolate?

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Have you ever made fudge? I really want to make some so I need a good recipe from you! Best fudge mix-ins? Never, I’m not much of a cook…

Where are you going to be for Christmas? Anyone else traveling for the holidays? I’m staying home, my husband will be getting home from Afghanistan a little bit after the holidays and we are going to Mexico for 2 weeks, so I didnt want to take any time off of work for the holidays

What is YOUR workout going to be today? I must know. Physical therapy – I’m 1 month post Shoulder surgery and I’m still not back to running, I’ve been going for long walks with my dog since thats really all I can do, so I might do that after work.

Favorite hot chocolate mix or place to get hot chocolate? Not really a hot chocolate fan, now coffee on the otherhand……


and 8 miles in 62 minutes, nice time girl! although I would probably claw my eyeballs out if I had to run for 8 miles on the TM!


Point of order: Godiva dark hot chocolate mix is the best mix available. You’re welcome.

Just got back from a pleasant 5 mile run in the glow of Christmas lights. Now, off to work as soon as I’m done with my delicious oatmeal!


Thank you so much for posting the link! Hope you, Billy, and Brooke enjoy the holidays! :-)


I make the best fudge ever! People always ask me for my recipe :)

2 cups sugar
10 large marshmallows
1 – 6 oz can of Carnation evaporated milk
1 – 12 oz bag of chocolate chips (I use semi-sweet)
1 stick of butter
1 tsp vanilla

Rub small pan with some of butter, bottom and sides. Bring sugar, marshmallows and evaporated milk to boil, reduce heat and stir (constantly – seriously don’t stop) for 8 minutes. Remove from heat and immediately stir in bag of chips, butter, and vanilla. Once mixed completely, pour into prepared pan. You must lick the spoon and pan…it is required. Stick pan in refrigerator until fudge is firm. IF there are leftovers, they should be kept in the fridge. You can also add nuts if you’d like….But i like to keep my fudge straight chocolate!


Girl, what lipstick are you wearing in the picture at Costco? It is fantastic! Must.have. :-)

I am going to a 45 minute HIIT class at he gym today. But, my real workout will be trying to do all the present wrapping today.


I swear Brooke just keeps getting cuter!
I’m doing a track workout today (and it’s supposed to be a rain snow mixture so that will be fun) and I’ve been hooked on the 15 min Nike Training App workouts. I do one in the morning before work and one afterwork or after my run. They are good workouts and leave me sore.


Okay, Brooke can not get any cuter. Seriously, reading these posts make my morning every single day. :) Safe travels girl!


We always make fudge from the recipe off the back of the marshmallow creme jar…super easy. I know Rachel Ray just had a very easy recipe on her show the other day too.

Treadmill run and flow yoga class for today’s workout. I love using the TM for my weekday runs in the winter–so time consuming to get all dressed up to run outside.


I did a 5K on the treadmill this morning before work ;) I used to make a quick fudge that had like 4 ingredients….it was so EASY…I suggest you google that (I can’t find the my recipie).


I love Brook’s pose in that picture with her baby friend! She’s such a cutie!

I have never made fudge but I thought about making it this year. We usually go to my grandparents house for Christmas Eve. It’s only an hour away so we don’t really travel much.

I plan on getting in 60 minutes of cardio this evening!


Bahahaha I was going to write something else until I read the thing about Brooke grunting. Dying right now. Actually dying. But anyways, I’m making fudge this year with my mom! The girls I babysit for did it, so I can too, right? Probably not, but we’ll see. It’s another day of freezing rain here so zumba it is!


I’m trying to make this my “easy” week so that I can go hard the TWO WEEKS I have off here, starting Thursday. yep, I’m a teacher and I’m counting moments! Love my job but love my breaks
So, off to the treadmill to try for 5 easy miles (I like to push myself so the easy part is the challenge for me today) Will probably throw in some push ups at the end for good measure,maybe some abs..depends how I feel
Never made fudge. Not a fan


Thank you for posting the link. I am a runner in the boston area and am thrilled to have found one way to possibly help. As a Kindergarten teacher and a mother, I have been devastated by this horrific event. Thank you!


The best fudge is the easiest! A can of condensed milk and a bag of whatever chocolate chips you like with a teaspoon of vanilla in a pot on the stove until all of the chocolate is melted then transfer to a square pan and refrigerate. I like mine plain the best but marshmallows, pretzels, or raspberry jam are yummy to mix in.

I’m traveling up to NJ next week to see my parents and my sisters family that’s flying in from Draper UT! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and enjoy Brooke’s first!


That’s the same fudge recipe I make every Christmas! It’s the simplest and the best! Make sure to line the pan with wax paper or tin foil before pouring in the fudge or it will be hard remove after it’s set. Other great mix-ins:
*swirls of peanut butter,
*crushed candy cane,
*chopped walnuts or pecans….


I usually go for the Swiss Miss hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows, but Starbucks is pretty amazing too!


I have a recipe for pretzel fudge with marshmallows and honey roasted peanuts; it’s divine! I’m pretty much a fan of any hot chocolate mix (especially when I stir it with a candy cane and top it with a mountain of whipped cream!), but my campus’ bookstore has a machine with hot white chocolate that’s pretty awesome. I have yet to find out what the brand is, but that’s a mystery I do intend to solve!


Brooke is so cute!! And I agree that Cheez-ITs should definitely be in their own food group!!


I have never made fudge but recently have been wanting to try it out. Let me know if you find a good recipe! My workout today is 45 min on the elliptical. I hate the elliptical but have come to the realization that my legs dont like to run 5 days a week so I need an alternate sweat session.


I prefer the Land O Lakes packets of hot cocoa. Our grocery store sells them for 40 cents a pack when they are on sale and I stock up. I dilute them and add Vanilla Almond Milk to the water so it is really yummy!! Do you mix your Starbucks kind with milk or just water? I bought the Starbucks kind before and I felt like it tasted chalky. I think my water was not hot enough.


I’ve been on a hot chocolate kick lately, but we haven’t bought any mixes. It’s more fun to go out and have someone make it for you, right?

I’m not sure if I’ll have a workout today. I’m currently feeling pretty gross and have no desire to move.


Kari, I am with you! But I tell myself that I MUST move for 20 minutes….If I don’t feel better after that, than I can quit. Usually I get over my slump feeling and continue on my run after the 20 min warm up ;)


I’m going to try and RUN again today! I’ve been battling an IT band injury but it’s been improving *knocks on wood* so I might try to get in FIVE miles! *gasp* I know. It might be pushing it though. Four would be good too.


I will be heading home tomorrow for Christmas!! Cannot wait!! My workout today is going to be a nice long run so I can eat my mom’s delicious food when I get home :)


I’m going to be in Philly for Christmas ! This will be the first Christmas in 2 years that I will be spending with my family! (The past 2 years I’ve been in SoCal with my husband’s family) I’m pretty excited :)


I am sure you are going to love this… Add a spoonful of marshmallow fluff to your hot choc…!


I LOVE making fudge! I used this recipe just last night…

I did find that the coffee part was wayyyy too strong so will be making this again tonight and cutting the amount of coffee in half!


It has been a while since I have done hot chocolate at home with a mix, but I remember liking Nestlé’ rich chocolate mix. No marshmallows. I may have to try the Godiva Dark someone suggested up above!

Sticking around home for the holidays – both sets of grandparents are within a half an hour and this year my grandfather is coming back from Florida to visit all of us.

Hope to get a run in today – pretty sure I pulled a lower back muscle on Sunday but determined to get some runs in while my hubby is home the next 2 weeks!


I am by no means a hot chocolate expert but I do love Starbucks hot chocolate. I’ve never tried the powder kind from them though…
Staying home for the holidays. All my family lives here so we r lucky. (Or unlucky bc we don’t get to travel haha)

And fudge is so yummy. I’m a milk chocolate fan for fudge. But I’ve had Rocky road fudge with marshmallows and nuts and its awesome.


Try the recipe on the back of the jar of fluff!! Its great! Its the only one we use and its excellent EVERY TIME!! :)


Love making fudge. Prefer it with pecans. Yum!

We will be home with family this year for the holidays. Can’t wait!

My mom embarrassed me Saturday by asking Starbucks if they had hot chocolate. It was her first time there.


Today’s workout is however many miles I feel like, but it must be at least 1. I think I told you my work is doing a running challenge, at least one mile every day from Thanksgiving to Christmas. On my rest days I try and just do the 1, but you know how hard that is to say no after 1.


I know it’s not super Christmas-ey, but we made this last week and it just screams Janae.. smokes + fudge? Does it get any better than that?

I made up a 5 mile treadmill interval workout to complete today and posted it on my blog, if any of you are ever looking for new ideas :) it can be found here >>
So that’s my workout for the day!


I obviously meant smores and fudge…. hahah oops!


never made fudge, but i feel that mini m&m’s would be a great mix in lol
i stay home for christmas, spend it with my fam bam and then with my bf’s
hopefully 8 miles, woot woot!!
i usually just make it from the hershey’s cocoa powder :D


I love fudge, and I make this one around the holidays.
Can’t beat pumpkin pie! I’m leaving on Monday to travel for the holidays, and I’m going to be gone a week. Busy, busy, busy!


I actually don’t have to go anywhere far for Christmas this year. Yay! Growing up we were just at home with my family so it was low key. This year we are going to the in laws on Sunday and maybe to my sister in laws on Christmas. The sister in law lives close which is much better than the driving we get to do on Sunday.


Mix one can of sweetened condensed milk and 3 cups semi sweet chocolate chips. Melt in the microwave. Stir in 1 tsp vanilla. Pour into a wax paper lined pan and pop in the fridge until it’s set.

I made some Sunday and mixed in a little mint extract and topped it with some crushed Andes mints before I let it set. It was a winner!

People won’t even know that you made it in like 5 minutes.

I just bought some of that Starbucks cocoa mix. I got a six mile run in at 5:15 this morning. It was a chilly but beautiful morning here in Norman, Oklahoma.


I’ve only made the easy kind of fudge… Not the kind that you have to get to the perfect temperature and all that. I would just Google “easy fudge” and I’m sure a lot of yummy recipes will come up. I’m all about straight fudge… no mix-ins!
We are going to AZ for Christmas on Friday, and I can’t WAIT! It’s been far too long since I’ve seen some of my family. No white Christmas for us this year!
Since you must know, my workout today will most likely be a strength/cardio circuit DVD at home. :)
Aaaand yes, Starbucks does have incredible hot chocolate! Enjoy!!


I will be staying at home for Christmas due to work, however my parents and brother and his girlfriend are coming up to me! whoop whoop!

My workout today is going to be a bit of an indoor triathlon. I am going to swim, bike, and run all at my ymca.

I know you are down in California so it isn’t an option but if you ever get the chance you must try Caribou Coffee’s hot chocolate! It is delightful and a midwestern favorite!


I have a friend who loves to add pieces of candy canes to her fudge.


Fudge is pretty easy as I recall. Marshmallows. PB Chips. Pretzels.
I am heading to the gym and I was going to swim, but I want to read. So maybe the bike or elliptical.

The Kidless Kronicles


wish we got to say bye! DRIVE SAFE!!!! xoxo


I just love that you have made so many really good friends so quickly up there!! I made fudge with my Dad when I was little, that was his thing. You would have loved him and his massive sweet tooth. We are staying in Orange County for a nice mellow Christmas which is nice for this year. Ya the two kids thing….how does that work? Safe travels!!!


what is the name of the dark brown hair color you used recently? i love the color! i did a box a few weeks ago and it is very auburn looking even though the box only said “medium dark brown.” hmmmm


It makes me die a little inside whenever I hear of people making their hot chocolate with water… Have you ever tried making it with chocolate milk? is it ever good that way. I definitely recommend trying it :D


Best fudge mix in is caramel!!!
We are going on a cruise for Christmas and my fil 60th bday!


Thanks for posting the 5K link! I live in NYC, but being from CT originally, this has hit far too close to home. I can’t begin to imagine what these families are going through. What a great way to help!


I’ve never made fudge, but I can totally identify with being paid in food! :)


Whoops, got so distracted there by food thoughts that I forgot to say my workout for the day is a 3.5 mile run. I’m training for my first ever half marathon. :)


I have never made fudge but I did get 3 delicious slices this weekend while up in the mountains of NC from Kilwins! It is the best fudge in the world and you would die if you ate it!

I LOVE hot cocoa and right now I’ve just been drinking the instant Nestle dark chocolate packets…they are so good and I add about 1000 little marshmellows :)

I have never had an Xmas at home actually! Ever since I was born we travel up to Michigan and stay with my family (Aunt, Uncle, and cousins-who are like our brothers) and it’s my favorite tradition in the world! We are leaving Friday morning and I cannot wait!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS IN 1 WEEK!


My hubby is obsessed with cheez its too. Which, of course, made me obsessed.


i ran 4.5 miles! was shooting for 5 but it was too cold and early. totally worth it, the end.


Search on Pinterest for Cookie Butter Fudge! It’s made with Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter!! :)


I too am a TM runner when it rains! Hah.

Have a fun trip!! We’re not travelling too far this year, but we still get to be with fam. SCORE!


LOL that’s so funny that Brook loves to grunt now hajahahaha!!
Even while not pooping??


Can I just say I love your bangs? Mine never ever lay like that!


I love nuts in fudge, the texture is so much better!!
I love how the babies are posing in the pictures :)


I might do an Insanity workout or go for a run. It’s never decided until it’s time to workout.
Never made fudge, but if I do, I will have to consume it with a big glass of milk or black coffee. It’s so sweet and rich!


I also use the fudge recipe on the marshmallow creme jar. It is really easy just be sure you have a thermometer that works. You have to be sure to get it to the fudge to the correct temperature. Thank you for posting the link for the SH run also.


I’m in London for Christmas- love how festive it is!


My daughter went through a grunting phase when she was a baby and she would get so loud that if we were out in public; it would actually get embarrassing! ;)


OMG I LOVE THAT HOT CHOCOLATE!!!! It is THE best! So is Brooke’s onesie. TOO cute. My mother in law makes the most delicious fudge! I prefer it with nothing in it, though. Just fudge. Yum. My workout is happening in about 10 minutes and it will be Jillian 30 day shred!! Level 2 time aka SO MUCH PLANKING. Wish me luck ;)



Of course the Sandy Hook event is horrible, but I am proud to see community strength in response.

Have you had the cinnamon bun ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s? It’s great!


Best fudge mix in… mini marshmallows.


Starbucks Hot Chocolate is the best!!!! Especially with milk!! I can not drink hot cocca unless it has milk in it!!!!!


I’ve made PEPPERMINT OREO FUDGE before and it was really easy and tasted fantastic, and it looks festive too! I got the recipe for here
Have a great time home for the holidays!!


I signed up for a virtual half for Sandy Hook, but I don’t think it’s the same one! The way I look at it is, combining running and donating to this cause, is worth it!


Maybe Brooke is telling you she wants to be a tennis player??? They grunt a lot.


I love when babies realize they have voices. My first daughter would scream (literally!) at the start of her laugh. It made for interesting times in Church. Fiona (my 2nd) would say “dadadadadadadadadadada” for about 30 minutes straight. Not when he was around, just for fun!! We are stayin’ put for Christmas– too much travelling and up-rooting this year since June. We are, however, doing a Harry Potter Train ride wherein the girls will get to have their 4th visit with Santa! Gotta love England at Christmas time!


Totally agree about the comment of people with more than one kid. I don’t know how they do it. Major props to them! One is hard enough. Of course I enjoy every second, but it is hard! I have a whole new respect for my parents :)
Have a safe drive!! XO


I have never made fudge before, and I’m so glad you asked for recipes! I’m excited to try some of the ones that others have posted! Especially the ones that call for sweetened condensed milk . . . I could drink that straight from the can ;)

Staying in Cali for Christmas!

You are going to laugh, but I think I might pull our Wii’s Dance Dance Revolution out today for my work out! Haha! And then I’ll chase Kyan around on all fours for an hour or so ;)

I have NEVER tried the Starbucks dry mix, but I need to, because Starbucks is my favorite place to go for hot choc! I always get it with hazelnut flavoring. It’s not the same without it!


One of my friends has a little boy that’s around 3 or 4 … and then she just had TRIPLETS, all boys. Can you imagine?! I’m already anticipating the work of just one child! I can’t even fathom having triplet newborns + an energetic little boy!


I have to ask- how do you fit all of the items that you’re buying with Brooke in the cart? Do you stuff items around her? Or do you have two shopping carts, haha!


I happen to love fudge more than anything in the world so I am definitely an expert. I have made fudge several times, but happen to love this recipe since it is SO easy and super delicious. Don’t skip the salt on top!! Don’t tell people how easy it is because they usually think its fancy:)


Janae, I just want to thank you for posting the Sandy Hook 5k link. I just joined the FB group and they’re discussing doing a spring 5k/half. I can’t think of a better motivator to get me training than for those amazing Littles and courageous adults we lost on Friday. Thank you!


My mom and I made some fudge a couple days ago! We use the Baker’s chocolate fudge recipe from the 1950s(!) because it makes the best fudge ever! I’m a fudge purist and I don’t like mix-ins, I don’t want anything to get between me and pure chocolatey goodness.

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