Just in case you are looking for an easy and delicious quick meal, the nuggets from Costco are amazing.  These mickey shaped nuggets were originally purchased for the children to eat but once the adults tried them we were all hooked.  

This was my dinner along with fresh green beans.  I place the ketchup and bbq sauce right next to each other on my plate and dip each nugget perfectly into it so that each side has an equal amount of ketchup and bbq sauce.  It takes a lot of practice but once you master the perfect amount of sauce on your chicken nugget you will be a very happy camper.  

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We had a full on party last night complete with two of the best bouncers ever.  Their assignment was to answer the door and they took this assignment very seriously and stood just like this waiting for each guest to arrive for my sister’s bridal shower.  

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I do not know why this picture was so dark.  One side had the healthy food with fruit, veggies and whole wheat rolls and the other side of the table had the party food with cream puffs, pb brownies and cheesecake bites.

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Most importantly we had to have my sister’s favorite candy.

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I wanted to make sure that we had the bridal shower before I left because I would be very sad if I had to miss out on a table of my favorite foods and present opening.   (PS did I ever tell you that my dad is also an incredible artist?  See that boat picture… that is my dad’s work…. I am proud)

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 We have been going non-stop since we have been in Utah and the two of us were exhausted by the end of the night.  Hello bags under my eyes.   We are going to sleep like rocks tonight.

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I actually fell asleep as I was trying to think of questions soooooo instead of using any brain power that I may have left to think of a question how about you tell me about what some of your GOALS for DECEMBER!!!!!

Or tell me about what your weekend run or race is going to be!?!?!

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No long run for me today. I’m volunteering at Santa’s 5k instead. The runners dress up as Santa and the volunteers dress as elves. I’m really excited.

I’m glad you have had such a great visit in Utah. That’s nice you got to spend so much time there!


Running CIM on Sunday….in potentially flooding rains and 20-30 mph headwinds. Should be interesting : /


Oh you two are having too much fun without Billy. :) I’m jealous, I’d love to be in Utah right now…I think.

This weekend I’m going to most likely skip my half on Sunday…back problems still. As for goals…

I’m hosting a sweet New Year’s Challenge Group so I’m busy marketing that. My goals are to have fun, lose weight, inches and get more toned.

When does Billy join you? Or are you going back to Cali before Christmas?


I did just over 9 miles yesterday so I might take today off or just run a few. Tomorrow I will prob do 8.

Are you heading back today to CA? I know it will be bittersweet! Are you traveling hint to Utah for Christmas too?


Oh wow your dad is an incredible artist! Is he a professional?! The food table clearly has everyone’s best interest at heart… Lighted side is the dessert :)
No run for me today but tomorrow will be an easy 6. Can’t freakin’ wait! I’m over this “rest week”


My kiddos love those nuggets. Wow, your father is an awesome artist!


Wow, your dad is amazing artist! I love the pictures from the shower.

December goals: run a 5k race, soak up as much time with my toddler (and entire family), figure out a way to get more sleep, research and buy a new car–haha those goals are so random–its from the lack of sleep!


Glad you’ve been having so much fun in Utah! Family can’t be beat :)

I would maybe have goals for December except I didn’t realize it was already December, yikes! My goal for this week is to go back to Salt Lake’s new Trader Joe’s and buy all of the sea salt dark chocolate almonds!


I just have a short 3-mi test run, but my husband has his first 18 miler today training for his first marathon. Every week he gets a new personal distance record!


My december go is to complete Jillian’s 30 Day Shred. I started a few days ago. I would like to get a few runs in each week. I have attempted it several times, but have never made it out of level 1…..


LOL. You always crack me up-I’m th same way…sometimes the questions are the hardest part! I’m planning on just slowly trying to up my mileage post cyst…hopefully it doesn’t come back. Probably focusing on some 5ks for a while. :)


Thanks for the reminder that today is DECEMBER 1st!! Crazy. My goals for this month are to finish the semester without dying and to get comfortable with 10+ mile runs. Also to remain festive and in the holiday spirit all month :)

PS Your family’s food always looks so good. I am jealous.


I do the exact same thing with BBQ and ranch!!


I would like more info on those peanut butter brownies. Yum!
I am hoping to run tomorrow. Life got busy, I got sick, one week off turned into two weeks. Ready to get back into a routine!


-That picture your dad painted really is amazing!
-I joined Courtney’s December 2,012 rep Challenge (sweettoothsweetlife.com) and so that starts today!


My goal of December is to do some form of physical activity everyday! Whether it be running, or a bit of yoga!


wow. VERY impressive by your dad!

I had a hard and ugly 7 miler yesterday, so hopefully go on another run today and have it come out much, much better!


STILL on the fence about tomorrow’s half marathon. Just DECIDE already.

The Kidless Kronicles


My goals for December:
-start eating healthier
-get up to a 6 mile long run
-create some fun Christmas traditions with the kiddos.

My run today was 2 miles {my longest postpartum so far}!


I was just thinking yesterday how I have no idea how you have been running around and doing so much and seeing so many people with a newborn in tow. I was exhausted just thinking about it. lol. You are Super Momma for sure, but you definitely need a break.

I want that whole bowl of tootsie rolls. I LOVE the flavored ones. Anna even picked them all out of her trick-0r-treat bag and gave them to me because she knew how much I love them. (I may have dropped a few hints. Shhhh) And they were gone in 3.5 seconds.

I am still in Ogden (Ross is still sleeping) and once I get home I will go for a run. Hopefully something in the double digits, but I haven’t decided. I guess that is the beauty of not having a race coming up or a plan.

My goal for December is to hang out with you again next week, since you will be here longer. So if I don’t make my goal it will all be on you ;) … I should probably make some healthy goals too cause at this rate I am going to go into January 10lbs heavier :/


We love those nuggets too! I always make them for the kids then sneak half!


Waiiiit a sec…I had NO idea Tootsie rolls came in a variety of flavours…time to get my hands on some!!


That looks like a pretty great spread of food!

I can’t believe I haven’t even started thinking about goals for December yet. November was very full of goals for me (I participated in a challenge to work out every day and I did it!), so now that it’s over I’m sort of at a loss. Maybe I should think of something non-physical to do this time around!


Only workout for me today is decorating my place for Christmas – lots of heavy lifting involved in that one ;) And I’d have to say that my main goal for December is to get as much out of the Christmas season as I can.


Those tiny little pieces of Crack, those flavored tootsie rolls are.

I just signed up for the Bayshore marathon in traverse city this morning. It’s a same day sell-out, and you have to stay at your computer and keep trying and trying.

So, in my excitment, I wrote a pretty bizarre blog post about Frosty the Snowman.


I wish we could race up here in Ontario at this time of year, but we’d all freeze before even starting!


I have the first leg of the CIM relay tomorrow. Can’t wait to run in the rain and wind ( said no one ever……)


december goal = to continue to run throughout the winter!! i did an easy 3 this morning and hopefully want to do 10 or so tomorrow. tell billy good luck on law school finals! 1L year is not fun but he will get through it!


omg!! those tooties rolls are the best ones to date!!! i need to go find me a bag of those asap now lol
i had planned on running outside but since its down pouring maybe i wont lol but i will be aiming for 11-13 miles today :) going to be a good one.


Well, I’m due with a little boy in 11 days so my December goal is to have a baby. :)
After that then it’s enjoy the holidays and all the glorious food (and deserts).

Now I have a craving for some tootsie rolls… must go find some!


Awe, no long run for me this weekend because we are out of town for a wedding, but my goal for December is to maintain my fitness and workout routine. I feel that in December it’s so hard to keep the same habits because of the holidays, so that’s what I’m shooting for!


First post baby half marathon next weekend! My December goal should be something like: Survive 11 days visiting my family and inlaws… Who constantly argue about who is getting to spend more time with us. Uggggggh!


California International Marathon in Sacramento tomorrow. So excited but sad that it will be raining!


Goal for December is to increase my weights at the gym!

I love those vanilla tootsie rolls–definitely one of my favorite candies!


I’ve got a family craft or activity every day for the countdown for Christmas. We are doing a mostly homemade Christmas this year, so I will be a busy mama. But I’m starting training for my Feb half- marathon, so I will be running too!


If you are sad about your visit ending, just keep reminding yourself who will be waiting at the other end for you.

Drink more water, continue to improve as a runner while maintaining a period (maybe on my mind because both took place this morning), floss more.


I would devour that dessert table! My December goals are to stop eating out so much and build up my daily mileage. Also to drink lots of hot chocolate!!


We just sampled those Mickey chicken nuggets at Costco today… They are pretty darn good! ;) I love that photo of your little nieces standing by your sister all excited to see what she was opening. Too cute!


Ran a half marathon in Annapolis, MD today, and it was excellent. I came very close to my pie-in-the -sky goal of a sub-two half. Maybe if I get that treadmill for Christmas I can beat my goal in the new year!


I did a 3 mile run/walk today. I’m coming back from shin splints and a knee injury, but training for a fun Santa 5k in a couple of weeks!


Aww, what a fun shower :) Does your sister have a date picked out for her wedding yet?
I LOVE those lime tootsie rolls too- they are the best! I always look forward to them at Halloween.
Oh my gosh, your dad is SO talented!! That picture is beautiful!!!


I’m not training for anything right now, so I’m thinking I might just try to do a run streak and see how many days in December I can run, even if some days are just a mile or so. I haven’t run since my turkey trot last week and I need to get motivated!!


I ran my first trail race ever today – a 7 miler with an INTENSE almost vertical (no joke – at one point I was using my hands and was barely bent over) climb! It was crazy! But I was pumped because I was 3rd in my Age Group and 6th women! eek!


My December goal is to get through finals. That’ll take me up until just about the end of the month!


I concentrated pretty hard on cardio during the month of November so I want to get back into strength in December.


i’m so glad u’re packing in as MUCH awesomeness into ur visit as possible. :) danng, i’m having some serious dessert envy tho…lol.

i kno this december is gonna be SUPER precious for u with brooke’s first xmas…soo exciting! :)


So fun that you got to spend so much time with your cute family! I love your hair color too.

My goals for December are to just keep exercising as much as possible with my prego belly. I am even more AMAZED now that you kept up 40 miles a week while pregnant. You are a rockstar.


My run for the weekend was the St. Jude Memphis Marathon! 2nd in a month and I felt really strong! Still slow though :)


Happy December! I’m sure your sister was so happy you were able to be there for the shower as well :o)


your Dad’s painting looks similar to one we have here in our office at work. I just did a double check and it’s not the same, but pretty close :) definitely talented!

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