2 more exciting things.

I promise this will be the last post where I go on and on about how I will be in Utah in less than 24 hours.  I found out TWO more really exciting things about why going home is going to be just great.

1.  The ENTIRE family is going to be at my parents’ house Monday night.  This rarely happens.  The last time all of my siblings and parents were all together was over 14 months ago at a wedding.  My mom will be picking up my brother (lives in Kentucky) and I at the airport at the same time and he leaves the next day so Monday night will be the only time we are all there.  I am going to convince them all that we need to pull an all-nighter and hang out for as long as possible.   Another brother from Arizona will be with us until Friday and my other brother that lives about 2 hours from my parents’ house will be leaving Tuesday also.  Wow, that was confusing.   

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2.  I GET TO GO TO SPIN CLASSES AGAIN.  If you are a new reader to my blog then let me just fill you in…  After running of course, spinning is my absolute favorite way to work out.  I taught spin for 4 years and I don’t think there is anything better than getting paid to teach spin classes.  I still have a gym membership in Utah and I will be taking full advantage of spin classes and my mom hanging out with Brooke for an hour so I can go sweat in a dark room with extra loud music and other spin obsessed people.

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FYI I think that if you do spin classes for your cross training it can really help you to get fast! It is a great way to build up your cardiovascular and muscular strength and it is really easy on your joints.  


Turns out breakfast is more like a party when you aren’t eating it by yourself.  Billy said he would make anything I wanted for bfast which turned out to be a cereal buffet.  We are out of FMW (rough life we have over here) and so I made a weird combination of Honey Bunches of Oats, chocolate granola and French Toast Squares.   I think that any and all cereal belong together in a bowl. 

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I left it up to Billy to decide what to have for our Thanksgiving dessert tonight and he chose THESE cookies.   The rest of the day will be dedicated to cooking and tasting everything I make so that I can ensure it is good enough for dinner.


I even bought semi-sweet chocolate chips because that is what the recipe called for but I will be making a separate batch for me that is loaded with milk chocolate chips.

I will leave you today with a creepy picture from our couch time.

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What was your Sunday morning bfast?  Last type of cereal that you had?

When was the last time your entire family was all together?

Feelings about spin classes?  What is your favorite workout (besides running of course;)?

Any fitness instructors reading?  What type of classes did you/do you teach?

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Ah! So exciting to be alllll together with your family, :). HAVE FUN.


Thanks Toni! Hope you are having n amazing day!


We had pancakes for breakfast :) UK style – thin with lemon and sugar on top. Yum!

My family are only separated by about 150 miles, but we don’t get together very often. Last time was 6 months ago for my father’s 70th birthday. It could be a year or two before we do it again…

Have a FAB time with your family in Utah :)


I want some UK style pancakes, those sound incredible! 70th bday..that is AWESOME!!!


Those pumpkin cookies are the BEST. Crack cookies, beware!

I love spin classes, I can’t wait to heal from surgery and get back into them! There is nothing better than a bunch of sweaty people jamming out to songs and the big “sigh” you hear from everyone after each tough interval.


WAIT A SECOND… you didn’t tell me about this surgery. I need details! Are you okay?


FMW was the last cereal I had. And if there isn’t enough sugar I added some m and m’s to the bowl…..delish.


You are brilliant.
I am going to make my mom buy me M & M’s and FMW when I get home so I can try this. Hope you have a great SHORT week at school!


Those cookies look delicious!
I took a spin class once about 2 years ago and didn’t really like it, but I have been enjoying using the stationary bike for cross training when I was injured so I’m thinking about trying one out again.
Enjoy the time with your family!


YES YES YES try one again! It all depends on the teacher… ask around to people at your gym who is the best spin teacher and then go to their class:) They have to play good music!


I agree it is all about the teacher!! I tried one a while back and the teacher didn’t really talk at all..it was kind of weird becuase I didn’t know what to do!


This morning I had a delicious pumpkin bagel with honey walnut cream cheese, plus a banana and coffee! It was the perfect thing to eat before heading home for Thanksgiving break. Now my family is all together!


Your bfast sounds way better than mine! AHHHH ENJOY your time with your whole family this tday break!


Oh these are so exciting! I can’t wait to get back home to Zumba so I see where you’re coming from on the spinning front! Those cookies are going to be the perfect addition to your pre-thanksgiving festivities :)


I really want to try out Zumba again, I have only been once and I was so lost the entire class ha. I need to try it again! Hope you are having a great day Sarah!


I love your creepy picture!!!!


Haha thanks Christine! Hope you are having a great Sunday!


I love spin and started using it to cross train but haven’t done it since hurting my SI joint. Must be the only joint it isn’t easy on? The instructor is SO fun, I can’t wait to get back to it!! My family was together at the end of the summer, except my husband wasn’t there so it’s not really the same. Wish Billy could be with all of you but I’m sure you’ll have so much fun anyway!


BOOO to your SI joint, that is so lame! When do you think you’ll be able to get back to spin? It would be way more fun with him there!


Happy for you… Enjoy your trip.


Thanks so much Patty! Hope you are having a great Sunday!


I had Life today – though 99% of the time I have granola, either homemade or store bought.


I FORGOT ALL ABOUT LIFE!! I need some now. That will be my next cereal addictions:)


Have an AWESOME time!!!!! :D :D :D


Thanks Heather. I hope you have a fabulous week!


I teach spin class! ;) but I teach in the morning so I get a lot of older folks who like to groan, moan and pretend to change the resistance. lol. I am like a spinning cop these days. I catch them cheating all the time.


BAHAHA I love that you are the spinning cop! I had a class like that one time too! I want to come to one of your classes someday. Any chance you are in Cali or Utah?


I prefer weight lifting and the elliptical, spin class always hurts my knees! I’m probably doing something wrong… and my whole family (parents and siblings) were together last year for Christmas, and we’ll all be there for Christmas again this year!


I love cereal and your combo looks fab.!

This morning I made some pancakes and put cinnamon butter and syrup on them. Delish! Land o Lakes has cinnamon sugar butter. Its new and oh so good! I also had eggs and coffee. :)

I used to be so into spin classes. I had a gym membership and just went there to do that. I brought cycling shoes and went whenever I could. Its a great workout. Yep, I need to get into it again.

Have fun in Utah and have a safe trip!


I had pancakes this morning for breakfast! So yummy. We eat pancakes almost every weekend, with a hot cup of coffee, delish!

I taught aerobics for 6 years. My favorite class to teach was a hip hop class (I know, white girl that can’t dance teaching hip hop aerobics). It was so much fun. I also loved teaching any type of body pump/ cross fit classes. I never taught spin but I love taking the classes. On gym I taught at, the spin instructor had a disco ball that she would turn on during class. Now that was FUN!
Oh and so true about the biking making your runs faster. I just started adding the bike a couple of times a week and I can tell a big difference already with my endurance during my long runs.

Last time my family was together was last month. I am hanging out with my in- laws for Thanksgiving but I will see my Mom and Dad next weekend. Have fun visiting with your family. Safe travels!


Sunday morning breakfast was a decaf latte and coffee cake from Starbucks. Healthy, no. But man, was it good! ;)


After my run I had some nestle chocolate cereal with a banana in it… ( I Also had oatmeal beforehand) It’s more of a dessert..

I loove spin class but my gym was $$ and I’m having a baby next month , so I bought a real spin bike via work and do my own to music here. I figure I can use it here while he sleeps.. ( and maybe put it on my porch, lol) \

Ugh, my family is all over, SK, Texas, UK.. probably the last time was a year or two ago? sigh.


I love a good cereal mixture!

I am currently eating dinner: Cheerios topped w/mixed nuts and raisins. A favorite of mine :-)


YAYYY for the whole family being together!!!! You are going to have so much fun! And your mom is going to be in HEAVEN! :) The last time my entire family was together was last Christmas!! Both of my brothers live on the east coast, so saddd, but next month we’ll all be together again!!! I can’t wait!



Yay, I am so excited for you getting to se your fam!!!

I get to see my whole family for the first time since July and I CANNOT WAIT!

Spin is the bane of my existance, it just hurts so good (and you’re right it all depends on the instructor!)


Wooooohoooo for family time and being back in Utah!! I hope you have an awesome time, I know you will :)
Please send cookies to me and G…she is demanding that I make us some….bossy little thing!
Love you!


I teach SHRED and Zumba, and I have taught all sorts of classes over the years. Getting paid to teach workout classes is awesome!!!

I am so excited that you get to hang out with your WHOLE family! We are getting together on Thursday with Daniel’s entire family – all of his brothers and sisters (there are SEVEN of them!), their spouses, kids, and Daniel’s parents. It’s going to be AWESOME!!!


You know something, I have NEVER taken a spin class at my gym yet. I always want to, but I feel sooo intimidated for some reason.
One day, I’ll build up that courage to walk in that room!


Awwr that’s so awesome that you’ll get to see all of your fam when you go back to Utah! I hope you have an awesome time! Most of my family lives in Poland so I don’t think we’ve ever all been together, but I see Mom and Dad every weekend, so that counts as something :)

And breakfasts have been cereal around here lately as well. Today it was Kashi Cinnamon Harvest and Cinnamon Puffins. I guess I have a thing for cinnamon ;)


-I always have AT LEAST 3 different types of cereal/granola in each bowl of cereal! Once I started mixing kinds I can’t go back to having just one
-Beides running, my favorite ways to work out are going to long walks and kickboxing classes!


I don’t like spinning, I find it really stressful. The first time I went, no-one told me the terminology so when the teacher said turn it up to 5 or 7 or 9, I spent ages panicking that i couldn’t find the gears. So I’ve always found it a little stressful after that.

However after running, I would cycle to the end of the world. I LOVE it and I miss it, having had a child. We do cycle together but not very often and I miss the freedom it gives me.


I teach Jazzercise classes, and I love them!!!


I love spinning! I honestly don’t think it’s anywhere near as good a workout as running, at least for me (even when I push myself to the limit, within a few hours I feel like I haven’t done anything at all!), but it is nice to be in a dark room rockin’ out to loud music. I also think it’s really good if you’re trying to speed up your running cadence!


I had multigrain Cheerios for breakfast.
It’s been a year since our family was together.

I have a stationary bike at home and OMG I sweat so bad when I work out on it! My favorite crosstraining is yoga and strength workouts though.


I’m an instructor at Pure Barre in Redondo Beach, CA and love it! So much fun! Best workout around for me besides running. It has changed my body in so many great ways! Helped me to a PR at the Big Sur 1/2 marathon in Monterey this morning! Have a great time with your fam these next two weeks! So excited for you!


safe travels!! :) love the cereal ‘suicide’ there and if i’m guessing correct, is french toast squares the generic for cinn. toast crunch?? if so, i call that stuff cereal crack, sooo addictive, love it! :)


I can’t wait for my whole family to be together on Thanksgiving, best feeling in the world!

I’ve never tried a spin class, but you’re definitely inspiring me to want to try one. (It’s just hard for me to get over the whole OMG my lady parts are so sore I can barely sit down, lol!)

Also pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are THEBOMB.COM!


Being together with family is the best! I just came home for the holiday so I am very excited! I teach Spin classes and I agree…it’s definitely an awesome way to cross train! Running and Spinning are my two fitness favorites:)


So excited that you get to be reunited with all of your siblings and family in less than 24 hours!


LOVE spinning- it’s the only form of cardio which I feel gives me as great a workout as running!


I had a protein smoothie and it was delicious!
I took one spin class. I lived. I like to think that the challenge was complete.


I’m so excited for you to be with your family!!! Yay!! And spin- LOVE it, teach it, again, so excited for you to be back and get to take it. Woot! I totally think it helps with running speed too by the way. Hugs! Love your couch time pic!


Have a safe trip!!!

I got a recipe from the Tasty Kitchen blog but this pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe looks v similar.. So good!!


Mmy entire fam will be together Thursday! Can’t wait:) it’s been a few months since that’s happened. I’ve actually never been to a spin class but plan on adding it to my cross training.


have you tried frosted toast crunch? it’s delicious! cereal suicides are my definition of heaven.

have a great trip!!!


I think my family was last all together during the summer, but now I can’t remember if we were all home at once.

Do you still have your own spin bike or did you have to leave that in Utah when you moved?


So many awesome things about this- yay for family time and getting back into spinning! My momma absolutely l-o-v-e-s to spin, spinning is her favorite :P And she recently rejoined a gym and has been going every. single. day. since! I’m planning to run a few races next spring and would like to start spinning this winter [and stay out of the snowy weather] to keep my cardio in check :)

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