A Brookarama Thanksgiving Sunday

I am not going to lie, I am pretty proud of myself.  I was able to heat up a costco chicken, make a TJ’s stuffing mix and heat up TJ’s gravy, take rolls out of the freezer and put them in the oven, put some bacon in green beans and mash up potatoes.   This is pretty advanced for me considering the fact that the first three years of our marriage Billy survived off of my mom’s cooking and frozen burritos.  

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I wonder what Billy thought the first time I asked him to take a picture of me posing with food? 

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Billy was in charge of carving the chicken.   That is kind of rude of me to show you so many pictures of delicious fluffy rolls this early in the morning.

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We had our Thanksgiving together last night and of course it was our favorite one so far because of Brookarama.  I always feel bad eating such deliciousness in front of her and not sharing but I am sure before I know it I will be thinking about how nice it was to not have to share my candy or favorite foods with anyone.    PS the cornbread stuffing from TJ’s is AMAZING.  Really.  So is their gravy.  Also, try Rhodes rolls out… they now have freezer rolls that you just stick in the oven for 12 minutes and they are so good.  Billy said they are his favorite rolls ever.  

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I am posting this for my own selfishness because I am sure going to miss that dude over there but I am sure my mom will buy me ice cream every time I miss him while I am at home to get through the tough time without him. 

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Anytime Brooke gets fussy Billy puts her up like this and she instantly stops being sad.  Please notice Brooke’s awesome rolls.  

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Last but most importantly we had the pumpkin semi-sweet chocolate chip cookies.  This recipe is the one to use, take my advice.  

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Our flight doesn’t leave until noon so I am requesting every mother out there that has flown with a baby to give me advice on how to make it through 4 hours (we have to fly to Seattle first) on the plane with a 3 month old happily.  I am scared to death that she is going to cry and make everyone around me stare at me and shake their heads.  Brooke loves to be moving and looking around so I am nervous she is going to go crazy just sitting on my lap for so long.

Working/going to school peeps:  How many days do you have to work and or go to school this week?

What is your workout today?

-Another rest day for me.  Billy is just going to drop me off at the airport before school so we are leaving here early!  Maybe we will run around San Jose airport terminals.

Where was the last place that you flew to?

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NURSE NURSE NURSE – especially during takeoff and landing! We just traveled two twenty hour flying days with Max, when he was two months old, in September- we took my second daughter, Bailey, on her special trip (each of my kids gets to pick and plan one trip at age sixteen, anywhere in re world which I work all year to pay for and get to go along on yay!) to Italy. Nursing is the key. Also if available as for the bassinet – it gives baby a place to lay and play and sleep on the plane and bonus, gives you bulkhead seating!

Good luck to Billy on his first finals. I graduated from law school two and a half years ago, and it is a rough time but so worth it!


Second that! Worked EVERY time.


I had pumpkin and semi-sweet chocolate chip cupcakes this weekend — and the icing was chocolate with a hint-of-mint. Ohmygoodness, it was one of the best flavour combinations of any food I’ve ever had — and quite possibly the best flavour combo I’ve ever had in a cupcake (so far at least, I have MANY more cupcake flavours to try!! ;) ).
My workout today will be a run of some kind — either longer tempo or middle distance intervals. I’m probably going to do the tempo … we’ll see!! And I’m doing a chaturanga plank-a-day challenge, so beating my PR of 1:08 is also on the table.
Best of luck with Brooke!! Just remember that while people do get annoyed, they understand that 3 month olds are going to cry. It’s a fact of life. No one is going to hate you, and if they get snarly, well just remember that they’ll never remember who you are 0.6 seconds after descending to the tarmac. ;)


Nurse when taking off…..


I’m due with my first in about six weeks, but my husband has lots of experience traveling with his son, and I remember the advice he’s given to plenty of our friends with babies. He advised taking a big blanket and oversized (strong) clothespins, so you can make a little enclosure for privacy (attaching the blanket to the seat seams with the clothespins); nursing as much as you’re comfortable and as much as Brooke wants; walking up and down the aisles whenever the seatbelt sign is off (she’s adorable – people would love to see her, I’m sure!); a new toy or two for distraction purposes; and interacting with the people around you if she is fussy. He says he and his ex-wife found people were far more understanding and kind if they actually made eye contact and apologized for the crying – instead of just acting like their baby wasn’t doing anything that disturbed anyone – even though they didn’t reeeeeally feel like they needed to apologize, since they were doing everything they could. You will do great!


Nurse nurse nurse! It’s very handy to have all of Brooks needs right there :) Also, try and change her diaper as close to boarding as you can. Changing a diaper on a plane is the pits. Have a safe trip!!


I have to work every day except Thursday this week, BOO! My workout today was a really fun dance DVD (which I’m going to review on my blog tomorrow), and the last time I flew on a plane was to San Diego, but that was almost 4 years ago! It has been all road trips since then!

I’m so glad you said that the Rhodes rolls are good, I bought them for my Thanksgiving feast that I’m cooking (for the first time this year!!) and I know if you gave them a glowing recommendation they will be a hit!


Hope you have a great time with your family this week! :) Take lots of pictures! (Of course, that goes without saying, right??)


I flew when my toddler was a baby several times, and I always made sure to either feed her or give her a paci at take off and landing to help with her ears. Also, if she’s interested in toys, bring a few of her favorite to occupy her. She might just fall asleep though. The loud noise of the plane is awesome white noise :) oh, and do you have a carrier? That was awesome to use when walking through the crowded airport. I didn’t like pushing the stroller because it was bulky, but you could definitely do that and just check it at the gate. Good luck and have a safe trip!


I haven’t flown with a baby for about 15 years, but I flew a lot when I did have them. I always made sure they had a pacifier or whatever to suck on take off’s and landings so their ears didn’t hurt. Then just brightly colored quiet toys to play with.
I have to admit, I pre-medicated my kids depending on the flight and the kid. I’m not sure that babies can even have benedryl or dramamine any more. My kids did great. Hahaha
And as an adult whose kids are older, a fussy baby isn’t too bad unless it’s an entire flight. I can’t imagine that she won’t be just fine. There is lots of weird people to look at and whoever is around her won’t be able to resist a little smile and coo talk.

Have fun in Utah! It’s chilly here….brrrrrr.


what a spread! and thanks for the cookie recommendations. i wish i lived close to a trader joe’s!


Aww, you guys are so awesome! So glad that you get to see your family in Utah….have a safe flight!
Today’s workout? Rest day!! :)
Have a great Monday!


Woah! What a spread! You went all out!! How cute!

Don’t worry too much about Brooke on the flight. It’ll work out. Babies are babies. She’ll likely sleep. If she happens to fuss a little– everyone’ll just have to deal. Have fun with your fam in Utah!!!!


Brooke seems like such a happy baby I bet she will be a little angel like always. I’m praying it’s an easy flight for you two! Those rolls look delicious – I love a good roll and then I will want to eat all of them! I am a bread lover for sure.


I hope Billy keeps busy studying…I am sure it will be hard not to see you and Brooke for 2 weeks.

4 day work week here:-( Easy strength training and a short/quick incline walk later today for my workout…yesterday I ran for the first time in 3 weeks, it was awesome!


Rhodes rolls & frozen bread dough our the best! A staple in my family. If you ever decide to make homemade pizza/pepperoni rolls, use frozen Rhodes dough of some kind. Seriously, that’s like a “secret” family recipe and it is just fabulous!


I’m sure you’ll miss billy, but I can’t imagine how much he’s going to miss Brooke and you!
Good luck on your flights! I’m not a momma, but my advice as a non-parent would be to not sweat it if she does cry. If a baby is crying on my flight, I feel so bad for the parents!


I just flew from Boston to Orlando and the plan was filled with babies galore! Probably on their way to the happiest place on earth, DISNEY ;) Our flight had a good bit of turbulence which caused the babies on board to cry a little, but as soon as we leveled out I didn’t hear a peep out of them! The mom next to me gave her daughter snacks to play with during the flight (I’m pretty sure there were pretzels everywhere by the end, but well worth it for a happy baby ;)). Goodluck, and have a great trip!!


Awww love the pic of Billy holding brooke up!!! That feast looks DELICIOUS!! Great job!!! My fiance keeps asking me when I’m going to learn how to cook… after I attempted to make him hot chocolate last night and spilled it everywhere I told him not to hold his breath on that one. ;) I’m working from home this week until Wednesday- I wanted to come upstate to be with my mom and her doggies :) I also didn’t pack warm enough clothes and didnt realize it was about 20 degrees colder here so I skipped a run outside and did a circuit workout this morning. :)


Airplane advice: Try to make it so she is ready to nurse right when you are taking off! Maybe she will take a good nap for you… If not, bring a new toy, or baby einstein videos on your iphone ;P HOpefully she will nap for you and you’ll not have to do much at all! I flew with my daughter when she was 4 months old. I was so scared about everyone hating us if she cried and she slept the entire trip! I was amazing!! Good luck, will say a prayer for yall today! So happy that you get to see your family soon!

BTW-Your Thanksgiving dinner looks incredible! Way to go!


I think most of us traveling without children are just appreciative if you are doing everything you can to keep the baby happy. Those that don’t are a different story. And as a childless flyer, just be careful of the seat in front of you. I can’t tell you how many times I have been repeatedly kicked for hours because THAT was keeping the kid happy.
I am working through Wed and we fly all day Thurs. I am THRILLED.
Workout (I think) will have to be later. I have an appt for my car this morning.
Last place I flew was to Phoenix when I had to find us a place to live.

The Kidless Kronicles


I have no advice. BUT, I have sat near crying babies many times on the plane, and it really helps if they’re adorable, so Brooke is pretty much set. Just show everyone how cute and smiley she is before the plane takes off and she starts crying (hopefully she’ll be like Cullen on Daily Garnish and be fantastic…).


Don’t stress- I’m sure Brooke will do great! A lot of times the “white airplane noise” helps them fall asleep throughout most of the flight. But nursing also helps and I’m sure all of the strangers’ attention will make her happy too. I have a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old and they always surprise me with how well they do despite me worrying about it! Happy Thanksgiving!


Nurse during take off and landing. And make sure to relax and enjoy the adventure. If you do so will Brooke. They sense everything :)


This morning was a hard run…2.5 miles. I’m at home for Thanksgiving break and it turns out my neighborhood is WAY hillier than the routes I’ve been running out school. I’m feeling it :/

No classes this week! Whoo!


Safe travels! Today was a run day for me- 5.6 followed by a cool down on the arc trainer!


Love the arc trainer!!


Sydney from the Daybook wrote this helpful post – and one time she wrote that she handed out homemade chocolate chip cookies to the people around her which i thought was super sweet! http://www.thedaybookblog.com/2012/10/traveling-with-11-month-old.html


You guys are so cute. I’m glad you got to celebrate thanksgiving together even if you won’t be together for the real day.


Lookin good Billy! Janae, you will miss him……..our men have a way of rounding our edges………..but soon you’ll be with lots of others to distract you from the Billy void.

3 more days WOOT!


I’m so glad you had a great thanksgiving with billy and brooke! It all looks delicious to me- who cares if a lot of it is pre-cooked from TJ’s? That’s pretty much the extent of my cooking too… You are going to have such a fantastic time at home,the time is going to fly and you and Billy will be back together again before you know it. Have a wonderful day :)


Like everyone else says, nurse or bottles while on takeoff and landing. I’ve flown a lot (alone) with my 9 month old, and the flight we took when she was 3 months old was honestly the easiest thing ever. Surprisingly, people are extremely understanding, and the people sitting next to you often provide the best entertainment to your little one! I’ve had fully grown, single men sitting next to me, and they love to entertain babies! Also, although I hate my daughter to have screen time, a phone or tablet can provide a lot of entertainment- they LOVE the colors! It is also likely that Brooke will just fall asleep while nursing on takeoff, since the noises are so comforting, you’re holding her, and she’s happy. Honestly, most people have traveled with small children, and are really understanding- at this time of year, you’ll probably be the rule rather than the exception! You’ll be FINE! And, just remember what’s waiting at the end of the trip!!!


Have a safe trip Janae and Brooke!!! I thought of you yesterday when I ran my first marathon!!! I saw the 3:15 pace group and thought “That’s probably where Hungry Runner Girl would be rockin this!” enjoy the time with family, friends, food, and your extra free time to run & spin!!


I hope you and Brooke have a safe flight, Janae! I wish I could offer some advice on how to make things go smoothly, but I’ve never had to travel with a baby before. With how adorable she is, though, I’m sure that people will forgive you even if she does get a bit fussy.


Brooke is just too cute for words. Love those little chubby legs!!

I have never flown with babies but I have always heard that nursing/bottle or pacifier upon take off is a good idea to keep their ears from getting all plugged up and popping. Besides, how could anyone get irritated with such a sweet looking little girl!!


Wow, the meal looks delicious! Only one and a half days to work this week. Yippee! I hope all goes well on the plane. Sorry, I’m no help. I never flew with any of my babies.


Nurse or paci during take off and landing. I had to nurse my daughter next to a stranger but hey baby has to eat too! Bring extra diapers in case of blowouts :) Wear her in your Moby wrap if you can. Then you don’t have to mess with a stroller and can wear her through security. Bring a few toys to distract her but it won’t be too bad I promise!


Have a safe flight!!! & I wish I had traveling advice, but I do not…yet. But you know I will be back to this page when we travel next year :)
I’m sure people will be understanding if Brooke cries since she is SO stinkin’ cute!!
SO EXCITED for you to get back to Utah & good luck to Billy during his studies.


Great job on the meal lady! Sounds and looks delicious! Rhodes rolls truly are the best… And so easy to make too! I just love that photo of Billy and Brooke – too cute for words. I’m sure Brooke will do great on the plane! I would maybe try to get an aisle seat so that you can easily get up and down with her if you need to walk up and down the aisle a bit if she’s getting fussy after sitting for too long.


The last place I flew was South Dakota. Your first Thanksgiving as a family looks great :) Good luck today! I know traveling with a baby can’t be easy!


Is it just me or is Billy losing weight? He looks skinny.
I bet he will miss you while you are gone but it will give him time to get law school stuff done.
Brooke-like always, is totes adorbs.
And you dinner looks freaking awesome.


Your family is so cute! I’m glad that you were able to enjoy a Thanksgiving together before you leave!


Nude or use a paci during take off and landing. My best piece of advice is to stay calm and relaxed. Babies can sense when you’re stressed and anxious, and then they get the same way. If you’re calm and relaxed, she probably will be too.


Rolls on a baby just makes me smile. Everytime. So cute!
I hope you have a calm and relaxing flight with Brooke. Good luck!


After your trip please put together a post about flying with Brooke. We are staying home for Christmas but flying back to Midwest for spring break and I’m already nervous!


I flew London to SF alone with a 10 week old and can honestly tell you it’s fine! Feed her whenever she stirs! Make the most of snuggling. It’s a relatively easy time to fly with her…12-18 months is the worst!!!

Enjoy going home!!


What I did when I flew from SLC to NY: Try to get her to eat or at least suck on a binki on the way up and down (makes it so their ears don’t hurt). Have a pillow or something for her to lay on your lap on so she can sleep (Kate laid on my neck pillow but even a blanket would work). If she cries and you can’t calm her down, just feed her even if its not time. It will soothe her, its only going to be like one extra feeding, to me its worth it. I also gave Kate baby Tylenol 30 minutes before take off just to make sure her ears didn’t hurt and to keep her calm. That is obviously very optional but it worked good for me! Oh and try not to have too much stuff to carry on with you because just remember, you are by yourself on your lay over and you have to keep a hold of her and all your stuff!

I’m flying with her again in 11 DAYS and I’m still nervous even though I have done it and last time was fine. Flying with a baby is stressful.

Have so much fun in Utah!


p.s. Good job on the dinner, very impressive! And just so you know, I was a nervous wreck before my first flight (and to make it worse, it was a red eye flight so I knew people would want to sleep), but everyone was extremely nice to me. And if people in New York City are nice, anyone can be haha :).


Good luck with the flight today!!


Traveling with a baby is an adventure! Sometimes they are good and sometimes they just want to sing. Do your best and dont worry about others. Those who have children will understand and the ones who don’t will never understand no matter how hard you try to explain :D Its a short flight so enjoy it as one of her “firsts” rather than dwell on what may or may not happen. I am sure she will be a complete angel. Happy Thanksgiving.


Looks delish!


I don’t have a baby so I’m not one to give advice on that – but I take flights all the time and there always happens to be a crying baby on them! No one will get mad – it’s a baby! Of course it’s going to cry! If they do get annoyed, oh well! Too bad for them! I have to work Monday and Tuesday and I think Wednesday will be a half day! Woohoo!


Looks like you’ve got lots of good advice. To add a silver lining to the whole flying with a baby thing, this is the BEST time to fly! She is little enough that she can sleep on the plane some and not need to crawl or walk around. Of course there are grumps out there that cringe when they see a baby on a plane. But from my experience, 95% of people are super sweet, want to coo over your baby and are understanding if the baby cries. Especially other moms who’ve had to do just what you’re doing!


WHAT?!?!? You used semi-chocolate after all the hoopla about milk chocolate?! :)

Good luck with the flight!


Feed her during take off. And relax, people are much nicer than we think. I flew a million times with my little guy and people were so kind!


People have to understand that she is 3months old and is going to cry. Heck sometimes I want to cry my ears get so full when I fly! ;) Plus, her cutness level will help so much.

I only work through Wednesday and I couldn’t be more ready for this holiday. First year not being in school and as a working woman so I am so excited and really cherishing the time off of work.

I’m kicking up the notches for workouts this week so I can stuff my face without feeling guilty. Today is a shorter run, kickboxing and upper body weights! Have a safe flight and ENJOY UTAH!


Lol, I love baby rolls! They are so cute. I wish they were still cute later in life because I just smile when I see a little chub on a baby.

That meal looks very good! Have a safe trip to Utah and when you miss Billy, just remember it’s always 20834238409 times more exciting when you finally see him again :)


Traveling with an infant sounds terrifying! Hopefully you’re not on a redeye-I don’t usually mind babies crying if it’s a day flight. Have fun!


Good luck traveling with a baby! I know it can be tough but luckily Brooke is so darn cute that even if she cries, no one will mind! :)


That picture of Billy holding Brooke over his head… SO FUNNY!
Honestly, if a baby was crying during a flight, I wouldn’t mind too much as long as the mommy is doing something. I hear nursing is good because the baby swallows and his/her ears get to pop. If the ears don’t pop, it ends up being really painful for the baby and there will not be an end to the crying.


I have flown with my baby a few times. Whenever the seat belt sign is off get up and stand back by the flight attendants and bathrooms. My son hated being held while sitting. He always wanted to be walking around bouncing. So I sent most of my flight standing. They don’t mind and they will love Brooke. Also, if you have to go to the bathroom then ask one of the flight attendants to hold Brooke, they will be happy to and I felt better about them doing it than a random passenger.


Oooh thanks for the TJs stuffing advice! I might just have to try that–especially since we *finally* have a TJs in Dallas!!

Good luck traveling with Brooke. You’ll both do great!


This past summer I traveled with my sister and her 9 month old. Flying with a nine month old is much more difficult because all they want to do is crawl and be mobile! Sweet Brooke will be fine and so will you. Airplanes are so noisy (the perfect white noise) so she will either cry (and no one but the row in front and behind you will notice) or she will have the best nap of her life! :) Happy travelling!


I’m sure Brooke will do better than most on the flight! I feel the need to vomit every time I fly, ugh! haha :)


Maybe you could inspire yourself from this story? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2198869/Revealed-The-baby-twins-parents-handed-candy-plane-apologize-advance-fellow-passengers-DIDNT-cry.html

I wish you a safe journey x


Brooke is the cutest baby I’ve seen in a long time….she is a good baby so the plane ride will be smooth sailing, just wait until she gets old enough for you to visit her, last plane ride was to see my oldest in Chicago….way too much fun. I think we ate and drank our way thru the city.

Have loads of fun with your family (who will spoil you and Brooke)


We go on our first flight with our son in 17 days! He’s 4 days younger than Brooke :) I’m excited to see how yours goes! I’m most nervous about changing him on a plane…especially since he has a tendency to sometimes pee and/or poop DURING changes. Have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! :)


Have fun on your trip. I’m impressed with the big ol’ meal. Nice photography on that cookies pic. :) I think you should put cotton in her ears during landing and take off…it helps them not have ear pain…which usually results in crying and several minutes of unhappiness. You could also drug her with Triaminic however, it always had the opposite effect on my two boys…they’d get totally hyper!

Last place I flew was Baltimore for the Fitbloggin’ conference. My last workout was the ‘100 workout’ you see on Pinterest.

Would you ever consider an Ironman race? Come by my blog and chime in. :)


it’s too late for advice, as your flight has already flown, but Rhodes rolls make the BEST pepperoni rolls too. GOT to get ON that.


It’s too late for my advice too but I’m sure you did great. I’ve traveled quite a bit with my 2 year old and each trip I learn a little something and travel a little smarter and I’m sure you’ll feel the same way. I’m always so suprised by the kindness of strangers and how accomodating and wonderful they could be to my daughter and me as we mostly travel without my husband. I hope you have a similar experience!! Have a wonderful trip! Can’t wait to hear all about it!


I’m a schoolteacher and we’ve only got 2 days this week with the kiddos but Wednesday morning is staff meetings.


I hope the flight went ok!! The pre-Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious!


Your dinner looks wonderful, in the first food pic I thought the rolls were hard boiled eggs!! Hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with your family.


I smiled during this ENTIRE entry! I am so happy that you get to see your family! I hope you are enjoying yourself!!! :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

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