10 Thoughts of the Injured Runner

This morning started off with a baking fest in my kitchen.  I first made pumpkin bread for a girls lunch today and I decided to chop up some dark chocolate to put into the bread.  I now only have 6 lbs from my chocolate egg chilling out in my refrigerator.

Photo 2

Next I made some of the BEST BROWNIES for a family that just had a baby because double chocolate really helps with those first weeks of sleepless nights.  

Photo 3

(Don’t worry Billy, I saved you a corner piece).  Notice a theme.  I only use box mixes anytime I bake.  

Today I finally got on my treadmill for a 4 mile walk and it felt good to be together as 1 with my tready.  I dressed up as a grape.  

Photo 4

My back is better.  Hallelujah.  I am going to wait until Saturday to try running with it (I like to take a full two days more off from running once I feel things are healed just to be safe) and I wanted to share some of the thoughts that I have had since I hurt my back falling on the stairs.  

1.  Chocolate will and really does heal you.  I am living proof, large doses of it has healed everything from stress fractures to plantar fasciitis.  (Billy hinted that I should stop buying chocolate chips the other day because they never actually make it into cookies and I have been spending 1/3 of our food budget on them).

2.  I wonder if Billy would notice on the credit card statement if I bought an underwater treadmill.

3.  If I see one more happily running runner person today I think I might….

4.  They need to sell endorphins in a way that you can just inject them straight into your bloodstream (mom, I am kidding, don’t worry).

5.  Maybe if wear my garmin, eat gu and drink gatorade while I am sitting here on the couch on a Saturday morning I will feel better about the fact that I am not on my long run.

6. (During a truly dramatic time) That’s it!  I am selling every single pair of running shoes in my closet to pay for me to take up a new hobby.

7.  Action occurring shortly after #6:  Putting all of my running shoes in bed with me and cuddling with them.   

8.  Another action, not a thought:  I went through every race picture I have with Brooke explaining the pro’s and con’s from each race and what I learned while doing them.

9.  I miss having 4 loads of running clothes a week to do (I can’t believe I thought that either).

10.  Good thing my baby keeps me so entertained all day long and it turns out she is way more fun than any run I have ever had.  

Tell me about some of the thoughts you have when you are an injured runner.  What about some of your thoughts when you are a non-injured runner?

What did you wear for your workout outfit today?  Any other people addicted to purple?

Are you pumpkined out yet?   Sick of candy yet?

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You are the best ever. I am with you on #6 and #7.


I wear purple shoes!


Isn’t that the best pumpkin bread mix? I have 3 or 4 boxes in my pantry this time of year to bring as hostess gifts or thank you gifts for our doggie daycare and (human) daycare:)


Ummmmmmmmm, THERE IS NO PICTURE OF BROOKE IN THIS POST!! Yes, I’m yelling at you! Whoa, not running really HAS screwed with you ;-)


Um, thought of a not-currently-injured runner: I should appreciate that I’m NOT currently injured and get this hiney of mine to the gym!!!

Glad to hear you are feeling better – I bet a run really will help you to feel even better!! xo


Hahaha! I love number 6. I definitely try to drink Powerade and feel like I just worked out hardcore… But really I’m watching Kelly and Michael in my jammies.


I’m 10 days post partum and I just went on a 20 min walk {testing out my new-to-me treadmill!} I’m getting antsy to start running again, but at the same time, I’m trying to enjoy these days with my new baby and not stressing about running. And I didn’t even change my shirt just my jeans. I never use to wear much purple, but I’m starting to be attracted to all things purple.

I’m still loving pumpkin. I just made some pumpkin scones today and trying to resist the urge to eat another one. I’m not sick of candy, but sadly I’m sick of ice cream. I guess too many nights of eating ice cream while I was pregnant ;)


I usually end up sitting on the couch thinking about how fat and unfit I’m going to get and it isn’t even worth working out.
That usually passes, but injuries are a bite!
I love all outfits bright orange, yellow and purple. I love Lululemon, but I’m grounded for now. I also wear workout clothes a lot. The addiction is clear and yes – we can shoot up some epi for a spin, but I don’t think it’s the same.
Good luck! Hope you are back in the game soon!


I loved this post! I just ran my first half marathon, and it turns out, I ran it with a stress fracture in my shin, that I got from training. I haven’t run in the almost 5 weeks since the race, and I’m just depressed about it. What’s funny is, when I actually can run, I don’t really look forward to it, even though I feel better after. Yet, when I can’t, I’m just miserable. I live in Portland, ME along the coast, and I love to run along the water to look at boats, islands, lighthouses, etc. I’m really missing it….


Sick of candy!? Is that even possible?

My thoughts when injured are usually, “Why meeeee?” and then I get over that and try to love cross training. I quickly realize I hate it and then I just eat my feelings. Yep. That just about sums up my thoughts when injured. :)


I love purple! I’m still not sick of pumpkin and I’m going to keep right on enjoying it through Thanksgiving. Glad your back is on the road to recovery!


Haha I love your list!

I have two boxes of that TJ’s mix and I haven’t gotten around to making it yet – probably next week!


I was the same way when I was injured, but I wasn’t smart like you. I pushed it and it just prolonged it, but it’s so hard to watch other runners just going about their business having an amazing run when you’re injured. UGH! I definitely feel your pain, no pun intended, but don’t worry girl you’ll be out there running faster than most of the people out there! You rock :)


I have two cans of pumpkin puree in my cupboard and I can’t figure out what to make with them. I’m definitely not done with it yet!

I think I wore a white tech tee and black shorts to run. So boring.

Usually, when I’m injured, I sit there and think “next time I’ll be smarter!” and then never ame.




Chocolate really is a wonder drug. I can totally relate to 6 & 7…Love my running shoes that much too. ;)


I’m an injured runner right now and if I see one more tweet about how amazing people’s run were this morning, I’m going to puke. I’ve been wearing all my race shirts to the gym lately too to show, “Hey, I’m a runner. I’m just injured right now. I swear I’m a runner!”


I don’t know if I will ever get pumpkined out! I love it! I cannot wait for Thanksgiving!!!


I’m definitely addicted to purple!!! I have many shades of purple and was going to get purple running shoes, too (Pureflows!)… but they only had the black and light blue one. :P
Never ever sick of candy. And not pumpkined out yet!


I am an injured runner this week and my thoughts are 1) this better be done by monday so I can start half marathon training, 2) those people running on the treadmill are obnoxiously happy, 3) AH! Another person ran past me on the sidewalk, rude, 4) I wish I could put on my cold weather running gear and go run too, 5) *while staring at all the fuel options in REI* I have no use for these… 6) AHHH!


Janae. I feel your pain!! This video is the best/ most hilarious/true one to accurately reflect my feelings as an injured runner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW0oFTMTxkw (however there is some bad language so don’t watch if this offends you!!) But yes. This video shows all my thoughts. All of them :)


I haven’t run more than 5 miles since August :( that was when I found out I had mono and wasn’t allowed to run for 8 weeks–then when I tried it totally wiped me out! Then I got sicker and my doctor sidelined me until I’m FULLY better and when I start I’m only allowed one mile at a time :(

My injured thoughts:
-I can’t believe I used to run 16-18-20 miles like it was NBD
-I question if I would ever be able to run 26.2+ miles again (I’ve done it 4x total…)
-I think about the money I’m saving on not buying new running shoes and buy food for our food bank instead
-Candy corn
-I’m thankful to spend more time with my boyfriend :)
-I have managed to lose weight while sick so maybe I’ll be a faster runner when I can run again :)

Clearly I’ve had more time being injured to have a million different thoughts!


Two things I will never be sick of: pumpkin and candy. Fact. :)


Can I please see a picture of #7?! I would love it :D
I agree with a previous commenter…where oh where is Miss Brooke?! I miss her when I don’t see her in a post. :)
I hope you continue to feel better.
& you know that I love your outfit…since purple IS the best color in the world!


Love the purple! I have definitely left the house in head to toe pink before. I’m also nowhere near done with pumpkin. Or candy. Whenever I can’t run I go crazy and start wondering if I will ever be able to run again and worry about losing all of the endurance/speed I built up pre injury. Clearly I am way over dramatic since I have never had an injury lasting more than a few days *knock on wood*


Ha ha ha- I love the thought process. I hear ya on all of them! I think I feel the most dejected when I see people happily running, too.
Most of my winter running sweaters and jackets are purple, too!


I’m kind of injured, but it’s more of an overuse issue and a general feeling of running burn-out. So after my 50K, I decided to take a month off, but I think I might just not run until Thanksgiving weekend. My knee feels better, but I know the problem is still there. I know it sounds weird, but I haven’t really had the urge to run yet, which means that me taking some time off is a good thing. Swimming is OK, rowing is OK, and I biked (and really broke a sweat) for the first time yesterday. I feel like I’m gaining weight every 2 seconds, but I just need to chill. Or try to. Ha.


“I’m feeling like I’m gaining weight every 2 seconds” <—– THIS!

Running gives me a reason to have an extra spoonful of peanut butter or an extra glass of wine at night and because I'm not expending the same amount of calories I don't feel like I can do that…but I still am. I need to chill out, too.


HAHA. THese are hilarious. And yes, I think he might (JUST might) see that purchase on a cc bill ;) Don’t worry, I just know from ex[perience of *hoping* the husband won’t see something. Yah. Fat chance.

I love purple too!!


I went walking today (I don’t understand this whole walking thing…I was so terribly bored) on this beautiful trail and there were all these girls running and I just stared longingly, wishing I could run too.

Also, completely unrelated but incredibly important question: I’m assuming you have hit up the discounted Halloween candy?? I just walked away with 3 musketeers, snickers pumpkins, peanut butter snickers, and candy corn for CHEAP.


Seeing people running when you can’t is the worst! I couldn’t run for the last few days while I was with my daughter in the hospital, and on the way home yesterday I saw runners on their merry way which made me soooo jealous! I’m not injured, though, so not really complaining. Glad your back is feeling better!


I agree with #3 and #9! I am very pumpkined out.


Definitely getting a little tired of the pumpkin, but I’ll still eat it as long as chocolate is involved. I’m more than ready to move past Fall and into Christmas cookie season, though :D


I’ve also thought about just joining a new sport or hobby, then my injuries would go away right :)?
i wore a black tank and candy cane striped shorts!!
all candied out defiantly not pumpkined out though lol


This is too cute- I’m glad you miss running… it will mean that much more to you when you get back into it!
And I like the purple outfit. Very stylish!


I agree…absence makes the heart grow fonder:)


I ate my body weight in candy yesterday so I’m really trying to resist today!


The only reason they didn’t use box mixes in the olden days is because they didn’t exist…don’t let anyone ever make you feel badly because you aren’t cooking from scratch. At least that’s what I tell myself (a fellow box user). I was injured for too long to be able to condense my injured person thoughts into a couple of sentences…chapters…volumes :P I am glad you’re feeling better :)


I think the main thing that I’m thinking when injured is how I’m going to get better and stronger. I have to stay motivated and have a goal otherwise I’ll go mad!


I’m currently in a walking cast for Plantar Fascitis so I really like this post. Basically I want to kick every runner I see with my big plastic boot! I wish I had six pounds of chocalate to help. :)


Why do I feel like my husband is amping up his workouts every time I can’t? I’m sure it is a slight illusion because now his workouts are more in my face…..but still….


Sooo I’m dealing with a stress fracture of my own (stupid heel!) and I’ve probably thought the majority of those thoughts over the last couple of weeks too. I’m in a boot and I can’t WAIT to be cleared to run again.

When I went to the gym to swim the other night I actually got TREADMILL ENVY. I saw all the people upstairs running their little hearts our and I wanted SO BADLY to be one of them. Some other thoughts- “Can you die from not running any mileage for 3 weeks?” “I should just become one of those yoga people. Yoga people don’t get stress fractures.” “Maybe I should just get really good at 5Ks” (then) “Are you kidding, you don’t get endorphins from 5Ks Kristine.”

How long did it take you recover?! I’m going crazy without running endorphins!


That grape comment made me laugh :)
I’ve been eating pumpkin year-round for probably 2 years now and still am not sick of it haha


I don’t think I can get pumpkined out…like EVER!
I have heard that the TJ’s pumpkin bread is great. I just got the TJ’s cookbook and it had some fun recipes…can’t wait to check them out : )


Those really are the BEST brownies!!!! My mom just made the exact ones last night!! :)


Janae — your injury is actually helping me cope with mine. My knee was hurting last week, so I took a few days off before running a 10km — the last race of my season. I’m not racing again until my first marathon in February. I was going to do some light running this week, but it’s been getting worse. I know that it’s SO hard for you to go without running — and I believe that I feel the exact same way. But you know your body needs time to heal, and so I’m following your advice and taking some time for my knee. Stretching, icing, Rub A535ing, walking, biking. Just not running. I might give it a shot on the weekend, but we’ll see. I’m not committing to anything. It really, really hurts not to be out running. And I’m a bundle of anxiety. But it’s for the best for my future health!! I like my knees and I need them!!


Embarrased to admit this but I’ve never had pumpkin bread…I’d better get on it.

I definitely have workout/running envy but when injured I just remind myself that I can’t do anything about my injury except recover and eat well to help with the healing process. So happy to hear your back is finally feeling better…enjoy your run Saturday.


I’m glad your back is much better!

I’m loving the grape outfit ;)
Underwater treadmill? Doooooooo it!


My run outfit today was less than stellar…think inside out tshirt! Guess that’s the risk of running first thing in the morning ;)!


I loved this post-I am currently an injured runner ( runner’s knee) and have been really pouting about it lately. My hubby is convinced that I need to give up running and I can’t even fathom that-so I have been forcing myself into different forms of cardio and am trying to get the hubby to buy me a spin bike:)! So happy to hear that your back is feeling better and you will be able to run this weekend. I am waiting for a dr’s appt on Nov. 12th and have been giving myself some PT w/ exercises I have found online! Good luck getting back into it-you are an inspiration:)!


number 3 is my favorite! I hated happy runners when I was injured.


I so need that “Grape outfit” LOL I’m running the Purple Stride 5k run sat! So far I scored purple thigh socks from the Halloween section at Tarjay for 1.50!! Im super excited b/c this run helps support research for Pancreatic Cancer. Im running in memory of my husbands aunt who passed away 2 years ago!


Janae, I hear ya girl, especially #’s 3, 6 & 7, only I just have two pairs of running shoes but I give the culprit pair the evil eye whenever I’m in my closet. Lol! Bittersweetness was receiving my new Runner’s World and knowing it might be a while before I can actually use some of the info. Oh, and I work in a lovely area frequented by runners during the day (as if it’s not bad enough that we’re taunted by the gorgeous weather days). Jealous? Just a tad ;)


Where do you get your running clothes? Love the outfit!!


I have been suffering with injuries far too long. First tendinitis in both feet, then a pretty bad knee issue.


So much purple!


Those are 2 of my FAVORITE things to bake – TJ’s pumpkin bread and Ghirardelli brownies- THE BEST! Totally with you on 1 & 9. I was just saying last night that it could be kind of ridiculous to have 4 loads of laundry a week and 3.5 of those loads are JUST workout clothes. The other 1/2 load consists of actual work clothes – JEANS!

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