My treadmill got some lovin’

Not in the form of running 8 miles (my favorite distance lately) on it but Brooke and I sitting on it while we hang out on the patio.

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I think that all of your back chanting helped my back because it has definitely gotten a little bit better. You guys are great little chanters.

On Saturday my sis and I were talking on the phone about how the Haloween Half-Marathon had happened in Utah that morning and how much fun we had together running it the year before as awesome piñatas. This was by far my favorite Halloween costume ever and it only took us 10 hours to hot glue all of those little papers to our clothes. Billy and my uncle were the people hitting the piñata with their bats and blind folds and we took second place in the costume contest, quite a huge accomplishment.

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It made me think about how much my life has changed in the last year. I am not a teacher anymore, I moved to California, Billy is in law school, my poor mom misses me like crazy and doesn’t get to see me everyday, I have the COOLEST baby in the world and my treadmill lives on my deck instead of the back room of our old house.

In the last year I also went from being obsessed with broccoli and spinach, to HATING IT with every fiber of my being while I was pregnant (along with chocolate… that was depressing) and now I am buying it again. I don’t love it quite as much as I used to (I used to roast and eat half of a bag at a time) but I am back to my old vegetable loving self.

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I am off to go to target to buy ONE and only ONE thing (we all know that it isn’t possible to go to Target and only buy the things you had on your list) but I am going to prove to myself (and Billy) that I can stick to my list and just buy the one thing I am going for. The only thing that I might break down and buy that isn’t on my list are these awesome peeps that I saw at my friend’s house yesterday.

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PS I heard someone say yesterday that they hate Halloween and it hurt my soul… clearly I love it based on the fact that my last 12 posts have been all about it.


Thinking about all of you on the East Coast and praying that you and your families are safe!


When was the last time you gave a treadmill some of your time?

What are some of the biggest changes that happened to you over the last year?

Feelings about Halloween… love or hate? Don’t really care either way?

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Ooooh my TM got some love this AM!! Hoping your back recover super fast, Janae!

I remember when you and your sister dressed as pinatas last year. Such a creative costume!

Can you believe I’ve never tried peeps?? Or candy corn??


Never tried candy corn??? Get to the store NOW!


Nooo, you’re missing out! They’re not exactly ‘clean’, but so yummy.. Apparently people get kind of crazy over peeps and have “peep wars”.. for real! Google it (um, careful that search might get you some weird results tho haha)


I gave my rec center TM some love yesterday! I only planned on doing 3 miles, but did 10 instead! I love halloween because of the candy and wearing silly costumes. I don’t like it because I am stuck at work & dressing up isn’t an option.


Once again the pictures of Brooke make my heart melt! I think shes the cutest baby around (sorry to all the other babies out there) I LOVE Halloween and it kind of hurts my heart that you heard that as well :( I’m currently trapped inside my house thanks to Hurricane Sandy- but it all means no work bc all the NYC trains are shut down! :)


That sounds like one lucky treadmill ;)


Ran in my TM on Friday and I really, really need to get on it today! I love Halloween! It’s so much fun! I made some caramel corn with candy corn this morning to take to work on Wednesday. Good luck at Target!


Thanks, Janae! I live on the shoreline in CT… winds are gusting and we just lost part of a huge tree! Thank goodness we still have power so I can read your blog and see cute pics of Brooke. I miss my littles being that small :) This thing is supposed to get even uglier as the night goes on…


BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!! I am worried about you!


I was actually just talking to my boss about how I interviewed for the job I have now on Halloween last year! It’s definitely been an adjustment, but a good one! Other than that becoming a marathoner twice over has been my biggest life change!

Did a treadmill run this morning! 10.5 miles with 6 at my GMP. Okay more like 6 miles of me trying to go at my GMP. Still have some work to do! I hope you can get back to it soon!

I love Halloween! I am sort of holiday obsessed though. Especially ones that come with their own brand of candy.


GREAT RUN LIZZ!! That is awesome! Changing jobs is a HUGE change, happy one year job anniversary on Wednesday:)


I did a treadmill run about a week ago. Don’t love or hate Halloween, I guess I’m a neutral party. Though I must say I’m leaning more toward the love since having kids! The costumes are soooo fun AND I offer them a deal with the candy; they can keep it and eat 2 pieces a day or keep 10 pieces then sell the rest to me for $10. My son usually sells, then hubs and I grub :)


Been reading your blog for awhile now. You crack. me. up. Thanks for the laughs chicky! Sorry about your back, i really hope you are healing well – i just got a spinal fusion last year and its taken me 1 year to run (ugh jog, slowly) 5.5 miles again (which I conveniently completed on Sat followed by a 4 miler on sunday …. on the TM, which i hated before my surgery but we’ve since become tight like that.) Ice, constant stretching and leg elevation are the way to go (i’ve been known to bust into stretching anywhere and everywhere no matter what the occasion.) I’m sending you tons of healing thoughts. You’ll be blazing again in no time!


Wow! Congratulations on 5.5 miles of running after having a spinal fusion a year ago! You are incredible! Thank you for your sweet comment!


it’s FrankenStorming out here! All of our electronic devices are charging just anticipating the power outage.. Im just hoping our cars dont get flooded! Chili is simmering in the slowcooker, and the hubs has lined a scarey movieathon.
Btw Brook was an adorable Lobster!


Thank you!!! Stay safe!!!


I went on the treadmill (for the first time in 1 million years) last Friday. I loved it! I usually run in the park behind my house but it is kinda cold (Ireland) at the moment so gave the ‘mill a whirl. I think it will be my best buddy in the winter.

A few big changes like moving in with my man and a new college year, all good changes though :)

I LOVE Halloween, it’s our last holiday over here before Christmas so it’s kind of a big deal! For me anyway, if not everyone else…!


I LOVE PEEPS! And halloween. Mostly for the candy. Treadmills give me shin splints so I try to avoid them. I’d rather do crazy things like go running in hurricanes.


So glad to hear the back is on the mend- glad you’re still getting good use out of the treadmill- at least you have precious Brooke to keep you occupied while not being able to run :)

I never run on a treadmill- it always hurts for some reason.

Biggest changes would be: 1. changed my major to something I actually enjoy. 2. got 2 new puppies.

I LOVE Halloween! It’s so much fun- I can’t wait to dress up my own kids one day. Are you taking Brooke trick or treating on Wed? I’m sure you’ll get a ton of candy with her cuteness.


I SO wanted to run the Halloween Half this year. I wanted to last year, but was injured and this year I didn’t know how much I could run after the marathon. I could have totally done it. Oh well. Hopefully another year!

Why wouldpeople not like Halloween? That just seems ridiculous to even type!

I ran on the treadmill Saturday and I most likley will tomorrow. Once it is cold and dark in the mornings, about the only time I get an outside run is if I have time to do it later in the afternoon on my Saturday.

My year hasn’t been too crazy – definitely not as crazy busy as yours! But that was my year the year I graduated, quit my job, had Anna, Ross graduated, got his job and then moved. We get a few years like that, but mostly we are pretty lame ;)

Good luck eating those veggies. I go through phases where I love them and then need a break and then love them again. Right now I would much rather eat fruits. We have those same peeps in our pantry. My mom gave them to my kids. They love peeps. I, however, do not.


I love Halloween. It’s my dad favorite holiday so we do tons of fun halloween themed things! I dressed up at Tace Bell Fire sauce!

Love the pinata costumes!


I hate to say it, but I’m kind just blah about Halloween. I don’t hate it, but I’m not really loving it so much, either. It’s fun to see everyone’s costumes, though– especially Brooke’s! Cutest lobster ever! ;)


Just ran 4 on the tmill a few hours ago. Felt like 400!!! And….I love Halloween!!!!! I don’t have any children but i am absolutely all about every kind of candy. Also I loooooove the color combos to decorate with for Halloween. Just something about orange,black and that “electric purple.”


My treadmill got some tender loving care (well more like sweat flying care) on Saturday with an awesome run. My spin bike also got some lovin’. Can’t neglect my favorite machines in the house.

My (pr should I say my husband and I) biggest challenge of the last year was getting pregnant. I finally found this wonderful endocrinologist who figured out the problem and TADA….I’m 5 months pregnant. We are so blessed and thankful>

Love Love Love Halloween!!! Love getting dressed up, the candy, the decorations around the neighborhoods, the excitement on kids faces, the candy (oops already mentioned that one heehee)

Quite recovery Janae…treadmill is ready for you:)


Lindsey! Your comment gave me te goosebumps! I am so happy for you… 5 months wahoo! Keep me updated on how everything is going for you!


I’m not a big Halloween person, but I do think it’s funny to see some of the costumes that people come up with. And it’s another excuse to eat candy, which is always a plus in my book! ;)


I cannot wait to get my girls all dressed up on Wednesday! Unfortunately, they are getting older and more opinionated, so it’s not as fun for me as it used to be. ;-)


Haven’t been on the treadmill since … August?? … and not planning on popping back on anytime soon!! I live in Canada, and even though I have an unlimited gym membership, you are FAR more likely to find me outside in a snowstorm than hopping on the Mill ‘o Doom. (Can you tell I’m not a fan? It shortens my stride and makes me feel like a hamster!!) I’m MUCH happier now that I’ve joined a training group and am doing all my runs outside.
Soooo glad your back is feeling better!!! Don’t get back out there too fast, you seem like you’re one who might jump the gun. A rowing coach always used to say: “You can take the time and let your back heal now, or you can choose not to be able to lift your kids up later — your choice!” — Brooke is going to be in desperate need of lifty-spinny hugs through high school at least!! Recupe and come back 1000 x more strong!! :D


Will you do a tutorial on how to make the pinata costumes?
My husband & I throw a Cinco de Mayo party every year and make people dress up. I’d love to make a pinata costume for next year’s party!!!
Please help!!! :)


HAHAH That is awesome! We just got crate paper and cut them and glued them on individually! Super easy but it took a ton of time! Let me know if you have any other questions!


Glad to hear you’re feeling better Janae!! My last TM run was about 5 days go- ironically, I went because my back hurt and I always feel better after a run – but wanted to be able to stop right away if it got too bad and not have to walk 3 miles to get home :-P

I got some super exciting TM news today: my insurance is going to cover one for me!! My back problems are from a car accident an TM helps a lot. So excited!


That is so great that the TM helps so much with your back pain and YAY FOR INSURANCE covering one for you. That is so awesome. Let me know which one you get!


I don’t love Halloween (too lazy to make a costume), but I love candies and chocolates… so then sometimes I love it.
Biggest change since last year? I didn’t have a blog until January of this year, so I guess becoming a blogger is the biggest change!


Biggest change for me was becoming pregnant, and now I’m patiently (not so much) waiting for this baby to enter the world. Ahhhhh!!!


I am truly so happy for you!!! Being a mom is by far the best thing in the whole wide world, you are going to be the greatest mom!


Woop! Glad to hear that your back is feeling a little bit better! I’m planning on showing my treadmill some loving later this evening, but I’ll just be walking it since it’s a little too cold to get my after-dinner walk in outside. And when it comes to Halloween, I can go either way. I’m not crazy about it, but I DO love the candy and being able to keep my yearly tradition of watching Nightmare Before Christmas :D


Halloween is fun because I work with kids. They love to dress up and this year I’m going to too.


awww man….when I saw your tweet, I thought that you were able to run. I ran 7 miles on Saturday. Those pinata costumes are super cute! I’m really not into dressing up myself, but I enjoy helping my kids pick out their costumes…..and of course, stealing some of their candy. ;)


Halloween is fun but I don’t like the costume part, get too stressed trying to figure something out.

Biggest changes were becoming so greatly involved at our new church since March and becoming pregnant with #2 after only 1 month of trying. #1 took us 5 years so I am still in shock.


We are in the eye of the hurricane and still hanging on to power…please keep us in your prayers!


I gave my treadmill quite a lot of love yesterday – 26.2 miles worth! I was supposed to be in DC running MCM but had to cancel because of the imminent return flight cancellations (I’m a teacher). So since I had put in the training, I didn’t want to miss it! It was awesome.


Wow!!! Way to go!! Treadmill marathon wahoooooo!!!!


I hope to give the treadmill some love tomorrow or wednesday.

Yay for veggies & Brooke being adorable!

I love those costumes of yours.

This year had a lot of changes too-but mostly good ones (some bad, though).


I don’t really have any feelings on Halloween. I think it’s fun but I’ve never been one to get super into it. I think once I have kids, it will be more enjoyable. :) Brooke makes my heart happy though. Just seeing these pictures every day always brings a smile to my face. :)


I had some TM loving today! I used to hate the TM but lately have been really enjoying it. I like Halloween. I mean, it is a holiday based on eating candy and silly costumes, how could you not?!


I haven’t been on the treadmill since Aug, when it was too hot to run outside.
Biggest change is that we moved from NC to AZ!
I don’t really care about Halloween. It drives the dogs crazy.

The Kidless Kronicles


I need to give my dreadmill some love


I love Halloween! And Thanksgiving! And every holiday! Plus, what’s not to like about a holiday that is based around candy and dressing up in fun stuff?

As for a treadmill, I haven’t been on once since a hotel stay on August and I don’t plan on it anytime soon. All of my running is outside.


In one year I went from only having ever run 6.2 miles to running a marathon! And technically those peeps are on your list since you already told us you might buy them, so buying them wouldn’t be straying from your list!


Hmmm… Ditching NYC to move back to Alaska was pretty memorable! Not as crazy as what you’ve been up to, though, not by half!


Who hates Halloween???? That’s just crazy talk!


i’ve been moving around so my tready is safely packed in storage, so i’ve been hitting the roads! i’m glad u’re getting brooke friendly with the tread straight away tho! ;)

wow, that picture, i totally remember seeing/reading about that post and i can’t believe that was a full year ago…that’s crazy! look just how much awesomeness has been packed into ur last 12 months. :)


little ‘mill time yesterday and today along with the elliptical…beat the boredom and felt good!
this year I’ve quit my job, matched for a residency, moved to Indiana to pursue said residency, and now work with kids all day! but am back to feeling like a dumb student, ha. oh well…I’m in it to learn and love it.
love Halloween, but mostly for tons of chocolate and candy corn.


Haha that person who said they hate Halloween didn’t happen to be me, right? I think I tweeted something like “I need to start a support group for those who also loathe Halloween but are forced to participate.” i don’t know what it is but I have always hated it! Haha. Sorry for hurting your heart :)


Hahaha don’t worry it wasn’t you ha!!!


I love Halloween b/c my daughter was born on Halloween so what could be better, she will be 6 this year. My son was born on October 24th, obviously we tried really hard to have 2 Halloween babies but it didn’t quite work out!
I gave the old treadmill a little lovin yesterday but it is definitely not my favorite. I only use is when I am not able to get out in the morning before the hubby goes to work and have to use it when my 2 year old naps during the day.
The last year has been awesome b/c in January I ran my first half marathon and discovered that it is my favorite distance ever. Then I lost 25 lbs between May and August and have started rocking the running thing. I beat my PR by 15 minutes last Sunday at the St. Louis Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathon by 15 minutes. Life is good!


I just have to say, I LOVE YOU! Your posts are always so fun and uplifting. I can’t wait to see you in a few weeks and hold that little munchkin of yours.

And as you can see by my last few facebook posts…I too love Halloween.
I don’t have treadmill…I have, however, been using the street. :)

Love ya!


I LOVE HALLOWEEN! IT’S THE BEST!:) I’m in High School and I still go trick-or-treating,,something about getting candy in your basket and bringing it all home ALL for yourself. Love it.


Today was a treadmill day for me but I’m not sure how much it loved me pounding away on it ;)! It’s amazing how no matter how fast/slow or long you run, it instantly boosts your mood!


Hang in there and smooch those Brooke cheeks. The back will heal and before you know it, you’ll trip over a lego and fall down the stairs. Oh, I kid!!


hhhmmmmm? well I moved house, got a new job, got married, got pregnant, had a baby, my gran died….pretty much all the major life events in one year!


I just, JUST ordered a treadmill this past weekend, after running for 20+ years! I’m so excited to have one at home now! No patiently waiting for people doing their morning walk on the treadmill at the gym or snow-blowing the driveway just to get out and run….aaaaahhhh! I can’t wait until it arrives.
I am a HUGE fan of Halloween since it follows my birthday pretty closely. When I was a little kid, I used to think Halloween was just for me! We are having our 2nd annual kids’ Halloween after-school party, and I think I’ve been successful in sharing my love for the holiday with my kids because they are more excited for this party and holiday than they are for their own birthdays. =)


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!! In fact, it might be my favorite behind Xmas…I just love everything about the Fall!


We are getting horrible winds and rain here so I gave the gym treadmill 60 minutes/7.20 miles of loving this morning at 5am.

I had a baby!!! She was born June 7th.

Hallowen is cool. I love the candy. :-)


My town just cancelled Halloween because of Sandy. What the what??? We are still taking our 4-year old daughter around to our neighbors. Luckily, there are no down trees or power lines on our block.


I’ve been running on my treadmill all week, since I’m afraid to run outside with all of the downed powerlines, etc. Now I’m wondering if the town will cancel halloween for the same reason.

I love your costumes so much. Who won first?

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