We were pretty darn boring last night. We had leftovers for dinner and somehow I messed up the cornbread even though all I had to do was add water, that takes talent.  We ate while watching the 49ers and then Billy spent more time reading while I cleaned the kitchen floors.  How did we get so cool?

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Today we are giving away a GARMIN 10 to one lucky reader.  This watch is pretty darn incredible and you can read my full review here.  

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You know how I usually model the products I give away myself?  You are in luck today because I hired Brooke to model the garmin instead (don’t try to wear it on your bicep like Brooke does). 

At first she was quite nervous and a little shocked that I asked her to do something so important.  

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 In this one she is actually even trying to point to the Garmin to show you how fashionable it is and how you can wear it all day long and not just when you are running. 

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And then she got grumpy and gave me the evil eye because she found out I wasn’t paying her anything but milk to do all of this modeling for me.  

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Giveaway ends 11/5/12

To enter:

1.  Answer the following in the comments: WHY DO YOU RUN?  WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO RUN THAT EXTRA MILE?

2.  For an extra entry:  Follow me on twitter, tweet the answer to the above question with the hashtag #lovemygarmin and tell me you did in a separate comment..

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I run to relieve stress and for the sense of accomplishment in finishing that “one more mile”!


“Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it’s all about.”
-PattiSue Plumer, U.S. Olympian

I think this quote best sums it up! The challenge!


I run to enjoy my “me” time away from all the craziness of life!


I run to get rid of stress, for some alone time, to model for my daughter that being healthy is good for you, to challenge my limits, to stay healthy…and so many more reasons. :-)


Running make me feel strong and once I get over the initial this sucks I love it…especially when I can push for the extra mile! I feel accomplished once I can do that.


I run as my recovery goal from an illness. Year one was to get well enough to walk 30 mins, next year, run a 5k without stopping, this year half marathon!


I run because it’s my me-time, and I run because I can! I also love to find new routes to explore NYC so having a Garmin would be fabulous! xo


I run because it fills me with a sense of strength. Whenever I give it that little bit extra, I always feel accomplished, and proud of what my body is capable of. That motivates me.


I run because I feel most like myself when out on the roads. It’s easy to stay motivated because it’s something in my life I look forward to, whether it be a solo long run, a easy fun run with friends or pushing myself on race day.

I have a few friends that are doing their first half-mary in a few weeks and this would be a perfect gift for one of them. She has been wanting to get a GPS watch but no money to do so. Problem solved!


I run because it helps me deal with anxiety without having to take any medications! I feel so much more in control when I run consistently and push myself to go that extra mile.


I run to get the endorphin rush, to give myself time to reflect on my day/week/life, and because I have been blessed with a strong body two working legs that love to move!


I run because it makes me feel strong and puts me in a good mood :)


I love the way it makes me feel all the time and I’m my biggest competition!




I love how I am able to let my mind wander and have the hour or two all to myself! It’s the best therapy out there!


I run in the river valley by my house. It’s so beautiful there! I am motivated to run the extra mile just by knowing it will help make it easier the next time I try to run longer distances.


I run because it is an escape from whatever else is going on at the time, and I can always count on being in a better mood after!




I run for stress relief! I also love that feeling after a long run. I ran my second half marathon this year :)


I love running because I get extra time with my kids and with their busy schedule it is a plus. On Saturday morning’s I get to run with my son who is 10 and on Sunday after church and Sunday school, my daughter (14) and I trail run! SO a garmin would be great on those days!! Now during the week I run that extra mile for me! Since my husband had a heart attack last year I knew I had to step up to the plate and be the fittest and the healthiest!


I love to run just to get the best out of myself! Setting goals and achieving them is so much fun. Also my family and coaches, etc support is awesome so i also want to thank them & make them proud :)


I run because it makes me happy! I was never athletic and I never thought I could be a runner. I started with 5k’s, decided to try a 10k, and just ran my first half marathon two weeks ago! Running makes me feel invincible, and not feeling guilty about dessert is awesome too :-)


I run to keep up with my 9 month old and to ensure he grows up with an active lifestyle!


I run because it is me time! I always get through that last little bit by reminding myself I have run this before and there is no reason I can’t do it again. Also, I remember my loved ones that have fault health battles, what they go through and then I feel like running another mile is nothing compared to what others battle every day.


Oh, and I follow you on Twitter!


I run for all the people who cannot, I run for those who wish they could, but most of all I run for myself. Nothing beats a stressful, crappy day better than a run to clear the mind!


I run because it’s a great stress reliever for me and I feel like I accomplished something (other than never-ending school work) after a hard run :)


I run because I love how accomplished I feel after. When I know I’ve pushed that extra mile further then I set out to do I feel like I can conquer the world!!!


I tweeted about it too!!


I run because I feel better when I do. Love the feeling of accomplishment that comes after a good run!


I run to be like you =) xoxox


I tweeted


I run that extra mile for my best friend who passed away about a month ago, she can’t run anymore so I run for her


I run because it brings me sanity. No matter what’s going on, I always feel better after a run.


I run to lose weight. And knowing that I can do it makes me feel accomplished.


I run so I can eat cookies. That’s all there is to it really. As for the extra mile…I guess it’s for extra treats. I’m a Cookie Athlete!


I run because it is my time to myself, its the time I use to get healthy for my 4 children. I use it as a time to think and pray as well!!




I’ve been training for my first marathon… the NYC Marathon. The motivation to make it to the finish line kept me running the extra mile, but now, even though the marathon didn’t happen, I’m even more motivated to run. I love the feeling of being in shape, and I want to keep going! I see many more marathons, NY or not, in my future! :)


I run to get faster. In my mind one more mile = a better race come race day.


I run because I love to see how far I can push my body. I love to see how many miles my legs will actually go, to run that last mile I tell myself “self.. you know how AWESOME you feel after a run.. well you will feel even better with just one more mile!”


I run for my sanity and to stay in shape. Nice run gets my day started out on the right foot! Makes me a nicer person. Haha




I started to run because I have a very competitive spirit and really wanted to beat the pants off of a certain someone. But a strange thing happened, and I started to LIKE it. It felt awesome to run 8 miles with no problem. That was 9 years ago. Now I run to keep up with my 3.5-year-old twin boys and my husband, who at 38 is in the best shape of his life. My goal is now to beat HIM at a half marathon in the near future.




I started to run because I wanted to make a change in my life. I now run because I actually really enjoy it and am working towards my goal of running a half marathon!


I run so I can love who I see in the mirror. Running that extra mile is running defenses against negative thoughts in my head. It’s also a great way to earn that extra cupcake :)


I tweeted and followed!


I run because I love it- it has helped me see my body as a blessing and something that needs to be strong rather than something that has to have the perfect figure and be too skinny!! I run that extra mile because I know I can and I know if I am blessed to have a strong body that is able to run, I have to push myself for myself and all those who do not have that privilege!


I run because of the sense of accomplishment and pride that I feel when I finish a run that was further or faster than what I thought I could do.


I run because it gives me energy!!


I run because no other exercise makes me feel so accomplished. After a good hard run, I feel like there is nothing I can’t do and suddenly life feels that much easier.


I run because it makes me feel good about myself. Alot of the time my music motivates me to keep going. Right now the challenges we are doing in my local running club is motivating me! :)


I tweeted!


I run because it’s a free way to stay fit. That’s it and that’s all. I certainly don’t do it because I like it. :)


I run because I love how it makes me feel. I love being able to explore and feel free. I love running hard and feeling a sense of accomplishment and improving. I run because it makes me happy!




I run because I feel great when I do!


I run because I love the accomplished feeling, and love competing with myself! Also, to get energy to keep up with my little boys!


Running=Sanity! It helps control the chaos of everyday life. When that last mile feels equivalent to 10, I have to remember, “just keep swimming…” It helps :) thanks!


My wife motivates me to run! She is such a great running partner. I would love to win this and give it to her as a gift!


i run because i love it and it makes me happy and helps with my stress and emotions
:) i run the extra mile because I CAN

thanks, Janae!!


Why do I run? I’ve always joked that running keeps me from stabbing some people with a fork LOL. Seriously – it’s a great stress reliever and it makes me feel like I can do anything!!

To run that extra mile – I say “it’s only another 10 minutes!!”


I run because I love the way it makes me feel. I go the extra mile to push myself & challenge my body.


Tweeted! :)


I run because I love that I feel stronger with each mile that I accomplish. I just finished my first half marathon on Saturday, and I’m so proud of myself! I love that it’s great exercise, but I also love the endorphins and the running community. I don’t own a Garmin, so I’m so excited about this giveaway!


I tweeted!


I run because I love the feeling of being powerful on my own terms, in my own way.


I run to relieve stress, feel better overall and compensate for the sweets.


I run to show doctors that people with heart murmurs can be runners too :-)


I originally started running to help with weight loss. I couldn’t run for more than 1 minute on the treadmill without feeling like I was going to pass out. Also, everything in my body hurt when I ran. I kept at it, and have lost 57 pounds (it took me a while, 3 years) I have since run many 5Ks, 8Ks, and 10Ks. I decided to really challenge myself… I have been training since July for my FIRST HALF MARATHON – which is in less than two weeks! Needless to say, I have become a lover of running. I am motivated to go that extra mile because I am amazed to see what my body is capable of doing. I can’t wait to keep adding more miles as I continue on my weight loss journey! :)


I run to clear my mind. I find that when life is chaotic and I’m going crazy, the best thing for me, and everyone around me, is to put on my shoes and go.


I tweeted!!!!


I just tweeted about why I run: to be a good role model for my little 15-month old cute man! :)


I run for fun. I run for the challenge. I run because it is the one thing I can always get better at. I run because I sit all day long and just want to get outside and move.


I RUN because my HEALTH is PRICELESS….after losing 100 lbs…my goal was to RUN in a 1/2 marathon to reach confidence and new levels of STRENGTH…. I never knew I had.


I run because I love the feeling of accomplishment once I’m done! And it’s a great way to clear my head and sort things out. Anytime I have to motivate myself for the next mile, I just think of how AWESOME I feel every time I’m done!!! I never regret a good run!


I tweeted as well for the extra entry :)


I run because I love it, and it is an excellent way for me to have “me” time. Recently my husband and I moved away from all our friends and family to a really small town. I work from home in our tiny apartment. Running is the only time I ever really get away from the house!


I tweeted you for the extra entry – well and because I love this blog :)


I keep running because I am afraid if I ever get off the wagon, I’ll never get back on.


I run because it’s ‘me’ time. I go that extra mile just to prove again and again to myself that I can push through pain!


I run for ME time, it is the only way I have found to relieve college stress.


I run because it makes me feel like I can do something if I set my mind to it :) It makes me feel like a good worthy person!

My husband usually does, but most importantly I run for the people who can’t :( recently my entire city has teamed together for a girl named Cat Davis ( to save her life! She is truly an inspiration!


I run because I can! I am so lucky and fortunate that I can do this :-) and it gives me the motivation I need for my daily life.


I just tweeted about the giveaway too!


I run because I like to eat. ;) Motivation…um, the food I get to eat after the run?


I run so I can become stronger!! and this makes me happy!! :)


I run because it keeps me healthy and motivates my children so I go extra mile!!!

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