A temporary injury.

For the first time this injury isn’t caused by running but because I am a klutz.

Meet the stair that ruined my life (okay, I am being just a tad bit dramatic).


Non-matching and inside out socks are the way to go.

7:36 a.m. Tuesday morning:

Brooke and I usually go on a short walk in the morning right after she has eaten.  We had the stroller inside our apartment and I always take the diaper bag anytime we leave just in case she needs 5 diaper changes during our 15 minute walk?  I was carrying all of those things and Brooke in her carseat when I tripped on that above rude stair.

There was no way I was going to be dropping Brooke down a flight of stairs and the only way to prevent that was my back twisting in the most awkward way possible (at that second I knew I messed up something back there) and then slamming that same back of mine into the railing.  

Today is day 3 of absolutely no working out (besides lifting Brooke which probably isn’t helping matters) and it feels a tiny bit better but I think I will have at least another week or so of no running.  

I am just really thankful that Brooke didn’t get hurt. 

All of you doctors reading:  there is a big knot/bubble/something weird on my lower left back?  What in the world is that? 

You better run for me today and for the next week:)  

I am not going to lie, it is nice to have slow, relaxing mornings were you stay in your pajamas and don’t even think about putting on a sports bra every now and then.


Onto happier things.   As you know, I went through my huge jar of crunchy pb the other day.  We have another HUGE jar of smooth pb and I have been very sad thinking about having to eat through that entire jar before going and buying more crunchy pb.  This morning I was going through our cupboard and there was another giant jar of crunchy pb hanging out in the cupboard.  My mom bought us some groceries when she was here visiting after Brooke was born and she must have bought 2 jars of crunchy pb, that woman is a saint.  

DSC 4497

Speaking of happy food moments, it is finally hot chocolate weather here.  It isn’t really that cold but it is raining (sorry Utah people that you are covered in snow today) and that means I need to replace drinking water with drinking hot chocolate all day long.  

DSC 4555

I think Brooke thinks I was going to share some with her.  

Off to a petting zoo with the Brookester!


Anyone else on a running break?  How come?  

Ever had a back problems…. any tips on making it feel better?

CRUNCHY or SMOOTH or you like them both and don’t understand why I am making such a big deal about it?

Had any recent klutz moments?

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Yikes, so sorry about your trip – how totally scary! Thanks goodness little Brooke is ok but I really hope her Mommy feels better soon.


YIKES! I’m glad you and Brooke are ok, but that’s a bummer about your back. Hope you feel better soon!


Oh, you are such a good mom! I’m really glad Brooke didn’t get hurt too.
I’m no MD, but I don’t mess around with my back. Try both ice and heat and see if one of them helps? Can you go to the doctor to have them take a look? If Billy has access to the Student Health center, it is probably free for you too. One of the best things about being a grad student is at my school, everything is completely free from a $2000 MRI to as many doctors visits as you want.
I’m on a running break because I have a terrible cough and I’m desperate to kick it ASAP. It has been 4 day since I’ve done any kind of exercise, but I am thinking of trying some gentle yoga tonight.
Oh, and definitely creamy. I don’t understand you crunch folks at all.


Yikes! I am sorry love. You are such an awesome mama for protecting little Brooke! I hope your back feels better very soon.


Oh no!! I hope you feel better soon. I’ve had back trouble before (herniated a disc) and the best is just to put some heat on it and REST until it’s better. If it’s not better in a couple of days, doctor for sure! My back is the one place that if it hurts, I IMMEDIATELY stop running or putting any kind of pressure on it until it feels better.


Girl, I’m right with you. I went for a run Tuesday morning and tripped on a crack (pathetic) and took a legendary wipe out somehow landing on my shoulder?! My shoulder and ribs are all scraped and bruised – brutal! So even though it was technically a running injury it really was a stupidity injury. Take care of yourself! We’ll be back in no time!!


Back injuries are the worst! I hurt my back this past winter giving my dog a bath (yep, talk about talent right there) and couldn’t even walk for 2 days. Honestly the best thing I could do was take lots of anti-inflammatories and put a heating pad on it to loosen up the muscles. You could also request that Billy give you daily back massages, I’ve heard that those work wonders. ;)


Ouch. I have no idea what that could be on your back other than a tight muscle? If you want, you can email me a picture.

I had horrible back spasms after letting a chiropractic student manipulate my back. It continues to act up from time to time, and when it does, it is the most painful thing ever. I can barely move when it goes into full spasm. I had it massaged out (which was painful), and took a muscle relaxant.


Sounds like a scary fall! I had a friend who tripped down a flight of stairs while holding her 16 month old son and he ended up breaking his arm. She was fine but felt HORRIBLE. She wouldn’t forgive herself but sometimes accidents happen.Thank goodness Brooke is OK!
Feel better soon.


I have had a small bubble/bump on my lower left back right above my hip bone for about a year. It was bigger, now smaller. I did have it checked out. It is just a fluid or lactic acid (?) deposit/collection/pool, from my poor posture + bad mattress + not going to the chiropractor when I moved + car accident. Yours may be different, but mine isn’t a big deal. Would go away if I had a nice massage and sat up straight. :)

Happy PB eating!


oh man….sorry about your back, but so glad Brooke is okay. Love both crunchy and creamy, but I would go for crunchy if I had to pick. Have fun at the petting zoo!


Oh no!!! I am so sorry about your back but so thankful Brooke is okay! Can I say I just love your attitude on everything? You always see the bright side and that is such an inspiration to me!

CRUNCHY peanut butter all the way!! It IS a big deal!


This is exactly what I came here to say. Your positive attitude about things that suck is so refreshing. Also makes people feel sorrier for you than if you were more complainey so that’s a bonus!:)
So glad Brooke is ok, that must have been so scary. Rest up, hope you feel better soon.


P.s. I was voted ‘most likely to end up on crutches’ in my senior yearbook:)


I wanted to thank you for this exenllect read!! I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post.


I think almost all mothers are faced with hurting themselves or allowing their kids to take a spill at some point. I know I did almost the exact same thing when my first was still in the bucket seat. I was carrying a bag, a cars eat, and a stroller. Stepped wrong on the bottom stair and we all went flying. Baby landed on top, me on bottom. No serious harm done.

In your case, I would get to the doctor quick, just in case that is fluid that has to be drained. But I would freak out about something like that.

Smooth pb all the way. And I am a connoisseur.


10k race on Sunday, then a month of SUPER light running. Between work and training, my body is starting to close off. I’m going to need it. :) No more than 40km a week and most of them light with one tempo and one speedwork run. I’m kind of looking forward to it. I’m tired, and am finally alright with admitting to it. :)
While I’m infinitely glad that Brooke is alright, I’m glad that nothing too serious happened to you either!! It’s a scenario that definitely could have come out worse. I’m thankful you’re both okay.
On a lighter note — I hadn’t EVER tried chunky PB until last month. Now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to smooth!! I LOVE IT!!! (Almost as much as I love the fact that FMWs are on sale at my grocery store this week ;) . You’d better believe I stocked up!! Thanks for fueling a new obsession!!)


Gotta love mom instincts where you just know what you need to do to protect your child…even at your own expense. I am sorry that you got hurt though! That its super lame. I just keep thinking of ‘the stair’ on Modern Family. Hopefully it doesn’t repeat this whole tripping you incident like theirs does ;)

I did some Jillian today for you. No running though.

I like both crunchy and smooth. Just depends on my mood. I buy both kinds of almond butter too…and biscoff spread. And I am pretty much the ONLY one who eats all three of those, so we may have a lot of jars around this house. Better than me craving it though and taking it out on Ross….not like I would EVER do that! ;)

I am a klutz. In fact, there was a book called ‘Megan the Klutz’ when I was in elementary and I had it and loved it. You should totally consider THAT for you next book club. Mostly I just spill food on myself. I am worse than my own kids. For reals.

I am sending your back good/quick healing vibes! Hope you had fun at the petting zoo!


hahaha I had that book!


Oh my gosh!! Me too!!! I can’t believe this…I haven’t thought of that book in 20 years! I’ve got to get a copy and retread it now!


I am doing a half marathon on Sunday for you but not your kinda super fly pace.

Hope you rest up well and share more cute pics of Brooke here!


Sorry about your back. Make sure you check that peanut butter for the recall. Have fun at the zoo! I need a fun zoo day….not a my life is like a zoo day.


At least you know you have some great motherly instincts! And I loooooove hot chocolate. I wish I could quit law school and come drink hot chocolate with you and brooke all day.


Oh no! Hope you feel better soon Janae. I’m so sorry.
Definitely crunchy, but the boys like smooth. Of course. Have fun at the petting zoo!


Smooth peanut butter and I think crunchy is kinda gross! I’m running for the first time in 3 weeks on Saturday!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! Hope you’re better soon!


my husby has had back injuries — seems like he has always had to do lots of heat and ice, alternated! Hopefully you’re better soon.
I have problems with my toes all.the.time when I run, but luckily they’re not “injured” just freak feet, so I just push through the pain, which sucks. BUT my question is — I just got over a 2-week hiatus from running, I got the stomach flu followed by a kidney infection. I have had such a tough time coming back! My body acts like I am torturing it! Have you ever had to come back from an illness? Any advice? Is it normal to take longer than the sickness lasted to get my mojo back? I am dying here.


No break yet. I did take two days off last weekend to head off plantar fasciitis before it could really setup camp.
PB is PB. I will take either one.
No klutz moments lately. But after saying that, there will be by tomorrow I am sure.
And I would have made the same decision whether it be baby or my dog!

The Kidless Kronicles


I’m on a running break until this baby comes out! +/- 3 weeks!! I love smooth PB, so if you wanna give me your smooth, that’s fine by me. Crunchy just doesn’t appeal to me at all…enlighten me!


Smooth pb! But I don’t hate crunchy pb either. Running breaks are the worst! I was having one but not because I was injured, I just didn’t feel like running at all. But after taking a few weeks off I am back to my normal self.


this sounds really weird but when i had neck and back problems i would put 2 tennis balls in a sock, tie the sock in a knott at the top and stick them under my back and move back and forth! Its like a massage


You are an amazing mother! I’m so glad Brooke is okay! In sorry about your back. I feel for you. I have been dealing with low back issues for over a year now. I have a bulging disc with a slight tear in the disc. There are days it puts my out and u can’t do anything. Ice, ice, ice! It was work for the pain for me. Also stretching is good too. Take care of yourself!


This is all I have to say: http://thebitesizedbaker.com/2012/09/18/nutella-stuffed-browned-butter-chocolate-chip-cookies-with-sea-salt/

Actually, also, I hope you’re feeling better soon, Brooke is ADORABLE, and she’s lucky to have such a great (and hilarious) momma!


I hope you heal fast so you can get back on your feet! It’s always hot chocolate season for me, even if it’s 90 degrees outside. I think I have a problem or something… I’d definitely alternate between heat and ice if I were you. And make Billy do all the heavy lifting for awhile ;)


I got what you mean , thanks for ptunitg up.Woh I am delighted to find this website through google. Since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent. by Heinrich Heine.


I just got back from a run! i’m training for my first half on dec 1 because i got bit by the racing bug and did two triathlons in the past two months, but now that i’m more focused on running, i feel like i haven’t had a good run in so long! it’s always difficult and my abs/legs feel so weak. i was thinking of you though and remembered to just be proud of myself for sticking with it, even though i’m always discouraged by my previous run. you’re such a wonderful influence! :) plus i just can’t wait to carbo-load for another race so that’s a motivation in itself


Aw, take care of yourself! And aren’t you so glad that Costco sells all its already giant portions in DOUBLES? That’s why you have two crunch PB’s :)


Eeek that sounds awful :( So sorry to hear about your fall! I am actually having back issues right now – my SI joint slipped out of place and everything generally became a mess before I finally decided to address it. I have been seeing a chiropractor for a few weeks now, and he has slowly been moving things back into place. That, plus icing 3-4 times a day, plus verrrrry little exercise (boo hiss) has got me feeling ALMOST better. It’s the pits. Get better quick!


Hi. I have been reading your blog for months but don’t think I’ve ever commented. First let me say that you and your family are very sweet and I love reading about your life. Secondly, I just came back from the chiropractor and can tell you that if your back is out it does affect your running. So get checked out and I hope you are feeling better soon!


So scary! Isn’t good to know that we will instinctually fall in a way that protects our babies?! Sorry to hear about your back… sounds like you deeply bruised it?


Oh no! That’s a pretty serious injury! I’m surprised you kept it to yourself for so long! Well, the most important thing is that Brooke’s okay! Feel better.


Oh no! So glad Brooke is ok. Hope you feel better soon! I am on a break right now due to a peroneal tendon issue. :-/


recent klutz moment: walked into a shop, bought two newspapers, walked back to the car, when i’m nearly at the car i hear a woman call after me and she’s waving the two newspapers in her hand. all that time i had been walking back to the car i felt like i had forgotten something but couldn’t figure out what!


I’m so sorry to hear about your injury! But you’re right – it could have been a lot worse. Rest up and you’ll be back to running in no time!


Definitely crunchy! And I have klutz moments about every other day of my life.


Ack!! I’m so sorry to hear about your accident, but I’m really glad to hear that Brooke didn’t get hurt – you did a really awesome job making sure of that. I would try maybe getting someone to massage the knot for you, or alternating putting heat/cold on it. Other than that, just let it rest for a little while and see how it feels in a week or so – maybe it’ll clear up on it’s own. I hope it does!


Oh my gosh! I am so glad you are semi-okay and Brooke is okay. I hope your back starts to feeling better.

Sadly I had some shin pain last night on my run so I took it easy today and didn’t run or work out in case it’s trying to turn into something else.


Crunchy PB for sure.
And I’ll probably have to take a break from running until I get some new shoes because of my right knee (I believe it’s ITB issues).
Praise God that Brooke was okay!! I hope you feel better soon!


I’m a smooth, my BF is a crunchy. It is the reason for 90% of our arguments. Sorry about your back :/ I slipped in a bathroom once and hit a towel rack and split my nose. I also twisted my ankle on England’s cobble stone streets after being there for approx 10min. Clearly I have my fair share of klutz moments. Make the best of your forced running break by watching lots of Friends reruns and scrolling Pinterest. That should cheer you up instantly!


Those mommy instincts are strong, aren’t they? I’ll bet there wasn’t even a thought process for you, you just threw yourself into harms way to protect Brooke. Good job, mom! But sorry about your back. I did a similar thing with my son when I slipped on our circular staircase. Hit my tailbone hard.


so sorry you’re having to deal with an injury! I’m glad Brooke was okay though and that it wasn’t something more serious!


I am so sorry about your fall and about being sidelined from running! Way to go on the protective mommy part though!! If it makes you feel any better, I have been sidelined from running for about 1.5 weeks now with a mild concussion….stinks!! I got it also from a super clutsy move taking care of my daughter. Hope you feel better soon!



I’ve been a secret reader for months and can say you’ve inspired me to run! My Husband & I run almost every morning, just 2 miles, still getting into shape and all. I have been sidelined before with a back injury (disc bulge) and did 8 weeks of physical therapy, now when my back acts up, I lie flat on the ground and he pulls my legs as if to stretch them out from my back. That tends to help as well as a regimen of ice & heat. Hope you get better soon! & 100% happy that Brooke was unharmed!


I ran 5 miles today. Every time I felt like stopping I thought: “If Janae can do 8+ miles while PREGNANT every day, I can do this!” :)


I should edit this to *when you were pregnant…


I’m a crunchy PB girl but recently discovered Peanut Butter&Co’s cinnamon raisin swirl and am in love with it too! Hope you get better soon! Sorry that this happened; but it’s just mommy instincts at work! Recent klutz moment-slamming the cupboard door on my finger! Not good. :)


I am so sorry about your injury!! For running’s sake, I hope you heal soon!
It just got cold here today and I have a ton of Starbucks giftcards leftover from last Christmas (I’m not a coffee drinker) and I will be using them for hot chocolate!


Ahhh! I’m sure you were incredibly scared about falling with Brooke! I would have had a heart attack in your position. Glad you both are sort of alright. :/

Crunchy for sure. I don’t why but it is just a whole lot more satisfying and delicious than creamy.


Oh no!!! but what a blessing Brooke was safe, I know you’ll recover in no time- just take it easy!! and don’t worry about running… I’ll be running the Halloween Half Marathon (in Provo) for you! {my first “formal” race day of any kind. yikes}


brooke elyse


Funny you should ask. I am a huge klutz and slipped and fell down our steep stairs at our house on Sunday. Tailbone is super, super sore. Don’t worry, I did this exact same thing back in February as well. It took a good month to fully heal. I have been running or it’s more of a limp really it hurts so bad. It starts to feel better after a couple of miles but it is driving me nutso!
Chunky PB for sure! I don’t wait until the smooth is gone though. When it’s gone I will be running to Costco to get more. Just like their cottage cheese. Love that stuff!
Feel better soon!


Falling while holding something breakable is scary. Falling while holding a child? Heart stopping. So glad to hear things mostly okay.

sigh, both but it’s been forever since I’ve had crunchy that I like smooth most now. Son didn’t like crunchy so why buy both when everyone else also liked smooth.

I ran, a little bit, at Red Rock Canyon in Nevada. Trail run…gravel & rocks! Mostly I’ve spent the week doing the walk/take a picture and then hike/take a picture thing


I am so glad that Brooke did not get hurt. Scary thing to happen when you are holding your baby! I would say that if you have a bump you should be icing it and definitely taking a break from exercising will help as well. I hope you are feeling better soon and good call there! That was the mama in you kicking in!


oh gosh! I’m glad everyone is OK and hope you get heeled up soon!

CRUNCHY peanut butter for me :D


You might want to consult your physician & consider going to a chiropractor to get an evaluation…make sure you are icing your back where it hurts for 15min. or until it’s numb. Try to move as normally as possible doing every day movements. Avoid heavy lifting & no exercise, especially not running which heavily impacts your joints. Rate your pain between 1-10 everyday so u can track your progress & evaluate your pain & discomfort.


My husband is a chiropractor and I’d definitely recommend getting checked out. You might have nerves pinched after you twisted and started to fall. While you may feel better over time, you still may have pressure on those nerves and an adjustment would get your spine aligned properly.


For some reason I always have visions of accidentally dropping my kids down the stairs or whacking their heads on walls as I turn corners- sorry about your back, but I’m glad you didn’t drop that precious baby!

The snow is glorious!!!! I listened to Christmas music for about 30 minutes today as the inches piled up. Don’t tell my husband.


Good grief! That could have been bad news. So glad you are both ok!!


Ahh sorry to hear about your back- what a bummer! That’s definitely worthy of opening a new jar of PB! I’m a smooth fan, so I’ll happily take that jar off your hands ;)!


How scary for you! I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I personally prefer creamy peanut butter, but my son and husband prefer crunchy so I try to keep both in the house. I always get my family to bring it from the States. It can be very expensive in Spain, that is if you can actually find it. And by the way, Candy corn and peanuts is SO addicting!! Thank goodness, I limit myself to one bag a year!!!


I had a horrible back injury, I hope yours won’t take as long to heal!
I was play fighting with my boyfriend in the kitchen, and he was holding one of my legs. I lost my balance and fell on the kitchen counter… like my back bended around the edge of the counter (?). I had a knot in my back for so long, like a few months. I kept going to gymnastics and high jump practices, so that definately didn’t help at all!
Take time to rest and I’m sure you’ll feel fine in no time!


I am a doctor, though not a medical one, so no advice on that, I’m afaid. Hope you feel better soon, Janae!!!


I’m “not that kind of doctor”, but I would suggest heat, hot baths, and lots of time spent lying on the floor on your back with your knees bent (to make up for all that back-lying you couldn’t do while pregnant!). And of course, a little bit of time off until it’s feeling better. Glad it was nothing more serious!

And crunchy. DEFINITELY crunchy. :)


Heat will actually inflame the nerves — stick with ice.


crunchy trumps smooth no question!


Ok delurking here….do NOT use heat of any kind. Heat= inflammation, you already have that. Ice like someone else mentioned above. I would say Motrin, but with breast feeding, I do not think that is an option. Arcinia gel is another all natural option, works wonders for all aches and pains. I was in a severe car crash when I was 18 and struggle on and off with my back still going out. Running absolute no, until you feel better. Maybe try the elliptical next week and see how that feels first. Good stretches for you back are cat/cow yoga poses and down dog.

If you are still in a lot of pain, a chiropractor is a wonderful option. I love mine. She has all kinds of “fancy” things to help ( cold lasers, ect). When I injured my foot ligament running a half marathon, she was the one who got me back on track!

Feel better. Glad Brooke is ok. Those mom instincts are amazing!! Just wait until she is 10 like my daughter is. You are on constant patrol ;)


So sorry you fell! That has always been one of my worst fears is to fall while holding my daughter! I am glad you didn’t get seriously injured. Have you thought about going to see a chiropractor! I am a FIRM believer in them, well good ones at least!


Ahh, I’m sorry you got hurt, I’m sure you were so so worried about keeping Brooke safe!


I tore ligaments in my ankle on October 1 at a PUMPKIN PATCH! Not in the rows….getting off the hayride trailer on flat ground! I have been in a walking boot since and will wear it for two more weeks. Special.


Ps you can totally take Motrin with breastfeeding. I am a labor an delivery nurse and we give it to breastfeeding moms like it is candy no problem!!!!


I hope you are feeling better.


I’m so glad you didn’t drop the kiddo! Close call!! Feel better soon!


Stir a spoonful or two of the creamy into the chunky. Every new jar of chunky do this, and in no time the yucky creamy PB will be gone! Love you guys!


Feel better soon!!!


My mum broke her arm doing the same thing! She slipped in socks on our spiral staircase and screamed out, my baby sister flew out of her arms – my dad heard her slip and managed to arrive in time to catch my sister midair!

Conclusions? Don’t wear socks on carpeted stairs, and my dad is secretly a superhero!

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