I am a little mad at you.

I am kind of mad at you guys for not telling me about how amazing Chipotle is and forcing me to go again a long time ago.  The first time I went I was pregnant (but didn’t know it) and I wasn’t feeling good so nothing really tasted that great and so I didn’t exactly love it.

After yesterday’s lunch I officially LOVE IT and will be going back for more and more and more.  I am sad that I have already lived within 1.2 miles of one for 10 weeks and this is the first time I have gone. I had the chicken bowl and both the mild and hot sauce.  I am speechless about how delicious this was (although I still do like Cafe Rio better).  I also had some of my friend’s chips and guac…. WOW!!

Photo 3

My girls.  I think I was meant to be friends with them.  It is awesome because at our get-togethers we plan at least 5 more future get-togethers while we are there.  It is getting a little out of control.

Photo 2

The rest of the afternoon involved hanging out at home while someone came to fix our shower, reading and then starting to watch the World Series game at 5:30.  After an hour I got busy in the kitchen with two of my favorite ingredients.

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The garlic and herb dough is really good and this way I don’t have to add any spices or pizza seasonings to the dough.  I do still brush a little olive oil on the top.  My pizza steps are HERE.

Pizza bubbles are one of the best things in the world.

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Sorry Tiger fans for the Giants playing so well and beating you 8 to 3:).

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I don’t know why I felt the need to have both green and red apples with our pizza but it reminded me that I really don’t like green apples compared to the red ones.

Brooke crashed during the 6th inning.  I guess she isn’t a true fan.

I also made some late night cookies because that is just what you do when your baby is asleep and you have a strong craving for cookie dough.


Do you like Chipotle?  What do you order there?  Where is your favorite place to eat lately?

How often do you eat out?

Last thing you watched on tv?

Green or red apples?  Favorite kind of apple?


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Thank you for helping me decide what to make for dinner….wannabee Chipotle bowl at home! Oh I don’t think any amount of salsa & guac can satisfy my love for Mexican :)!


Try Chipotle’s pork, it is amazing!!!
Why is it bubbles make pizza 20 times better?
I completely agree with you on the apples, Honeycrisps are my favorite. Everyone I work with makes fun of me becuase I eat ones that are literally the size of my face every single day with my lunch!


The pork IS awesome! You do need to try it! That’s my usual thing to get there since I eat chicken allllll the time.


I totally agree that the Pork is OUT OF THIS WORLD!


I love making my own pizza and I also prefer the “red” apples to green, though I hate the really red ones. I prefer a normal looking apple ;)


Love Chipotle! I usually do the bowl with steak, rice, tomatoes, corn, lettuce and guac. Delicious! I have a cafe rio near me, I am going to have to check it out.

Honeycrisp apples are my FAVORITE !!! when they go out of season, I get so sad because the other apples just aren’t as good.


I’m Obsessed with Chipotle!!! I could probably eat there every single day. My favorite thing is their salad dressing!! You definitely have to try it. I used to only got there for the salads now I just order a side of it and add it to whatever else I’m eating. There is a Chipotle across the street from my office, which I learned can be quite dangerous at times!


Agree! The dressing goes on my burrito bowls a well!


Oh, goodness, I could LIVE on Chipotle alone! My favorite is the barbacoa anything. I started with burritos, but now I love the bowls. I always get a little mild and a little hot sauce on each. Their chips and guac are to die for, too! I love that the salt has a lime flavor. The sad part is I now live about 7 HOURS away from the closest Chipotle. Whenever we travel, I use their app on my phone to find the closest one ASAP.
Also, we are apple twins. Honeycrisp are the best, so I always hoard them this time of year, since they are a seasonal apple. Mmmmmm!


I’ve never been to Chipotle, so you weren’t the only one missing out :).

We eat out maybe once a week. I have a feeling we’ll do it more in the winter since it’s so dark and depressing out and we need things to keep us happy.

I love golden delicious apples.


I always get the veggie bowl. The guacamole at Chipotle is amazing.
I really think Brooke looks like Curly in that pic with Billy. Too stinkin’ cute!


I always get the chicken bowl. I went through a phase where it was all I wanted for lunch, ever. Then I checked my bank account and cried a little. No more of that… I guess it’s more in “moderation” now. Whatever that means! ;)


Love Chipotle! I really like the carnitas pork in just about everything, but I think I like their tacos more than the burritos. You get three hard or soft shell tacos in an order and you can still add rice and beans to them. My burritos always end up really uneven with half of it just being like huge globs of salsa or sour cream. My typical order is three carnitas soft shell tacos with rice, black beans, cheese, sour cream, and their green and hot red salsas, plus an order of chips and guac. Their chips are fantastic! Love the lime juice on them!

Unfortunately, I’m terrible at remembering to pack a lunch, so I basically eat out every day during the work week.

Last night I watched a few episodes of Chopped that I had on my DVR — I’m obsessed with this show! I wish it was on Netflix so I could catch every episode ever made — and then I caught the newest episode of American Horror Story: Asylum.

Honeycrisp and Golden Delicious all the way!


Chipotle is the only restaurant food I ever crave, and I crave it A LOT. I always get a chicken burrito and add the FAJITA VEGGIES!!! That’s the most important part! So, so good. mmmmm.


I love Chipotle, but sadly don’t have one anywhere even close (I live in Canada). I get the black bean rice bowl, and a side of chips and salsa. So good!
Last thing I watched on tv was the ball game! How about those homeruns?!


I love the pork bowl. And the guac. Soooooo good! Last thing I watched was a Big Bang theory rerun as I dozed off last night. Absolutely live that show. And go SF!!!


I love chipotle! Steak burrito with rice/salsa is my fav.

The closest one is an hr away down by my old office so we eat a lot of Taco Bell. So not the same…but FratBoy2&3 have an unnatural love for ‘Taco Bun’ :) I think it is genetic because my mom ate TB 3-4 days out of the wk when preggo with me. I in turn LOVE Taco Bell and now my youngest two have the same gene. I swear it is possible :)

(ok that was a mini novel on our love for Taco Bell….)


i love chipotle! i usually get a taco bowl with no meat and a bunch of veggies! so delish. Their guac is prob my all time favorite!


We have a chipotle in town and its great because it’s a healthy fast food option that the kids like.
I can’t remember the last thing I watched on tv!:-/ I crash hard at the end of the day, because I’ve been getting up soooo early to get my runs in!
I don’t really care for green apples either, but I love gala apples – my favorite!


We have Chipoltles in Texas butI prefer a place called Freebirds – similar but better.
We eat out all of the time. My current fave is a taco joint called Torchy’s. So good.
I don’t have time for tons of tv anymore but I always manage to squeeze in Modern Family.
Gala apples are the best.


I’ve never been to a Chipotle!! But I’m pretty sure I’d love it. I typically eat out 1-2 times per week. I never go out to lunch because I always pack mine for work! I used to prefer only red apples but slowly I’m learning to love granny smith!


i LOVE chipotle… it’s always my first choice when my boyfriend and i are deciding where to eat out. everything there is delicious, and i love that it’s pretty healthy for eating out!


Whenever I have lunch meetings with my boss, we ALWAYS go to Chipotle and I get the vegetarian bowl. So good, especially the guacamole.

I usually go out for dinner about 1-2 times a week but not usually for lunch.

I used to love granny smith apples but recently I’ve been sticking to red.


-I’ve only been to Chipotle a couple of times (and it’s been quite a while since I was last there) but never got anything I liked…everyone always says how good it is so I’m pretty sure I just didn’t get the right thing and should try it again soon!
-We eat out maybe once a week, but try not to often because it saves so much money to make meals at home!
-I love any and ALL types of apples except for red delicious haha I eat an apple almost every single day though! Yum!


Is it sad that one of the things I look forward to most whenever I go down to the States is being able to visit a Chipotle? We don’t have one where I live, and I adore that place so I milk it for all it’s worth any chance I get. The chicken bowl is definitely my favorite, with guac and some chips… Great, now I’m craving some big time :?


I have never been to chipotle! We eat out rarely, usually when friends invite us and we want to be social. I love all apples, just for different things. Green apples on salads with feta and a sweeter dressing-yum!


Definitely Gala apples!! I eat about three a day, and I never get tired of them. I’m also a big fan of Granny Smith apples. I want to go apple picking now :)


I love it, but we do not have it here. We do have Mucho Burrito which is very similar. I love their salad bowls.
I usually eat out once or twice a week.
We watched House Hunters International last night. Tried to watch Modern Family but our cable was acting up!


As always, your food looks delicious! Garlic and herb dough sounds so good! I think I’d eat it without toppings…


the chips from chipotle are to die for, I don’t know what it is about them but I can never seem to get enough!


Chipotle is AMAZING!


We eat out a few times a week.
I am with you on the honeycrisps. YUM!
We watched part of the game and then switched to Life After Top Chef.

The Kidless Kronicles


Oh chipotle is delicious! I live their fresh mild tomato salsa and chips! Yum! Hmmm maybe dinner tonight will have to be chipotle!!!


Love Chipotle!! Their guacomole is the best! I’m with you red apples are the way to go and I also agree Honeycrisp are the best.


Chipotle’s burrito bowls are thebomb.com FOR SURE. There is nothing about them that I don’t love!

Gala apples are my favorite– especially with PB :)

PS- Brooke looks JUST like Curly in that pic!! <3


I looooove Chipotle!! Veggie bowl: black beans, rice, fajita veggies, corn salsa and the mild pico salsa, and loads of guac!
We eat out on Saturdays, both lunch and dinner.
Currently watching The Today Show.
Red apples (and sometimes yellow)- pink ladies and honey crisp are the only ways to go.


I LOVE Chipotle… I say Cafe Rio has better tortillas, but I like Chipotle’s burrito/salad bowls better. It really just depends on what I’m feeling though because they just have different tastes, spices, and all that jazz. Glad you loved it!

We rarely eat out these days… Babies are expensive, so we’re saving our pennies wherever we can. ;) I’m so excited to go to Olive Garden tomorrow since we have a gift card to use though! It makes me appreciate the times we DO eat out even more.

Aaaand I’m all about the red apples in this order: Honeycrisp, Fuji, Gala. :)


JAZZ apples!!!! lovelovelove.

I love chipotle!

And the last thing I watched was The Mentalist – although I’m running out of episodes! Why can’t TV makers make episodes as fast as I watch them??


I always get the chicken bowl at Chipotle. But last time I got it, I ended up in the hospital the next day with severe reflux. That was 2 months ago…maybe I can try it again


Chipotle is the most amazing place in the world!! My hubby and I went on our first date there actually and used to eat there once a week… and it’s my pre-marathon race dinner! I always get the SAME thing — vegetarian burrito bol.


I have never been to chipotle! I need to change this. Pronto! Probably because it is Mexican food, but not REALLY Mexican food so Ross would never want to go there. My only chance would be a girls night and I suppose no one has chosen it. I want that salad NOW.

I eat out a few times a month. I took Anna to get her hair cut yesterday and saw they just put in a Which Which by me. I totally thought of you when I saw it. I have never been there either, so now that is also on the list.

We watched the game last night and Anna asked who she should cheer for. Love when she does that ;)

I may have started watching Pushing Daisies again yesterday. Gosh I love that show.

Have a great day!


Is it a bad thing to want Chiptole at 8am?


Honeycrisp are the best!


I haven’t been there for about 3 years. I think it tastes good, but I never find the food hot in temperature…always lukewarm. For some reason this bothers me. We tend to eat out a lot on the weekends, but not so much during the week.

Today we are going to a nice lunch because it’s my husband’s birthday and he has an event this evening…so lunch is the only meal we could do together. I can’t remember the last time I went to a fancy lunch out….probably 6 months ago.


Dough bubbles truly make pizza 100x better!


Did you see that if you go to Chipotle on Halloween in costume you can get a burrito for $2! http://www.chipotle.com/en-US/boorito/boorito.aspx

Totally thought of you when I heard the commercial for it.

I love the steak burrito bowl with rice, black beans, cheese, lots of sour cream, lettuce and a mixture of the fresh tomato salsa with a small amount of the hot salsa. Sometimes I break down and pay extra for the guacamole. I am jealous you have a location within a few miles. I have to drive over 30 miles to get to one, sometimes though I can convince my friend to bring me a burrito bowl since she works next to a Chipotle.


I think I may have answered this in a dream? Honeycrisp for LIFE! I even talked the cashier at the grocery store into trying them. The next week she sarcastically thanked me for forcing her into poverty just to buy them. Hahaha.

We have a Chipotle near here, but I end up at Qdoba, which is basically the same. Or Taco Cabana. Mmmmm.


I love chipotle! I usually get the salad with chicken on top!

Last thing I watched on TV was Private Practice.

I love red apples! Braeburn is my favorite!


I love Chipotle too! I grew up in CA, so I had it more there, but now out in Utah, the Chipotles are not plentiful to say the least.

My favorite apples are Gala or Fuji. I like most apples, but cannot eat the Red Delicious. The texture is just not for me.

Go Giants!


Chipotle is my favorite restaurant ever and I could never get tired of eating there. I always get a chicken bowl with black beans, an extra scoop of mild salsa, sour cream, cheese, and lots of lettuce. My favorite apples are honeycrisp also but they are always so huge I cut them in half.


I love Chipotle!!!! We do not have one near us, which is probably good for my wallet. This weekend we have to head out of town for my Step-son’s hockey and there is a Chipotle and Trader Joe’s in the area of his game so I demanded to my husband that we will be going to both places! Last weekend I had Chipotle as my reward for my final 20 miler of NYC training. ( I was in Bethlehem for the Runner’s World Fest)
I love Gala Apples!


I am a big fan of Chipotle, but the closest one to is about 2 hours away so we don’t get it very often…I usually get the burrito, because I love their tortillas.

We usually eat out once a week {after church on Sundays} unless there’s a date night or some other special occasion.

We almost never watch TV and just watch stuff on the internet, but we watched a little bit of the presidential debate the other night.

Red apples all the way. I love Honeycrisp, but usually settle for Galas because they are so much cheaper.


I’m glad you’ve discovered Chipotle! I usually get a salad or a burrito bowl, depending on if I’m craving rice or veggies!


I ate at Chipotle weekly when we lived in California. It’s probably my favorite place to eat…EVER. Sadly, we now live over an hour from the nearest Chipotle so I have to make up reasons to drive to Bountiful to go there.


Chipotle is the best!! Highly suggest getting the bowl again, having them LOAD IT UP to the point where they are kind of laughing about it and ask for a tortilla on the side. We do it every time and it is so much food that we eat the first half with chips then bring the second half home to roll up as a burrito for leftovers! Best thing ever!! Mmm. I think I’m going to have to go there today! :)


That is brilliant! Do they charge extra for all of that?


Red delicious, of course.

You are making me want to go to Trader Joe’s before I go out of town!! I think I have to have that pizza like, tonight!


I LOVE Chipotle! I always get the vegetarian bowl. In fact, I just had it two nights ago :).


Chipotle is SO GOOD! I’m sorry we’ve been keeping it from you!


Mission Burrito, which appears to be only in Houston, is my favorite! Freebirds is second, again, only in Texas, THEN Chipotle. I thought I would be turning you on to something even better, but I am probably only making you jealous. To add insult to injury, the reason I love Mission is because they have shredded red cabbage, a spicy/creamy green ranch salsa, AND mushrooms, in addition to all the goodies Chipotle has!


I love Chipotle! Just don’t ever try the guac, once you try it you will be forced to get it every time, it’s that good.


I love Chipotle! We go there all the time. I love the pork, it is amazing and I always get the bowl like you did, but I have black beans, hot salsa, some cheese, brown rice, and grilled veggies, of course you can’t forget the guac!

We used to be really bad about eating out, but we are trying to keep it under control because it just gets so expensive. We generally eat out on the weekends unless someone has a birthday or something during the week!

Last thing I watched on TV was the movie “The Faculty”. I was in the mood for a scary movie last night and that’s what we decided on. I haven’t seen it since I was in HS or something and I forgot how bad it was! Gotta love those late 90s movies!

I don’t really like apples that much except for the green ones! They are my favorite :) Especially in pies!


Chipotle is ok but Cafe Rio is way better!!! But neither even compare to good authentic California Mexican food.
I like pink lady apples the best.
Go SF Giants!!!


When you come back to SF you should visit Papalote in the Mission (and invite me :) )! Their burritos (and anything else on the menu) are A-MAZING. They even had a “throwdown” with Bobby Flay…and won!


It’s a bit sad how addicted I am to Chipotle! Luckily, the cloest one to be is about 25 minutes away and I’m a lazy driver. That doesn’t stop me on the weekends, though! I’d be a broke mess if there was one that close to me! Oh, and Go Giants ;)


Chipotle is truly the best “fast food” place ever! I can say that because I’ve never been to Cafe Rio. :) When I go I either get a barbacoa burrito or chicken bowl with black beans, cheese, and lettuce. Just typing this out makes me want to go pick one up for lunch!


I’ve never had Chipotle….but I guess I need to! Actually, I need Cafe Rio in my life. Haven’t had it in like 2 months?!?!?! AHHHH.

I love homemade pizza. Sooooo much!


Chipotle is the best!! I got at least once a week and get the veggie burrito bowl. YUMMMM!!!!


You just got me super stoked for my Chipotle dinner date tonight. :)


I’ve only been to Chipotle once. I like Qdoba!

I love love love Honeycrisp apples. They were $1.69 a pound today so I stocked up. Normally, they’re around $3.69 a pound. That’s crazy…but I still buy them.


I love green apples on my grilled cheese! Try it ;) it’s good, especially if you’re a crunchy-foods kinda gal.


I travel out of town for work one week/month and there is a Chipotle right next to the hotel, that I have never tried. I will definitely have to try it out next time. Thanks for all the suggestions!


Gala apples, gala apples!
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a green apple and enjoyed it!


chipolte is pretty good here.

eat out way too often….need to cook more.

as for tv, i love the x-factor! we have two san antonian’s in the competition. whoop whoop!!

gala apples are my favorite!!!!

and, i actually buy ready made cookie dough and keep it in the fridge and my daughter and i love it raw.


Chipotle is my go to pre-race meal of choice & I’m so excited that there is one .8 miles from my hotel in NYC, for next months NYC Marathon!! I absolutely love the chicken bowl w/brown rice, black beans, mild + corn salsa & topped with cheese + lettuce! It’s the perfect combination for me and never upsets my tummy.


Do you like Chipotle? What do you order there? Where is your favorite place to eat lately?

LOVE Chipotle!! Chicken bowl with black beans, corn salsa, lettuce, rice and mild salsa.

How often do you eat out?

Not that often.

Last thing you watched on tv?

The morning news. Checking the weather report for this upcoming weekend. I am running my FIRST 5K. Yes, I am a Couch to 5K graduate as of yesterday afternoon. I love running!

Green or red apples? Favorite kind of apple?

Red Apples. Honeycrisp are my ALL time favorites.


I saw these treats and immediately thought of you!


Ok, here is what I love to get at Chipotle. I get the chicken soft tacos but I request rice, beans and fajita veggies on the tacos (they don’t normally come with all those fixins’) plus all the regular toppings (i.e. cheese, lettuce, sour cream, salsa, etc.)
Each taco becomes a mini-burrito! I love Chipotle. I don’t think you can go wrong…


I am not sure if this is a rumor or not, but someone told be on Halloween after 4pm everything at Chipotle is $2-4! I love Chipotle burritto bowl.


I’ve never had Chipolte. I will try it very soon. Promise!! In fact, I rarely go out to eat so that impacts that fact that I have not had Chipolte.

Last thing I watched was the Tigers get their behinds wooped but the Gaints. It’s ok, we’ve got tonights game! GO TIGERS!!!

and my absolute, most favorite apple is Honeycrisp. I eat an apple every.single.day. When Honeycrisp apples are not available, I go for Pink Lady.


You lucky duck! Chipotle is so so SO good, and I’ve only ever been there once on a vacation because we don’t have it anywhere near where I live. So sad. I do make a pretty good knockoff of their cilantro-lime rice, though, so there’s that.


Just an fyi, you NEED to try chipotle’s salad dressing. It took me two years before I did, it is amazing.


I like Chipotle and I usually order their Chicken Fajita Bowl (I wish they would give you more lettuce though!). My favorite place to eat lately is a little salad place near my home called “Saladish” – it’s co-owned by Metta World-Peace (aka, Ron Artest of the LA Lakers). I get their “FARM” salad – ham, bacon, chopped egg, corn, beets, lettuce, ranch dressing. YEEEHAW! Get in mah belleh!

I wish I ate out LESS! My waistline and wallet aren’t happy!

Last thing I watched on TV was “The Daily Show” (DVR’d…I can’t stay up that late!)

DUDE! Try SweeTango apples! SR approves! I tried them last week and they are sooo delish! http://skinnyrunner.com/2012/10/02/sweetango-is-the-apple-of-my-eye/


Ahh I can’t believe you hadn’t really tried Chipotle!!!

My favorite is a Burrito Bol with Cilantro-lime Rice, Steak, Green Salsa, Corn Salsa, Pico, and Lettuce!

I literally went down the line in my head when I wrote that out haha.


I never had Chipotle until I moved to Arizona. Now I have a hard time going anywhere else when we are going out for lunch. So delish!

Honeycrisp apples are tasty, but when they are out of season we eat Gala apples.

What a shame about the Tigers (though those Giants really did play well!). We’ll see what happens. Hopefully it is a great series!


Chipotle is the best. Their rice bowls are my fave. Sometimes I just make them myself at home because I crave it all the time. It’s so easy and it’s a great way to use up your leftover rice. : )


Okay I have to tell you, I ran for the first time today with my jogging stroller. I don’t have a car seat adapter so I took a blanket, rolled it up tight, and put it around Kate’s head to hold it in place and I reclined the seat back. It worked great and her head never moved. So there you go if you want a solution to no car seat adapter for your jogging stroller!

I have only been to Chipotle once but I think I want to go again. I remember liking it so I don’t know why I didn’t ever go back.

We used to eat out twice a week but now we are poor medical students so we just go out once a week. We can’t give up that one time though, eating out is fun to us!

New York has the most amazing red apples ever! They have apples called Courtland and Empire that are SO AMAZING! In the fall there are apple and peach orchards everywhere in Rochester so everyone picks their own apples and you pay by the pound. Definitely excited to do that next year.


I don’t eat out a lot and I’ve never eaten at Chipotle. Sad, but true. I’ll spend 68.00 for a running shirt but too cheap to eat out.
I just got my braces off and I’ve been eating 2 apples a day! They are much better when you don’t have to cut them up and just munch through them like candy. All kinds! Haven’t met an apple I don’t love. Although I had one today that was SO huge it was the main dish.


Chipotle is sooo good!! I used to go all the time with my friends in high school! They just got it on the East Coast so I make Ryan go with me all the time. I love it!!
I eat out once a week… i think? It depends on the week. But I really not to go out too often. NYC is super expensive!


Someone may have already let you in on this magic tip…but you can ask for the tortilla on the side of a burrito bowl! From what I know it’s free (because a bowl and burrito are the same price), and they will still warm up the tortilla for you! One of my favorite parts :)


Ok I find it hilarious that there is a Chipotle within running distance of my house (and I thought everybody had a Chipotle) and you never had one while I was always so jealous of you living so close to a Yogurtland because we don’t have them here :(

Fun fact: if you ask for your toppings in Spanish (frijoles, etc.) they give you WAY MORE!!!!


Your sorry to the Tigers fans sounds very much like a #sorryimnotsorry. haha
Love it!!


I watched New Girl last night, loved it! I agree with you on the red apples thing, I’m ok with green ones, but I almost always eat red ones.


My coworkers order Chipotle all the time at work but I bring my lunch every day so I haven’t had it yet but…they are building one about 5 minutes from my house so I can’t wait to try it!
That dish looks super yummy!


You should try the TJ’s pizza sauce with in the plastic container by the salsas. My fam likes it better with their dough. Just a suggestion!


So glad you have joined in the Chipotle obsession! It is the perfect meal. Such a fan of your blog and your family!


I hadn’t had Chipotle until this summer and now I crave it on a weekly basis!!! The carnitas burrito bowl is my favorite. I swear, it has been refueling food of choice during this marathon-training session. If I do well next week, I owe it all to Chipotle.


Honeycrisp and sweet tango (a honeycrisp blend) are the best apples EVER.

I’ve been loving Panera lately – bagels, soups, salads, sandwiches…it’s all delicious.


Ok something else you should try is the Asian Chicken Salad at Panera.


I haven’t been to Chipotle in agesss and that happens every time, I go and why I’ve waited so long! It’s nice knowing that they use all-natural ingredients and you can choose whatever toppings your heart desires :) I typically get a burrito bowl and pile on the toppings and sometimes will ask for a tortilla on the side! It’s so soft and warm, so nice…

Last thing I watched: Grey’s!

Red apples all the wayyy- fuji, honeycrisp, or pink lady please!


OMG Chipotle is the best thing ever! However, I’ve never tried Cafe Rio, but I do hear good things from you and random strangers!

You must order the steak salad. SO DELISH!


I have been wanting Chipotle ever since you mentioned it. I love their chicken burritos….yummmmmmm!

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