It is official. We know 100% for sure that Brooke is a dog lover. (Don’t worry, Bam (the sweetest dog in the world) was only near Brooke when we were right there hovering over him).
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Brooke stared at that dog the entire afternoon and loved his hyper personality.

Billy, it is now 2 against 1 in our never ending ‘can we get a dog right this second’ discussion. Billy is a dog lover but for some reason he doesn’t think it is a good idea to get a dog when the 3 of us live in a 1 bedroom apartment that is 600 square feet with a landlord that doesn’t allow dogsā€¦. other than that, I don’t see why he doesn’t get me one (or two, or three).

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The amazing Jaqueline invited the Brookster and I over to hang out, talk for hours about everything, let me do my laundry (she knew we don’t have a washer and dryer) and eat the best salted caramels you have ever tasted in your life.

Photo 2

If you don’t buy these next time you are at Trader Joe’s I will be mad at you because I want the best for you and these are the best for you.

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We also got lots of tummy time in and Brooke did 8 push-ups which is 7 more than I can do.

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Billy got home a little bit before we did and started getting out all of the ingredients for the perfect panini. Turkey, mozzarella, avocado (remember my .39 avocados) and pesto. I am adding another food to my FMW streak and that would be baked potatoes. I am on day 3 of my baked potato eating.

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Billy had to go to some meetings after dinner and Brooke fell asleep so I was left with a bag of candy corn and the season 3 finale of Friday Night Lights. My soul hurts knowing that I only have two more seasons of happiness left.

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For future reference: Plain candy corn is only 1/12th as good compared to candy corn and peanuts. First thing this morning I will be going to buy some peanuts.


What is your workout today?

If you have a dog, what kind of dog and what kind of personality do they have?

What is your latest food streak? How long has it lasted?

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You will be thrilled to know that Brooke’s development is totally normal, as she is displaying ANTR reflex (“Fencer’s reflex”: the side of the body that the head is turned to is fully extended while the opposite is flexed) in the 1st picture. Yay for my Lifespan Development class :) She’s gorgeous, by the way.


Oh my. I fenced for six years and I laughed so hard when I read your comment and looked at that first picture of Brooke. They do look like little tiny fencers! I love it.


FNL – oh the love!! I remember when you were watching Felicity and I suggested try FNL. It was sooo sooo good. I’m getting my Tami fix by watching Nashville but I fear she’s a bit lost without Coach Taylor!


Brooke looks so cute next to that doggie!! I think she needs a puppy herself!!! I’ve been wanting a dog for years, but my fiancĆ© who also loves dogs doesn’t think we have time to take care of one since we both work crazy hours and are hardly ever home. :(


I literally can’t wait to see what pictures you are going to put up of Brooke every day! She is too adorable staring at that dog! I don’t have a dog, but my parents have a shih tzu and a schnauzer…. Sophie is the shih tzu and she is totally my fathers dog. :)
With my running schedule that Cait over at Arty Runner Chick made me, today is a rest day! Gonna do some yoga..
Have a wonderful day!!


I’m on an overnight oat for brekkie streak…I’m on month 3!


I have a Golden Retriever. She is 10 but she is full of life and loves kids. Hey you should do a post featuring everyones blog dogs! ;)

My current food streak is a no soda streak. 24 days going strong.


Candy corn dipped in PB… Try it!


That sounds incredible. I think I will have that for Bfast!


I have a dog named Ginger! She is my first dog ever, and I got her just about two months ago at our local no-kill animal shelter. She is 6 years old and quickly learned her commands- sit, down, crawl, spin. My old dog can definitely learn new tricks :-) She is a shar pei mix and she also loves kids, since all the kids on my street immediately scream her name and come running anytime they see her outside. She’s such a good dog :-)


My latest food streak is turkey egg whites and avocado. I can’t get enough of this lately.


Yes I have a dog and I am not sure what people do without them?! She is a maltese-shih tzu and is very human like and probably the best, smartest, cutest dog ever. I’m totally objective too :)


Fun day!!

Quick question- How do you cook your baked potatoes? Do you have any secret method or tips?


I have a toddler and 2 dogs, it’s like having 3 kids, tons of work. But dogs are great. And kids need pets.
And no food streaks here. I rarely eat the same thing 2 days in a row but I really want to try the candy corn and peanuts but eating that on consecutive days would be no bueno.


Obviously, Bungee is the best dog in the world. She’s even more amazing now that she’s become a real runner over the summer. We did 9 miles together on Sunday. She’s a black lab mix and super calm and lovey. She loves babies, too, so feel free to come and visit with Brooke whenever you want :).


Brooke is getting so strong!! Can’t wait to see her sit up by herself. Or crawl. Or walk!! :)
My dog is named Koda, a black lab/German Shepherd mix — she’s quiet overall, but she can be a rascal too. She loves chasing squirrels and eating all my carrots so I don’t have to. ;)
I’m currently running a 6 week maple syrup streak … I hope that counts. It should because it’s ridiculously and amazingly good.
I second your candy corn statement — once you go nutty, you never go back.


This morning was a 5 mile run before work. I had to go in early today so thats all I had time for. I’m also trying out a new cardio kickboxing class after work. I’m really excited.

I want a dog. They aren’t allowed in our apartment either. Once we get a house I want a dog. My husband thinks it will be an outdoor only dog. Soon enough he will love it and want to snuggle it inside. I know I will convince him… somehow. I’m not even going to try and get him to like cats though, that seems to be a lost cause. I love kitties.


The picture of Brooke and Bam is the cutest thing!
We have a dog that is basically our child. He’s part jack Russell and is full of energy!


Everyday for my 8:30 am snack (I eat breakfast at 4:45) I have plain greek yogurt. This has been going on for about a year and a half. I do, however, change the add-ins. My current obsession right now is apple butter, cinnamon and almonds.


Ahhhhh!!! Friday Nights Lights! I just re-watched the entire series a few months ago and now I feel the need start all over again. Have you ever watched Gilmore Girls? FNL is definitely one of the best TV shows ever, but GG is funny and drama-filled with pretty great dialogue and it’s completely addictive. My sister and I spent an entire summer watching the complete series a couple years ago.

Latest food streak? Making homemade cheesesteaks just about every night for dinner…for the past week and a half…They’re just so good. Especially when you wrap the sandwiches tightly in foil and pop them in the oven for 15-20 minutes. I’ve also been popping Sour Patch Kids like they’re vitamins for weeks. :/


I want a dog so badly too! I always tell my boyfriend that my biological dog clock is ticking away!!


Have you considered adding M&M’s to your candy corn/peanut combo? Pretty sure I ate my weight in that mixture this past weekend and still crave it.


We have a beagle who is a wonderful addition to our family. Our son has Autism and Harley Beagle is SO in tune to him…it is awesome!


I have had an apple everyday since August 20th.
Workout is a run by feel tonight in both distance and time. (my favorite kind)


Today’s workout: a 3mile run. I just decided to actively train for my first half, so I’m switching over to mile speak instead of my beloved Canadian kilometres. It’s going to take some getting used to! It’s Week 1: Day 3.


I have a beautiful Australian Shepherd named Max. He is the goofiest dog I’ve ever met! He is constantly doing things that keep my husband and I in stitches!


I think Billy is holding off on the puppy so he can surprise you and Brooke with one for Christmas….fingers crossed for ya.

Food streak- protein oatmeal pancake for breakfast yum!
Off to hit the stepmill….WOOHOO!!
Have a great day with your so so cute daughter.


Im doing another 21 day yoga challenge so yoga it is. I have a beautiful basset hound very lazy and just got a fat cat that is easily lazy. No food kick at the moment.


I want a dog soooo badly but have awful allergies so my options are limiting to non shedding dogs (poodles, bichons, etc). I grew up with a poodle and she was fantastic, super smart! We are in the process now of trying to adopt a dog so ill keep you posted :)


We have a Miniature Schnauzer! He is the sweetest little boy doggie in the world! He is very hyper, sort of likes to bark, and loves to cuddle. His favorite toy is his Elmo fleece baby blanket that we put in his cage when he was just a puppy. He carries it everywhere with him, even falls asleep with it in his mouth. I do not think he knows he is a dog :) (that is partially my fault) Love him so much!


I’ve been mixing candy corn with this nut mix my grandparents sent me. So freaking good. Although it made me go through an entire bag in, like, two days. lol


Brooke can do more push-ups than me too!!! And I would also love a dog but they are too expensive and my apartment building doesn’t allow them… Which is why I convinced my brother and his wife to get a dog last summer! They only live 4 blocks away and I get to stay with her whenever they are out of town (this weekend!!!) so it’s the best of both worlds!


My four month old recently discovered our dog, a 125lb Bullmastiff. She laughs when he is around and doesnt mind that his tongue is bigger than her face (we allow him to lick her right before she goes in the tub and she loves it.) Dogs and kids are so funny. He is also my four year olds BFF. Yes, you need a dog!


Vote #3 for getting a dog!! I love having a pup around, they’re so much fun to come home to and snuggle with :)

I’m going to have to try this peanut candy corn thing, you’ve made me crave candy corn like there’s no tomorrow!


Awwr puppies. I miss mine! I had to leave her at home when I moved out because I didn’t want to take her away from a big yard and coop her up in an apartment, but I still try to see her as often as I can. We have a random mixie that we picked up from the shelter, and even though she just turned 9 she still looks and acts like a little puppy.


I will probably head out on my bike soon. And planks for the Carrots n Cake Plank Challenge.
We have 2 dogs. Annabelle is super smart and HIGH ENERGY. Some sort of Dobie mix. And Solo is super sweet, LOW ENERGY. He is a black and tan coonhound mixed with something.
Today is day 1 of no carrots in the house. That would be a streak for me.

The Kidless Kronicles


my peanut thinks that my puppy is a pillow. it works well for them.


I have a pug and a mixed breed rescue dog. Our pug is the most laid back dog ever and I am pretty sure he believes he is a human and not a dog. Our rescue is a Corgy mixed with German Short Hair Pointer. He is more hyper and a hunter and will totally lick you to death. I agree with Billy its not fair to have a dog in such a small space but they are so much fun to have around!


I’m on season 4 of FNL right now and I just want to say that I feel completely cheated by the fact that season one was 22 episodes and the rest of the seasons are only 13. They got me addicted and made me feel like I had four more real seasons left when really they are only half seasons. Devastation.


Heyo! My workout was sad. I tried to add 4/10 of a mile, and died a few times.

We have 2 dogs: Weiner Dog the weiner dog. He is wiggly, waggly and blind. And Meatball the boxer/pit/great dane/dinosaur/tiger. He is goofy, fraidy-cat, love bug.

As for food streaks, I eat at least half a can of chick peas every day. And I put garlic in anything that has to be prepared on the stove. But I could probably eat a baked sweet potato with sour cream and chives every single day for the rest of my life.


I have a golden retriever named Dakota. She is a super sweet puppy and an amazing running companion. Dakota is amazing with kids. I bring her to church and the kids pull her ears, ride her, and pull her tail and she just sits there and takes or stands and wags here tail like crazy. She is an amazing dog for sure!

Totally unrelated side note: I am 110% jealous that avacados are so cheap where you are at, if I want an avacado they are currently $3 a piece at the store!!!! Seriously, talk about ridiculous! Enjoy an avacado or 12 for me please, I can’t quite work them into my budget.


We have a German Shorthaired Pointer named Rosemary. After having two beagles for almost 14 years, she seems like a saint. She is my running buddy and is the best family dog ever. That said, I have been bugging my husband for a Morkie. Rosie is really his dog and I need a dog to cuddle with me too! (My beagles were the best but were naughty naughty naughty. We didn’t need to childproof as we had already dog proofed our house!)


I eat an apple every day. At least one. I can’t help it, they’re so good! But I also love baked potatoes. And seeing you post pictures of Brooke everyday… :)


We have two labs – one chocolate and one yellow. Our chocolate one is pretty needy, but she’s the sweetest dog ever. The yellow one is pretty independent, is always making us laugh, and loves to meet new people. I can’t wait to see how they do with the baby when he/she arrives!

I’ve been on an oatmeal streak lately! I don’t know how many days it’s been now, but it’s been my breakfast of choice these days. Something about the cold weather always makes me crave hot oatmeal in the mornings.


Today’s work out is an 8 mile run.

No dog. 2 cats.

I tend to eat the same foods all the time, but not necessarily every day- if coffee counts that’s like a 5 year streak. I have recently fallen in love with peanut butter chocolate chip lara bars and I eat one every day, but I’m afraid I’ll burn myself out on them.


love love love all your pictures of brooke!!

I have a 7 mile run on the agenda after work today, can’t wait!! running in the fall is the bestest :)

I have a chihuahua and he’s absolutely nutty but I love him to pieces!

i’ve been eating a lot of apples lately. i also include eating apple pie this whole week in that equation…


I have been eating Chex for breakfast at work everyday. I just got the Cinnamon Chex and it is amazing!!
I’d like to run tonight but I have a meeting that will most likely go until 10pm :(


I need to watch FNL. I have heard so many people talk about it (including my family) and I have yet to see it. Ross will just mock me that I want to add another show to me repertiore. Meh.

I am on a pretty good streak of eating treats that people bring over to me. I keep telling myself ‘no treats today’ and then people bring me over a plate of cookies or yesterday it was the most delicious chocolate cake covered in ganach filled with mousse. I take it as a sign that I should never say I am not going to eat treats ;)

I grew up with a yellow lab and that is totally the dog I want to get when we get one. She was fabulously spunky and fun to play with. We totally names her Comet because we loved Full House. I am such a nerd.

Did a 7 mile tempo run today keeping it at a 7min/mi. Now just to motivate myself to do weights. I used to be SO good at doing weights 3x a week and lately I have been doing 1x a week and it shows. Jillian needs to come hve an intervention with me.

Hope you have a great day. Give Brooke a hig for me :)


Those are the best caramels! Try them frozen.. good times :) Dogs are awesome.. I have 2 of them..


So glad you are loving FNL! I love watching it and was so sad to see it end, thank goodness for Netflix!


Dogs are seriously the best! My boyfriend and I have 2 dogs, a 1 year old golden retriever and a 3 month newfoundland. Our golden retriever is the most high energy dog I’ve ever come across in my life, I swear her energy knows no bounds, but she’s the best running buddy ever. It’s hard to tell what kind of personality our newfie is going to have since he’s still so young, but the breed is normally super laid back and completely awesome around small children which is why we chose that breed. :)


My workout today was a 3.8 mile walk outside. Beautiful day!

No dog for us yet.

My latest food streak is my breakfast. It’s been a piece of nutty oat toast topped with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese and a fried egg for about a month now.


My workout today is my spooky sweaty circuit phew. My food streak is yogurt… It’s been 4 days …..


Looks like Brooke is definitely a dog lover! I have a Coton de Tulear….they are very rare and expensive, but are the best dogs you will ever meet. They are perfect in every way……no shedding, great with kids, smart and loving.


We have a borgi- half border collie half corgi. When we adopted him from the pound he looked exactly like a border collie and we thought he would be wonderful to take along for our long hikes. Well time went by and he got longer and longer and his legs stoped growing. And that is when we learned that our dog whos features are exactly the same a a border collie in fact is a borgi. Poor short awkward boy. <3 Also, the boy cant jump his legs are to short and his body to long to haul over anything. strangest thing ive ever seen.


I really want a dog too, but my hubby thinks it’s best if we save money to get a heater/ac for the house first. What am I, a responsible adult??


I’m tapering for my FIRST HALF MARATHON on Saturday, so I’m only doing a 3 mile easy run today. Love that Brooke is a dog lover. We really want a dog and already have a name picked out and the kind we want, but are waiting. His name will be RGIII and he will be a bassett hound. I just love their droopy faces and long ears. My longest food streak is cottage cheese and grapes. Love them!


Workout today will be a run outside once Randy gets home from class. I have my jogging stroller now but no car seat adapter so I can’t use it yet…

I just found out yesterday that Trader Joes just opened here in Rochester this month! I am SO excited to go, I have never been to one before!


I’m planning on pushing my little guy in the stroller for a 6 mile run. I’m just waiting for it to warm up a little bit before we head outside!


Last night I finally gave in and bought those mini PB cups at Trader Joe’s you raved about and now you are pushing the caramels…not good.

I also really want a pup….but our landlord is not in favor. Boo.


We have an Aussie shepherd and he is a bundle of energy. If it wasn’t for Doggie Daycamp or taking him on runs, he’d be one strung out dog. He is very loveable, though a jumper when excited.

So sweet of Jaqueline! <3

I WILL run today. I will. I have to keep telling myself that or I won't.

And Billy is soo right about a dog in a 600 sqft apartment (i've seen them apartments, and they may look spacious but they get small quick). We had a 2 story 2 bedroom apartment with 3 cats AND a hyper puppy and it was NUTs. Thank god we got our house because our apartment wouldn't have been able to hold everyone together much longer. lol.


Janae I love your blog! I seriously look forward to your posts.

I went to spin class this morning and it was hard but it lets me eat lots of chocolate! My latest food streak is apples with peanut butter – ratio = 1 apple:1 jar

I have a dog that we adopted from a rescue shelter when she was 7 weeks old because she was abandoned (see, tell Billy it is servicing your community by getting a dog) and she is 5 yrs old now and a total nut. She’s a German Shepherd/Border Collie Mix and looks frighteningly identical to Charlie from your blog. She’s way too smart and we have to spell words like outside, play, cookie, and bed otherwise she goes crazy with excitement.

My vote is for dog for the Jacobs family!!


Latest food streak is casein protein pudding in the evening before bed. It’s perfection! (topped with AB and some cocoa powder)

Brooke is so cute! If you guys still lived near us, you could’ve come over & used our W/D! Just sayin ;)


This morning I did 30 minutes on the elliptical because I ran 5.1 yesterday. I’m usually not a morning workerouter, I had stuff to do after work today so I had to get it in!

We have two (big) dogs. Molly is a 2 year old chocolate lab, and Layla is a 5 year old mutt that looks like a golden retriever/lab. They are the best things in the world and you should DEFINITELY get one! Then again you do have a baby and that’s a lot of work, but dogs make everything better :) Well maybe not better than your sweet Brooke, but they are close!


Somedays I want a dog really badly too, but my husband and I are out of town most weekends and thinking about leaving him at a kennel or asking someone to take care of him all the time makes me think twice about it!


I totally agree about candy corn! It’s way too sticky-sweet without the peanuts.

Today is a rest day for me, but I’m planning on doing some yoga/stretching because I am INCREDIBLY sore from last night’s SHRED class!

We have two dogs: Harley, a sweet 80 lb chocolate lab princess – she thinks she weighs about 10 lbs and wants to sit in my lap all.the.time. Our other puppy dog is Clyde, the cutest blue-ticked beagle in the world – he is a crazy, loving, sweet, licky, loudly snoring dog. I love them both!


FNL is such a great show! No flash, no gimmicks, just great stories. It was so bittersweet when I finished the series, but definitely a satisfying finish. I go on food streaks all the time!


What a sweet moment between the pup and Brooke!


40 minutes on the elliptical this morning! It felt great considering I was a lazy bum yesterday.

Our dog is a little scaredy cat! However, he gets super brave when anyone comes near my mom and he will for sure attack. I know from experience and now have a reminder in the form of a few scars from his massive bite that got my whole thigh! :O

Brooke’s super cute! Younger sister is preggers and I can’t wait until the baby arrives!


My latest food obsession is Doritos. I had the flu yesterday and all I could consume (and all that sounded good) was Doritos. Needless the say the huge bag is now devoured less than 14 hours later.
Workout wise…ran a full marathon Sunday and still recovering. Hope to be back at it tomorrow with an easy 5 miler or so as I have a 50K on Nov. 17!!!! What was I thinking????


I have a 2 year old chocolate lab named Boone. He is a bundle of energy, but is incredibly sweet. Unfortunately I work 12 hour shifts, and he has to be cooped up in a crate all day. : ( My workout today (other than lifting the 4 pound babies I’m taking care of at the hospital), will be a run or walk with Boone. He used to be a great runner and used to drag me for up to 7 miles, but lately we’re both out of shape! We made it 2 miles last night before I was tired of dragging him behind me and gave up!

Food streaks — I eat peanut butter pretty much on a daily basis, though I try to limit it to 2tbsp. Obsessed. And Trader Joe’s had honeycrisp apples yesterday for less than $1.50/lb! They’re usually like $3 here. Love that place.


Workout today will probably be hill repeats or 800’s. We’ll see what I feel like in a couple of hours.


As always, your entries and pictures brighten my day. You are always encouraging. I just wish Billy could have chosen a school in NC!!!!!! Have you ever tried the candy corn with chocolate on the bottom? YUMMY!


Bam looks a lot like my dog, who is a Jack Russell terrier. She has tons of energy and personality and is so much fun. Sometimes a little TOO crazy, but she is always so entertaining.
I loove caramels. Next time I go to Trader Joe’s I’ll have to get the ones you recommend!


Brooke is such a cutie mccutester!

I went to BodyPump this morning and yoga tonight!


That picture of FNL brought tears to my eyes – miss them so much!

I might go to Body Pump tonight – big emphasis on “might”.

Love that green color from Carters – so cute. I used to have tons of it for Ryleigh.


Ah I just recently started watching FNL and I’m obsessed yet so upset that there are only 5 seasons. Such a bummer. I am forever in love with Tim Riggins and Lyla’s relationship <3


We should have weekly a laundry party! Really, your welcome to come over anytime.
I wish you could have met Pookie. She was the opposite of Bam. We nicknamed her speed bump because that girl never moved. Ha!


Food streak: Peanut butter & banana. Every day. The only time the streak ended was during my first trimester when peanut butter revolted me. SO GLAD that ended mid 2nd tri!! Woooooo what would I do without peanut butter?!;)
Workout: Weights (chest + abs…well, what’s left of my abs- lol!) + elliptical
Dog: no dog :( I had a golden retriever named Pancake, but I had to give her to a friend when Craig &I moved in together….he is HIGHLY allergic to dogs that shed & all cats…it is terrible :( The good thing is that he is ok with dogs with hair that grows- like Maltese. I see one in our future eventually…but right now we have other little things to focus on, as I’m sure you know ;)


Today was 4 miles after work. I didn’t get started until close to sundown and my last mile was in the dark. I normally average around 9:30/mile pace but my last mile tonight was sub-8! I got spooked in the dark (I live in a rural area and when it gets dark it gets DARK) and high tailed the last mile back to my car, haha.

I do have a dog…a 2.5 year old bloodhound. He is 120 pounds of giant teddy bear love :) His name is Hank and he’s a gentle giant. He will just lay on the floor and let little kids crawl all over him. Unfortunately, he is no runner, but he loves to go on long walks and to go trailing/tracking.

I just can’t get over how cute Brooke is! I love all of her faces and seeing her learn new skills.


Brooke is adorable! I love how she is watching the pup in both photos! how cute! When you move to a place that allows dogs, i think you absolutely NEED one!
I wanted a dog my whole life.. from the time i was 3 , that is what i asked for every christmas and birthday but my parents never got me one… boo!!

For my 35th birthday, I finally got my wish, and got a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and named him Dillon and then and a half later, I adopted his 2 yr old uncle, Gus. My two boys are so awesome and very smart! Too smart sometimes! LOL You just have to smile when you see their cute stumpy little legs and big goofy smiles..Dogs are definately work, but so worth the effort. Oh and this breed does shed … a lot.. but hey, if you aren’t afraid of a little vaccuming (ok, a lot) and some fur around, they are great dogs!


Hooray Tummy Time!
I just read an article that says kids need 90 minutes a day. Crazy right?!


Brooke is so cute!

I have a Yorkie named Bella. She’s sooo spoiled! We don’t have any babies yet, so we treat her like one. I literally carry her around in the crook of my arm like I would a baby. But she is so spunky. She’ll talk back to you but is a complete lap puppy.

As for food–my streak is popcorn. I’ve had it every day for I don’t know how long. I love all kinds but my favs are microwave butter, white cheddar, or ranch. Yum!


This is so weird, but I know Jacqueline and Bam!! I use to live in the same complex as her and we would go to the dog park together. How do you know her!?


That is so fun! Just through the blog world!


I lvoe my jack russell terrier. She is a joy. She is so excited to greet everyone at the door, but she quickly calms down and becomes a sweet lap dog.

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