Women’s Nike Half-Marathon

Yes, Brooke’s facial expression is in fact telling you that she was born to crazy parents that get her up at 4:30 in the morning so that she can go watch 26,000 runners run around San Francisco.

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We left the house at 5:15 and my chauffeur Billy got me right to the starting line at 6:15.   Because it is part of my race day rituals to always forget something, I had to ask around to a million people for safety pins for my bib.  Once I found some I started making my way to my coral.  (The cool non-blurry photos are all from Billy.  The fog for some reason made most of my pictures really blurry).

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As I was casually waiting and taking self-portraits like any normal runner would do, my friend Paige walked right in front of me.  We had wanted to meet up but my texting wasn’t working and so it was a miracle that we found each other.  

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We ran the first 3.5 miles together but I made her leave me because 1. she is incredibly speedy and 2.  Billy made me pinky promise not to push myself so that I don’t get injured (something about it isn’t fun for him when I get injured and lay on the couch and cry all day).  

The first few miles ran through the city and along the popular spots like Pier 39.  It was really congested for the first two miles and I would like to apologize to the 70 people I almost tripped and almost tripped on.

About a mile after I made my friend zoom ahead I ran into SKINNY RUNNER and STUFTMAMA.  This made me so happy because I love running with friends.  It brought back a lot of memories of when SR and I ran the entire NYCM together!  They are both incredible and ran the full marathon which is crazy to me that people could run 13 more miles after the crazy hills we climbed!  WAY TO GO!!!

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My favorite part of the entire race is below.  After you run up a hill, you make a turn and see this incredible view (better in real life than in the picture) as you run downhill.  You could see miles and miles of the shoreline and since my body forces me to always tear up at least once during a race, this was the time.

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For some reason I thought that most of the race was in the city but it wasn’t which I really loved.   So many gorgeous trees, views and beautiful neighborhoods throughout the course.  We weren’t able to see the golden gate bridge because of the fog but that just gives me one more reason to run it next year.

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We even ran by buffalo!

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It was so great to run with these girls and talk to them the whole time.  I wish they would just fly around to any race I wanted to run and run with me.  The marathon and half marathon split at mile 12 and so I had to say goodbye to them.

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The last mile was downhill and that felt amazing.  I wish I could have gotten a better picture of this windmill because it was the coolest thing to run by at the end of a race.

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I finished at about 1:42ish and felt great.  My legs did start feeling sore about 10 minutes post race because the hills ate me alive… time to work on getting some muscles.  By the way, this was a point to point race which are always my favorite.

I even got a shot of the firefighters in tuxedos passing out Tiffany’s necklace.   

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After you get your necklace they send you through the chute to get your shirt, banana, bagels, more fruit and water.  The chocolate milk was found by this awesome tent!  It was full of mats and foam rollers with a lady leading the group in different stretches.  I probably should have taken advantage of this but didn’t stay long because I NEEDED to feed Brooke.

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The best running friends ever.  The cutest lady next to me is the one that I went running with the day before I had Brooke!  Paige got a 1:33…. that is her time after coming back from an injury and taking it easy!?!? She also got to shake Kara Goucher’s hand at the finish and then I shook Paige’s hand so technically I shook hands with Kara Goucher.  Mallory rocked it too and I loved meeting her!

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Remember all of the chocolate that I showed you yesterday? Yeah, it is long gone.  

Say hello to my new ‘wear everyday’ necklace.

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How often do you run hills?  How do you power yourself up them?

Do you prefer to run races by yourself or with other people?

What is the prettiest race that you have ever done?

What was the best part about your weekend?

-Definitely the race!

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Hills are my biggest nemesis. It helps if I don’t look up, just focus straight ahead…my mantra is “up and over” that I repeat the who,e time. (I may have stolen that from Mile Markers?)

I haven’t run many scenic races because I haven’t ventured out of Philly! I really want to do a Disney run.

My favorite part of the weekend was that 4 of my nieces and nephews hung out and slept over my apartment…and, I did a 14 mile training run, my longest distance to date!

That necklace (and the fire fighters) are awesome! I am trying to come up with a reward for myself for after the Philly Marathon (my first full!) in November. Jewelry seems like a good treat ;)

Glad you had a great race!


Congrats on the half! Sounds like you had a lot of fun :D. I try and get a hill workout in a few times a month – I always dread them, but feel great afterwards. The prettiest race I’ve ever done would definitely be the half marathon I completed here in The Netherlands. It was beyond beautiful. I like racing by myself but running with a partner is always good motivation to keep up your pace, so for me they’re great motivation during the end of a long run when I’m ready to walk. My weekend was pretty lame – all school work! The best part would have to be delicious Chinese take out Friday night haha :P.


What 1/2 marathon did you do in the Netherlands? My in-laws live there, and I’m looking for a good race to run.


It was the Maastricht Mooiste!


Wow, great job! I was just in SF and loved it, I would kill to run that race. My neighborhood is super hilly so now flat courses just feel weird to me. I love running races with friends but I always like to go in with the idea that I might be on my own to prepare myself! The best thing about my weekend was running my second marathon in 13 days and feeling great – I didn’t think I could do it!


I love hills. Well, I hate them, but for whatever reason, I feel better (and run faster) after a big hill. Crazy, right?
Congrats on an amazing race! And for being smart and not pushing yourself. I LOVE the medal AND that there were FF. I may have to fly out and stay with you next yr so we can run it together. Sound good?
Best part of weekend: Getting an email from you last night!!! xoxo


That has got to be the most amazing race ever! I love the finish line and chute to all the goodies and the fact that someone led stretches!!! But, I totally agree with you, I would of stretched for .5seconds to race to get my hands on my little one… I bet you ran a little faster up those crazy hills, just because you wanted to get to Brooke, okay and some yummy chocolate and the infamous little blue box!


ps. it’s time you update your ABOUT page, to be all About Miss Brooke!


I used to do hills all the time…start out slow and power up for the last .1–‘they’ say to keep looking at the top of the hill to keep good form. I usually look down a bit so I can’t see how much of the hill is left;-) After I get more used to hills I increase the distance that i start to push it. I also plan a route where I have a long hill (not overly steep) at the end of my long run. Just so you know, pushing a jogging stroller up hill is some of the best hill training you can do ;-) Now remember, Janae don’t go all hill crazy right away–start slowly and build up…NO getting injured!

By the way–you totally rocked that hilly race!!!


I ran my first (and probably last, but I won’t say never) 50K. It was brutal. Very lonely, out in the middle of nowhere, and Nebraska-ish scenery. I’m a mountain girl at heart, so while the rolling corn fields were pretty in their own way, they don’t inspire me like mountains do. I usually love races, because I get to run with more people, but in both the Omaha full and this 50K, I was running alone for much of them. I had a friend hop in at mile 18.6 and support me to the finish.

I wrote a blog about the race yesterday.

The prettiest race… Hmmm… Maybe the Boulder 1/2 or the Missoula Marathon. But I did enjoy the San Francisco 1/2 (the second half of the full).


ha, I live in Chicago and I do NOT run hills. If I end up moving out west next year I’m going to die with the altitude and hills. And what a pretty course! I’d love to do a race on the west coast shoreline someday!


Hill work is a beeyatch…but oh so necessary! Great going on the race and I’m kinda (okay very) jealous about that necklace :)


Great recap and great job on the race! I remember doing the Hartford 1/2 and wanting to kill myself after 4 miles of straight hills. No matter how fast you think you are, those hills always get ya! :)


What a beautiful race!! Ok, so how do I register to run it next year?!!? I’m ready to sign up NOW!
The necklace is so pretty!!!
Congrats on an awesome time, I know how HARD hills are…especially when they come up in the middle of a race, but thankfully there was a big one at the end.


My whole town is hilly, so hills in training are inevitable. I like to stare at the ground, start grunting and other awkward stuff to get to the top of hills. Also, I love that necklace/medal — med-lace(???). Great race, and good job keeping things in check. I’m going to not race a race on Saturday, an even thinking about it is hard. Why is it sometimes harder to relax?!


Wow, that race looked awesome! It is definitely on my list of races to run in the future! I’ve got hill workouts at the top of my list for my next round of training.

I’ve run all of my races alone, except for one–because all my running friends are super fast. They all wait for me at the finish line and cheer me on, though, so it all works out :)


Congratulations! I love the necklace!


I never run hills! And the 13.1 Atlanta Marathon killed my legs and ankles. Its all up and downhills. Brutal for someone who always runs on flat lands. I need to get a treadmill to get in some hill training.


Congrats on ANOTHER half!!! I want to run that race – I need that “everyday” necklace;-)
I never run hills, other than the rollers around my neighborhood, and I keep saying I need to do hill work.
I like to run with random people along the course that seem to be going the same pace
The best part of my weekend was a new half marathon PR, it was My tune up for NYC….and, I also found out I passed my personal trainer certificication – a great week/weekend, all around!
Have an awesome week!!


ps – I’ve been running in those exact sneaks, and I am head over heals in love, I tell everyone they should buy them:)


I grew up running tons of hills without even thinking about it but I have been avoiding them recently. We hiked up a lot of huge hills which I think helped me run up them too. I love that tent with the mats and foam rollers!!


If you loved that race, check out the San Francisco First Half Marathon! It’s in June next year (usually July), and not only does it have all those stunning ocean views, it runs over the Golden Gate Bridge and back. A completely surreal experience, I highly recommend it!


Thanks for the Monday morning post!!

Love the necklace.
I used to prefer running alone, but that is changing with more confidence in myself as a runner.
Best part of the weekend was coffee with a girlfriend friday night, one of those talk for hours and have no idea how much time had past.


i had no idea that this course was so scenic! i thought it would be all through urban areas. looks like it was fun and i think maybe i should keep it on my short list!

i hate hills, and when i used to live in dt chitown there were no real hills. but now that i’m in the burbs there are plenty of hills out here, and i’m actually going to do my first hill workout in about 8 years next week. fingers crossed that it doesn’t kill me!


Aw man this post makes me homesick. It looks like it was an incredible time! Also, oh my goodness Brooke’s faces. The first one takes the cake.


Hmm now I’m adding the NWM to my race bucket list (<– my fave super speedy Swiss friend introduced me to this idea, i love it!)

Congratulations on an awesome race! It looks like it was SO well organized… I am on a race planning committee and it gives me so many ideas!


Congrats!!! I’m not sure if I could ever run a half marathon that has hills, I’d probably have to train A LOT for it bc mostly where I run is very flat. Probably the prettiest Race I’ve run is a 5k over the Brooklyn Bridge, it was pretty neat! As for runnin with people, I’d really like to do this, but I just can’t figure out how to talk and run at the same time.


Hills are super hard for me too. The last half I did the hills killed me. I now want to run that race just for the necklace!


My favorite part of the weekend was finishing my half, which was ALL HILLS in a semi-decent time. I told myself just to get it over with and take my time but I pushed myself and finished under 2 hours so I was really happy :-) Second favorite part of the weekend was after the race laying around doing nothing and eating snacks for the day..


I want that necklace, that is all. Oh, and maybe that guy handing it out. Is there anyway I can get it without the hills?

Good for you knowing how to pace yourself and keep yourself healthy! Brooke is proud, I’m sure. And, Billy!


I think I’d run this race for the necklace alone! Love it!


My curious question is how to do you take such steady pictures from your phone while running…you’ve got some talent lady ;)

This race sounds amazing – especially with all the views. Ahhh, I wanna run!!! Can’t wait to have my baby out. I seriously don’t know how you ran up until your pregnancy. You totally were my running inspiration for so long, and total props to you for doing it. This baby has it’s held lodged in my pelvis and running is SO hard on it, so I walk or do weights. Glad you had a nice run today and didn’t overdo it!!! :)


I run hills if they are around, but not on purpose.
I prefer to race alone. But if I am just running for fun, with others.
Prettiest race was Six Tunnels to Hoover Dam I think.
Best part of the weekend? The whole weekend was pretty good really. Can’t complain.

The Kidless Kronicles


Congrats! Sounds like it was a great race! And seriously — those guys handing out Tiffany’s necklaces??? That’s like out of a dream!


Cute Necklace!! I am happy you are doing so well with running!


Ohmygoodness — I thought I had to run that race before, but now it’s a DEFINITE after I’ve seen the view!! And the necklace and the officers ;) …
I think it’s great that you listened to your body took it a little slower — silver lining: probably gave you more of an opportunity to enjoy your surroundings!
Hills are my favourite — I’m all about muscling it up and really, really enjoy the feeling that I get when I do. During my half-marathon, I passed the most people while taking the uphills. Love them!!
Best part of my weekend was a reunion with a really great friend (who I haven’t seen for four months and who is leaving for South America tomorrow!!).


Again, your speeds amaze me. I had a friend run this marathon yesterday and love it. It def looks like a great course and the swag is hands down the best ever.


I love it! I ran the NWM 1/2 last year and had an amazing time, despite the congestion on the course. The hills killed me but it was a fabulous pain :) I wish I would have been home this year to run it, so bummed about that, so I’m crossing my fingers for next year! How was the weather? Looks foggier than it was last year. Hopefully it didn’t rain! The forecast for the rest of the week looks amazing!


What a fun sounding race!!! I love the bling :) and Brookes face at the beginning is priceless. lol


Someone once told me “if you are going to walk, walk like you are late to an important meeting.” That has become my motto for tackling hills. I try to power walk as fast as I can up the steep hills and have found that I actually pass quite a few people that way. Not sure why it is easier than running but it does seem to save the legs.


I love that they hand out Tiffany’s! And what’s not to love about those firefighters ;)


You are awesome! For some reason I really like the foggy pictures. I love the sound of this race (minus the hills), and chocolate milk + a Tiffany’s necklace? Amazing!!!

The prettiest race I ever did was a 10k in Gloucester, MA. 5 of the 6.2 miles were right along a rocky ocean coastline, it was gorgeous (and nice and breezy)!


Congratulations! I loved the recap … I knew a couple of people taking part in the race, so it’s nice to see snapshots of the course so I know what they’re talking about :)


You rock! I was hoping you would show a picture of the necklace, and boom right when I thought it wasn’t going to happen – there it was! I cried (just a little). I want one! I guess I need to become a much better running first. They don’t give those out at 5k’s… boo! As always, Brooke is adorable – love her expressions.


1:42 is taking it easy?!?! I just ran a half in 2:22, and if I can ever run one in 1:42, I would probably never believe it was true. You are amazing.

I hate hills, and I would choose to avoid them always. At all costs.

The Pink half marathon in Park City this last weekend was my first half marathon ever, but the course was absolutely gorgeous!

So glad you got to run the Nike Women’s half. It looks like an amazing race. Congrats!


Congrats, girl! I am so impressed! :) (as always)

Also, what a freaking adorable necklace!!! That is the perfect ‘everyday wear’ necklace! :)


So jealous of that race and love your necklace!
I am a loner and like to run by myself for the most part.
Best race I have ran was the Disneyland race, and my favorite spot I ran was along the ocean in San Fran last summer, we ran every morning while we were there.


Sounds like a great race! I’m not surprised you want to run it every year – the course is gorgeous! I was wondering how hilly it would be, considering San Fran is notorious for its hills, and I can’t believe you ran it in 1:42! Hills kill me, and I avoid them at all costs…


I ran yesterday too! It was my second time running the Nike Half, and I love it! The atmosphere is so positive and the views are great! (also, I love using exclamation points) I agree with you about the best part of the course, too – tears sprang to my eyes. Glad you had a great experience.


What a great race recap, you did amazing!!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, you’re so making me want to go cross-country for this race next year!! Looks like an awesome race!! I wonder if one of those firemen would fit in my luggage to fly back to Boston.. Hmmmmm.. And CONGRATS on a great time – happy recovery!


I rarely run hills…I live in the plains.

Sadly, I have only run races by myself…except the occasional 5k with my husband.

I ran the Crazy Horse 1/2 marathon in SD and it was beautiful…most of the run was along a trail with trees changing colors.

The best part of my weekend was the pumpkin patch with my family.


The race looks absolutely fantastic!
I WANT that tiffany’s necklace!!


Congrats on a great race….I ran a lot of that course in the SF Half and it’s a killer but the ocean view IS amazing.

I ran my first sub two hour half marathon this weekend…1.55.34. Am beyond excited and considering the Olympic trials ;) It was a good weekend all round.


I ran my first half marathon on Saturday and it was incredible! I ran by myself but I’ve decided I need to find some running buddies.


Where I live its very hilly so I run hills every time I venture outside for a run, my go to move is a mind trick, I don’t allow myself to look up, I look down at my feet and it looks flat so I try to trick myself that i’m running flat, surprisingly it works!

It depends on the race and what my goals are, if i’m just running to run then I love the company, I am a huge running chatter, but if i’m trying to improve on a time I like to run alone, I find I push myself harder
The prettiest race I’ve ever done was called the underwear affair in Vancouver, it was in the evening just as the sun was setting and we ran along the water downtown, it was breath taking
The best part of my weekend was Sunday family dinner, everyone went to my moms place for a very yummy feast


It’s hared to find hills in Texas so I usually run them on the tradmill.
Three girls from my running group ran Nike this past weekend – I was jealous of them.
I had a glorious 3 day girl’s trip to a music festival in Austin and went to the best bike shop (Mellow Johnny’s) that made me feel like a total poser since I don’t bike. I wouldn’t trade it for Dallas but it is a very cool town.
I like running in races with people I know but I don’t like trying to maintain the same pace. It’s fun to meet up afterwards though.


Great Job on the half! It’s so funny pictures of other bloggers on a bloggers blog. I’m pretty sure I’d get excited if I saw any of the bloggers I follow in a race!

I don’t do hills. I really should though because I am terrible at them. I did a hilly trail race last weekend and by the end of the race I was so dead feeling. I would tell myself “you just have to work hard for the next 5 minutes or so” and try my hardest to not feel like I was walking up and actually running. I would then try and relax my running at the top and then go as fast I I could and stretch out my legs on the way down.

I’d certainly like running with other people but the people I know that run are super fast or super slow. Haven’t found anyone at my pace yet :-/


This race looks amazing. You are also amazing for running such a good time while taking it easy!

I prefer to run races by myself and the best part of my weekend was sitting on the beach with my husband in Hilton Head, SC late at night. The breeze was perfect and it was so peaceful.

Love the first photo of Brooke. She is so alert :)


First off, that races looks SUPER fun and I LOVE the necklace you got at the end! Looks so fun! Congrats on racing so well after a baby too- YOU GO GIRL!

I live in HILL country! Everywhere I run I turn are hills. I’ve grown up with them so I don’t really know any differently. When I run flat courses/races I always think, man this is sure nice!
I prefer to run races by myself. I don’t know why! At the end then I meet up with everybody and then it’s party time!

Prettiest race I have done was a XC course where we run through the woods and trails. Super pretty.

Best part of my weekend was getting REST I needed from running and seeing my Grandparents!


I do trail races once in a while (there are a LOT in NorCal!) and I just try to power up the ones that don’t feel like I’m walking up a flight of stairs. If they ARE that steep, I just alternate power hiking and jogging up. I tell myself, “Earn the downhill, earn the downhill!” and it makes me work hard to get to the top and coast down.


The best part about my weekend was going to church, chilling at the house and then watching the Seahawks game at in our friends theater room and…best part, she made us Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner. :)

There aren’t a lot of hill in the Phoenix area so I was pretty happy to find a new park w/ some hills…not huge ones but at least something.

Prettiest race ever would be…I’ll be honest, I haven’t really run any. The second 5k I did had potential…it was at a gorgeous golf club & was a light luminary run but a dust storm hit like an hour before so they started it early, wind/rain/dust and luminary things totally blew away. I basically ran in the dark, with dirty, hot wind and rain in my face….it was still fun though. I love running at night.

Do you have to wear pads in your sports bra since you’re breast feeding? I am in awe of you…I could never do it.


I definitely want to run this race just for the necklace! haha


Congratulations on another great race! Gotta love that “must feed NOW” feeling ; )

I used to do a lot of trail running and ultras so ya LOTS of hills but it’s a different vibe than road running and the big inclines are always power hike for me.

Most beautiful race ever is hands down Catalina – you MUST try this one.


What a pretty course, I love the necklace, and you did a great job! I’ve just started really running (more than just some sprints) and I really like it so far. I hope to start connecting with some people who want to be my running buddies so I can have running friends! I feel like it will be even better than running alone :)


NICE work! Yes, I heard the hills were killer! But you rocked that. And you are gonna rock that necklace. Love!


Wow that looks like so much fun!!!! What gorgeous scenery you had :) And that Tiffany’s necklace is so pretty! I would have that same expression on my face if I were Brooke, too ;)



Congrats on the race!!! Hills are BRUTAL and it sounds like you killed em! Good job!!!! Congrats!!!!


congrats!!! love that necklace too. :) random question for you not related to anything in this post whatsoever, but i have always wondered; what lip gloss brand/color do you use? the one you are wearing in this post? i love it and it is super flattering on you! ha, sorry for the super randomness of my questions…i am a lip gloss junkie!!


You really are so sweet! Is is from Victoria secrets and it is called cherry bomb! I love it!


I used to hate running hills and so I started doing them all the time. Take what is my weakness and make it my strength…and all that ;-) I probably incorporate some massive hill into every run. The prettiest run I ever ran was probably my second leg of Hood to Coast. So fun that you got to see friends! I must say, you have really nice friends :) My weekend was pretty great. A blogging friend (Running Hutch from Heavy Medal) stayed with me for the race…it was so fun to really get to know her! And she had a PR!


Congrats on the race! I am uber excited to run the San Francisco Marathon in June! I love the Bay Area! You amaze me!


You are so sweet for the shout out! That was so fun meeting you and your family. Have a blast in the area and good luck with law school.


I`m impressed by your time but more so by any person that “easily” runs 1.33 (AFTER AN INJURY!?!)
San Francisco is beautiful (and really hilly, as I remember it) but that necklace?? Wow. That`s the best thing ever! From people in running shoes and suits! I might be a tiny-bit jealous now!


You are such a talented runner! And I am very jealous of the necklace – what a great idea! Hope you recover quickly. x


Congrats chica! It amazes me that you were able to run so soon after you had Brooke- I have a feeling the only running that I’ll be doing post-preggers will be to Costco :P

P.S. I feel somewhat silly for thinking this but buffalo in San Fran?! I never would have thought that!


I am so jealous!! A race in San Fran..I am in love with that city. Don’t be surprised if I ‘accidentally’ forget to buy a return ticket and show up at your doorstep :) Feel free to do the same for Chicago! Congrats on the race, you’re an inspiration to us all!


Great job and way to listen to Billy! NO MORE injuries for either of you!! Holy swag is right wow! The first pic cannot be beat–Brooke’s expression! :)


I am still so impressed by your mid-run picture taking skills! You rock, Janae!! :D


How cool is that Tiffany’s bracelet?! What a great gift!

I run hills all. the. time. Georgia is full of them! I love it and hate it at the same time. That’s a lie, I only like hills if I’m walking them. Running is a bit hard for me, but I like the challenge.


In Auckland the hills will find you so there’s always hills to run in every single training.

I’m going to register this race for the Tiffany necklace and fire fighters in tuxedos- who wouldn’t?


ahhh, that spot where you pop over the hill and see the coast line open up is my favorite part of the course too. I was just telling a couple friends about it while we were recapping our favorite races on Saturday during the Baltimore half. The “emerald 12K across the bay” is my other favorite SF race. You start in sausilito, run over the GG bridge and end in aquatic park.


Great job in that hilly race! Reading that you teared up when running down toward Ocean Beach just made me realize that I tend to take that area for granted, but also that if you come run the mountains in Marin… you’ll bawl your eyes out! The views from the mountins and lakes are just absolutely breath taking, and I NEVER take those for granted! :) There are even a few trails that you could bring Brooke on in the jogger when she’s ready! She’ll love it!


Great Race, Love the commentary and the pictures!!


Congrats!! I’m hoping to make it in this race next year!


I wish I loved hills, but I so don’t! I definitely need to work them in to the rotation more often, though. I’ll put that on my agenda next training cycle after NYC. Too bad I didn’t do more hill training this time around because I hear NYC is hilly. Oh well!

Best part of my weekend was my 20 miler where I got to run with all the hot air balloons in the sky in Albuquerque!


Hate hills. But I try to run them once a week, when I can.

I want to run one of those races with friends! I bet it would be so fun!


I rarely run hills now that I live in Chicago because they are hard to find. When I do come across one, I tend to put my head forward and hope that the weight of that big noggin (sp?) helps pull me forward.

Way to rock out that half! My best part of the weekend was a couple amazing reader emails! I cannot believe how kind people are.


I L-O-V-E, LOVE, the finisher’s medal, err, necklace :)) Good job, Janae!


Congratulations! Reading this makes me want to run another half or even a full marathon. Looks like so much fun.

I’ve only run two races. One was a 5k and the other a half. The half was in NYC and it was so much fun. We ran right through Times Square.

I hate hills. HATE.


Okay – I SO needed this post today. My first half is this Saturday – as in five days away. I am nervous/anxious/excited, so it helped to see how much fun you had at your race! Thanks, girl!

The best part of my weekend…..it was our five year anniversary, and we spent it together in Nashville eating a ton of good food (and Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream – the BEST!).


Janae! You did amazing! So, I am sorority sisters with Brittany who was commenting back and forth with you this weekend since we were both down there running the half together. Everytime you emailed back she would read it with me and we both almost cried that we missed the meet-up when there was a beta error with the sending of the message or something. We were so excited for a chance to almost meet you! haha! Next time for sure! We want to do this one again! GOOD JOB ON THE RACE! I LOVE MY NECKLACE! I just did a recap over at my blog so if you want to see our pics go check them out!!!


I am really so depressed that we didn’t get to meet up! I was so mad that the email didn’t go through! I can’t wait to read your review and recap! Next time you are here can we please please please meet up!


Congrats on such a strong race on those crazy SF hills! This race is now oficially on my bucket list, hills, Tiffany’s and firefighters, yes please!


Gosh this race sounds like SO MUCH FUN! It is a major bum fest that I live in cold old Wisconsin cause I would love to do this one day. Maybe I can convince my boyfriend to get stationed somewhere closer to CA for this one :)

I haven’t been able to run in forever (since my first marathon in April) because of HORRIBLE plantar fasciitis and I miss it more than anything. I may or may not have teared up reading this! Great race, Janae!

The highlight of my weekend was spending the entire thing with the boyfriend. Pumpkin picking/carving, dinner with friends, and his sisters confirmation.


Congrats on an amazing race! I teared up at the same spot on the course :)


I always tear up at least once during a long race too. Apparently that much exertion really messes with my hormones and emotions!

If I run outside, I run hills, so I’m pretty much always running hills.


It was such a great race! I missed the buffalo, but I’m so glad the last mile was downhill for the 1/2! Congrats on another race. The necklace is my new “everyday” necklace as well.


Great time Janae! Congratulations!


The hills killed me. I missed my goal by 11 minutes, but I still set a new PR for the full. I am wearing my Tiffany necklace right now. :-)


Ahhh this is getting me so excited for April 28th!


My sister sent me a link to your blog that I got this morning and decided it’s by far the most entertaining way for me to spend my down time at work – thank you!

After reading this post I immediately sent her an email (OK I sent it as soon as I read this…) about tearing up during a race! Thank you – I thought I was crazy. The first race I did I figured it was just because I was proud of myself after losing 100 pounds and being able to complete a race in a respectable time. Then, I figured after I kept tearing up it was because I was constantly PRing as a new runner (or during one marathon because I sucked it up so badly). In any case – I don’ t know why this happens but I’m so happy I’m not the only one this happens to!


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Hi! Are you running the sf marathon this year? I’m contemplating about it still.

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