Today on my 5 mile walk I was thinking about why I crave the marathon distance?  What made me do a marathon in the first place?  My parents didn’t start brainwashing me as a newborn to want to be a runner like I am doing to Brooke, so why did I sign up for that first marathon and why am I already thinking about the ones I want to do in a few months?

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In high school I always said it was one of my goals to run a marathon but I actually don’t think I thought I would really do it but instead just said it so that people would think I was cool (I needed all the help I could get).  Once I got into college I would go out for longer runs but never really knew how far I was going because I didn’t have a garmin.  I went to school at BYU Hawaii and ran a few times a week for the summer and when I got back my aunt (who has probably done close to a trillion races) convinced me to run a half marathon with her.   (Picture from after a marathon, back in the day I didn’t take a million pictures and so I don’t have one from my first race).  (PPS my cutest cousin on the right is getting married on THURSDAY!!!)

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After that half marathon I wanted to die.  I had no idea why anyone in their right mind would even think about doubling the distance and paying money to do it.  I was sore for 4 months I think.

I met Billy and we would go running together every now and then and he really encouraged me to get more into the sport.  He bought me my first Garmin, winter running clothes and some sweet shoes for my birthday.  I did some sprint tri’s and shorter races but the marathon still didn’t cross my mind.

It wasn’t until my bf Megan and I were working out one day at the gym that I decided to run a marathon.  She told me she was running the SLC marathon and convinced me to do it with her.  I went home, paid the money and had my aunt put a training plan together for me.  I did every run except for one on a treadmill because the only time I could run with the job I had at that time was when it was dark outside.  The marathon came, I hit the wall hard but when I finished I knew I wanted to do another and did one 7 weeks later (the Utah Valley Marathon).

Utah Valley Marathon 15

The Utah Valley Marathon actually ran right in front of my house at mile 25…..I was just a little tempted to go inside to get a ding dong and collapse on the couch. 

I want to focus on 1/2 marathons for the next year to help me to get speedy again so that I can break that sub 3 marathon but that doesn’t mean I won’t sign up for at least 1 or 2 marathons because those are my absolute favorite.  

In non-running news, I have mastered making Billy’s bfast egg sandwich and lunch with just one hand.  Brooke is especially fun in the mornings and I do not like putting her down.

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What made you sign up for your first races?  Did you ever think that you would do crazy running distances?

What is something that you have done with your running (a time, workout, race etc) that you never thought you would be able to do?

Who in your family runs?

Do you have any races that are super close to where you live or do you have to travel for most of your races?

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I just started running last year & made completing the Seattle Marathon my new years resolution. I actually did my resolution and I am still running. I do travel for some races, but stick closer to home for the majority. I’m trying to convince my BF the do Bay To Breakers next year. That may be the furthest that I will travel for a race next year.


Is that a baggie of spicy cheetos in the background? :)

Two of my uncle’s are in the military and they run like crazy. Their wives and children even go running with them! They are both very disciplined families and their kids are the greatest! I just wish that they could send some of that motivation and running talent my way because it is NOT easy for me! Makes it fun that way I suppose!


I started running about two years ago, and find you so inspiring! A friend got me into running and at first I thought she was crazy for running more than three miles… why would you want to do that!? I have aunts and uncles who run marathons and find that tremendously inspiring to keep running as well. I’m running my third half in Long Beach pretty soon and couldn’t be more excited! (Am hoping to train for a whole soon!)
Btw, Brooke is adorable! :)


For years I thought I would do a marathon “some day”, eventhough I wasn’t even running at the time. That some day came three years ago when I was 38. I finally ran my first marathon and have been hooked since then. I am the farthest thing from a naturally runner so when I started running a few years ago I never could have even dreamed of being fast enough to qualify for Boston. Yet, two months I did! I guess sometimes we don’t dream big enough!


I have run by feel of my body for 10 years. Literally last year on a longer run (which at the time was 6 miles) I had this voice say do a half marathon on your b-day. That run was basically 2 months out, so I looked at a beginner training plan as followed it. I loved it, I am not fast, but I love that distance. Ever since then I look forward to my Saturday long run more than anything else in my week. I recently, as you know, ran my 3rd half and got a PR I was hoping for.
i know the marathon is in my heart, I just haven’t had the voice give me the official nudge yet.


Hi Janae!!Boy Brooke sure is cute!

My husband(then my boyfriend) got me into my first race.We would run together and he signed me up for a 10 miler in Central Park.I have been racing ever since and that was 20 years ago!!
I have been doing triathlons all summer-never thought I would do that.That was because of a running injury I got a year and a half ago-got me to swim and bike.Best outcome ever!!!
Everyone in my family runs from my 6 year old son to my 74 year old mom!

Lots of races around here(6 miles north of San francisco).Sometimes I travel to race but not often.
Take care and keep those cute baby pics coming:)


I lost a lot of weight (almost 100 pounds!) by working out in a gym. I got bored with the elliptical, and thought I’d give running a shot. There is a five mile race in town, so I trained for that. After I ran that race, I thought, “What if this is the best shape I’ll ever be in? I better run a half marathon while I have the chance.” After I trained for and ran a half marathon, I thought, “What if this is the best shape I’ll ever be in? I better run a full marathon while I have the chance.” Silly, I know. I’m running marathon #6 this fall, in Boston. I like to travel for races, because it keeps my non-marathoner husband interested. I usually pick places with neat brewery tours for him to check out :)


I’m the only runner in my family, I’ve only been running for about 2 years, and I signed up for my first race in January of this year. I had NO IDEA I wanted to run a marathon until the day before registration opened for Chicago…and I just went for it! But after I ran my first race, I was hooked on racing in general :)

The Chicago Marathon course actually goes within a block of my apartment right at mile 25.5, and I’m hoping that I won’t be tempted to just go home!


My first race was a half marathon–and I too was like “I am never doing a full marathon”. Well, I’ve done 2 now. HAH.

YAY for having good goals for the future! I like the treadmill for some runs too–we can be weirdos together :)


I was crying as I crossed the finish line of my first half marathon in May. It was something I thought I could never do AND I did it faster than my goal–I’ll never forget that moment!


When I first started running, it was primarily for weight loss and maintenance. I would run on the treadmill all the time in the gym, but eventually took it outside and started exploring. Then I found a running group that had social runs and someone told me about training for a half marathon. I never thought I would ever be able to run 13.1 miles because that number was so daunting at the time, but eventually it became a stepping stone for the full marathon. My first full was the Chicago Marathon in 2010.

The one thing I never thought I’d be able to do was break 4 hours! Since then I’ve done that twice and am looking fwd to improving my race time.

My aunt, who passed away a few years ago from cancer, was an avid runner. I raised money last year with the ACS in her honor when I ran the RnR marathon in New Orleans, so that was a very meaningful race for me!

I have a few races in the area I like to run, but I LOVE traveling for the full marathon distance. It’s a great way to see whatever city you are traveling to.

I love the ‘future marathoner’ outfit on Brooke! So cute!!


Where on earth did you get the “future marathoner”. I love it! And now really want one for my 4 week old little girl too. And congrats on your little one. She is adorable. I hope your loving this as much as I am, it sure sounds like you are.

I do compete in some standard road races, but mostly I compete in obstacle course races with my boyfriend. There are a lot of fun, a different crowd than you would experience at road races. I highly recommend trying one.


My dad is a runner. I started running after my freshman year in college & my very first run with with my dad. He was fifty something and kicked my butt. Then we started doing races together. First 5K’s, then 10ks and then half marathons. Granted, I ran a half Marathon with my roommate first and he knew he could not let me beat him. Once I started doing half’s, I knee I wanted to do a full. It has been many years and I didn’t sign up because my fear of failure. Then I did sign up & got injured. But I WILL do this marathon! I would love to BQ one day & then go run it with my dad there to cheer me on ( and maybe run the last part with me). It was something he always dreamed of, but because of current health issues, it won’t ever happen (him qualifying ).

Most of my races are by my home or near my family’s (for convenience ). Or I will travel to St George. Because I am always looking for a reason to go to St George.:)

You will rock those half’s and fulls and it will be so awesome to have Brook waiting for you at the finish line!


My first races were family fun runs with my dad. We used to run hand in hand for the entire mile. I started marathons about 8 years ago and then added in triathlons about 4 years ago.

I love the future marathoner onsie! How adorable!


My freshman year in college I decided that I wanted to run a marathon someday. I finally decided to take action two years later, and start training for a half marathon (baby steps ;). Every since I finished my the half marathon, I’ve been in love with running, and I’m planning on running another half in November. Eventually, I’ll start training for a full, but I’m going to enjoy the half marathon for now. :)


I am in the process of training for my first-ever half marathon! I’m beyond excited, and I have a feeling it will be my favorite distance. A marathon seems a little long to me, but I definitely want to run one some day!

I love running, and as a new mom, it is sometimes hard to find the time. I decided to run this half marathon for an extra push to make time. I’m not the kind to show up for a 13+ mile run without preparation.

Brooke’s hair is seriously my favorite! I can’t get enough!


The first (2) races I did were in college and were one year apart. They were fall 5K’s. I signed up for them because my husband (then boyfriend) knew I wanted to start going to the gym and workout (I danced 3 days a week but I wanted to do something else seeing as how when I left college I would probably not dance anymore). So he helped me train for the 5K’s….I hated training….hated running…and didn’t run after the 5K BOTH times. Although I did do better the second year.

Fast forward to this past April, I knew I wasn’t exercising and need to kick my butt in gear. We were at the local running store buying stuff for my husband and I decided to sign up for the 5K training group. After the first few weeks I was already determined to keep running after it was over. Luckily it wasn’t that hard because I started to like running! Since then I have kept with it and am working on increasing mileage and getting speedier. Some weeks are harder then others but I love it! working on getting winter gear so I can work through the winter!


I am running my first marathon in October and I am feeling more prepared with every long training run. This weekend will be my first 20, whew! Luckily living in Portland OR gives me a lot of opportunities for races, I haven’t had to travel to run a race YET. I would like to run the Carlsbad Half in January, but of course it’ll depend on all sorts of things :)


I am running my first half marathon this Saturday!!! I started out with 5ks and decided one weekend to try out a half plan. I find it’s given me a ton more mental strength, as well as preoccupied my mind from other stressful life happenings (moving out in two weeks, wedding planning) I love distance running. While I am not sure if a marathon is in my future, I totally smell more halfs! Thanks so much for your posts, they truly are inspiration.


Running is something I never thought I would ever do. Watching my boyfriend, now husband, run the RNR LV half in 2010 made we want to try and give running a shot. I was inspired by my husband to run my first half after he ran the LA marathon in 2011 in the pouring rain. I’ve run one half but had to stop running due to a high risk pregnancy. I am planning on running two halfs in the next six months.

My family were definatly not runners, however, after my dad had a massive stroke 5 years ago, I started to walk on a daily basis. I know my dad would love to be able to have the opportunity to run. Plus, God has given me the gift of my health and the ability to run,why not use it.


My favorite races are last minute sign ups. I am not a serious “racer” and one of my favorite things in the world is being in shape to run a half whenever I hear about one!
My mom and brother run… now just to get my little sis on board hehe!


I was a sprinter in high school, but didn’t run more than 3 miles until college! The last year of college I started training for a half marathon. Indianapolis holds one of the largest half marathons in the country each May, where you get to run a full lap around the home of the Indy 500 and most people around here run or walk it at least once. Unfortunately I herniated a disc in my back and had to put training off a year. I finally ran it and was hooked! I’ve now Completed 12 half marathons. I’m running my first marathon in November as a “bucket list” thing but that’s how my half marathons started too :-)


I’m the only runner. My son (in high school) hates sports & exercise, and he had to run the mile in PE today. Ha. At least they can get him to do it.


I NEVER thought I’d run at all- PERIOD. I LOVE to work out- I have always worked out, but never ever EVER liked running. Then at age 45 I STARTED to run, and LOVED IT. It just clicked with me. Within one year-I was able to run the Chicago 10 mile- which was HUGE for me- because I never thought I would be able to run that distance EVER. I’d love love love to do a 1/2, but I’m struggling with stupid and annoying IT band issues right now. A marathon will NEVER happen, I’m sure of it- because my body would fall apart right there on during the run.


Ok, im running my first half marathon in October. What happened that made you feel like you wanted to die and were miserable for months?!?! Please advise! Im ina training program but im still nervous and want as much advise as possible!


Oh I didn’t mean to scare you!!! I didn’t train for it and it was a downhill course so it made me crazy sore! You will do amazing!


I started marathons out of naivety. It was 5 yrs ago. I was getting back into shape and working out a lot with my friend. She said, “we are doing a marathon, want to train?” If she could do it, I could too. We ran the Seattle Rock N Roll that year. I would say that the half is my absolute favorite though, only because the training is far more manageable. That and I live in a terrible place for marathon training. Although, I have done too more fulls since that first. No one runs in my family and they don’t quite “get” the whole marathon thing.


Thanks for sharing how you got into the marathon. I wanted to do one for a couple years but mentally…I just wasn’t there after some longer training runs. I finally stopped doubting myself this past winter and since it was so mild…I got to keep my training up pretty well and ran my first 26.2 in march….I was a little shy of a BQ so in may I ran Vermont and got my BQ there…I paced better and was stronger mentally since I had already gotten one under my belt. Now my biggest challenge is an upcoming 50 miler in October…it’s going to play some serious head and body games w me but I’m actually excited lol. Unfortunately, none of my family members run. :-/. Btw Brooke gets cuter by the day! :) hope you have a great time at the wedding!


Loved this post!! I ask myself that question all the time and wonder how I got to this place in my life where I crave that satisfaction and self accomplishment of running 26.2 miles. I remember having a similar half experience and telling myself to never include a full on my bucket list because the half was awful enough haha. But here I am thinking about when I can do my third marathon:)


My crazy daughter inspired me to start running. She wanted to do something to help her stand out in her huge high school (she has 1300 in her graduating class). I had a runner friend who was training for Boston and coached. I suggested running a half since so few teenagers run that distance. We started training together and ran our 1st half in 2:39. She did a few 5k’s after that but has since quit running. I, on the other hand, have become a little addicted.
The thought of running 26.2 miles when I started seemed crazy beyond belief. I’ve only done it once and I wasn’t happy with my time but I did it and plan on running more when I’m done with nursing school.
No one in my family runs. Luckily there are tons of races where I live so I don’t have to travel unless I want to.


My husband and I are the only runners in our families. We started running as a way to lose weight, and now it’s just become part of our lifestyle! I’m comfortable sticking with the half marathon (will be running my 8th half later this month!), but my husband has really hit his stride (no pun intended!) and is training for his first 50-mile solo run (which will be his second ultra this year)! I’m so proud of how far he’s come and he really inspires me to work hard and run through the tough times.


How did you break through from wanting to die after your first half marathon, to actually doubling the distance. I am registered for the Houston Marathon in January and I am terrified! I have done three 13.1s and I just don’t know how I am going to make it.


I knew that I wanted to run a marathon some time in my life… and the opportunity came last year when my friend expressed the tiniest bit of interest in running one, too. Although I like the half marathon distance the best, I plan on running at least one marathon per year (and anything in between. This year, I’ve run an 18-mile race and a 22-mile trail race).
I’m the only one who runs in my family… as of yet ;P


I thought I’d link up a tuesday tangent with you.. but today you have really cute pictures of Brooke… I just have puppy pictures…

There are a ton of races around us, but I usually travel home (florida) because I love running with my sister and having my mom and dad at the finish!


I decided to run my first half marathon because one day I ran 10 miles – I figured that I only needed to go 3 more so I signed up for a race that was only 3 weeks away. I LOVED every minute of it!


I never thought I would voluntarily run…and that too more than a mile!! More than fit, running keeps me sane!


I signed up for my first race after getting dumped by a very unsuitable boyfriend. I knew I could either eat chocolate or get fit, so I chose to get fit. I did a 5k and that was me hooked. None of my family run. My husband used to, but he runs rarely now. I ran one marathon – that thing I never thought I’d be able to do!!

We have loads of races round here (Bay Area) so I don’t have to travel. But they are pricey!!!


Go to target and get the Moby wrap to wear her, you will love it and have two free hands.

I had been a cross country runner in high school, just for fun not that great. My parents ran casually when I was little a few 5ks here and there. I had a fourth grade teacher who got us really into running that year. When I was 25 my Mom was dying (stupid cancer) and made me promise to run a marathon for her since she never did. Can’t really say no to that one. She never mentioned anything about this ultra crap I seem to like but I guess i took it a bit far.

The OC Marathon comes within about 2 blocks of my house at mile 14ish, I was kinda dying and did kinda want to stop but we both know that will never happen.

Do you walk 5 miles holding her in a blanket like that?


Agree with the post above, you need a wrap or a sling so you can carry the baby but have both hands free!
Two and a half weeks until my next half-marathon, bring it on!


i was living in spain and was sort of bored! so i figured, why not run a marathon. 4 marathons later and i’m still hooked! ah.


awesome! I ran a bit in highschool (track, not cross country! too far! I was a 400 girl all the way) and ran to relieve stress in college and before I got married. Then I had two babies, 2.5 years apart and ran maybe 2 miles total in the time in between. While finishing a weight loss competition at work 3 years ago, I ran my mouth (hence my blog name) about ‘wanting to do a 5k’ (nope, didn’t really plan on it…I was just making conversation) and a friend/colleague at lunch grabbed my wallet, and my credit card and had me registered for a local 5k before I could stop him. I’ve been running ever since, and talked my way into running a half marathon later this month. Currently I’ve been hearing myself talking about a trying a tri….but I don’t swim, and I don’t own a bike…although I have a feeling it’s in my future somewhere. I have yet to mention a marathon, but I have plenty of pressure from people who hear I’m doing my first half, “When are you doing a full?” For now, my answer is, “let me finish my half first!”


Oh, and I just registered for another first half marathon yesterday, because the start is about 15 minutes from my house, and I’m pretty well trained at this point. It’s in two weeks, which is 2 weeks before the other half marathon that was supposed to be my first which I’ve been registered for since January!


I have absolutely no desire to run a full marathon, but I LOVE half-marathon distance. I won’t say that I’ll never run a full, but at this time I’m not interested. The very first half marathon I ran went right past my house too, and I DEFINITELY thought about hopping off the track and getting back into bed, haha!


If you told me even a couple of years ago that I’d be running marathons, I would have laughed in your face, but here I am. I think when I started running longer distances and reading running blogs, something snapped in my head and made me love crazy long runs.


After I started to run 5 yrs ago I decided to sign up for a race when I knew I could hold my own in a run. Considering I started from not being able to run to the corner, this was huge for me. I initially started running with my husband. Unfortunately he has since been diagnosed with fibromyalgia so running is quite a challenge for him at this point…making it more just a sport for me. With that being said I am the only one in my family that runs. I think most of my family members secretly think I’m crazy. Ha! In the past I had to travel to every race. Now that we moved to Phoenix last month it looks like I’ll have lots of races to choose from. Very excited about that!


Great running story! I can’t wait to read about your post-baby comeback.
I never, ever thought I’d do triathlons, nonetheless an ironman but I’ve now done two and have plans for many more!


I decided to run the Colorado Marathon on a whim, after just running two halfs. I just wanted to see if I could do it. While training, I had no idea what to expect as far as times, etc., but actually ended up qualifying for Boston during my first race. It was an awesome experience and definitely got me hooked.


I was talked into my first half marathon by two friends who ended up dropping out! But, I ran it and got completely hooked. I lived in Boston for ten years and always wanted to run the marathon but never thought I would be able to run it. I ran it in 2008 (on a charity bib) after I no longer lived there and loved every minute especially after cheering for it for so many years! I got my husband into running and even though I can’t run anymore he still does. I’m so glad we got to run some races together before I had to stop (including one in Utah)!


The first race I ever ran was Race for the Cure and I did it for my mom who is a breast cancer survivor! It was a 5k and I honestly thought that was the furthest distance I would ever run – I never imagined I would sign up for a 10 miler! I also never imagind I would work my runs into my life the way I do – This past weekend I got up extra early to squeeze in a 7.5 mile run before a 6 hour road trip, never would I have done that in the past!! No one in my family runs but almost all my in laws do – all my sister in laws, 2 brother in laws, nephews, nieces and even my mother in law! Not to mention most of my husband’s cousins run as well…We have enough races close to me and in fact I’m part of a relay team for the Baltimore marathon in October and am debating my first half next June right near me as well!


I started running in law school because it as the best form of stress relief and really helped me focus on my studies. I ran my first marathon during my last year I law school…the st George marathon. That was 1997 and i was hooked. This year will be my 12th st George and thirty something marathon. You’re totally right…there is something about the marathon that is so captivating and special. I love training and couldn’t imagine my life without running! You are a darling mom. Brooke is very lucky to have you! (and billy ;))


I’m not sure what made me start doing 5K’s. My first one was in 2002. I think I saw running as a way to lose weight or keep weight off, and I remember liking it. My first 5K time was probably around 30 minutes and it was difficult.
During my first half marathon (which was part of the larger Philly marathon), I thought that I could never do TWO of them. I never aspired to run such long distances until I joined Team in Training after I was done my treatment for lymphoma. The surprise benefit was that all that long running made me faster in 5K’s and made me love running and training even more.

My Dad used to run to stay in shape but he stopped not long after my little sister was born. Now he has terrible knees, so I am looking forward to that in the future (not because running ruins your knees but because of genetics.) My husband runs and has always been quite fast. Now he is having trouble keeping up with me!


I signed up for my first races so I could brag about it to my family, honestly. Hahaha. Then I found out that longer races (or more expensive races) typically give out finishers medals and I was sold. No one in my family runs distance, my brother can do about 5 or 6 miles but he isn’t interested in going further than that. I am the only one to have completed a half marathon! :)

If you told me that one day I would be able to run over ten miles with no stops to walk, I would’ve said you’re crazy.

PS. I just got diagnosed with IT band syndrome and I saw in a few posts back that Billy suffers from the same thing. What has he done for recovery? How long did he take off from running to recover? Any other advice you can give?


Thank You Janae for that inspiring post!! I needed it!! I’m running the Mt. Nebo 1/2 marathon this Saturday….it’s down Payson Canyon! I’m excited because it’s a fast race…..pretty steep downhill race….that gives me encouragement to break a 2 hour 1/2 marathon! When I grow up I want to be just like you and be super speedy!! :O) Brooke looks super cute! I can already tell she is super fast like her mom and dad! ;o)


At this point in my life, I’m still in the mindset of wondering why on earth people would put themselves through that… or even HOW they get through that… I know I’d be falling over dead if I ever attempted it. Maybe someday that will change though. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m not around any hardcore runners in my daily life. No one in my family runs. My friends don’t run. My dad used to run, but that was way before I was born so I was never exposed to it. But who knows, maybe it will change one day. Never say never, right? :)


I love all the pictures of Brooke. It’s great to see you being a mom! I didn’t think I could ever do a marathon EVER in my life. That was for crazy people. Then when I ran my first half marathon I thought that maybe it WAS possible. Pretty cool to know that we can do things that we don’t even know we can do yet. And it translates to every aspect of our lives. I love that about running.


In that first pic Brooke looks a lot like BILLY! She’s killing me with the cuteness. I, too, particularly love the marathon distance. I think it’s because I feel like I can overcome a lot over the distance. If you have one bad mile in a 5k, you’re toast. One bad mile in a marathon is nothing! I stopped to tie my shoe in my PR marathon!
I signed up for my first marathon because I found an amazing coupon for it. $40 for the first time RnR bought the New Orleans marathon! Who can resist a $40 marathon???


I wanted to do the couch to 5k so my friend (a runner) said she would do it with me. That was my first actual race (non-walking). It didn’t stick then though. A couple of years later, I jumped straight to training for a half marathon. I wanted a trip to the beach and my friend had done the OBX half marathon and it looked like fun. So that was that. I have now done 10 half marathons and have NEVER wanted to jump up to a full marathon. I am just not willing to devote that much time to training.

The Kidless Kronicles


I never thought I could run 6 straights miles, I tried last December with an injury and ran/walked it. I finally tackled the distance a couple of weeks ago and I honestly thought I wouldn’t be able to do it, even though I am training for a half-marathon. Next up is going for 8, then 10, and then the whole 13.1

I wanted to race because I was reading so many blogs that made me what to put my running into something really fun.


I am loving all of the pictures of Brooke! She’s is so presh with her chickie hair fluff!

I was never a runner. Every now and then I would do a mile, but the most I had run was 2 when I got a flyer in the mail for Team in Training. Running a marathon wasn’t even on my bucket list…But for some reason it sounded like a good idea. So I signed up, went to the first practice and did the 3 miles on the schedule without stopping. Althought I felt so accomplished after, I have decided to stick to half marathons because I didn’t like the way my knees felt for weeks after that.

I ran a small 5k last February and I was 1st in my age division. Never in my life would I have thought I would have placed. I remember track days in Elementary school where we had to participate in at least one running event. I was always last.

No one in my family runs :(

I mainly stick to races in my area. BUT if I were to make it into the big ones like Nike Women’s (i’ve done the half before and really liked it), New York, DC, Boston, Chicago, then I would travel!


I was never a runner but started running on the treadmill after NY in 2007. I kept at it and my dad signed me up for my first 5K in Oct. 2007. I was hooked. I didn’t think at the time that I would be a distance runner. Now I am! I am hooked on the marathon and 50K distance and have my site set on my first 50 miler in 2013!

I never thought I’d BQ but I did!

My 58 year old dad runs faster than me! Plus my 80 year old great uncle runs roughly 1-2 5K’s races every single weekend!!

There are quite a few fun & unique races close to my house. I am willing to travel though!!


One of my best friends loves to give me a hard time because when I first started running I told her “there is no way I’ll ever run a marathon, they are too far. I’m going to stick to 5k/10k.” Fast forward two years and I’m in the middle of training for my 3rd marathon (CIM on 12/2) and I have 2 more scheduled for next year (Phoenix on 3/2 and Eugene on 4/28). After Eugene I will probably take a break from marathons and focus on halfs for a while..

My grandfather ran marathons all the way up until he had a stroke. He was quick too, he used to place pretty well in the masters class.. My older sister runs, but not consistently. We ran a half marathon a few weeks ago.. No one else in my family is very athletic.. My boyfriend is in the Marines, so he works out a ton (and is sooooo fast) but he doesn’t have much interest in running because, to him, it is part of his job and it’s something he has to do, not something he likes to do. I’m hoping I’ll slowly be able to sway him towards running distances. He did say “maybe” to a half marathon next year =D

I like to travel for races. It gives me an excuse to see new areas or visit my parents in CA. Plus it is too hot in AZ to race for most of the year, so there aren’t many races longer than 5K from April-September..


I have been blessed with runners in my family. My brother and I started XC together in high school, then we roped my little sister in and during our training over the summer, we even roped my Dad into running too. After a coupe of year, we got my older sister into running. While my sister ran in college, we meet my “sister in law” and we have roped her too. Recently, a younger cousin has also started running :).

I run 4-5 times a week with my dad after work and at least one or two of those days are with my sister(s), and SIL.


My mom was on her track team in high school/college, and her usual distance was the 3-miler. I remember being a little itty bitty thing and my mom taking me to run around the track with her. I loved it! I’d run 7 minute miles with her and I was 6! Something happened (puberty=laziness in my case) and I seriously never, ever ran throughout my teenage years. I was too busy flirting to worry about running, or really working out at all. So running is a new thing that I re-discovered after having my son (he is 3 in October). I ran my first half marathon last October, and have done 2 more since then, and a handful of other races. I feel that same way every time I run a half — people actually turn around and do that entire distance AGAIN? I die every time! I keep telling myself I want to run a marathon, maybe after I’m done having kids and my husband is a millionaire so I don’t have to work full time and have time to put in the training… but running a 20-mile training run sounds miserable! I need some motivation…


Hey Janae!

I also got the crazy idea young that I would run a marathon before turning 25 and do an ironman before 30… I turn 25 in november, and at the beginning of this year my friend who was just getting into running wanted me to do a 10 k with her. I ran throughout university strictly on a treadmill at home do destress (working full time and school full time meant that at 12:30 at night my mom would hear the treadmill going downstairs) So I decided that I would do the run with her but instead of doing a 10 km I signed up for a half marathon. I completed 2 half marathons in the span of 4 months and am currently training for a full marathon in October (coming in right under the deadline for my crazy weird goal as a youngster).

Why the marathon? why Half Marathons? I don’t know, sometimes if I’m having a really bad run I think oh my word and I am going to do a full marathon! But I just try to have the trust and faith in myself and know that my training will pay off and finishing is my main goal for this marathon. Perhaps when I finish it I may get hooked on full marathons, but if not, at least I completed one of the goals that as a youngster I set for myself. :)

Best of luck in your training (and having the peace and patience to give your body the due rest it needs before pushing it) :D


First of all, congratulations on little Brooke! Love the spiky hair! This morning I did my first tempo run! Not sure really how it went since I don’t have a Garmin, but seemed okay. I am coming up on a year of running! I want to do a half marathon in early April 2013. I can’t imagine doing a marathon since I just don’t think I will ever have the time or youth! I am 44 with three kids. I know people can run their first marathon in their 40´s or 50´s but I am okay with just running!


Omg Brooke is adorable! I absolutely LOVE all her cute running “gear.” She is def going to be a super speedy runner just like her mama.

First, I have to say I love your blog! My coworker recommended it to me a few months ago and I read it everyday. Thank you for all your inspiring thoughts, quotes, info about running, and sharing your life with us. You are amazing Janae!

I got into running because a friend asked me to run a half marathon with her in Feb 2009. It was tough, but I really enjoyed the challenge and decided I wanted to do a full. I haven’t really stopped signing up for races since then. I’m hooked! :)
I love the feeling running gives you! My fiance got into running too when we first started dating in 2009 and he’s hooked too. He proposed at his first full marathon (NYC marathon) last November at mile 18 and then proceeded to finish the race. He continues to inspire me everyday.

I’m training for the Nike Women’s marathon in SF on October 14, 2012! Can’t wait!!!!

Do you have any races that are super close to where you live or do you have to travel for most of your races?


Oops! I meant to delete this “Do you have any races that are super close to where you live or do you have to travel for most of your races?” haha


Been a bad blog commenter recently, but I just wanted to say that I’m glad you guys seem to have settled into a good thing out in CA.

I started running cross-country because it would get me in shape for basketball better than GOLF would :-)

I’m with you – after the TOU Marathon next weekend, I want to shift my focus back to 5K,10K, and Half-Marathons for a while… but the marathon is just so alluring. I keep telling myself I am taking a year off from 26.2, but we’ll see if I can actually hold myself to that!

What marathons are you already dreaming/scheming about? I’m definitely coming out to CA for the Big Sur 1/2 in November.


As you can see by the name of my blog that I am working on getting to that marathon. I’ve always had a goal for myself that I would run a marathon and I know I will do it eventually. I had hopes to run one this year, but injuries have prevented that.

I’m currently training for a half this October in Atlanta, but I’ve had IT band issues just like Billy. I was dumb and didn’t take enough time off though so I’m paying for it. I have 4 weeks until the half, and I don’t think that’s enough time, but I’m sure going to try.

I started running in January because my friends and I signed up for a 5K and I’ve been hooked ever since. I love reading all of the running blogs out there and that’s when I started my blog as well so that I could log my journey through running and learn about it from others.

My Dad was a fantastic runner for 20 years and he ran 2 marathons (LA Marathon and Carlsbad (I think??)) as well a a bajillion 5Ks, and 10Ks! He hasn’t ran in years, but he’s training for a 5K right now so that we can run one together, I can’t wait! :)

You are absolutely amazing going for that sub 3 hour marathon…I know you can do it and I’m cheering for ya! :)


I did my first half marathon a year ago with my friend during college. It was fun having a running buddy, but I was scared I wouldn’t actually go through with it. Thankfully I DID do it, and the fact that I finished it and worked so hard has made running ever since more enjoyable and possible. Knowing what I’ve accomplished makes it easier to keep going.

Running a marathon is like a dream of mine. I don’t know if/when it’ll happen, but I hope to continue running and sign up for one someday. If anything I plan to do more half marathons. I’m sure that’ll get me into the marathon mindset.


I come from a whole family of runners… me, my dad, mom, brother, and sister have all run marathons (crazy family!) at one point or another in life. I love the common bond we share because of it. So as soon as I met Weez (my now husband), I knew I had to convince him to jump on the long distance running crazy train with us :)


Thanks for sharing, what a great story!


I basically did my first marathon just to push myself a little harder. After doing a half marathon, which was hard, but very doable; I just thought I could do more. It always seemed to be an unreachable goal, but after doing the half it just didn’t seem that unreachable.


I will be running my first 1/2 marathon in October. And possibly another one in November, but I have the option of running a full marathon in December. I’m on the verge of committing, but I just can’t convince myself to do it since the furthest I’ve ever run is 8 miles and that was last week.


It’s so nice to hear your racing story! And Brooke is just the cutest! You are such a sweet mama :)
I signed up for my first race after I made a decision to stop telling myself “you could never do that!” Even though my first race, a 5k, was slow as molasses, I was hooked! I ran 12 races of varying distances in my first year of running (last year!) and will have run 16-18 by the end of this year. I took my first half marathon time from 2:25 to 1:50 when I ran the same race a year later and am now working my butt off to attempt a BQ in December. Running has shown me that you can do amazing things if you BELIEVE that you can!
I mostly race close to home because it’s so beautiful around the Bay Area and there are a bazillion races to choose from! But I did do a half in Hawaii this summer, and I enjoyed the destination race experience.
I am the only runner in my family and I’m pretty sure they all think I’m NUTS! Which I secretly enjoy ;)


Lovin’ Brooke’s hair !!!

I registered for my first race to help the local school system. HOnest truth.


I never thought of running until a personal trainer at my gym came up to my treadmill and asked me how far I ran. I casually answered “15km” and he asked me if I ran marathons. I looked at him like he was crazy and said, “No. I just run to train for cheerleading.” After researching and finding out that a half marathon was 21 km’s I decided to run my first half marathon at the Disney Inaugural Wine and Dine because we were planning a family trip and were going to be at Disney at that time. My sister and I ran our first half marathon there and it was actually my first race ever. I’m now training for my first marathon!
My mum started running last year and I convinced my dad to run his first race in the spring where he came in 3rd in his age category! (I think he’s hooked to run the same race next year!)


You went to college in Hawaii?!!? That’s so cool! That is actually like my dream… I really want to go there for grad school! How have I not heard more about this on your blog?!


I am running my FIRST 1/2 this October 7 here in San Jose. The Rock N Roll. I then signed up for my second (without even running my first yet) which is the Big Sur Half in Monterey on November 18. I am SCARED out of my mind but equally excited.

I never thought I’d be a runner and I still dunno if I should call myself that. We have a love hate relationship. Though I signed up for a 10k (DNS because i got majorly sick) and then finally did another and have been somewhat loving the races.

No one on myside of the family runs. Though on my husbands side my Grandpa in Law and my uncle in law were/are ultra runners. Like 100 mile sprint through the mountains kind of runners. And my grandpa in law is in his 80s! though he did stop ultrarunning several years ago due to knee issues, but we walk the 9 miler in Big Sur (an event part of the marathon event).

I thought I’d never be able to run sub 1hr 10k. I PRd it this past February :)


I always just ran for fun, 2-4 miles at a time. Then I decided I would brave a road race and signed up for my first 8k in 2007. Ever since then I kept increasing my distance in races since I enjoyed the challenge and ran my first marathon 3 years ago. I’ve now completed 5 marathons! A marathon was on my bucket list, so I’m not really surprised. I am surprised I want to keep running them, and thought about doing an ultra-marathon or ironman (half ironman for starters).

What is something that you have done with your running (a time, workout, race etc) that you never thought you would be able to do? – Every marathon I did I cut about 11 minutes off each time. I never thought I would improve so quickly.

Who in your family runs? I’m the only one in my family that runs. I’ve convinced some friends to run a half, and a sister-in-law to do a full!

Do you have any races that are super close to where you live or do you have to travel for most of your races? Most of the races I have to drive about 1-2 hrs to get there. I live out in the middle of no-where.


I’m running my first half marathon this month and I never thought I would!! (and maybe still feel a little unsure that I can do it). But honestly- you have been very motivating! The last couple months of training I would think- ‘if she can run 8 miles while pregnant, I can do this too’ :)


I still don’t know if I will ever run a marathon. I really love the half marathon distance but I am so worn out by the end of the race, I can’t imagine adding another 13.1 miles to it! lol But maybe one day….


Funny enough – YOU are the reason I signed up for my first race!! I had emailed you because I felt like we were BFF’s and could share my problems with you (ha) and you emailed me back and were so sweet. Reading your blog is the reason I started the Couch to 5k program last summer – and this summer I ran my first half marathon!! I also went to my first spin class because you were raving about it – and loved it. I never thought I would run a half marathon…it is crazy to think about it when I see where I started. I continue to read your blog EVERY day. And you totally should move to Chicago so we can be BFF’s in real life – just saying.


Wow! Kim your comment made my day! Seriously thank you! Congrats on your half marathon, you are incredible! We are bff’s! I want to come to Chicago now!


Today I had the ungodly thought of “I think I want to run another marathon”. Why!? What is wrong with my brain?! I just spent an entire post complaining about how hard my 5 miler was…stupid head coming up with silly ideas!

My last marathon was heavenly, I absolutely loved it. I want another marathon like that…but I’m afraid to commit because what if this next marathon sucks as much as my first?! Gah…I should probably stop thinking about it!


I saw my roomie running her first marathon and thought I could never do that. I just started running and a 5k hurt. A few years later I ran a half marathon with a decent time and finished much faster than friends who run marathons. Then I thought, if they can do that, maybe I can too and signed up :)


I decided to run the marathon because I love running distances and it was something I never imagined I’d do! And when I set my mind to something, I’m pretty stubborn about making it happen. Although I haven’t been able to run this week because of IT band issues, so I’m kinda freaking out…


Loved this post and how much you have achieved and changed the years I’ve been reading your blog :) you are a running star in my eyes!

What made you sign up for your first races? Did you ever think that you would do crazy running distances? I think giving my running a purpose other than just a way to burn the kcals made me sign up for my first race. I wanted to run for a reason and raised a lot of money for charity in the process!

What is something that you have done with your running (a time, workout, race etc) that you never thought you would be able to do? I did my first ever half marathon this weekend in 1.36… I was aiming for under 2 hours so I burst into tears with happiness at the end!

Who in your family runs? Nobody! D: I’m a lone soldier

Do you have any races that are super close to where you live or do you have to travel for most of your races? I would love love to do NYC or The disneyland marathon. I would be over the moon if I made either of those two!


I did my first race because it was for a good cause (Lung cancer) and I wanted to see if I could do it. It was just a 5k but I enjoyed it. From there I moved to half marathons and to this date I have only done 5ks and half marathons.

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