Somebody was spying on me during my run.

Look who I had watching my every move while I was on the treadmill.  Not only do the neighbors think I am crazy but now their dogs do to.  Every ten minutes he would start barking at me and then go back to basking in the sun.  

Photo 1 2

I got on the treadmill this morning and said I was going to run until Brooke woke up because I have to find some way to fill my time when I don’t have Brooke to play with and she always gets mad at me when I wake her up for my own selfish reasons.  I got to 10 miles and she was still sleeping but I decided to stop because I couldn’t handle anymore Kardashian drama;) That is a lie, I could handle their drama all day long but I was ready to be done running.

Photo 2 1

My lunches are really random but there are too many things that I want to eat and so I just combine them all for my perfect lunch.  Of course I had to have pb and j (I think I am going to have another for my snack), a baked potato, apple and tilapia with tabouli  and roasted zucchini.  

DSC 3956

Don’t you hate it when your pb jar is getting low and so it is more difficult to dip your apple into the jar and then you get pb all over your knuckles.  Don’t act like this hasn’t happened to you.  There is a reason Billy and I have separate pb jars.

Photo 1

Curly just called me (okay my mom called me and put Curly on the phone) and she sang the ABC’s for me… made my day!


Last time you ate peanut butter?  What did you have it with?

What is your long run or race this weekend?

Best thing you have eaten today?


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I had peanut butter this morning in my oatmeal! I’m hoping to get in an 8-10 mile run this weekend since its been farrrr too long. And I just had the most delicious apple cupcake with huge chunks of apple and cream cheese frosting. yummmm!


Last time I had peanut butter was earlier today… with a spoon :)
My long run is 22 this Sunday and the best thing I have eaten today is a mix of candy corn, peanuts, and candy corn m&m’s…. but I do have a london broil with mushrooms and onions cooking in the crockpot and some squash cooking on the stove right now so I’m thinking that might come in a very close second!


Use what is left in the bottom of the PB jar to make overnight oats. Then nothing gets wasted! Or I just buy the JIF To Go so I can get to it all.

I can’t decide on my long run for this weekend. My longest in a long time has been 6. But I need to ramp up fast for a half in a few weeks. 8? 10? Your thoughts?

I am going to have a nectarine and I know it will be GOOD!

The Kidless Kronicles


I had PB today! On a rice cake :)
11 miles this weekend… but you can do that in your sleep ;)
Hmmm best thing I ate today has got to be my morning oats with strawberries and walnuts!

Have a great night!!


I had pbj sandwiches for both breakfast and lunch today…one of the best perks of being pregnant!!!

The best thing that I WILL eat will be tonight…Red Robin French fries. I am beyond excited!


I totally relate to your peanut butter knuckle drama! It happens way too often. I had pb yesterday on my sandwich (same as yours yesterday. Creepy? It could have been if I would have known you were eating it at the same time). I have been craving another one ever since. Perhaps for lunch tomorrow?

I am only running 8 miles tomorrow. Last long run in my taper before the marathon. I really want to run farther than that! I feel like I should be running more and it is driving me crazy. Who knew tapering would be so hard?

I just ate a macadamia & apricot kind bar. Friggin delicious.

Way to go on the 10 miles. You are a machine!


Glad to see I’m not the only one who secretly likes the Kardashians ;)


I thought you were about to tell us you ended up doing another treadmill marathon since she slept so long! haha.

I had some with chocolate chips last week…I was baking. And yes, I do hate when I get it on my knuckles when I dip crackers into it!

Still taking it easy shooting for 3-6miles.

Chocolate chip cookies from Salata.


I do not like peanuts or peanut butter one teeny weeny bit! The best thing I ate today was mussels in creamy garlic sauce with bread. My OH is a genius in the kitchen :)


Haha you have a peeping dog!
I thought I didn’t like peanut butter until about a week ago when I mixed it with honey. Umm what was I thinking!?
Grapes, thanks to your Costco brainwashing.


PB knucles are awesome though because they’re unexpected!! It’s like an added unforeseen bonus! And I love combo lunches, it’s like going to a buffet, but with food that you REALLY want!
First half marathon this weekend!! Looking to run a sub-1:35 but if the weather holds up I might be able to go sub-1:33. Fingers crossed! (If you see this comment and have any advice for a newbie, please send it along!! Getting to the point where I’m starting to become more nervous than excited …)


That dog is so funny, just sitting there staring at you!! That’s it. I am having a pb & j for my snack today. And, yes, the knuckle thing happens far too often! Glad I’m not alone.


I had peanut butter and an apple for breakfast! (4 tablespoons of pb to be exact. it is the perfect amount because every quarter of the apple gets an entire tablespoon making tha pple to pb ratio 1:1!!!)

Long run or race? None! But a lonnnnnnng hike is definitely in my future!

Best thing you have eaten today? Definitely a chocolate-covered cream puff! HEAVEN in my mouth!


Try putting your PB in the microwave for a few seconds when you get to the end of the jar. It will soften and you can pour it onto your apples instead of getting it all over your knuckles.

No long runs this weekend, tapering for a half marathon next weekend in Bloomington, IL.


The last time i had peanut butter i poured in some mini marshmallows and chocolate chips and went to town. one of those nights ;)

planning on 12 miles this weekend! hope to do it in at least 2:30, but we’ll see. i only ran 4 miles this week. argh.


Oh man, my dogs would LOVE to live next door to you. They would never bark, just watch you like a couple of furry stalkers. It might be creepy…


LOL – I totally get pb on my knuckles too. :)


Just had pb on a spoon.

Long run is 12 miles with my mom tomorrow she is training and I am just maintaining. We did her long run last weekend together and it was so much fun!

best thing:free popcorn at work.


Love the Kardashians!!

Last time I ate Pb was a couple weeks ago for breakfast with my apples :)

Best thing I had this morning was my breakfast, toast with almond butter mixed with honey spread on it with banana cut up into slices and put onto it :D

my long run will be tomorrow, 7 or 8 miles, just depends on how I feel and how my shins feel :)


I’ve never had peanut butter! :shock: I’m actually allergic to it, but I had almond butter about 1.5 hours ago if that counts. And my jar is getting low as well, so I can definitely relate to the dirty knuckles woes… Unfortunately, mine is the kind that you have to continuously stir, but I get lazy so all the really creamy AB ends up at the top, and the bottom of the jar ends up being all dry and crusty. Boo.


THat is so funny with the dog- maybe he thought you were running to him?? lol!

I have to say, I found your blog mid-pregnancy and it has quickly become one of my favorites! Love you girl!! and brooke is the cutest with that spikey hair too!!

I’ve noticed all your tilapia did you get it at costco? can you post/link to the bag you get cause i’ve never found it in bulk before!


Heading out for my second 20 miler ever this weekend! Nervous but excited! I need to catch up on your blog because I wanna see more pictures of your adorable little girl!


Had pb this AM! I always eat a spoonful straight from the jar first thing in the AM as I’m making my coffee. A prebreakfast snack I guess! So delicious :)

Best thing I had today so far was turkey sandwich piled high with hummus. On toasted bread… That’s key !


I hate when I get AB on my knuckles too!! Gahh!!

Love a good run–glad you get to have those endorphins, baby :)


I eat peanut butter in my oatmeal everyday! When the jar gets low, Janae, you just make oats in a jar :)


The best thing I’ve eaten today has been goat cheese! I love that stuff.


You should really try some almond butter from TJ’s :-)


Is that your first 10 miler since Brooke?? You are awesome!! My random but delicious meal was chicken with a side of captain crunch cereal:)


my hubs was super sweet and bought me a croissant this morning. i toasted that baby up and smothered it in peanut butter and jelly. that was also the best thing i have eaten for SURE! (a close second was a pumpkin spice chocolate truffle)

no running, the hip is back to hurting so maybe i’ll do some situps and 8 push-ups if my arms are lucky :)


10 miles on the treadmill, nicely done!
You definitely inspire me to want to love the treadmill more…still working on it!


Aww Curly sounds like a very smart young lady! ;)

Best thing I’ve eaten today … Mellow Mushroom Buffalo Chicken pizza. So. good.


Girl. You are ticking these runs already!! Amazing. I can’t wait to follow your training in 2013.
Big things will be happening!!


Peanut butter knuckles are a hug problem for me, I’m pretty sure it happens to me at least once a day.
I’m running a 5k this weekend! I haven’t been running much lately so hopefully it goes okay. I’m not expecting a PR, just to have a great time!


Love the creepy neighbour dog, I live on the bottom floor of my apartment and have a huge patio, around the patio are a few other apartment buildings and whenever i’m out there I feel about 10 sets of eyes on me, super creepy!
as I am typing this I am eating a very large banana smothered with peanut butter and honey, in my world there is no better snack! so I would have to say this is also the best thing i’ve eaten today :)


at least the dog gives you entertainment!? And yes, the PB jar thing happens to me all the time… ALL the time. Like I just discovered some almond butter on my knuckle while typing this.


Last time I at PB? In my breakfast with oatmeal, honey, pumpkin and apple…and while waiting for my popcorn to pop a whole 30 seconds ago :)


I made PB cookies today!! Definitely got some PB on my knuckles, as I had to use 1/2 a jar, haha.


I have a half marathon in the morning. My last race was almost 5 months ago so I’m really excited for this one.

I have peanut butter toast almost every day. I recently discovered I like crunchy peanut butter . Go figure.


My race is a 5K tomorrow, but I’m then running 5 extra miles to get to 8. I thought I might as well make this a fun long run, so why not throw in a race?

I only eat PB on Rudi’s Gluten Free Cinnamon Raisin toast. Its a heavenly combo.


Love my spoon o pb everyday! Is outside running harder than ‘mill? Im new to running, think i am in love but have only been on the mill since its 500 degrees in NC


Celery cream soup among many other healthy and yummy things today at the FitBloggin conference here in Baltimore. So good! Last time I had pb was on a bagel thin. Have a fab weekend. :)


I had peanut butter today for a snack on some green apple slices. It as yummy. I have a 10K this weekend. The best thing I ate today was some avocado wrapped in turkey bacon. That was good.



I ate peanut butter on toast this morning with banana and honey!
-I’m headed out for an 11 mile run tomorrow morning…my first half marathon is in 3 weeks!!! I’M PUMPED!
-We had pizza for dinner tonight and it was the


-I had a slice of toast with peanut butter, banana, and honey for breakfast.
-11 miles tomorrow morning…my FIRST ever half marathon is 3 weeks away!!!! I’M SO PUMPED!
-Best thing I ate today was Veggie Lovers Pizza from Pizza Hut for dinner. Yummy!!


Pb&j everyday!!
Thanks for the treadmill tips. Keep them coming! I have been getting so bored on the treadmill so today I did what ou suggested. Every two minutes I went up 2 in pace. Thn down, then backup.


A post without a picture of Brooke……?! That’s come to be the highlight of my day!!

I am running my third marathon on Sunday! It’s a small race – 1,100 people – in my hometown. gonna be interesting compared to chicago last year!!


I haven’t had peanut butter since Thursday…what is wrong with me!!!


Love PB!!!


HAHAHAHA…that dog cracks me up. I can see by the look in his eye that you are getting on his nerves!


That dog is cracking me up! Creeper!!

I think that I could have nut butter anytime of the day! I had it with lunch yesterday: yogurt, apple, granola, and dark chocolate dreams nut butter. It’s been my go to lunch lately. :)
Have a great day!


Peanut butter is amazing! I get my knuckles in there way too often.

Nice 10 miles, with the perfect entertainment! 32km for me today and I don;t know how you do it – it made me never, ever want to run a marathon.


Ha! I fully admit that I get pb on my knuckles, but I actually really hate the sensation. But obviously I don’t hate it enough to stop dipping into the pb. :-)


I just had peanut butter yesterday in my oatmeal! I forgot how to make pumpkin oats, though (it’s been a while) so they were all soupy.


10 miles in 1:22 :o you’re getting fast, fast!


Mmm, I love Tilapia, especially blackened. I ran my first 10K today. It went better than I expected, although hot and humid. I last had peanut butter on toasted sandwich thins for a snack yesterday.


Haha I’ve totally done that with peanut butter before!


My long run this past weekend was only 10 miles, but that’s because this coming weekend it’s a marathon. Woo!

I ate a homemade peanut butter protein bar this weekend, does that count?


I’m usually an outside only runner but I’m traveling for work this week and I do not run alone in strange cities… Please let me know HOW you watch the Kardashians on your iPad. I need to do that!!

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