Enjoy it for what it is.

I REALLY loved running while I was pregnant.  Sure the whole cramps and carrying around a basketball in my shirt got old some times but I really loved the mental aspect of running while pregnant.  Don’t be jealous of my awesome facial expressions. 

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I wasn’t running because I felt forced to keep up with my training plan.  I obviously wasn’t running to lose weight or to get faster.  I didn’t run while I was pregnant to hit a certain mileage, I ran just to run.  I ran to enjoy it, to relieve stress and to feel those endorphins.  Coming back into running and training for races I have decided to include 2 of those types of runs a week so that I can continue to love running for what it is.  It is so easy (especially when reading running blogs all of the time) to get obsessed with hitting paces, running races and getting better at the sport but I really want to have some runs each week that just make me happy.  I want to include a run with no goals and no idea how far or fast I want to go before I start my run that day.

One of my most favorite quotes about running ever (I have probably posted this picture a million times but one more time won’t do any harm):

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Speaking of running, I didn’t today.  You think that treadmill running is boring?  I forgot how boring that little black machine is. 

Photo 1

What you don’t just throw your jacket and keys all over the place at your gym too?  

After I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (still hanging out on level 1 and I am proud to say I can do all of the push-ups that she does for the workout… oh yeah, but mine are on my knees and she does them on her toes) while Brooke continued to snooze in the swing.   

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Another thing I am incorporating into my training is cross training.  As painful as it is to skip a beautiful day of running my body can’t handle 6 days of running (except when I was pregnant and having ALL easy runs).  I want to start doing speed work etc and so cross-training is necessary for me to not crack my femurs again (along with a few other things I am doing differently this time around.  That elliptical and I are going to become very close, I just need to find a way to bring down my TV to the apartment gym so that I can watch reality shows to pass the time away.   Even better.. Brooke just needs to learn to start talking soon so that we can talk while I am on there. 

I need to get more creative at lunch time but salads just always sound so good.  This one had pasta, broccoli slaw, tilapia and carrots with italian dressing.   It is always a good sign when your bread is as long as your mixing bowl that you use for salads.  Bread is delicious.  

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Shower or a nap?  Hmmmmm  tough decision.  


How many days a week of running can your body handle?


How many days a week do you cross-train?

Do you include any runs in your week that you just run for fun and without any goals?

Do you do push-ups on your toes or knees?  

What was the last fruit that you ate?

-A heavenly nectarine!

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I usually run 4 days, strength train 2 days and bike 2 days. (some days include a run and a strength train… that’s why there are 8 days ;-)
Tomorrow will actually just be an easy I don’t care about anything run. It’s hard to include those in when you are trying to break a PR for a marathon but I’m doing my best!
I can do 20 push ups at a time on my toes. I try to do 5 sets.
Last fruit was red grapes. Yummy :)


I run six days a week and never cross train. I guess I am lucky? *knock on wood* I find cross training so boring :(


Haha I love the push-up comment. I think even my push-ups on my knees would put Jillian to shame. Maybe I should start doing the 30 day shred again!

I love what you said about running for enjoyment. I haven’t ran since last Friday because I majorly hurt my hips with all this pregnancy business. I’m trying to not think about it 24/7 and instead have been doing some weight-training! I also like the idea of incorporating some cross-training because I’m really bad at that. I think I’m more of a stationary bike or stepper girl though!!

Can I come raid your fridge? It sounds like it has way better food in it than mine!!


I fell into the pace/splits/time/speed trap, but tonight I’m going out for a fun run with a local running group for the first time. I figured it out the other day while running home from work and meeting up with another runner. I genuinely enjoyed the conversation and not pushing myself — and I still ended up going (nearly) as fast as I would have alone! It was so eye-opening!! Yay for fun! :)
I’m good for 4-5 days a week, depending on my work schedule, and do weights 3x weekly.
Push-ups on the toes all the way!! I was up to 50 in a row at one point, with less weight training and more running, I’ve lost a bit, but pride in my running more than makes up for it! :)


Back in the day I used to take NO BREAKS. 6 miles a day every day. I’ve cut down to 4-5 days though to leave some room for cross training and rest. Much better this way :)

I actually do most of my runs for fun except maybe one hill training or speed session a week.

Push up still on my knees…

Last fruit I ate was an apple!!

Miss you!


No way you do them from the knees!! You are way too fit for that…knees up girl!!! :)


At the moment I’m only allowed to run every three days and only for 10 minutes as I’m recovering from a knee injury! Most frustrating thing EVER. It’s amazing I’m still sane and my husband still loves me.
Normally I would want to run 4 times a week. I do it mainly for fun but I would love to do some more races just for the challenge!
Thanks for posting so often on your blog – it’s so much fun!


My body can not handle more than 3 days of week of running. I cross train the other 3 days and rest 1.

I do 1 run a week where I just try to explore new things, find a new route etc.

I do push ups on my toes, but can’t say I can do a lot of them! LOL!

Last fruit I ate was watermelon (:


It makes feel better that I’m not the only one who is going to become best friends with an elliptical. I recently did something to my ankle, and it hurts to run on it. :( I took 3 rest days after my race & I thought it would be better, but it’s not. My ankle can handle the elliptical though.


I can tolerate up to 5 days, but my sanity enjoys up to 4, especially now with an 8 month old. But I’m glad you posted this today because I always need a good reminder that it’s not always about pace or PRs.

I’m looking forward to being done with this cycle of marathon training so that I can go down to just 3-4 days of non-goal running for a while.


I can’t wait until the day salads sound good to me again!! Last fruit I ate… a sliced banana on wheat toast with peanut butter and honey. Hit the spot! I’m excited my taste buds are finally starting to like bananas and peanut butter just a teeny tiny bit more now.


Sadly my body can only handle 1-2 days of running without getting injured- so I cross train most days.

I barely ever do push ups haha.. bad I know.

Last fresh fruit was a fuji apple about 30 seconds ago.

You are so lucky that Brooke just sleeps through your workouts- what a good baby!

Love those TJ’S honey pretzels btw


I really like that quote! And it’s so true, none of my best runs have come on race day, they’ve all been random runs that turn out just perfect.

Right now I’m doing 3-4 days of running and walking the dog has become my cross training since I dropped my gym membership.

I usually split my push-ups 50% on my knees and 50% on my toes. I can never make it through Jillian’s push-up portion all on my toes!


So great to see that you’re taking such healthy approach to training this time around, Janae :) I definitely agree that some of the best workouts are the ones that don’t involve any kind of numbers. The last fruit I ate? Probably like half of the sweeeeeetest watermelon ever. I’m going to be so sad when summer leaves and watermelons get harder to find :(


Currently only doing 3 days a wk as per my training plan. But I think I could do 4 and plan to upping to that after my half in Nov.

Last fruit was a banana yesterday…love my breakfast yogurt and banana about 5 days out of the wk. it certainly isn’t FMW streak worthy yet.


Can o’ peaches and side of cottage cheese. The only thing better is grapes and cottage cheese.


i have that as my wallpaper on my laptop. I think i got it after you put it on your blog a few months ago. i love it because it’s the TRUTH :-)


Helloooo Momma Janae,
First off, I must tell you I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blog! I wish I didn’t live on the other side of the country from you because I’d totally meet you for LUNCH! I realistically get in 4-5 days a week to run…I have 2 children and would LOVE more but…well you know how that goes now! I cross train with Spinning at the Y and swimming with my daughter at the Y. 2-3x/wk I usually run at a 10 min/mile pace but sometime surprise myself when I’m not so intense, I have better runs/workouts! I’m HORRID at push ups, but when I do them I try to do them on my toes. My Hubby made me a watermelon Martini with REAL watermelon last night and we had the sweetest Pears as our after school snack today! Keep Calm & RUN on MOMMA!


I only ever really run 3 days per week, 4 if I’m organised and I start my running week on a Monday. If I run more, I think I’d be in danger of burn out – mental, rather than physical. And it’s hard to fit more than 3 or 4 runs per week into our family schedule without being selfish about it.


I’ve learned that 4 days a week is my magic number. Whenever I bump up to 5, I end up injured. Everyone has a different threshhold. It’s just important to find out what your individual max is. You look so cute running with that big old basketball belly on your tiny body!


Hey just curious – how do you cook your tilapia? It looks good and I love fish. Do you buy it frozen? If so, do you have to thaw it ahead of time? Or what.


Hey!!! I buy it frozen from Costco! I take it out of the freezer first thing in the morning and then pan fry it! It is so good!


It looks delic! Today is my shopping day (ugh) and I’m buying some!!!


You are such a crack up, Janae – your posts always put a smile on my face. Brooke is going to grow up to have such a fun personality!!

I run 5-7 days per week, cross train (usually weights) 1-2 times per week. I often run just for fun, though I still wear my Garmin most days.

I can do push ups on my toes.

I had mixed fruit this morning, I like to buy frozen packages of fruit and thaw a cup or so out for breakfast (with Greek yogurt).


I generally don’t cross train, which I know is not great, but I hate it so much. I have been rollerblading with Bungee, though!

My body can handle 6 days of running so long as I’m not doing insane mileage all of those days.


4 days running, 2 days cross training. One day of actual rest. Cross training right is my bike. I didn’t ride it much in NC but LOVE it in AZ.
I actually can say, thanks to time with a trainer and at cross fit, I can do pushups on my toes. I don’t have a trainer or cross fit anymore, but I am trying to keep up with my pushups.
An apple. But I am on my way to find nectarines.

The Kidless Kronicles


Hmm, I’m not sure how many days my body can handle. Probably depends a lot on how much I am pushing the runs, but I’m going to guess 4 or 5? I need to figure this out as I just hurt my foot (hopefully it isn’t anything major though!).
I eat a lot of fruit. Frozen cherries in my oatmeal this morning, then a banana for snack. I see grapes in my future.


I run 3-4 days a week. My body is just not made for high mileage (reason #1 why I loved your plan that I am using). And I usually cross train 3 days as well. Every time I go to a spin class I am bored out of my mind though and I wish that you were my teacher. Move back and come teach at my gym. Mmmkay? I love weights, Turbokick and the Stepmill.

I just ate two pears and they were fantastic.

I am so glad that you are running, loving it and will be doing things differently to prevent those stress fractures. You are always inspiring me :)

I do push ups on my toes. Holla!


I seemed to always get injured – think IT band, piriformis, something in the hip – when I tried to run 5 days a week.
I’m training for my FIRST marathon right now and am doing the run less run faster plan which is 3 days running and 2 days cross train (although I cross train 3 days), and my bod seems to be hanging in there! I’ve done a 17 mile run as my longest so far and nothing has broken yet, so I might just stay with the 3 days a week thing!

push ups on my TOES. :)

Triathlon race on saturday! woohoo!


So important to not lose sight of the real reason why you start running in the first place! I think it’s important to have those runs during the week where you are not a slave to your garmin and just go out and embrace nature. Some of my best days of running happen when I’ve do just that. Cross training has been something I’ve kept in my running regimen and I can say has prevented me from a serious injury. So important to have balance in your running (and in your life). Sounds like you have a wonderful balance of keeping it all in perspective!


I only run about 3-4x a week if even. It’s to hot to run outside here and the treadmill is sooooo boring for me. I tend to just run to run, sometimes I’ll compare my times but I’m not really running for a race or goal or anything.


my body can handle 6x a week, I love it!! – so i don’t crosstrain, i love my runs too much lol

monday-friday are fun runs, then saturday i go all out, otherwise my shins will hrut and i’m trying not to fracture them again

pushups on my toes :)



Last fruit I had was a banana. Apples are my favorite though. I usually run 4 days a week, but now that I am pregnant I am doing only 3. I cross train 3 days a week as well. Anything from swimming, spin, strength training, and even yoga now. I take one rest day a week, sometimes two now that I’m preggers. Strength training helps me with injury prevention, and I am loving just going out for a run and no pressure. My goal is just to continue to run through my pregnancy. Although I have to admit…I am already thinking about what races I would like to do post baby. I can’t help myself!


This is one of my favourite blog post of yours, thank you. Every now and then it’s nice to just run for the sake or running and not care about the pace or mileage achieved.

I currently run 3 times a week and probably could do more but I like a little variety in my training so I add 2 cross-training and 1 yoga session. I will revert to fun runs in December and January when it gets too hot here.

I try to do push-ups on my toes but can only last for about 10-15 reps.


I am now 8 weeks pregnant. I always thought I would run throughout my pregnancy… however this first trimester is kicking my butt! I cannot exercise AT ALL without severe nausea (worse than the almost 24/7 normal nausea.) I’m so frustrated :-/ I really miss 1) feeling well and 2) running. Did you have morning sickness in your first trimester?


Karen, I am 31 weeks pregnant now and was not able to exercise during most of my first trimester. At 10w I felt human again and have been running/hiking/ellipticizing ever since! I promise one morning you will feel better and the misery will be a memory!


Thank you so much – you’ve given me so much hope! :-)


Yes I could hardly function let alone run but around 11 to 12 weeks I started to WANT to run again after almost 3 months of doing nothing. Hang in there and you’ll be back running! I am 5 months now and running has been wonderful for the past 2 months!


I decided to run my 8 miles today on the treadmill and it wasn’t that bad! Luckily my apartment gym has free wifi so I brought my iPad, and watched How I Met Your Mouther on Netflix ! It made the time go by so fast! Do you find or have you found that training majority (except for long runs) on a treadmill still makes you feel prepared for a marathon or half? I like the treadmill running but I am worried it won’t be good for race day!


Awww Brooke looks so cute and peaceful in her swing!

I can handle 4-5 days of running/week. I am still trying to figure out how to work XT and lifting into the mix too w/o burning out. Most of my marathon training this time around was just run for fun;-) I am happy I can finally do push-ups on my toes, it only took me 2 years to get there!


Sounds like you have a healthy mindset about your running … good for you! I’ve been running less recently, but I did do a 5k on Saturday with friends from church. It was so fun!! :)


i run 4 – 6 days a week and add in 1 – 2 of cross training where i zone out on the elliptical or stair master and read tracy magazines. it really is quite lovely!


I’m a little jealous of the running while pregnant until the day you delivered. I am just now experiencing the I MUST PEE NOW every SECOND I run. It’s terrible. I literally starting running yesterday & 40 seconds into my run I had to stop and go to the bathroom. Then I tried to start running again & it wouldn’t let me …my body was like no way jose. Boo! I don’t know how to fix it….how did you overcome it? I’ll have to put that in my email to you :)


Running just for fun two days a week sounds great!

Your comment about getting Brooke to learn to talk so she could entertain you while you’re running on the treadmill brought me back — I used to do that with my dad while he ran. (Still do sometimes when I’m home….) Also, there was a while when my bike speed and his running speed were in line, which was fun. Obviously those things are a while off, but you should totally look forward to having Brooke as your running entertainment some of the time. :)

Last fruit was a banana. (Mashed onto a rice cake — yum!)


Totally random, but I have a question for you.
Your tilapia salads look so good! How do you cook your tilapia?



I ate an apple in my yogurt bowl this afternoon-favorite combo ever! I can do push-ups on my toes, but I’m done after about 15!


I used to do pushups for real, but now I’m all about doing them girl-style. I don’t know what happened…


My body can only handle 4 days or running. I tried to do the RW Runner’s streak in the beginning of the summer but it didn’t like it. Cross training is my friend on 2 days with one rest day. That’s what works for me!


I am just AMAZED that you ran through out your pregnancy. Seriously. Amazing! Brook is adorable! Keep the pictures coming. : )

I run 2-3 times a week and I also do the Nike Training Club on my iPhone. It’s a free app. I love it. I can do it at home or when I’m out traveling. It’s great.

I do push up on my knees. Yeah…I’m weak.

I just ate the rest of the cantaloupe with fat free yogurt and a little maple syrup. It’s was really tasty.


I am trying to do more crosstraining too so that I can keep my legs strong and don’t burn out. Good luck with the running, you seem to be doing great!


I usually run 5 days a week and get some walking in on the other two days. I’ve tried other types of cardio cross-training and haven’t found anything I like besides walking. No elliptical for me – it feels so awkward! And I always make Friday a fun run!


I’m a 5 days a week gal with one day of cross training and one day of sitting on my booty :)


Ate an apple… push ups on my toes!… run 5-7 and cross train 2xs (a goal – doesn’t always happen) … running with my friends at least once a week just for fun SAVES me in my running! It brings a lightness and happiness that separates up my hard workouts and long runs!


Good for you and knowing/respecting your body’s limits. I run everyday (two large, hyper dogs), but only do hard runs 3x a wk. I cross train daily thanks to all the classes I teach; plus I actually did the stairmaster today! I do push-ups on my toes!!! My students are watching! ;o)
I’m more of a veggie person than fruit. I am currently eating a massive salad with many different veggies in it.


This post helped me see that my recent running doesn’t have to be all about meeting my running plan. I’ve been struggling with my heart not being in each of my runs. Thanks for not making me feel like I’m the only one who feels the need to just run :)


I’m training for a half marathon right now and run 3 sometimes 4 times a week–I do a lot of cross training/strength training too but 4 is my absolute running max per week or I just get burnt out!


This was a great post Janae! I usually run 4 times a week. 1 long, easy run on Saturday mornings, 1 tempo run, 1 speed work run, and 1 whatever I want run. I also try to get 1 spin class a week, 2 full body weight lifting workouts, and 1-2 sessions of yoga. I do push ups on my toes but can only do about 20 before my arms give out. The last fruit I ate is the part of the banana my 1 year old didn’t finish, slobber and all!


Before pregnancy I ran 3-4 times a week (1 tempo,1 long run and 2 easy runs) and crosstrained 3 times a week (weights twice a week and yoga once). It worked really well for me :)
And yes I did pushups on my toes. It took awhile to develop the strength to do that though!
Last fruit I ate was strawberries and grapes mmm…


Your cross training is very inspiring. Your doing a great job doing the right things to be a strong, healthy runner.
After I lost my dog last month, running became more therapeutic. Well it always has been, but you know.
One day a few weeks ago, I decided to do what your talking about. Just run without any goal, time or distance in mind. It was the most freeing run I’ve ever had.
The Type A in me couldn’t leave my Garmin at home, but I never looked at it until the end.


hahaha…okay, i swear time on the elliptical is about 4x longer than time on the treadmill!! :P


At the moment Im running twice a week and weight training the other 3 days a week! Although it’s less than before, I’ve definitely noticed that the quality of my runs is better. Today is one of those runs where I’m not paying attention to time or distance..can’t wait :)


I love this post so much! It’s a great message for us neurotic runners – just run for fun!

At the moment, I am being cautious and only do 3 runs a week – then 3 days on the elliptical. One of my runs is for fun with a running group, and I do speed work on the elliptical. I run my first marathon in a few weeks, and if I can get through tht k, I’ll ramp up the running days :-)



I cross train a lot only because I teach a lot of classes. :) I never do any speed work though with running. I really should.
A bosc pear. Delicious!!! With cinnamon. :)


Love this! I made a resolution to abandon my training schedule for the rest of this week to just enjoy running. Taking the pressure off really brings the fun back to running :)


I do my push-ups on my knees, but I really want to switch to my toes. Sometime real soon. :-)


Running for pleasure – it’s something I definitely want to get to, I think I’m starting to enjoy it more these days!


3-4 days a week of running is all i can handle or i get serious aches in my legs. though that was when i was seriously following a training plan. . . and yet i amd training for a 1/2 marathon and going by the seat of my pants. lol. we’ll see how it turns out.

i need to XT more often. or at least start. i do yoga between runs and sometimes after to help.


Running just for fun is always….well ….fun! Half the days that I run I don’t chose my exact route until I am out I just aim to be out for a certain about of time which I know will equal a certain amount of miles and just choose streets at random (but I know how long most of them take). I have been running between 5-6 days a week. Mostly 6. One 2 of the days I take a Zumba class at night and only do 2 miles in the morning so I consider that my cross training. I do need to start doing other things, like strength training! I have always done push ups on my toes. We did a lot of pushups and sit ups in dance class when we got older and we weren’t allow to do them on our knees!


Seriously, you running pregnant makes me feel incredibly guilty right now ;-) What an inspiration! How would you recommend getting started in running? What time/distance would you set as a starting goal?


I no longer run for a number. I’m now running simply because I love it. Simply.

I run 3 days a week at most. I try to hit the gym 3+ times a week. A little cardio vis à vis the elliptical and/or stair master …and a little rock climbing.


I run 3 times a week, do cheerleading twice a week, and a kettlebell class once a week. For my push ups, I do them on my toes. I’m pretty sompetitive when it comes to beating out the boys in push up challenges. They don’t think my 4’9″ tiny frame can beat them. But I do! The last fruit I had was a banana on toast with peanut butter! Delicious.


I just recently started following your blog and have wanted to start a blog myself but I wanted to comment and say that I am a recent College Cross Country/Track athlete and I have done my FAIR SHARE on the elliptical. When I was injured I had to go on it for 2 hours each day for 4 days and for an hour and a half for 3 days. Death. However I have learned my fair share of tricks on how to make it go by faster:
1. use this time to call your parents, friends, anyone who will listen. Yes you will be sounding like your barely breathing while talking but they will get used to it. Plus its a great excuse to catch up with people.
2. Magazines, books, anything you want to read, phone with blogs on it – anything. Its a great way to get into different books you normally wouldn’t have time to read. For me I studying on it – lets just say I would not have read chapters for school if it hadnt been for the elliptical.
3. Do intervals. My favorite was 3’2’1′ intervals – it makes it go by so much faster
4. Split it up in the day – If you can. I would do half in the morning and half in the afternoon. Its a great excuse to be sweaty all day long….Just kidding.
5. Switch off 10 minutes on elliptical then 10 on the bike and so on.

I hope this helps your elliptical boredom. And just remember each of those days on the elliptical makes the running days more valuable not just because you are not as tired in your legs but also because you appreciate the feel of your feet on the pavement so much more.

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