The best food combination and climbing mountains.

Brooke had her very first diaper blowout while Billy and I were out doing errands yesterday afternoon.  That onsie that she was wearing was anything but adorable after she was done with it.  

Photo 1

So we came home and both of us were in pajamas by 5 pm.  Why do we ever change out of pajamas anyway?  We should all start a movement together in which we stay in our pajamas all day everyday, I am sure your bosses and teachers won’t mind. 

Photo of my leg up on the deck to show off my sweet black velour pjs circa 2002.

Photo 1 copy

Since I was already in my pajamas it made my brain think that it was morning and that I needed pancakes.  These are healthified pancakes because they have bananas in them and chocolate (health professionals everywhere tell us that a little bit of chocolate everyday is actually good for us;) so that is what makes them good for you.

DSC 3654

Speaking of really good for us food:

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Screen Shot 2012 09 07 at 7 10 47 PM

(Source)  Why didn’t anyone think of combining these two foods together sooner?  

Last but not least, the Wasatch 100 (a race in Utah) started yesterday and goes through today.  I was looking at the elevation chart for this race and it almost made me pass out thinking about climbing more than 26,000 feet over 97.3 miles.  These people are INCREDIBLE!

Screen Shot 2012 09 07 at 7 22 03 PM


Do you like candy corn?  Do you think you would like the candy corn oreo?

What did you have for dinner last night?  Are you a fan of brinner?

When was your last run with hills in it?  What race had the biggest ascent and descent that you have done?

Does the thought of ever doing an ultra cross your mind?

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Aww poor brook and her blow out! I did that all the time when I was a baby. My grandma says they could not go into a store without that happening.


I love Brooke’s expression;-)

I would love to do ultra’s once we are done having kids. Briner is my fav. Your pancakes look way better than my supper last night. I worked an odd shift yesterday, had no break so I had to eat supper at my desk.


Oh. My. Gosh. As hard as it is for me to admit, I DO have a favorite candy and it is candy corn (especially the pupmkins) I might have just died of excitement and it’s not even 8am!

Even though the episode may not have been too cute, that might be the cutest pic of Brooke you’ve posted yet!


Does the thought of doing an ultra cross my mind? ha ha-good one!
There is a 100km here in Kuwait in November though…my own backyard…am I tempted…no way hosay.

PJs by 5 are on my to do list today though!


Not a fan of Candy Corn at all….as much as I love Oreos, this variety is a fail for me! As for the peanut butter Oreos, those are just genius!


I will join this wear PJs 24/7 movement!!! I hate getting out of anything but comfy clothes:)


The thought of doing an ultra is definitely tempting, especially if Chris and I both did it.
Brinner, last winter we did this every sunday night.


We had b-fast for dinner 2 nights ago,…love it and so does the toddler cause she thinks pancakes/waffles should be eaten all day every day. I recently did a 15k this summer with a GIANT hill right in the middle at mile 5. It was rough, but at the top they spray painted the road and it said “you just conquered McKinley Hill” so it made it seem a tad better then the hell it actually was…:)


I’m in the 5% of the population that actually likes candy corn so these Oreos sound amazing. I don’t like normal Oreos and really want to try these.


Being 30 weeks pregnant, just thinking about hill climbing in ANY form makes me want to die (yes, I’m being dramatic). Even just climbing the stairs sometimes makes me want to lie down haha. I can’t say that I’m not tempted by those new oreos. I think I officially am starting to like fall a bit more than I used to!


candy corn fan! Can’t buy the cheap stuff though, cause it tastes like candle wax! :)


I really need to get my hands on those cookies!


The doc I work for is out running the #W100 right now! I just checked and he was at mile 83.4 an hour ago.

freakin’ amazing.


I like the white tops of candy corn. It is all the same flavor. But i eat the tips off! haha


I would SO be with you on the pajamas all day thing. Even though I could never be a nurse and I know their job is incredibly difficult, I am jealous that they get to wear scrubs every day!! ;)


LOVE LOVE LOVE candy corn!! I’m going to have to tell my bf to not let me near any isle that might have those haha

I had pumpkin bread and zucchini muffins for dinner last night hahahaha, my usual salad just didn’t sound too good

I ran hills about 3 years ago, they made my shins hurt so I never did them again. I’m not sure what elevation they were

I have never thought of doing an ultra, I had a friend who did them, he probably still does, props to those who do them!! Pretty badass!! I could never do them, I can’t run for days like I use to


We had a weird collection of leftovers last night. I had taco salad with a side of chicken curry and my husband had chicken curry with a side of fish (not leftovers). Brinner is the best. I might put that on the menu this week.

I have no desire to do an ultra. Right now the longest I can handle is a half marathon. I would like to do a full marathon one of these days but I think I will probably cap my distance there.


I love banana and chocolate chip pancakes. Sometimes I even put peanut butter on them and call them chunky monkey cakes :)

I gave a shout out to you in my most recent post!

Happy Saturday!!


I just heard of these Oreos this morning and now on your blog?!? It’s a signnnnnn… Going grocery shopping this afternoon and going to try and find them :) And I LOVE brinner!


The second I saw the article about the candy cane Oreos yesterday, I called my mom to tell her about it. No worries, of course she already knew about it& is planning on being at Target at 8 a.m. on Monday. Gosh I love my family.

Blow outs are great. Anna had them all.the.time. I had to always carry 2 spare outfits for her at all times. Brook still looks adorable. Sorry ;)

I am currently sitting in an ice bath after my 20 miler. I am in the best mood. Not sure if it is because my run was AWESOME or if it is because this is most likely my last ice bath until the marathon (thank goodness). Oh and I am getting fro yo today.!


The pancakes look delish. PJ’s all day, yes ma’am, I’m all for it! I’ve seen a pic of these oreos already, whoooo, what will they think of next. I’m not a fan of candy corn but I need to try these to say I did. I really like the mint oreos. I’ll pick up some of those too!
Btw, reading your blog had me craving frosted mini wheats so I went out to get some. Now I eat a bowl everyday. Boy, they are good.


oh, oh my. I cannot believe they would ruin candy corn with an oreo!! jk. I am not a candy eater (although you are reforming me Janae. tyvm!!) but I adore candy corn- the pumpkins are the best!! :)


I thought about an ultra after reading “Born to Run” but I’m not sure I could do it unless I started running with a buddy that wanted to also.

2002 was a great year for pajamas.


I’m a brinner lover! Probably because I put my pj’s on as soon as I get home from work most days. ;)


I’m not much of a candy person (but obsessed with frosting, cookies, and brownies) but holy…these cookies are genius. candy corn is the one candy I got nuts for; so stoked to find these!


Everything about this post makes me smile!! Brooke’s face…candy corn oreos!!! and pancakes!!! AHHHH!!


I gotta say the oreos sound gross! I love oreos in their most basic form. I did buy my first bag of Brachs candy pumpkins today to kick off the Halloween season. It’s not Fall without them!


My husband is not a big breakfast fan so we don’t get to eat brunch for lunch or brinner! :( Sometimes I do it on my own though.


She’s still cute though ;) Haha.

I don’t like oreos, and I can usually only handle a few candy corns at a time, so I don’t think those cookies would be for me….but you can have mine ;)

I like the idea of pajamas every day….or workout clothes. Oh wait, already do that. hahaha


I don’t like candy corn or oreos so that combination doesn’t exactly sound good to me!
My entire neighborhood is filled with awfully steep hills–it makes running around here so difficult, but it’s made me a lot faster so that’s a plus!


HATE candy corn but LOVE breakfast for dinner. Doing my first ultra in less than a month…had a crap week of training which is a major letdown but tomorrow is a new day!


1. Brooke is sooo adorable! and is going to enjoy watching her mama run her first race! AND when you run Boston, I am going to cheer you on with a huge sign (I dont think I can do 26 miles!)
2. Thank you so much for your inspiration to run and to actually run a race. I ran my first race, a 10k today in 45:35 placing 2nd in 20-29 division… AND my ipod broke at mile 4! I so wanted to quit, but got myself to run run run because I would want my Olivia to keep on running and not give up… She enjoyed her first race too, (napping, eating, playing with toys and grandma).
3. I can’t wait to hear about your first few runs post-pregnancy!


Candy corn oreos look delish :)
Just got my first serious running injury after seven years, not able to run for a long time..your posts about your stress fractures are the only thing that’s increased my positivity. thanks for being so inspirational :)


I think that some day I’d like to try an ultra. But I really don’t like hills, so that’s a bit of a problem since most of them have huge elevation climbs. I’ve been trying to add some hills because I hear NYC is tough with the bridges, but I’m just not a fan of the incline!


Nike Women’s marathon in San Fran was the hilliest race I’ve been in. Candy corn oreos? I don’t know if I would like them. I like candy corn though. I love brinner! We’ve been having it at least once a week lately.


I was always TERRIFIED my little guy would have a massive blowout right during sacrament meeting before his blessing…or that he would cry the whole time..I seriously worried so much about that lol (he was fine). Now I’m terrified my baby-in-the-womb will have a blowout/cry as well…crazy hormones.


Every year for Christmas I buy my dad oreos cause he only gets them once a year. And for Halloween we do Halloween presents in my family (its a long story but a fun tradition). So maybe I will get him Halloween Oreos this year. Thanks for the heads up!!


Aww, poor Brooke. I wonder if her tummy was a little upset? Also, poor you for having to clean it up!

I ate the leftover Cafe Rio-like chicken enchiladas for dinner last night. Apparently the rest of my family loved it too because they ate it all. I’m glad I’m the only cheese-hating person here because they left my cheese-less portion alone. Score!

Speaking of ultras…my heart+soul has been craving to do one for several years. I’ve run a few 33-34 milers on my own, but I’d LOVE to run a 50 miler soon. I was plagued with injuries in my past few years so I am hoping that next spring is going to be when I finally do it.

PS…I still wear my black velour pants at home in the winter. They are so comfy!


My friend’s dad is doing that! Craziness…


This could be a dangerous Fall. My husband loves Oreos and I love candy corn!!! Yikes!!!


My hubs went to the store tonight and came home with double stuffed Halloween Oreos. Delish.
My riend’s brother did the Wasatch 100 and finished something like 24th. I would never do an ultra (of course, I said that about marathons too).
Can I borrow Brooke for a while. She is so stinking cute!


I have done 1 50K about 5,000 feet elevation I think, I can’t recall exactly the elevation chart had 5 nice big peaks in it. It was everything an ultra should be, I loved it even though I was about 1 minute from DFL (dead f’ing last). It got me hooked on trails big time. I have yet to do another ultra and I am more into the baby ultra world now but do plan to get back at it sometime. I have so much admiration and respect for the ultra world and the friends I have made are amazing. Trails and ultras are where it’s at!!!

I had gotten all bold and said I was going to do my first 50miler this March – Old Goat 50 – it’s legendary! Baby #2 decided to come along and save me so I have a good excuse to get out of that bad boy…for now…


7400 feet :) I did that today during the Pikes Peak Challenge, a 13.1 mile hike to the summit which raises funds for Traumatic Brain Injury survivors and benefits the Brain Injury Association. It was a beautiful day on the mountain!


Saw white chocolate candy corn M&Ms today at Target. Those specialty ones are kind of hit and miss so I’m not sure if I’ll try them.

I did a trail half in June that had some serious hills but it was a blast because it was all women. Other than that, I’ll never forget the hills I conquered at Nike Womens half Mary last year.


If I’m at home, I’m in pajamas. I think for that reason alone, my husband will never ever let me be a stay at home mom. ;)


Ok, she is so darn cute, I think I need to fly to CA just to babysit.

Since I live in such a flat area, even tiny hills feel like mountains to me. My second marathon was a crazy course with a steep mile long hill at 15 – it went straight up. I can’t believe I ran that course as such a newbie runner. I guess I didn’t know any better!


I’m all for staying in PJ’s all day! I have my PJ’s on basically any time I’m home, and whenever I’m out, it takes me like 2.2 seconds to change back into them when I get home. Just can’t beat the comfort.

I’m not really a fan of candy corn, but I DO love having breakfast for dinner. Just the other night it was waffles for me :D


That race sounds incredible, whoever finishes is a hero!
I need to try those oreos but I`m sure they won`t bring them to Europe.


Brooke’s face is priceless! Was that before or after the blowout? LOL!

I spied some Jelly Belly Candy Corn yesterday and it took everything I had not to buy it. I love Candy Corn! I’m trying to stay away from sweets for a while but it was so tempting. I cannot believe they have Candy Corn cookies! I will have to have these before they go away. I cannot imagine how they must taste!

Fortunately the neighborhoods around me have hills so I’m faced with them every time I go out. Though I’m only doing 3 miles right now, those hills have some burn in them. It’s like I’m doing squats all the way up them!

And I live in my PJs too. If I put them on when I get home, instead of my running clothes, I will never make it out the door!


Been there, done that with the baby blowout…..:(
Not a huge candy corn person. However, I can get on board when combined with nuts and m&ms. Not a huge fan of hills either….YIKES…..they kill me!


I love candy corn and set a rule each year that I can’t start buying it until October…otherwise I’ve finsihed off a few bags before fall officially begins! But that does not go for candy corn cookies which I will definitly be looking for. So many baking possibilities!!!


Woah I need to try those Oreos stat!


I love Oreos and candy corn…I hate that you made me aware these cookies exist?!?! :) Love brinnar but hate the idea of the ultra – those ppl are cray cray?! Btw do u ever get onesies clean that had blowouts? I never did, I just threw them away because there was no hope!


My friend sent me a picture of those oreos! I LOVE Candy corn and I used to love oreos, I’m pretty sure I’d ignore this whole gluten thing for a few of those!!


She has the best expressions! :) She’s like ‘what Mom?! I just gave you a present.’ Lol! I agree about PJ’s…they are the best…and I’m positive my boss wouldn’t mind me coming into work in pj’s everyday ;)


Wait. You mean The pj wearing movement hasn’t started yet? Dang. It’s my everyday wear. ;)

I love Brooke’s facial expressions. Hilarious.

I live in the foothills so my runs definetly ave some hills in them. Went 8miles yesterday ;)


Love Brinner!!!! You must have read or must read the latest Runner’s World with all the pancake recipes….definitely a Ryan Hall thing…..I MUST try the Molten Lava Griddlecake. If you missed it, it’s page 80. Anywho, I listen to a podcast in my car and they were speakin with a man from Europe who did 4 ultra in 4 months. I can’t remember his name or the name of the race but each were 100 miles long. Get this, he was finishing around 16 hrs!!!! Crazy I know, but in some strange, perverse way, it made me want to run one!!! What? Amazing this man’s ability!! Okay, that was my novel of a comment!–Meredith


ewww you can have my candy corn oreo’s. not a fan of that candy AT ALL.

i’m not a runner (yet?) but i’ve recently started the challenge of walking home from school. it’s 3 km of straight up hill with no flat spots. i was so sweaty! i’m going to try to keep doing it as much as i can though because that is definitely a good workout for me.


Yuck. Not a fan of candy corn at all so those Oreos don’t appeal to me. Birthday cake Oreos, however, were sooooo good. They’re probably not making them anymore, though. Sad day.

I am all about brinner! Love it. I have oatmeal at 6:30pm on a regular basis. :-) PS- all of the Brooke pictures are priceless!


Sorry but I laughed so hard about the blow out…

Do you like candy corn? Do you think you would like the candy corn oreo?
I love candy corn! However we don’t really get it here in Scotland so I think you should send me some alongside those oreos ;)

What did you have for dinner last night? Are you a fan of brinner?
I had a sweet n sour tofu stirfry my favourite but it wasn’t the best! I would of preferred your pancakes!

When was your last run with hills in it? What race had the biggest ascent and descent that you have done?

I did a hill run today and it was brutal… I hate hills!

Does the thought of ever doing an ultra cross your mind?
Yes ! I would love to do one but the worry of injury scares me and then not being able to run at all. Oh also the fact its a lotta miles.

MWAH xxx


Everyone seems to hate candy corn, and I just don’t understand. They’re so goooood. I feel like regular Oreos would be better than the candy corn variety, but I’d definitely be down to try them!


Ahhh I saw the candy cane Oreos also but I don’t like candy corn so I had a much different reaction to the news…… Hahah


I love candy corn. I loooove oreos. I can only imagine what these will taste like. Definitely on the fence… They’re either going to be AMAZING or really really bad.


Just started reading your blog today! Love it so far. I have a high school friend who ran the Wasatch in under 28 hrs. Crazy. I’d be happy with under 28 days…..


Hey Amy!!! Thanks for your comment and I am right there with you on the 27 day thing ha! Hope you are having a great Sunday!


I love Candy Corn! But I am not sure about it in a oreo, although now that I think about it, it’s probably awesome!

I am not sure I will ever run anything over a half marathon, I really hope to one day run a marathon but man I need to get past that 13.1 mile.


I only like the candy corn pumpkins. I think they are a different flavor, but that could just be in my head.

Last night we had tomato and pesto grilled cheeses and tomato soup. I guess we were pretending it was winter.


You are the 2nd person that has posted about the candy corn oreos. I gotta search them out!

As for runs I never pay attention to elevation. Ha! Although that may change as I hope to take in more trail runs now that we’re out west.


Diaper blowouts. I know what those are all about! I swear, my baby girl has at least 2 a week!

My baby has that same onesie! :-)


Oh, the faces Brooke makes .. priceless!!!


OH. ma. gah. I posted about these on Facebook the other day b/c I’m so excited about them. I LOVE candy corn and oreos are pretty good. Anyway, it makes me excited for Halloween! :) yay sugary goodness.


Also I missed out on the birthday oreos. I will not miss out on these.


I like candy corn but only during Halloween! I feel like it is good in small doses.

As for breakfast for dinner – I love it! I could eat breakfast for every meal!

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