I decided to go to the gym to run instead of outside.  I was in the mood to just put on my headphones and not worry about heat stroke, bathrooms or water.  I also scored the treadmill right below the fan and the cool air almost felt too good.

Photo 2 1

About 3 miles into my run I got to meet a blog/Facebook friend that I had never met before in real life and we ran side by side on the treadmills. She is 33 weeks pregnant, an awesome runner and has been teaching pilates her whole pregnancy.  We talked for probably about 5 miles and it was THE BEST.  Running with people puts me in the best mood ever so Breeann:)  Another thing I absolutely loved was being able to relate so much to her as we talked.  I think that is the number one reason I love reading running blogs and food blogs because I feel like I can relate to most of the authors which is why I think I am so addicted.

I am sorry but I had to.  You only have to deal with stomach pictures for a few more weeks and then I promise you won’t be seeing a daily profile shot.

Photo 3 1

Today I had the best outing with my mom but for now I will just show you the lunch part because it couldn’t have tasted better.  Lately people have messed up my order when I go out to eat but it always works to my advantage.  Today they thought that I had soup with my meal (they didn’t charge us either).  It was a Mushroom Brie soup and my new favorite thing at Kneader’s.  If you are ever in Utah for whatever reason please go to Kneader’s and then email me and tell me thank you.

DSC 3121

We got this to share but my mom was too full after her sandwich.  That means I had a whole slice of raspberry and cream cheese pie to myself.  Sometimes my mom’s tiny stomach really plays to my advantage.

DSC 3122


Have you ever tried pilates?

What is the number one reason you read blogs?  Motivation, being able to relate to people, new ideas?

Has your car ever been hit when it was parked?  Ever hit a parked car?

What kind of running MOOD were you in today?

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You are too cute!! When I was scrolling down, I only saw your face and arms. The, I saw your belly. Besides your belly, you don’t even look pregnant!! Adorable!


Hey Shelly! You are so sweet. Billy must be paying you a lot of money for saying those things:) Thanks!


I was about to comment with the same thing! Seriously Shelly is right!


I’m not a frequent commenter, but I was thinking the same thing! You look like you are joking around with just a basketball under your shirt, not that you are pregnant! Lucky girl!


I hit a parked car :( But was a new driver and parking lots terrify me!


TOTALLY doesn’t count when you are a new driver!


i have not tried pilates before but should!

i was not in a motivated running mood today so instead i drove my husband to work (about 4.5 miles away) and then ran home from there! that way, the only way for me to get home was either to walk all the way or ruuuuun. i survived :)


Oh girl, that is awesome! I have those moods all the time and that is a great way to get yourself out there and RUN! Way to go!


Could you be any cuter?

The answer to my rhetorical question is no. Congrats on that run and congrats to Billy too. I like to read blogs because I feel like a lot of bloggers understand and love running as much as me! My real life friends just think I’m half on crack. ;)

My car slid into a parked police car in January due to black ice. haha the worst accident ever.


You are so so nice! I am the same way, love blogging because we all understand our crazy addiction to running and pancakes;) BLACK ICE…BOOOO!!!


I used to do this super cheesy pilates video called 10minute pilates. I felt like such a lame-o but it was an awesome workout!

No run for me today, I have a scheduled 5miles tomorrow morning. Today, though, I did kickboxing with my sister!


It was only 10 minutes….I want it! Have an amazing run tomorrow. Kickboxing is a BLAST!


My mood is somewhere between, “I can’t wait to get out from behind this desk” to “Running tonight will justify that loaded baked potato I’m craving right now” … know what I mean?!


HAHAH Now you have me craving a baked potato BIG time, that sounds delicious. Hope you have a great run tonight!


Congrats to Billy on his last day at BYU!!! I love that last-day feeling!

I love reading blogs for all of those reasons, but especially to relate to other people. Most the friends I get to see on a regular basis are not runners, so blogs are my way to get my fill of running nerdiness :)

I hit a parked car 2 months after I got my drivers license. It was awful, and I was so upset that I could barely explain what happened.


Thanks Nicole! YES… you nailed it, non-runners will never understand our running nerdiness ha! I think the odds of getting in a crash right after people get their license is 99 percent.


I thought I’d never have the patience or flexibility for Pilates but as of the past 5 months I’ll do I three times a week (mari Windsor DVDs) and it’s great especially when I have sore muscles. I read blogs for all your reasons and to appreciate we all have ups and downs, were not all the same but we can share so many different similarities. And I love seeing all the different foods that we don’t get here in N.Z!
I love how much you adore Billy and that you’ll have a baby to adore in equal measure :-)


FIVE MONTHS going 3 times a week, girl you are incredible! You are motivating me to get into it after the baby! I agree, so fun to see different foods. Thank you for your sweet words! Hope you are having an amazing day in NZ!


i was supposed to run 9 miles over the weekend but due to two parties and recovering…i am pushing it to next weekend. will do at least 2 small runs this week. i have don’t pilates in a looooooooooooong while. i mostly do yoga when i remember i must stretch. lol.

your a lovely pregnant woman :)


two parties definitely come before running! You will rock those 9 miles this weekend. Thanks Sonia and I hope you are having a great Monday night!


seriously, how is your face not pregnant? No fair.

Will you please share your secret to running long distances (to me, anything more than 4 miles) on the treadmill? I call it the dreadmill. I get so bored. And exhausted. And depressed.

I mostly read blogs for amusement — and to tear myself away from my stressful job when I get way too involved. Plus, most of them are so motivating, unless I end up feeling like a lazy blob with giant cottage cheese legs and a pregnant face, even though I’m not pregnant… but whatever.


Hey Becca!!! I really am so strange and for some reason I like the treadmill (most of the time). PS 4 miles is more than most people can handle on the treadmill so you are already rocking it. I have to be watching tv or reading while running on the treadmill. I also break it up mentally by just saying do 2 miles at a time and it seems much more manageable. Today I was loving it because I was out of the sun and loving not feeling like I was going to pass out from overheating. I hope this helps and please keep me updated on how you are doing!!!


Look at you all mother bird taking Billy to his last day of classes. It won’t be long till you are dropping off your own kid at school. Aaaah! That will be me later this month. Crazy!

I love your belly/profile shots. Keep them coming.

I love reading running blogs because it can motivate/inspire me, give me new ideas and I find myself nodding in agreement to things I read. I just have to be careful because sometimes I can get sucked in and spend WAY too much time reading them. Or sometimes it makes me feel like I am not doing enough or eating well enough. I know that (for the most part) that is not their intention and it is my fault (probably just because I feel guilty that I don’t eat as clean as some do or exercise as much).

I went to Turbo today (I know I probably shouldn’t, but it so fun) then did an easy 5 miles after. Sometimes I don’t like ‘easy’ runs, but after Saturday, I really liked it. ;)

I want that pie in my mouth. Like now.


I read blogs for motivation and just to talk about a common love, which most of the time is running. Non-runners just don’t understand what you’re talking about and the passion behind it.


I’m sorry, I don’t think I can answer any of your questions, because I am still getting over Billy wearing colored jeans. You guys are too cute.


Congrats Billy!…that’s really exciting! Almost ready to start a new chapter(s) in your life! You are too cute for words btw. Great run and adorable belly. I read blogs/have a blog because a lot of my friends don’t run/don’t want to run so me talking about running is not enjoyable to them and I value our friendships enough to shut up about it, lol. I’m usually upbeat and today isn’t any different…I have my husband, health, family, friends, running, job…what else can I ask for? lol…I try to keep that mantra. :)


You are just the cutest preggo girl around! I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as far along as you who still had such a big smile on her face :) And Billy’s style is too cute. I keep trying to get my Dave to wear pants like that but he’s not exactly going for it :p


I have been teaching Pilates for 4 years and hope I can continue to teach when I get pregnant. Was your friend also a blogger or just someone who follows your blog? I believe Pilates truly helps with my running and I finally convinced my husband too so now he comes to my class. BTW my husband has that shirt tat Billy is wearing above but I might have to get him those pants too!


I was also in a treadmill mood today! My legs were super sore from a weights class yesterday but I was in the mood to run, so I switched around my training schedule and just zoned out for 4 miles!


I read blogs to get inspiration and motivation, and for a sense of community. I mostly get food inspiration (since I’m not much of a cook), work out motivation (mostly running, but dabbling in triathlons) and a sense of community with all the other fitness nuts out there.


I love the cute pregnancy profile shots, so if others complain just put “I’m adding this for Courtney” before the picture and they can just deal with it! :) haha That pie looks so good! BTW your workouts/the fact that you are still pulling the bomb-diggity card and working out this close to your due date amazes me and is so inspiring!


I love you and your cute little belly! I have tried pilates before, and it’s HARD to me! I do love it though. I read blogs for motivation and the community. :)


Yours was the first blog I ever read! Honestly, I didn’t know what it was and since I was embarassed that I didn’t know I just avoided it :P Silly, I know.

Actually… I’ve been thinking A LOT about starting a blog myself. Nerves are getting in the way! Lack of knowledge is another thing that gets in the way (though I’ve been doing some research online that is helping). I’m also a bit concerned about the time commitment. If I start I don’t want to stop!

Today I’m in the mood for a run with friends while my son (and their sons) are at soccer practice. We’ll see if it works out! Not everyone teaches like I do and has time to run during the summer at the same times that I feel like running!

Love the belly pics!
Congrats, Billy!


HEY GIRL! I was the first blog you ever read? WOW, that makes me happy! UM YES< start a blog, it is a blast and I would love reading about you@I hope your run works out with friends tonight. Too bad we don't live by each other so we could run together! Have an amazing night!


Thanks for the encouragement, Janae!
My run was solo… but still incredibly beautiful and worth it!


GO BILLY! Thats a great feeling im sure!! i hope my hubby gets to feel that ina couple years! haha. you look SO dang cute at the gym, YUMMY FOOD, need to get some of that pie!


I’ve only tried Pilates once and it was very challenging. I liked it a lot! I read blogs because of being able to relate to them and also they have so much information. I get all my running info from you and recipes from food blogs. I love it!! I’ve never hit a parked car, that I know of… my car has been hit twice when it was parked though. Not so fun when that happens! I am in no running mood today! Well that’s not true. I have a ton of energy I need to burn but it’s way too hot to run today so I’ll have to burn it off tomorrow morning!! Happy last day of school Billy! On to law school!


-I’ve never tried pilates but I’d love to, even though I’ve avoided it because it looks super intimidating haha
-I mostly read blogs for new ideas (food, fitness/workouts, etc.) but the blogs I love most are the ones I can relate to!


Happy Last Day Billy. (my husband has the exact same flip flops as you.)
Reading blogs of those you can relate to. I think I have become the best version of myself because of those connections. THANK YOU!!!


I love reading blogs beacuse let’s be honest, most 23 year olds think I’m a freak for waking up at 5am to…run and then eat healthy food after.. weirdo I know.
It gives me access to people who have the same interests as me and I can lean so much from!


Billy is such a stylish dresser! I like his casual style. :)

I read blogs for motivation and inspiration. I subscribe to a bunch of different kinds – running/fitness, home decor, fashion.

I was in a super hyped running mood today. I am not a morning person but managed to get up in time to squeeze in 9.5 miles before work, and then I wrapped up with 2.5 miles after work.


You are so gosh darn cute while pregnant! I’ll run my butt off just so I can look as good as you when I am eventually pregnant.

I do Pilates sometimes, and it’s AMAZING! Never underestimate the power of tiny movements. Hurts like you wouldn’t believe :)


Gosh you look great. I hope I look that good when it’s my turn to be pregnant.


My main reason for reading running blogs is to find people who have the same passion that I do. My family gets sick of hearing about it. :)


Your bump is so cute! I love reading blogs because the author tends to be so relateble…in a way that even my real life friends are in some areas!


I have never tried pilates, but I love yoga and the core exercises we do in the classes. I think pilates is similar, right?

I love reading blogs and as a matter of fact, I spent lots of time this afternoon reading away. I spend a lot of time reading previous posts of yours. I read blog to relate, give me motivation because I have similar likes, and ideas, especially since I just started my own and constantly thinking of new things to add.

You look great and I honestly didn’t know anyone could work out that hard during pregnancy. That’s awesome!

I’m in the mood to exercise right now, at night. I tried this morning but things came up so I am right now. When do you exercise, morning or night? Is one better than the other?


I teach Pilates–and I love it! I am sorry to hear about Billy’s car. Major boo. My car was hit once–and they didn’t leave a note. MAJOR lame sauce.


Janae you are just the cutest pregnant girl ever :) I’m so happy for you and Billy.


I like reading blogs for the motivation, and also to get new ideas. I have found a lot of ideas for new foods to try and exercises to do.


I am not sure it could get better than Mushroom and Brie soup and it was free at that! Jealous.
I usually run at about 5:30am but this morning the littlest one caught me sneaking out so I couldn’t go running since I didn’t feel like waking up the hubby. I ended up running 8.7 miles on the treadmill while my youngest was napping. The only way I was able to stand being on the treadmill for that long was because I watched the newest release of Burn Notice on Netflix.
I read blogs for inspiration and blogs like yours always put a smile on my face.


you are ALL baby belly my friend! still as skinny as ever with the cutest little tummy :) i pray i look half as good as you do when i’m pregnant!


Mushroom and brie soup?? Oh dear, I would come here daily for this alone!!

I read blogs for inspiration as well as for the same reason you mentioned. There are a handful that I read very regularly, yours included, and then others that I find through my regulars that I check out from time to time. Recently I’ve been reading triathlon blogs and I keep reading all these Ironman recaps that give me major goose bumps and I convince myself I can do it. So I go out for a 40 mile bike read and nearly die, this usually pulls me back to reality!


I read blogs for motivation for my weight loss. It definitely has helped out. Even inspired me to start my own blog to document my progress!


I read blogs a lot for motivation (reading about people working out gets me off my butt!) but I also love the blog community. It really is a group of fantastic people, and that keeps me coming back even when I’m not looking for new workout moves or recipes.


This is mortifying but I hit a car on my first road test. No joke. I mean I just tapped the car in front of me after doing the PERFECT parallel park. Regardless of the perfect parking job, I still failed. haha!


I once hit my own parked car with my moms car! My side view mirror flew off (which caused me to drive around with a duck tapped mirror for a few days) and I busted my moms head light. haha at least it wasn’t someone elses car


Happy Last Day, Billy!! And Janae, you are too cute for words. I soooo hope I look like you when I’m 38 weeks pregnant!!


I do Pilates on the reformer 2x/week for an hour at a time. I’ve been doing it for about a year and since my little man was 6 weeks old. Love it! I’m down to my wedding weight. I lost my baby weight and about 12 pounds. So good! You should try it!


You are just precious! I bet you don’t even look pregnant from the back!

I actually did run today (I took a little hiatus) – only 2 miles. I went to the gym as well because it was 100+ outside. It was still hot in the gym, but I’m glad I did it.

I have tried Pilates, and I really liked it. The classes at my gyms don’t fit my schedule, so I’ve been going to hot yoga regularly this summer.


You are the skinniest preggo I have ever seen! I don’t plan on having kids for a long while, but when I do I am going to run just so I can look as good as you do now. WOW!


I love this post! I was thinking about you while I was running today Janae (sorry if that is weird) but I was still sick and wasn’t sure if I should run. But I did, just 2.5 slow miles, and I felt so much better. It made me really hope I’ll be able to run while I’m pregnant (whenever that happens). So my running mood was thankful! Anyway, to answer your other questions, I love pilates, I read blogs for motivation and for knowledge about running and strength training and to learn about new workouts. I finally started doing (a little) yoga after reading over and over how much it helps you not get injured and I think it is helping. More importantly, that pie looks like the most amazing thing ever and I have never ever been too full for dessert, at least a few bites. I don’t even understand how that can happen.


I missed what happened to Billy’s Car, but i hope today was great! I think you look absolutely amazing!


You are ADORABLE…and amazing! When I was having my last baby, the doctor asked me if I was a runner. You will benefit from all of your hard work when your are in labor and after! Keep it up!
Congrats to Billy!


Never tried Pilates, but have really been wanting to for a while now, once I have a full time yob :)

I read because I like relating to people. It’s nice to have something in common, especially when that somethings is something you both love and adore so much :)

My car has never been hit, nor have I ever hit someone. But my car has been “dinged” multiple times though.

I was not in a running mood today, just didn’t feel good


I find blogs so positive & inspirational. Love seeing you rock those orange running shorts!!! How fun to have a treadmill buddy today!


You are so pretty, gosh! And probably the tiniest pregnant women ever with such a cute bump, but seriously… Without the bump no one would be able to tell you are preggo.


Hm. Well, I didn’t read all 60+ comments so I don’t know if anyone else suggested this but I have totally done it with my daughter. Have you considered she didn’t really WANT the dessert but ordered it so you wouldn’t feel bad…then just gave it to you? LOL. Yep. Just a thought.


I love reading blogs because I’m fascinated by other peoples’ lives (is this creepy?), and blogs are like facebook on steroids. My husband cannot understand why I find them so engrossing – I just tell him that I’m more in touch with humanity than he is.


YOU ARE the perfect pregnant lady…geesh…ha!

No, you really look great and your smile is contagious. ;-)

I read blogs for just that reason…..to smile, to learn some thing new (about running,exercise, food and recipes) What works for some one else may work for me too, and its so much better than what’s on TV these days!


I had my car hit when it was parked twice and both times the person drove off without leaving a note or any information. So awesome!

That’s so fun to meet new friends at the gym. I read blogs because I don’t have many running friends in real life, so this makes it like I do :).


I’m a new reader, and must say you are one adorable pregnant lady! I read blogs for a lot of reasons, but usually because I find I can relate better to other similar bloggers than I can to some people in my real life. Woah, I just made myself sound SUPER cool, but it’s the truth ;)


Ahhh!! Your CUTE CUTE CUTE belly! I LOVE it! More belly shots, PLEASE :) Seriously, you are SO cute- she looks like a basketball in there!!!
CONGRATS to Billy on his last day! I hope he got to celebrate..maybe with some chocolate cake ;)


I love your belly. That is all. Feel free to do a whole post on shots of your belly =)

You are kicking butt with your runs, mama. So so so so impressive. xoxo


I love the belly pic! I if I didn’t know better, I would have thought you stuck a basketball up your shirt. so presh!

I took pilates in college. It’s ok, but not my fave. I also took Power Yoga and loved that!

It’s hard to chose one, but I love seeing how people live their lives, motivating, get tips on training.

Yes. I was parked on the street outside of my aparment in college. The spots were even carved out (if that makes sence), and a drunk driver (I’m assuming since I lived by the bars across from campus) side swiped my car. That was a treat!

I’ve backed into a truck before, but the grill guard protected it, so no damage done.

I’m in a “I want to run, but not sure if it’s a good idea because I’m having muscle pain in my glute.”


I just tried pilates for the first time a few weeks ago and LOVED it. You should def check it out after you have the baby. Or before. Whichever you feel like :)

I read the blogs for all three reasons you mentioned. Also, just for general curiosity, I like seeing what other people do and how they do it!

Also, congrats Billy!


I’ve hit three parked cars. And two moving cars. Oops.


Has anyone ever mentioned that Billy looks a lot like Aaron Rodgers?


Where are you moving to? I live in northern California, about an hour east of San Francisco…it would be pretty fun to meet you someday :)


Yes please! We have to meet up! We can go run and get frozen yogurt. We are going to be moving to the San Jose area.


I hit a parked car last week.
I was going to PetSmart and saw BabysRUs right next door and was thinking:
Should I go to Babys R Us after Petsmart?
Can I go my whole pregnancy (18 weeks then) without going to Babys R US?
What about after the birth?
If I am going to go there should I park over there and walk to PetSmart?
Or should I park at PetSmart and walk over there?
Maybe I can get in and out of PetSmart without!@#$%^&* CRASH!
I hit someone’s parked car WHILE I was parking.
Because I was obviously distracted by Babys R US. Now I shall never go inside.
$700 damage on parked car. Thank goodness it is over the $500 deductible.
My car had $4500 of damage. Geez!


Looks like you had a great workout/friend date day!


I hope Billy had a great last day! I think that profile pic is my favorite pregnant photo of you ever! I love Pilates – did it in Dallas all the time and never felt so fit – the core work was amazing. It’s too expensive/inconvenient in NYC, but hope to get back into it one day. I set out for a run this morning and decided last minute to make it a speed workout. Love those!


I love reading running blogs because I do feel like it motivates me and plus I feel like I can relate to them because us runners are on the same wavelength!! You are def. great motivation!! Your little belly is adorable!!! Not too much longer :)

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