Strengthening Glutes!!!!

I found a buried treasure in my freezer today.  We are down to slim pickings in our house food wise but luckily when I went to NYC a in June I picked up some delicious bagels and froze them the second I got home.  They didn’t taste as good as if they were perfectly fresh but with some butter and a little toasting they were still amazing.

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Later on a leftover Jason’s Deli salad that was hanging out in my fridge from when I went on Thursday.  

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Some days it just takes a little extra motivation to get out the door for a run.  Yesterday I decided to crack open my new Running Times magazine and read a few articles to get a little motivation before I went out the door.  No furniture and a large belly = laying down on the floor anytime I am home (including as I am typing this post).  

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I came across an article about all of the different injuries that can occur when our glutes don’t do their job when we run.  They can cause anything from hip flexor problems to IT Band pain and even feet problems.  If our glutes don’t fire when we are running then other muscles have to work extra hard and pick up the slack which may result in injury.  

From the September 2012 Running Times article ‘Hibernating Heinies’:

“When you sit for long periods of time, as most of us do, the very muscles you want to use in running are not able to engage properly.  We’re slumped forward over a computer, head forward, arms forward.  Our range of motion is very limited.  The posterior to anterior swing phase is lost. When you’ve been sitting at work for six hours and you go out for a run, the glutes are functionally asleep and the opposing muscles- quads and hip flexors- compensate.  Eventually they are overworked and injured.”   

How do you know if you’ve got weak glutes?  They included two tests to see if you do:

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How can we strengthen those really important muscles?

“The big ‘muscle’ located between the ears is critical to flute activation.  Think about your flutes– tensing and releasing, being aware of knee alignment, using flutes to push off while walking and exaggerated backward walking.  These cues can be accomplished throughout the day and as a pre-run warm-up to reawaken neural pathways and give lazy flutes a kick in the shorts.”  

They also included four awesome exercises to wake up your glutes!

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Ready, set, go… let’s all do the moves and get our glutes STRONG!


Do you think you have weak glutes?  How do you strengthen your glutes?

How many hours a day would you say that you sit down?  Do you have a desk job?

Are you a leftover eater?  Do you bring home food from restaurants and eat them or do they just sit there?


-We are about to go watch it at my parents’ house!!!

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I’m thinking I need to start subscribing to Running Times. I’ve been reading Runner’s World cover to cover and need more! Oh yes, you better believe I caught the marathon action this morning. Those ladies!!!


I probably do! That would explain why my hip flexors are always so tight. Any idea for that? I am going to add these exercises to my routine though. Thanks so much for sharing these tips/article. I REALLY want to make it to the start line of this marathon!

Depends on the left overs. Some are good and some are just not good the next day/reheated. I love having good food waiting for me. It’s kinda sad how much I can look forward to it!

I am just about to watch the marathon with the fam. Holla!


I actually walk really far on my toes so have strong glutes (the price to pay for walking funny I guess) LOL.

I would say between managing a pool and work, I sit down far too much. I wish I had a more active job and I’m hoping my internship in the fall will have me walking around a ton!


So all of those exercises shown in the article are ones I do daily as part of my post-surgery PT. Gold star!


I have a desk job and I commute an hour each way which means I sit down for at least 10 hours a day! Ugh. I’ve tried to convince my employer I need a treadmill desk, but it hasn’t happened yet.


Well that may explain why my feet hurt so bad. It may be shoes, back, anything else too. :) I do a lot of lunges and squats for my glutes. I need to stretch a whole lot more.


Usain Bolt..that is all!!!!


I have been avoiding sitting down like the plague this summer because I have discovered that it does wonders for your back in addition to your glutes and hip flexors. But unfortunately school will be starting again and I will be banished to a desk :( I should get started on the glute strengthening routine pronto!


I love left overs! Just ate some left over lemon Parmesan pasta I made a few days ago. Got the recipe from, you would love her site! Left overs are awesome, especially after u have kids and get in a bind for dinner.

Hoping to watch the marathon tonight! : )


I woke up early to watch the marathon live! So fun and inspiring to watch.


Ugh I didn’t watch the marathon today so dissapointed. But I guess if the reason I didn’t get to watch it was because I was out running and talking about the marathon makes it ok.


I try to do a lot of ankle weight exercises and squats to make sure thta my glutes are strong. Sometimes I even walk or run backwards. I have gotten enough injuries in my hips to know that you have to be strong alllll the way around to run your best without breaking down.

I am a pretty picky leftover eater. It can only be a day or two old or I get freaked out.


I’m pretty sure I’ve got weak glutes, I’ve been working at an internship all summer where I sit ALL DAY. It drives me insane! I wish I had a job on my feet! Haha grass is always greener on the other side!


I’m definitely a leftover eater!! I’m a total cheapskate, so I don’t like food to go to waste. So I’ll eat pretty much anything leftover, as long as it hasn’t gone bad! ;)


I think I have strong glutes – I work them quite often and donkey kicks are one of my routine moves.

I definitely eat leftovers!

I have a desk at my job, but it’s not a desk job. :) I’m a teacher, and I’m up standing or walking way more than I am sitting.


I need to work on my glutes too. I sit all day at work!
I’m so happy you found one of the bagels you bought!!! What a great find :)


As soon as I stop being lazy and lounging on the couch, I’m trying out those tests.

I have a desk job, but because I work from home, I can take breaks to walk the dog or stand at my desk to work. It’s pretty great.


I am sure I have weak glutes. ButI *think* yoga is helping me with that.

ps did I miss the post where you show off your new haircut/color?! It’s so hot here, I am debating a chop and always looking for ideas…


We are getting better at eating leftovers around here, but we haven’t always been.
I watched the marathon this morning! I was thinking of you when they talked about Kara Goucher.


Thank goodness for DVR! It was the only way to get a morning run in before the heat and to be able to see the marathon. I was cheering for those US ladies so hard!

We had to do some funky glute-strengthening exercises in college, often with fitness balls. It’s easy to imagine how out of shape they become with all of our sitting. Thankfully teaching allows me to get up more than my old desk job did, but still not enough.


I’m a lover of leftovers. Mine can last for 3 extra meals.
I watched the marathon when I woke up, it was great! I don’t know what we would do without our DVR to record all these Olympic events!


Watched the marathon this morning and strengthened my glutes and knees also. Multi tasking is my thing!


I thought the marathon aired tonight?!? Did I miss it?! :(


Hey, thanks for this post!! I have been having trouble with my hip lately and I started doing more “hydrants” and these donkey kicks…it was beginning to feel better but I wasn’t sure if it was just time or the extra exercises…(Probably both)….but I am certainly going to keep up with the toning and strengthening!!!


Yes I did watch the marathon this morning! Got up at 6am before the rest of the family so I wouldn’t be interrupted. Motivating that’s for sure, those women are fast!

We r lacking food at our house as well. Need to go grocery shopping!

I’ve always done lots of squats and lunges to strengthen my legs and glutes. Seems to do the trick for me.


I caught the end of the marathon on the treadmill today. Has fun watching! I tried the glute tests and checked out fine. *whew* :)


I have IT band issues so I bet I have weak glutes–have to do the test to be sure! Am gonna give the exercises a shot!


When I graduated last year and started a desk job it literally cause hip pain!
I (only half joking) asked my manger for a standing desk…she said no…


ENJOY the marathon watching!! i JUST finished my own viewing – i managed to go the entire day without finding out who won…great race!!
i work in retail so never sit down…and have zero hip flexor issues since leaving previous desk jobs!
thanks for the glute info, janae!! good stuff!


My biggest problem actually is that my glutes don’t fire. I went to get a 3D analysis of my running gait at the University of Virginia and it showed that I have dead butt. Seriously. I’ve since done a ton of exercises and have been ok but I think my gluteus medius still needs more strengthening!


love all those glute moves! also love that you still have a bagel from NYC – and I can’t believe you were here in June – how is it already August??


I KNOW I’ve got weak glutes! I’m so terrible about doing strength work, so it always gets “shelved for the next workout”, but I never put in the time I should.

I don’t sit often during the fall seasons, but get a lot of down time in the winter and spring. I’m actually dreading all of the upcoming time on my feet, as it always makes me feel so drained for my evening workouts. :( I sit for maybe an hour total during the fall, but sit up to 5 hours during the winter and spring (with usually 2 hours on my feet during those seasons).

I get weirded out at the thought of eating leftovers, so I rarely do. Thankfully, my husband is a bottomless pit and doesn’t care if food is leftover or freshly made!

We worked all day, so we’re just now watching the DVR’d marathon!


Wow great information. I got accessed recently that my right glute is very weak and it’s affecting my hip and knee because of it. I do have a desk job that I sit 8 hours a day so it makes sense. Thanks for those exercises to engage my glutes.


I totally agree–when we sit the glute muscles become mush! Hah. I love donkey kicks and step ups with dumbbells. Yummy butts here we come ;)


I sure hope running times didn’t make the mistake to write flutes instead of glutes :)

I’m a hairstylist so I stand on my feet all day but I’m sure my glutes aren’t as strong as they can be since I go to body pump and always feel it in my butt for days. I’ve also got hip tendonitis so I’m guessing that’s from a weak butt lol


Flutes or glutes?? I was confused there for a minute. Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 has been helping to strengthen my glutes this summer.

I caught the last 4 miles of the marathon this am. WOW!


I am so proud of the Irish woman who finished the marathon in 3:22. Her times are typically around 2:36 and for whatever reason she really struggled. She finished sobbing and in tears but that woman finished!!! I am VERY disappointed in Desi Davila who took a marathon spot away from other runners (Amy Hastings–who took 4th in Houston) and then dropped out after 3 miles. What the crap is that? Sorry not a fan—there are way to many athletes who either give up their spot when they know they can’t perform and it goes to the alternate or else they do the very best they can and finish what they started! To quit at mile 3 BOO! Am I just too crazy and hard core? What do you think—you’ve been injured–would you have still competed just to say you did?



Weak glutes are the bane of my running life :( But I am working on them. Thanks for this :)


I got up at 4am to watch it curled up on a yoga mat and pillows with my dogs and when it was over we all went back to bed:).


I read that article last night! I know I have weak glutes, which I think contributes to my hip flexor issues. I am going to start incorporating some of those exercises into my routine to activate those babies!!


Dang! Does slumping’n’sprawling count as sitting? I’m generally draped over some piece of furniture for most of the day, but I couldn’t really call it “sitting.”


Thanks for the tips! I’ve been experiencing problems and I imagine these will help!

I got to watch the marathon from mile 4 of the course! It meant standing in the pouring rain for 2 hours, but it was soo worth it. To see those amazing athletes come racing by in less-than-ideal weather conditions (I don’t know if it was evident on the TV coverage, but the rain/wind combo was truly miserable) was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I am so glad that I didn’t miss it. And to see Kara Goucher and Shalene Flanagan in action – amazing!


I’m not sure if I do. But now I am concerned if I do! I’m going to have to check. I maybe sit for a hour at work, but for the rest I’m standing or walking around. I love leftovers, its fun to combine leftovers with other leftovers :) I might have to go pick up a copy of Running Times, never heard of it or read it for that matter. I missed it :'( I was painting and remodeling a house all day.


I do sit a lot, but I think my glutes are pretty strong. I’ve been doing quite a bit of strength training lately with lots of lunges and squats. Thanks for sharing….that’s interesting info.


Yep, I so need to strengthen my glutes. I sit about 6 hours at a time at my desk, though I do try to get up and walk around a bit. And then I sit in front of my canvas when I paint. (except the big canvases then I am moving all over the place)

Watched the marathon. It was crazy. I can’t imagine running for that far in the rain!! Sad for the Americans, especially the girl who was injured and had to drop out at mile 8 (but I think it was a wise choice). And just what the heck was the Ethiopians pace to have finished it in 2:30????

Thanks for the tips!


i went to a physio and he told me i had really weak glutes and gave me a number of bridging exercises to try. I had calf pain/shin splints from my weak glutes!
Here’s a link to some of the exercises he gave me:


That kills me when you were quoting the article and it kept saying “strengthen your flutes” haha must’ve been auto correct….


I just read this article in my Running Times. Very interesting!

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