Running with a broken leg and all you can eat breakfast

I broke the record for the most amount of nightmares in one night about spiders.  I got to my parents’ house a little after midnight last night and when I went down to the room I am staying in I found the most ginormous spider I have ever seen in real life.  I woke up my mom (because I am still a 6 year old) and made her come try and to get it for me.  As our backs were turned trying to find hairspray or something to get the spider it disappeared.  Just in case you were wondering, it actually is possible to sleep with one eye open

Even though today would have been the perfect day to run outside I just can’t anymore.  My sister and I have done Saturday runs together for years and years and so I wouldn’t let her break tradition and made her run on the treadmill next to me.  You can kind of see her ponytail bouncing around.  We both did 8 miles but hers were done a lot faster!

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You know what 8 miles does to a pregnant person?  It makes them extremely hungry.

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We went to Magelby’s and I ordered the all you can eat french toast and pancakes for $5.  That is the best deal ever.  I actually used to work at this restaurant and so I saw how that syrup was made and it is scary but the deliciousness makes you forget all about that.  

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Both were incredible but the pancakes were the best.

I went with my bff that is currently living in Thailand and in town visiting for a few weeks.  We met in 9th grade English class, this may help you to understand why grammar and spelling are not my strong points.  I was too busy talking to her to actually learn anything.

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Did you hear about Manteo Mitchell?  He finished his leg of the 4×400 meter relay even though he BROKE his leg half way through it?  You seriously have to watch this video.


What was your Saturday run or race?

French toast or pancakes?

Have you broken any bones? How did you break them?

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I has such a great run today- 22 mins easy and 2 tabatas of sprints! Hope the rest of your weekend is great!


I’d have to go for the pancakes over french toast. I love any breakfast food, but pancakes always win. :) I LOVE your hair dark by the way!


Ah, I hate those type of nightmares!
I can’t believe he finished his race with a broken leg. I had to swim with a broken
elbow and it was the most painful experience of my life!!
Yeppp! I’ve broken 9 bones. Leg from doing a headstand and my sister pushing me over, foot hit a table. Elbow from playing soccer in socks indoors and falling. The rest included multiple wrist breaks from monkey bars, slipping on lemonade (yep, I’m clumsy), falling off a log, mountain biking, falling down the stairs, rollerblading, and spin war (where you spun with your friends by holding their hands and running around super fast). I’m a mess, clearly.
French toast for sure if my favourite!! Now I have a huge craving.
Happy Saturday:)


Pancakes over french toast!!! :) I am having some tomorrow after my 10mile run!
Sooo excited!!!


I was watching that race yesterday and could not believe it! What a trooper. And freak of nature… in a good way :-)


For some reason I thought I had read that he had broken it falling down some stairs at the athlete’s village or something, but that he hadn’t gone to the doctor because they wouldn’t have let him race, so he kept quiet and ran the whole thing on a broken leg?? Maybe I’m making this up!

I’ve never broken anything other than my thumb when I was a kid! I tore some muscles in my back/ shoulder though (in a head-on collision) and that as HANDS down the most painful experience in my life! I damaged nerves, and the nerve pain was awful. I probably would have been better breaking something than tearing all those muscles!


In an interview he mentioned he slipped on some stairs, but didn’t think it was a big deal and had trained on it after that with no problems. He also said that at about 200 meters he could feel and hear his leg pop. Yikes! Just amazing.


PS thanks a million for the massive irresistable french toast craving :-P Now I gotta find some bread so I can make some!!


French toast!…the thick kind with cinnamon and suga..just a lil bit of syrup. Today was just 7 miles as my long run is tmrw. I broke a finger and an elbow in soccer and a wrist when I was snowboarding. I think I heard a person eats 10 spiders a year on avg when they sleep…could be the small ones tho lol!


Wow. I just watched that video, and that is seriously unreal. What an inspiration!

You are also an inspiration … I want to be able to run 8 miles when I’m about to have a baby! That is amazing, girl!!!


Ran 6 miles today (was supposed to run 17, but I wasnt feeling great.) ran my 6 at an 8:30 pace so not too bad..

Pancakes, although I did see an awesome recipe on pinterest for nutella stuffed french toast, I think that might be a winner.

I broke my ankle when I was in 7th grade, jumping out of a tree :-)


I did 4 miles around my new house. It was the first run and I didn’t realize there are these super awesome trails nearby. I met up with an old woman and her dog at a point in the paved path where it splits into 3 and I asked her where each of them led. It was great. Definitely slow but it was super humid out today and it was def warm.

When your post title is “Running with a broken leg” I have a mini a heart attack lol. I thought you re-injured your tibias!! But I totally saw that. It was crazy. Sad they had to switch him out but he had on this massive cast and was on crutches at the end of finals of the 4 x 400


I did 9 miles in glorious weather, which we don’t often get in Texas in August.

Pancakes, hands down.
Broken finger.


I ran 6 miles, was going to run 7 but was having some pain :/

FRENCH TOAST!! My BF’s dad makes some bomb french toast, I wish I could tella-port it to you!!

I fractured both shins in 10th grade, ran on them for a month and now have some pretty messed up legs. I was not eating enough, was very underweight, and was throwing down hard runs like no ones business.
I also broke my toe in gymnastics haha

If you get a cat, it will eat the spiders ;)

Happy Saturday!!


Pancakes over french toast for sure!


That’s pretty hardcore about the runner – although, I guess if you’re in the Olympics, you should suck it up and run for 40 seconds. Although, I would never do it – which is why I’m not in the Olympics. Wow, I come up with good reasons for things.

PS – you are making me want pancakes!


Going for my long run with my hubby tonight. Best date night ever!


unlimited pancakes!? dangerous. very, very dangerous.

your hair seriously is so pretty!!

i am so amazed by Manteo Mitchell!!!! what an amazing story!

i worked out with jillian today, in my living room :) it was already too hot outside to even think about going out there. it is currently 104, i believe. ugh.


I didn’t run today – I used my new spin bike for the first time. I ride for 45 minutes and it was awesome! I plan in running four miles tomorrow. I have a half marathon in about five weeks so I need to get going!

I like pancakes more than French toast but in very picky about mine! :)

I’ve never, ever broken a bone… Thankfully!

PS – spiders are creepy! They’re there one minute and gone the next! Sometimes I’ll see one on the ceiling over my bed and I have to get rid of it because I visions of it falling on top of me!


Yesterday I read an article about a woman that went to the hospital because of an itching sensation in her hear. They had done an X-Ray & found that a SPIDER had taken up residence in her ear for DAYS. Haha. Crazy stuff.


that runner is amazing!! Rocky missed it so, I re-played it for him & he/we were so proud of how he finished strong for the team. talk about a team player right there!! soo much pride for how well USA has done so far! just watched the USA women’s basketball team take the podium for gold!! :)

love pancakes. esp. Denny’s!! soo good! :)

I broke my right & left thumbs. I know…silly!! 1st one I broke when I was on my brother’s scooter, going down a hill. 2nd one I broke running down a hill to catch my school bus! I was a clumsy child! :) xo


Wow. That story is incredible!


First of all, your hair color looks great! And second, I hate spiders. I would totally wake someone else up to kill it hahaha.

No running during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy for me anymore :(. My sciatic nerve is killing me so walking (period, not for exercise) is now an accomplishment, although even that is pretty sad looking after 12 hour shifts haha.

MMMM I really want pancakes/french toast now! I am definitely more of a pancake girl because I don’t like syrup (I know, I am a crazy person) and french toast is not that good without it.


I would choose stuffed french toast–with strawberry cream cheese filling! Yum! Have a great weekend! :)


Oh my, I can’t believe he finished the race with a broken leg and wasn’t even last!! That is crazy dedication. I couldn’t even hobble to my apartment when I broke my foot. My roommate had to carry me!

Both, as long as there’s pleanty of syrup!!

I would have crawled in bed with my mom and NOT slept in the spider room!! You are braver than me!!


I’m such a breakfast person that I don’t think I could choose between French Toast and pancakes. If I HAD to choose, I’d probably pick French Toast. I need to make some soon!


Wasn’t his finishing on a completely broken leg the CRAZIEST THING EVER??
That’s dedication.

Although, I recently read a “Where Are They Now” article about the Magnificent Seven US gymnastics team, and they asked Kerri Strug what she thinks now when she watches the video footage of her vault on an injured ankle. Her answer?

There are more important things in life than medals.

I guess she had real problems from that injury and doesn’t think it was the best decision.

Hope Manteo heals quickly!


I had a great 4 miles this morning, it was nice to actually get a run from my training plans in this week. We’ve had horrible weather that prevented me from my full runs.

And I’m a french toast person. I love stuffed french toast.


No run today, we are on vacation at our beach house and it poured all day! :(

Broke my ankle in HS falling from a cheerleading stunt and competed on it the next day.

And French toast, no question :)


Oh my gosh how did he break his leg?? Wow.
I did my 4-mile half marathon training run this weekend! (this is week two of training–the race is at the end of oct. but i’m super excited already!)


I ran 11 miles this morning! I definitely love French toast(:


Oh MY goodness! I LOVE Magelby’s all you can eat! I always get both too ;) I think the pancakes are super sweet, so I have to eat them closer to closing time (hard for me to eat wayyy sweet in the early a.m.).

I can’t believe he ran on that?!?!?! I broke a toe once -doing gymnastics (And subsequently why I quit), it’s WAY more painful than anyone might think. Hah.


Wow! that’s amazing. I can’t believe he finished the race!
Ok, I’m scared to death of spiders. I would have freaked. Now I think I’m going to have nightmares.
I would prefer french toast right now. I really like pancakes though, so it would be a tough decision. That’s awesome that you could have both! I would go for that too.


I just ellipticalled 11 miles because I currently have 4 minor fractures in my pelvis. The ONLY exercise I am allowed to do is the elliptical. I am anxiously awaiting the go ahead to get back to running.
I think that I prefer French Toast over Pancakes, but please make sure that there are eggs and sausage to go along with it! :)


Just ran three this morning. The weather got in my way.

That’s really cool that you and your sister have run together for so long!


I broke my pinky finger in a pillow fight in junior high. I think that’s a pretty funny way to break a bone.


wow that video is amazing! and so is that breakfast! haha i’ve broken my wrist before – i was playing soccer, and i actually finished the game too! haha


That is unreal!!! What an inspiration!!! That’s what I love about running. Laying it all out on the line. Pushing yourself past you think is your limit.


I had a 22 mile trail race today. It was CRAZY TOUGH, and I’m so glad it’s done :D


Pancakes-easy :) My Mums makes the the best!

I had a relay, and when I read the news article about the US runner who ran on a broken leg, I emailed the link to my team, so they knew “no excuses”
My relay was fun, I ran the same leg as I did last year, 3.9km in 14:50, so over a minute faster than last year. It is a really fun race :)

No broken bones, which is a miracle given how clumsy I can be!


I love the flying ponytail!!!! I ran 7 trail miles today and it was AWESOME! Really reminded me of why I love running so much…simply JOYFUL! Yeah…can you tell I had a great run? lol


I seriously have been thinking about the broken leg since I read an interview where he said something like “I heard it break but I knew I had to finish” That is seriously bad-ass! It makes me think twice before I claim I’ve had a ‘bad run’. Whole new meaning! I’ve never broken anything, but I did dislocate 3 ribs while pregnant with my second child. I had about a month where I couldn’t lift my arms AT ALL it hurt so badly. I finally (after seeing 3 different doctors) saw a chiropractor who popped them back in and…instant relief!

My Saturday run was nada. I had a rest day where I slept as long and as often as possible. I haven’t been sleeping as long as I should, staying up too late (watching the Olympics!) and getting up too early. I needed the rest and I’m like a new woman today! I’m heading out the door in about 10 for my long run of the week…aiming for 10 which will be my first time ever hitting double digits!

Oh! And French Toast for sure! I love stuffed french toast: Cream cheese in the middle (and strawberries too, if they’re in season!) on Cinnamon bread, then dipped and on the griddle…with real maple syrup. I don’t like to eat breakfast out though, I love cooking breakfast, and I’m good at it, so I’m never happy with my breakfast out!


Did 3.1 at the gym. It is too hot to run outside and I am trying to rehab my IT Band with short runs only.
Depends on the french toast. But usually pancakes.
I have had a stress fracture in each shin, both from trying to increase my pace too fast.

The Kidless Kronicles


Wow that is just amazing that he continued to run with a broken leg! I did not see that, thank you for sharing!

P.S. Good job on getting your miles in girl! I still am amazed how much you are still able to run while you are pregnant. It’s such an inspiration!


lol now i’m horribly curious as to how they make that syrup!


How does that even happen (breaking a leg in the middle of a race)??? Crazy!

You and your sister are so cute! I wish my siblings ran (or lived close enough to run with me). Then again, my mom bikes with me for almost all of my long runs, so I guess that’s close.


That’s incredible!! I can’t barely run with sore legs, let alone broken ones!!


AYCE pancakes or French Toast?? Amazing!

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