Overcoming Mental Blocks

Minor problem with running on the treadmill today.

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The stomach now likes to pump into the buttons and stop the treadmill every now and then.  I just took it as a sign that I should go to the bathroom and take a little break.  I did 7 miles on the treadmill and I really can’t say how much easier it is on me to run inside when I have my own personal heater connected to me at all times.  

I went straight from the gym to meet Ashley.  She took me to Jason’s Deli for our last lunch before I leave.  I met Ashley through blogging and we have probably hung out 568 times over the last 20 months, bf’s for life.  

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While I was there I had some special visitors come by so that I could babysit for a few hours.  Like usual they were crazy funny and entertaining.  Don’t worry sissy, they weren’t touching the floor, somehow they made the carseat recline all the way back and that is what they were on the.  Notice the only one smiling is the one on top.   

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The mandatory ice cream.  Just to let you know, I did not make this ice cream cone, my skills are way better than that.  

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As beneficial as it is to learn and think about training plans, speed work, cadence, proper form and sports nutrition, I think it is equally (if not more) important to pay attention to the mental aspect of the sport of running.  If we do the training then it really is left up to our minds to decide how well we actually will do.  Runner’s World had an article called ‘Overcoming Mental Blocks‘ that I really wanted to talk about.  

Doubt is something that we all experience.  Whether it is over a workout we don’t think we will be able to finish or going on a run with someone that you think is a trillion times faster than you and will leave you in the dust.  Sometimes these thoughts are actually pretty realistic but most of the time they just hold us back from our potential.  “Failure-oriented stress can cause a host of problems.  It can tighten muscles so that they fatigue faster, hamper coordination so you can’t find your stride, distract you from your goals, and undermine mental toughness.” 

For me personally, I have been having a crazy amount of doubts that I will never come back after pregnancy faster.  I keep doubting myself that I will never get a PR again even though I know deep down that if I do the training and stop doubting myself that I can and will get faster.  

A few of the common doubts/mental barriers/things that intimidate us that the article included were:

1.  People who train more:

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2.  Faster runners:  “Don’t just stew over others’ times- tap their achievements for inspiration.  Focus on the true satisfaction of running the way you want to run.”

3.  A tough course!  (This one intimidates me a ton!)

4.  The idea of a FIRST race.

5.  Saying “I’m a runner.”

It is easy to identify the problems and things that hold us back but what do we do?

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For me I need to focus on the PROCESS of improving.  Sure I won’t automatically bounce back after the baby to speedy but if I focus on the PROCESS of getting faster then before I know it I will be rocking it again.


What have been some of your biggest mental barriers when it comes to running lately?  How do you overcome these barriers?

What was your workout today?

What is the most common thing that you eat for lunch?  

Random questions… have you had any problems seeing the most recent posts lately on my blog?  A few people have so we are trying to figure out the problem.  Is it on your phone or computer?  Safari or Firefox?  How long have you had a problem seeing the newest posts? Have you had the problem happen in the past 2 or 3 days? Thanks so much!  Why do computers try to ruin my life?

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I almost always eat an entire bag of salad for lunch! My favorite are the Safeway pre-packaged salads, Southwestern is the best! My workout today will be a 5.5 loop around the lake in my little mountain town… Right at sunset, so I’m excited for those gorgeous views!

And yes, I’ve been having that problem with the recent posts! I usually read on my computer using Google Chrome. If I just click your header to refresh the page, the most recent post will come up. Hope this helps!


That is a really good idea and that sounds delicious. I hope you have the best run ever… take some pictures of the views.
THANK YOU so much, that does help a ton!


Biggest mental barrier is that I am SLOW so why even try? BUT I have to remind myself that I am as fast as God made me and I need to be ok with that! I dont love speedwork-and thats ok!! I DO love running and I want to keep that love active and alive =)
My workout today was a 3mi run (1 mi warm up and 2 mi of tempo-last mile was 8:38 which was fairly fast for me!)
Favorite things for lunch lately: Quinoa and black bean salad with cumin-lime dressing (I dip into it with tortilla chips-it is sock knockin’ awesome), and I also like to eat a big fat salad with lots of cottage cheese, and meat of some sort and lots of other veggies (red pepper, carrots, cucumber etc), another light lunch is just cottage cheese and blueberries (you turned me on to that one! NEVER would have thought fruit and cottage cheese went together! Please forgive me.)


Girl, you are amazing and I love your attitude. It is so hard not to compare ourselves but you are right… we are all as fast as God made us and we need to enjoy the process! GREAT RUN GIRL, that is WAY fast.
So when should I come over for the lunch you just described? I am SO happy that are loving cc with fruit, I will have to try blueberries!


You can come anytime! Omaha, Nebraska is just a straight shot from Cali! =) My kiddos love company! (and will love you even more if you bring chocolate. And ice cream.) =)


I did 4 miles on the treadmill! It was a pretty awesome run:)

I would say my biggest mental block is comparing my pace and tims against other runners. I’m super competitive, and this can get me into trouble because I tend to try to decrease my splits too fast and over do it. :/


WAY TO GO GIRL, the treadmill is saving us from heat stroke. I do the EXACT same thing and it is so hard not to compare. We just have to focus on where we are right now and find out how we can improve:) Hope you are having an amazing day!


You WILL come back a runner! I had serious doubts after needing major hip surgery-but little by little I have been able to get back to running. 6 months ago during my surgery and through my extensive rehab and PT I have had so much doubt, but here I am back at it! And you will be too.



You posted something recently about having an awful run and that they make you appreciate the really good runs even more. When I read that I thought, “but I’m not having ANY good runs…” and this is how I’ve felt for a long time and I’ve been dreading my runs, but I’ve pushed through them and I’m happy when they’re over, no matter how much they utterly suck. Today I FINALLY had a good run. The first 2 miles was a giant hill and I was dripping sweat at 1.5, but around mile 3 I caught a second wind and had 2 negative splits.

For lunch I eat enormous salads. Today’s was a giant bowl of spinach with toasted walnuts, gorgonzola, apple slices, roasted sweet potato, and a maple dijon vinaigrette. I usually eat the same salad all week and then switch it up the following week, but this combination may be a keeper.
I use both Safari and Firefox and have had zero problems seeing posts, I’m also kind of a HRG creeper. :/


Caitlin, you are so so nice! Can I come over for that salad.. it sounds incredible. I am SO SO HAPPY that you had a great run today with NEGATIVE splits, you are amazing!


It works now!!!!! I was using safari on my iPod but it’s all good now.


Somehow you always seem to know exactly what running tips I need! Thanks for these!

My most recent mental block I think has come from working so long on a specific goal and then reaching it. I was very proud of myself but now I need to figure out a new goal to keep me motivated.


I would say my biggest mental block is on the days when I think I am tired before I ever set foot on the road. Sometimes it turns out that I don’t feel as tired toward the end of my run, but other times it just seems to drag. I try to get through it and not overdo it too much, knowing that tomorrow will be a better run :)

And yes, had some trouble reading some of your new posts, but after I saw that you were fixing it, haven’t had any problems since then. I use Google Chrome, too!

Thanks for your blog, too! I am not pregnant, but my husband and I hope to have kids in the next few years and it’s inspirational to see someone who runs throughout her pregnancy (no matter the crazy looks people give her!)


I absolutely love your name:) Being tired before the workout is a huge barrier for me. Thanks for letting us know about the blog. You are so sweet, you made my day!


I’m coming off of an injury so it can be pretty frustrating that I can’t go as fast or as far as I want to. Then when I am running I psyche myself out over it and get tired pretty quick. Pretty lame if you ask me!

Boot camp class+5.5 mile run (was supposed to be 6 but then the squats we did in boot camp kicked in) and maybe pilates later…..

Most common lunch is probably a salad, but lately I haven’t had a set schedule so its pretty much whatever is in my fridge!

No problems for me!


GREAT post, you are so right. For me the toughest thing is getting used to being only ok at a sport. I’m naturally good at just about every sport – except for running it seems! As much as I love to run, it’s also a big ego blow because even though I run a fair bit and stick to a consistent schedule, I’m mediocre at best, a solid middle of the pack runner. I’ve definitely had to accept that!

Today’s run is a 5 mi recovery run (legs are still tired after Monday’s 20 miles – how you ran 28 miles for FUN one day is BEYOND me!)

I have had some trouble getting some of your recent posts to load – I just get a ‘couldn’t load page’ message on the screen. I use a mac and safari!


Has the ‘couldn’t load page’ problem happened in the last couple of days?


I’m also using a Mac and Safari and could not get any new pages to load. I did not receive an error message-the homepage was just consistently an old post from a couple days ago.


Is this still happening for you?


It appears to be working now!


Recently I have been feeling like I will never be as good as I know I can be. I haven’t run in about a week because my foot is messed up (got an MRI today, hopefully I’ll have good results) and I know that when something goes wrong with my training I really start to doubt how good I can be. Knowing I have a tendency to worry a lot about what could be, I know to just wait and relax :)


I’ve had trouble seeing the new posts on my phone. I’ve been dying to run outside so hopefully I can tonight! It’s been over 100 degrees here.


Has the new posts problem happened in the last couple of days?


It happened the last two days and this morning, but it’s fine now. It would just take me to the “Perfect Carbohydrate” post.


It’s still not working on my Mac–takes me to the Perfect Carb post


What browser do you use?


Most common thing for lunch–big salads, lots of fruit, and spinach/turkey paninis!

My workout–6 mile run, some core work, and tonight I teach #BodyPUMP.

You will bounce back in NO time after being pregnant, and I think it’s awesome that you’re prepping ot ENJOY the journey of it all, iinstead of just wanting to be at the end of it (PR, etc.). WAY to go.

All about changing our thoughts and what that will do for us–running or otherwise.


I have had some major mental barriers with running lately. After having a few weeks of feeling so crappy I felt like I was never going to be able to run again comfortably, race, and PR like I want to. I need to keep reminding myself that these times happen to everyone, and this means some GREAT running is in my future! I ended up running with a friend from high school track this morning who is now an All American cross country runner for Johns Hopkins. We ran super early (6am) and I figured she was going to be wayyy faster. I surprised myself and felt awesome and we had a great run! Sometimes you just really have to get through some crappy times, no mater how long they may be in order to get better!

P.S. I heard new Mom’s always PR at Boston :) !!


My biggest mental blocks have been around being afraid of spin class.
Since I can’t run due to a stress fracture in my foot, spin keeps my muscles working and heart pumping better than anything else but I find it SO HARD!
I get anxiety about spin classs even though I know I can do it and know it is so so good for me.


Love this post! Your new posts show up in my FB newsfeed and I have no problem reading them. I wish I would’ve found your blog while I was pregnant and could’ve used the motivation to run then! My biggest mental barrier right now is trying to train for my first marathon but also trying to PR at other distances (5k and 10k). Today’s workout was 3x1mile on the TM with warmup and cool down. Lunch is usually a mix of fruits, yogurt, nuts and snacks!
PS-what is in the plate to the left of your salad?!


I have been having some trouble on my phone. My blog will say you have posted a new post and when I click on it there won’t be a new post. A few hours later I will be able to see the post.

I just wanted to say that I just started my blog but I have been reading yours for awhile and I LOVE reading your posts. You are an awesome inspiration and regardless of whether your posts are light-hearted or serious they always make me smile. Thank you for keeping me motivated and being an inspiration to start a blog of my own.


I’m using Chrome and since yesterday it has been opening to the Aug. 6th entry, even if I hit refresh. Today when this happened, once I hit your ‘home’ link it directed me to this entry, the most recent one. Weird. I haven’t gotten any error pages though, just doesn’t update.
If I try loading on my phone everything works perfect.


I so needed this! I’m having a lot of mini freak outs about my first marathon, especially about keeping up the pace I want to. I’m starting to realize it’s not as easy as I thought it would be, but then again I don’t want to underestimate myself! Ahhh!


hahaha. I laughed out loud when I saw your belly pic. That was too cute. :)
No mental blocks about running, right now. Mine are more in the physcial form (stress fracture). I know, I know…I’m a total downer.
Today’s workout was 40 minutes of pool running. So happy to be able to fill the (land) running gap!!
Hope your Wed was great.


You are not a downer!! Stress fractures are HUGE barriers from running but you are doing the best thing possible in your situation and hitting up the pool, WAY TO GO!!


I’m sure you will come back from pregnancy even stronger! Just look at Paula Radcliffe winning the New York Marathon what, just 9 months after she gave birth?! It can be done!

My biggest mental block right now is the stress of whether I can really complete my long runs. I’m into uncharted territory training for my first marathon, and ever since I passed the half marathon distance (the longest I had ever run before) I started getting crazy stressed…to the point of not sleeping …the night before my long runs. I’m very injury prone and have lots of aches and pains, and I keep wondering if my body will really be able to go the distance. I wish I trusted by body a little more, but I live in fear of injuries as my mileage grows!

BTW, I use Firefox and have had no issues reading your blog :) Oh yeah, and lunch every day is a Greek yogurt with two pieces of cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread, one topped w/ PB & Apple and the other with PB & Banana…delicious, and hit the spot after 7.75 miles today :)


You are so right, thanks so much Steph. CONGRATS on training for your first marathon, that is so awesome. I totally experienced what you did with my first too and I was ALWAYS nervous for the next long run. You’ve got this girl and trust yourself. Email me if you ever need extra support:) GREAT run today and perfect lunch to go with it!


Most common doubt is: Is running effecting my ability to conceive? I overcome it, by knowing in my heart of hearts that my life was ment to experience both things……..and read your blog, you give me hope!

7 miles today.


ERICA!!! I totally can see how difficult that mental barrier is but through our emails I know you are in the right place and you have the right mentality about everything so it will all work out. Thinking about you!!

Wish we could have ran our 7 miles together!


I eat a salad almost everyday for lunch; spring mix, broccoli cole slaw, chick peas, chicken strips, and apples with a honey mustard type dressing.

My mental block is regaining speed again. My mom has recently begun running and I have been running a lot with her to support and encourage her. However, her pace is slower and doesn’t challenge me. To overcome this, I triy to include a tempo run during my runs with her (if we are at a park) and also including other runs with friends more my speed. Not really training for anything right now, but hope to speed up again soon.

Mom and I did 9 miles today, she is so awesome! :)


TINA, your salad sounds perfect to me. That is AWESOME that your mom is running, WOW. Way to help her out so much. I think that the tempo run during your runs with her is a perfect way to keep up your speedy! NINE miles together… that is the coolest thing ever.


Omg, you were already an amazing runner and you will come back so strong after baby! People who run and push strollers are champions, for real! How could you not be strong doing that? I had/have similar doubts about getting back into running after knee surgery, and I’ve found that it helps if I don’t even let my mind go to the land of doubts. Always always think positive. Plus, I love Oprah’s quote of “god has a plan for you that is bigger and better than anything you can ever imagine for yourself.” I might not like my struggles, but there is a purpose to them. I just try to trust where I am and grow the most that I can from it. :)


Thanks so much Cari! KNEE SURGERY… oh girl, you are amazing for overcoming that and I love that Oprah quote, it is so perfect!


This post made me crave Jason’s Deli – I know where lunch will be tomorrow!

I can load site on my phone but not Internet Explorer –


WEIRD.. thank you so much for letting us know. I hope you have the best lunch tomorrow at Jason’s and get lots of ice cream:)


Janae you will bounce back so quickly after you have your precious little one. I didn’t workout for almost a year! At 10 weeks after I had my daughter I started running and I couldn’t even run 1 mile at 6.0 speed (I was so frustrated), now only 13 weeks later I have run 7 miles in an hour. I hope to run a 10 mile run once this month…. thank you for all your running inspiration and motivation.



Kara, you are the best. Thank you so much. 13 weeks later and so many huge improvements, girl you are my inspiration! Will you let me know when you do your 10 miler?


My workout today was a walk with my kids and hubs to Starbucks this morning. It was a rest day for me, which is one of my mental barriers, I know my body needs a day off, so why does it make me feel sluggish and guilty?

I love Jason’s Deli. There is one near my work so I get to eat lunch there about once a week. I love the spinach veggie wrap.


I need to try their spinach veggie wrap! Is it better than the salad bar? That sounds like the perfect workout for me. I hear ya on rest days but in the long run we just have to remember it really is the best thing for us!


If you’re stressed about coming back from pregnancy, go read Jen’s blog http://www.runnerstrials.com. She PR’d a few weeks ago, post baby! She’s my hero :)


SHERRI!! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to read all about her post baby PR… this gives me hope!


Biggest mental issue lately is THE HEAT and humidity. We have had a high temp summer- and I’M SO MENTAL about it. I usually just go to the gym and run on the treadmill- but I want to be more mentally tough and suck it up when it is hot and humid out.

No problems seeing your blog.

Kelly in Michigan


Okay, I totally have to agree with you (except I don’t have to deal with humidity like you do). I hope the temps start cooling down for you ASAP!! Have an amazing night Kelly!


salad looks awesome! ps, pretty sure i saw your mom at costco today. if she bought some hamburger patties? it was her. not creeper that i scoped out her cart. i didn’t see her buying any grapes for you though? so it probably wasn’t her :)


Ahhhh it totally was her! That is awesome!!!


I have had problems. For the past 2 days every time I came to the site it brings me to the “Perfect Carbohydrate” post. I thought you hadn’t been posting… And then I decided to hit the home button on your top bar and then I saw all the posts I have missed. I have been using Safari on my iPad.


Thank you so much Lindsay for letting us know! Hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow:) Hope you are having an amazing night!!


Workout today was hiking up a place in Fremont, CA called Mission Peak. There is no shade so I was super sweaty and it was a great workout!


I haven’t been running nearly as much recently because it’s so hot out. I’d like to run first thing in the morning, but now I’m working again, and I’m too lazy to get up any earlier. :P So then I think about running at night, and it’s too hot!

Ohhh … excuses, excuses! ;)


My mental barrier right now comes from having stopped running because of a knee problem, and now I’m always too concerned that I’ll hurt it again, so going light/short. Not the greatest! On the bright side I’ve changed up my yoga so that it’s more of an active class. Work out today = 90 mins yoga. And an evening walk, if that counts :) Lunch frequently begins with a bowl of greens.

No trouble viewing your site (on my mac using chrome).


I usually eat a bagel and an apple for lunch and then add on if I’m hungry afterwards. I’m so boring.

No workouts for me for a couple of days. I have tendinitis in my foot, so i’ve decided to actually be smart and rest it.


Janae! I want to share with you my big news… I ran on a track today! I was so nervous. There wasn’t anyone there, so it was the perfect time for me to try it out.
Your post was perfectly timed for my accomplishment- I always felt like I couldn’t run on a track because only “runners” run on the track. The last time I ran on a track was in 7th grade PE!
I guess I didn’t consider myself a runner, which is probably ridiculous since I’ve run five marathons. That even LOOKS ridiculous as I type it. ;) talk about a mental block!


You’re still in your 20s and I have heard that 30s is when women really hit their stride when it comes to running. So I think you have plenty of time to keep hitting PR’s. It will just take more coordination.
That’s what I’m scared about getting pregnant…losing the fitness I have worked so hard to achieve. But watching you still working out in the 9th month is inspiring, and I know that if my body can handle it, I’ll still be able to do it!

I am dealing with some burnout when it comes to running. I don’t have any big races set for the fall so I don’t have any purpose to my running, so it makes it hard to motivate. We are going to fertility docs again starting in September and unlike last year, I am not going to mix marathon training in with that. I need to get back to running being enjoyable.

I usually eat a salad for lunch…my favorite is field greens, and I try to always include cucumbers and carrots plus a carb (pasta or barley) and a protein (chickpeas or chicken). OR turkey sandwich with mustard. My treat to myself is either Whole Foods salad bar or Trader Joe’s curry chicken salad. yum!!


I’ve been struggling with thinking that I can’t be considered a runner because I am slow and look like I want to die while exerting myself. What can I say, its just the face my face makes when I am really working hard. Runners are supposed to look happy and be super in shape and fast. I am working on it by getting over it. My feet are moving, I’m moving, and while I look like I would rather be doing something else – I really do enjoy the training.

My workout tonight will be a 4-5 mile run around the neighborhood. In the 90 degree heat with crazy humidity.

I usually eat tacos for lunch. I have an addiction. And in my head they are perfect because tortillas are great carbs, protein from the meat, and a variety of veggies with some guac. Heaveeeen!


Looks like a great meal! And thanks for posting the mental block tips/advice!

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