Yesterday was kind of a big day in the Jacobs’ home.  Brooke had her first trip to Costco. I am a little disappointed because she slept the entire time (even in the bulk candy aisle) but let’s just pretend she doesn’t understand how important her first trip to Costco was to me.   I will just show her all of the pictures from our trip today so that she can get a feel for how awesome this store is.  

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You know those days when you really crave a hot dog?  Okay, I am pretty sure that not very many of you have experienced that but believe me… the craving hit strong.  I mentioned my desire for a hot dog and Billy jumped on board especially because it may have been our cheapest dinner date ever.  $1.50 for a hot dog AND a drink (lemonade heaven).

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I tried my very hardest to use every bargaining and debate skill that I know to try and convince Billy that we need these chocolate dipped cookie sandwiches but I failed and instead we just stuck to getting the necessities.  

These sandwiches have been around since 1928, that must mean they are absolutely INCREDIBLE.

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Lettuce for salads, apples, tortillas (the ones that you cook yourself… they really are the best), chicken, milk and running socks.  Somehow I packed 18 pairs of running socks but only had 2 pairs when I got to California?  

Photo 2 copy

The real reason that we went to Costco last night was because I had sent in some pictures to be printed including my favorite picture I have ever seen in my entire life.  I got it printed in black and white and I love it.  I think I am going to get it in wallet size too so that I can show it to every stranger/friend/family member/dog/cat/lizard I ever come in contact with.  

Photo 3 copy

We came home and watched Friday Night Lights and so far this whole law school thing isn’t so bad….  he reads and goes to classes 12 hours a day and comes home and plays with us.  He also teaches me everything that he learns and so I am becoming quite knowledgeable, if you have any legal questions please let me know.  


Do you go to the grocery store with a list?  Do you walk up and down every aisle or just go to the sections that you know you need to go to?

-I always have a constant list on my iPhone and I just added those ice cream sandwiches to the top and I bolded it and underlined it too.  He is not going to hear the end of this.

What are a few of your weekly grocery shopping staples?

Where was the last place that you went on a date to?

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1. That picture is too precious for words

2. I eat a ridiculously large amount of salad too, are you able to go through all of that lettuce before it goes bad? I may need to add it to my Costco list (sweet!!!)


Haha that is the same way with my hubby in med school!! It is tons of work, but I kind of LOVE helping him study because I learn all sorts of awesome stuff. Especially since hes in anatomy right now :)

Grocery staples…peanut butter. carrots. the rest is usually kind of random, but those two I must have available at all times. (and chocolate)


I go with a list sometimes, only if it gets big.

Food staples: avocado, spinach, bananas, almond milk, almond butter, cucumber, sometimes bell pepper :)

Last place I went on a date, was….MONTEREY. Loved it :)

That picture is too cute, :)


costco has great blueberries! I’m surprised you didn’t get grapes & cottage cheese! That picture is priceless….:-)


Beautiful photo! I would do the same – print a million different sizes and put it all over the house/my wallet/car/etc. etc. No shame!

And your Costco has bulk bins?? I’m having Costco envy here… I also always have a grocery list on my iPhone that never seems to go away.


Ha I just realized I’m a fool because all of Costco is essentially bulk. Tuesday 6am morning fail :)


Last date place we went to was a yogurt place called “Skinny Dip” (bc it’s fat free). I tweeter about it an woke up with TONS of naked/inappropriate spam, lol. Loving the pics of your beauty!


It’s-its are a California tradition! They are fantastic and as a CA resident you are basically required to eat them. You can tell your husband I said that :)


Ok, not living in the us makes me feel sltghily leftout…lol… but I’m gonna give my least favorite words anyway!Brussels sprouts (even the name is horrible!)blood sausageexquisite (don’t even know how to write it exactly…)


I go with the list but whether or not I stick to it entirely is a whole different story! I want an ice cream sandwich now…probably more than you wanted that hot dog!!!


I love Costco. The kids and I make a weekly trip to Costco during snack time. I always have a list with me. If I forget my list, I’m guaranteed to not get half of the things I need. A few of my staples are milk, lettuce, fruit, bread, and cereal. On our last date, we went to a restaurant and went bar hoping (something I haven’t done in forever and didn’t really miss it).


Ahhhhh! Seeing Billy with Brooke just melts a girl’s heart. What a sweet picture that Brooke will cherish forever (and you, too, Mama)!

I usually go to the store with the list, otherwise those choco-dipped cookie sandwiches would end up in my cart everytime. My staples are salad fixings, Chobani, and any and all fruit! Oh, and peanut butter. The biggest jar of Skippy Natural Extra Crunchy that I can find. Mmmm. My last date was to the state fair to ride the carnival rides and eat delicious fried food:)


I always make a list before going grocery shopping, and do my very best to stick to it…there’s always extra fruit that falls into the cart though :)


I would not want to be friends with a person who doesn’t have cravings for hot dogs. I definitely know where you’re coming from!

Great… now I want a hotdog and it’s 9 am!

I always go to the store with a very detailed list because I try very hard to not go over budget… usually that works out unless my husband comes with me. He always adds extras.


Our last date was last Monday for our anniversary. We went to this French bistro in Las Vegas and spent far too much money. Then after dinner on our way back to our hotel the water fountains at the Bellagio were doing their fancy show. It was a lovely first anniversary. Normal dates are more like dinner at Chipotle with an occasional trip to the syphony thrown in. I’m lucky I have a husband who is into music and will happily go to the symphony with me.


Holy cow gas is expensive over there!

Two things we will never run out of in our house: dill pickles and cheese. Other staples include pb, tortillas, and hamburger! You can make anything with hamburger… well, almost anything. :)


I noticed the same thing! That’s too funny!


Precious photo. Hands down, Costco hot dogs are the best. Their soft serve is pretty sweet too. Last date was 2 weeks ago to see Regina Spektor! So fun! Got dressed up, had awesome seats and got to go back stage. Grocery staples in our house are pb, hummus, and trader joes light Mac n cheese, it’s like crack!


OMG, you have to find an It’s It NOW! They are delicious, and you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. And now I’m craving one, but they’re only sold west of the Rockies. :( The factory is up in Burlingame right off the 101.


Did you try telling Billy that Brooke NEEDS those ice cream sandwiches? I mean who can take food from a baby?


Aw, I like that picture too! Yes, I always make a grocery list!


Oh man I have to have a list or I will end up buying any good thing I see!! My biggest grocery staples are probably fruit(whatevers fresh) chicken breast, lettuce, veggies and of course enough peanut butter to take a bath in, oh and you can’t forget the sour patch kids and twizzlers ;) Last date was dinner and a movie on Sunday! But the movie was so so bad…don’t go see hit and run…ever! But holding hands and cuddling with the hubs in the theater sure was nice :) PS that picture makes my heart so happy! You have the most beautiful little girl and I can tell she is growing up in the most amazing family!


I get days when I really crave a vegetarian hot-dog – even more strange than craving a regular one, for sure! ;)


It would be criminal to live in CA and not try an Its-It. The ones made with mint ice-cream…well…no words. Try one IMMMMMEDIATELY!

Also, that picture of Billy and Brooke is just incredible.


It’s It are so yummy! My favorite growing up? When I was pregnant I craved them so much;). The picture is So sweet.


Are you watching the TV show Friday Night Lights? I want to be Tammy Taylor. She is SO amazing. I could see you being like Tammy. Brooke is SO adorable. I love reading your blog. Miss you twin sister!


I think that I buy a thing of bananas every time that I go in the store! It seems that lately I am going thru red potatoes too! Does laffy taffy count too??

If I don’t take a list, I will buy EVERYTHING in the store. :)


I am a strong proponent of the grocery store list because if not, I forgot essentials or end up over buying. However, in order to make the list, I need to plan out a weeks worth of meals, so it is quite the process! My staples include LOTS of produce (I eat salads everyday and tons of fruit), oatmeal, beans, sweet potatoes for my dog (she loves them baked!), natural nut butters, bread and almond milk!


I had a hot dog craving yesterday! Why didn’t I go to Costco?! Those are the best hot dogs around.


I try and keep my shopping trips to once every weekend with an organized list. We are trying hard to stay on a tight budget and it helps. I use my iPhone too and love it, add stuff to my list everyday and make sure I don’t miss anything.

Those It’s-It’s are the best! They were my Dad’s favorites and my husband will buy them every once in a while cause he knows the sentimental attachment. You must try the mint ice cream one ; )


I bought those same socks!!
I always always go shopping with a list because if Idont I have to go down every isle to make sure I get everything. Grocery staples include milk and cereal, must always have both.
Last date me and the hubby went on was to Cafe Rio…


I am obsessed with lists – to do lists (every day and lists for the week), grocery lists, clothing/ running/ triathlon gear wishlists, goal lists… haha so grocery list is a definite :) We keep a pink magnet notepad on the fridge and update it whenever we need something else. I also have Awesome Note on my iPhone with a million lists :)

A few of our weekly staples include chicken breasts, mushroom (everything tastes better with mushroom!), cereal (we are addicts), greek yogurt, bananas, almond milk, chocolate milk and watermelon (I go through a whole one every 2 days lately!)

Our last date night… haha probably watching Dexter and Scrubs on the couch in our jogging pants. We’re both training for marathons right now and usually at the end of a long day, that’s all we want to do!


I love that photo of Billy and Brooke!!

I do a very similar thing with my grocery list! I like to have it on my phone so I can easily edit it and access it at the grocery store. When I make bigger trips to places like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, I’ll do the aisle wandering thing, but on regular grocery trips I try to stick to what’s on my list. Lately I’ve been eating a lot of whole wheat bread and yogurt. Also, Costco meals are so awesome. The last time I was there I got a *gigantic* cup of fro yo for $1.45. (I know, not really a meal, but delicious.) I had to make my boyfriend share it with me.


best. date. ever. i know exactly what you mean about craving hot dogs. i am a serious hot dog lover, and when that craving hits, there’s no stopping it. i am so into hot dogs that i even own a hot diggity dogger. have you ever seen one? it’s like a toaster for hot dogs. i am pretty sure you can acquire it via skymall. my parents got it for me for christmas one year and now i can have hotdogs that taste like they’re grilled along with toasted buns anytime i want. it’s kind of a problem and i don’t really let myself buy hot dogs often because when i do, they’re all i eat.


Great date! I hope you get those ice cream sandwiches next time, though.

Oh my gosh, that picture is absolutely adorable!


That photo makes my heart melt, precious! And you must go get an it’s-it now…. They are like a California childhood staple :)


I love that picture, you’ll treasure it forever :) You are still glowing, such a happy mama!


It’s-its – DO IT!!!! We, your loyal fans, officially give you permission to partake in this goodness. You are not an official Californian until you do ;)


Awwww LOVE that picture!!

What a great date night–I totally love going to Costco with my husband too! We always get spinach, fruit, frozen berries, turkey slices, & Greek yogurt.


It’s-It is the best ice cream/cookie around hands down. I want one NOW!


Janae, we go to Cafe Brioche in Palo Alto every Sunday morning for brunch as our “date night”. With my constant pregnancy nausea, that’s the only consistent meal that works. You, Billy & Brooke should try a restaurant on Calif. Ave. If you go on Sunday mornings, you can easily shop at the Farmers Market right there. Plus! They have a person who makes animal balloons there- something Brooke would enjoy (probably in a year or two, though!). And totally unrelated, but I’ve been meaning to tell you….Slice of NY Pizza! It’s off El Camino (border of Sunnyvale and Mt View) and you MUST go!!!! Their pizza is ridiculously good! :-)


The dr. said to avoid ballpark hotdogs, or when you can’t cook them yourselves; and she specifically said Costco ones during pregnancy! Reallyyyy makes me want one even more. Come january, I am going to make you go get one with me!


I think Billy was looking out for your best interests in saying “No” to the It’s It’s. Those little bites of heaven are dangerous…………………………………….


What a beautiful picture!

I tried It’s It’s when I was visiting a friend in San Francisco- so good!


Everyone I know loves Costco but I have never been there. I am just not 100% sure it is worth it to buy such big items for the two of us. Although my hubs is a huge eater…

And I love hotdogs! I crave them every time I go to the golf course. I know they aren’t healthy – but they are so yummy!

I always go to the grocery store with a list. On Saturdays I go through recipes and choose our dinners for the week and then put the ingredients on the list, along with staples. Then I head to the store and buy the stuff on the list and a few other items. Our staples consist of greek yogurt or cottage cheese, orange juice, chocolate milk, regular milk, bread, chips, soda, and produce (at least three fruits and two veggies). Our bill is always so high – my goal under our new post-baby budget is $100 a week. Last week the hubs came and we ended up paying $150…he’s not allowed to go with me anymore!


What a cute and fun date! P.S. Friday Night Lights is THE BEST SHOW EVER. Enjoy!


I love the picture of Billy and Brooke! I’m sure every lizard you come across will just think it’s the cutest :)

I always go to the store with a list otherwise I’ll forget everything I need and just buy jelly beans.


I like to bring a list. Because we’re so busy with the kids (two pre-teen boys) we make a dinner menu for the week, make an ingredient list, and then hit Safeway! We have crock-pot meals a lot (I have been getting some great recipes at Skinnytaste and in my Fix It and Forget It Lightly cookbook) because of soccer practices and play rehearsals. I always end up buying more, though!!


I usually make a list, but I always end up buying way more than what is on the list… especially at Target or Costco!


so random, but i hand-write mine each week and purposely leave it in my card when i’m done. i really like finding other people’s lists because i’m super nosy, and somehow think that someone will like reading mine, too.


Within a week or so of my daughter being born we had our first costco trip too, because I was craving hotdogs like a motha! Pun intended.
I bring a list. And one time my child ate it, literally, it was in spit wads in her mouth. Now I keep it on my phone.


I definitely go with a list and always try to make it in and out in record time. If I don’t go with a list I end up reading labels and ingredient lists and that’s NEVER good news.

Staples are the fruit and veggies from my local produce store — love it!!

Also, that picture is worth about 10,000 to the power of 10,000 words. <3


I def get hotdog cravings! You are not alone.

I always have a list. I rarely vary from it – this took years of practice. I only stick to the areas I need things otherwise I’ll end up wanting everything!

Tuna, wheat thins, fruit, some veggies (right now it’s broccoli), popcorn, honey roasted peanuts, multi-grain cheerios, milk.


There is a Bay Area trail running group ( that has It’s-It’s ice cream sandwiches available for runners after every race!


I was going to write the same thing! I love Brazen Racing!


It’s it!!! Dying of jealousy! I may move back just for my favorite childhood treat! Which is now my adult favorite treat. I just decided that, so thank you!
My twins very first outing was to Costco! They were 5 weeks old at the time. I met another lady there with new twins, too, and now we’re the best of friends. I love Costco miracles!
The Billy and Brooke picture would make any heart melt. Even the coldest of lizard hearts!


It’s IT!!!!! I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid buying it from the ice cream man!!! San Francisco treats are awesome!!! Ahhhh, I miss the Bay Area!!! ;o)


Last date night was……..uh…. I dunno. Maybe his birthday dinner early August ;)

I LOVE that Costco. It’s not as insanely crowded as others in the area and it’s just more open spacious.

Definetly try the ITs IT. It’s a Bay Area staple ;)

Lists are a must for me, or I buy everything under the sun.


Sweetest picture of Billy and Brooke! I love black and white baby pictures. I usually have a list when I go but I always end up with a few extra items that aren’t on the list. We love Costco dates in our house!


you may not want to touch on this subject.. but I’m ganna ask anyways =) You are so skinny and coming from a 33 yo woman who works out 1-2 hrs a day (intense cardio and some weights) I know I am sabatoging my efforts with my diet. I eat way too many calories! and I eat junk food. I know you post lots of pics of what you eat, but do you really eat it all or do you make that plate and then get full after only half a sandwich? Also, if you do actually eat it all.. do you snack in between?? I am so frustrated that I put so much effort into working out and then binge eat over and over again all day long.. did you ever have an “eating disorder” ugh I hate that name but I guess it best describes me..


You HAVE to have an It’s It! They are the best thing ever! I’ve only had them in middle school when we used to live in Davis, Ca. Seriously, get some! Soo good!!


Love love love that picture!

My grocery store shopping ways vary. Depends on if I’m just running in for something quick, or if I’m shopping for the whole enchilada. If its just something quick, I go to the aisle I need and out I go..but if its shopping, like mean it shopping, like, not coming back for a week shopping, theres a list, there is aisle by aisle, and even a specific route. boxed and canned goods, vegetables, fruits, meats, dairy, frozen..then on to the registers. And then yes…. I put them on the conveyor belt in order of areas..pantry, cabinet, what I’m using that night, refrigerator and frozen. :)

Weekly staples are bread, milk, Gold fishes (I have a 5 year old) apples and butter

My last date? as in a real real date? like..what I consider a date? or what my husband thought was a date? because I’m coming to find that after 13 years of marriage….there is a difference. :) Now, under my classification of a date, my last date with my husband, the father of my children was the week of May 1st. Under his would be last night, when we went to school curriculumn night for our new Kindergartner and then ran into Jimmy Johns to pick up some sandwiches to bring home and eat. :) Anytime we are alone..with no him is classified as a Date.


Girl, you do need those It’s It’s. I am from San Francisco (where they ome from) and they are all that and more!!


Haha I always have a list but it’s typically “flexible,” meaning anything delicious looking tends to be added immediately.


I try to make a list once a week after I plan out several meals. It’s still not a habit for me. Yogurt and fruit are always staples for us!


YOU’VE NEVER HAD AN ITS-IT!?!?! Whhhhhaaaat? We had these every Fridays at my elementary school. I think they’re a Bay Area treat, so now that you’ve joined the club….

They are always expensive though, which sucks.


Beautiful picture! I usually go with a list and only go down the aisles with things that I need. But of course both TJ’S and Costco can be a different story! ;)


james and i are so proud! costco is a big deal! love it!


i am so happy to hear that you have strange, sudden cravings for hot dogs! me too…and my husband finds it disgusting. but sometimes they are just necessary.


I try to use a list when I go grocery shopping, but I always end up adding stuff to it. I’m a sucker for trying new products that look good, and Costco is THE WORST for this, because you end up paying for, like, 100 portions of something that you just wanted to try. Costco is also rough because it convinces me that anything the comes in bulk must be a good deal, so I end up buying huge vats of deluxe mixed nuts that my husband eats in one sitting. And then I wonder if the bulk thing is really such a good deal…


I always have a list but typically walk down every aisle anyways lol I always end up adding stuff. I really wish the Costco was closer to me… it’s about 30 minutes away!


OMG I love hotdog dates! We go to SAMs instead of Costco though. Luke slept through his whole 1st trip to SAMs club too… And I have pictures to show him when he gets older. I also have a perpetual list on my phone for the grocery store and target.


1. our costco only has sugar-free lemonade, and it’s just not the same :(

2. the $1.50 hot dog combo is zack’s favorite meal, as well. totally would be his choice for a date every. single. time. ha!

3. it’s it’s are soooooo good!!! my parents would get them a lot growing up! and last time we were at costco, it was a sample. you’d better believe i went back for seconds! ;)

4. that picture is perfection. so beautiful!!

5. i always make a grocery list! even if it’s only 2 things- i just like making lists :)


I love that photo of Billy and Brooke! So cute!
I usually go to the grocery store with a list. Otherwise I might get alittle crazy or forget what I was suppose to buy!


It’s It are the best!! We have an amazing trail running company in the Bay Area, Brazen Racing. They have It’s Its at the finish of all their races! That fact had helped me on more than one occasion to get my butt across the finish line!


You guys are like us! Our last dinner date was to Ikea. Fun times.

Usually, we don’t have a list when we go to the grocery store because we buy the same things everytime.


I go up and down every aisle but it is always cheaper and faster if I go alone. Do you have a favorite app that you use to keep your list?
Carrots. Fruit. Butter. Frozen veggies.
We went out to eat last weekend. Date night is Thurs so more to come.

The Kidless Kronicles


ADORE that picture of Brooke & Billy..I bet you are just falling even MORE in love with him when you see him with Brooke….best moments EVER.


I started meal planning recently! I found these great organization tools on OpenSky and use them religiously now. Totally recommend them!


“…even in the bulk candy isle.” Hilarious! Such a pretty baby:-)


IT’S IT!! Those were at the snack shack we had at my junior high. They would cost $1.50 each, but they are soooo good! Two oatmeal cookies sandwiching a mound of creamy cool ice cream, drenched in chocolate…….. Life. Is. Good.


It’s-it’s are awesome and you really have to get them next time!


I love cheap dates :) We went hiking on our last date since we had a coupon for free entry from donating blood. I usually write a grocery list but never buy only what’s on it. I’m sure if I did though I’d spend a lot less. Staples are usually milk, OJ, yogurt, fruit, and veggies. I only buy meat, pasta, and canned items when they are on sale and stock up. That is such a previous photo of Brooke and Billy!


It’s-it’s are great and you should be able to get them one at a time at 7-11. Also, sometimes you can get the for FREE with a Papa John’ pizza order.


Oohhhh my gosh. Is it creepy if I want a copy of that picture? Hahaha just kidding, kinda. It is adorable. I would want to show it to every stranger/lizard/etc. too!


I love those tortillas! and you are right those ice cream sandwiches look great!

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