The Easiest Chicken Recipe

Tonight I made what I was craving, RITZ Chicken, steamed carrots and biscuits.  This chicken is not ‘healthy’ but it really is SO good.  Just try it once okay?  To make the chicken you melt butter and roll the chicken around in it and then roll the chicken around in a bunch of Ritz cracker crumbs.  Cook for about 35 minutes at 350 degrees… I am not sure how accurate that is because our oven is from 1908 and the temperature is always off.

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I hung out in my camping chair with MY FAVORITE cookies that I found in my pantry today.  Frosted animal cookies and I have three more packs that I am guessing won’t last until Sunday.



I saw this on Runner’s World and it made me so sad.

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I get beyond bummed out when I am injured but I can’t even imagine what elite athletes go through when they are injured.  This is their career and the OLYMPICS!  I sure hope that she gets feeling 100% ASAP!

Meb has also been injured and missed two weeks of training!

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PS I have already warned my family/friends/anyone I know that on the day of August 5th I am completely booked and can’t do anything besides watch the Olympic Marathon and DVR it so that I can watch it over and over again all day long.


Check out Ms. Fit Runner’s Daily Method GIVEAWAY!


Do you have any super easy chicken recipes?

Ever had any hip flexor/ hip injuries?  How did you recover from it?

Random:  How often do you wear a ponytail (other than when you are working out)?

-Now that it is so hot I am considering chopping my hair off but until then I have been wearing ponytails 6 days a week.

Favorite vegetable to steam?


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I wear a ponytail every single day. I may start the day with my hair straightened and down but within about 17 seconds I pull it back. I work with babies and they sure love pulling hair. Plus my hair is long and it is summer, not always a good combo.

Definitely not on par with an elite athlete but I just finished 3 weeks of rest for a knee injury. My “long” run today is going to be only 5 miles because I am just getting back into it. I can’t imagine being injured when running is your career and it is Olympics time. This past 3 weeks was hard enough on me!


I forgot that babies love pulling hair… I guess I will be in a ponytail forever! I am so sorry about your knee issues! How did they feel during your 5 miler? I hear ya, three weeks without running feels like an eternity!


My knees feel great. I am so stinkin happy. I am getting new shoes this weekend, I think that was part of my problem, and have decided not to do my half marathon that is next weekend. I have another one in September that I am going to slowly build back up to.

The good thing about the pony tail is that it is so easy and I think it looks pretty cute. You will have a while before the little one starts pulling hair but once she does, look out. Babies seem to have a death grip on hair!


Good call, way to be smart about it! I think the new shoes will help big time and I am so happy that your knees felt great today! HAHAH Why do they loving yanking hair out so much?


I don’t even eat chicken but that recipe sounds good!

I have been wearing my hair in a ponytail every single day this summer. It’s just been way too hot!

I’ll eat any veggie steamed! I recently steamed sweet potatoes and they were really good!


Ponytails are the way to go. I have never tried steamed sweet potatoes but now I HAVE TO, that sounds delicious. How is your little puppy family doing? I just stare at the pictures you post of your new little joy.


I wear ponytails a LOT….I usually feel more comfortable with my hair pulled out of my face, esp since its so hot in the summer. I used to have long hair (not as long as yours, but long), and I cut mine off in June of last year (about shoulder length? You can see a pic if you really want on my blogs homepage)…and I have to admit, I’ve LOVED having it short. So much easier to deal with :).
YAYYY Frosted Animal Crackers! love!
Happy Weekend! :)


I absolutely LOVE your hair…it is gorgeous! Okay, the Pinterest games you posted on your blog look like so much fun!


I cut my hair at the beginning of the summer. I hate when it touches the back of my neck in the summer (especially when I run) and when I asked my hair dresser how long she thought it would take before I could pull it into a ponytail, she laughed and said a few months probably. I told her to shave my head. Good thing she does’t take me completely seriously, and she cut a few more inches off. I’m glad i did it; all I need to run with is a bondiband.

My super easy chicken is what we had last night for dinner! I buy the huge packages of chicken thighs/legs for 99c a pound. I bring them home, throw some montreal chicken seasoning all over them and roast them until they are done in a 325 oven. I pull off the skin and pull the meat off the bones. The bones go in one freezer bag to be made into stock later (I throw them and any veggies i can find in the crock pot over night when I need more stock) The meat I usually serve a bit with dinner that night, and freeze the rest. Last night I pulled the chicken out of the freezer, defrosted it in a casserole dish in the microwave, then covered it in bbq sauce, heated it all up then shredded it with a couple forks. I had mine over rice, the kids ate it next to the rice and my husband made a bbq sandwich with his. I love having already cooked meat in the freezer so I don’t have to work too hard to pull dinner together.

My favorite steamed veggies are broccoli, green beans and artichokes. I perfer to oven roast the other veggies though. Or sautee them.

Double yum on the animal crackers. I’m glad you showed a picture though…i never buy the individual packs, and was picturing you eating one of the big bags! (That would be one of my moves though!!)


YES, when the hair touches the back of your neck…worst thing ever!Thank you so much for your easy chicken recipe. I am drooling just reading about it! YUM, I think I might have to copy your husbands bbq sandwich idea! I have eaten my own huge bag of those cookies way too many times in my life ha. Hope you are having an amazing weekend!


I make a really similar chicken, and it is delicious!!! In the recipe I use, you melt MORE butter on top of the cracker mixture to help it brown. I feel like I take a year off my life every time I eat it.


HAHAHA Okay, I am totally trying that next time I make this chicken… I bet it is WAY better that way!


I am so so bummed to hear about desi!!! man, i hope she is ok. meb has an extra week to prepare and it sounds like he is getting better.

i love steamed broccoli tossed with pasta – it’s my go to night before a long run meal. i have recently been adding some sort of protein to it cause we are supposed to, but i would happily gobble up just the carbs!

i have also been getting into mashed cauliflower, which can start out by being steamed (though lately the hubs has been simmering them in stock and that has added extra deliciousness!!)


That sounds like the perfect night before long run meal (once I am liking broccoli again:) YUM, I have been wanting to try mashed cauliflower, you are inspiring me to do it!


We love steaming broccoli. But I no that’s your least favorite smell right now. I have a great crockpot buffalo chicken recipe I like a lot (it’s actually from Skinny Taste). I can’t wait for the marathon and the triathlon! I love the Olympics.


Buffalo chicken is the BEST!! I might have to google the Skinny Taste’s recipe for it. Oh the tri will be so amazing to watch too!


I had hip issues while training for my first marathon 4 years ago. I went to see a sports therapist who said it was muscular and we worked it out. Now I am incredibly conscious of doing yoga poses that open up the hips after every run.
I cut off my pony tail last week. I was away on business and the hair dryer sucked in the hotel room and so I kept my hair up. As soon as I got home I made a hair appointment and chopped it off. So. Much.Better.


I would be nervous too of doing those poses. I am so glad you aren’t having hip issues anymore! I might have to copy you and chop my hair off too!


THANKS for the shout out my friend! And I don’t think you should chop your hair, my opinion:) I wear a ponytail a lot when I’m not running, usually bc I don’t have time to do my hair. My favorite steamed veggie would probably be a toss up between broccoli and carrots.
I’ve never had hip issues, but have been out due to shin splints – I can’t even imagine what it must be like for an Olympic athlete to be injured, I hope she gets healthy!!
Have a great weekend:)


You are so welcome Katie! Stupid shin splints… I feel your pain (mine were shin sfx) but they are so painful!


Do you have any super easy chicken recipes?
I like to take breaded Morning Star Italian chicken patties, put a spoonful of spaghetti sauce and a slice of provolone on top…super easy.

Ever had any hip flexor/ hip injuries? How did you recover from it?
I actually sprained my lower back and left hip all the way to my knee while playing frisbes. It was so painful. I had to RICE it…which was so fun (sarcasm). Once I could put weight on my left leg without falling from pain I had to walk. I also did electrotherapy and heat therapy in PT for like 8 weeks.

Random: How often do you wear a ponytail (other than when you are working out)?
Pretty much every day. I dont go anywhere right now so I like to keep it out of my face. But when I am working, only when I work out.

Favorite vegetable to steam?
All???? Seriously. If it comes in one of those steam-in-the-microwave bags I buy it.


Oh my goodness, I am totally going to copy your chicken idea, that sounds so good! OUCH… your frisbee accident sounds awful! 8 weeks of PT, WOW! I need to try one of the steam bags!


Yeah it is fabulous and easy.

The frisbee accident was truly awful.

And I would HIGHLY recommend the steamer bags. They are pretty cheap now and one brand is always on sale and you have all varieties….but I would avoid the broccoli for the time being ;-)


Oh I am going to email a couple questions about the Boston Marathon :)


ohh I hadn’t heard about Desi!!! that SUCKS, I too have been dealing with hip flexor tendon issues this year. It’s a really tough area to get to (usually when I have a tendonitis issue it clears up really fast) – physical therapy barely worked for me at all, I’m actually going to get injections soon. I agree it must be so much tougher for the elites, since that’s their CAREER. and omg, that chicken – you are a culinary genius. I love breaded chicken and Ritz are amazin, I must try this!


I wear a ponytail or hair up in some sort of bun every. single. day. It’s just too much work to dry and straighten it!

One of my favorite easy chicken recipes is mixing a packet of italian dressing seasoning with some garlic powder and parmesan cheese. sprinkle on chicken and cook/grill. Delicious!

I prefer my veggies roasted or blanched but I do love steam broccoli!


I braid my hair more often than I do ponytails, but on a warm day I’ll go with a ponytail. I’ve never had hip injuries, but my hips are super tight. They crack and pop all the time, it’s terrible.


Ahhh that sucks for Desi! The girl works so hard. I actually live five houses down from the girls Hanson training house so I watch them train daily. They work so hard it will be tough to see if she doesn’t get to compete!


I wear a “ponytail” every day.- in quotes because it usually ends up as a bun with a million clips in it, since i put another clip in every time I feel a hair come out and touch my head. I can’t stand the little hairs that tickle my neck and face when i’m studying/doing anything, and HATE when they’re wet with sweat and touching my skin. Yes, I am a little bananas. I should probably drink chamomile tea or do something else to calm me and suppress these agitations. Anyway, when I’m home these “buns” are frequently really unattractive (just ask the bf)…. I try to be more cautious about not looking like a crazy person when I’m out or at work.

While I am too lazy to actually cook these days, the easiest chicken I can remember is just roasting it with salt &pepper and paprika on it…. then serve with hot chili sauce! super easy. and hot chili sauce makes anything delicious.


sorry i meant SWEET hot chili sauce. that mae ploy stuff. makes 100% difference.


I found a super easy chicken cordon bleu recipe the other day. You just layered your chicken breasts, ham, and cheese in a pan and then put bread crumbs mixed with butter or it and baked. No rolling or anything and it was delicious!

My hair is pretty much always in a ponytail. I am in desperate need of a trim, but I haven’t made it in yet. And I’ve heard it’s very common during pregnancy/postpartum to chop hair and it’s usually regretted…

We’ve been loving the steamed sugar snap peas lately.


I have hip bursitis. I have found for me I need to watch where I run and avoid uneven streets. I need a level surface to run on. A lot of streets here are soft of a berm in the middle. So I try to run on the sidewalks and avoid those streets as much as possible. I also do a lot of dynamic stretching. And massage therapy at least once a month.


I am in the middle of taking my first week off ever because of what I think is a hip injury. It got really tight at the end of my 13 miler last weekend and has been generally angry for the past month. I’ve been rolling and icing for a month but apparently that’s not enough. I got a sports massage and she said it’s my TFL. It’s just such a bummer – it’s so easy to be negative and convince yourself you have a chronic injury even though I’ve only been out for a week! :( :( :(. On the positive side, spinning hasn’t been irritating it.


Ugh, I feel for Desiree! When I was training for my 1st marathon, I slipped on a wet floor at a friend’s house and pulled something in my hip that side-tracked my training for weeks! I went to chiropractor and yoga and stretched like a mad woman, but it was several months before I was feeling 100%. Hip injuries are awful!


I’m so bummed to hear about Desi and Meb. I hope they both get better quickly, I can’t even imagine what they must be going trough.

Ponytails everyday for working out and about 3-4 times a week besides. Not the most professional looking, but it is the fastest way to get to work and I’d rather run two extra miles than spend time doing my hair!


We call it “Cracker Chicken” in our house and we may or may not eat it every other week. It’s so good!


Ew sticky hair that gets all tangled from the sweat on your shoulders & back is the worst/makes getting ready for work way longer for those of us who may mor may not “forget” to shower after a run every once in a while :)


I never wear my hair up, it usually gives me headaches and I love styling my hair so its for the most part down!
That chicken recipe sounds so delicious! I love how its coated in ritz crackers, those were always my favourite crackers as a kid!


I wear a ponytail or a gun at least 6 x a week. My hair is so thick and heavy i need it up or my entire back is sweating do to the sweater. I have wanted to chop/shave it many times but I know I look like a mushroom cap with short hair :(


Pony tails?? Uh that should be my middle name, just saying.


In the summer I wear my hair in a pony all the time, but when the weather cools off I usually wear my hair down unless I’m working out. I always keep a stash of ponytail holders in my desk drawer just in case (actually, my cheerleaders steal these from me all the time).

We eat a lot of chicken. We usually just roast it or cook it in a skillet with balsamic, but every now and then I’ll make the unhealthy but tasty poppyseed chicken. My easiest chicken recipe is to throw some chicken breasts and balsamic (or bbq sauce) in the crock pot and then shred.


awwwwwa man!! what a bummer about des!! i hope she bounces back!!! how disappointing!!! i love ritz chicken.


I have been following those runners as well. I can’t even imagine how they must feel! My hip felxors are ALWAYS tight. I foam roll the heck out of them an pray every night that I don’t get an injury. Probably have had every other injury besides hip flexors…so probably all in due time ;)

My 12 miles went great today. It has been 2 YEARS since I have ran with someone and it was SO fun!

You must try this chicken recipe. We eat it all the time – so easy! And it is great in the Summer (just grill it) so it doesn’t heat up the house. And in the Winter we bake it.

I make it and put it in this sometimes:

or with this:

but my favorite is this:

Hmmm. I think I like ourbestbites a little much ;)


I have an A-line haircut so when I run or get tired of straightening my hair I pull it half up/half down. I look like I am twelve, but I am not running or biking with hair in my face all sweaty and gross. I am now on the mend from a hip injury. I went on a 11 mile trail run one day and the outside of my hips literally were screaming in pain. It came out of nowhere and was not going to go away. I went to the chiropractor which didn’t do anything. Sports massage helped the best because it turns out that the muscles in my upper glutes were so tight they were pulling on my hips. Lots of foan rolling and yoga has made all the difference! Biking also helped a lot! I was starting to go crazy being injured.


When I was just out of college I had a date with a guy and he came over and made a very similar chicken but used Frosted Flakes to coat the chicken. The sweetness made the chicken amazing. I’ve heard Cap’n Crunch also works well (although I’m not sure that chicken would go well with crunch berries unless you’re under the age of 10).

I was really sad to hear about Desi Davila, too. I have so much respect for her. I hope her body starts to heal itself before London.


Two ingredient crockpot chicken is my go to. I will make it even in the summer time. You definitely need to give it a try!


I’m SO sad about Meb :( & Desi…:( TOTAL bummer.
I hope they both start to heal ASAP! They are both AMAZING!
I’m making that Ritz chicken this week- thanks for the recipe :) It’s also really good cooking fishing that way- I just melt butter over top of fresh fish, then roll them in the Ritz…delish! So I know the chicken will be good too :D


I am dealing with a wonky knee and it is so frustrating. The chicken looks good.

When I get my hair cut, I always instruct that it must go into a pony tail, I always wear it up while working out.


I’ve basically given up on (work) life and now I wear a pony tail or a bun every day. Laziness at it’s finest!

Also…my birthday is August 5th and I can’t think of a better way to spend at least part of the day watching a motivational and incredible marathon.


I pretty much always wear a ponytail when I’m lounging around at home.

I love that Billy plays softball! I’ve tried to get Mike to join a league, but he refuses.


Based on that picture, I see that I’m not the only catcher in softball who gets covered by either the pitcher or the first baseman because I can’t be trusted to catch a ball. In my defense, the outfielder usually whips it in without using the cutoff and it flies over my head, so I doubt that the softball aficionado covering me could ever make that catch either.
Not that I’m bitter. I can still outrun them all over 10 miles.


5 runs, how impressive! And great job with that chicken dinner!


Ryan Hall has been battling some fierce PF since November, but he says he’s getting better. So that’s at least half of our favorite runners not 100% for the Olympics! :(


Someone linked me to your blog, and I look forward to checking out more of your posts. That chicken looks quite tasty! I recently did a major chop to my hair (12 inches!) for a Pantene Beautiful Lengths donation, but before that I was definitely in a ponytail by midafternoon almost every day, and some days just started with a braid or a bun. My new short hair feels so light and great for summer!

I think my favorite steamed veggie is broccoli. I love it all ways, but it gets such a lovely bright green when steamed.


Hey girl – long time reader (since the beginning) and rare commenter. I save your posts and am obviously behind but I felt the irresistible pull to stop right here an drop these recipes for “Ritz Cracker Candys” on ya. Because…..well. I am sure you will understand when you see.

So simple and easy, too. Melted butter and brown sugar and pour over the crackers. The basics are set and then it seems you can do them up anyway you like. If you make them please take a picture! <–of course you will. <–for when chocolate is your friend again

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