Run Happy Brooks Running Shoes GIVEAWAY!!! [CLOSED]

Today you have the chance to win your very own pair of running shoes from the Brooks PureProject line!  The PureConnect, PureFlow, PureCadence and PureGrit are all part of Brooks new line that are lightweight, made with flexible material and designed to fit your foot perfectly.

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I said it last week and I will say it again but I am hooked on these shoes.  I have no desire to even look at my other pairs of running shoes right now because I am loving running in these ones so much.

I love lightweight shoes but I also love cushioning and the PureFlow combine the two things in one shoe perfectly.  Even though they are a lightweight shoe they are something that I am excited to put tons of miles on because there is enough cushioning in them to do so.  I also really can’t wait to take these beauties out to do some speed work.  They are flexible but responsive; they feel super comfortable when my foot lands on the ground but firm to help me with the push-off.

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Do you see the grey band that goes up and over the shoe by the shoelaces?  I have never had a shoe with anything like that before and I love how it keeps my foot perfectly in place.

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Don’t worry, wearing these shoes will not make you have the world’s largest belly button like mine;)

Something that I really love about Brooks is their theme to Run Happy… They focus on designing products that allow us to love our runs.  I think if you have read my blog for more than a day or two you know by now that running happy is my favorite thing in the world (right after Billy of course) and these shoes clearly make me happy while running.

I told you that gravity is making me lean forward these days.

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I know I tend to love most things in life but I really can’t say enough good about these shoes.  I have found my new soulmate.

Plus they are purple.  Everyone should love purple.


Giveaway ends on July 23rd!  One person will be chosen randomly from the comments to win their choice of shoe from the PureProject line.  US residents only.

To enter:

1.  Tell me a Run Happy moment that you have had!

2.  Extra entry (leave a separate comment) follow me on Twitter HERE and tweet about this giveaway.

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For me, the first run back from injury is always the happiest!


Finishing my first 50K trail run up!


One of the most thrilling and joyful moments for me as a runner wasn’t after crossing a finish line. It wasn’t after training hard for something. In fact, that’s what made it all the more special for me because it wasn’t planned and I was completely in my element. I was on vacation on the North Shore in Kauai and it was early morning with a dense cloud cover and a gentle ocean breeze. I had no running clothes or shoes so I wore boxers, a sports bra, and my Tevas as I decided to head out on a quick run along the bluff. The run was rather short, but the view was spectacular overlooking the ocean, breeze in my hair, waves crashing, roosters crowing. And then suddenly it started down pouring. Hard. I remember taking off my Tevas and running barefoot, being soaked to the bone laughing like a giddy school girl in the rain because I remember thinking I could die at this exact moment and be completely content!! It was definitely something you’d see in the movies, but it was a perfect moment for me!


My happy moment was when I finally got the motivation to get my butt off the couch and move.


My favorite Run Happy moment: train running in Telluride!


Following you on twitter now and tweeted about the giveaway!! @AngHarris55


My happy moment is running with a friend and being able to keep up!


Love running and how it makes me feel! Like I accomplished so much in such a short amount of time!


My happy running moment was running past my dad and seeing him choke up knowing I was going to qualify for Boston.


Once during a cold, rainy race, I reached the 6 mile point which was at the top of the long uphill (the rest of the race was downhill). “Road to Nowhere” came on my ipod and I ran the rest of the race with a huge smile on my face.


I tweeted!!


My moment was running 8 miles a few days ago and my tendinitis didn’t flare up. I felt like a rock star!


My run happy moment was completing the Warrior Dash. When it started, everyone around took off so fast! I tried to keep up with my boyfriend, but my lungs were filling with kicked-up dust and I realized I need to slow down and have fun. The obstacles were not something I thought I could do, but I faced them anyway. And running across the tops of old beat-up cars? FUN!


I LOVE running in fun new places with awesome scenery :)


I had a happy running moment today when I ran 6 miles at almost a 10 minutes per mile pace (good for me). It is a dream to be running at sea level (we live in Flagstaff, AZ and are visiting the Detroit area).


i tweeted!!


My run happy moment was running a local 5k for a boy that passed away in my 11 year olds class.. We ran it with most of her 6th grade class. It was very bittersweet. My 8 year old passed me with 20 yds to go so he could say he beat his mom in a race!!


I just started training for my first 5K, so my run happy moment was definitely the first time I ran two full miles. For someone who’s barely run a few yards in her life til now, that was an ecstatic feeling!!


Anytime my 10 yr old wants to run with me!!!!


My run happy moment was finishing my first 5K obstacle course! It gave me the motivation to sign up for the Baltimore half this fall :)


My run happy moment was this year, the first time I crossed the finish line and heard my married name announced. It was such a fun thing to hear over the loud speaker!


My Run Happy Moment….last week I ran a hilly course and for the first time I tackled the largest hill with…dare I say…EASE!!!??? YIPEEE!!!! I am making PROGRESS! My hard work is paying off!!!


I had a huge Run Happy moment during a 10K where I PRed big when I looked around and realized I was surrounded by what I would have considered “fast” people and they weren’t running away from me! I felt like a rock star and was soaking it all in!


Crossing the finish line of my first half marathon. It felt like a year (more like 6 months) to train for it, but the atmosphere was exhilarating. I’m running 4 halfs this year.


Run Happy moment: When I PR’d my last 5k which I was running in midst of a tempo run.. I felt SO good in my Brooks Ravenna 3s at the halfway point, cut on my music, and turned it on. At mile 2.1 I dropped my iPod and had to stop, turn around and get it. I still finished third woman and ran a 7 second PR to finish in 22:56! :)


My most recent run happy moment was last week when I ran farther and faster than I ever thought I’d ever be able to run. Granted it was neither very fast nor very far, but it was something I never thought I could do!


my happy run moment was crossing the finish line at a 10 mile race, I have never been more proud of myself! :)


I just finished my first half marathon in March–after almost 2 years of not racing after college. Crossing the finish line was most definitely a “run happy” moment!


Finishing my first half marathon!! :o)


I ran a half marathon with my dad this year – both of our second half marathons. It was fun and a memory that we will treasure forever! I love how running brings me and my family together <3


My greatest RUN HAPPY moment was when I ran a full mile straight without walking. Obvi, I’m not an avid runner but I’m working on it! :)


My daughter has recently taken up running, so it’s been great to see how she enjoys it!


My run happy moment was when I was running with my son in the stroller, I was listening to music, and was able to totally relax!


I’m following you on twitter and tweeted!


I run happy when I run because I want to- not because anyone else holds me accountable for it :)


My most current run happy moment was today! I’m traveling for my sisters wedding and I needed to get a LR in and it was thundering and lightning outside in good ol’ Seattle so I took my run to the treadmill and finished 11 miles on the treadmill. I have never done more than 6 miles on the treadmill and I’m glad I didn’t make any excuses for my run=)


My happiest was my first 5k that I ran without stopping, and it was 11degrees with -4 windchill!! I couldn’t stop smiling for days!


First time I made it all the way around White Rock Lake ws my happy day :)


My run happy moment was when I finished my first 10k! It was a great feeling of accomplishment after putting in weeks of training to build up distance. Never thought I would run 6 miles, now I’m training for my first half marathon!


My most recent run happy moment would be completing the Port-to-Fort adventure Race last Sat. We had to swim 100 yds, run 5 miles, and canoe 5 miles. It took 2.5 hours but it was awesome!


Beginning to train for my third half marathon was my run happy moment!


My favorite run happy moment was when I finished my first half marathon and won first place in my age group!


Training for my first marathon gave me many run happy moments – discovering great music to run to, getting a sweat (and endorphins) in before work, running with and meeting great people, shopping for running gear, and sooo much more.


Hey gorgeous! I am currently reading your blog from my honeymoon in Hawaii! I will be returning to blogging soon, but this amazing giveaway was too good to pass up! My most recently happy running moment was running here in Hawaii, and on a related note, during our wedding photos, my dad and I swapped out our fancy wedding shoes for sneakers and took some pics in front of our running club. That made me happy too : ) Hope you are doing well! You look amazing! xo


My happiest running moment was finishing my first 1/2 marathon. I finally believed I was a runner!


I am following you on twitter!


I tweeted!


my run happy moment is training for my first half marathon!


Happiest running moment was when I got my lazy self off the couch and started running again. Finishing that 5K last month meant so much more than the medals and trophies I used to win running


I follow you on Twitter and I Tweeted about the giveaway!


I was the girl never picked for gym…never did sports…never won a trophy…never had an award. I never exercised in my life. Ever. When I was 52, my daughter told me about the couch to 5k program, and New Years Day 2011, I began it. I’m training for my first half marathon now. My Run Happy moment was when my husband called me an athlete. I realized — yes. Yes, I am.


My best running moments are whenever I get to run with my mom :)


Gah i love love love those shoes and would lluuurve to try them !! :D plllllleeeeeaaaaseeeeee pick meeeeeeee :P :] !!!!


Just did a tough mudder with my sisters last weekend — totally a run happy moment (and my moment I mean 5 hours!)




Love these shoes! My run happy moments are when I finish the distance and still feel strong at the end. Best feeling ever!


My happiest running moment was completing my physical fitness test 1.5m in less then 10 minutes. It was awhile ago, but I’m hoping to get back to that speed soon.


Run happy moments in the sun with my husband.


My happiest moment would have to be when running no longer felt like a “chore,” but something to look forward to doing!


Happy running moment…was probably a couple of years ago when I was finally able to run a mile without stopping…big accomplishment! I can’t wait to start training for my first half after this baby!


my run happy moment was getting back on the treadmill and running again for the first time after having surgery, it was such a big accomplishment after being laid up for several weeks! i’m working on getting back to where i was before and feeling great! :)


my run happy moment was completing my first half marathon almost 2 years ago :)


My happiest running moment? Realzing that I am capable of doing this even though my weight really weighs (ha!) me down. It was realizing that, though gravity and I have a love/hate relationship at the moment, I can still persevere because I have legs and muscles and bones that propell me foward and make me believe in myself.


I just got home from a 7 month deployment on a small ship there were no treadmills or any cardio at all. Going for my first run home, right along the beach after seven months was the most painfully wonderful experience ever!


Mine was running over the queensboro bridge to central park and then back to queens. I love exploring new areas


I’d really gotten behind on exercising and running. I kept making excuses and post-poning, but I finally pushed myself to start again. It was painful, and I’m still making progress, but one night after a workout, I went for a short run (loooong for me). My legs felt like jelly, but I felt AWESOME, not just because I finished the run, but because I started it to begin with.




Whenever I get to fly home to Hawaii for the holidays/breaks, I love running around Diamond head and near the beach! :)


My run happy moment is sharing my early runs with a new running partner and amazing friend Shannon Davis! She has become my running soul sister & I am so happy to share running with her every day!


My run happy moment is when I am training for marathon and I finish that first long run. Ya know that long run that you start thinking- am I going to be able to do this? and then half way through it you find yourself smiling!! Yeahhh for running happy!


Getting caught in the rain while running in Oregon. I was volunteering in the Olympic Trials for track and I went running in a nearby park. It was such a beautiful place and the temperature was perfect. It started to drizzle and it was pure bliss. I ended up running almost twice as far as I had originally planned. A simple moment, but happy nonetheless.


Most recent happy run was yesterday: beautiful Boston weather, by the river, sun shining, lots of folks out….and first double digit run in too long of a time (injury & residency have gotten in the way….): felt so very very good! (What does not feel good is my feet as I’m wearing shoes I bought in 2005. True.)


Also: I follow you on Twitter! You’re beautiful!


My Favorite run happy moment is finishing my first half after coming back from a pelvic and sacral stress fracture. Longest rehab ever! Rewarded my comeback with a new pair of Brooks! Excited to try from the pure line!


finally completing the couch to 5k program and realizing that my body is amazing and capable of so much more than i give it credit for.


Run happy moment: WON MY AGE DIVISION in my 19th marathon, and just ran my 20th marathon to celebrate 2 weeks until med school!


My greatest run happy moment was finishing my first half marathon! :)


A run happy moment for me is most definitely when I finished my first half marathon. I had only been running for about 6 months, and was so worried I wouldn’t be able to finish. Crossing the finish line was the most amazing feeling!


Telling my students at school my crazy running/workout goals and having them hold me accountable every day (whether I want them to or not :))


Getting my students to be as pumped about running as I am. Coaching track and getting a huge amount of kids to come out last spring was amazing!


Any run I’ve been able to do since getting pregnant!!!


My run happy moment is finally being able to run 25 minutes I am about to start the final week of C25K.


qualifying for the 2013 boston marathon!!


A run happy moment; A super low tide, sunset run on the beach with my husband last Thanksgiving. The sand where the water usually covers, looked like GLASS reflecting the cloud dappled sky.


A happy run moment was finishing my first half marathon! such a great milestone to me!!


Helping a dear friend finish her first marathon, and helping a new runner complete her first half marathon! :)


I recently ran my first marathon and while that felt amazing to accomplish, I had a run a couple of weeks later that was an easy, no Garmin, chill music 6-miler that just felt incredible. It was one of those runs when I was so grateful to be alive, to be running in my gorgeous mountain town, to be so blessed. We are lucky people, us runners!


I love running in places I travel. My favorite was definitely running in Belgium before any of the other tourists were out. The city was so serene!


My run happy moment was when I completed my first marathon last October, the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C.!


My recent run happy moment was a break in the humidity so I could breathe easily during my run and watch the sun rise over Lake Michigan.


My happy run moment is the here in now, with changing my diet I am migraine free, and able to enjoy my favorite thing that I’ve been deprived of for 5 years and that is RUN! Yay!


My run happy moment was when I completed the Nike Women’s marathon in San Fransisco running with Team In Training last fall, in honor of my niece who has been fighting Leukemia for the last two years and kicking cancer’s behind! It was the hardest, most emotional, and best run I have ever completed!


My recent run happy moment was busting out 5 miles on the treadmill and feeling good! I’ve been trying hard to get back in shape and it made me feel great about my progress.


I only started running in February, so finishing 5.5 miles last Saturday was definitely a “run happy” moment!


I love running! The last 2 miles are the best. Or when I have new gear. I just purchased the PureConnect and they are awesome! My first run was an easy 5k outside and it felt amazing the whole time. I felt like a was springing from cloud to cloud (no, really!). But the next day I did 6.5 miles on the treadmill in them and although they still felt amazing, it was a little weird. So I bought the PureFlow to wear as my “training” shoe. I thought these felt a little flatter and the tongue keeps moving around to the side of my ankle! So annoying! Does this happen to yours? By the way, I got the same color!


My run happy moment: knowing runnign will keep me healthy to keep up with my baby girl! :)


Running my first half marathon and feeling like I could have kept going for another 13.1!


my run happy moment was when i was on nantucket and ended my run by running straight into the waves.

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