My Need for Speed Shorts

After being friends for 4+ years we finally went on our first run together and I am mad at myself that I didn’t make this happen sooner.  My cutest friend is training for a half marathon this next month (she has already ran a few) but this is her first one post baby.  I was stoked to be able to have a running partner that understood my need to stop at every bathroom along the way since she was pregnant not that long ago:)  We ran 8 miles at 8 a.m.  We thought that is was still going to be cool outside but we thought wrong.   Running with other people makes the miles fly by!

Photo 4

This really was part of our scenery, you can tell because you can see part of my friend’s ponytail in the picture.

Photo 2

Another reason my run was so great…..

Photo 5

Orange running shorts are one of my favorite things in the world.  Orange shorts just make me feel so fast.  PS you are welcome for the awkward shot.

This morning I noticed that I had a red line across my back and thought that it must have been from chaffing but then I realized it was a sunburn from my Friday run. I guess I showed everyone driving around a little sliver of my back the whole run, I am sure they appreciated that.

When I got back from my run I took a shower and went back to bed with Billy.  He pulled an ALL-NIGHTER last night?!?! Who does that?  He was working on switching host stuff for the blog with a bunch of computer language thrown in there and was still awake when I got home from my run.  He got a two hour nap in and then we were off to meet our friends at Mountain West Burrito.  I had the steak and grilled veggies (peppers, squash heaven) burrito with rice and cheese.   Everything was so delicious and I owned that burrito!  The salads also looked REALLY good.   Thanks you guys for the best burrito ever!

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Time for nap #2… I kind of like it when he pulls all nighters because then I have a napping buddy.


Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?  How come?

What color are your favorite running shorts?

How was your weekend run/race on a scale of 1-10?

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No all nighters for me…I barely make it to 10, lol. Fav color is black w running shorts…hides the awkward sweat patterns the best during long runs, hah. This mornings run was great!…finally back in the 60s in early am but now it’s hot again but at least I beat the heat! That burrito looks yummy…I love Mexican food. Nice waterfall! :)


great running view….jealous!


My favorite bright shorts are the neon lime ones under my fave Target running skort. Neon totally energizes me! #80schild


My first all-nighter was in the early stages of me dating my now husband. We could talk for hours!!

My favorite color running shorts right now are pink, but those orange shorts are looking fantastic right now!

We spent the night driving to California from Utah, so I have yet to get my weekend run in, but I’m looking forward to it later this evening!

And, that burrito sounds pretty delicious right now. I have never heard of mountain west burrito, but looks like I might have to try it out!


I have speed shorts too! except they are neon yellow with red and blue on the side. I set my last 5k pr in them so that means they must work!


Beautiful views on your run! Brightly colored running shorts are the best! I love staying visible during my runs. My current favorite running shorts are sparkly silver.

I’ve had to pull multiple all-nighters for my research while I’ve been in grad school. It sucks, but it sucks less than not graduating because I don’t have the data I need.


All nighter = yes. Probably so I could go out with friends and still make it to work in the morning.
I got some running shorts with my favorite NFL team logo and I super love them. I wore them for my long run this morning and I’m sure it helped me get through the humidity like a champ (albeit a very sweaty champ).
My run this morning was probably a 7. It was so muggy outside that bugs kept getting stuck in my sweat. It really doesn’t help that I sweat like a man.


i have a pair of orange running shorts, and they make me feel pretty speedy too!! I stayed up pretty late one night this week work on a website for my new piano teaching studio. but no all nighter. i haven’t done that since college, and i do not miss it at all!!!


I am so in love with those running shorts, but with my sizable thighs, it’s black all the way for me!!!

I ran 12 miles this morning on most of the course for next week’s San Francisco Half marathon. It was fantastic, I did better than I’d expected and am SO excited for next week!!! I’m buzzing.


I pulled two in college because I had to in order to get silly projects done–needed all the time in the world, and was STILL cutting it close at 630am when it was time to be leaving to go turn it in! They are fond memories because my best friend did it with me (she was the same major), but boy did we feel like poo that day! My run today was a 4. I’ve been down on myself for taking walk breaks during my first 7 miler, but then I think about my overall pace, and I try to smile because it’s not that bad! :)


I did all-nighters in college from time to time, but once I got to med school (several years after college) it was more like once a week or every two weeks, for the last two years. I think I’ve aged 10 years in the last 2. They’re exhausting, but while I constantly hope to change my ways, I also secretly love being up when nobody else is. It can be soooo peaceful! (Hopefully I can accomplish this peacefulness in the future by staying up late, or getting up early, but not both in the same night!)


I love Mountain West Burrito!! And this has been such a great running week!! I can’t believe you’re still running! That’s incredible!!


What beautiful running scenery…lucky you! I have definitely pulled an all nighter. I used to work nights at a hospital. It was horrible!


Aww we look so cute and sweaty in that pic. I love it! When I got home xandrie was ready for her nap so I put her down and went straight down for my nap and slept for 2.5 hours! Heaven! That’s my kind of Saturday! Ps. I loved your shorts. It made me feel like a yummy orange creamsicle was running beside me!:D


I have pulled a few all nighters studying for advanced stats and abnormal psych. Yay for finals week=P
I don’t know if you’ve seen this but this blog post has several cafe rio recipes. Saw it and immediate thought you:


I pull all nighters all the time! The life of a nurse. Being a mom helped with my career – being up with kids all night and waking up from a dead sleep. I’m not nearly as “cuddly” though. If I get too tired I am cranky and I cry..a lot.
Stay up all night for a Ragnar but I don’t get cranky and cry when I’m doing what I love. I get punchy and giggly!

I love your orange shorts!! I have orange compression socks. I wore them around the house the first day I got them. Love em!
Right now I have a pair of ZOOT shorts from about 3 years ago. They are black. I want new ones now – maybe orange ones!

I did speed work. It started out an 8 and ended at a 5.


That waterfall looks amazing! I love wearing bright colors when i run. My favorites are the under armour Play Up in neo pulse. That burrito looks yummy! No all nighters for me….i usually pass out around 9…think I’m getting old! I ran 7 miles this morning right after working 12 hour shift. My ankle was bothering me from an old injury, it was tough but i still enjoyed it!


With my lack of sleep lately, it’s beginning to feel like I’m pulling all-nighters. Ugh.

My favorite running shorts are my neon pink shorts. Because they are fast, too! ;-)


I came very close to an all-nighter in college. An assessment for one of my law papers was a 24 exam. i think I finally crashed at 4:30am and was back up at 6am to proof-read it and hand it in. I did try hard not to pull all-nighters because they messed with my mental capacity so much.

My favorite running shorts are boring, black. Your orange shorts looks so cool, though.

My long run wasn’t that great today. I think I was under-fueled and over tired, which made it tough to keep going. I would give it a 4.


All nighters? HECK NO. In school, yes even as a teenager when it was “fun” to stay up late, I needed shut eye and my bed no later than 2:00AM. College? Oh boy even to stay OUT late was a struggle to hang with the parties. Yeah I’m lame haha. I like my 9:30 bedtime and that’s that!

How about that?! My favorite running shorts are orange too!! Too funny!


my favorite running shorts are my nike tempos & they are green. I need to get more tempos ASAP b/c i wear my green ones at least 2x a week. I’m tired of doing so much laundry lol.


I wish I had a view like that in my state. So sad!
I feel so boring…my favorite shorts are grey!


Yes I have pulled many all nighters. I got my bachelors in Chemistry and Physics. Then I got my Doctorate degree. So yesssss all the time for the past 8 years.

I dont wear shorts (I hate hate hate them lol)–I wear skirts. My favorite is my black one cause of the fit but my favorite color of the ones I own it either my lime green one with a funky pattern all over or my white capris skirt with a cool little design on the side.

My run was great!! I loved being below 70 degrees today. The rain was a welcome friend instead of the beating sun.


Aww, Billy….poor thing. Sorry to have to pull an all nighter :/ Thinking of you both..I can only imagine how tough that must be.
JANAE! What a gorgeous run & scenery! I hope one day we can do a run together as well- maybe with our little girls in their strollers :)
Hope you guys have a good weekend & catch up on some sleep!!!


love the shorts! my favorite shorts are lime green:) hehe


Does that mean you failed your challenge of not buying food?


Nope! They had hook ups at the restaurant so it was free!!!


You are becoming a pro at this! Have you worked out how much you have saved yet?


I am guessing we have saved close to $150! I think I should take that money and go spend it on clothes:) Hope you are having an amazing Sunday Chantelle (PS I LOVE your name!)


My favorite color running shorts currently are Adidas Marathon neon pink with baby blue accent. Sounds terrible, but they make me feel speedy fast!


I have pulled a few all nighters during college bc I am a total procrastinator !!

My favorite running shorts are lime green. I love that they are super bright & fun!


Back in my partying days I saw the sun rise on more than one occasion. lol Now I see the sun rise as I’m driving to work or running. My how the times change!


Such a pretty view!! I used to pull all-nighters a lot because in high school I worked for a factory and would have to work at 5 a.m. on Saturdays. I was always scared I wouldn’t wake up so I would pull an all-nighter the night before. Haha.


No all-nighters for me- its a favor to everyone around me…otherwise I’d turn into a cranky mess!


Unfortunately I’ve had a few all-nighters. Most were school related, but once hubs and I decided it would be a good idea to make the 11 hour drive from Houston to Amarillo starting at 6 pm. The last few hours were torture- we switched drivers every thirty minutes or so just so we could stay awake. The worst part was that 30 minutes after we got home and crawled into bed, the smoke detector battery died so it started beeping. I am a super light sleeper, so basically there was no sleep that night :)


Hi! I’m a brand new reader and I love your blog!! I saw the link from SkinnyRunner :)
I wanted to ask you if you plan to go back to teaching after you have your baby. I am only three months along, but not sure if I will return or hopefully take a year off :fingerscrossed:



HEY BRITTANY!! I am glad you found me:) I am not going to be going back to teaching after the baby! CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What grade do you currently teach? How are you feeling? You better keep me updated on how you are doing!


how do you not spend money on food?? dont you have to buy like a cake to bring oveer to all the bbqs you go to? sorry, i just couldnt imagine it


Hey Mandy! We had a bunch of stuff in our pantry/fridge that we have been trying desperately to use up too so we don’t have to move it! So far it has worked out but I don’t know how much longer we will be able to do that though:)


Just thought I would tell you I totally saw your mom and day out on a walk on 1600 as I was driving home from a family reunion tonight. Very cute:)




BTW, in Google Reader, you blog isn’t working. I had to come over directly to get my fix ;)


WEIRD!! Billy is switching hosts and so some weird things are happening but it should be fixed by tomorrow. Thank you so much for letting me know!


Aww better tell Billy to get used to the all-nighters, they’ll be a common thing in law school ;) Law school was where I discovered just how long I can go without sleeping – it was much longer than I expected! Of course working a job with long hours while in school didn’t help with the sleep thing either.. but it’s good that he’s able to do the all nighter thing already, he’s a step ahead of the game!!

Your shorts are ADORABLE! I love brightly coloured shorts. My current faves are bright neon yellow :)


Oh wow!! hahah im very jealous! i might just try that!! haha :D


I love PURPLE shorts!!! I ran in my purple shorts today in my half marathon and they must have given me speed! I also wanted to thank you for your blog, those last three miles I just kept thinking about how you always say it’s a mental game. I wanted to stop SO BAD but I ran faster and faster and I *think* I PR’d. My garmin wasn’t working and they won’t post the times until later… ahhhh!


I used to pull all nighters all the time in college to study for exams. Also, for my last job, I had to pull an all nighter once for work. It was awful. Learned from that pretty quickly though – I got a new job! Haha!


I used to pull all-nighters all the time in college the night before a test. Probably bc I would take my sweet time going to the gym then getting food with my friends then finally sitting down to study a 9 pm! Ha!


I’m not sure it’s physically possible for me to pull an all-nighter or if I do, I’d end up being a humungous grouch, so no one would want me to do it.


Love those shorts!


I don’t have a running buddy (exept for my dog Lando) but ran my first group run last week and it was sooo much fun. It definetly made the 6 miles fly by. Versus my solo 7 miler on Saturday. It felt sooooo long and dragged on :( That and now BOTH my lower calves are aching. I foam rolled and stretched and still they hurt. Gyarh!

Last time I pulled an all night was in college. Though lack of sleep makes me one of the nastiest people ever. I need sleep :\


i tend to pull all-nighters when my husband is out of town (ahem, tonight) . i get carried away catching up on housework and blogging! : )

i just got a turquoise pair of running shorts at tar-jay a few weeks ago, and im loving them.

as i still am stuggling with post-partum depression/anxiety, i was having a rough day saturday. once all the kiddos were napping and husband was baking cookies, i decided i just needed to get out and run, even if it was just for a little bit. i was to the point i didn’t care it was 99 degrees out! 3.2 miles later, i felt SO much better! : )

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