My ABSOLUTE favorite place to run.

It has been a little over a month since my last day of school and I have completely forgotten what it is like to wake up early to work out.  It is crazy to me to think that I would already be halfway through teaching my spin class at this time in the mornings this past winter.  The sad thing is that 6:24 isn’t even early to 99% of you:)

Billy’s alarm went off and I told him he was crazy to even think about getting up to go run but the next thing I knew I was up to with my running clothes on.

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Random fact about me: For the last few weeks I listen to this song by Madonna in the morning when I am getting ready to go work out.  It seriously puts me in the best mood for the day.  Favorite lines from the song:

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Starting off the day thinking it is going to be incredible has really been working for me.

We had quite the little running group this morning and even picked up another runner at the lake.  We even had a lead biker to keep us on pace.

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This is my favorite place to run.  One time around the lake is a mile and it is absolutely beautiful.  The temperatures here are so nice (probably 50 degrees for the whole run) and it stays cloudy until about 10.  I LOVE the humidity in the air.  Utah is already hot and dry by 7 a.m.

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I accomplished one of my July goals.  TEN MILES baby.  It is really hard to try to take a picture of yourself and twist your arm so the camera can also see the garmin at the same time.

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My mother-in-law made steel cut oats for everyone and I added an equal amount of milk to mine after the picture.  I like my oatmeal to be like cereal.  I was hungry 8 seconds later and had some toast with butter too.

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Billy got two things done at once, a shower and foam rolling.   Showing a little skin Billy…

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Check out my guest post on the most amazing Fitnessista’s BLOG!!!!!!!

Pretty please vote for Adrian HERE to be the GORun Sketchers Cover Model!


Is it humid or dry where you live?  Which do you prefer?

What time have you been getting up in the mornings lately?

Do you have a song that always puts you in a good mood?

What is your ABSOLUTE favorite place to run lately?

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Great job on your run, lady! You’re rockin it!


Thanks so much Ali!


I am so impressed that you are still able to run that far. I am 26.5 wks (and my belly is much bigger than your’s/I’m really short), and my runs are getting SO much harder and I’m getting pain/cramps. I really want to keep running though and I bought the belt you have, but it didn’t really seem to help that much on my Sat. run. I’m going to keep trying, and really hope I can.


HEY YOU!! Wahoo for 26.5 so exciting. Oh those pains/cramps are NOT fun. I am so sad the belt isn’t working for you. Have you tried adjusting it to see if putting it a little higher/lower helps..that is what I had to do!


I live in DC and it’s way tooo humid here. Walking outside is like walking into an extremely hot and steamy shower…yuck. Which is why I don’t bother going outside in anything but workout clothes and ponytails all summer :)
CONGRATS on your 10 miles!


I bet it is crazy right now in DC!! Good thing workout clothes and ponytails are cute and comfortable. Have an amazing day!


Nice job on the run girl! Thats awesome!

I live in northern VA and it’s SUPER humid here in the summer.. I prefer the clearer air like out in Nevada/Arizona. I’m not that picky though- I love the heat so I’ll take it either way. Lately on days I have to work I get up at 6:30 and on the weekends I get up between 7 and 8.

My fave place to run is a lake near my house. One loop is about 5 miles.. and it’s nice and shady and it’s a trail so it’s nice and soft.


There is something so great about running around a lake. A 5 mile loop…that is AWESOME!! Come visit me in Utah if you want lots of dry heat!


10 miles at 8 months?! That’s amazing!

I get up at 5am most mornings. Even on the weekends. I try to get started on workouts by 6am, to beat the heat. But this Wednesday I have NO workouts and NO work, meaning I can sleep in! Until like.. 7am! Hahaha.


Thanks so much Rachel! 5 am…you are my hero! Enjoy your wednesday ‘sleeping in.’


Super humid here! I would prefer the dry heat, but humid makes for good hard training. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite route right now, but more the lesser of two evils. I just run from my house and it’s either take a left or a right. Lately I prefer left – along the river. I get up at 5am everyday – sometimes I run, sometimes I play with the little guy, all depends on the hubs schedule. Congrats on 10 miles! That’s AMAZING:)


My fave place to run lately has been the gym. It’s been in the 100s. Lol. Congrats on the run!! I’ve been getting up at 6:30ish to do a little yoga before work. Hooray.


I would definitely prefer dry to humid!

Brandon usually wakes up around 6:20 for work, so I’ve been waking up around the same time. Once the sun starts peeking through the blinds, it’s very hard for me to stay sleeping!


My dog does that to me all the time when I’m foam rolling! He also brings his bone over and sits right in the way of my rolling path. silly pup.

Congrats on the 10 miles – you are awesome!!! (and great guest post for Gina today!)


4am wake-up call for me…6:30 is sleeping in :)

It’s normally ungodly humid where I live in the summer, but right now we’re experiencing a dry 105-degrees. Dry > Humid!


4 am…girl, you are my HERO!!!!!


Wow!! Congrats on accomplishing a goal already!! I think you are amazing for running 10 miles at 8 months preggo…I’m not so sure I could do that now and I’m not even pregnant! LOL!

My favorite place to run is outside around my neighborhood, although the temps and humidity in Houston are crazy right now!! The temp inthe morning when I head out (around 6:15) is usually already around 85. I love to run when it’s. Old but being born and raised in South Texas, I’m pretty used to the heat!


Oooops, meant when it’s cold…


It is SO HUMID here. I am slowly adjusting. I honestly do not mind the heat it’s just the constant sticky feeling that is frustrating.

Today I woke at 6 am to get my 14 miler in. It was only in the 70’s then :)


10 miles?! NICE job girl!! You are amazing!

Cali sounds/looks beautiful :)


Favorite place to run is a beach. Close 2nd is this trail near us that C and I always run together.

Chris still gets up at our normal time. (5:30) I have been able to fall back to sleep till 7:30 or 8 these days. How do I go through the year so sleep deprived??


That pic of Billy foam rolling is cute. His face! Congrats on the 10 miles!


I’ve found a great loop in my ‘hood and that’s where I love to run in the mornings. It’s always bustling with people and makes me feel safe. I’ve been getting up around 5:45 for my runs before work so not too much earlier! I think the earlier the better though so I can knock it out before the heat & humidity hits. Sounds like you had a fantastic run this morning!


ugh, I hate the humidity!!! It is so humid in Chicago – I would much rather have dry weather.

Other than that, great job on the 10 miles rockstar!!


Oh man, I hate humidity… I feel like I can’t breathe and ruining is so much more difficult!
I’m still loving running in Central Park. Though it can get boring running the same loops I try and spice it up!
Call me maybe still puts me in a great mood Haha


That’s a great run!! :) Congrats!!
It’s been really hot and humid here (heat index around 100*)
Not to mention, Ohio is in a state of emergency! We had some hurricane force winds Friday evening which happened to destroy a lot of cars, houses, trees, and oh yeah… electric poles! lol… people have been without power for days! They say that some people might be without until July 8th! They are bringing in generators and water for people who need it and some national guard members to help clean up… We usually don’t have such hot or weird weather here in Ohio…
haha! Everytime I get done with my workouts and get on the floor to stretch or foam roll, my dog finds it necessary to lick me too! lol… so gross! ;)


HEY GORGEOUS!! Heat index of 100…that made me sweat just reading it. Stay safe you poor thing. I had no idea! I think dogs love to lick the sweat off of us.


I meant salt off of us!


I usually get up at 7, but I’ve been getting up earlier the past few days. I kind of like it.

It’s horrifically humid here. I wish it was a wee bit dryer…and cooler.


Good for you to get up so early Kari! I hope it cools off a little bit for you and until then eat lots of popsicles.


Way to go on those miles, you are awesome! That is super cool that everyone runs, or bikes, together…. What a fun time! Hope you get to stalk up at TJs while you are there ;) and fro yo of course!


LILLY!!! Thank you so much and you know me way to well. I have requested TJ’s shopping spree for today:) Hope you are having an amazing Monday!


It’s always humid in New Orleans. I don’t always like it, but I’m used to it. I have run near water pretty much every day for the last 10 years or so. In high school we ran on a levee near a bayou and river. In college I ran around the university lakes. Now we live near a bayou that I run along.


As someone who has lived in Chicago basically my entire life, I despise humidity! When I went to Las Vegas a few weeks ago I obsessed over and envied their dry air. Funny how that works haha


I get up at 6AM everyday to work out before I head off to work. Somedays it feels earlier than others ;)

And the song “Love Today” by MIKA is without a doubt the #1 song that lifts my mood. It never fails. I recommend!


Humid! I can’t remember the last time Savannah had dry air!


I’m in Colorado and it’s pretty dry here, but I like that for when I run outside because then I don’t get quite as sweaty… But the smoke from the fires right now! Geez! I did a pretty hard run today (which felt amazing) and for the last three hours my nose has just kept running. :( smoke allergies, I guess!
On another note, I am so so proud of you for running when you’re pregnant. I hope I can keep running if I get pregnant! :)


It is HUMID!! It makes it easier to breathe but I sweat SO much more than normal, which is already a lot. Today I got up at 930 but lately its been different and ranges from 6 to 10 depending on what time I got to sleep the night before. Absolute favorite run is down to the beach and back :)


It’s not normally humid in Portland but the last fews days have been. Especially on Saturday. It was uncomfortable and all I could think was how people live in this every day?! My morning runs usually only happen on the weekend and they vary between getting up at 7am to 8am. :) But I get up at 5am during the weekdays for work. I really like The Lumineers, “Ho Hey” right now. That’s so great that you guys all go out running together and the lake looks beautiful!


Ahhhh you’re in Cali! YIPPEEE!

It is humid here today but humid in a good way. Not that crazy east coast humid but dewey humid, KWIM? LOL! Good for running and pretty skin!

Still on 4:20 a.m. wake up calls. Sigh. I need to become a teacher.


INm in Chicago and it’s hit and humid! I ran at 5:30 this morning and it was already bad!


It’s totally humid here in Ohio….and I cannot workout in the intense heat and humidity! Air conditioning is my bff :). I just started my internship today, so I now have to be a really early riser. Today I woke up at 5:10am…oh wow this is going to take some adjusting haha


It’s always hot & humid here in Florida..and lately it’s been in the 100s. Eek! I literally get out of my car & sweat. Yuck.
I hope you guys are enjoying CA, especially Charlie ;)


I love that Billy’s mom runs!
Way to go on crushing 10 miles! I hope I’m as active as you when I am pregnant.
It’s usually dry here, but lately it’s been pretty humid. I’m liking the change!


It is humid by me! I honestly don’t know if I would prefer to run in dry heat because I never have before.. any place I’ve run has been somewhere that has humidity.. and that i sNOT fun!

Way to knock out those 10 miles though… you are an inspirational pregnant runner for sure!


Awesome job on your 10 mile run! Most people think TX is like a desert, super hot and dry, but really it’s super hot and humid. :(

I get up every day at 6:17. Can’t get up at a time ending in 0 or 5, ha.


It is way too humid here! I ran this morning at 9 am, and was drenched in sweat by the end, and I only ran 2.5 miles.


Janae – I love your site, and it has literally motivated me everyday this summer!

Congrats on accomplishing your goal today! There’s no better feeling.

I’ve been getting up for a 6am class — either pump or kick — and it totally sets the tone for my day so I don’t even mind waking up that early!

Good mood music: probably Moves Like Jagger!! I always wanna bust out dancing on my runs. And I get scared that someone will see me so I have to look around 1st.

I miss living in Utah Valley because running Provo Canyon everyday was like my therapy!


Well I wake up between 2-4 for the baby and never get back into a good sleep, but I get out of bed at 6 :P Living in VA Bch its stupid humid out and just gross. You are ridiculously awesome for running 10 miles over 30 weeks pregnant, holy cow! I could hardly move at that point from sciatic nerve issues, still consider myself “recovering” from back to back pregnancies. Walking starts tomorrow evening, hoping for not quite scorching heat.


It’s humid here in Dallas. Tomorrow I am doing a morning run followed by a dip in the pool with the kiddos. I’m hoping it’ll cool things off a little :)


That looks like such a beautiful place to run. It has been so hot and dry here. I’m going to Portland tomorrow, it’ll be nice to feel some humidity, but I hope it’s not too hot there, because I’m running the Foot Traffic Marathon on Wednesday and would love some good cool running weather!


if i had a lake like that and beautiful friends and family by my side, i would too!

loved your guest post!


my alarm has been going off around 7:12, I’ve been rolling out of bed around 7:40, and running out the door around 8:05 for work. I’ve GOT to fix my morning routine. I loved waking up to sip coffee, journal, and read blogs. it lasted a while before I wanted to sleep in more. it was such a happier start to my day, though.

now I’m toying with the idea of waking up to go for a walk around my neighborhood, but I haven’t gone through with it yet. it wouldn’t be too hot, and I could enjoy a little sunshine before work. I should just go for it…


We live in hot and humid Northern VA; I am definitely missing the dry Utah Summer. Counting down the weeks until I get to run without humidity for a few days. I live a few miles from a civil war battlefield and it’s the best place to run. The trails range from 5 miles to 15 and it’s beautiful, not to mention historic.


Hey Janae, 6.24 am is early to me so I belong to the other 1% .

Wish I had that nice scenery to motivate me to get out of bed to run.
10 miles run in that heat and humidity is incredible!!
My current favorite song is Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the machine


Don’t feel bad about ‘sleeping in’ – 8’s early enough for me!

Way to rock your run! I want your temperatures!


i only run in the mornings on the weekends or holidays-but i love that-i just start work too early (already get up at 6am) for a weekly morning run. well done on your 10 miles!


I love being a teacher for those summer days of sleeping in. For me, that means until about 6:30-7 which is pretty sad but makes for an easy transition when I go back to work.


What a beautiful place to run! And 10 miles whilst pregnant woah! :)


Congrats on getting in your 10 miler!

I moved from super humid NJ to super dry mountains in SoCal. I think I like dry better. I say this because I appreciate not running in 80+ degrees with 80% humidity so far. It sucked this time last year in NJ no matter how early I got up. I didn’t go to a race on the 4th of July last year because it was so stinking disgusting out. Sure, it’s been getting into the 90s during the day and will get hotter this summer, but it at least cools off at night.

While I am currently under-employed, I’m getting up earlier here than I was when I had a full time job back east. I usually get up with my husband around 6:30, but a few times a week I’m up at 5:30 to meet running friends across town at 6 or 6:30.


Way to go on the run..6:24 is definitely super early! My all-time fave place to run is in Hyde Park in London- bring on Augusy baby!


I am soooo jealous of your beautiful weather!! We have a nice 98 degrees right now and it only drops to about 78 in the mornings. Sad day


It’s always 90% humid here in Louisiana (and we all can’t stand it), so I almost gasped when I read your comment! :P I love jumping around and dancing like a fool to Sweetness by Jimmy Eat World, as well as A Praise Chorus! Such good mood songs! P.S. Awesome job on the 10, girl! W:)W!


Aww..the wow didn’t turn out right. W :) W! I hope it worked this time!


I wish I lived near a lake like that to run round :(


1. Congrats on the 10 miles… woohoo!
2. I live in SW Florida. Hot & Humid. Yesterday, I ran at 9am… it was 90 degrees and 80% humidity. I love it.
3. I wake up between 7:00-8:30. I have a 2 year old, so I wake up when he does, and he’s not a kid that wakes up at the same time every day.


It is SO humid in Virginia… you are craaaaaaaaaaazy for loving it! :)

I’m out for the summer too (yeah teaching!) but I have yet to have a really good sleep in day. I think I’m just getting old. Sad!


My wakeup call is 5:30 blaaah– thank goodness tomorrow is a holiday and I can sleep in!!

It has been beautiful in Boston! I love this time of the year :)


It’s humid here–I long for dry heat!

My favorite place to run lately has been back at my parent’s house–we’ve been able to visit for a few weekends, and it’s been nice to run around my old stompin’ grounds!


It is humid in NC but we are heading to AZ so it will be dry. I am trying to get up earlier (6:15 so far) so that I can still run in the AZ heat. Around lakes are my fav place to run.

Good luck looking for a place to live!

The Kidless Kronicles


Yay for 10 miles, you rockstar!


WOW! Way to meet your goal of 10 miles–such an inspiration! Of course, I am loving the picture of Charlie making out with Billy! :)

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