Life of the teacher in the summer

I thought I would share a little bit more detailed description of what I am really up to all day besides just the usual nap/wheel of fortune watching/pool-time stuff that I you always hear about from me.

6:45 Wake up and tell Billy that I will be right behind him to meet with the people buying some of our stuff off of Craigslist.  Fall back asleep for an hour without even realizing it.

8:00  Hit up Kinkos to fax our applications for our new apartment!   Did you know it costs more than a dollar per page that you fax?  I thought the guy was kidding around when he told me how much I owed them, I could have bought 29 McDonalds lemonades with that money.  Did you also know it takes approximately 5 minutes per page to fax… I got a lot of Facebook research done on my phone while eating some breakfast I brought from home.

9:10 Show my treadmill some loving.  She has felt beyond neglected the last week so I spent 7 miles of quality time with her.

10:20 Stretch, which slowly turned into me just reading blogs while laying on the ground.

I am too embarrassed to share how long I was stalking blogs

The next thing I did was attack my eyebrows with tweezers.  It had been two weeks.  It was scary.

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12:00 Drive to my landlords a few times for some paperwork.  Pregnancy ate my brain and I kept forgetting to remember documents.

I am going to stop doing times now because it is all blurring together but I do know I called my mom at the perfect time.  She just happened to be at Costco picking up pictures from their trip to Paris.  Aren’t they the cutest?  I just so happened to be right near Costco and in dire need of grapes so I met her there.

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My mom must have read my post about my challenge of not spending money of food because she hooked me up with grapes and my all time new favorite Subway sandwich.  Get the Buffalo Chicken sandwich.  It is to die for.

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I went back to kinkos to fax more things and somehow this time it was $2.50 a page?  I used sour punch straws from PAM to make myself feel better.   It worked.


Yes, I am still in my running clothes.

The last thing I did this afternoon was call all of the insurance companies in the world to figure out where to have the baby…looks like she will be born in Cali;)  Who knows though, I heard that these sorts of things never go according to plans.


Do you like sour candy?  Do you have a favorite kind of sour candy?

Do you tweeze your eyebrows?  Wax?  How often?

Does anyone have any vacations planned for the rest of the summer?

Do you ever use Craigslist?

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Make sure you now where all the hospitals along the interstate are from Utah to Cali!!!! =) or just bring some clean towels, scissors and water and maybe some gloves…

My favorite candy is starburst jelly beans!! except the orange and yellow..

I wax my eyebrows and I usually forget about them and it’s only like twice a year and every time it never fails I lay down the lady goes “oh wow you weren’t kidding when you said they were bad… but your unibrow isn’t terrible”… thanks i guess!…


Yeah, that is the tough part that we are trying to figure out. I may have my brother that is a doctor make the 1.5 hour flight with me. Those jelly beans are incredible! HAHAHA I get the beautiful unibrow too:)


I used to love those sour straws!! In middle school, I could have eaten about 100 of them in one sitting! ;)

We love using Craigslist to get rid of our old stuff. If you put up a message saying that you’re giving stuff away for free and then put everything at the end of your driveway, it will be gone in 2.1 minutes!


You couldn’t still eat 100 in one sitting?!?! You are so right, we are usually those people that go and get other peoples free stuff ha. Hope you are having a great day gorgeous girl.


Thats ridiculous it’s so expensive to fax things! I can’t remember the last time I faxed anything.

I love using Craigslist to find good deals on furniture. We scored a large chest freezer (to store all of our Costco finds) for $40 and it was brand new!


WHAT!?!?! 40 bucks…that is incredible. I am so jealous because whenever we are at costco we want to buy a ton of freezer stuff but it will never fit in ours. I am going to have to copy you.


You should try to make sure you have the baby at a high-altitude hospital. Mammoth Lakes / Lake Tahoe. She’ll adapt better to training at altitude in the future :-)

Isn’t it amazing how fax machines still even exist? We have to use them all the time for clinical trials and it drives me nuts – they are the most inefficient and insecure way of sending information! Anyone can just walk by and pick up the incoming faxes! Wouldn’t an email attachment make 100000 times more sense?


Why didn’t we think of that yet? When she starts crawling I will need you to start working on her training plans.
YES!!! Thank you for sharing my fax machine annoyance.


Just did my eyebrows for the first time in too long yesterday – I can’t believe people weren’t pointing and staring! Headed to the beach in two weeks with my family! :)


Claire, I am so happy you are going to the beach soon with your family. You better take a million pictures. Ha…we should start a unibrow club!


Did u know sour straws can ReALLy be used as straws???!!!!!

The first comment made me LOL “bring scissors. :):)

I used to wax but now just tweeze. But i always seem to realize how bad they need it when i am NOWHERE near tweezers!!

Ive sold a few things on craigslist and my parents sold their boat a few HOURS after they posted it! Im eyeing a swingset om there now :)


WHAT…. how have I not tried this? What do you drink with it? Yeah the bring scissors thing kind of freaked me out a little bit. Seriously, Craigslist is incredible. I say go for the swing set.


Wait. People still want you to use a fax machine? That is crazy.

How was your run with Emily? Any guesses as to who will win? My sisters have read reality Steve and know who will, but I refuse to give into peer pressure. We should have a finale party.

That is awesome of your mom to take you out. Now just hope that that happens 5 more times this week.

I like sour patch kids, but that is about it.

I have never used Craigslist, but have used KSL classifed. My hubby was just posting stuff last night. We have made some recent upgrapes (I want to sleep with my new vacuum because I love it so much…you know you are lame when…) so hopefully we can sell the older stuff.

I hope the rest of your day is great and includes less money spent on faxing ;)


Running with Emily was great;) I still have NO idea who will win. YES and YES to the finale party. I am guessing she will take me out 5 maybe 6 times more this week. UMMMM when can I see you?


Can we be any more alike? Seriously. I just got done typing up my post for tomorrow and it is the EXACT same thing as this. I’m going to look awesome for being your twin tomorrow.


AHHH that makes me so happy. You probably were a lot more productive than me though:) I am so happy you had an amazing time in Michigan!


Every time I told my dr about my plans for labor he kept telling me babies do what they want, no matter how much we plan. I was in denial when my water broke because it wasn’t happening according to my plan! Haha what a crazy pregnant person I was!
Also, I begged my hubby to somehow let me go to CA to have the babies so they’d have a CA birth certificate like me and not a UT one. Haha I was so crazy!!


You are not crazy either…I am wanting that CA birth certificate too:) These babies of ours should just start off by knowing who is boss and listen to the plan we want for labor!


Sour candy is my absolute favorite! Sour patch kids are the best!

I forgot about sour punch straws! I need to bring those back into my life soon!

I can’t believe you are going to have your baby soon! She’s going to be such a cutie!


I am totally annoyed by fax machines, but all of my law school loan paperwork has to be done via fax, so I have developed a cheap alternative:

1. Go to Kinko’s and *scan* everything on their computer, save to a flash drive. (cost is usually less than $3 even for 15 or so pages, just scan fast :-) )

2. Go home and use to send digital scans as a fax from your computer for FREEEEEE!

There you are. I didn’t even copyright it for you. Feel free to use all extra funds for lemonade (it doesn’t count as money spent on food if it was money you *would* have been spending on faxing, right?)


OH MY GOODNESS! You are the smartest person in the whole wide world. You just saved us millions of dollars for the future. Thank you!!


I can’t wait! A week and 3 days until our vacation starts! Although I find I have to book myself up with something at least every other day otherwise I suffer from dreadful cabin fever! I end up meeting non-teacher friends in their lunch breaks!


I have used craiglist to sell lots of stuff. It kind of creeps me out a bit since there is so much interaction with strangers but I just make sure the hubby is around and that they pay in cash. No vacations planned here instead we are trying to explore the city we live in a little more = poor people’s vacation:).


I love sour candy, although I never eat it.

We are going on vacation in a week to visit family in PA. I really shouldn’t call it vacation because there will be a lot of traveling to different family members. This will be the first time we fly with our twin toddlers… I’m scared. I’m going to try my best to have everything I need for a smooth flight, but I just know it will be crazy.

There are apps for the iphone to send free faxes. I think it is crazy people still ask for a fax, but I have used an app on my phone and it worked perfectly.


I tweeze my eyebrows about once a week, they seem to grow back fast which is annoying. Why on earth was that faxing so expensive, that is just ridiculous! I definitely love craigslist, well sometimes, other times it freaks me out slightly with the things people post.


I bought my road bike on Craigslist and I was super pleased with the whole experience. I’ve never sold anything on Craigslist though.
My husband and I are teachers too! Summer Teacher Life is the best.


I like tweezing my eyebrows–I do it a few days a week!

I love sour candy!! YUMM!


My BF and I just used Craigslist last night! Now we can play video games (more like now he can beat me at every video game)!


Yes ..LOVE sour Patch kids, Yes…tweez, Yes…couple more trips up north to the cabin, and YES…used Craigslist to sell an old sectional couch we had…it must have been at least 20 years old b/c it belonged to my parents when I was in high school…geesh that’s old!! Anyway, got $50 for the set…they were thrilled and so was I (just to have it finally gone!)


I love sour candy! Particularily Sour Patch Kids. No movie at the theater is complete without them. :) No tweezing or waxing for my eyebrows. They are thin as it is. We have a camping trip planned for the beginning of August for my husband’s birthday. But other than that we don’t have anything. We are still trying to plan something for our anniversary at the end of this month though. We’ve used Craigslist a ton!! It’s the best way to sell things.


Do you like sour candy? Do you have a favorite kind of sour candy?
-Yes! As a kid, it was Warheads. Those make me cringe now. Now, I LOVE Sour Patch Kids!

Do you tweeze your eyebrows? Wax? How often?
-Yes. My eyes water like a drippy faucet. I tweeze at least 1-2 times per week. Mine are also looking quite frightening at the moment. Hello Chewbacca.

Does anyone have any vacations planned for the rest of the summer?
Yes! I’m going to Wildwood, NJ on the 27th of this month for 1 week! I’m going with my love, Sean. :) It’ll be our 1st vacation together!

Do you ever use Craigslist?
I’ve browsed the site before, but I’ve never actually used it.


Sour candy? YES. My all time favorite thing to put in my mouth. And now it’s watering thinking about sour straws! I LOVE Sour Patch Kids.. But will eat anything that has a sour sugar coating!

I use to get my eye brows waxed every time I came out to see my guy for a visit… Now that we are married and pinching pennies, salon days are no more and I must suffer and take 20 mins to make it all perfect.

I’ve been wanting to try Craigslist for livingroom furniture! I haven’t yet, but def want to see what I can find. I’ve heard awesome things about the SAVINGS!


We learned the same thing about kinkos and faxing. Crazy how they rip you off. Have you had raspberry lemonade by Minute Maid? It holds me over when I’m home and can’t get out of the house.


Good luck with all your moving stuff!! I can’t even imagine how difficult that is pregnant. I hope everything is as easy as it can possibly be!! My vacation this summer is my honeymoon safari in Tanzania that I leave for on Sunday. SO excited!!!


Thank you so much Erin, you are so sweet! OH MY GOODNESS…a safari in Tanzania?! That is the coolest thing ever. I want to hear all about it when you get back. Have the best honeymoon ever!


Thanks so much!!! I would love to tell you all about it when I get back!! I can’t wait and I’m sure we’ll have a ton of pictures on Facebook, too!


I thread my eyebrows (well, my hairstylist does it) and it is amazing and looks awesome! i have to tweeze like three times a week. regardless of the threading! you’re jealous, i know!


I wax my eyebrows (I love getting them waxed – I’m a freak), but I pluck them as well so I don’t have to get them waxed every two weeks.

We just got back from Cancun this past weekend, but I am going to Ohio at the end of this month for a party for my aunt. Not sure that counts as a vacation. :) I do get to meet up with Lindsay from In Sweetness and In Health, though, so I am pumped about that!


Lololol you are too precious. Your day sounded productive! I like sour candy but after awhile the sides of my tongue start to hurt. Sour patch kids are yummy. I get mine waxed like every 6 weeks but tweeze in between. No trips planned so far. I’ve never used Craigslist but my friend (well kind of like an acquaintance now lol) found her now fiancé off Craigslist…I told my dad that and he’s like “I thought people sold lawn mowers on Craigslist!?” lololol


Sour straws were a wonderful choice :)
I pluck every couple days, when I need it. I’ve never waxed, have you?


I acutally kind of hate sour candy which is very weird since I love all other kinds of candy. For example: I will hold sour warheads under the sink until just the sweet part is left. I’m weird, I know!! I wax my eyebrows once a month, I should probably do it more than that on occasion but I’m cheap! I’m currently looking on craiglist for furniture for my new apartment- so overwhelming!!


Aww the picture of your parents is so cute! They look so in love!
& I was looking, and noticed that you look a LOT like your Mom! You have some great genes, because she is beautiful!!
I’m so glad everything is working out with the apartment…bummer about the amount that faxes cost :/ Ugh.
Enjoy your night! xo


I LOVE sour candy – my favourite is sour cherry cola bottles. Yum. I eat them until my tongue and mouth is raw. So gross, but I can’t stop once I start!!! My husband always dares me to eat all the sour sugar at the bottom of the bag too. Which I do. Someday I’ll learn!! Who am I kidding? No I won’t.

I get my eyebrows threaded every 4-6 weeks and then tweeze a little in between appointments. I’ve *heard* that waxing isn’t the best because it stretches your skin so much and will cause wrinkles. But what doesn’t cause wrinkles, really??


I LOVE sour candy! It used to be my absolute favorite growing up, it was the only kind I’d get! At movies I’d always get sour patch kids, or the sour patch watermelon!


How old school is it that they wanted you to fax something! Someone should introduce them to a little something called a scanner! haha

I had electrolysis on my eyebrows several years ago, so I don’t have to do much to mine. Just a stray here and there. :) I wish I could afford to do that all over!

No set plans yet, but we’re hoping to sneak away for a few days at the beach later this summer. :)


Your days sound eerily similar to mine… except my mom doesn’t live close to take me to lunch :) Aaaaaaaaaand I just started teaching summer school… soooooo there goes the sleeping until 8:00 or more. When I’m not working I call it a huge win when I put on ‘real’ clothes…and usually that’s because I need to wash all my workout ones :)


that photo of your parents is so adorable! I love them. :) sour candy is amazing! sour patch kids and sour straws are the best. I pluck my eyebrows, and should probably get them waxed because I forget…of course then I’d probably forget to make an appointment. ;)


Let’s see…Sour Patch Kids ROCK!! It should be illegal to tweeze eyebrows but of course it is neccessary! I prefer waxing it is much quicker!! My vacay was in May and spent on the coast of NC with my parents! IT WAS AWESOME!!
Craiglist scares me since the whole murder thing!! I am sure it is safe though!
Insurance companies are scarier and so is faxing from a public machine HA!
Sounds like a productive day! Hope tomorrow is as great!


I love sour candy! I will eat anything sour but I would probably say sour patch kids are the best :)

I’m a tweezer though I would like to be a waxer. I just can’t imagine waiting weeks in between sessions. I would feel really sorry for Dean.

No vacations anymore this summer…got our hands full with Mr. Puppy! Maybe in the fall…to Cali ;)


I’m the worst at tweezing my eyebrows! It’s like I’m incapable of plucking them evenly haha so bad…I hate paying money to get them waxed though so unless some important event is coming up I just do my best and deal with it :)


OMG I love sour patch kids! and sour strings! and sour strips! Are you seeing a pattern? ;-)

And I never tweeze. My eyebrows are pale blonde. In fact I need to color them to make them even show up!


Instead of Kinko’s check out some mom and pop grocery or pharmacy. Pharmacies especially – they always have a fax machine and they’ll usually do it for pretty cheap!

My eyebrows stay just the way they are :) Luckily I don’t have a unibrow.


I get my eyebrows waxed every couple of months, and I tweeze in-between those appointments. Well, sometimes…it hurts, and sometimes I forget. Luckily, I have blonde hair and my eyebrows are almost nonexistent.


Hahaha aww your mom is so cute! That’s sweet that she bought you grapes :) My mom reads my blog, so when I go home to visit, she’s always like “I bought this thing because I saw it on your blog!” it’s super cute :)


I LOVE sour candy but can’t control myself whenever I eat it and my mouth turns into a canker sore so now I try to avoid it, or only eat like 50 sour patch kids instead of the entire bag…

I have never used craigslist but my brother used it this summer to get rid of all the stuff we had lying around in our garage.


Have you tried threading your’s the only thing I’ll do to my eyebrows now!


The buffalo chicken Subway sandwich is pure awesomeness – next time, get it with avocado. To die for…and more :)


I have to pluck a lot because I have really dark hair! However, my sister recently converted me to lazy man plucking, aka I have a mini razor to use now instead. You can get them from Sephora and they are soooo easy. Pain-free too! And they get all those little hairs I have zero patience to try to get!


Your days sound pretty similar to mine!! Ahhh…the joys of not having to be anywhere, doing anything…I could definitely get used to this!! You’re better than me, though, at least you got “dressed up” (running clothes totally count!); I was in my pajamas all day until it was time to get dressed for the gym this evening. Come to think of it, I was in my PJ’s all day yesterday too…hmm. ;-) I tweeze my eyebrows myself but luckily I’ve been doing this for so long that they don’t get unruly like they used to. I have gotten threaded too before and I really like it! Vacation plans? La familia and I have been taking lots of little weekend trips here and there and will continue this a few more times before school starts up again.

#1 proof that it is summertime in the life of a teacher? I’m up at 4am reading blogs. ;-)


Are you selling all of your things on Craigslist? That’s awesome. I’m always afraid it’s going to be some weird creeper buying my stuff. Oh well.

Your parents are totally cute!


OMG I love sour candy but have no had any type of candy lately… sigh… darn this healthy lifestyle & trying to lose weight. My fav is… SOUR PATCH KIDS!!! I <3 them to death!! I get my eyebrows "threaded" LOL. It feels like having them tweezed a hair at a time LOL but worth it & lasts longer for me. I do it every two weeks b/c my brows are crazy :-D. Let's see for summer vacays I already went to Miami kind of for the weekend b/c my cousin was getting married & my Mom is coming at the end of the month for a week(which I'm so excited about :-) )
And I think I'm the only one on the universe that has never used CraigsList HAHA :-O


I literally have never touched my eyebrows..


Dang, you should just go to some random apartment complex, pretend you live there, and ask them to use the fax machine. They let you use it for free, and probably have free keurig tea in there too!


Yay for a fun Costco/Lunch with mom!


Sour candy is good – not my favorite, but good. Of all the sour candies, I’d say Sour Patch Kids rule!

I tweeze – as needed…..often times while sitting at red lights.

Vacation to D.C. with the boyfriend next month!! :)

I bought an ice cream maker off of craigslist for $30 (retail is $120!) I had never been used. If you liked chocolate, I’d invite you over for the S’mores Ice Cream I made last night. I’ll keep it in my freezer for whenever your chocolate cravings come back.


Craigslist is a great way to get rid of things and make some extra cash. I think it’s smart to meet people in public places if possible; you never know what kinda creepers are out there!


Well, for some teachers…. I spent the first month doing summer school and then will be doing a week of professional development… leaving me with less than a month of summer. What I’ll do for cash!

Are you planning on teaching when you move to CA?

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