Good enough and a surprise from Billy.

You know you need to get out of the house more when the highlight of your life is your husband surprising you with a new vacuum. Ours broke and so we have been borrowing one for way too long.  This is better than if he would have brought home jewelry.  It is also purple, he is really trying to win my heart.

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Day #1 of operation eat as cheap as possible has begun.  Chicken and veggie potstickers a la Costco (when you include ‘a la’ it makes it sound fancier) from the freezer.  Even though the veggies were surrounded in dough and fried it still counts as getting in my vegetable for the meal.

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After dinner we watched WHITE COLLAR, showed each other our favorite instagrams of the day (yes, we really do that) and then I finished off with blogging from my favorite perch located directly in front of the swamp cooler.  Heaven especially when a lemonade is involved.

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I am pretty sure a lot of us are probably kind of perfectionists but who knows maybe it is just me and Kristin Armstrong that are a little crazy.  When I read the following from Mile Markers I re-read it a million times because it is something that I do too!

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Isn’t it crazy how much time and energy we waste on comparing ourselves to everyone around us?  I remember when I ran the Utah Valley Marathon a few years ago I went out on my first mile and did something crazy like a 5:40 mile and I felt exhausted 1 mile into a 26 mile race.  I wouldn’t have ever gone out that fast if I was on my own but I felt so much pressure from myself to keep up with the competition that I wasted a lot of my energy physically and mentally by comparing myself to runners around me.

Something I want to really focus on post-baby when I am racing again is to run my own race and to not compare myself to my old times and the people around me as much as doing my absolute best for the ability level I will be at.

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That last line is my absolute favorite.  So often I get so caught up in thinking I need to be better that I forget that I can still be happy with where I am at while also trying to get better at the same time.  Some days I am fine being lazy for 20 hours straight but some days I feel like I constantly need to be doing something because that voice in my head says I need to do more!  I really want to take on her challenge to figure out whether that voice is true and I should try harder or if it is just doubt and ignore it.  Let’s stop doubting ourselves mmkay:)


New HRG BABY POST HERE!!!!!  33.5 weeks.


Are you good at running your own race or do you tend to compare yourself to other runners as you run?

Do you use a Mac or PC?  (Random question inspired by the picture of my computer)

I am looking for a good book to read right now because I can only re-read Mile Markers so many times…please tell me what you are reading….I need something good!

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Mac Baby here! I’m embarrassed how many apple products I own. My husband has a PC and no other apple products, not even an ipod or ishuffle. We are a split household ;)

I’m laughing that you ran a 5:40 mile for the first mile of a marathon….sounds like something silly I would do, lol.


Oddly enough, running is the one of the few areas of life I am not competitive. I think because I have always assumed I am not a “natural runner” (I don’t even believe in that anymore) That I constanly surprise myself by what I am able to accomplish while running be it speed or distance!


I have a really difficult time not comparing myself to others in pretty much every aspect of life. I am super insecure and that is something I absolutely need to work on.
Life is miserable when you are constantly beating yourself up thinking you arent good enough just for being you, and I loved these passages you posted. I should be ok with myself even when I am not completely where I want to be because negativity is not productive, nor is it condusive to improving yourself as a person.
Thank you so much for these reminders :-)


Was at book club last night discussing Shades of Gray. If you and some lady friends read at the same time you’ll at least have some entertaining conversations.

I am good at running my own race. Running for me is more of a metaphor of “showing up at the starting line in my own life” so the competition and the experience is only from within.


Oh my gosh can I relate completely. My birthday is in two days and my parents asked me what I wanted and everything is like practical gifts. HA-I am trying to figure out something I want and don’t need but it’s just so hard.

I have an iphone but I’m a PC user all the way. I would reboot our college computers back in PC because Mac and I did not get along…ha!


I looooove that last saying. I definitely compare myself to others a lot, a habit I definitely need to work my way out of.
Ahhh I can’t believe you’re 33.5 weeks already! Have a great day!


I use a Mac, but still trying to figure out the own domain thing on it!! I really do like those little clips you put in because they’re so true. I totally need to run my own race – even if I’m not completely satisfied with my own race (ie: pace and distance), at least it’s only me!!


That’s always my biggest struggle in races–to avoid going the pace of those around me and just running my own pace! It’s a lot easier said than done, but I find that the more races I run the better at it I get.
I switched over to a Mac a few years ago and I definitely won’t go back to a PC!


I am a PC girl, I have a VAIO and I really like it :) Totally a different post but congrats on finding the apartment! 33 weeks, your almost there and you look great!


Oh gosh. My mom has been wanting this vacuum forever!


I was so excited to get our Dyson vacuum a few years back. We bought it at Costco, and I love it.

I am a very slow runner. It always made me feel bad, but now I’m come to accept. I’m running and that’s the important things. I’m getting out there and doing something, and it doesnt matter if I’m the fastest or the slowest.

I just finished reading Drop Dead Healthy, and The Giver (a kids book, but really good!). I’m starting Wild next for Julie’s book club.


Since I’m kind of… okay, completely… a newbie runner, I’ve been doing a lot of comparing. Mostly to determine what time I should be capable of/would like to finish in my first race. I think it’ll be a bit of a processes to stop comparing.

I went with a mac three years ago now, and I will NEVER go back to PC. Also, I’ve been wanting to read Winning Balance by Shawn Johnson. She may be a gymnast, but I bet her words would apply to most athletes.


Great post! I am fairly good at it, which is surprising.
I am a PC girl… I know ;)
I am about to read The Lucky One, I have never read a Nicholas Sparks book so am interested to see if I like him or not.


I have a PC, but I’ve used a Mac at work before and liked it, too.

I haven’t ready any new books lately, so I’m no help in that area. But I’m bringing a couple on our trip … I’ll let ya know if I like either of them! ;)


It’s hard to not compare myself to other people! I struggle with those voices in my head a lot sometimes, but know that I’m so much better off to shut them down. I use a PC, and love it! My summer reading has consisted of Mockingjay (Hunger Games), Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (HILARIOUS by Mindy Kaling – writer of The Office), and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. Next on my list is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, it looks really great! Hope this helps! LOVE your blog, and pics of your growing belly! Wishing all the best!



Hi sweetie! :) great post.

“Mile Markers” is one of my fav. running books. I love Kristin’s perspective. She seems so relatable. During races I only compare myself to my previous times (PR’s). I’m pretty good at blocking out others around me & zoning in on “my” capabilities & what “my” best is for that given day. There are soo many other things that take precedence than running. Running is just a hobby but, I don’t let it consume me to where it creates negativity in my brain. If I feel like I didn’t have a good race it’s always okay because there’s always another race. You’ll be back to your speedy self, it will just take time & patience. I ran the LA marathon 5 mos post-partum. It was my PW but, I remember just feeling appreciative that I could run. you know?!

“RUN” by Dean Karanazes is a great book. 26.2 stories of blisters & bliss My fav. chapter is Chapt. 14 – “living with an athlete”

luv ya!! xo


I love those quotes so much! I needed to read one part of it, and I know someone who really needed to hear another part of it so I texted it to him. Thanks for sharing this today- there are a lot of good messages in there :)


First off, I have the same vacuum and you’ll NEVER regret it. Worth every penny, and I used to be a vacuum saleswoman too. Mine is almost four years old and I have not had one problem. :) Let me know if you ever need help with it. Although you can obviously call the 800 number since it has a 5 year warranty, plus Billy seems pretty engineer-y so I bet he could fix anything and the only thing to ever “fix” is to unclog it.

Obviously I have a passion for cleaning :(

PS I have the same problem with competitiveness : and I am famous for it among my in-laws.


soooo jealous, we need a new vacuum so badly its not even funny! (too much cat hair everywhere!)

im a slow runner so i def run my own race ;)

I’m a mac girl all the way…I own way too many apple products ;) never going back to PCs!


Best vacuum EVER!!! Well done Billy, well done!


We just got a new vacuum too and I get gitty every time I have used it.

I REALLY needed this post this morning. As of late that seems to be all I am doing. Comparing myself. I have recently subscribed to other running blogs and just last night my hubby was saying I need to unsubscribe because instead of feeling inspired, I feel less than. This is not THEIR fault, by the way, but the way I am taking it. I just get down on myself. Wow. I will never run that fast, that far, have abs like that, eat as clean as they do, etc. Why can’t I have THEIR will power? So until I can change MY attitude, I think I need to back off the running blogs.

Thanks Janae! I love you girl!


If I’m paying, it’s Mac all the way! Unfortunately all the computers at work are PCs…they must have missed the memo ;)! I just finished Drop, Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs- so hilarious, I would def recommend


I tend to compare myself to other runners after I run a race. Does that make sense? When I’m in it, all I want to do is beat my own times, etc. It’s only after I’m done that I compare myself. I’m not sure how healthy that is.

I’m a mac and always have been. I’m excited that my job lets me use a mac now, too!


I’m a PC girl, but I wish I had a Mac! All my other important technology items are Apple. One day :)


I am really bad at comparing myself to others, I do it too often. =/ Especially when it comes to sports! I use a Mac, but it is super slow yet new. I was told it needs a new battery….too expensive! I wish I was reading the 3rd Hunger Games book right now…but I am reading my Finance book for school. D:


I have a really hard time running my own race. I always want to keep up with or go faster than certain people. Lately though, I’ve been watching my garmin a lot and making sure that I’m not ruining my pace early on because I really want to finish strong. I need to read Mile Markers!!

Favorite books: Second Glance by Jodie Piccoult, The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue, World War Z by Max Brooks, and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood.


I’m a Mac user at home and a PC user at work. My boyfriend’s Apple obsession has rubbed off on me. :)

Right now I’m reading Off Balance which is a memoir by Dominique Moceanu, a 1996 Olympic gymnast. I love reading any and all gymnastics books. I just started it last night but so far it’s pretty good.


I’m a PC user but not by choice… we are not allowed to have personal computers on the network at school unfortunately.

My mom and I used to get those potstickers all the time!! Actually I remember seeing them in the freezer last time I was home, I guess I need to go home more often and beg her to make them for me!


I don’t compare myself to others often, but there are definitely times when I feel I’m not good enough. I remind myself of my training and how much I have improved.

I have a PC, but am thinking about buying a MAC laptop.

I recently read Train Like A Mother by Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea. It is a good book and gives tips on how to manage running when you have a family.


I have a purple dyson too and I love it! Good job Billy!


Have you read any of Lance’s books? I actually read Mile Markers after reading his books and how highly he regarded his wife. No matter what you think of him the books are pretty inspiring. Also, the Badwater Ultra starts next week so there will probably be some interesting race coverage to read.


Great quotes!

Also, a purple Dyson? ooh la la!


I have that same vacuum :) I love it.

I must say that after a year and a half of being sick and then injuries its hard not to look back and be happy with where I am at. But I am battling it! Last night I wrote a post on how happy I was to a do a 1.5 mi run at a 10.30 pace. Back in the day I would never have been happy to only do a 1.5 mi run….it had to be at least 3 or 4 mi to make me feel like I did something. But now to run 1.5 miles straight through without stopping made me feel amazing! And I need to hold on to that. That just because I’m not super speedy or run lots of miles week like I used to, it doesn’t mean that I can still be happy and satisfied with my run.

I have heard good things about Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother


Love the Dyson! Anything that makes cleaning easier is my friend!

I think looking sideways and comparing is natural. Especially if you are competitive. As I get older, I realize that my battle is mine alone and everyone has one. It helps keep it in perspective.

I loved the Shades of Grey series. But for a running book, I’d recommend Run Like a Mother by Dimity and Sarah from They are both mothers and have a lot of insight and help for running with a family. They also keep it real and have lots of mothers input. You are soon going to be in the club of ours – a mother runner. Check it out!

Your post today is amazing. I love that you opened up and shared your feelings. You make me and other women reading feel better about their own insecurities. Keep it up. You are awesome!!


I love this and will be printing and taping that to my treadmill. It is a great mantra! Thank you for sharing. I love your new vacuum. I’m the same way. Skip the flowers and jewelry, if my husband walked in with a Dyson, I would be the happiest girl. Is it weird that vacuuming is my favorite chore? I’m obsessed with the lines it makes in the carpet and the pattern. Yes, I’m a bit OCD.


I really needed to read this and stop comparing myself! And stop doubting myself! Thanks! :)


If I compared myself to other runners, I would never run. I am seriously that slow. But I am so okay with that! I know I will eventually get faster and even if I don’t, I still enjoy it. My motto that I repeat constantly is “My race, my pace!”


Thanks for this awesome post Janae! As I’m getting back into running this will be very useful for me to keep in mind. I’ve been thinking about running a lot (I think your blog might contribute to that a little too;) and I wish I could just go out for a 10-miler…but I know that since it’s been awhile since I’ve done anything over 5 miles, I need to start slow and just “run my own race”. I’ll get to that 10-miler (and beyond!!) before I know it:)


I have total vacuum envy over here… we bought a cheapo one at Wal-mart last year and it already died on us.

I love Mile Markers. I couldn’t agree more about running your own race. I think it’s very hard not to compare myself to others. It’s so hard today- between blogs, facebook, twitter, pinterest… it’s so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing.

Hmmm… good books… Can’t help you there. Between being 40 weeks pregnant and running after a two-year-old, reading has taken a back burner. Unless People magazine counts- I read that a lot.


Oh my gosh – that has been my new mantra for every run and race I have done since my April marathons blew up in my face – run MY run and run MY OWN race. my husband always asks me now what my plan is or my goal going into a race, and now I always say it is to run my best run and run my race on this day. And that is the best I can do. I totally compare myself to other runners and to faster runners, but it doesn’t get me down with this mentality. It has made such a difference in my training, mentally and physically.
I probably would have been right there next to your printing out that first mile. I have no self control when a marathon starts – but getting better at it day by day. Can’t wait to see what you can do when you are back in training!!


I think it’s a life skill to be able to run your own race in all aspects. It’s definitely something I continue to work on. I am also working on not making fun of my husband’s PC laptop. Poor guy. He deserves better. Love the purple vacuum!


I am DYING for a Dyson, but they are SO expensive. I better suck up $500 with that sucker when I get one.


I just got one of these and LOVE it!

The Kidless Kronicles


Ahhhhhh Janae! I don’t know if you know this, but I LOVE YOU! I am a new reader and read you every day now (for about a week now) and I just love this post! Thank you thank you thank you :) Such a great one! I have wrote a few posts about not comparing ourselves to others and being happy with where we are NOW and not focusing so much on where we WANT to be. I love this girl! You did such a great job explaining yourself <3

Oh, and I use a Mac ;) I just got it in March!! :) I used to be PC


I am ALL about MACs baby!! THey are the bomb.

Love that last sentence as well–it’s so true!! I think that when we compare ourselves, there is usually an insecurity going on that we must work on.

love the new vacuum!


I often make the mistake of not running my own race. I have to constantly remind myself to not go crazy competitive at the start.

I have a mac and PC. It’s a toss up. Both have great features. Mac has the best picture quality and graphics for sure!


I used to compare myself to other runner’s pace but I quickly stopped when I realized how detrimental it can be. I use a PC at work and a Mac at home. I’m all over the place, but my preferred choice is Mac. I just started reading Bloom by Kelle Hampton. So far it is wonderful, very moving and extremely eye opening.


Love this post! Thanks for sharing those quotes, and congrats on the new vacuum – that’s awesome!!


Awesome post Janae! I think you and me are SO much alike with our OCD personalities and I can totally relate to everything that Kirsten said in the article. It is so true that we need to run our own race in running and in life. Comparison is truly the theif of joy.

I am so dang jealous you got a Dyson!! Oh my gosh I would absolutely be in heaven if someone bought me a dyson.


It is SO important to not compare yourself to other runners. But this is something that is typical of women in general. We always compare how we look, and run, and EVERYTHING to other women around us. It isn’t a healthy attitude.
If you are always comparing yourself to other people, then you can’t enjoy your own victories and awesomeness. There will always be someone who is faster than you, so be happy for them, and like it says in Mile Markers, Run Your Own Race.


I’m definitely trying to not compare myself to others right now, in all parts of my life!!!


Some books: Iron War by Matt Fitzgerald; You Are an Ironman by Jacques Steinberg; A Life Without Limits by Chrisdie Wellington; Can’t Swim, Can’t Ride, Can’t Run by Andy Holgate (I don’t do triathlon but I enjoy their memoirs); Eat and Run by Scott Jurek; The Lola Papers by Amy Marxkors. All of the above are sports memoirs. In a different (totally fiction) genre, Molokai by Alan Brennert.


My hub worked for Microsoft for 8 years so I’m a PC. When my hubs switched jobs a few months ago he got a Macbook Pro. He actually hates it and seriously wishes he had his old PC back.
I’ve learned to run my own races but it’s hard nt t try and keep up.


I’ve been an Apple girl for about 8 years now.



I am pretty good at keeping my plan intact in races. My problem is I feel pretty good at mile 8 and decide to “go” a few miles earlier than I planned to thereby running out of gas before I finish 13.1. My last race I DID keep to my plan the entire race and had a really good time for me.

I must say if I could run a 5:40 mile period, I would do it anytime I could! I am really old and slow, but still running!

Right now I am fasinated by trail hiking books. I would love to have the time to hike the PCT. There are several good books people have written who have hiked the PCT and the Appalachian Trail. Skywalker by Bill Walker is good. He wrote one on his AT hike and one on the PCT hike. Something different.


Mac, baby all the way! I will never go back to PC everrr! That is a great post on comparison, I think its so important not to compare ourselves to others and be the best me I can be. Because there is no other person like me, and why try to be someone else when it is simply not possible.


Aauughh – I totally compare myself to other people. I get all down on myself if I only run a couple miles in a day because “there are so many people that can run so much more than that”… I really liked this post, and I’m going to go check out that article!
I have a hp mini that I love… don’t know if I’ll ever go back to a normal-sized computer lol
I’m reading Little Women for the eighty gazillionth time since it’s my favorite… but I don’t think that’s the kind of suggestion you were looking for :)


This is completely irrelevant to your above post, but I thought you’d like to check it out! It’s about Utah being the best gym.


A PC that wishes to be a Mac ;)

I love Mile Markers too! I started reading it the first time in January and it was my daily inspiration. Each morning I read one section/post. Somehow it always seemed to be exactly what I needed to get me going for the day, whether it was a run day or rest day. So, I decided to re-read it just like before – one section a day for a little inspiration :) I’m also reading The Dog Who Knew Too Much (a cute read) and Scott Jurek’s Eat and Run (more motivation).

Thanks for posting that passage. It’s so true. We need to focus on and run our own race at our own “perfect.”


Janae, you MUST read “This is How” by augusten burroughs. SO GOOD! I read it yesterday !


I just read a book I absolutely loved – an autobiography of a midwife in London’s East End tenements in the 1950s. I learned a lot about childbirth and stuff but also it was just really enjoyable because she had one story after another about a woman in this situation or in that situation – lots of little “vignettes.” It’s “Call the Midwife” and was recently made into a miniseries over here in England and was really popular. Anyway, I couldn’t put it down.


I try to run my own race but have been known to compare myself. In fact, in high school during a XC race, I was so busy looking over my shoulder at the runners behind me that I fell running up a hill and then again going down another hill. That was a painful way to learn the lesson my coach always told us – don’t worry about what’s going on behind you! Just run.

I use a Mac. I am currently desiring an iPhone and the new Macbook Pro. For now my ipod and white macbook will suffice. :)

I am reading a really creepy YA book right now called “Bad Girls Don’t Die.” It’s good but I’m really looking forward to reading “A Game of Thrones” next!


Love this!! I use a Mac and LOVE IT! However, I haven’t found any blogging programs I am in love with… any ideas??


I love Mile Markers! I re-read that book over and over again.

I try to run my own race, but sometimes it is just so hard to not keep up with others or chase.

I have both a Mac and a PC but use my Macbook so much more.


DYSONS ARE THE BESSSSTTTT! If you can get me enthusiastic about vacuuming, then you KNOW it’s good hahah.


I am actually pretty good at just running my own race and not focusing on others. It’s more of an internal struggle of “I should be going faster” or “Am I going too fast too soon” or “Don’t speed up now, there’s plenty of race left” etc etc. I am a MAC girl. :o) Good luck on eating cheap, lol. :)


Omg Janae! The purple one is the heavy duty PET vacuum!! Go check the closets and see if Billy has a puppy hiding somewhere :-)


in the same respect of “run your own race”, do what feels right as a Mom. Don’t listen or judge yourself or others, just do what works for you. The time goes so fast, and you shouldn’t guess yourself..just do what feels right.


Our vacuum JUST died tonight, so I’m totally jealous of your new one!

I’m constantly comparing myself to other runners. :-/ I KNOW I just need to focus on my own runs/pace, but it’s so hard not to get caught up in the moment, especially when I feel like I’m constantly being passed!

We have a PC, but I ask for a MacBook every day! I have Apple-everything else, so it only seems appropriate! Just need to convince my husband…


what a great (and important!) thing to remember, always. to run your own race, in every aspect of life, and never compare yourself to others! how self-deprecating that can be! thank you for this. i needed to hear that!


LOVE these passages! I’ve gotta read this book…
I just finished the hunger games series, and absolutely loved it. I know it’s been around awhile and was ‘the thing’ but I was totally hooked, and that takes a lot for me to a actually read a book.

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