It was all in my head…

After we last talked last (a whole 12 hours ago, I am sure you were wondering about what I had been up to) I was very productive and ran a total of 2 errands.  One of those errands was to get my wedding ring cleaned.  The man cleaning it told me that he had never seen a ring with laffy taffy stuck in one of the prongs, it takes talent to leave a trail of candy everywhere you go.

Next errand was boring insurance stuff but after that it got fun again.  We decided to deliver the baby shower announcements because almost everyone invited to the one that my mom is throwing lives within 4 blocks of us.   My job was to hold the invitations, control the ac and talk to my mom while the little ones did the manual labor.

Photo 3

It was definitely a party.  Curly got to stay in the car with us too because of her car seat and entertained us while the other two did the runningt.  I blurred out the name we chose on the invitation because I REALLY want to announce it to all of my internet bf’s when she is born.

Photo 1

Afterwards I did some laundry and hung out with the shorties.  Our love for cereal is deep rooted in our genetics.

Photo 3 2

I was actually exhausted after such a busy (sarcastic about being busy, not sarcastic about being tired) day, I felt more tired than I ever had in my life..  I told my mom that I was going to go straight home, eat my sandwich that my dad packed for me (no joke, he is the best) and go straight to bed.

As soon as I got home Billy mentioned my two favorite places and all of the sudden I had a ton of energy again, that is how I know the exhaustion was all in my head.

1. Costco.  We still haven’t bought any food but we did have other things we needed to get at Costco.  The electric toothbrush is one of my top ten best friends and we needed new brush heads.  Billy also got a new lunch box for his first day of law school.  I hope that his awesome lunch box doesn’t keep others from wanting to be friends with him because they think he is too cool with that box (it came with tupperware and a freezer bag too).

Photo 4 1

2.  Cafe Rio (we are getting close to running out of gift cards so we really savored this meal) pork salads while watching Friday Night Lights.  We have watched 4 episodes so far and I think this is the most hooked I have ever been to a television show.  I have already cried twice and decided that after the baby I am joining a football team in Northern California.

DSC 2903

Lesson learned last night- root beer makes heart burn 40x worse.


Update on HRG BABY!!!!!


Have you ever seen Friday Night Lights?

Is there a food/meal that your whole family absolutely loves… something that runs in your family?

If you take your lunch with you to work or school, how do you transport it?  What was the coolest lunch box that you had growing up?

-Beauty and the Beast.

Anyone else have an electric toothbrush?

-Our new ones are the floss action plus and I am worried about how excited I am to have these.

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My heartburn was awful waaaay back in prego days….GasX strips are a girls best friend! ;-)


Question: what happened to that sandwich that your dad packed for dinner?? Honestly Janae you’re going to make such a great mom- I love how you treat your nieces & nephew as they’re your own kids :)!


I can’t wait to hear what you name the baby! And, I just read your baby post, you have the cutest, perfect little baby belly – and you are tiny! My belly was just like yours, i think being tall helps keep the belly looking little! but I delivered my first two at 36 weeks. We don’t really have a meal that my fam loves, other than maybe Mac and cheese with the breadcrumb topping, so good!!


Yayyy, so glad you’re loving Friday Night Lights! It’s so addicting! Glad you got a second burst of energy and also used your gift card. ;) My dad and I have a deep love for cookies, lol. Have a great day! Oh, and I never used a lunchbox but my dad made/packed my lunch everyday for school, but we used brown paper lunch bags, haha.


Absolutely love love love your blog and everything you write about. Let me tell you – Friday Night Lights is SOOOO addicting. I was basically so attached to the characters that I pretty much believed they are real (okay, i’m a little TV obsessed) – enjoy watching… tim riggins is basically the best thing to look at. ever. :)


I have a Sonicare toothbrush and it is amazing (I even convinced my boyfriend to get one). The hygienist at my dentist is always telling me that I have really good “home care.” I don’t know how I made it all those years with my manual toothbrush.


Janae, you may not know this, but we’ve basically been BFFs in my head for a while now, though this is the first time I’ve actually commented on a post. I absolutely had to, however, because I’m so excited you’re watching Friday Night Lights! I love that show. Like you and Billy, I have tons of shows that I’m obsessed with (all-time favorites include The Office, Arrested Development, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad, and The West Wing) and FNL is one that I can just watch over and over again. I just rewatched all five seasons a few weeks ago and I’m planning to have another marathon sometime in the very near future. So, so, so good! I basically want to have the marriage of Coach and Tammy Taylor when I grow up. :)

By the way, how excited are you for the next season of Arrested Development?! It’s supposed to be released all in one day and once that date’s announced, I’m seriously considering taking a vacation day and staying home from work (and convincing some friends to do the same) to watch each and every episode, back-to-back, immediately. Being able to watch an entire season of a show over the course of one or two days is so much better than having to wait for a new episode each week! :)


MAEGAN!!! I love that we are bf’s. That makes me so happy! Thank you for commenting and girl, we love the same shows! I had NO idea there is a new season of AD coming out. You just made my day! I CAN’T WAIT!!! Keep me updated for when you hear it is coming out.


such a tease with the name blurred out! can’t wait to find out what you chose!


My family cannot resist barbecue pulled pork. It’s a Sunday tradition at my sister’s house during football season.


Can I come over for bbq pulled pork, that is one of my favorite things too!


Love reading your blog! I don’t think I’ve ever commented before (unless it was to enter a contest) . I still carry my lunch to work in a lunchbox. I have five old school metal lunchboxes that are in the rotation. Muppets Pig in Space, Knight Rider, Pac-Man, Incredible Hulk and Strawberry Shortcake. Sometime I think I’m too old to be carrying them around, but I like them and think they’re fun. Best of luck to you and Billy on all the fun and excitment headed your way!


HEY MISSIE, thank you so much for commenting. I love that you have those old school lunch boxes (I am actually really jealous especially of Strawberry Shortcake). Thank you so much for the good luck!


Never seen it!! I didn’t know it was still on.

Family special, homemade tacos!!! They are DELISH!!

I had keychains on mine, I was so cool!

I absolutely love my electric toothbrush. I’ve had it for about 5 years. I will never use anything but it!

Come check out my blog :)


I so wish there was a Costco near me! The prices there are so much better! And the samples of course!! haha
You’re going to have the best baby shower!!!
My boyfriend is in love with Friday Night Lights! I need to watch it, I always hear great things about it!


GORGEOUS GIRL! I seriously can’t stop playing with the little clothes you sent me. You are the most generous little thing in the world. I adore you!


I’m so happy! I loved that you were surprised! :)
I adore you too!


You will fall even more in love with Friday Night Lights with every episode you watch! I watched the entire series in 2 weeks…I have already informed my husband we are moving to Texas so he can become a football coach while I get to be the awesome Coach’s wife…as long as I can be just like Mrs. T! :)


Can we move to Texas with you guys?!? Seriously, this show is so good!


my boyfriend and I started watching friday night lights a few weeks ago on netflix and are already half way through season 3. I am obsessed with the show and don’t want it to end! All I have to say it Matt Saracen and Tim Riggins, YUMMM


I wish so badly we could all watch it together and drool over Matt and Tim:)


My families favorite meal is my Mom’s spaghetti. It is soooo good! She does nothing fancy to it other than add brown sugar to the sauce, but there is nothing like it. Maybe it’s just because it has a “Mom touch” to it. :)

PS- I had Apple Jacks for bfast this morning and forgot how good they are. I’m hooked!


APPLE JACKS are the best cereal ever. I love those so very much! Brown sugar in the sauce… I am sure I would LOVE it!


I never really got into electric tooburshes. wouldn’t it be neat if plural toothbrushes was “toothbrushi”? that’s my thought for today.


Going to costco always makes me happy…theres always so much to take in even though ive been there a gagillion times before.

My dad makes his famous rice and beans all the time, even though i’ve eaten them a million times, we never get tired of them.

i’m pretty boring, I just take my lunch to work in a shopping bag but I did used to have a pretty sweet hello kitty lunchbox :)


i am in a torrid love affair with my electric toothbrush. it is the best 2.5 minutes of my day. well, more like 7.5 minutes because i do try to brush three times a day. it’s currently packed in my bag and i am using a manual toothbrush while i stay at my parents and i’m not sure there’s anything worse. my arm is exhausted just thinking about all the brushing it has to do later.


The favorite dish around my family has to be fried breakfast potatoes, nobody can cook them as good as my mom and my grandma! Sadly I dont remember my lunchbox growing up only what was in it… Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a little Debbie oatmeal and cream sandwich cookie with a juicy juice.
I love my electric toothbrush I can’t imagine what my teeth would be like without it!! I’m very careful not to let the battery die because I’m not sure Id know how to brush them without it


I am also in love with my electric toothbrush. I get so excited about it that I have actually convinced a few other people to buy them. Oral-B really should pay me. Nerd alert: I don’t like the floss action heads, I feel like they don’t get in the crevices as well as the precision clean. But I hope they will work fantastically for you.

I think I had a Care Bears lunchbox.


Guess what… I think I like the precision one better too! SO good to hear that other people are obsessed with their electric toothbrush too:)


Your baby shower will be so fun!
I must say I’m kind of disappointed in Billy’s lunch box- I thought it would be a super hero one!
My lunch bag is a huge reusable bag with Hawaiian flowers on it! I also have a Hawaiian Punch lunch box, but I can seldom take it since it doesn’t fit much!


EEEEK! i’m SO glad you’re loving Friday Night Lights! i knew you would. i’m the same way… i laugh and cry with every episode. at least you have an excuse! i’m not even pregnant. ;) it just gets better and better!


I went through the entire series of Friday Night Lights over the winter when I ran on the treadmill. It’s an awesome show.

How many days have you gone without buying food now?

Love the invites! Too cute.


Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows!


FNL is the best show not on anymore. I burned many late nights watching missed episodes when it aired. I’m a little nuts about my love of the show but not as nuts as a friend who tattooed “clear eyes,full hearts, can’t lose” on his hand. Although I might write it on my hand when I run my half in October. :-)


I watched about 4 seasons of FNL, but it just got too dramatic for me, I got tired of keeping up with it. And I bring my lunch to my internship in a lululemon bag. No, I do not own any lululemon. My friend sent it to me to make me feel better about that fact…


Love Costco, too! I have the exact same toothbrush….those heads get a bit expensive. I always take my lunch and I don’t remember my childhood lunchboxes, but I now have a Vera Bradley (which I love).


Friday Night Lights is my favorite show ever! I love Coach and Tami and Matt Saracen:) Season 1 is my favorite and I love the show so much I have watched it many times over and over. Ok, now you just got me to want to watch it again:)


oh yea, I actually cried during the last episode! Texas Forever!


I’ve been told countless times to start Friday Night Lights, but I always find something else. And I had no idea that Billy was starting law school — I am too in the Fall!


I can’t wait to find out her name! I still have my fingers crossed that Flash at least made the middle name.

I haven’t watched FNL, and since I don’t subscribe to netflix or anything, I probably never will :(

We are a cereal family too! I don’t always buy it anymore because I’ll get lazy and eat it for all meals and snacks.

I have a bright multi colored lunchbox. it’s the best!

I have one, but I switch between that and a regular toothbrush.


My mom and I love Cheetos and eat chocolate in bed. We both have stories of waking up with chocolate stuck to us somewhere!


Electric toothbrushes tickle me too much. Not even my teeth. My hand. The vibrating just tickles and I end up laughing the whole time I’m brushing. Not cool.


Friday Night Lights is the BEST show EVER! My boyfriend & I started it last fall/winter and literally would spend 8 hours a day watching when it would rain or snow. I think I’m going to go back and start watching again now thanks to you!


i’m obsessed with Coach Taylor! and Mrs. Taylor! and Tim Riggins! haha basically what i’m saying is that it’s a great show.
i have an atlanta track club lunch box right now that used to be made out of a water bottle. it’s pretty cool :)

love the invites!


I’ve never seen Friday Night Lights. Guess I’m missing out!

I have a FABULOUS lunchbag from Payapa Art. Love it!
When I was in 2nd grade I really wanted a Dukes of Hazzard lunchbox but we couldn’t find one. Then on the first day of school my bff showed up with one! I was so jealous.

Anyone else have an electric toothbrush? Yes!


I watched all the way up until the last season on Netflix and then stopped …I should probably finished it. Funny, I pay no attention to football but when it comes to tv & shows I can be found crying for the teams.

Peanuts & Peanut Butter is a shared addiction in my family.

When I was little I used to have to carry my insulin & diabetic supplies in an insulated lunch box so I got two!


We are hooked on Friday Night Lights. We started watching it in April and watched two episodes a night for two week straight before we moved. We haven’t had a lot of free time yet to watch anymore, but I promise it will be soon. Best show!


haha my boyfriend is a mechanical engineer and currently working on his doctorate and takes a lunch box to school everyday. I always tell him he looks like a 10 year old but he says almost all the other people in his lab have one…. must be an engineering thing haha!


Billy and I can be lunch box BFFs, I have that one too! Its works very well :)


I love Friday Night Lights! So glad you are finally watching it! It is one of my all time faves :)


Yes! FNL is da bomb diggity! One of my all time favorites!


FNL!!!!! BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!! And this is coming from someone who couldn’t give a flip about football (unless it’s the REAL football – i.e. soccer) ;) Don’t judge.

I love me some Coach Taylor!


I love love love love loveeeee Friday Night Lights! So sad that they cancelled it. But you’ll totally love it all the way through. :) Enjoy!


Ahhh I can’t wait to hear her name! I’m so excited!!!!!!
I ran in the Pioneer Day 10k today and used one of the tricks you talked about a week or so ago. I used the imaginary rope and pulled myself to the person in front of me. So fun!! And helpful :)


My whole family is TOTALLY obsessed with Cafe Rio. SO good.

YAY for baby showers!!


My whole family loves my moms famous Portuguese roasted dinner aka meat (chicken, pork, or beef) and potatoes. Considering my Mom/Dad are of Portuguese decent and from the Azores it makes since we all love it! Also fresh Portuguese bread from the authentic bakeries. When ever it’s in the house it doesn’t last more than a few hours!

I have a nice lunch bag from a hospital as race swag. It’s big and I love that I can fit a million things into it. My first lunch box ever was Little Mermaid. I brought it with me on my first day of Kindergarten, lunch and all. My Mother didn’t know that a half day of school meant no lunch haha My teacher had to speak with my Mother about it and I had to put it away until I went to first grade. I would play with it in my room and have pretend lunches with my dolls :)

You guys are doing great on your food challenge and it’s almost over!


I LOVE Friday Night Lights. It’s EXACTLY how high school in Texas is.
I cried when it was over.

Mostly filmed in Austin, but an interesting tidbit is one of the stadiums used for the East Dillon team is on the Austin Town Lake running trail.


I am so happy to see Billy with a lunch box to start Law school! My hubby is starting his MBA program next month and is being a total party pooper with letting me buy him back to school supplies! We don’t have kids so I need to live vicariously through him. Who passes up a chance to legitimately buy school supplies?!


Friday Night Lights is my FAVORITE! My husband and I were so addicted to that show and watched it on Netflix too, so we could watch it nonstop. I was convinced we needed to move to Texas. It’s been several months since we finished it and I’m still sad about it. We got extremely attached to the characters like they were our own family and friends. So be warned… :)


i LOVE that you hand- delivered all of the baby shower invites!!! what a nice touch :) (esp. nice that everyone lived close enough so you could!)

SO excited for your little girl to come into this world!!!! and can’t wait to hear what her name is :) :)

i found a recipe on pinterest for making the cafe rio pork salad at home, and since we don’t have cafe rio in cali (whatever will you dooooo!!) i pinned it and am planning on trying it out, since you always talk about how good it is!!


So glad you are waiting to surprise us all with you baby girls name. So fun!

I’ve been meaning to get an electric toothbrush for the past 5 years. Maybe in another 5 I’ll break down and get one. :)


Oh, you are so going to love Friday Night Lights! My hubby and I love it and are watching it too, all the seasons. I just can believe they dont make it anymore:( But I bet it will be better to watch with Cafe Rio! One was just opened up by us and I’m so in love with their Strawberry Lemonaide! Since I’m diabetic it is so nice to have something delicious to drink besides diet soda.


FNL = The best show ever! I love all the characters!


I LOVE FNL!!! I was so sad when it ended. As for lunch boxes, I remember me and my brothers all thought our Fraggle Rock lunch box was the best and oddly I can’t remember what lunch box I had after that (it was probably plain).


I had the most awesome my little pony lunch box in grade school ! Ahh I loved it. I also had a care bear lunch box when I was older. I still have it actually.Totally seen friday night lights soo good. My family likes to fight over pickles, which yes is a bit strange but my uncle cans these amazing spicy pickles and everyone always wants to eat them all. silly but soo good. Yes I have an electric toothbrush !


Lafffy Taffy in your ring!!! Okay that’s hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!


OBSESSED with FNL!! Watched all the seasons, one after the other, through Netflix last summer. I was so sad when it was time to watch the very last episode because I didn’t want it to end. Love me some Tim Riggins!

I bring my lunch in a little insulated lunchbag or in a lululemon bag. Same lunch every day! Turkey on a sandwich thin with mustard, Greek yogurt and Kashi granola bar!

I need an electric toothbrush! And I think I need to join Costco too…


I had a Magic School Bus lunch box! It. Was. Awesome.


oh snap. I’m about to go search on eBay. !!!! awesome idea.


I need that one too!


friday night lights is the BEST SHOW EVER! Janae – you will loveeee it! all of it! i’m obsessed (obviously)


our favorite meal as a family has always been popeye. it’s these doughy homemade noodles (squares, not spaghetti). they take so long to make and roll out. and they simmer with chicken and carrots. my mom makes a special pot for me now with veggie broth and the popeye noodles are just as delicious. with equal parts carrots – the only way I liked carrots when I was little. :-)

currently, I rock the coolest lunch transportation ever, and carry everything to work in plastic grocery or target bags. it’s awful, really. and I didn’t even think about getting a super cool lunch box!!! ugh. I dropped the ball. I’m gonna need two, though, because I bring breakfast, also.

I do not have an electric toothbrush. but I am jealous of yours.


Girl, any errands are good errands. TRUTH.


Hi! Ahhh I keep shouting out names to my husband that I think you will choose for Baby Girl! Brian rolls his eyes at me!!! Please go a teensy bit early so I don’t have as long to wait? Trendy or traditional? Can you tell us that? Puh Puh PLEASE???


My hubby and I just finished Friday Night Lights! We loved it and were so addicted too! Honestly, we experienced a loss after the last episode. Like what do we do with ourselves now! So savor it :)


i love costco:) and my family loves anything italian!


Friday Night Lights is THE BEST!!! The second season is way different but stick with it, it’s worth it.


I once got made fun of during law school for my lunch box…and then everyone just got really jealous because I pack AWESOME lunches :)


I LOVE my Sonicare toothbrush. Best thing ever. My teeth always feel so clean when I’m done brushing.
DYING to know your little lady’s name…I know it is going to be SO cute!
Oh my gosh..Curly….I know I’ve said it before, but seriously could she be any more adorable?! How are you going to survive when you move to CA?? I think your sister needs to move with you :)


im watching friday night lights right now too- have watched season 1 and 2 in the past but own them all so decided it was time to go start to finish- and now im finding it hard to pull myself away..

i know you were a big fan of make it or break it- have you tried watching pretty little liars at all? if not that should be your next show after FNL


LOVE Friday Night Lights. I became addicted to it on Netflix as well :)
Season one was awesome, but I couldn’t really get into season 2. Will be interested to see what you think of season 2.


Heartburn!? I predict a little baby girl with tons of hair.


Every time I need motivation to go run, I just come to your blog. :) So now I’m heading out, thanks to reading your last 5 posts haha


I have an electronic toothbrush and I can’t live without it. So how long are you attempting to go without spending money on food?


I got the same lunch box for V in blue for when he starts school which color did Billy get?


friday night lights is my FAVORITE! we watched all 4 seasons over my christmas break. you think i’m kidding. 2 weeks + 4 seasons (20ish episodes per season)…uh…you do the math.. LOVE IT!

i also want to know how good of friends we really are if you go with the pork…chicken is the only way to go!

soda giving heartburn? lame. i got heartburn last night from in-n-out and their lemonade. how rude.

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