Date night and a spring marathon?

It is crazy how my brain has changed over the last few months.  Pre-pregnancy- running consumed my thoughts… Thinking about splits, times, hill/speed workouts, races, goals etc. but lately I have been thinking about babies more than anything which is approximately once every 90 seconds.  I kind of have an obsessive personality.

Why not go see a movie all about babies and drag my husband along with me?   We saw What to Expect When You’re Expecting at the dollar theater yesterday and I absolutely loved it.  I cried 4 times but laughed 20 times.  I think this is the only movie that I could tolerate sitting straight up in a chair for two hours with the rib kicker attached to me.

Photo 1

After the movie we hit up Cafe Rio (gift cards!) and I wanted to share with you the rotating cooker that produces the best part of the meal right in front of your eyes.

Photo 2 1

Quite the romantic set-up.

Photo 3

Even though the movie theater was next door to a Cafe Rio I made BIlly drive us to one in a different town because that one has strawberry lemonade and the one next to us doesn’t.  At least we had just come out of a movie that made me feel like all of my craziness is actually pretty normal for pregnancy.

Target + registry + baby stuff = best 1.5 hours ever.


I am really excited because they gave me my very first diaper for registering with them.   I am sure in a few months I will never want to see a diaper again but until then I am going to be excited about them.

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Okay, let’s be honest, I still think about running for hours each day and I am already scoping out marathons.  I saw an advertisement for Big Sur and I am about 18 seconds away from signing up for next spring.   Race scheduling is one of the best things in the world.

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Anyone have their next marathon planned out?  Has anyone ran Big Sur in the past?  Who wants to run it 2013 with me?

Are you wanting to do more BIG races or SMALL races for the next races you sign up for?

Where did you register for your wedding or for baby stuff?  Were you surprised by anything you got?

-My BIL registered at REI for their wedding:)  We registered at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond.

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I totally understand that. I feel like signing up for races are addictive! No marathons for me, but I am signed up for a lot of 5ks in the summer. I think I’ll get back into halves in the winter again.

I like smaller races because I love the cute little home feeling. (Maybe that is an upstate thing ha?!). I also love bigger races because of the thrill of competition too. I don’t know-I think I’d rather do some bigger races in the fall. ;)


First, your bday pictures and dress are BEAUTIFUL:) You kill the 5ks and inspire me to get into them!


omg do you run on that bridge?!!? I want to do that marathon! Haha if someone else would pay for me to travel to CA!! And I’ve been dying to see that movie, I’m glad you enjoyed it!


I think so! COME DO IT COME DO IT!! We will do a fundraiser to get you out there:)


I ran Big Sur last year, when part of the highway was closed due to a landslide. Because of that, the race was rerouted & so we didn’t get to run over the bridge. I want to run it again, just to go over the bridge (which is at the 1/2 way point. It is an absolutely beautiful course.


I loved that movie…although I won’t lie, it made me kinda nervous about pregnancy haha! Have a great Sunday!!!


That is what I loved about it…it didn’t sugar coat pregnancy ha! Hope you have an amazing Sunday too!


I registered at BRU, I really didn’t get much on it.


I registered at Target and Babies R Us for my twins. I was surprised to get cribs and super happy.

I’m trying so hard to talk my husband into letting me sign up for Big Sur in April. The race is the day after my birthday so I tried that angle. Next, I’m going to use the family vacation card.


Apparently Big Sur is really hard, you’d not be likely to PR there. But it is supposed to be amazingly beautiful. I fancy doing the half. However to DO the half I’d have to GET OFF MY BUM AND DO SOME RUNNING and this weekend I seem incapable of that!


I think that I am going to run the same marathon as I ran last year. Rock and Roll Washington, DC. It coincides perfectly with my foot healing. I think that one in CA looks awesome. It’s on my birthday, so that’d be very cool:-)

I didn’t register for my baby shower. All of my friends had a surprise one for me when I was only 4 months preggo because they were all going to be away at college for my due date.


Big Sur is a beautiful race. It would be a perfect “first marathon as a mom” race.


GOOD TO KNOW BEV!! Thank you so much. I bet the scenery is out of control beautiful!


Fun date night! Im glad you included the photo of the rotating cooker; it’s weird but I love watching places make crepes, waffle cones, any of that kind of stuff!
How cool to register at REI! Target would be pretty great, too.
Ooh, I’d love to run Big Sur!


the tortillas are definitely the best part at cafe rio! and i loooove their strawberry lemonade – so good! your date night sounds like our date nights too… dollar theater and cafe rio! can’t go wrong with that. ;)


I really, REALLY want to run Big Sur someday! It’s near the very top of my ‘scenic, must-run list,’ even though it’s a very tough one. I don’t know if I could do 2013, though, as we live far away from there right now. If you do it, though, I’ll live vicariously through you, o.k.?
Speaking of diapers, just this morning I was at Safeway and walked past the clearance aisle where I saw a couple of packs of newborn diapers and had the fleeting twinge to grab them, which is odd, since my youngest are now 6 and well out of diapers! However, my kids were all newborns in July, so I always sort of feel like there should be babies (and, apparently, diapers) around in July. Weird.


Signing up for races makes me nervous. Such a commitment.
We registered for our wedding at JC Penny and it was AWFUL! But that was long before people really shopped on the internet. How things change.

The Kidless Kronicles


I love running small races because they have such a nice feel to them. I live near NYC and running the 10k’s or half marathons there is ridiculous…too many people and you can barely get your pace going to the speed you want because someone is in the way.

By the way, you are the most beautiful, all the while being the cutest, pregnant woman I’ve seen. Seriously…you look terrific.


Joy, your comment absolutely made my morning! Thank you so so much for your sweet words:) I only have done one race in NYC and holy cow…I had never seen so many people in my life! Come out to Utah because there are some awesome small races here!


A big group from my running club does Big Sur each year – usually they do the “Boston to Big Sur” challenge and do both (I think they’re 2 weeks apart? Maybe one week?). This year the winner- the lowest cumulative time from both races – was Carolyn from my group! She ran a 3:16 or 3:17 in both races – both great times considering Boston’s heat and Big Sur’s, um, mountain. I kind of want to do the challenge next year but boy, that’s a lot of expensive travel.


WHAT?!?! Carolyn is hard core, that is incredible. I seriously can’t imagine. Gracie, come do Big Sur and stay with us…that will make it a little cheaper:)


I wedding registered at Crate & Barrel and baby registered at Target and BabiesRUs. I found it was much easi to organize and find what you need by editing your registry online. So much fun!

I did get some really nice fun stuff I didn’t register for, best was a beautiful hand made Christmas stocking.

Have never run Big Sur but have always wanted to and heard great things about it.

Have a wonderful day!


OMG!!! I can’t believe it’s time for you guys to register already!! It’s all going by so fast! We also registered at Target when I was preggo with our daughter 9 yrs ago. That, and Babies R Us. I love baby shopping and get so into it! Guess that’s my baby fever coming out! Last weekend we went shoping for my husband’s best friend’s wife’s baby shower. We got the baby (boy) the cutest motorcycle onesies and these sock shoes that looked like checkered Van to match…OMG! Cutest. Thing. Ever. Leave it to my hubs and I to already be turning our nephew into a rockstar…and he hasn’t even been born yet! LOL

You GO Janae! I love the fact that you already have your sights on your next marathon!! Can you imagine how rewarding that one (or whichever one you decide to do as your first post-baby one) is going to be?!

You rock!!


You are so right…that first post-baby marathon is going to be incredible. I was thinking about registering at Babies R Us…do you recommend registering there too? Oh that motorcycle onsie sounds beyond cute!


Well we ended up getting the big stuff from Babies R Us…but honestly, Target was perfect! The majority of the things that we the most helpful were from Target. Might be good for your friends and family to have options to choose from, though, so I would say sure, go ahead! Good luck!


I do more of small races-being that I can’t run more than 7 miles I typically sign up for 10K’s. But really want to sign up for the Hot Chocolate 15K next march!!! I even dreamed about winning a spot for free haha….no babies for me yet!!

Come Check me out!!


I am registered for the Philly marathon in Nov and will prob do the Atlantic City half as a tune-up in Oct (that race has a new RD and has gotten wayyy better over the past few yrs!).

I love big and small races – you can’t beat big for eye candy and excitement, but they can get frustrating for a PR. Small are great for speed and getting in a concentrated mindset, but I sometimes miss the hubbub, esp at the end :)

Big Sur is on my bucket list, for sure!


Though my races are a little shorter (track and cross country races), AND I don’t choose which ones I go to (coaches), I like big races because they provide more competition, and with more comp usually means faster times :)
That diaper packaging makes it look like it’s for pregnant women! Haha I thought it was funny!
PS I loved what to expect when you’re expecting. I laughed so much!


Seriously, I could not stop laughing during that movie. That takes out a little bit of stress that your coaches choose all of your races:) I agree about the bigger races sometimes mean faster times!


ahhh i’m so jealous that you have a Dollar Theatre!!! we used to have one back when i was little, and i have lots of memories going to it, but then they closed :( i guess i’ll just have to visit utah to get in my $1 theatre fix haha!

that’s so cute that they give you a diaper for registering!! i’ll keep that in mind for when it’s my turn. ;)

we registered at macy’s and pottery barn for our wedding, and i’m already planning on target for the baby! (which, if it was up to my mom, would already be happening ha!)


NOOO You need a dollar theater again! YES, I will take you to all of the movies you want if you come out. Pottery Barn has the best stuff ever. We don’t have one here! Hahaha the moms put a lot of pressure on all of this baby stuff:)


I saw an add for the big sur marathon too and it reeeeally made me want to run it… I know I won’t be able to leave school to go that far and only for the weekend though. Maybe someday when I live in CA?


DO IT DO IT DO IT:) Running Big Sur with me > school;) What part of CA do you want to live in?


So now I’m actually seriously looking into this race, um, have you seen the elevation map?!!? Miles 10-12 look like a mountain!!!


Hubby and I registered at REI. We got all kinds of great camping stuff. :)


Seriously, we were jealous that we didn’t think of doing that! My BIL got incredible stuff from there!


Big sur is a great marathon. Just FYI it’ll be during Bill’y final period so the timing might be bad. I went to SCU law and could never make that race work w my schedule. There are so many other great races in the bay area though!


Ida, thank you so much for letting me know about that. I had no idea! PS that is so awesome that you went to SCU law! Any tips for us?


I would tell Billy to stay out of the law library. The undergrad library is way nicer and there aren’t a bunch of crazy, stressed out law students in there:)

I think you guys will really like it out here, there are lots of great places to run and a trader joe’s not too far from campus. what more do you really need?!


Good to know! Thank you so much Ida, that sounds like a great idea! TJ’s by campus…you just made my day!


As soon as I recover from my injury I cannot wait to run some half marathons! I’m too afraid to sign up for any because I’m scared of jinxing myself


Stupid injuries! Good call to do half marathons for a little while before jumping into the fulls after an injury!


Registries are so fun!

I haven’t seen that movie yet but it’s not in theaters here anymore. No dollar theater for us. Maybe it will be at the one in the BIG CITY in a couple weeks!


I want to run Big Sur! It’s definitely on my list, but too soon after to Boston or else I would be signing up too! DO IT! DO IT! Big Sur is seriously one of the most beautiful places on earth.


I think Big Sur is on my bucket list of marathons I want to run someday. I hear the views are amazing and it’s always more fun to run in pretty places.

I’m itching to sign up for a bunch of races, too. I’m hoping that maybe the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon series will do another tour pass but for the early 2013 races so I can take advantage of that. I think it’s nice to get in a mix of bigger and smaller races, although sometimes the finisher medals aren’t as nice for the smaller races. (I love me some medals.)


Registering is so fun! That was the best part about getting ready for our wedding.

My next big race is the Wine Glass Marathon in upstate New York in September. I’m psyched.


Hi Janae! I wanted to let you know that I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspirational Blogger Award! All of the information is in my latest post: I chose you because I have loved following along with your running, especially now that you are pregnant like me. I think you’re such an inspiration for so many people! Keep up the great work! Can’t wait to see you as a new mommy!


I have approximately my next 5-6 marathons planned out…because I am trying to run one in every state before I am 30!!! I have a little over 6 years to go! This year I am doing Chicago, Kansas City and Dallas and possibly the North Face Endurance 50k…and then next year I’m hoping to do the Mercedes Benz Marathon, Knoxville Marathon and possibly Rock n Roll Phoenix or Little Rock (LR would be a repeat race but it was so awesome I would totally do it again)!!

…Am I crazy?

I must say after doing a small race in Minnesota in May I loved the whole environment and the fact that I went right up to the race director and hugged and thanked him for an awesome race, plus he was handing out water to my friend Danielle and I at mile 18 or so…you can definitely NOT find that in a big race! There are pros and cons of both, and I like keeping a variety :) Big Sur is on my bucket list!


We registered at Bed, Bath, and beyond and Dillard’s. If I let him, he would have registered at Dick’s or something crazy like that!


I wanted to sign up for the Big Sur race too! One day I will do it!


I’m registered for my first marathon in September!! So excited!! Big Sur looks gorgeous – though from what I’ve heard about it, it isn’t exactly a course for a PB! I would love to see your pictures from it though, it looks so pretty!


Big Sur is such a beautiful place!! I’m excited for you to run it, you have to take lots of pictures. I miss California

We registered for our wedding at target and bed bath and beyond. We got some great things but mostly people gave us money =)


The San Francisco Marathon is a good one too! When you move here you will have to check out the route. It’s coming up in two weeks…so excited! I am running the first half, which goes across the Golden Gate Bridge and back!


AHHH Cheryl, that is so awesome that you are running the first half of the SF Marathon. I am definitely wanting to do that one next year!


ah, big sur would be amazing, janae!!! i like to dream/plan ahead, too…so many races, so little time!
i’m thinking BIG races for the next few years…i’d like to start checking some items off my running bucket list and the ones i have in mind would be so much fun!!!
enjoy your sunday!


I really enjoyed the WTE movie and I’m glad you did too! Date night is awesome–my recommendation would be to work hard to have them even after Baby Girl makes her appearance. They are great for your marriage :)

I am already plotting out my race schedule for next year. I need goals and motivation or I don’t do it. My vote is to do it!


I ran the Big Sur Marathon last year and highly recommend it! Its a fun course and the hills are not as bad as some reviews might say… especially if you train in the mountains. I would definitely run it again! I live in Santa Cruz which is 30 min away from Santa Clara, and there are plenty of mountains and parks around here to train.


I’ve found that committing to races really does help keep me motivated. My next half marathon is in September, and then I’m considering signing up for another one in November.

Big Sur is on my race bucket list, for sure! I’d also love to run RnR Chicago, New York, and a Disney Race. :)


Hey! I haven’t run Big Sur but we did go camping out there in May and it was absolutely amazing. I highly recommend!! I might do it but I wouldn’t decide until closer to it. I am however doing Lake Tahoe at the end of Sept! I’ll be doing the Emerald Bay half!!


Run Big Sur!! I have run it the past 4 years and it is absolutely gorgeous. Logistics are somewhat of a challenge for that race (expensive hotels and a long early bus ride out to the start) but it is all part of the experience. It is one of my favorite marathons ever! Although, I think I am going to run San Luis Obispo in 2013 instead to mix it up.


I really want to run Big Sur one day! It’s 90% sold out so you better hurry and register!!


I want to run Big Sur in 2013, but I am trying to sign up for the Boston to Big Sur challenge… I hope by then it’s not sold out!


As of this morning, only 125 slots are available. I’ve wanted to run the half for a long time! Good luck!


That movie was so cute! I am not sure if I would have liked it if I wasn’t pregnant though. I went to see it with 3 other fellow pregnant friends. We must have looked so funny to the other people in the theater!


Haha, that’s cute that they give you a diaper for registering!


I ran big sur this past spring! it was AMAZING! since you’ll be living up there anyways, i highly recommend it. train on hills, because by mile 20 i wanted to quit my back hurt so bad. you were either running up, down, or sideways. enjoy!!


Do it! Do the Big Sur! It’s beautiful! I haven’t run it, but I have done the 9 miler walk with my grandfather in law (he ran Big Sur twice!). Loads of hills and beautiful coastline. I love watching the marahtoners come in and pass us on the course. Cheering them on. I would so love to run it with you, but I might be pregnant at that time. o_O (I can’t believe I just wrote that) Though I am planning on doing something in Big Sur no matter what. There is also the Big Sur 1/2 this November. I definetly want to sign up for more races this year and next. You’re such a beautiful inspiration to keep running while pregnant. :)


Are you even wearing maternity pants? If so, where in the world are you finding such cute ones? I need this information. LOL.


I signed up for the Big Sur!! it sold out in a day! Did you end up signing up for it? We need to run together you will have to come up to Napa when you move here!


Big Sur

In March I entered a contest (My First Car Story – see website) through Rodale Publishing and Suburu. I WON! A trip for two to Monterey and entry into the Big Sur Marathon (which I was training for this year and skipped finding out I was preggers). The question is, with a January 2 due date, is a marathon at the end of April crazy? Possible? Dreaming?


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