Nothing really interesting has happened in my day thus far except:

1. I shaved my legs which lets be honest that won’t happen again until after the baby. I almost fell over in the shower thirteen times. Bye bye balance.

2. The SLC airport doesn’t have very many Starbucks in it and so I had to resort to McDonalds oatmeal for breakfast instead. Me being the brilliant human being that I am decided to bring a packet of oatmeal with me in my bag. I asked for extra water in my oatmeal and added my own packet to their oatmeal and it was actually somewhat filling and didn’t taste like I was eating a melted candy bar for bfast. I know you don’t believe me but there are things in this world that are actually too sweet for me to eat in the morning.

3. Don’t ever sit in the row right behind first class. Whatever meal they served to the first class people smelled like heaven and I was stuck with pretzels and apple juice.

4. Watching The Vow on the airplane made time fly by but crying during the movie while sitting between two males that don’t understand hormones makes you feel really awkward.

5. I always always bring every running magazine in our house with me for flights. The July 2012 Running Times had an article written by Laura Weisberger, a 16 year-old with a mile pr of 5:15.

The article she wrote about why she runs was absolutely beautiful. It made me want to skydive out of the plane with my running shoes and train my heart out.

Please tell me her reasons gave you goosebumps too!!

Don’t you hate it when teenagers (and in my case 1st graders) are better writers than you are?

You have really got to read this article in its entirety.

6. I don’t know why I have decided to do so many lists posts lately. My list today started as a list about the interesting things about my day and is about to transform to a list about my obsession with bagels.

7. My first mission to accomplish in NYC is to find a doughy 5 lb. bagel with so much cream cheese on it that it gets all over my face and hair.

8. Do bagels stay fresh if you try to bring them home with you on a five hour flight? Actually, I think the better question would be, what is the world’s record for the most bagels consumed on a flight by one person because I am sure I could break it.

Have you ever flown first class?

How often do you shave your legs? Let’s be honest mmkay…

Do you like chick flicks? Did you ever see The Vow?

Did any of Laura’s reasons for running jump out to you?

– I absolutely loved how she said that she runs because of the chance to be extraordinary and to experiment with her potential. I love seeing how far I can push myself!

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Um …honest? Every couple weeks. I am a firm believer in the principle of shaving less = less shaving. A few of my friends do it every day and I laugh at them. There is definitely a transition when you first start to slow down your shaving, but I swear my hair grows slower now. I SWEAR. It’s like washing your hair. The less you wash your hair the less you need to wash your hair.


This is so true. I haven’t had to shave my legs in 14 years cause I realized if I stopped shaving, the hairs stop growing.


You two are lucky! I’m very German…my hair never stops growing. You know all those sightings of Big Foot in the woods? Yeah, that was actually me when I tried your approach for a week… ;)


Thank you for sharing that article. I must hunt it down and read it immediately. I try to shave every other day if I can. I love the Vow and any other chick flick. I loved that Laura said “Where you’re able to break the barriers you never knew existed, experience pain you never felt before” to me that is what running is all about. Have fun in NYC.


I’ve never flown first class…too expensive! I’m always envious of the better seats and food though!

I shave my legs about every-other day. I can’t stand being prickly! :)

I watched The Vow last month on a flight. I thought it was good. I do enjoy a good chick flick every once in a while–but I love action movies.

Have fun in New York!


I probably shave either every day or every other day. I’m not at a point in my marriage yet where I’m cool with hairy legs haha. I’m quite sure I’ll feel differently when I’m preggers!!


Love that article! Great timing too because I’m leaving work soon to go on my run :) I shave if I have to, which is usually every day, sometimes every other. Mostly because I wear skirts and dresses to work, but some days I just don’t care – I mean no one really looks at my legs anyways!


Have you ever flown first class?
Yes, and it was heavenly! I didn’t even know what the hot towels were for, lol.

How often do you shave your legs? Let’s be honest mmkay…
Winter: 2x/month, Summer, every other shower! Like, yesterday, I was feeling very lazy so I didn’t so now today I am wearing jeans in 100 degree plus weather. Smart, I know. Also, I rarely shave above the knee!

Do you like chick flicks? Did you ever see The Vow?
Yes, I do! I have to be in the mood to watch them but what girl doesn’t. Yes, and loved it! I love Rachel McAdams, she is so cute and of course, Channing Tatum isn’t that bad too look at either.

Did any of Laura’s reasons for running jump out to you?
I love when she said the voice in your head goes from saying I can’t to I can. Wow. I just loved that phrase!


I shave my legs liiiiiike… once or twice a week… twice if I’m feeling super fancy. My boyfriend doesn’t judge ;)

I have yet to see The Vow! One of my absolute favorite chick flick’s is The Holiday… it’s kind of cheesy (Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, and Jack Black) but it’s super good! I can also watch Christmas movies 365 days a year… I’m a Christmas FREAK. I will probably watch one tonight!

And I love the part of Laura’s article where she talks about breaking down barriers that you never knew existed, feeling pain you’ve never felt before, etc. Being a soft spoken person, I use running as an outlet to just let my emotions take control and by the time I’m done, I feel like a new person. :)

Have a GREAT time in NYC, drop a 5 lb bagel in Illinois on your way back! :)


That was an awesome article. Have fun in NYC! I love it there. Wrap the bagels in a zip lock bag and they should last a flight for sure. Bring one for me too. I shave my legs…everyday. no joke no question. I cannot stand leg hair. I don’t know the last time I went more than one day…well over two years.


This is really sad, but the only time I got to fly first class I was so terrified of flying itself that I wasn’t hungry and didn’t get to enjoy one of those wonderfully first class meals. I have however, sat in the row behind 1st class and can totally sympathize with you!!
I love all of Laura’s reasons and now I want to read the whole article. And then I will promptly be jealous of her running speed AND her writting. :)


Oh I have goosebumps from that! Amazing!

I usually shave my legs every day. It drives me nuts if I don’t. 2-3 days is the most I can handle before I freak out.

Have I mentioned how awesome it is that you get to be a RunHappy ambassador? I love love love Brooks. Have fun!!


I shave my legs everyday, but getting the laser done on my underarms. I think I made my babydaddy shave my legs right before I was due I couldn’t do it. I have not watched the Vow yet, but I know I would cry during it.


I like to get bagels from the carts because they are only $1, but the bagels always suck. Until I found a cart right near my office that had the most wonderful yummy huge bagels ever. I bring them home for weekends when I do long runs/have races! The cart is on 55 and Madison till about 11 am!

I absolutely hated shaving my legs. I am on my 4th laser hair treatment! Amazing solution.


I am loving your multiple posts a day, they make my life less boring :) I

I love her reasons for running. Makes me wish I started a lot younger! I think in general, “I run because I can” is a beautiful statement.

Shaving my legs depends on what I am doing that day, how I am feeling, and what I’ll be wearing. Sometimes it’s ever other day, sometimes it’s five days. Meh, my hubs is used to it by now and calls it “cactus legs.” Isn’t’ he nice?


I shave my legs every couple weeks in the winter and every week (most of the time) during our 2 month summer (if we are lucky). I’ve flown business class twice on an international flight, it was beyond amazing! We won the tickets, score!


Go to Brooklyn Bagel Co! They have one in the fashion district at 286 8th ave? Maybe? Either way… they have the BEST bagels! I love that they have vegan cream cheese!!! And they will stay fresh if you bring them home. We bring them back to Chicago a lot :)


Beautiful writing.
Absoulutely the bagels will stay fresh.
I shave every other day – but I live in GTexas and can’t get away with wearing jeans in the summer. I am Groupon obsessed however and vow by the end of 2013 to have all unwanted hair lasered from my body.


I think my favorite part of that article (at least what I can see in your photos :) ) is her first sentence, “I run because I can”. Most days, knowing that I am physically capable of running and that there’s the possibility of a great run is what motivates me to do it.

I usually shave once a week on average. I thought this was pretty normal but reading through the responses it looks like that’s less often than most!

And I love chick flicks! Unfortunately my boyfriend pretty much hates them so I haven’t been watching too many.


Wow- nicely written for a 16-year-old!
I love Rachel McAdams and chick flicks. I need to watch The Vow!
Hope you’re having a great time in NYC and eating as many balls as possible!


I LOVE chick flicks! The Vow was cute, but it was OH so sad!!

And yes, that writer knows how to write! Very beautiful. Enjoy your bagel!

Oh, I shave 1x/week. TMI much?! haha


Have a great time in NYC!! Let those bagels cool, then stick ’em in a ziplock – they will definitely keep for a few days (wrap them in foil & warm in the oven before eating, to sort of regain the “fresh out of the oven” feeling). They won’t be quite as good as fresh, but they’ll be decent.

I only fly First Class when my status earns me a free upgrade. [Yes, I do travel a lot, so it sometimes happens. I can assure you that the food is good, but not amazing. Except United’s chocolate chip cookies, which ARE genuinely amazing. We always try to sweet talk the flight attendant into giving us an extra…]

Getting my lower legs waxed is one of the best $10/month I spend (it’s actually $40, but lasts ~4 months). Even in the summer, I only have to shave 1-2x per week, and it’s super fast because there isn’t that much hair. This is worth it mostly because I really don’t like pricklies. Win-win-WIN. And if you’re a runner, I can assure you that long tempo runs or 800 meter repeats hurt WAY worse than a bit of leg waxing.

Don’t much care for chick flicks, except Runaway Bride. But I, too, recently saw The Vow on a cross-country flight [you must have been flying United!], and I admit to getting a bit teary-eyed. And I am decidedly NOT pregnant…so, don’t feel too badly.

Happy running-geeking-out weekend. Enjoy. And have a slice or two of NYC pizza for me, OK? :)


i get waxed. when i go to nyc and to my girl nawina at Shobha ($$ but NO ingrowns… anywhere ;D . and it doesn’t hurt and she’s a machine and the cutest. i heart her). Alex (fiancé) has been “suffering” (although it bothers me more probably) but during my 19 hours in NYC tomorrow (though very very sadly not with you RAWR) we will be taking care of that sitch….
also, if Alex had been there when i saw the vow we both would have been alternating between hysterical crying and attacking each other (in a good way). the storyline undid me, even if i thought the movie was eh. though i do love all the people involved in the movie.

lastly, to keep a bagel fresh take a plastic baggy. they go stale immediately in paper bags. trust me.
the one time i flew 1st class was my first leg coming back from mexico last year which was very fortunate because we were the only ones served real food! it wasn’t great and i couldn’t really eat much of it but i would have died otherwise.

and lastly, my “i” key is broken, otherwise capitalization would be used. but i have to copy/paste every time i use an “i” so no caps
that is all.
for now.


We fly long haul A LOT….my husband is a giant, so he usually requires business class or first on occasion. I have flown first a couple times. The first time was on our honeymoon…we used our miles to upgrade on the A380. It was an experience….they even had a shower. I didn’t want to go to sleep (13 hour flight) because I didn’t want to miss anything.

I shave every couple days. I got laser on my armpits and it was SOO worth the money. I rarely shave anymore, there is 90% less hair.

Have fun in NYC with your bagel hunt…


She is a GREAT writer!!!!!


That is a great article! I love that she starts out by saying she runs because she can. That is my favorite reason for running. Sometimes I feel like I have to run to make up for all those who can run, but tell themselves they can’t. Wow, that doesn’t make sense, but you know what I mean… right?


I love that article and MUST read the whole thing! Is that girl really only 16 years old? I love how she said running gives you “a chance to be a completely different person, a person who inspires others.”

I know I’m probably odd woman out, but I shave almost every day, every other day maximum.

I have definitely brought bagels on the plane with me before, that’s the thing about living in NYC, every time you travel to visit someone, that’s what they want! I have yet to whip one out (although I have certainly been tempted) but I have also never been pregnant!

I’m so bummed I can’t make it to lunch to meet you. Have the BEST time while you are here!!!


No first class for me!

I shave 2-3 times per week, just because I prefer the feeling. Your not-being-able-to-balance is pretty cute, actually! :)

And no chick flicks for me, either! I find they set up subconscious expectations for relationships that aren’t always realistic, so I just avoid them. But I also know that not everyone feels that way and some people can just enjoy them! :)

Love the line about the voice in your head shouting “I can’t” changing to a whisper that says “I can”. So beautiful!


I flew standby once and was put in first class. However it wa a really short flight an I was crying half the time because I was leaving my camp friends… Haha so not too exciting. I can’t wait to read that article when my magazine comes!


I love how it says in the article that the voice inside your head stops saying “I can’t” and starts saying “I can.” I feel like I can relate to that completely!!


I’ve flown first class once, but it was on a tiny plane, so it wasn’t very exciting.

I shave my legs a couple times a week if I remember/have time. Poor Mike.

I really think you should try to break the bagel record.


We once flew first class on accident and since we were so confused that we were in first class (we booked through Orbitz) we missed out on the perk of being first to board… but it was so awesome! My old boss used to always upgrade us to first class when we flew with him, which was good and bad. haha


I LOVE her reasons for running and completely agree. Running gives me the opportunity to forget about all of the stress and things that I have on my mind. I run and just let go of it all. I feel empowered and strong, like I can conquer the world, and it helps me get through the day.

I shave my legs any time I am wearing shorts or a skirt. I just feel like I have to. However, with this broken foot…the times are further in between than usual and I tend to miss spots:-P

My daughter is also currently obsessed with bagels and cream cheese! She is a strawberry freak as well. This little girl ate an entire HUGE container of strawberries the other night..about $6 worth! lol. I have tried to tell her that if I sliced them up and put them on her bagel with cream cheese she would love it but she doesn’t believe me! Personally, I’m on a oatmeal kick. I top it with pureed pumpkin, a TON of cinnamon and a dollop of sunflower seed butter. SO addicting!


Not sure the bagels will taste as amazing after a long plane ride as they do in NYC.. there’s nothing like a fresh bagel!

I saw the Vow on Valentine’s Day (talked Karl into seeing it by using the “But its Valentines Day” excuse). It was so cute! Guys definitely don’t understand chick flicks.


I have never flown first class! I am a teacher and that is some talented writing…I am jealous! I watched the Vow and didn’t cry nearly as much as I had expected, although I thought it was a good movie. As for shaving…..I HAVE to shave EVERYDAY. If I go past midmorning before showering and shaving I just feel nasty and dirty and get pretty darn cranky! I wish I could go longer without shaving, it is a pain!


loved the “Vow!!” I love Rachel McAdams & I think she’s so adorable & seems to be so fitting for love stories. “Notebook” & “Vow” are two of my fav love stories. :)

You’re right on about McDonald’s oatmeal. It is a lil’ too sweet for me also. I’m pretty sure they can omit the brown sugar upon your request. adding the xtra H20 & oatmeal packet was a great ideer! :)

love, love the last issue of “running times.” it’s my fav. magazine. I feel like I learn the most from “running times.” I felt the same way about the article. She sure has a way with words & articulated her thoughts very well. very inspiring!!

have a wonderful, safe time in NYC!! :) xo


I believe this is the first time I’m commenting, but I love your blog so much, your upbeat tone always puts me in a better mood & your experience with injury really helped me this spring when I was dealing with a calcaneus stress fracture (boo!) anyway, yes I have only flown first class once on a very short flight–it was an interview for grad school (the school was paying) and because my first flight was cancelled I got bumped up into first class for the next flight–it is a whole different world up there!!!! I felt so out of place with lots of businessmen drinking scotch on the rocks while I was shoving handfuls of trail mix down my throat (flying makes me extra hungry??). Have a great trip, Janae!


I shave my legs every 2-3 days in the winter and every other in the summer when I wear shorts or skirts almost daily. The other parts are done daily no matter what!

We flew first class once and since I am a small person the chairs were actually uncomfortable. I either had to sit toward the front of the chair so my legs could bend at the end of the chair or sit indian style, my legs are too short to fit comfortably. The coach chairs are the perfect size for me if they weren’t so dang close together!

I haven’t seen The Vow yet, it is on my “want to see” list.

I LOVED Laura’s reasons for running, I need to find the article and put it on my fridge so I can read it every day.


YOU NEED TO GO TO ESS-A-BAGEL! Best bagels in NYC hands down. Enjoy your trip!


What sort of Brooks event are you going to? Wish I could be at lunch, I work just 15 minutes away but am booked in meetings straight through lunch :( Enjoy NYC, it’s my home so I want everyone to love it!


No to first class – but I always hope that one day we’ll magically get a free upgrade. :) I like some chick flicks (romantic comedy type), and I did see the vow. I shave my legs every single morning (no lie). I don’t do it for Daniel’s sake either (although I’m sure he appreciates it) – I absolutely cannot stand stubble at all.


Hi! So I haven’t really commented here, but I read your blog all lot. I just don’t have my own at the moment since I’m busy with school, but I love to run and eat almost as much as you, haha. I wanted to give you some bagel advice for NYC … Absolute Bagels at 108th and Broadway are amazing!!! It’s a little far uptown, but if you are on the UWS worth the trip…

Have fun!


Amanda thank you so much for the recommendation!!!! I can’t wait for
Bagels! Have a great night and keep in touch!


I loved the article about Lauren! She is so articulate – I’ve read the whole article & she is so impressive!

& I’ve only flown first class once but it was amazing!!


i know, first class is like a whole new world. It stinks being right behind them. Give my friend Dorry a hug, k? I miss her, lots. and I wish i was there to meet you!


I have never flown first class, but really think it would be awesome to:)

Well…I shave my legs like three times a week- taking my babysitting kids to the pool every day requires it! But I cannot stand having prickly legs to for too long..

I love chick fliks, especially The Notebook.

I love her reason that you have a chance to start unknown and after the race be unforgettable. This really stood out for me. Oh and to have the chance to be a completley different person and inspire others.


Okay first of all bagels in NYC…YUM! The best ever! That is one thing I could not get enough of when I went a few years back. Second of all…The Vow…man I think I cried twenty times or more during that movie, I felt so bad for Channing Tatum, it was so frustrating, but their love was amazing in the end.
I love your lists they entertain me!


You HAVE to go to FAO Schwarz while you are in NYC. Bestest toy store ever!! And we all want to see pictures of you on the ginormous floor piano (if its still there–been a few years since I was in NYC).

Loved the article. Thank you for sharing it. I’m gonna pick up a copy and read it tomorrow at work. My employer thanks you for contributing to the delinquency of their admin. :)

Shaving…sucks. I’ll shave if I’m going to wear a skirt/dress or shorts….but not for running shorts. So I’m like everyday furry in my Tempos and running skirt, but I’ll make the effort if I plan for a pair of cutoffs. My legs are furry peeps…get over it. :)


I can’t wait to read that whole article, thanks for sharing! I have been bumped up to first class a few times and it is so nice, I love the leg room. I shave ummmm…not nearly enough ;) but my leg hair is light, and ummm… I’m a single girl. Although that may be a reason why I am single, haha I just hate saving my legs – oops! I hope your time in NYC is amazing and that you fill up on bagels and pizza nonstop :)


I got upgraded to first class twice. It was awesome. Although I didn’t know what to do with the warm towel they brought me the first time …

Wow! That girl has it together and has incredible reasons for running!

I’m OK with some chick flicks, but haven’t seen the vow.

I shave my legs everyday or every other day. Hair irritates me. :c)


Ess-A-Bagel at 359 1st Avenue is where you have to grab a bagel! The line will be long but very worth the wait for a very happy tummy! :)


Worked for the airlines, so yes. Loved first class!
Legs get shaved everyday! I hate that scratchy feeling.
Can you take pictures f the whole article? I want to read it.


Best bagels close to your hotel: Murray’s in Chelsea.


My husband and I were bumped up to first class when we went on our honeymoon. As we were sitting in coach on the way home, staring at our dinner (yes, it was that long ago), he looked at me, then the dinner, then smiled at me and said, “looks like the honeymoon is over”. We both laughed. Prime Rib going and chicken something coming.

I some times like chick flicks and yes they make me cry (so did the Blind Side when I read it). No, I haven’t seen The Vow.

You shaved? oh, I guess it is summer now so I guess I better too. ;-)

and a new voice, a stronger voices whispers Yes I can….

Not sure about the 5 lb bagel. I’m sure for me it would go stale on the flight home. For you? Would it last that long?


The first and only time I flew first class was from LA to Berlin last summer using miles that I got from opening a credit card. It was AMAZING. I’m going back this September for the marathon and will fly a mix of business/first class on the way over, so I can be completely rested of course :) I wont have enough miles for another first class flight for a loooooong time.


I used to bring bagels home from NYC to Texas all the time! Do it! You will regret it if you don’t.


My husband and I sat in first class during our flight back from our honeymoon, and it was heaven. Now, every time I eat airplane food all I can think is, “I know this is not what they are eating in first class… gimme some of that!”

I shave about every 2 or 3 days, and I hate every minute of time.


Love chick flicks. I haven’t seen The Vow yet. Do you recommend it?


Wow! I must first say, she is a fantastic writer! My favorite part of her passage is, “when your mind wanders to your own special world where no one can reach you or touch you” That’s what I love about running, you reach places that are yours alone and no one can take it away!


Ahhh this article was awesome!! How beautiful did Laura make running sound?! :) and I especially love how she highlights that little voice in your head that whispers “you can do it” I get goosebps thinking about how excited I get during a races when that voice helps push me through the last 1/3 of a race…eeek! I can’t wait to race again!!
I shave my legs once/week, thankfully the thin hairs don’t grow very fast.
I want a NYc bagel sooooo badly! (an everything or cinnamon raisin!)
Have an amazing trip beautiful friend!!


“Experience with her potential”–> I couldn’t have phrased it any more perfectly! I actually never shave….waxing is the way to go :)!


I have been wanting to watch “The Vow” for quite some time – I think that since it’s on DVD, I no longer have a good excuse.


I am not a fan of chick flicks generally but if it’s the only thing to watch on a plane, I’ll take it!
I’ve flown first a few times when I’ve been upgraded due to my frequent flyer status and when my husband and I bought a ridiculous amount of miles thru this online deal with US Air/United. We dropped $5k for nearly 750k miles which allowed us to travel in first class around Africa & Asia when we were relocating from NYC to Boston. Funny thing is that even though we were flying first, we were staying at mainly hostels on our trip!

BAGELS! I agree with recommendations on Ess-a-bagel and Murray’s! I worked in NYC for nearly 8 years and since moving back to Boston, I miss them dearly. Anytime I go to NYC for work, I buy a baker’s dozen and bring them back to Boston. You can freeze them pretty easily – just be sure to pre-cut them before you put them into a freezer bag and toss them in the freezer. They technically will last you a few months then but ours never make it that long!


BAGELS!! Get them home and wrap and freeze them ASAP, they should be fine!


The bagels will never taste as good as they do on that first day, but if you get them into the freezer soon, as other people mentioned, they will still be great once you toaste and slather them again.
If I ever move away from the Philly area, I don’t know what I would do without soft pretzels. I get as excited about soft pretzels as you do about bagels!


I’ve been upgraded to first class a couple of times without my knowing! I felt like a baller ;)


Great article about that girl!! I was just at a Mumford & Sons concert a few weekends ago and was struck by the line “and I’ll find strength in pain” and that article reminded me of it again :) I seriously may have to stop reading your blog until I move back to the US because you are KILLING ME with your awesome food! I mean, reading food blogs is one thing – they’re all about things you have to get off your butt and make – but a lot of your stuff is just super yummy stuff you can go buy somewhere. I live in England right now, and you talk about bagels!!!! And BBQ!!!! Yumyumyumyumyum. Doesn’t help that I’m 36 weeks pregnant. Hopefully once the pregnancy is over my food desires will go away – they usually do – and then we move back in September (Hallelujah!!) Before this we were in Hawaii for three years (I know, we sure get tough assignments! Haha) but really the food there left something to be desired as well. No good donuts or bagel shops, no good Mexican, not a lot of good southern comfort food. Plenty of Asian food. Blah.


Those are some of the best thoughts about running I have ever read.


Although I can’t vouch for fresh NYC bagels, I did bring back to Japan a package of store bought “everything” bagels. That’s about 15 hours of flying time plus layovers…and my bagel deprived boyfriend still gobbled them up! Hope yours survived the trip as well!


Does anyone have a link to the full story? I’ve looked without success. Thanks!


Should have been clearer – the full story of the 16 year old runner….

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