The best ways to celebrate my favorite national holiday

Notice anything different about my treadmill set-up?

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Yep, that would be a Chick-fil-A cup of lemonade in the left cup holder.  I woke up craving it and thought. ‘hey why not use my drink from yesterday that I brought home with me to hydrate my run today?’  I really amaze myself with how much smarter I get each day.

PS Today was run #2 using my spanx to prevent muscle pain and boom….worked like magic.  They need to start marketing their product to pregnant runners.

I ran 8 miles while watching The Bachelorette.   Wanna know something?  I am actually really afraid of running outside now.  For some reason I have a minor panic attack thinking about running by myself and having to use the restroom really bad, getting overheated or all of the sudden feeling sick or having some sort of baby emergency or pain.  I think the treadmill will just have to do for the next little while unless I have Billy or my sis to run with.


Oatmeal was eaten (double packet) with apples, raisins, bananas and milk.  No picture because I think you know what a bowl of sludge looks like but man did it hit the spot.  After lunch I drove up to go hang out with mis amiga MEGAN!! I just adore her and I got to hang out with her kids for the first time and they are hilarious.  They helped me to get through this tough time of being away from my nieces and nephew.

Megan gave me the cutest outfit ever.  I wish they had the same thing in my size.

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(Please forgive me for my obsession with little girl clothing….just be thankful you aren’t Billy and being shown every part of her wardrobe daily before bedtime).

Hello happiness in a cup…YOGURTLAND!!

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I finally got to meet MADDY, the co-founder of LOVE GROWN FOODS!!!  Maddy was the cutest, most energetic little thing ever and you know I can’t get enough of their granola.

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Best afternoon ever!


HAPPY NATIONAL RUNNING DAY!!! How did you celebrate?  Did you run?  Dream about running?  Buy new running gear?  Sign up for a race?

Have you ever been afraid to run outside by yourself?

Last froyo flavor that you had?

Do you have any colored jeans?  What colors?

-I can’t wait to buy some after the baby…I want purple, green and blue:)

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I celebrated National Running Day by signing up for another half marathon AND ensuring that my 4 mile run today was back at tempo!


AHHH Amanda, you really did go full out and celebrate running day in the best way possible! Jacksonville FL 1/2 marathon…you are going to rock it Amanda! PS I love the little animations you had on your blog today!


Sounds like a great way to celebrate national running day! I did by running in insane wind; I had a smile on my face the whole run!
I remember when Kara Goucher was pregnant, I read that she’d sometimes have to go pee in her neighborhood when it hit her on a run!


Abby, you are hardcore. Way to get out and challenge that wind with a smile on your face. OH MY …..I remember that part of her book ha….I don’t know if I could do that, we live on busy streets!


That baby outfit is SO cute. I’m obsessed with baby girls clothing too :) Its so much cooler than baby boys clothes, sorry.

No colored jeans but I’m on the hunt for some good ones. I’m super picky about jeans though so who knows how long it will take!


Seriously, is there anything cuter than baby clothes?!?! I think not! Let me know when and where you find some good jeans so I can copy you.


I am not getting to run today, totally bummed too :( I will dream of it instead!
I have been afraid for sure, through trees or at night.
Pistachio and chocolate – a great combo.
I have not bought any yet, I really wanted a jewel purple pair but have not found any I like it. Soon enough I hope! Love the little girl clothes, totally adorable!


BOOOO yes, dream about running and then go tomorrow:) If you find some good purple jeans let me know so I can get a twinner pair.


Hmmm I have coloured leggings? I have given up on jeans.. haha I wear work clothes to work, and within 7 seconds of being in the house I am wearing gym pants or joggers.

I am also afraid to run outdoors if it’s dark out, if there are woods next to where I am running or if it’s too desolate.. I am a wimp!


You aren’t a wimp…you are SMART!! The dark freaks me out too and I can’t imagine running near woods. COLORED LEGGINGS…okay, that is brilliant. I will be getting some asap.


I’ll be celebrating tonight with a 4 mile run in town when Jess gets home! Going to be a perfect evening for it :)


OH FUN!! I hope you and Jess have the best 4 mile run on national running day:)


Today is my birthday so I celebrated National Running Day by going running and visiting Yogurtland for lunch! You’re allowed froyo for lunch on your birthday. Now I’m doing the opposite of celebrating either holiday by studying for the bar exam. Bleh.


AHHHH LEAH!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sounds like the best day ever (minus the exam part). PS froyo for lunch is okay everyday of the year ha. Happy birthday Leah, eat some cake tonight!


I am very cautious about running outside by myself. It especially freaks me out if my husband isn’t home, because then if I am not back in 30 minutes to an hour nobody knows I’m even missing! At least if he is there and realizes I don’t come home he can go out looking for me immediately. I’m usually more afraid of being hit by cars than anything else, so I go to this really secluded neighborhood.

I celebrated with my first run on our new treadmill! My husband set it up for me yesterday and we both love it!


Allison, I totally agree with you about being even more freaked out to run if your husband isn’t home to make sure you get back safely.



I’m celebrating with a nice six mile run and a huge bowl of broccoli! I’d have it no other way! Well … maybe … frozen yogurt as well?!


Best way to celebrate the day (minus the broccoli ha)….you better get some froyo!


I might just have to now. I could really go for some Birthday Cake Frozen Yogurt from Orange Leaf. Tempting.


Happy Running Day! I celebrated by running my timed mile with my girls exercise group…it was so fun and an amazing way to start the day! I went from a 7:37 at the beginning of the session to a 7:13! All of us improved by quite a bit, it was awesome :)

I am only afraid to run by myself when it is really dark out. Otherwise I’m good.

I believe the last fro-yo flavor I had was a combo of strawberry and chocolate. It has been way too long.

I have one pair of colored jeans. They are cobalt blue, from GAP, and are amazing. They are legging jeans and so comfy. I want some dark teal ones next :)


BRITTANY!!! OH MY GOODNESS…you killed that mile, holy cow that is so awesome speedy girl! I might copy your cobalt blue jeans from GAP!


I am so impressed that you are still running!! When I get pregnant I want to keep it up too! you rock girl :)


You are the absolute sweetest, thank you so much. Now will you come over and make me your blueberry pie overnight oats…they made me drool!


I’m nannying for a 1 year old this summer, and her mom bought her a shirt that says “peace, love, run.” So cute. I celebrated with a morning 5 miles + 2.5 with my mom and dog tonight!


OMG I didn’t know it was national running day!!! Can’t wait for my iPod to charge up and then I will be out the doooor!

And another OMG for little girl clothes. Post as many pics as you please, I die.


I legit have those exact same colored jeans- so looks like your little girl and I will be twins!! I celebrated National Running Day at 545 am this morning (horrible, I know) and I am debating on whether I want to sign up for RnR Providence tonight ($20 off!) I was scared to run outside alone when I studied abroad in Rome since people were kiiiind of creepy…


Haha today I had Honey Greek and Pistachio fro yo! And I ran 4 miles before work this morning!


I wore my shirt with an inspirational running quote on it after my food settles a bit, I’m going for a run :)

When we first moved out in the country, I was scared to run outside, especially where there were cornfields on both sides, but now I just go.

Last froyo—a mixture of mango, strawberry and something else fruity.

I’m not usually too fashionable, but I am loving the colored jeans, maybe after baby I’ll have to jump on the bandwagon…maybe turquoise or green.


How cool that you got to meet Mady! I love how Love Grown sticks to their values and beliefs when it comes to running a business. And they have seriously delicious granola!


Happy National Running Day! You are just the cutest little thing ever. I love reading your blog! I actually don’t think I’ve ever commented, but I have you in my Google Reader :). I didn’t even know there was a National Running Day until today and I was SO bummed because I can’t run for about another week or so. I have become passionate about running in the past couple years and really got into it this year when I signed up for my first 5K. I loved it so much that I signed up for a 10K at the end of Sept. Well, wouldn’t ya know it…2 days after I signed up I strained my right groin muscle. No bueno! It hurt so bad. I’ve never had an injury like that before so it made me really nervous. After 2 weeks of the pain not going away, I finally went to the doctor. She has me taking Aleve at prescription strength for 10 days. After 10 days if I’m not better she wants me to come in and see a sports therapist. Today I felt so much better, and wanted to run really bad!! I was good though and listened to the doctor. After reading about your running injury, I understand how you must have felt not being able to run. I’m going crazy! I just hope I haven’t lost any of my running gains.

As for colored jeans, I haven’t found the perfect pair yet. I want coral or mint green!! :) Not sure if I can pull it off though.
Well, this comment is turning into a novel so I will stop haha!


Allison, thank you so much for your sweet words, you made my day. A SPRAINED GROIN…OUCH!!! You are being so smart about your injury and it will totally be worth it when you are running pain free again. Keep me updated on how you are doing and it takes longer than we think to lose running fitness:) Have a great day and I am sure you can pull of coral AND mint green!


I have non-purple pregnancy jeans from the Gap that are stretching wonderfully with my growing bump, they are SOOOOOO comfy.

As for running alone, I only do it in the daylight in well-populated areas. Now I’m just walking due to pregnancy, but I don’t leave the house without my iphone or debit card, and I know a local cab company phone number just in case! My husband is home asleep with the baby while I walk, and I had to have him come pick me up from a walk early morning while I was pregnant with her, so I figure you can never be too careful. I used to trail run alone back in the day and I would NEVER, EVER do that now.


I need to get some of those jeans from GAP!! I am so happy you take your phone and debit card with you! I look back at some of the runs I would do by myself a while ago and I can’t believe it! Hope you are having a great day, feeling great and have an amazing walk tomorrow morning:)


I ran a couple of miles on the treadmill today! Happy National Running Day! :)

I have teal colored jeans and a light pink pair. I love them!


I celebrated today by just doing 3 miles today. I was going to sign up for a race, but couldn’t decide which race to spend my money on.


Yes I am afraid to run alone outside but only when I’m on the trails in the mountains. I need a dog! Or a huge can of mace.

I ran 4 1/2 miles today on the treadmill. Guess what??? I bit the bullet, or bit the dust, or bit something……….and signed up for my VERY FIRST MARATHON! Yeah! Didn’t really know what I was thinking. So, now the training is serious. This is week one of a 16 week plan I’m doing. I will be running the Big Cottonwood Canyon Marathon. This is its inaugural year. It looks so awesome though and I’m excited!!


OH MY GOODNESS!!! Susette! This absolutely makes my day! Seriously, this is so exciting and you are going to ROCK Big Cottonwood Canyon Marathon. I really am beyond happy about this. WAY TO GO! PS I am thinking of doing a big runner/blogger yogurt land get together on Saturday at 2ish if you are free.


SERIOUSLY??? That would be a blast! Do it, do it, do it, do it :)


Plan on it then:)


My hubs and I just ran three miles! I mentioned that we should just go eat donuts to celebrate today and then tell ourselves that next year on National Donut day, we’ll run! haha hopefully we won’t…but we didn’t. We ran 3 and talked the whole time! It makes running harder, but so much more fun! Your shirt looks uber-cute! I think we need details and a closeup so I can go get it and then lie and tell people it’s not maternity (if it is)! Your yogurt always looks amazing :)


Did you know it is National Candy Month?!!!


HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS!?!?! MUST START CELEBRATING and make up for the last 5 days that I didn’t know about it.


I just blogged about National Running Day! Forcing myself to take this week off as part of my post-marathon recovery, so I’m a little sad I won’t be celebrating with a run.


We had the most PERFECT running weather here today in western PA!! 75 ish and sunny, slight breeze and no humidity! I was in heaven! I ran 16.4 and was so excited–no knee pain! I’m getting over an IT band injury and running pain free is so beautiful I just want to cry!! :) You really learn to appreciate any running at all after stuff like that!!

I’m not usually afraid to run by myself but I should be since I always go alone and sometimes in the middle of nowhere…:-/ Last froyo flavors I had were cake batter and peanut butter–my two favorites!

I love love love that you have Billy look at the baby clothes each day! haha! Billy, I know you are happy to do it!! :)

Have a great night!!


I am super bummed I did not run on National friggin running day. Oh well. It’s better to skip today than have to skip weeks, right? That is what I am telling myself anyway. I really hope this pain isn’t an injury.

I own a pair of cobalt blue skinny jeans and my husband comments on how bright they are every time I wear them. Bright = happy. Do you know what else makes me happy? Thinking about that running outfit you wear now. It is hilariously awesome. I am so glad that you found something to help you though! You are seriously MacGuyver!

It was so awesome getting to see and hang out with you again. I just love your gorgoues face. It better be happening multiple times before you move!


I celebrated by doing an hour of an intense spinning class and then went for a 6.5 mile run. It was GREAT! Best part is I didn’t even know it was National Running Day…. I would have done that workout either way :)

Best FroYo is cake batter froyo w/strawberry juice balls & strawberries, cheesecake bites, graham cracker crumbs & coconut… DELICIOUS!


13.1 miles today!!!!! 8 months after my baby was born- I was pumped :)


I’m getting fro-yo tomorrow with a girlfriend, and I can’t wait! :):):)

And I did 3 miles today to celebrate National Running Day. Actually, I didn’t even know it was National Running Day when I ran, but hey, whatever works! ;)


Now I NEED to go get some Chick-fil-A lemonade. :)


I feel like my age has to start with a 1 to get away with colored jeans, but I really, really want some green ones.


I’m celebrating by running 1-2 miles to see if I’m healing from last week’s injury. I’m crossing my fingers it will be pain free.
The only time I’ve ever been scared to run was a few weeks ago when I did 9 miles in the forest. I don’t wear my glasses while running and can’t wear contacts so every tree stump looked like a bear, moose, or creepy guy for the first 2 miles. Then I got over it and enjoyed my run.


I ran in the morning with a friend who was able to run for her first time today since her foot surgery a couple months ago! Then I pretended I needed to carb – load at breakfast with a bagel – and wore my running clothes to work! :)


You most definitely do not have to apologize for obsessing over little girl clothes! You are fully allowed to obsess over it from now until forever because your having one!! It looks like you had such a great day – so cool you got to meet one the love grown foods co founders!


I don’t know if I have ever been scared to run outside by myself, but if I am ever recently injured, I get a little apprehensive about be out running and something going wrong and being miles from home. Once I had to walk 12 miles home because I hurt myself and running was too painful; I was gone so long that people came looking for me!
Happy National Running Day!!!


I ran outside with my kids – a couple of laps around the yard and then we ran laps around the couch when it started to rain. Was fun to get them excited to run…even though I don’t think they “got” what we were running for – just excited to be running around the house with Mom :)


For National Running Day, I helped my sister get a pair of running shoes. She just started Couch to 5k, and I am so excited for her!

I’m definitely not a fan of running in forest preserves alone…


Sadly no running today. I worked a very long shift. I was sad to miss the holiday though.

When I lived in Peru the dogs (the terrifying, rabid dogs) would run at me and bite me when I was running and so I was TERRIFIED to run without my husband who has much better aim than me and could throw rocks at the dogs -therefore keeping us safe. We managed to train for a half marathon there (while having dysentery) and I think I should probably thank those dogs for putting an extra spring in our step PLUS giving us weight training due to carrying those heavy rocks.


The main thing I hate about buying little girls’ clothing ( I buy for my nieces) is that they never come in my size! Lame.

I didn’t realize today was national running day! I bought a new pair of running shoes though. And the elliptical I purchased the other day came in the mail. Not really related to running, but more of a crosstraining thing. Still exciting though!


I am so sad I did not get to run on National Running Day. I have been sick for the past few days and my husband keeps waking up as I try to sneak out for a run early in the morning. He of course reminds me that I need to rest.

I always get the plain flavor frozen yogurt with strawberries and granola. So good!


you are the cutest little pregnant person ever girl!! I celebrated running day today by resting my legs {3 miles tomorrow} I did buy a great pair of oasis running shorts from sportsmans tonight, and picked myself up a running waste band/pouch thing from runners corner! im excited to use both this saturday! sounds like you had a great day!


Baby clothes are adorable!! I give you credit for not going shopping every single day- I’m not sure I could resist! I had a belated run for National Running Day- 7.5 km done and dusted this morning….better than never methinks!


The spanx thing seems like a great solution. It probably has some compression on your legs for recovery too.

I go through stages where I get nervous to run outside and when you are running and are alone with your thoughts, your mind can wonder into some bad scenarios. Rather keep it safe and spend some time with the treadmill and trash TV.

Colored Jeans scare me, but I secretly want some red one to wear with leopard heels.


aw you are so cute!


I ran five miles with Bungee by the beach and then three miles on the treadmill for National Run Day.

I used to be “afraid” to run outside when I got super comfortable with the treadmill during the winter. I wasn’t really scared, I just didn’t want to let go of my security blanket of the TM.


I didn’t get to run for Nation Running Day and I am 100% bummed out. I have bronchitis right now so I would of been a fool to try, but I dreamed about running. I miss it so. I always run alone outside, but there are times I get scared.

Cute outfit for HRBbaby!


ADORABLE outfit!!!!!!

Hey– if you wanna run inside, run inside! YOU’RE RUNNING! That’s the important part. If you don’t feel 100% comfortable outside, don’t do it. You LOVE to run, so even a TM run is still doing what you LOVE! :)


Waaahh I dreamt about running– dumb foot injuries :( :( :(


I celebrated National Running Day by taking my husband on his longest run to date- 3.25 miles! I’m tapering for Grandma’s next weekend, so it’s been a lot of fun to have him join me.
I live in a pretty safe neighboorhood- when I used to work at 5 am, I’d run before work at 3! I’d slap on a headlamp and enjoy the peace and quiet.
I have a TON of colored jeans- I live near a Lands End distribution center, and they periodically have “friends and family” sales…. The last time I was there, I got colored jeans for $1 a piece! Burgundy, forest green, mustard yellow, teal… I couldn’t resist. :)


That little outfit is so cute! I have a pair of pink jeans that I bought from Forever 21 and I love them!

The only time I get a little iffy about running outside alone is when it’s dark.


Love that baby outfit!
I have spent soo much $$ on my baby girl {almost ONE now!!}, but it IS an addiction! And I always get a little sad when she doesn’t fit into her clothes anymore.
I think color jeans are cute, but I don’t know when I’d wear them! Red would be fun!
My last flavor of froyo was dulce de leche and tart loaded with cookie dough of course!


I love baby girl clothes, too! I’m gonna be that aunt (aug 24!!) that totally buys out all the little girl clothes at baby gap :)

& I ran 3 miles over the Williamsburg Bridge with my husband for National Running Day! Wonderful way to celebrate!


I celebrated by running in place in my house and did a cardio HIIT video, because it was too dark to run when I got home. I like to think it still counts! =D When it’s dark I am so scared or if it’s a place that doesn’t have a lot of people, like country back roads or an unfamiliar place. Just because I don’t know what could happen without someone else there.

I think the last froyo flavor I had was vanilla, chocolate, and I can’t remember but I think it was cheesecake. :)

I WISH I had colored jeans, I really want mint colored ones!


Oh! And I can’t believe you met the co-founder!!! GREAT way to celebrate the day!


I am loving the Bachelorette this season. Particulary after how I felt The Bachelor was such a let down last season!! I celebrated by running/walking 1/2 mile to and from the gym on my work trip. Damn injury!


I just got a pair of purple/mauve? jeans from JCrew with little side zippers on the bottom cuff, they’re super cute!


I love that you got to meet Maddy! I’ve been able to hang out with her a couple of times, and I adore her! she’s all heart, and has so much love to give. I cannot get enough cocoa goodness in my life.

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