NYC quick trip and the nicest lunch I have ever eaten.

Any and all NEW YORKERS….please come eat lunch and play with me on Thursday (June 14th) at 12:30.  Cancel all of your plans for my short notice lunch that I want to have with you:)  We will be meeting at 12:30 at the GRAND CENTRAL FOOD COURT (it is downstairs and we are going to meet in front of CIao Belle Gelato).  If you can come please email me and I will give you my phone number so that it will be easy cheesy to find each other.

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(From last NYC get-together…guaranteed to be a good time)

Tomorrow morning I will be jetting off to NYC to attend an awesome Brooks Event. I haven’t been able to sleep for days because I am so excited for this and I have made sure to carb load to the extreme because of all the talking about running, geeking out about running and seeing beautiful running gear that I will be doing.


Before I received a text this morning about going to lunch I was planning on having mac and cheese with a side of applesauce because I am fancy like that.

Instead I got to go with my favorite ladies to celebrate my aunts BIRTHDAY!!!  (The one in the middle turned 50….even though she looks 30.  It is because she is a runner and running keeps you looking young and beautiful:)

(PS there is four generations in the below picture)

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I am one of those people that asks for a box to take rolls home with me after I eat a dozen myself.  Poor Billy will probably read this when he is still at school and by the time he gets home they will be all gone.  PS do they sell those little butter balls at the grocery store because those are way better than normal boring sticks of butter?!

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3 out of 5 of us got the salmon salad with berries and a lemon vinaigrette.

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My mom and I thought REALLY hard about sharing a dessert but when the waiter came over to get our orders I realized that was a silly idea and got my own beautiful berries and vanilla bean ice cream dessert.  Sometimes I worry about myself when I even consider sharing desserts with other people.  My mom had the lemon cake.

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Thanks Mer for the best lunch of my life.  I know you think I exaggerate a lot but this time I really am being 100% serious:)

Now I am in a food coma and the only remedy for that is a quick nap after I finish watching Ellen of course.


Don’t forget to check out my RACE GIVEAWAY (ps the race is in Utah)!!


Ever been to NYC before?  What was your favorite part about going there?

When is the next time you are going out of town?  Where?

Salmon lover or hater?

What are you doing tonight?

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I need to start asking for bread to take home. What a great idea!


Seriously, it is brilliant…I am eating some as we speak ha:) Hope you are having a great day Naomi!


Woot! Woot! Can’t wait to see you!!! Fly safe! I can’t wait to nerd out on anything and everything running and baby related!!! :)


YAYAYAYAY I can’t wait to hear all about your PR and your exciting life. Catie and Janae finally reunited!


I love NYC! I know you will have a great time. That sounds super fun. My favorite part about NYC is the food of course! Best pizza, best bagels, best pastrami…I’m drooling just thinking about it.

Going on a road trip up the California coast in a couple of weeks with my hubby. Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, SF, and Napa…can’t wait!

SALMON LOVER!!! Had it last night for dinner. I could never tire of it.

Tonight…not sure. Probably just dinner and some Anthony Bourdain :) Have a great evening!


Seriously, the food is to die for. I can’t wait for BAGELS!!! Oh you are going to have so much fun on your road trip! How about you wait to go until August so you can visit us in Santa Clara:)


JANAE OMG!!!!!! I can most likely swing by for like 15 mins because my lunch break is only an hour and it will take me 15 mins to get down to grand central.. but email me your #!! [email protected] ahhhhh i will do everything i can to meet you, hope its okay itll just be a quick hug and belly rub!!!!!! :-)


OH MY GOODNESS, this absolutely made my day! I can’t wait to meet you. Tell your boss you are going to have to stay a little longer so we can talk about everything!


Hey!!! Yes I will come to your lunch date! I would never pass up an opportunity to eat two boots pizza in grand central. I’ve had no Internet so my sister told me about yr post. I’ll send you an email with my number!


YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA this makes my day! I can’t wait to meet you!


I’ve never been to NYC, but would love to visit there! On my bucket list is to run in Central Park ;)


Molly, for your next vacation you have to go to NYC!! I am serious, you would love it!


I’m trying to convince my dad into letting that be our vacation ;) My mom’s on board so that’s a start! ;)


Aw I’m bummed I won’t be able to come on Thursday, I would love to meet you in person but good ol’ work is in the way. :( Boo.


SILLY WORK…do you want me to call your boss and tell him how important it is that we meet?


YES!!! That would be absolutely amazing. :)


Give me their phone number:)


Hahahah can you also tell them that running is way more important than any PowerPoint? Actually I may be able to move the one meeting and if so, I can at least stop by to say hi. Hahah. But I’ll know more tomorrow. :)


Have fun in NYC!


Thanks gorgeous girl! I LOVED your post about enjoying life and putting the computer away every now and then:) I needed to read it (as I am on the computer right now ha)!


Oh, so jealous of your NYC trip!!! I do love new York, I love the two boots pizza in grand central. I also love then HUGE Forever 21 in times square I go probably once a year, so fun. Have a BLAST at the brooks event- very cool.
I love salmon, especially when I don’t cook it:)
I am currently sitting on the couch with no plans tonight, all the kids are in bed and that makes me happy!
Safe travels, can’t wait to hear about it!


I can’t wait to try two boots! OH MY GOODNESS, yes that Forever 21 is absolutely incredible. You better take advantage that they are all in bed and do something really fun. Have a great night speedy!


Only been to NYC once, but absolutely loved it!

My next venture out of town will actually be out of the country! I can’t wait to be in Paris in 2 weeks!!


Grr I am working than!! I would have loved to be meet you!!! Your blog is one of my faves!!!


You are so sweet! How about I call your boss and tell them you need the day off!


That lunch looks delicious! And I wish that event were in Chicago instead of New York!


We will play tons when I run the Chicago marathon someday!


Your trip sounds like it’s going to be a blast! I’ve been to NYC once, but it was when I was in high school and I had to follow the school’s itinerary. :-/ My husband and I are talking about going sometime–I would love to explore the city!

My husband and I are hoping to get away sometime in July. Our fourth anniversary is coming up, and we haven’t been on vacation since the first year we were married, so we’re thinking we’ve earned some time away.

I’m a salmon lover! I was hoping I could convince the hubs to go out to dinner tonight just so I could order a nice salmon dinner. So far, so such luck. :(


I’ve always dreamed of going to NYC! Its been a dream since I was little. We’re going this year for Christmas and I cannot wait!


Can you do a side trip to FL? How about a layover in FL, specifically Orlando, in route to NY?! ;) That totally makes sense, right????
I hope you have so much fun & I wish I was in NY.
Happy Birthday to your Aunt, and you aren’t lying…she really does look 30!!! I would NEVER guess in a million years that she turned 50. :)


AWE! I did not know you were going to NYC this weekend. I’m going to Syracuse NY for a wedding. Safe travels! :)


STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!! I have an uber important conference call at 11:00 and am unsure if I could get to Grand Central in time. This makes me sad that I MIGHT NOT meet you and your cute little baby bump! BAAAAH!

Sounds like a BLAST.


AHHHH We will be there for a long time:) I would love to met you if only for a few minutes!


Def working on it – BUT I might have to go to Boston early in the AM. I swear – work ruins my life!


I’m lucky enough to live an hour outside of NYC – love going in for just the weekend. The bagels = to. die. for.

Love me some salmon :D


The best thing about NYC is most definitely running in Central Park. :)


Your aunt is GORGEOUS!! Just like you! And I’m horrible about sharing my desserts. I think I have only child syndrome on that one! :)


I cannot wait to meet you and give you and the baby bump a big hug! let’s be real, I feel like I’ve known you for a long time, and I’m so excited to make it official. safe travels. see you soon! xoxoxoxo


Booo I can’t on Thursday, I’m getting married on Friday so lots of running around to do. We will be going Saturday though as a newly married couple :)


GINA!!! CONGRATULATIONS on getting married on Friday, that is beyond exciting. I want to see a wedding picture:)


Thank you Janae, I am super excited! I will definitely email you a picture. I’m getting married outside so I’ve been freaking out about the weather but its supposed to be beautiful.


Yay!!! I should actually be able to pop by Grand Central on my way downtown! I won’t be able to stay long either, but it would be so great to meet you in person!
email your # to [email protected]!! :)




Oh my gosh I’m in NYC, I wanna come!!!!!!!!!


ALYSSA!!! Can you come?!?! I would absolutely love to meet you!! Please say you can:)


Love NYC! Best energy ever!

I will be going out of town tomorrow, too! Have a work meeting 3.5 hours away. Looking forward to hitting up Chipotle while I’m there! It’s the closest location. Sad.

No salmon. No meat.

Tonight my daughter had gymnastics, next is dinner and then to be early so I won’t feel like a zombie when I have to get up at 5:00 AM tomorrow morning.


Have fun in NYC!! I’ve never been but would love to go someday.
And I always take home rolls too :-)


I just started reading your blog and absolutely love it! All your speedy running posts have been motivating me to take my running to the next level! I live outside of NYC and have to work or else I would have loved to come meet you.

P.S I am so impressed with your running. Can you do some most posts on how to increase speed? My PR right now is 3:39 and my short term goal is to go 3:30.


Ohh, wish I lived just a smidge closer – I am in S Jersey about 3 hrs away. But my hubs is from Brooklyn and oh, yes the bagels!! Hope you have a great time.

BTW, have you heard of the GroupMe app? Might be perfect for something like this!


I’ve never been to NY but I am getting ready to go on the Ultimate Road Trip with my kiddos. We’ll be heading to the DC area, Philly, and then going to the beach for a week. I am so excited!!!


I love love LOVE NYC. My sister lives there so I go visit her on a fairly regular basis. Sadly I haven’t been in about 1 1/2 years though, that was when my now husband proposed. I hope to go soon.

My next trips are Traverse City, MI in July and then Las Vegas/LA in August. I moved to Wisconsin from LA about a year ago. I CANNOT wait!

I just got home from a nice run. Now I plan to sit around the rest of the night and possibly eat an ice cream sandwich.


My husband and I are going to Traverse City in July! One of our favorite places to visit! Have a great time while you’re there!


Thanks! I have never been so I am looking forward to it. Are you going for the Cherry Festival? We are going to be there the last weekend of the festival.


Unfortunately we won’t be there till later in the month, but the festival is a great time! Two tips – Cherry Republic has the best cherry products and Moomer’s has amazing ice cream (the short drive out of town is worth it). Have a great time! I hope the weather is beautiful for you!


Gah! You come to to NYC now that move away from it??? Whhhhyyyyy!
Ironically, I will even be in NYC that nice for a symposium but I don’t get in until late that afternoon! Sad face…..


Okay, how about we change your plane ticket so you get in earlier. That would make me very happy:)


Gah and it’s for Brooks too (I’m a brooks junkie). And if you can make a 5:45 am flight (my only earlier option) not so stinkin’ early, I’m down


I am so beyond bummed that I won’t be able to meet you for lunch! A client is in town and we’re meeting all day. :( I hope you have a fantastic time while you’re in the city! Can’t wait to hear about the event and lunch! Have safe trip!


Bring your client too:) ha I am just kidding! Next time I am there we better hang out!


I love salmon. It’s my favorite fish after tilapia. That salad looks delicious!!


I’ve been to NYC once and honestly my favorite parts were the comedy shows (i saw the cash cab guy do stand up which was awesome) and the pizza! We got off the plane and ate pizza for breakfast it was awesome!


I love salmon! I’m on a cleanse right now, but when I can eat “real food” again, I’m pretty sure salmon, zucchini, and sweet potatoes.

We are leaving at the end of this month to go back to CANCUN!!! I’m so excited!


Sounds like you are going to have a great time in NYC – have fun! That is a fantastic looking dessert, I’d say the same about the salad but I am a salmon (read seafood) hater.


Wish I wasn’t working that day! You should come to NYC for a weekend next time :)

I am a salmon lover, its the best (especially when its cooked just right!)


Tell your boss that eating lunch with us is more important!!!


I can’t believe your aunt turned 50! She’s such a knockout! (not like 50 is old, but she just doesn’t look it!)
Have so much fun in NYC!
I love it there; I’ve been three times. Once with a gf when I was 18, once with my family between Christmas and New Year’s, and once with my hubby when we were still dating. I’d go back any time!


I wish I could be at your lunch date. You should come to Nebraska!


Have a awesome trip! I have never been to NYC before but we just booked a trip there for this fall, I am over excited about it!
I am going out of town tomorrow on a girls day, just to a larger city about an hour away but it will be tons of fun still.
Love salmon!
Tonight was a gym trip, supper on the deck in the sunshine, now blogging and soon will be Gossip Girl time :)


Can’t find your email, BUT I’m going to be at the Brooks event, too, so hope to meet you!


YOU WILL!! YES, this is awesome. I have read your blog FOREVER..can’t wait to meet you!


How do you have all of these sweet hook ups with Brooks?? It’s so awesome!! Brooks is absolutely The BEST running gear company out there. Have so much fun in NYC! I have always wanted to go there!!

Run Happy! <—- (love their slogan!) :)


AWW LOVE the shout iut! Sad I won’t be in NYC to meet up this time, but let’s seriously grab yogurt! I would love to see you and that bump. I haven’t had Rio OR fro-yo since I’ve been home. I know, shame on me.


Wow your aunt is in AWESOME shape- I’m gonna go run now :). Have the best time in NYC…kinda jealous over here!


I always take bread home!! ANd yes, running and exercise keeps anyone young, fit, and sexy! Go your aunt :)


have a safe trip to NYC!! can’t wait to hear all about your exciting trip! :) :)

love salmon!! I concur your Aunt looks like a very young lady! :) luv ya xo


Your summer schedule is pretty awesome. Have fun at the Brooks event!


I’m a New Yorker, but I’m in Dallas for work on Thursday :( Any chance you’re staying longer???


NOOOOO I WISH!! I have to come home Thursday night! Next time you better be there:)


:( Bummer! I also want to come back to Utah sometime soon (maybe for Pioneer Day to do the Deseret Marathon? I LOVED that one and got some great pics out of it – that’s the pink outfit picture in my header – as well as head a blast). Will keep you posted!


I’m going to Spartanburg, SC this weekend. That’s about 100x times less exciting than New York (I’m jealous, I’ve never been!) but I will be seeing my grandfather, always good.


I’ve been to NYC a lot because it’s only two hours away by train, I’m not a huge fan, though, unless I have somewhere to go. The last time I was there was right after Christmas to see The Lion King. SOOO good.

I like salmon sometimes.

I’m not sure what the plan is for tonight, probably lots of lounging.


Bahaha once my mom requested a box for the bread at a restaurant and I was so embarrassed! Thank goodness doing that is more common than I thought :)


i’m seriously contemplating taking off that day so I can go up there and meet up with everyone…ahhh!!


Oh man, I wish I could go geek out with runners at a Brooks event! You are smart forcarb loading before it. Have fun!


HOW EXCITING! Brooks, you made an EXCELLENT choice in Janae! NYC is on my destination list! As well as frequent trips to Santa Clara in the future! ;)


HAHAHAH! Clearly, I should keep up with your blog


Aw, close but too far! Let me know if you ever make it to MD or DC!!!


I cannot wait to go to NYC for the marathon this year. I talk about it everyday with my kids. We are taking them with us. It’ll be a once in a lifetime trip!


I totally NEED to meet you! I think I will be able to get to Grand Central tomorrow!! This is so exciting! I have been reading your blog forever!

I just love NYC. Every day I find something new I love about the city!

I would love if you could email me your number – [email protected] !


Ah NYC you are so close to me, to bad I have an annoying thing called work tomorrow or I would be on a train! Have a great time!!!


Oh my gosh can u please stay there until next Saturday ? I will be there for the first time ! NYC SO EXCITED !!! What are some cool running / fitness things to do there ??


Fantastic post however , I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this topic?
I’d be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit further.

Many thanks!

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