Bribing people to run with you.

I woke up this morning having zero desire to run on my treadmill (I am sorry Nord ((my treadmill’s name)) I usually love you but didn’t like you today) and since I am afraid of running by myself now (in case something goes weird) I had to make a phone call.

It is hard to find someone that is willing to go running with you when you ask them a few minutes before you want to go, it is 87 degrees outside and you want them to run 3 minutes per mile slower than their usual runs.  Luckily my sister loves me so incredibly much that she would do anything for me.  PS thanks mom for babysitting the kiddos so that I could steal sister away for a run.

Photo 2

We went up the canyon which felt cooler because of the breeze from the river but still it was crazy hot out.  How do you guys do it?  How do you run MARATHONS in the ridiculous heat?  Time for me to start waking up earlier and not spending an hour reading blogs before running.

Photo 1 2

It was a great run and my overall pace was faster than I have been doing on the treadmill lately even with the hills in the canyon?


I received the most beautiful text right when I got home from my run from Ashley to go to lunch.  How did she know that my body was craving a mountain of produce

DSC 1927

To go along with the mountains of food theme…..

DSC 1894

My teacher’s monthly paycheck FOR ONE BURGER!!!!  10 lbs of pickles on there…yes please!


PS Billy’s IT band is acting up again and I just saw this on Instagram….poor guy!


He is going to take a few weeks off from running and get healed for GOOD.  I have offered to give him IT band surgery (don’t I just need to cut it so that it isn’t so tight?!) but he refuses.


Is your pace on the treadmill slower or faster than when you run outside?

Anyone else on a break from running?  When was your last break from running?

How hot is it today where YOU ARE?!?

Who else had a salad for lunch?

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A few thoughts on your post
a) I love your treadmill’s nickname.
b) I would’ve run with you. Move to Canada.
c) Isn’t it sad that us teachers don’t get paid BAZILLIONS for what we do?!


Done and done…you better not be kidding about this running together business. I KNOW, they should pay us at least triple:)


my pace is slower on the treadmill because for some reason it feels so much harder to run the pace that i usually do outside! not sure if its a mental thing or what!

i am BACK from my running break!! ran 9 miles on saturday and 4 this morning after having tons of shin pain, IT band pain and knee pain for months.. just trying to be safe and foam roll every day, stretch a ton, wear compression sleeves on my shins and pay attention to my body!

nyc is only about 70 degrees today.. it was perfect run weather this AM! :)
i had a big huge salad for lunch too!


I am SO SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK and no pain! Great job on your runs and I am so happy you are enjoying great weather and SALADS:)


Ugh, it’s like 95 with 42% humidity…and I’m actually glad, because so far it’s been milder that last summer!!! I took my dogs on a walk and they had to take a million breaks to keep from collapsing.

I can’t believe you ran that fast in the canyons and the heat and in your third trimester!! Go get it girl!


90 degrees in Chicago! and super windy, which actually feels really good. after my run, i was definitely craving a salad, but had to settle for hummus and veggies instead because we have no lettuce!


It’s warm here today, but not insane. Wed-Friday are supposed to be awful, though. I’m not looking forward to it.

Poor Billy! Hope he’s back in action soon.

Sometimes I’m faster on the TM and sometimes outside. There doesn’t seem to be any reasoning behind it.


I think my pace is faster on the treadmill!
Yup, I am on a break… my distances have been dropping and dropping and after a 10km race this weekend, I am saying good-bye for awhile. My body needs the break and has told me so, even though it makes me super sad I have to listen to it so things get back to normal.
Not hot :( Kind of grey and rainy.
Love salads for lunch! Gets in my greens for the day!


Ahhh that sounds like a good, hot run. A nice sweat never hurt anyone, right?! Hehe. What a nice sister!!


My IT band is sucking recently too and I’m thinking I need a few weeks off – but mine hurts after only 4 miles!


Don’t get me started on us teachers and our salaries! Sheesh..

Speaking of marathons in the heat, I was lucky enough to run this year’s Boston in 90 degree temps. Needless to say, I renewed my Personal Worst (PW) marathon time. Whatever. It is what it is. Running in heat does work well for me. Ho-hum…


The fact that you FINISHED that marathon is INCREDIBLE!! I seriously can’t imagine doing what you are amazing!


awww I wish my Sis would run with me!!
I had a chicken burrito for lunch :)
When you and Billy move here I will come over and help with ITB rehab! and then steal you away for some city time! I’m excited!!
I hope you’re having a great day!


You have such an awesome sister! And I’m totally with you on the hot weather… people are crazy to be out there doing marathons (I say that after doing Boston this year…) I am starting to feel Billy’s pain – perhaps literally. I may need to join him on a running break due to some hip pain. It’s such a bummer, but definitely smarter to take the time off than to make things worse.


Lol your slow pace is my normal pace, come run with me in Chicago!


Your relationship with your sister seems so incredible…what an awesome blessing! I really feel for Billy….that is so frustrating. I have been on a break from running for 5 WEEKS because of shin splints!! I don’t know what to do it’s killing me. It is supposed to be 95 degrees in MI tomorrow…good thing I love the warm summer weather!


FIVE WEEKS….NOOOOO I am so so sorry Kristin! Have you gone into the doctor yet about it? Keep me updated with how you are feeling and enjoy the warm weather!


Aww thanks, Janae. I finally went 2 weeks ago and I have been going to physical therapy ever since. I hope it starts to help…my legs (and mind) are becoming impatient!


I ran on my treadmill today and cursed myself every second for not getting up early to go before my husband left for work. The problem is I would have to be home before he leaves at 6:30 and it’s my summer break, so
I haven’t been very willing to set my alarm for a silly run. ;) I need to rethink that! You impress me every day with your desire and ability to run while pregnant. You are amazing!


I am always so A.D.D. when I run on the treadmill so I tend to run faster just to get it over with! Sometimes I love treadmill running though to get away from pounding on the pavement to much. It is heating up here in Texas, so I am currently getting acclimated to training for a marathon in triple digit weather! It is tough but the earlier you wake up to run the better! It also helps that I train in a running group with friends that hold me accountable. :-)


I’ve been craving a salad from Cracker Barrel, its got deviled eggs on it. That just sounds delicious.

It only got up to 85°, but I’ve been inside all day except for my 2 mile run this morning.

Does having bronchitis and not running for almost a month count as a break? I’m saying it is, so that was my last break that ended last week.


Running in the heat is gross but you get used to it and wait for the day when the heat goes away and you get super speedy overnight!

Has billy ever tried KT tape for his IT band problems? I had lots of IT issues and that stuff is magic! It helped take the pressure of the overworked muscles and train the underworked ones so the IT band gets a break.


He hasn’t tried that yet but thank you so much for telling us about it….we are going to have to try it!


I think I run slower on the treadmill. I don’t know why, but it always just feels harder!

And I’m on a break from running only because it seems like I haven’t had time recently! I’ve done a few 3 milers, but that’s the most I’ve done since my half marathon in April! Shame on me!! ;)


It is SO hot here….usual temperatures are 90-100…on a daily basis. :/ I wish I lived somewhere with SEASONS. The only seasons we get here are spring & summer ;)
That’s awesome that your sister was able to go with you!! & I bet you ran quicker because you were in such good company :)
Oh & I meant to tell you the other day I put grapes on my salad & thought of y-o-u!!
Hope Billy feels better asap!!!


It’s cool, sunny, and windy here today. No salad today…just realized that the greens are soupy :( Time to go shopping!

So glad your sis and mom were there to help you get your run in :) Good family can’t be topped :)


My pace is about 30 seconds slower on the treadmill–I still love it though, but prefer outside running any day! Giant salad was consumed for lunch as well! I hope Billy gets back in action soon, ITB issues are never fun. :(


I had a salad for lunch – I made my favorite college salad :) It was a good lunch haha.
I think thats really sweet of your sister to run with you! Smart to make sure you have someone around.


great job on your run! it is hot, hot, hot out there today! that “mountain of produce” looks amazing by the way. i’m sorry to hear billy’s IT band is still acting up. hopefully some rest time will do the trick! i’m currently taking a break from running so i can have a little peanut someday in the near future. it’s been tough, but i know it will be well worth it in the end!


I am on a break right now–stupid plantar fasciitis! I am super stressed because I want to begin training for a mid-Oct. marathon and I have no idea how long I will be sidelined. :( BUT I just ordered an Aquajogger from Amazon, and I’m looking forward to some pool running. (My kids might disown me since I’m sure I won’t look very cool doing it!) Anyone have any tips for PF recovery or pool running?


Elizabeth! I am truly so sorry that you are struggling with Plantar so badly! That is the worst and so so painful. Both Billy and I had it last fall and this is what we did to help it:


It was hot in Indy today…I think in the 90s {or close to it}. I decided to just run on the TM where my fan was within 2 feet of me. I definitely run faster outside!


Poor Billy! Those stairs do not look fun.

It’s only 65 degrees here right now, sunny with a great breeze! It is about 20 degrees cooler than it was yesterday!

No salad for me today. I had leftover pasta!


I’m on a run break too…my hip is still acting up so I am forcing myself to take the week off. It kind of works out nicely though, because it sure has been a hot one today! 97 degrees in Chicago


HEY AMY! I am so sorry that your hip is acting up. Keep me updated with how it is feeling and hopefully you are back running asap. Eat ice cream to help cool off in Chicago:)


I was forced to take 3 months off with a hamstring injury and man did it kill me! I has to sit out 4 races and my life was very sad and lonely :( I sure hope Billy feels better soon!! It was 90 degrees on my way home from work at 4pm!


3 months…BOOOOO!!! I totally understand how awful it is to sit out of races you were looking forward to! 90 at 4…DANG!


I used to use the treadmill last spring for doing speed intervals to increase my overall pace, so those definitely helped with keeping my pace up lol. But generally, I think it is a bit slower than running outside!!

I had a salad for lunch as well, but not as mountain-y as yours. Yours looks better…mine was in tupperware and barely did anything for my stomach!!!


Oh man, I think that heat wave you had today is headed here to the East Coast for Wednesday! It was actually chilly in CT today, so I had a perfect run, actually on my old high school state XC course (on vacation back at parents house for a few days!) But starting tomorrow I’m going to take a running break and bring out the old bike to work some new muscles! Do you like cycling on the road, or just spinning?

I had left over salad from last night stuffed in a wrap with chicken slices, avocado and hummus if that can half count as a salad?!?


Tell Billy that railing looks perfect to slide down (Mary Poppins style!) so he can avoid IT pain :D I just planned a 10 day trip to the Rockies, so my runs have turned into major incline walks for the next 6 weeks in preparation. It was 92 in Indiana today.


I’m on a break from running now too for the same reason as Billy, plus my foot is a disaster. In the meantime I’m cycling and loving it so far! Sometimes our bodies just need a rest even though we don’t want to give it to them. I wish injuries didn’t exist, they stink! Get well soon Billy!


I DO NOT run on the t-milly….I walk at 4.5-5.5 at max incline for 30-60 min daily, but HATE running on it. It is 97 degrees right now….at 7:30pm! LOVE! I am currently eating my 2nd “kitchen sink” salad of the day! I truly hope Billy’s IT Band heals soon.


I love your salad-making skills! balancing things on the cucumber slices. :) makes me sad that poor Billster is having IT band issues. hoping it gets better asap! it was sort of coolish here today – like 72 degrees. :)


p.s. awesome run! I can just picture you and that precious belly running up the hills. xo


Those canyon runs look so beautiful!
Poor Billy. I (literally) feel his pain. I’ve had IT issues for a long time now. I roll it at least twice a day, sometimes four times. I swear it’s the only thing keeping me going! Have him bend his knees a little when he foam rolls and it’ll really help get right in there.


As soon as I saw that picture, I cringed. ITBand owwwww!

Salad for lunch here! Yum yum yum.

I took a weeklong break from running last month when I pulled my hip flexor. It mostly the fixed tendon strain and wasn’t so bad…certainly better than being injured for months!


I don’t do treadmills, just the outdoors or an indoor track. I had a delicious salad for lunch today and luckily have some leftover for lunch tomorrow too. I make my sister run with me all the time, she used to be the one motivating me in the beginning now I motivate her :)


I am always slower on the treadmill. Never fails even if I try to pick it up a bit. I hate running breaks but have had to take one for about a month when I had tendinitis. Luckily, it did the trick. I hope Billy gets better asap!


It was 72 today in New York but its suppose to get up to 95 on Wednesday!! Yikes!
I bet my pace is slower on the treadmill too. I’m too easy on myself when I use the treadmill…
No salad for lunch, but I had one for dinner. With avocado. Sooo good!
Poor Billy and his IT band… :(


I run slower on the treadmill. I haven’t tried running on the treadmill since I moved my running outside. I was shocked to find myself running faster outside since all I had heard was how it was a lot harder to run outside.

It was a lovely 90 degrees today. I tried to go for a 6-8 mile run after dinner but that didn’t go so well. I am still trying to get used to running after dinner with food in my stomach. That mixed with the heat made for a nauseating 3 miles. I am home still feeling gross. I need to buck up!


My pace is definitely slower on the treadmill. Something about the fresh air must help me run faster!

I think the high temp in San Antonio was 95 today. It’s only June and I’m already tired of these hot temperatures!


Janae, I am looking for new lightweight running shoes. I’ve only ever ran in asics. They’re really comfy to me! But I am willing to navigate to another brand like brooks or saucony. Any shoes you recommend?


HEY BRITTNEY!! Yay for looking for new shoes:) I love the Brooks Green Silence and they are an awesome lightweight trainer!

Here is a link:


98 degrees where I am in Albuquerque. Way too hot for me to run outside! I hit the treadmill this morning for 10 glorious miles.

I find it easier to run on the treadmill, I think because I can just zone out and watch TV and not have to work to keep my paces like I do outside. It’s the lazy way to do it. I wish I was faster outside like many people have said in their comments.


Good on Billy for not pushing through the pain! I had to lay off running all of December due to a shin injury and it was so hard. I did try running a few times but realised the pain just wasn’t worth it. Fortunately a few weeks off did the trick and my legs were back to normal :).

A big salad is on the menu for lunch today – woo!


Ummm Tennessee in the summer is HOT and humid. I think it was somewhere around 96 today. I have to get my runs in early!


1) My pace is always faster on the treadmill!
2) I’m just picking up running again after getting my degree.
3) It was 106 degrees when I was running today. It was not the funnest thing I’ve ever done.

HOWEVER. That will all change soon, I’ll be joining you in Utah! My very first base as an Air Force Officer is Hill AFB. I was a bit sad when I learned I wouldn’t be going to Japan- but then I remembered that my favorite blogger lives in Utah so it can’t be that bad! I’m also very excited to know there’s frozen yoghurt where I’m going.
Thanks for making my move bearable ;)


Ahhhh when will you be moving here?!?


We’re aiming for August, but most definitely by September. Now to make sure our house is near some great running paths. =) Oh, and the Costco where they just give samples of sushi. Where has that been all my life????


SO SO EXCITING!! We will be moving to cali in August though but I will be back all the time to visit and we will have to go for Costco sushi samples together!


running outside with people is the best even if you go slow. that is an incredible mountain of veggies!!


Has Billy gone to a sports doctor? I had IT band issues that lasted a few weeks and finally broke down and went to a sports doctor. He performed Grastin and gave me exercises and I literally could run the next day. Grastin hurts like crazy but it is a miracle worker!! Hope he gets better soon…that IT band is no joke!


He has but he didn’t do Grastin…thank you so much for telling us about it so now we can try it out!


I have been following your blog for quite some time and I love it!!!! I am a fairly new runner, (about 7 months) and you give me such inspiration!!!!
Below is a link about a young woman who was running with her sister and she became ill and decided to turn around and go back to her car, she insisted that her sister continue and when her sister returned the young lady was not there. This community is about 20 minutes from my hometown and would be considered a very safe community. The woman is a very well respected as well as her family. I wanted to share the news story with you, for any prayers that your runner friends could provide.
Thank you!! And keep up the good work, and I so know what you mean about robbing your parent’s pantry and fridge!!! LOL

Kelly Jo


This story made me cry. Thank you so so much for telling me about it. I also just saw the wrote an article about it too…that is absolutely awful! Thank you so much for commenting and for your sweet words. KEEP RUNNING and keep me updated with how you are doing!


I am currently on a break from running :( After pushing too much last week, my tendonitis starting acting up again boooo.

I run faster outside too! Can’t wait to get back out and run in this beautiful weather we have had lately!


The giant burger place is about 10 min from me…and no, I haven’t tried it :)


10 minutes away….I might have to visit and we can go together ha:)


I live right down the street from Mallies! Adam Richman came once to try and eat it! lol no, he shared it with others….. :)


you and your sister are so cute and that salad looks amazing! i can’t believe how speedy you are in your third trimester! go girl go


Is your pace on the treadmill slower or faster than when you run outside?
Slower, I usually run on incline and get easily distracted.

Anyone else on a break from running? When was your last break from running? I just had a 2 week break and now I’m back on the juice of running

How hot is it today where YOU ARE?!? Not hot, it’s barely making it to 65 in Boston.


My mood totally dictates the pace I run at. If I’m super happy and in a good mood, I run fast. If I’m in a bad mood, I tend to run slower. Weird how stress affects everything!

How hot is it here? I live in Dallas and it is 92 and sunny right now. :)

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