Law for Runners and watermelon on the treadmill

Below is my 7-mile treadmill set-up from today.  For some reason I was really really hot during this run and so the shirt came off.  I didn’t actually run with the watermelon sitting on my treadmill but I did have to stop (silly bladder) twice during my run and each time a grabbed a few pieces of watermelon before starting again.

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Sometimes I really amaze myself with the great ideas I have when it comes to food.  Last nights great idea was to stick my favorite cookies into the freezer and holy cow they are a million times better this way and make a great post run eat….hey there is a lot of pb (PROTEIN) in there and oatmeal (always good for you:).

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The sister invited me to go to the water park with her today so I packed up two wraps (with eggs and veggies in them), a pear, turkey jerky and trail mix to eat there.

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It just so happens that there is a McDonalds a few minutes away from the pool we are going to = stopping to get a lemonade on the way there and stopping to get a caramel sundae on the way home from the pool.


I found this on Pinterest this morning and it made my morning:

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You can get free shipping for SOYJOY e-store using the code SUMMERJOY until July 15, 2012.

The cutest Jennifer is looking for online virtual training partners…sounds like a blast right?! Check out her blog HERE and get in contact with her:)


Do you agree with any of the above laws for runners?

What are your Friday night plans?

Do you ever eat real food during a run (not gels/shot blocks etc)?

Last thing you ate from your freezer?

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I love that picture!! So many are too true!! I love watermelon during the summer!!


Even as a beginner runner I love those! So funny!


The one about when you have to take a walk break, that’s when someone you know will come past! My husband seems to ALWAYS drive past when I’m having to take a walk break!! ;)


Oh man Janae.. we are so alike! I LOVE cookies out of the freezer ( I still have a ton leftover from the holidays!) I had a PB choc. chip last night.. yum. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten real food during a run.. but watermeolon sounds like an awesome idea- I’ve stopped for a slurpee during a hot run before though! Those quotes are so true- the being far from the toilet made me LOL.. so true hahaha.
Have fun at the waterpark!


That is awesome that you stopped for a slurp during your run! SO COOL! YUM…your frozen cookies sound amazing!


I found myself nodding as I was reading that list; it is all so true. I particularly love the ones regarding headwinds and injury.

Does candy count as real food? If so, then, yes I occasionally will go for real food over gels. I have never done anything else, though.

Kind of weird but the last thing I ate from my freezer was frozen peas. I don’t even defrost them or heat them up, even as a little kid I always loved frozen peas.


Did you really ask me if candy counts as real food;) Of course it does! The headwinds and injury ones really are so true! YUM..I love frozen peas too!


I would definitely step in a muddy puddle with new shoes:)
We’re going to fire works tonight!!


FIREWORKS!!! That is so fun…have a blast!


Oh. My. Gosh. I think my favorite has got to be, “The sudden, desperate, urge…”


Morning of the long run…your Garmin will be dead, or have 12% battery life. Happens to me EVERY TIME!


ME TOOOOOO!!! Why can’t we ever learn to always charge it the night before?


Frozen no-bake cookies are soooo good! Hope you had a great time at the pool!


HAHA. That is awesome.

And YES to watermelon nearby for a run-that sounds heavenly! I will freeze cookies from now on–thanks ;)


I swear when it’s windy, no matter which way I’m running in always running into the wind! And I only ever see people I know during bad runs.

The last thing from my freezer were turkey meatballs and they were delish. :)


I’m home sick, so my Friday night plans include lots of tea and Spice World. Oh yeah. lol


That sounds like a perfect night to me:) I am so sorry you are home sick!


Can I get an amen on the injury one?! Also, the stopping to walk one is when someone will drive by…last Saturday I was up at my parents & went out for my long run and it was a SUPER crappy one (hate those ) with lots of hills. I told myself I could NOT walk or I knew someone would drive by then and see me. Lol. Why do I even care?

7 miles? Again, you crank out those miles like its nobody’s business. You rock! We went to the splash pad today too! It was so hot. I wish I would have packed frozen cookies to cool me off! ;)


Hope you had fun at the waterpark! And nice and healthy lunch; your baby is going to be a healthy, fit little thing.
I’m going out for dinner with girlfriends and then coming home to have a firepit with my two men (hubby and pup)!
I used to eat only Chomps, gels, etc. This year I’m trying real food like pretzels, licorice, rice krispie squares, and PB&Js on long bike rides.


hope you had fun at the waterpark. sounds like a perfect outing for a friday afternoon :)

the only “real” food i’ve eaten during a run have been oranges, but i guess that’s not too weird. ;) i love sticking my protein bars (usually luna bars) into the freezer before i eat them!


Jennie is my friend from high school!! Love her! :)


Last thing I ate from my freezer was about 2 bites of Fro-yo. Now I need a real serving.


Some interesting tidbit that I have no clue where I heard… When you are at peak condition, your immune system doesn’t work as well, and when you start to taper for a race it’s really common to get sick. BUT you can still race like a champ with a small cold! *Don’t quote me on this* Haha


The law about feeling great about a race and getting injured is so true and so sad. Maybe it is because the feeling great comes from pushing yourself a little more than usual, as does the injury. Ummm, I was debating going out but feeling super anti-social per usual :( suggestions how to get over that. I miss having a boyfriend, grr.

As for the freezer, I ate cold peas before heating them up to put in my pasta, haha. Hoping to buy some grapes tomorrow to eat frozennnn. Enjoy your watermelon!!! Is that good frozen?


Hahaha I love those! The new shoes in mud thing is SO TRUE for me. Seriously, EVERY time.


That fruit and nut trail mix is one of my favorite things to eat. It is so dangerous by the checkout at the Costco. The kiwi’s are my absolute favorite!


We may go to a yoga festival if the rain stays away, but it’s not looking to good.


I wrote a post centered around Murphy’s Laws for Runners! of those is true!

My Friday night consists of catching up on blog reading and watching the Olympic swim trials. Such a glamorous life!


The laws of runners completely cracks me up!

I love freezing cookies!


Now that you mentioned freezing those cookies, I’m going to have to make them!

I LOVE the rule that as soon as you start to walk, someone you know will drive by. ALWAYS happens to me!


The sudden urge -yes! Haha I love those!


“the moment you have to poop is when you are farthest from a toilet” & “when you are confident in training is when you get injured” = my life! Love those running bits though!


I eat swedish fish during marathons instead of shot blocks/gu’s etc because gu’s make my stomach hurt. I seriously start to look forward to each mile that I let myself eat the swedish fish.

Tonight I had dinner at a friends house with her and her hubby and walked to get ice cream, I got vanilla with mashed oreos stirred in…it was delicious!


My Friday night plans are sitting at home while the hubby is at work and the baby is snug in her bed! I just heated up chicken nuggets from the freezer. I don’t know if it is the pregnancy or what but I mixed barbecue sauce with mustard to dip them in…heaven! Sounds gross but you should totally try it;)


The poop one made me laugh haha. I agree with a few for sure! Especially the stuffed up nose one. Happened before my first half marathon…I was like SERIOUSLY?!? lol


Love those runners laws! So funny. My Friday night plans are watching the Olympic Trials. Gymnastics just started, yay! And I grabbed a pizza out of my freezer for dinner, I know, what a healthy night. :)


SO true about freezer cookie- even chocolate tastes better from the freezer! When i was running longer distances, I used to fuel with raisins during my runs and they did the trick perfectly!


The wind thing gets me every time – only for me, it’ll be hot out but with a nice breeze. The second I start running the wind dies and it’s stagnant air for the whole run :p

I’m an ice cream fiend, and cookies wouldn’t last long enough in my house for them to be stored in the freezer!


haha, those rules are funny. Made me think of the time I stopped for a walk break in my first half(my only stop and it was just a 5 sec walk break) and my brother came cycling by and shouted in front of everyone -“Fiona, you don’t walk in a race!!!”


gelato + frozen yogurt. yes, in the same bowl.


When I first started training for my half and was scared of things like Gu and Shot Blocks, I would eat Clif Bars while I ran. Not really real food, but whatevs. Also, last thing from the freezer = Ben & Jerry’s Creme Brulee ice cream. Yum


I put my Hershey’s Cookies & Cream bar (my fav chocolate bar!) in the freezer :) Tonight I will be eating my ice cream birthday cake that is currently in our freezer!


I love that runner`s law poster. It is just so .. TRUE.


Is that KIWI in your trail mix?? Looks like it in the pic and if so where did you find it?!?


Yes it is and it is so so delicious! It is from Costco! Get some ASAP!


Oh my gosh gettig injured at the peak of your fitness=story of my life?

Wait maybe thats not a coincedince :/


Love the Murphys Law for Runners. Especially the one that your best race picture haha. Most of mine look like I’m dying when I’m actually okay. :)


i learned during my ultra that watermelon sprinkled with salt is not only a good way to replace sodium but is DELICIOUS!


Yum, maybe I should keep watermelon on the treadmill too as incentive!

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