Compromises, Olympic Trials and I finally got my……

The baby wanted a grilled cheese sandwich and I wanted a quesadilla for dinner.

So, we compromised.

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You are not allowed to say that jam on a grilled cheese sandwich is gross until you try it.   The night before I run a race or any long run I really try to stay away from fiber hence my simple carb dinner.

I FINALLY got my donut.

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Some days I have a real hard time ever getting out of my workout clothes.

Billy and I went to go pick up our American Fork 1/2 Marathon race packet yesterday, one of my favorite things to do together.

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The race expo was pretty small but everything was organized perfectly!  This race is really special because:

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I loved that they had ribbons for participants to take and put on their bibs that corresponded with different types of cancer awareness!

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After the expo we raced home because we have been looking forward to watching the Track and Field Olympic Trials for a long time.

My favorite event from last night was the 10,000 meter and my bff Dathan Ritzenhein (remember when I interviewed him?) made the Olympic team along with Galen Rupp (took 1st) and Matt Tegenkamp (took 2nd).

Rupp is the fastest non-African distance runner!!!  He made the race look easy and was smiling and waving for the last 50 meters.

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And for the women’s 10,000 meter U.S. Olympic team:

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The women’s race was SO exciting! Amy Hastings really took off in the last 100 meters and I was kind of freaking out.

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Shalane Flanagan actually took third in the race but wasn’t racing to make the team since she will be running the marathon.   She is kind of out of control and was racing on tired legs….she ran for 3 hours (28 miles) on MONDAY.  Natosha Rogers actually took second in the race but will not be going to the Olympics because she did not have an Olympic A standard qualifying time.  Rogers FELL and was trampled at the beginning of the race yet she got up, fought for it and ended up coming in second.

I guess you know you are a running nerd when your ideal night is a race expo and eating grilled cheese while watching the Olympic trials.


Who else watched the Olympic trials yesterday?

What was the last CHEESY food that you ate?

What is your run or race this weekend?

Did you eat at home or eat out last night?

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We ate out last night, and paid an arm and a leg for it, but it was an awesome buffet at the Coldplay concert, so it was totally worth it!
O I love shalene f! She is the cutest fastest thing ever. I think I live her more than Kara. Kara I am sorry but you are still super awesome too!
Have a great race.


Okay….COLDPLAY and A BUFFET…best night EVER!! I am so happy you had such a great night. I go back and forth with who I love more with Kara and Shalane too…I can’t choose:) I am just obsessed with both!


The last super cheesy thing ate was lasagna. We use 4 different cheeses and it is heaven. I may or may not have just eaten the filling straight out of the bowl…

I wanted to do twelve miles but my shins have been hurting since last Sunday when I ran ten :( i took the week off but they don’t feel much better and I’m pretty upset about it

Ate out last night at a noodle place called Lulu’s. It delicious and if you come to Pittsburgh ever you should go there to carb load!


Hi Phebe! I’m dealing with terrible shin splints, too. My best advice is to stay off of them completely because I tried to come back too early and it sent me back to day 1. Mine have been bothering me for 5 weeks and I don’t want that to happen to you!


I totally agree Kristin!! It is so much better to take the time off now and let them heal completely instead of pushing it before they are ready. Hoping that both of you guys heal ASAP!!! Please keep me updated with how you are doing because I will be worrying about you!


You are so thoughtful, Janae…thank you! I will keep you updated :)


Both 10Ks were such good races! From now on I will think of Amy Hasting’s grimaces in the final 100m any time I want to quit on a run. Total BAMF.


I totally agree…you could see it in her face that she was giving every last ounce that she had. It gives me the goosebumps just thinking about it!


fun! that is such a light meal for the pre-race run no? i got pizza last night, was too tired for anything else. didn’t run today, was yoga day. Tomorrow is my last long run before a half-going to do 18km ish.


My meals have gotten a lot later the last few weeks because the baby is taking up so much room that now it actually HURTS if I eat too much at one time. I snack a lot more now. Hope you had a great yoga practice and enjoy your run tomorrow!


Sounds like a great night to me! I was watching the trials as well along with the Sandusky verdict.


We were watching that too!


Today is my first 14 in my marathon training, its weird to get excited about these things?! I use to get excited about normal things, now its running for hours…love it! Also last night I ate out with my BFF, yum!!!


CONGRATS on your 14 miles today…you are going to rock this marathon. I love that you get excited about stuff like that, I do too!


Ate in last night… there was a huge storm outside so we wanted to relax on the couch! Going to the beach today though, and we will be eating out tonight by the water (as long as the weather stays beautiful)! Happy Saturday!! :)


Yay for couch time. I hope you have the best time at the beach today and enjoy eating by the water…that is the best.


The last cheesy thing I ate was pizza, last night, at my parents’ house of course! They actually get the really good pizza, not the $5 Little Cesar kind we do at our house, so it was a real treat! :)


OH YUM!! HAHAH we are used to the Little Cesar pizza too so having real pizza is always a treat:)


That does sound like an ideal night! I was so disappointed I had to miss the 10,000 races.
No races this weekend, but I am heading out for a 160km ride. Crossing my fingers for light winds!


I hope you had the best bike ride ever and there were light winds!


Thanks! The ride was incredible (warmest day of the year so far) and the wind didn’t pick up until we got home!


I just had to hold off on reading your post since I fell asleep before watching the womens 10k last night!! All I can say is holy cow. I am running a 10k on Sunday but I don’t think my time will be anywhere near Amy Hastings ;)


no no no jam on grilled cheese is THE JAM!!! straight up blackberry preserves + brie and mozz is the bestest. you’re a culinary genuis, nevermind what haters say haha. And yess i loved watching the Trials 10k’s last night. The women’s race was legit the most epically exciting race I’ve watched in a long time – my whole family was cheering for Amy and Natosha, and I’m the only runner among them!! I also can’t believe Lisa Uhl like stopped to tie her shoe in the first mile and still is going to the olympics haha!


Good luck today Janae but more importantly HAVE FUN! And I hope Billy has a good redemption race.

Yay for Olympic Trials! I’m super excited because the Swimming trials start very soon too!


I didn’t have a chance to watch the trials but my sister cut one of the girls competing in the trials hair!!! And I live cheesy eggs :)


I was SO NERVOUS watching the trials! They definitely had me on the edge of my seat.


I’m so bummed…we don’t have cable {and don’t know anybody who does that we could crash} and can’t watch most of the trials :( I was definitely a little depressed last night.


We went to a friends house last night and they used the grill for dinner. It was soooooo good. These people are very gourmet. We had grilled veggies and kabobs of the best chicken, steak, and pork ever. I also drank too much wine. I am almost happy my knee was giving me some problems this morning, cutting my run way short. Time to go back to bed!


I stayed up WAAAAAY past my bedtime to watch them. I thought about DVR’ing it but couldn’t step away. Went to bed after 1130. Whoops =)

I loved both races. Seeing the teamwork that the guys had was pretty amazing and I loved the end of the female race. It baffles me that they run about 3 1/2 min faster for their 5k split then I do racing a 5k. 4 min. I can’t fathom being that fast.


I’m slowly getting my head around getting dressed to go and run 11 miles, this week’s long run. For some reason I’d rather stay in my pyjamas this morning!! But I will run. My half marathon is 5 weeks away.


I had cheese for lunch in the form of parmesan with grilled veggies and balsamic- yum! I have a 10km charity run tomorrow- its actually a virtual run which I am doing on the treadmill due to the horrific weather conditions here! I am psyched!


The last cheesy food I ate was FLOUTAS. Last night. YUM!!!!


the different colored ribbons thing was really cool. i wish more races would boast 100% contributions to great causes- that is great motivation to register and race!

galen and shalane are just beasts. I think both of them are in a class above all of the the other competitors. unreal. they will need that to have a change to medal against all of the africans! but amy and dathan wanted it REAL BAD so they had great performances, too. watching the races made me want to run and it’s too bad i’m battling injuries/pains again. UGH :(


I had hummus and chips for dinner (I know, so crazy, hah), and I wish I had watched the trials. They sound amazing!! Was busy hanging with little nephew though–always a blast!


Hahaha I love the grilled cheese and quesadilla, perfect pre-run fuel!!


I love Olympic years, so much to get excited about and so many amazing races and stories. I did my long run of 13 miles yesterday because I am at my son’s swim meet this morning. Can’t wait to hear how your race went this morning.


Good luck on your half marathon!!! And the last cheesy thing I ate was like 5 minutes ago – Wheat Thins and some 3 laughing cow wedges. So yummy. And I missed the Olympic Trials yesterday :-( Would have loved to have watched them!


We had my niece’s rehearsal dinner last night, and it was outside. The weather was perfect, the food was good, and my niece looked so happy!

I have my long run tomorrow -I haven’t mapped it out exactly yet, but it should be somewhere around 6 miles.


Oh my gosh– I missed the trials when they aired live, so I stayed up to watch the rerun. Even though I had to get up at 4 am do my 8 miler (dang Phoenix heat). I was so excited after watching the 10,000 m trials that I could not fall asleep. I’m so excited for Olympic track and field.

Do Goldfish count as cheesy? Because that was yesterday.

8 mile long run– not that long, but I’m trying to be good to my body post stress fracture and sloooowly ramp up my mileage

I ate in last night– trader joe’s lobster ravioli. tasty!


Okay, I have to brag for a second… I was at the trials yesterday! My friend got tickets and took me with her! It was such an amazing feeling to be in the presence of such great athletes! Watching the men run the 10k was crazy. It was DUMPING rain, and they acted like it was the best running conditions ever.
It was such a great experience.


AHHHH YOU WERE THERE!! That makes me beyond happy! Seriously, I am so happy you were able to experience that. I seriously cannot believe they were running in that much rain. Do you get to go today?


Nawww, I wish I could go ALL of the days, but I just got to go yesterday.
So, I decided that Shalane is the best teammate ever. During the race, Lisa Uhl’s shoe came untied and Shalane told her to stop and tie it while she went up to the front to slow the pace so she could catch back up! How nice is she!!!


Eating for two = two different meals!! ha ha!

Oh, the trials look amazing–I have been following via twitter, but it has been a whirlwind since we moved. We were at the College World Series last night enjoying some tailgating eats! yum!!


Sounds like a fun night to me! My husband and I did the prediction contest for the Olympic trials on We didn’t get to watch the trials because we didn’t get the channel but we read the play-by-play of the 10k races online. I’ll be able to watch this weekend so I’m excited!


I am eating a jalapeno cheddar bagel right now! It’s my reward for a good run this morning. And I only let myself buy one so I wouldn’t eat several of them today!


Last cheesy food I ate was macaroni and cheese whiz at 10 this morning…sounds gross but my two year old and I devoured it lol. (major pregnancy craving)

Stayed in last night but went out for dessert :)

No race this weekend, I am getting in a 10km run tomorrow though!! Havent ran in 4 days so I’m really looking forward to it.


I hope you have an amazing run tomorrow and I have been craving Mac and cheese like crazy toooooooo!!!!


I love watching the olympic trials. My favourite to watch is swimming though! Since I used to be a swimmer. I ate at home last night and it included a huge pile of roasted veggies with an avocado dressing!


Wish I was watching the trials. I would have gotten booed out of our house. We have house guests (five of which are kids) who are NOT interested in Olympic trials. Unless Scooby Doo is in the trials.


Yep I was screaming for Dathan and then was freaking out screaming at Amy and Natosha what an amazing athlete. My new favorite, she has some grit. My husband couldn’t figure out why I was freaking out so it is nice to know others out there are big running nerds like me.:).


I want to watch running with you….I love that you get into it!!!


i have been eating jam on my grilled cheese sandwiches my whole life! my mom always did it, and that lady is smart, so as soon as i could use a knife i was slathering my sandwiches in jam. people always make fun of me until they try it and realize the brilliance of the salty/sweet. now i’m going to have to eat a grilled cheese for a snack, so thanks for that.


MOLLY!! I knew we were meant to be best friends! There is nothing better than jam on grilled cheese. I like your mom:)


i like her too! what’s your fave flavor? :)


i have been eating jam on my grilled cheese sandwiches my whole life! my mom always did it, and that lady is smart, so as soon as i could use a knife i was slathering my sandwiches in jam. people always make fun of me until they try it and realize the brilliance of the salty/sweet. now i’m going to have to eat a grilled cheese for a snack, so in about 10 minutes, that will be the last cheesy thing i ate :)


AHHHH Matt Tegenkamp is my next door neighbor, so weird to see his name on your blog! He used to get up at 3 am and run for hours around our neighborhood during high school…I thought he was crazy! haha


We watched them on tv last night and have spent all day today in Eugene at the trials! Watching Ashton Eaton get a world record is definitely one of the highlights of my year!


We didn’t watch the Olympic trials because we were at a wedding, but it was exciting even just seeing the recaps on ESPN.

I had eggs and cheese for breakfast this morning…and pancakes.


Yum grilled cheese and quesadillas, love both of those!


i never eat a grilled cheese that isn’t slathered in strawberry jelly! mmm such tasty goodness!


I know this is from way long ago, but that race was AMAZING and I just have to comment! Natosha Rogers and I went to the same high school and ran cross country and track together. Her older sister is one of my all time bf’s and their whole family is amazing! They are such great people. Seriously, I was so proud of Tosha for picking herself up and kicking butt in that race. AND that was only her 4th time ever racing in the 10k…yeah she’s a stud!

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