Well, it happened.  I didn’t finish my 10k but we will talk more about that in a minute.

We got to the race at 7:30 this morning, picked up our bibs (for a free race I couldn’t believe how organized it was) and found all of our buddies.  I was super excited to run and felt really energetic and ready to race.

Photo 1 copy

I got to see lots of fun blogging friends of course…Julia and Susette (she ran/walked 46 miles on her 46th birthday this year…isn’t that awesome!?!?)

Photo 2

Billy in his racing gear ready to kick trash:

Photo 3

Turns out that a lot of people show up to races when it is free…who would have thought.  The best part was that there were a TON of families out racing this morning, I love to see young kids running.  Watching the kids finish the mile race was the cutest thing ever, there was one kid that lost his shoe along the course but didn’t stop to get it because he didn’t want to waste any time!  Photo 2 copy

The race started and probably .5 miles into it I had a crazy weird pain and knew without a doubt that I should stop.  I think I must have overdone it on Saturday by running 11 miles and my body was not going to run this morning.  I think you know by now that I am beyond competitive, I love to run and quitting isn’t an option most of the time but today I had to.  Right now my number 1 priority is my little girl and making sure she is okay and the pain I was having was not okay to keep running with.  I just need to remember I am not superwoman (I think a lot of us have that problem).

I was going to go sit on the curb and start crying but then my BIL’s cutest girlfriend came over to me and said that she would walk the 5k with me even though she could have rocked the 10k.  It turned out to be perfect, we talked and laughed and got a great walking workout in together:)

The course went through the local cemetery and around the town.  Billy said the 10k was really hilly but the temps were great and there was some good competition there to run with.

Photo 3 copy

Billy passed us towards the end and he was a little confused to see me ahead of him until he figured out we cut down to the 5k instead.  He rocked it in 42 minutes on a tough course, I am proud of him.  He isn’t the biggest fan of 10ks (because you have to push yourself to near death for 6 miles) but today will help him feel like his upcoming half marathon race pace is a piece of cake.

Photo 1

Afterwards we hit up Denny’s for food that looks disgusting but after waiting until noon to eat I scarfed it down without even paying attention to the taste.   There is something about oatmeal lately, I think I will have it for dinner too.


Time to kick back on the couch and see how many White Collar episodes we can watch.


Have you ever had a DNF (did not finish) or have you ever had to drop down to a different course length?

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

I always love looking at everyone’s running shoes at races…..what running shoes have you been wearing lately?

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oh friend! im sorry you weren’t feeling great at the start but im so glad you made that decision. i know its such a tough one to make but it definitely sounds like it was the right one for you and your lil girl! im glad you still got to participate and enjoy the morning…i agree the little kids were darling! i wondered if you were okay after the race actually…i remember seeing you at the start and was just near you till the 5k split and then lost you. i remember thinking “wow…how cool would it be if we ended up running together the whole time!?!” if i just could have caught up to you;) but after the split i didnt see you any more and was so confused. im just glad you were okay! i agree…i get caught up in worrying that im just making excuses or being “too mentally weak” and thinking i should be able to push through and do anything (the whole superwoman thing) and then end up mad at myself later that i did not just listen to my body. i have been trying SO hard to work on that and change that lately because i want to feel strong in my runs and not broken down! you are amazing! it was so good to see your gorgeous face…you are such an inspiration to me! Congrats to Billy as well:) Hope to see you all at UV!


Good call lady, I know it must have been SO TOUGH for you but you made the best decision! I know how hard that must have been because you are so focused and competitive but you did what was best for you and mini-you!
There will be a TON more next times and lots of chances for you to rock it!
I hope that you are having a great holiday weekend!
And congrats to Billy- I too, would rather run a 1/2!


Awww honey. I know it must have been mentally difficult to not finish, but you’re totally right – your little girl is top priority. Just think, if you ever run that race again, you will have a guaranteed PR. (HUGS)


Great job listening to your body!


Janae, you made the right choice! I know its hard but its for such a wonderful thing :)
I had a strawberry banana smoothie bowl with Multigrain Cheerios and coffee :)
I wear black and lime green Nike 3.0 Free’s but they need to be replaced soon. I really want the hot pink ones next!


Listening to your body is more important than ever! I walked a 5k the day before my oldest was born and I hated every moment of it. All I wanted to do was cry. I know now, I over did it the entire pregnancy and am still finding myself with aches and pains from it almost 7 years later. Take heart miss, you are doing something amazing…take care of yourself in the process. It sounds like you are on the right path.


Coming from someone who is also obsessed with running/extremely competitive I know how tough this can be! The best part is you made the right decision and still enjoyed the race!

My breakfast this morning was 3 bowl of honey bunches of oats. All I wanted was cereal + cold milk. I just got new running sneakers the other day- Mizuno’s! Its my first time running in them and I am loving them lately. I was eyeing the new Brooks Pure Connect as well so those may be picked up in the near future ;)


:( sorry to hear.


You still walked the 5k and had a good time so you ARE a rockstar. Not to mention you are super smart for knowing when to stop. Super. Smart :-)


I saw you there! But I was in line and talking to someone else and when I turned back you were gone. So proud of you for listening to your body…you’re a rockstar mom already!


Sorry for your pain, but so glad you decided to walk. You will soon realize that every decision you make will be based on what is best for your baby girl. Even with the most trivial decisions, you will always think of her first. I had a delicious bowl of oatmeal with dried cranberries and chia seeds this morning. I’m on an oatmeal kick right now. I wear New Balance running shoes. Love them.


Sorry about your pain!!! That’s never cool =( I ran a 10k on Sunday and I overdressed so I was sweating up a storm – I almost felt like pulling a DNF! I haven’t had one of those yet, but I have very few races under my belt!


It was so good to see you this morning! I was wanting to run it with you and then lost you in while trying to dodge the bazillion people during that first mile. I was super bummed! I am so glad that you listened to your body and didn’t push it. Something that is really hard to do sometimes. You should not post this at a dnf because you did! You are a rock star example of being active while pregnant..it doesn’t always have to be running!

Speaking of rock stars, B$!! He chewed up those hills and ate them for breakfast. How did you wait till noon to eat? I was starving when I got home at 9:30!

My neighbor and her 10 year old did the mile in 8:20. I was so impressed. You couldn’t have paid me to wake up and run a mile on my day off from school when I was that age.


You did the right thing and I’m glad you have a sweet sil that walked with you :)


I am sorry to hear about the DNF, but HAPPY to hear that you made this decision. You are right to say we aren’t Superwomen, and it is totally all right not to be.

I did the Cherry Blossom run in Washington DC on April 1. DH and I were accepted into the lottery for the 10 miler back in the beginning of December 2011. At the time my hip was feeling good. By the end of December/early January, I had a setback and ended up taking a month off running and then starting up (again, sigh) at zero. No way I could run 10 miles by April 1, so I dropped down to the 5k. My husband did, too, although he just did it so that I would have company. We ended up running it together – which we never do! – very slowly…and had a great time. :)


You are a smart girl! Good for you for listen to you body and making the smart choice. There will always be another race. For breakfast Fage cherry yogurt with granola. I am running in Brooks Adrenaline 12 and Mizuno Insprie 8. Like the Brooks better.


A lot of people have had to DNF races, and I think it is really smart to be extra careful with your little lady. 10ks will be there forever! I understand how it’s still upsetting though, you wanted to run it and had to stop. I hope the pancakes helped.


I haven’t had a DNF, but I imagine when I get up enough nerve to run my first 10K the thought may come up quite often during the race. I’ve only walked/run three 5Ks so far and I hope to do another this July.
This morning’s breakfast? Two hard boiled eggs
Running Kicks? Nike Shocks for the past three years


You were sooo smart to walk the 5k!!!! I know it must have been hard–so hugs to you, but you made the right choice for you and baby girl.

I DNF my marathon last month…I think it was the most humbling experience. Throughout my training, I had not been listening to my body and pretty much ran it into the ground…and it just happened to crumble on marathon day:-( I learned so much from that experience. I know some people say its ‘die before DNF’, but I say ‘listen to your body, you only have one… but, there are tons of other races to run’

I hope you enjoy the rest of your Monday–it sounds like you have a lot of family around–that always makes my day!


You made the best decision :). I have really had to learn to listen to my body the last few weeks. Its tough but worth it :). Don’t worry, you will bounce back ridiculously quick after this baby girl! Not too much longer, its almost trimester 3!!! Crazy!


Great that you listened to your body and took it easy and not
feel bad about it. There will be many more races to come.
If all fails, raid your mom’s freezer :P


I’m glad you had a great walking workout instead. And great company to enjoy it with!

Breakfast today didn’t happen. I got too busy doing other stuff.

Asics running shoes for me always. Someday I may try something else…


Sorry the race didn’t go as planned!!! But you made it work for you and that’s great! Glad you had someone to walk with and enjoy the 5k. The race was for a great cause. And Billy’s time is super fast, he is a running machine.

I had waffles with PB and strawberries on top! And coffee….

I run in Mizunos Wave Riders. I need a new pair very soon and am shopping around for something similar.


I know that must have been so hard for you, but you did the right thing. And this doesn’t count as a DNF, because YOU could finish, but the baby couldn’t. So it doesn’t count.


Sorry about that race, but it’s good that you’re being smart about it. I felt like a DNF in my first half marathon this morning, had stomach issues. But I made it thankfully and am glad I did!


I recently had to drop from a half marathon to a mini marathon (2.6 miles), because I was booted with a stress fracture in my heel. I was determined to get my medal and walked the 2.6 miles in the boot. Though it wasn’t the medal I wanted, it was something for my efforts. I also had to sit out of two other races during that time…hated it! Good for you for listening to your body and stopping before it was too late. As runners, we sure do know how to push ourselves too far often. I hope you figure out what is wrong, and it is something that heals quickly. Best of luck!


Sorry about your DNF =( But you’re already such a good Mamma for taking care of your body and your baby! You’re already superwoman and well on your way to being SuperMom! =)


I’m so sorry and hope you’re feeling better! You made the right choice, as hard as it is to decide to stop, its all for the best! Good for you and God Bless!


Don’t feel too bad about it! Ran a race this morning and got my worst time ever… From the second I started it I knew I wouldn’t do so great.

probably had something to do with all the pre-race munchkins I ate…


Sounds like you made the right decision and a good walking workout every once in a while is never a bad thing. :) This morning for breakfast I had my favorite Wallaby banana-vanilla yogurt.


Good decision on your race. Smart to listen to the lil one inside of you!

I had cinnamon rolls at breakfast.

My favorite shoes are Nike Free +2


Janae im sorry you had to cut your race down, but GO YOU for keeping on going, even if its a nice leasure walk. the weather was SO nice this morning! I wasnt expecting the hills, but it felt good to conquer them. I looked for you, but coulnt find ya! Im bummed I didnt even find you on the 5k course that I was running in.. someday! ha. it was a fun run, and i made a PR on my time!


oh i wanted to add, looking at people shoes is so entertaining, i love the bright colored ones {mine are neon pink!} . I ate the dryest toast this morning, then recovered with some choc milk, bacon, eggs, fruit made by my hubby! delish. have a great memorial day!


Ive never DNFed but I ran a full 17 minutes slower in yesterdays half marathon that I did the year before. I was just as well trained but I couldnt hold down hydration, just kept throwing up and walked huge sections of the race.

Horrible :(


Oh and I currently wear Adidas Adistars with sweatpink laces!


Never had a run DNF, but had to pull out of a tennis match. I agree with you for a moment you want to cry, and then it is almost liberating that you finally learned how to love yourself enough to make the right choice.

I have been loving oatmeal as of late as well, and oddly liking it cold. Hmmmmmm that’s new for me.

Have a great night!!


GO JANAE! it’s tough to make a choice like that as a cempetitive runner but you’re an awesome mama for watching out for your little girl :)

I rotate between brooks pure cadence and mizuno wave riders. I used to prefer the wave riders but I’m kind of loving my brooks. My form is better with a bit more of a minimalist shoe


I’m proud of you for listening to your body and doing what’s best for you and your daughter. A very mature decision, my friend! ;) But still, I know it’s a huge bummer to not be able to run the race you had planned to run!


DNFs when you have a baby in your belly don’t go on the permanent record! You did the smart thing for sure.

Nice job to Billy!! He’s going to have a great run at UV 1/2!


You’re already a champ for running while pregnant, so no shame for the DNF! You listened to your body and that’s what ultimately matters the most.

I love looking at others’ running shoes too! So many pretty colors haha. I run in Brooks Adrenaline (just started wearing them) and still can’t decided if I like them or not…


Sorry you had to walk, but you are smart for listening to your body. You just want your little girl to be health and safe and that is what matters! Great job to Billy!


Made my day meeting you out on the course…. Thanks to your blog my in laws finished their first 5k and I loved jogging with them the whole way! You are the best and such an inspiration!


DNF’s don’t count when you are pregnant. But you were such a supportive wife, i love that. you know i do!


Definitely made a good choice, you’re already great at being a mom!


I am sorry that you didn’t finish your race but I am glad that you made the right choice. The little girl is what matters and you are just being the perfect mama already!


I’m so proud of you for listening to your body and going with your intuition. I bet the 5k with your friend was fun!

I had a late breakfast this morning that included two gummy vitamins, some love grown granola, half a pint of blueberries, and some iced coffee.


Hey…I don’t think that exactly counts as a DNF, you kept on moving and finished a race, that is what counts! Maybe it wasn’t the 10K but it was a 5K and as a mom-to-be listening to your body I think that is awesome! :)


I know how hard it must of been for you to decide to stop running, but it’s so good you listened to your body! (well, to your little girl :) ) I actually had a weird workout on Thursday, just didn’t feel like myself, it’s like my body was telling me to cool it…but I pushed through, and was probably not the smartest decision..ended up pulling a muscle because I pushed through & was doing the moves wrong. Stupid me. But lession learned!!
Looks like a perfect day in Utah! Glad you were able to still do the 5K walk & enjoy your time with your SIL!! :)


Remember me? I emailed ya a month ago from China! (Sorry I am terrible at keeping emails going.) Anyways, I am sorry you had to take yourself out of the 10k but 5ks just rock some times too! :) I had my first DNF ever this weekend too. My husband and I were running the Tianjin Marathon here in China. I pulled myself from the race at mile 23 (or rather 37 km here). It was in the mid 90’s, 30% humidity and no shade with a late start time of 8:30. It was BRUTAL! I just couldn’t go on any longer. I have never felt that way before, with stomach and back spasms to boot. Crazy.

Now that I read your post, maybe that experience for me is helping prepare me for what I may have to do in the future as a preggo runner mama. But even if I have to throw in the towel on some runs or races, I still can’t wait to have that little bean growing inside!!

I wore my Saucony Kinvaras this weekend. They were awesome! Enjoy your memorial day!!


My name is Kelsie and I live in China too! How weird!


Did you ever see Freaky Friday with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan? Where the mom calls out “make good choices!” You made a good choice today :)

Great job to you for taking care of your body and your baby…and great job to Billy for whaling on that 10K!


I’m so proud of you. You are going to make the greatest mom ever. I know it was probably super hard but way to get an awesome walking workout!


I’ve never had a DNF, but I ran in a 5K this weekend and had to WALK twice. I had a horrible side stitch and have been dealing with an IBS flair-up the last week or two so my tummy was not happy…I’ve never had to walk in a race (or training run) before so my competitive side was not ok with it, but we have to listen to our gut (literally, for some! :) ) and know when to stop or slow down a bit. I still finished 29:30, even with the walks. Go us!


Sorry about the DNF, but without a doubt you made the right choice to be careful! It would have been hard for me too, especially if I saw my husband running by fast. Enjoy your oatmeal and ice cream feast later and definitely some White Collar! We’ve been watching it for a while now and love it. I’m looking forward to it coming back for a summer season soon.


i had my first dnf this weekend…..it was so hard to just stop and walk away….i foudn out the next day i had strep, so it was the right thing…we must listen to our bodies


Don’t worry about it, you should be proud for listening to your body! And it seems like you had a great time anyway. Thats awesome!!

Lately I’ve been going between Brooks Adrenaline 12s and Saucony Kinvaras. I love em!


Oh Janae I’m so sorry you didn’t get to finish the race running, but that is so sweet of your BIL’s girlfriend to walk with you. Love the family support!
I love watching the little kids run the fun 1 mile runs, it’s awesome! I know that when I have kids they will be right up there with me!


Janae you are super awesome that you still run as many miles as you do!!! You are my running inspiration!!

I just bought new Asics the Nimbus 13s – and did 13 miles in them today!! I love them!!! I love oatmeal too :) I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!


Aw, I’m sorry about the DNF. I’m not a racer at all, so don’t know what that must feel like. Just know you did the best for your baby and that is really good you listened to your body and didn’t push it! And you still had a great time, so all is well :) Breakfast this morning was overnight oat bran. Delicious.


I KNEW something was up when I saw you out walking on the course but didn’t want to intrude. Plus, it looked like you were having some fun conversations with the cute gal you were with. I’m so glad you listened to your body and did what’s best for that precious little bundle you are carrying.
It was so absolutely fun to meet you today. Thanks for being so sweet to let me get a photo with you. You are seriously so cute. Thanks for the cheers at the end too. It made me smile when I was just so ready to be done.
How did your sister do?


I’m so glad you listened to your body! I think as runners, we all need to listen to our bodies more – even if we’re not running for two :) I’m sorry that you were hurting, but I’m glad it turned out okay and that you ended up having a great time – which is really all that matters!


I feel you on the DNF!! Last year I ran a 12k with my boyfriend the day after I ran a 10k. About .5 miles into the race I KNEW I should stop-I was in horrible pain. But I trudged on. Big mistake-little did I know, I had blown out my hip and torn the cartilage in the socket (among a few other things). I learned a huge lesson that day about pride and knowing when to say NO. Because, now I’m recovering from hip surgery!


I have never DNF, however, you need to listen to your body!
I ran my first marathon yesterday. I’m listening to my body now and getting a massage tomorrow!


I’m glad that you listened to your body. I’m sure your baby appreciated it, and just wanted her mommy to slow down :).


I have never had a DNF but I did have a DNS when I was pregnant. I had registered for a HM right before I found out I was pregnant and had planned to run it for “fun” at 28 weeks. At 19 weeks I got really dehydrated after a 10 mile run and started cramping. (It was summer and even with a lot of water stops it just wasn’t enough.) I went home and rested and hydrated and within hours my baby and I were fine but it was really scary for a few hours. I made the decision to cut all my runs down to 3-5 miles which was not what I wanted to do but I knew it was the right move. I ran up until the ninth month but my longest run was 5 miles. You did the right thing. When it comes to your baby- always listen to your body!! :-)


you totally just became superwoman for your little girl. :-) giving up something that you love because you were taking care of her and didn’t take any chances. go on, mama.


I’m glad you listened to your body and stopped running when you felt the pain!! The sacrifice you made for your baby girl is worth it!


I’m sorry you didn’t finish your 10K, but happy that you still got to participate in the walk :)

I ate a lot of breakfasts when I was pregnant, sometimes it was all I ate for a couple of days (or more). OMG, I can’t believe how rude I have been, I have been following you for over a year now and lurk around reading, but I can’t believe I haven’t said CONGRATULATIONS to you and Billy for having a special little girl on the way, so congratulations. You look so happy! xx


I am sorry you didn’t get to do the 10k, but good on you for listening to your body! I haven’t had a DNF as of yet, but have had a DNS after getting injured 2 weeks before a half marathon.
For breakfast this morning I had oatmeal. It is my go-to, dont’t have to think about it, breakfast food.
I am currently wearing Saucony Kinvaras. They are by far my favorite running shoe, and come in some really cute colors :)


Good for you for listening to your body! I am sorry to hear you were not feeling good! I hope you are feeling great again soon; maybe it’s just because the end of your pregnancy is coming up soon and it’s more demanding on your body? I am glad you had a friend there with you to make the experience a good one.


I’ve been wearing KSwill Blade Lights for the past 6 months but am ready to go back to Newtons for my next round of training.
I ran a 5k with my fam and some friends. Afterwards we met at a local market that sold breakfast burritos by the pound. Yum.


It sounds like you did the right thing for your body, and that’s what matters!!!

I JUST started watching White Collar this weekend… the guy’s eyes are… amazing. hahaha


You are smart for listening to your body. Way to take care of your baby girl.
I had 1/4 of a chocolate Costco muffin and some Chomps a while later then headed out on my long run. We were on vacation in the mountains and I ran an awesome new loop through rain and snow. Loved it.
I check out everyone’s shoes at races too. I’ve been running in some Nikes I’ve had for a while and I’m looking to buy some new shoes. I’m really digging the Brooks Pure Cadences and I’m hoping they go on sale somewhere soon because I can’t handle spending $120 on a pair of shoes.


Although you didn’t run the 10k, you did something even huger- you listened to your body and put your daughter first…all part of motherhood :)! Congrats to Billy, he is one speedy runner!


oh my gosh, i’m so sorry u suddenly got that pain and i hope u are feeling much better by now! i’m happy u were SMART and realized this was one of the instances where u need to DNF. (trust me, i don’t flippantly ever say that…lol.) but u and baby come first. have u figured out wat could have caused it? i’m sending all my hugs and positive vibes ur way and hope it was just a fluke thing. i hope those pancakes were able to make ur belly happy…tho sorry to hear they were sub-par. :P


I’m so glad you listened to your body and made the decision to not finish this race. You will definitely be able to get your competitive side roaring after your healthy girl is born :D


No DNF’s. But I have come in last. And in a 10k. Oh well. A couple of DNS’s but that was more lazy or weather than because of injury.
Breakfast was cookies and a mini banana bread.
Still working my way through my Nike’s before I switch to Brooks.

The Kidless Kronicles


Good for you – for knowing when to draw the line and stop. That’s a super hard thing for runners to do, especially when we train ourselves to run through it. I think a lot of people end up injured because they can’t distinguish between the pain that you push on through and when you need to stop. I think that stopping yourself must have been harder than finishing – WELL done!! And what a great SIL (sort of) that you have, it was so sweet and selfless of her to forego her race and walk with you. Tell your brother to keep her!

Congrats to Billy on a great race! He just keeps on getting faster :)

Haha I’m TERRIBLE for checking out other runners’ shoes when they run!! I leave a race with a list of new shoes that I want to buy :) I have a theory that bright shoes move faster (THAT’s why Kenyans are so fast, they wear bright shoes!) SO in the spirit of running faster, I just ordered bright yellow Saucony Kinvaras, and I have also been running in new Newton Distance U’s – I’ll let you know how this theory works out!!


That’s awesome that you listened to your body and stopped. It’s even better that you could then just do the 5k option as a walk!

Don’t bash Denny’s they are delicious…ok, maybe delicious is the wrong word.


My rule in life – the right thing is always the harder thing to do! You did the right thing for you and your little munchkin :). Congrats on your smart decision!!!

I think I need to rethink my breakfast after seeing yours.


Well said…the right thing is usually harder to do. Glad you and your little girl are okay. It was really sweet of your friend to keep you company.


Sorry you had your first DNF, but you made the right choice. Your little ones safety is the most important thing, and you’ll have another crack at a 10k again in the future. I recently had a 5k DNF that I pulled out of when my knee started to feel like it was going to break in half. I was upsetting for about 24 hours but I eventually got over it when I realized that I made the best decision for myself at the time.

Take care of yourself pretty lady!


I’m glad you listened to your body and walked the 5k! It’s good that you can put the needs of your baby first, I’m sure there are some people that would have ignored it and tried to keep going, which wouldn’t have been the best idea.

When I ran the Nike Women’s a few years back I had to drop from full to half because I was having a ton of shin splint problems. I felt dissapointed, but I know that i made the best decision for my body. It’s just hard because everyone knew I was doing the full so I felt like I was judged. ugh.

I have some mizunos that are gray with red and blue accents. I feel like I’m running for America when I have them on! haha.


I’m so glad that you had a buddy to do the 5k with instead, and that you didn’t hurt yourself seriously!


You did the right thing in listening to your body. I know what a bummer that was!


I am glad you stopped and listened to your body. it is sooo hard to tell what pain is ok and what is not. You still amaze me….I can’t get over how much running you can still do. I am all like woot 2 miles this morning. you are incredible


I haven’t had a DNF yet, but I have dropped to a shorter distance. I haven’t DNFed because I don’t want to set a precedent and make it easier next time. BUT you listened to your body and did the right thing. All of my issues have just been me being a wimp.

Right now I’m wearing bright pink Kinvaras. I do the same thing at races! I love looking at all the shoes that people wear.


I had a DNF 15k earlier this spring due to stomach issues. I had to go to the bathrooom really bad & basically laid on teh side of the road in fetal position waiting for my husband to come to my rescue & pick me up. It sucked but there really wasn’t anything I could do about it, I was in pain.
Glad you stopped, it’s definitely more about your little girl at this point. There’s always another day for a race.

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