Attacking birds and my new favorite sports bra.

Well, I was on Inside Edition for a total of .04 seconds yesterday:)  They probably thought my voice was too high for tv audiences to even be able to hear….I will forgive them but it might take a little bit of time for me to heal.


Yesterday after work I came home and said I was going to just lay down for 5 minutes and then get my running gear on.  5 minutes turned into an hour and next thing I knew it I woke up and Billy was sitting on the floor (we only have one couch) working on homework.

We hung out for a little while waiting for it to cool down outside and finally left at about 6.  There was a storm rolling in and so the weather was absolutely perfect, a little windy and a tiny bit cold…1st sign it was going to be a great run.

Billy did his warm-up mile with me and then did 6 tempo miles @ 6:34 pace. After finishing that up he sat and waited for me (we did an out and back route) to do his last cool-down mile with me.   I did a total of 8 miles too at an 8:29 average pace and boy did I need this run.  My body felt great, I was super optimistic the whole time and you know that I love getting a few miles in with my tank top wearing man.

Photo 1 2

I wish I could say that we have books and boxes all over the place because we started packing but really we are just lazy.  PS I am in fact wearing shorts even though the above picture begs to differ.

Random note about the run:  Billy always comes home and tells me about a spot along the path where birds swoop down as he runs by and get pretty close to him.  I have never believed him until last night when I experienced the diving birds and they scared the heck out of me.

Remember how I complain every 3 days about chaffing?  Champion sent me these two sports bras and I am sure these are a huge reason why my run was so great.  I still had to wear both at the same time (hey, that is a lot better than 3) and I couldn’t believe how comfortable they were.  No chaffing, hallelujah.  I know I say I love a lot of things but really these were amazing and I can’t wait to wash them so I can run in them again.

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After our run we stretched for 15 whole minutes, Billy is a good example for me, I showered and got dinner together.  Turkey/bagel sandwich, fruit, a hard-boiled egg and pretzels.

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For dessert I made a special treat.

Janae’s Nightly Craving Trail Mix Recipe:

1 cup marshmallows

1 cup butterscotch chips.

Mix and don’t share.

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Favorite trail mix ingredients…..what must a good trail mix include?  When picking through trail mix (we all do it, don’t be embarrassed) what ingredients do you leave in there for someone else to eat because it isn’t your favorite?

On your daily runs do you do more loop routes or out and back routes?

Do you wash your sports bras after each workout?

-Running=yes.  Elliptical (unless I go hardcore), yoga and weights= no…come on we don’t even have a washer and dryer.

Would you rather have a bagel or thick/dense bread?

-I will always choose a bagel.

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I have to wash my sports bras after every use. It is hot here and I sweat an embarrassing amount ;). I just tried my first Champion Sports bra and loved it. The straps were perfect for my narrow shoulders.

Billy is getting SO fast!! Go Billy! Congrats on you television spot! You rock!


You guys rock working out together! How scary about the birds, that would freak me out. I only wash my bra only after running…my sister ‘glistens’ so she can go a week w/o washing her running clothes…how nice that must be…

I usually do an out and back that has a loop;-) I have learned its best if I stick to out and backs for long runs becuase I either end up a mile+ from home or come up short–I hate having to run ‘extra’ when I thought I planned my route to be done.


Way to go on getting that run in, and that too at a great pace! I want to come have your nightly trail mix…although since you don’t share, I guess I’ll just have to make my own :)! Are you a coconut fan? I just bought a packet of coconut chips and I don’t know what I have been doing with my life..these are SO delicious in trail mix!


Animal crackers, almonds, cashews and PB M&M’s.
It is a good mix of both. Neighborhood and lake is loops. Greenway is out and back.
I wash everything after I wear it. But I have a washer and dryer.
A bagel. Toasted. With Peanut Butter.

The Kidless Kronicles


I watch the Inside Edition yesterday. Sorry you weren’t on it longer. Do you want me to boycott them? :)

I love bagels. They are delicious and that bagel sandwich looks awesome!

I like loops when I run.

They only time I don’t wash my sports bra is after yoga. And I always hang them to dry.


Right before it rains is the best type of running weather. I will always choose a bagels over bread, or foccacia which is like the best of both worlds.


I’ve gotten dive-bombed by birds too! It’s terrifying/bizarre. I thought it was that my hair in a bun/pony tail might have looked like something edible or nesting material (I have reddish-brown hair), but now that you say they also do it to billy who does not have long hair this is messing with my theory. Does he have any idea why they do it?????


Hey Megan! I’m pretty sure they’re trying to protect a nest that they have hidden somewhere around there. The first time it happened it freaked me out big time because they got super close. Now they just kind of warn me with a couple fly-bys and then leave me alone. Haha


I watched Inside Edition and then was complaining to Mike that they barely showed you. He thinks I’m crazy.

I wash all of my running clothes after a run. In college, I was a little more lax because laundry was so expensive and I wasn’t running as much, but now I always do. I still haven’t found a bra that doesn’t chafe, though. That could be because I’m too cheap to keep buying them to just try.


I want to see the video!! Isn’t it crazy how some endorphin’s can really turn your day around? :D


I always leave the raisins and pick out the almonds.
When I run it’s usually out with a loop then back. I’m horrible at estimating mileage so loops are hard.
Moment of truth: I dont wash my sports bras after each run. To be completely honest I do not even wash myself after every workout. My boyfriend, friends, and family really love it I’m sure :)
Congrats on getting that run in! Your mental toughness post was great and helped me push through a run I didn’t want to do yesterday so thank you Janae!


I will take your raisins:) Oh girl, don’t worry…I don’t wash myself after every workout either! One more mile is way more important than proper hygiene. I am SO HAPPY that my post was able to push you through your run. You are AMAZING!


I love Champion sports bras! I have to wash them after every work out though, unless I only do weights, but I usually always do weights after some sort of cardio. I guess I’m just a big sweater. Eeew. But the nice thing about being a big workout sweater is that I use it to justify all the salty things I enjoy eating!


They really are the greatest sports bras. I hear ya…I sweat way too much! Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!


I chomp the raisins, coconut bits and walnuts. Not a huuuge fan of peanuts.

I do a lot of loops- find out and backs realllllly depressing!

I only wash sports bras like once a week… Gross I know!

Wholewheat bagels are my faves :)


I’ve been lucky enough that my bubbies hold tight in workout shirts with built in bras and no chaffage – so I tend to wash those every time. Sports bras only after intense cardio – not yoga or pilates.

Billy and I have the same water bottle!! ahah


I have the same water bottle too….triplets:) That is awesome that you can just use the built in bra workout shirts!


I never eat the raisins… blech


I’ll have your raisins!!


For me, my trailmix needs some crasins (I don’t like regular raisins), walnuts, almonds, and some random granola mix. If I’m feeling extra daring I’ll put in some dark chocolate. :)

I’m obsessed with bagels (must be the NYer in me) and will always pick them. I love pumpernickel bagels, theres a place by me that makes amazing ones and I’m obsessed. Warm and fluffy!


I leave the raisins. GROSS!!!! I love when M&Ms and chocolate chips are ingredients.

I have enough sports bras now that I can go two weeks and have a new one everyday so I don’t have to worry about that. But before, unless it was running or another hardcore workout, I wouldn’t wash it.

I love bagels!


Mini marshmallows make everything amazing, I literally would eat them with anything.


And that is why we should be best friends.


The bras are adorable! Haha I WISH I had the problem of needing 2 sports bras.. haha I could probably get away with not wearing one at alll… That’s not a good thing!

I also wish I was hygenic enough to say I washed mine every time I wore it (or that I didn’t have a washer/ dryer to excuse the fact that I don’t…) But if I have a REALLY sweaty workout I will wash it!


Believe you me….running with these things are hard! I can’t wait to get back to normal ha. I guarantee you are way more hygienic than me.


The magpies here go crazy during spring and they are trying to protect their babies. I’ve heard news stories about bike riders getting swooped and the magpies fly in so hard that their beaks break off in the riders’ helmets! Isn’t that terrible!?

With the sports bra- do you prefer these over the Zensah ones? Just curious cause I need some new ones and was going to go with Zensah.


Yikes. I’m going to start wearing a helmet when I run that route. Those birds are scary.


HEY ERIN!! I love Zensahs compression shorts, sleeves and socks but I have only tried one of their sports bras and it wasn’t my favorite. I am going to have to say Champion is my new favorite.


I only double wear something if I’ll be working out at home…don’t want to be known as the extremely stinky girl at the gym!!

I buy a southwest trail mix and always eat the corn, the sweet candied nuts, and the little sesame seed crunchies and leave the peanuts for my husband…….I’m don’t care if he cares, and he knows it!

P.S. I wasn’t going to judge if you were stretching without shorts, it’s okay, the husbands love that sort of thing! :)


BAHAHAH Your ps absolutely made my day.


Cute sports bras…:D
That marshmallow/butterscotch mix sounds awesome!


Dark chocolate, pretzels, cashew, dried mango… not sure there is such a combo! I always leave the seeds, not a fan of them.
Usually out and back, but I do have loop routes too.
I wash all my bras weekly and cycle through them, might wear them 2-3 times before washing unless it was a one wear workout ;)
Bread, I do not really eat bagel but I should more!


I love doing out and back runs. When I go out and don’t have a destination point, I lose focus and run quite a bit slower. Weird.


Any good trail mix MUST have some form of chocolate involved. And that sandwich looks amazzzing!!!!


I’m so glad you had an awesome run! I ran this morning (my second training run yay!) at the park, and the weather was perfect. It was about 58 degrees with a cool breeze. I also had a run-in with a bluejay this morning – twice! Crazy birds.

Washing sports bras….does spritzing them with Febreeze and tossing them in the dryer count as washing???


Haha when I was little the bluejays in my grandparent’s backyard would swoop down and peck my head. Those things are scary.


Febreeze TOTALLY counts ha!


I only have one really good sports bra, so I don’t wash it after every workout. I usually will rinse it out when I shower and hang it so I can wear it for the next workout. I wash it maybe once a week.

All my sports bras are messed up from my pregnancy. I went from a 36D to a 38DD/E back to a slightly deflated 36D. Blegh. I wore my sports bras enough while pregnant to stetch them out a bit, before buying bigger ones, so now they don’t hold things in as well. I’m about to go out and buy the new UnderArmour bra. It’s super expensive, but I tried it on a couple weeks ago and there was no bouncing. It’s not a racerback though, which is my hesitation, because my favorite 2 running tanks are both racerback.

I wish my boobs were inflatable, so I could just deflate them for running. It would be so much more convenient. I don’t think guys have this many issues with their parts. :-P


i love champion sports bras! they’re my fave for sure. awesome job on your run! i knew you’d rock it. and i’m lovin your new photography skillz. ;) that bagel sandwich one is impressive!


i dont eat trail mix that often but I always enjoy it so much more when they have m&ms in the mix..i usually pick those out, muahaha.

daily runs=out and back routes usually. I need to figure out some new creative routes when it comes to LONGER runs then i’m used to this summer!

i wash my sports bras after every workout…i sweat wayyy too much unfortunately. I need to buy some new sports bras, speaking of it…

mmm, bagel definitely.

Can Billy be a good example for me too? i suck at stretching, I need to get better at it!!


I love the color of the new sports bras!!


That’s too funny about the birds because I have been attacked twice now! On Saturday, one swooped down and tried to sit in my hair. Now I know my hair gets messy, but it didn’t look like a nest to me.
Then it happened again this morning in the same spot! I heard a whoosh and felt something on my head. I was ready to complain about the whole “don’t shampoo your hair every day” notion, but then my friend pointed out that there probably was just a nest nearby and I was too close. I guess we’ll go with that. ;)

Moral of the story? Watch out for them birds, people!


If the trail mix has raisins in it, I leave those, I hate raisins! Perhaps I should be a little ashamed (but I’m not :) ) but I do not wash my sports bras after every run. I simply hang them on my closet door nob to try and wear them twice. Gross I know, but I always wash shirts and shorts after every run!


I will take the raisins off your hands:) Whatever…as long as they are dry I say go for it, wear them again!


Even though your tv time was too short, it was still exciting to see you!


Thanks so much Julie!!!


I love Champion sports bras too! THey make good ones :)


That plate of food is so picture perfect I can’t even believe it haha


That’s great you got new sports bras that seem to prevent chafing; the coral one is beautiful!
I’m too lazy to wash my sports bras after every run. I usually just hang it to dry out and wash it every couple runs. It’s pure laziness, as i have more than enough to wear each day!
Congrats on the run and your body feeling good!
Oh, and I’ve been dive-bombed by birds on my bike before. Weird, hey?


Bahahahaha love that trail mix recipe.

I don’t wash my sports bras after every use … I am lazy and my apartment building has coin laundry and I’m not made of money haha. But I do have several, so I have quite a big rotation :)


nice work on the trail mix. especially how the instructions are “mix and don’t share.”

so happy for your pregnancy! Congrats again, friend!


I love the almonds and M&Ms in a bag of trail mix. And I have to eat them together. I always run loops. I honestly don’t think I have ever run an out and back route. I love bagel sandwiches. I eat them all the time.


I just got a few of those Champion sports bras and love them! I always wash them after running but usually after yoga I don’t have to.

I tend to run out and back routes but if Rick and I run together, it’s usually a loop. He hates out and backs.

So cool that you were on Inside Edition regardless of how long it was! Have a great day, girl! :)


HOW ARE YOU!?!?! Any plans on coming back to Utah:) You are so sweet and I miss you. What is next for you?


I always do a loop to keep things more exciting and so that I don’t turn around too early :) Depends on my sandwich for the bagel/thick bread debate but I think I have to go with thick bread!

When I eat trail mix I always make “sandwiches” with the raisins/chocolate/almonds so I get all the good stuff in one bite!


I usually do out and back, that’s pretty much my only option on Chicago’s lakefront. Sometimes I’ll get crazy and go out and back south for half the run, the pass my starting point and go out and back north. Insanity.


I love to eat trail mix, and I often make my own of a bunch a cereals, pretzels, marshmallows, chocolate chips (or M&Ms), raisins and nuts. I always leave the cashews in a store-bought mix. My husband eats those though :)

I hate running out and back, so I try to stick with a loop. Otherwise I get bored!

I admit, I don’t wash my sports bra after each workout. Usually I’ll wear it twice, unless I get really sweaty. But I only wear it to the gym once, and then I try to make sure I wear that one at home…don’t want to scare people off at the gym if I happen to stink ;)

I love bagels :)


I always wash my sports bras after I workout (or at least put them in the laundry) but I sweat like I get paid to see how much sweat I can get to come out of my body.

Bagel sammich looks GOOD! Can you bring one to me for lunch today at work?


I usually do an out-and-back route when I run (the second half always seems easier because I know what to expect and I can try to push for negative splits).
If I was anywhere near a back of trail mix, I would pick out all the almonds and a few dried cranberries and raisins. If it’s that huge Fruit and Nut one from Costco, forget about it… it’ll ALL be gone (dried strawberries,dried pineapples, nuts, everything!)


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I had a paper route when I was little and there was a stretch along a gravel road (on the way to deliver the paper to my principal’s house) that some very territorial red-wing blackbirds claimed as their own. I would ride my bike as fast as my 9 year old legs could pedal down that stretch in great fear that any moment one of those birds would come and destroy me. They never did hit me, but always seemed super close.


Oh my goodness…I totally imagined your story about the birds in my head…you poor thing as a 9 year old. That would have scared me to death.


yes, the butterscotch chips and marshmallows together make my teeth hurt just to look at it.


I’m terrified of birds so that would freak me right out. I spent time on a farm when I was younger and I use to get chased by chickens and geese and other randoms birds so I’m not there biggest fan now. Thankfully I have two dogs that are almost always with me that keep the birdies at bay ;)

I have to be the only person on the planet who doesn’t like marshmellows, yuck.


Great nutrititous evening snack! ;)


You guys are awesome, great runs! And I love champion sports bras, if I am doing cardio I wash it but if I did something light like yoga I might rewear it :) I just can’t put something that was sweaty back on, and I sweat alot…TMI? Now I want a bagel sandwich, thanks :)


Never TMI on this blog. I think that you need a bagel sandwich today!


I just did a post today about needing new sports bras. I’ve had some for a really, really long time! I might have to check out Champion! And yes, I was mine after every workout. I’m very sweaty when I work out!

Bagel sandwich, please!


Haha! I love your recipe. That cracked me up.


Try out the recipe and let me know what you think of it:)


I would picked the bagel for sure.

I get tired of all the peanuts and the raisins in trailmix. Just need to have all M&Ms :-)


I have recent had several run-ins with geese (they are lazy, so no dive bombing only getting in my way), most recently last night during my tempo run.

Several geese line the path and only leave a very small space for me to run between and then try to bite me as I run by. They also poop all over the path leaving land mines for me to avoid. I hate geese, they are out to get me.

Only 2 more weeks before my husband and I drive from Denver to Provo for Utah Valley, WOO HOOO! Fingers crossed for PR-friendly marathon weather! Hopefully Provo doesn’t have mean geese on the route.


WAHOOOO for Utah Valley Marathon and I just know you will be getting that PR:) Can we meet up when you are in town? We could even meet at the expo or something?!?!


I love chocolate in my trail mix and dried fruit like apples, pineapple, mango etc. I leave most of the raisins and nuts (unless its almonds or peanuts).

By necessity most of my runs are out and backs. I have no choice because of where we live, but long runs (7+ miles) I can start making loops.

I only wash my sports bras like once a week. I only have 2 and I always air dry them…however, the fabric doesn’t absorb sweat and they don’t smell.

I will take a bagel any day. I LOVE bagels.


Just wanted to know if you saw this thing:

I was on another blog and saw it and thought i recognized him from your blog!


HEY THANKS!! It isn’t actually Billy but a clone of him…isn’t that funny! Thanks for the link:)


i love trail mix, all of it! and i basically only wash my bras after running and sometimes i even wear them after running the next day to do weights or something. when you have to wear 2 it just seems unreasonable to only wear once. (okay, i’m lazy and don’t do laundry enough, whatever)


A good trail mix must include some form of chocolate. And I usually leave some of the peanuts in there because there’s always way more peanuts than anything else!!

And I love your mix of butterscotch chips and marshmallows. Just add some white chocolate to that and I’d go to town! ;)


A good trail mix needs some sort of sweet (target has an amazing one with milkdud type candies in it so I buy it when im being “healthy” and not eating milk duds…) peanut butter chips, chocolate chips, yogurt chips, m&ms or something of that nature (I’ll have to try marshmallows), nuts or seeds ( I guess they are kind of important) and dried fruit (dried mango or pineapple is my favorite)
My daily roots are sometimes loops, sometimes lollipops (a out and back with a look on top.. does that make sense or did i just make that up). I rarely do out and backs unless I’m running at the beach.
I wash all my gym clothes after each workout unless I went for a short non-sweaty walk… then I might re-wear my sports bra or whole outfit…
And finally I don’t care what form my carbs come in as long as I get to eat them. Right now my husband and I are enjoying a giant bag of pretzel rolls from Costco…


I watched IE last night and was bummed that they only had you on for a few seconds. I yelled to my husband, while wildly pointing at the screen, “I know her!!! She’s my bloggy friend.” haha After, my husband and I were talking about how incredibly ridiculous it was that they had a much longer segment on that large lady getting married. What was the point of that? There was none! Yet, they showcased that over two healthy women exercising. It really made me kinda mad. Anyways, it was cool seeing you, if only for a second=)


Trader joes makes the best trail mix for me. dark chocolate pieces, almonds and cashews. All trail mix should have some kind of chocolate. If there are rasisns I leave them for someone else cuz I don’t love them.

I would say I do half and half with loops and out and backs.

Same with me on the washing of the sports bras!

Thick bread.

Yay for it almost to be friday :))


Those birds would freak me out!

My fave trail mix is: cheerios, pretzels, marshmallows, chocolate chips, m&m’s, and honey roasted peanuts (although dry roast are good too!)

I always leave the raisens behind.

When it’s short, I’ll loop the park 1 or two times (3 mile loops). For longer I’ll usually start with a loop, then go out, come back, and finish with a loop.

No, never. Is that bad?

Bagel. I don’t like my regular bread to be dense. ummm…bread!


I like to mix it up on my runs…I have two go-to routes. One is an out and back and the other is a loop. I like them both,


I know just what you mean about the weather- I LOVE running when a storm is coming in! It’s a mixture of warm air + a cool breeze + a cloudy sky and it makes me so happy!


yay, I am able to read you again. Did i miss anything yesterday? ;)

Yay for a great run!


Janae, I am so impressed that you are still running! Its such an inspiration…my best friend couldn’t run while she was pregnant and it totally bummed her out. I hope that when the day comes for me to be prego that I can still run too!


I need to know what these sports bras are called. I wash after every run. I swear I have a red burn mark below my boobs constantly now that I’m expecting. It’s super annoying!


I love your trail mix recipe!! Haha! I love your blog – it makes me smile!


So excited to read about your bras and hoping they will help me, too! I might just get online and order a few RIGHT NOW (well, of course, I already AM online) so I can get them some time this century (currently living in the UK with the US military – not sure if I can find them here or will have to have them shipped from the US). I currently wear three at a time – had been swearing by moving comfort but never have made it down to fewer than two bras because once I started running a few years back I was pregnant a few months later, then nursed a year, and then was pregnant again – so the girls have never really shrunk enough – and I’ve never found the right bra – to be able to go with just one. So making it down to two would be awesome! I usually wash all three of mine at once and have two sets of three bras, but I can sometimes just wash the bottom layer bra – especially here in England where I hardly sweat at all because of the cool weather (not meaning to make you jealous – it sucks in some ways, though, because I’m almost 35 weeks pregnant and the roads are usually wet here from all the rain, and since about 28 weeks I’ve been too afraid of slipping and falling from the wet roads to attempt a run even in just a light shower.) I never pick anything out of trail mix. For real. I like the way it all tastes together. Another good late night snack is homemade salted popcorn with some peanut M&Ms mixed in :) Wish I had a treadmill since I have 5 kids at home and have to either have a babysitter or my husband here to go out running – so 3 days a week is all I can manage right now – but hey, at 35 weeks, I’ll take it! :)

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