You know it is almost summertime when…

watermelon is being offered in the lunch room.   For the first part of lunch I enter in students lunch numbers and in return I get a free salad. Today they had a huge bowl of watermelon sitting about 2 feet away from me…..not the best idea on their part, I loaded up my plate and almost died of happiness.

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Twenty more school days!!!! I can’t wait for flip flop tan lines (or dirt lines):

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5 days no running and my ankle is feeling a lot better.  Dang I am getting so much smarter about injuries, I think the downhill portions of the 1/2 marathon last Saturday (I have mainly been running treadmill miles) just made my muscles a little too sore.  I think I will still take some more time off because I want to wait to run for 2 days after it is feeling back to 100%.  This just means that I get to spend a lot of time on my spin bike while watching the Biggest Loser.  I am pretty sure this is the worst picture I have ever taken in my life.

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It is so easy to forget about all of my other favorite endorphin producing activities when I get so caught up in running but I have fallen in love with spinning all over again….although my bum is still getting used to all of this saddle time.  After an hour I wonder how I ever did that century ride.

Today is going to be a LONG day but at least it will be fun.  I got to school at 7:45 am and don’t get to leave until 9:30 pm (I don’t even want to count how many hours that is).   Nurses and other jobs with 12 hour shifts…how in the world do you do it?  We have a carnival/fundraiser today after school and so I went to Walmart during my prep to stock up on some snacks.

I saw these beauties….

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Circus Animal cookies are one of my favorite things in the world and now they have JUNGLE Animals.  I am literally kicking myself (in my shin to be exact) right now because I didn’t grab any.  Maybe Billy is reading this and he will surprise me with a king size bag of them tonight;)


Theresa has joined Team in Training to train for the Chicago Marathon and you have to check out her incredible post about why!  HERE.


What is the latest that you have ever had to work until?  Any nurses out there?  Anyone ever had to work the graveyard shift?

What fruit have you eaten today?

Who do you think will be the BIGGEST LOSER this season?  Jeremy, Conda or Kim?

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I’m on the 8pm to 8 am shift tonight….and then for the next 4 days after that (I’m in residency). It’s not all that bad, but I dread Friday nights, because so many drunk people end up in the hospital from being overly intoxicated, getting in a fight, falling, etc. Such waste of resources and so frustrating to see…especially when it gets busy and backed up, and then there’s a delay in seeing someone who really IS seriously sick.

No fruit yet today, and I am dying!! Haven’t had a chance to shop having been working nights! Watermelon sounds amazing!


Oh, and I just LOVE those frosted animal cookies! : )


Oooo I loved the circus animal cookies when I was little! Good luck with your extra long day!! And I hope you wake up and your ankle is in tip top shape tomorrow :)


I’m 1/4 of the way to being a nurse. For now when I go to the hospital it’s only 8 hours and I have yet to see a nurse take a legit lunch break or even go to the bathroom. Do cheery flavored Red Vines count as fruit?

I don’t like any of the contestants on B.L. this season. I wanted the guy who went home in week 2 to come back and win. Cant wait for next season.


Oh man. I had them yesterday. Those suckers are amazing. I’ve never had the jungle ones before but really, cookies? Frosting? How can you go wrong with that combination? I had Hot Tamales for breakfast but the cookies sound better right now.


Glad you are taking time to let your injury heal! You’ll be back at it in no time.


The longest shift I ever worked was 7am-6:30pm followed by 4am-7pm the next day. I was an intern at the Mayo Clinic and I remember how much my feet hurt after those 2 days!


Today I had a banana. They are my thing lately, I can’t get enough!

I really hope Kim wins Biggest Loser. Shes my favorite and she looks amazing!! Love that show though because they are all awesome. Its amazing when you see before and after pictures.


I’ve worked a few all-nighter film shoots. Those can really mess with you. You’re driving back home as the sun rises and passing everyone on their morning commute…praying it will be quiet enough to sleep through the day. They are fun though, almost have like a sleepover or church lock-in feel, even though you’re all at work. Unlimited coffee and filling water bottles with HOT water to warm your hands are necessities. So now you will be thinking of that next time it is night in a movie you’re watching – sorry! :p


My fiance is a police officer and works craaazy hours. He’ll work overnight and then have to testify in court the next day (which can last all day) and then be back in work that evening. It’s just insane!!!

Fruit…sadly none. Wow, I need to go get some fruit asap!

I wish Chism had made it back into the finals :( I don’t think Kim has much left to lose so I think Conda might take it.


I haven’t eaten any fruit today… Yikes!

I hope Kim wins!!


Every time we go to Coscto my kids run to the mini watermelons and beg for them. My son says, every time, ‘These are so yummy! They are my favorite!’ :)

I have had straberries, raspberries and blueberries..and an apple.

At American Eagle they put out a brand new floor set every year on December 23 (so that the late shoppers on the 24th have full priced items to buy from) so I used to work from 8PM until 8AM on Christmas Eve every year. It sucked.

I think Kim will win. She is a MACHINE!

My knee started bugging me yesterday so I slept in this morning (so nice) and am going to just do some Jillian instead today. I really want to do my long run tomorrow, but we shall see. Sometimes I am not so smart with injuries. Maybe this new Janae should teach me a few things ;)


Yummy those cookies look good! I used to eat the circus animal ones when I was younger. My favorite snack right now is actually the key lime pie fro yo from tcby! W/ graham cracker crumbles on top…so yummy.

I ate a banana today and it was blah. I need some watermelon in my life!

Oh and spinning is a fave right now of mine too – I especially love the early crack of dawn spin classes!! That and just slowly getting back into running after taking time off for two weeks! Feeling so much better and ready to get back in the game! :-)


I think the latest I have ever worked is about 11pm, which is only about once a year so its manageable.
Strawberries and blueberries in my oatmeal this morning, and more strawberries and a banana is my smoothie at lunch.


I’m a nurse and worked the DREADED night shift- 7 p.m.-7 a.m. for YEARS. I thought I would die some nights. I’d have to pace the halls of the hospital at 2 .m. to keep awake. The drive home in the morning was the bad part- because I was SO TIRED. One time I fell asleep behind a school bus- picking kids up for school. As it stopped to pick up kids- I thought, ‘Oh good- I’ll just close my eyes for a second’ and before I knew it all the cars behind me were honking to make me go…..I had fallen asleep in a split second. I WAS SCARY back then.


Have fun at the carnival/fundraiser!
When I was a lifeguard I worked until 10:30 at least once a week. It wasn’t too bad since it was only an eight hour day. But I do love my 7-3 shift at my ‘grown-up’ job!


I was a nursing assistant in college and worked from 2pm – 10pm and one night someone called in sick for the graveyard shift, so I volunteered and worked until 5am the next morning. That felt like FOREVER! And I’ve had to work a 4:30am – 6 – 8pm shift a couple of times (getting up for the early news for interviews on programs my work was doing and then actually doing the program). It stinks working that many hours!


I just bought my first watermelon of the season, hoping it’s good!!!

I’m a nurse….I work in the Neonatal ICU now. I’ve volunteered to work 16hr shifts before, due to being short on staff, but the latest I’ve ever had to stay at work because I HAD to was when I worked in the Medical ICU (very very very sick people there). I worked 7a-7p and didn’t leave until almost 11pm that night, and I had to be back the next morning! That was rough.


P.S. now I just work 7pm-7am and almost ALWAYS get out on time. I consider it such a privilege now to only work 12hours! haha.


I used to work massive overtime (for free cause I was salary) in early and there super late. I learned it is just not worth it and my boss now (best ever) would never expect it from me. Now it is 8:30-5:30 and not a minute more.

I shared a cutie with my cutie earlier ; )

Have not watched this season at all.

Question: Do you us HuluPlus or Netflix to watch your shows? Do you watch any on your iPad too? I just tried HuluPlus on my iPad and it doesn’t work, wondering if Netflix will be the same issue – no flash.


Hey Deirdre! Hulu and Netflix both have apps that allow you to watch videos on the iPad/iPhone. The Netflix app is free for all current Netflix users and the Hulu app requires you to pay for Hulu Plus.


I love that you post so frequently. Thanks for sharing.


If my school only served watermelon… that would be the best day ever. so many foods now are taking different shapes or themes.


I love animal cookies!!!


WHAT!!! Jungle animal cookies look amazing. My favorite!
Every time I visit my parents’ house, my mom leaves a bag of Circus animal cookies on my pillow for me. I try to make it back as much as possible.


Good lord, I’ve worked until 2 AM or 3 AM more times than I care to admit (the life of a consultant is not always fun). The bad part is that once my team was putting together a report using a template that has an automatic date and timestamp in the footer. When we finished the report it had the glorious 3:04 AM timestamp on it for all the world to see. I’m sure our clients were thrilled.

Today’s fruit: banana with breakfast, plus, I had a peach yogurt. Do the peach pieces count, too? Then this afternoon I had fruit salad made of cantaloupe, pineapple, and strawberries! But the strawberries are very tart so I’ve been eating around them. =)


WATERMELON!!!!! My favorite thing in the whole wide world.
I haven’t seen any around here yet so strawberries, grapes, a banana, and an apple had to suffice.


I’m a nurse! Luckily I work days now, but I used to work 7p-7a. No fun! I think the only way I made it was by being extremely caffeinated… Coffee on the drive ino work, refill it once I got to work, and a monster energy drink around 2am. And eating mindlessly to stay awake, not a fun way to gain weight! Workin those 12 hours is tough, but having 4 days off each week makes it worth it!


I used to have to put in 12-14 hour days when I was working on a political campaign. It was no fun…

Had grapes with my breakfast and an apple with my lunch and I’ll probably have a banana w/ PB as my after work/pre-dinner snack when I get off work! I need to get me some watermelon soon though — that sounds so good!


My ankle hurts too but I haven’t wizened up yet. My first 5k is in 2 weeks and I don’t have time to be down for the count. I’m glad yours is feeling better! Happy almost summer!


I could never pull those kind of hours–my sis is a nurse, so she does it all the time. AMAZING!

I LOVE watermelon! Can’t wait for some. I’ve had an orange, and soon will have an apple! Yumm!


Thankfully I’ve never had a job that required super long days.
Today I have had blueberries, strawberries, banana and fresh pineapple. The last on cottage cheese, my new favorite lunch thanks to you.
I need to find those cookies for my BFF! She loves the pink and white ones.
Glad you are feeling better! Have a great weekend.


Hehehe I love the little ones’ dirt lines…too cute.

I had watermelon for breakfast this morning…..and my morning snack, and as part of my lunch. I should probably slow down so that there is some watermelon left for my breakfast tomorrow. :)

Good luck with your long school day!


The longest I ever had to be at work was 7 a – 9p. It was a long day. Especially since I had to go back in for 7 the next day. Ugh!

Watermelon sounds good but it definitely tastes the best during the summer when it’s so juicy that it rolls down your arm when you eat it. Mmmmm!


Yikes – now that you say it, I haven’t eaten nearly enough fruit today! A few strawberries while I waited for breakfast to cook (I cannot cook anything without eating the entire time it’s being made) and an apple at lunch.
Yay for summer coming!!! I can’t wait – I have 19 more days (and 2 of those are field trips!) Love that flip flops dirt lines picture :-)
The latest I ever have to work is for conferences – until about 9pm or so. I have no idea how nurses do it! They are awesome!


The froyo place close to me has those animal crackers and I would always get a couple!!! (Before the whole no gluten thing…). They are so good!


I’m so jealous – I have 20.5 days of school left. You beat me!

PS – Are you guys going to be staying in Cali this summer? I know you’re going whever billy’s school takes you – where is that?


I’m a nurse too! Right now I work 7p-7:30a, but I am desperately trying to get a day shift position. I LOVE working 12 hour shifts though. Sometimes they can drag on, but I get four days off every week. What’s not to love about that?! I don’t know that I could ever go back to working more than three or four days a week.

Today I have eaten applesauce (which is almost a fruit) and some strawberries. I’ll be putting a real apple and a clementine in my lunch for tonight!

Once when I was a kid, I ate almost an entire bag of those cookies (except they were the pink and white circus animal ones) while on a 12 hour train ride. Let’s just say that I have yet to eat them again even 12+ years later!


I am a labor and delivery nurse and work 12 hour days. The longest shift I ever work was from 6:45 in the morning until may be midnight I think I left?!? It was all for good reason though! One of my best friends from high school was in labor so I HAD to stay to do her delivery!! It was the most amazing experience ever (although exhausting). I have been very fortunate to help deliver several of my friends babies over the years.


I am a labor and delivery nurse too!


Mmmm yummo cookies! When I was in the army we went on ‘field exercises’, we worked sunrise to sunset then got up different times in the night for two hour shifts in the Gun pit for century duty (lookout), which generally was pretty darn cold and boring (no talking!). We are coming into winter so all the fun summer fruits aren’t sold any longer, except in a tin:)


Your energy level is impressive!

Blueberries – everyday. :)

I hope Kim wins, but since she seems to be already at an ideal weight, one of the other two might be able to pull bigger numbers in the end.


Yum I love watermelon too!!!

Have you ever had a watermelon and feta salad? Such a great combo!


Only 20 more days of school?!?!? I can’t believe it’s so few. Kids here go to school until like June 23 especially with out snow days. I need some watermelon!!! Happy weekend!


I used to work graveyard for a few years – hated it. Hated it. Now I am on swing shift and to til 1:30am. Hate it too, but I have a good benefits (like a nearly free university education) and so it is worth it for now.

I am going to have to get some Mothers cookies now. They sound so good.

I hope Kim wins BL. She has had more impressive, visible, weight loss then the others. The others just still seem fat to me. And I think this was the worst BL season ever.


The latest I’ve worked is 2:30 AM (and yes, that was after starting the day at 7 AM). I’m an attorney, and although those hours are pretty rare for me, I have had a few instances of working that late (Billy – don’t do it;)).

I’ve been obsessed with oranges recently! I’ve had two today, and an apple!

Kim! All the way!

Happy Friday, Janae!


my boyfriend works graveyard shifts full time! 11pm-7pm. he is crazy!

fruit of the day: banana, an apple and now i’m eating fruit flavored candy… that totally counts, right? ;)


I work nightshifts all the time as a nurse. I kinda love it. You can do all your grocery shopping at 3 am when there are no lines, you reverse commute so theres no traffic (but I live like 3 mins from work so that doesn’t really help), AND the bosses work during the day so there are way more shenanigans happening on night shift. Plus we get paid more!

I had berries and mandarin oranges on my froyo dinner. It was coconut yogurt. Amazing.


yeah, the 12s suck, but the nice thing about being a nurse is you work 3 of those and your workweek is done! i’m an anesthesiology resident and we work stupid hours….i work 6 days a week, usually 12-16 hours a day. not whining because i chose to do it, but i didn’t know it would be quite so busy! but hey, i love my job and it’s challenging and i have good job security in an era where so many people don’t. i am blessed.


That watermelon picture made me think of several reasons I am excited for summer: peaches, blueberries, and watermelon! I eat these on a daily basis in the summer.


I am impressed with the number of nurses following your blog. I am another one. I have worked every shift over the past 26 years including 12 hour night shifts. I cannot stand trying to sleep when the sun is shining and people are outside enjoying the summer. My job requires me to do 7am-7-pm and 7pm-7am shifts. The only redeeming factor is the night time shift differential.


My Dad did graveyard shifts his whole life. Talk about screwing with your body!

Team Kim. All the way.


What is the latest that you have ever had to work until? In college, I worked at a bar that didn’t close until 1:30 AM. Makes me sleepy just thinking about it now!

What fruit have you eaten today? Banana, red grapes and gala apple. Yum, yum!


Fruit I’ve eaten today: a banana. Oops, that was it?? I don’t know how that happened. I usually eat a ton of fruit!
My mom works the graveyard shift as a nurse and LOVES IT because she works in the mother-baby department (meaning she gets to take care of all the healthy newborn babies and the mommies who just gave birth!)
And for Biggest Loser… KIM, all the way!!


oh man, i haven’t seen the jungle style animal cookies before!! i’m going to use that an excuse to go and devour an entire back…lordy knows i could easily do so off of the standard pink and whites. :)

ya, i have so much respect for those nurses and other poor peeps who day in and day out have to stand for 12plus hr shifts!!


I think Jeremy will probably will, although I want Kim to win. I feel like she had worked the hardest every week!


I eat (unfrosted) animal crackers every day before my run! I swear they are magical.


The latest I had to work was a little after midnight when i worked at a supermarket. I also stayed late a lot when I worked as a waitress in the weekends.. Now my late night shift is feeding the baby :)


Those circus animals look so good.

I’m glad you’re giving yourself time to heal and having an awesome time on your bike!

I had the most glorious apple ever after my half this morning.

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