I am kind of embarrassed to tell you this…

but I ate at the same restaurant for lunch and dinner yesterday.

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After I got done doing drivers ed work my sister was going up to BYU campus to run an errand and of course I had to tag along.  I did demand that we ate at my absolute favorite college eatery.  I ate at this wrap shop EVERY SINGLE DAY that I had classes for the 5 years that I was in college:)  It was just as good as I remember.  I had chicken, cottage cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes and cucumbers.

Since the ice cream shop is right next door the kids made us stop and get something.  I had 1/2 cookie dough and 1/2 graham canyon (graham cracker with chocolate covered graham crackers).  Curly chooses her flavor purely based on the color, it doesn’t matter what it tastes like as long as it is pink. Good thing she is okay with cherry flavored ice cream.

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We ate our ice cream outside and paid for our entertainment.  We dared the kids to run up to a student and tag them and say, “tag you’re it” and run away really fast.   None of the students chased them back?!?! I totally would have, how could you not join in on a game of tag?  They just stood there and looked at the kids really funny.

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After that we went and hung out at a park for a few hours.

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Turns out my blanket was right next to an ant hill, I can still feel them crawling around my skin.

After the park we went back to BYU to go find Billy who is finishing up his senior project.  He made an awesome robot race car, they are “autonomous robots that play a game of capture the flag on teams.  They use lasers and wireless communication to talk to each other, disable enemy cars and capture flags” (quote from Billy).  See, our child does have a chance of inheriting some brains.

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And then this happened:

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I seriously couldn’t get over how good the first one was and it was already 7:30 so I made everyone go back for more, don’t worry my sister is just as in love with them as I am and was happy to go back for more.

Last highlight of the day was riding my bike alongside Billy while he did his run at night.  He did a 1 mile warm-up, 2 miles at 6:30 pace, 1 mile recovery, 2 miles at 6:30, 1 mile cool down.

I did try to ride up ahead to the red lights to push the crossing button so he didn’t have to stop but we did get stuck at some of them.

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I can’t tell you how fun it was to ride with him…this is going to become a new nightly thing.  In case you were wondering, yes it was hard to keep up with him even though I was on a bike and he was on foot.


Least favorite bug/insect/critter?

-Both spiders and wasps are my least favorite.

If you could eat at the same restaurant for lunch and dinner, where would you go?

What foods/restaurants remind you of when you were in college or in your early 20s?!?

Does it help you or make it harder for you to have people with you while you run?  Does it depend on the workout or distance?

-Definitely HELPS me.

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Sounds like you had a very successful spring break day:-) That chocolate ice cream sounds delicious! I have never heard of that flavor.

It depends on the type of run I am doing. If I am doing a tempo with my sister–I know she is going to be way faster, so I burn out in the first couple miles and can’t finish the workout with her (I have to go back to my pace). I love it on a long run.

I hope you have another fabulous sping break day!


I love having people with me when I run, but I rarely do! Not many people I know like running… But I love to run with my dad when I’m home! He’s 64 and starting running again last year when I started running. He runs 4 miles every Saturday morning around his favorite loop! I’m sure he’d do more if he didn’t work so much!


That’s really cool- I’ve heard it helps a lot to have someone alongside setting the pace. I usually train by myself but am going to start running with others soon- want to get faster!! haha.

When I was at uni (college) in Australia, we ate a lot of Thai food.

I hate hate hate evil moths ;)


Moths really are evil…what is their deal?!?! Now you have me craving Thai:) Have an amazing day Josie.


We have a local, family owned Mexican restaurant here. I would eat there everyday!! They are only open from April-Oct then they go back to Mexico.
Soooo good. Cafeteria style which I love.


Um….I WANT TO COME eat there. That sounds amazing! What is your favorite dish they serve?


Girl that is not embarrassing. It’s totally normal for runners like us :) I thought you were going to say something pregnancy related which I would have totally sympathized with.


HAHAH good to know:) Girl, can I please have your abs? Great job on the 10 miler!


During my marathon training, my mom rode her bike next to me while I did long runs. She’d carry gels and water and keep me entertained. It was awesome. She always had to go for a real bike ride afterwards, though, because all she did was kind of cruise next to me for hours. I love running with someone.


I cannot function around snakes! I know it’s not a bug but it’s my phobia… those things are just plain weird!

College always reminds me of The Dark Horse, a local bar/restaurant where they did tricycle races indoors. Yes, only something drunk 21 year olds would do :)


HA! That is too funny. I have certainly done that with restaurants before. In upstate NY, there are all of like 5 restaurants so sometimes these things happen. I’m glad everyone willingly went! ;) I know I would have-it looks awesome!


I don’t like bees or wasps either. They freak me out.

Hmmm same restaurant. I would go with Egg. It is just a few blocks up for me and has the best food.

Well when I went to SUU for 2 years before I transferred I ate a lot of hogi yogi. To this day it wall always remind me of college down there.

For me running alone is better. I work harder on myself. If someone is with me I tend to give up a little faster. I have no idea why. Its kinda weird.

Your so lucky you get to hang with your sister and her kids. I miss my sisters so much. I wish they lived closer!


When I do my long runs Josh rides his bike alongside me and carries my water, gu, my layers when I have to shed some, ect. I call him my Sherpa. But, it helps.


Josh is the best…that is so awesome he does that for you!


You are so fun with the tag game – I can see myself doing the same thing! :)
I am deathly afraid of spiders. That word isn’t even allowed in our house.
I could eat at Noodles and Co. every single day. My waist line might not like it, but my mouth would.
Have a good day!


I love love having people to run with!! It makes things so much more enjoyable :)


That graham canyon ice-cream sounds awesome. And has an awesome name. Double winner! Also, the kids made you stop? I’m sure you were disappointed about that request :)

I am currently in college but there are two places that I know I will remember.
(1) Ben and Jerry’s. We have one on campus which you can use meal points at and, back when I was on a meal plan, I went at least 3 days a week!
(2) Hospital cafeteria. Government-subsidized food=cheap food. But, it’s legitimately good! Their salad and yogurt bar is awesome.


Wraps in college were the BEST!! Now I really really want one, for breakfast!


Spiders are my least favorite for sure. And those horned beetles with pinchers. They hurt.

I could easily eat Sakura (sushi) for breakfast and lunch every day. I’ve done it multiple times!


What flavor wraps are those? They look amazing! I’ve never actually been to Chipotle but after hearing so much about it, I have a feeling I could eat that for both meals and still want more…lord knows I love my Mexican :)! Till that option’s opened, I’m more than happy to eat sushi for every meal!


it is a perfect three-way tie between my favorite Indian restaurant, my favorite sushi restaurant, and Baja Fresh (like a fancy man’s Taco Bell). I’m dying for all three at once right now.

we had a little restaurant / bar on campus like that. I met a friend there every Tuesday one semester before her night class, and we both got a buffalo chicken wrap every. single. week. :-)


Spiders are definitely it for me! They’re awful!

And when I read graham canyon I definitely read grand crayon and was very confused. I had to reread it five time before I actually read it right.


I would eat at chipotle for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner!!! :)


Wasps for sure, mainly because I am allergic to their bites/stings! Spiders do not bother me unless they are on my or surprise me… as long as I see them on the ground I am ok.
Opa, it is a Greek take out place here. In High School and College I ate a lot of Subway and Tim Horton’s – Tim’s was next door to where I worked.
It totally depends on the type of run, longer runs I like the company and my husband is great if I want someone to push me – speed or distance wise. But for easy runs I like to run by myself.


I hate all bugs and insects. Anything with more than 4 legs or 4 legs + wings is unacceptable.


I am going to have to 100% agree with your comment!


When I was in high school, my friends and I ate at Chili’s every weekend. The entire staff knew us. Once we ate there 3 times in 2 days. And once my best friend and I went there and ordered chips and salsa and water because we were broke. I bet our waitress looooved us for that . . .


Those bottomless chips and salsa are the best things in the world. I love that you ate there 3 times in 2 days!


Subway roast beef totally reminds me of college. especially with those banana peppers.

I used to get nervous running with other peeps, so I think it actually hurt my performance, but now I have gotten more confident with running so it totally HELPS.


Is it wrong that I ate at the same place for breakfast and lunch?


blahhh i hate bugs, but probably bees the most. they scare the crapola out of me!

wow what a tough question…i’d prob say either saladworks or the bar down the street that has the best wings (and bar food) ever…i could eat salads twice a day or wings twice a day..i suppose it depends on if i want my pants to fit the next day, haha.

at the college that i went to, there are these things called the grease trucks that are famous for their “fat sandwiches” they have a multitiude of combinations but usually involves some sort of meat (or falafel), cheese, french fries, mozz sticks..lol. its terribly terribly good. they will always remind me of college days.

sad to say, but i’ve NEVER run with anyone before. i’ll have to get over that bc once I sign up for team in training, i’ll be doing group long runs. i’m looking forward to it though. (i’m looking forward to any form of running once i heal up, lol)


That wrap looks sogood! Curly’s pink ice cream reminds me of my friend’s daughter, Eden. She only likes things that are pink! At an Easter egg hunt last Saturday she only picked out pink eggs, it was hilarious!!!

Since I’m still in my early 20’s ;) I’d have to say I have the best memories attached to sushi and froyo outings for sure! For my runs, I like company sometimes, but also like being alone as well. I think it really just depends on my mood, and DEFINITELY depends on the person I’m running with! I hope you have another awesome spring break day!


There has definitely been days when I’ve eaten at Subway for lunch and dinner. If you like it, you like it :)


When my husband and I first got married, I would ride my bike alongside him while he ran. It was before I was a runner. We lived in a small town in Mississippi, and the locals really got a kick out of two “health nuts” galavanting around town every afternoon. LOL!


My only real phobia is big hairy spiders (like tarantulas). I’m not a foodie, so food is just a source of nourishment. I know that for most people that sounds weird, but my teen and early 20’s were spent with an eating disorder, so now I don’t place a lot of value on food. I eat because I need to, not because things taste soooo good that I can’t do without it.
At any rate, I prefer to run alone. My caveat is that due to 2 knee surgeries, I have banished myself to running on a treadmill. Outside running after ACL replacement and medial meniscus tears in both knees, is not a good idea long term. When I did run outside, I always loved running alone. There was a freedom about it that I just didn’t want to share.


I love running with other people, it always helps! :)

I love Panera…I’ve been known to go there for lunch and dinner in the same day too!


I think I need to make a trip to byu for a wrap. That looks tasty. Where would I get it? So now I am craving that, pita pit and a mango chicken salad. Thanks a lot ;)

Cafe Rio and bear paw remind me of college.

I love running with people, but it rarely happens. I used to do my long runs with a local running group and I loved it.


Ick. Bugs. I don’t like anything that has a lot of legs…gives me the creepies all day! I also don’t like beetle type things. One flew in our house one morning and I screamed and make my husband wake up to kill it. Not my proudest moment.

I am so proud that you went to get another wrap! Life is short..eat what makes you happy :) I could probably eat Mexican multiple times a day and I think I did more than once in college.


My least favorite bug is mosquitos by far. Not only do they annoy you at the moment, but when they bite you it annoys you for days with itchiness!!

I definitely like running with someone, it makes it more enjoyable! Now if I could only talk my sisters into running with me…


Geez!! Billster is a speed demon! I love running with people, but I don’t have many running buddies. I’m trying to get my husband to train with me again this fall. Hopefully he will. I hate all bugs, but mostly mosquitoes. I am covered in bites now from Easter.

In college we had this cafeteria called the market. I ate there every day for all three meals. They had this awesome salad bar, when the lady would mix up pretty much anything you could ever want in a salad it was awesome. They also had this vanilla cake that was TDF. I used to joke that I wanted it as my wedding cake. Oh how I miss being on a meal plan.


Love that you rode your bike while Billy was running! My bf did that for me during my marathon training and it was the best!


I ate a spinach wrap with hummus, turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles ALL the time in college. That or sushi and pita chips brings me back. :D

My boyfriend needs to stop a lot. SO I love having him along, but it doesn’t necessarily help the workout part. Still would rather run with him every time, natch.


Least favorite bug/insect/critter?–Spiders and bees cause I’m allergic.

I have found myself eating Subway twice a day a few times… it’s just so delicious and cheap :)

It really depends on my mood that day. Sometimes the boyfriend comes with me and it can either really help or hinder me. :)


i am terrified of bees/wasps/hornets/etc
I could def eat some panera for lunch AND dinner . also probably ruby tuesday :)


I’d go to panera probably. They have everything! Soup, salad, pizza, breakfast foods, dessert, coffee…yes it is The Man but I don’t care.


spiders are the DEVILLLLLL. I would probs eat salads. Big ones.

college to me tastes like soy crisps and iced tea. a lot of each. to exhaustion.


HAHAHA! I was about to say, I bet it’s tough keeping up with him on a bike at that pace!! Check out his new kicks! Does he like them??


I thought you might like this article from Womens Running Mag. http://womensrunningmagazine.wordpress.com/2012/04/10/you-know-youre-a-runner-if/

Especially number 3! :)


Umm, every kind of bug or insect is my least favorite! And I could totally eat delicious wraps for every meal of every day … no shame!


Mmmm I love l&t!! Amazing. And graham canyon… Don’t even get me started!! Sorry I haven’t texted to set up yogurtland. We have finals next week (as I’m sure you’re aware-billy is in the same boat) so its been crazy. I’m still planning on it!! I’ll text ya next week. Glad you’re having a fun spring break


Good luck with finals! I totally understand how crazy it is! How about we go to l and t at some point together:)


Definitely spiders! Eeeek!

The wrap looks amazing! :) If I love a place, I do the same thing. And can I just say, I would have totally chased the kiddo’s! I love that game. :)


I can do shorter runs with people but for some reason on long ones it just drags me down. I think it’s because I have someone to complain to–“I’m tired, I want to walk, Let’s take a break,” etc– but when I’m alone I have no one to make excuses to!


I HATE centipedes. I can not sleep if I know there is one in the house somewhere. I have even killed one with windex because they are too fast to smash. I LOVE subway I can do that one twice in one day. Where I went to college only had a McDondals and Subway in town so no great memories there. I love have people to run with but it doesn’t happen often. I had a friend join me for half my long run on Saturday and it helped me not try to go fast just get the miles in.


Haha I don’t judge … I’d easily do the same thing, and eat at the same place twice in a day! I could probably do Panera twice in a day. Or the buffet at Whole Foods. Or ice cream. ;)


Janae, please tell your sister that her daughters seriously get cuter by the day! So absolutely adorable.


I just told her what you said and you made her day! Thank you!


You are so cute Janae! Now where in the heck is this wrap place I have never heard of? I have got to get my hands on that asap!!

Sounds like such a perfect day and a great way to kick off your spring break.


I am taking you! It is called l&t and you would love it!


I hate ants and spiders!
I could eat at the same restaurant for lunch and dinner! I would love Red Robin, or a diner. Usually the menus are HUGE.
I have to be in the mood to run with other people. Running is kinda ME Time for me :)


omg i want graham canyon like WHOA


dang billy is SMART!


Wow, Billy is fast!!!

For some reason it doesn’t help me to have anyone around on my long training runs (I’ve tried to have my bf ride his bike along) but in races it definitely helps! My boyfriend has run the last few miles with me of every marathon I’ve ever run and it’s always been so helpful :-)


I hate insects with long legs.. it just creeps me out!

You are not the only one who’s done that :) Sometimes you are craving something so badly that you could eat it three times a day!


Marc Anthony’s Pizza in MA reminds me of school. My roomie and I would order from there like 2x a week. Mainly because they would deliver pizza & pints of ice cream!!!


I HATE spiders. Something about the way they move freaks me out!


depends on my mood :P but generally, I enjoy doing long runs with others


Those wraps look amazing! I AM DEATHLY afraid of mice. Ahhhh! I told my husband if I EVER see a mouse in our house, we will have to move! I would totally eat at Chipotle everyday for lunch and dinner. I practically do sometimes and the workers know my order by heart. Sometimes they even comment with, “Weren’t you just here?” Hubby gets a little embarrased but not I! Sadly, I was in bodage to an ed in college and my 20s so I avoided restaurants like the plague. But, Taco Bell always reminds me of my childhood shopping days with my mom and dad and looking back at my 30s, I will have many, many memories of Dairy Queen, Chipotle, and a Bistro hubby and I love to go to.


That wrap looks amazing!! I wouldn’t judge you at all for eating it twice in one day. I would probably eat it for five meals straight if I could :D
That’s so cute how you rode ahead so Billy wouldn’t get stuck a a light. Ya’lls are super cute!


Spiders and roaches oh and bees or wasps. Really all insects. I think I have spread my fear of insects to the kids. Atleast I’m not alone in my fear of bugs.
I would eat lunch and dinner at either ChickFilA or Rubio’s. I miss Rubio’s and wish they had them in Texas. It sucked being pregnant and craving food that you know you can only get in California. My college town is famous for two different restaurants that are starting to appear all over the US: Freebirds, which is the ultimate burito place, and Whataburger, the best fast food hamburgers. If I’m doing a group class, it helps to have others with me. Otherwise, I prefer to workout alone. It’s my time to unwind and release stress and get healthy.


What an AWESOME day!! I love riding a bike with someone else too!
And I HATE spiders!


I could easily eat at the same place for breakfast, lunch AND dinner because I get that obsessed. I want more belly pics!


Those wraps look delsh! I have been to yogurtland twice in a day… Many many times :). Also I have doubled up on pita pit as well as panera before, sometimes it’s just soooo good you have to go back again later :)


Your sister has the CUTEST kids!! I swear you all have such wonderful genes :D I know baby HRG is going to be just the most adorable child EVER!!


Oh please promise us you’re being super careful on the bike! I respect that it’s every woman’s choice which risks (or non-risks as she might see it) she wants to take when pregnant, and I totally respect your choice to bike. Lots of women do that!

I just don’t want to see anything happen to your adorable self and that future super adorable little bebe so please excuse the worry-wart that I am when I say that sure looks like a busy street to me at night! Of course it could just be that one photo and you’re on a sidewalk the whole time and you’ve got an emergency inflatable bubble suit and then just ignore my silly-self being worried about a stranger :)


A few years ago I ate at Chipotle for lunch and then for dinner.

… You have nothing to be embarrassed about hahaha


I totally would have played tag! What is wrong with those people?

Least favorite bug/insect/critter? Anything that stinks! Ouch!

If you could eat at the same restaurant for lunch and dinner, where would you go? Chipotle for sure!!

What foods/restaurants remind you of when you were in college or in your early 20s?!? Anything fast food. Sad.

Does it help you or make it harder for you to have people with you while you run? Does it depend on the workout or distance? Helps for sure!


Hahahah I always ate wraps everyday at my university’s cafeteria too (when I had the meal plan) AND I always put cottage cheese in them…my friends thought I was weird. Glad to know you do it too! Although, I’m not all that surprised. :)


Oh & I’ve ate at Jimmy John’s twice in one day on several occasions!


I could eat Shane’s Rib Shack Shack Salad with pulled BBQ pork for lunch and dinner. Now given half of the salad fills me up, but if I could finish it at one meal I’d go back for another.


I do that all the time – no need to be embarrassed :P



This is embarrassing… but I’ve totally eaten lunch AND dinner at Chipotle… on the same day… several times…


I love running with my daughter or my running mentor … other than that even having my husband really makes it harder for me to run.

I enjoy the time by myself and am not much of a talker when I run …

I could do a double take of:
– Einstein Bagels
– Any sushi restaurant

All your posts make me miss my family!


Great to see you at the Creamry today! You look gorgeous as always :) It was so fun to see your sister again and to FINALLY meet Curly!


Ahhhhh I absolutely loved seeing you Toby! You are incredibly gorgeous an I loved seeing the triplets too!!! Next time you are up here you better save time to go to lunch with me!


graham cracker ice cream?! I NEED THAT


Anything fried reminds me of my 20’s. I never get sick of Panera. Or this Mexican restaurant. I could go there for lunch and dinner.


You and Billy are too cute running and biking together. How do you feel biking?


I could eat at The Veggie Grill here in Manhattan Beach, CA for lunch and dinner. They have the most amazing onion rings. Delish!


Snakes!!! I am so afraid of them!

If I could eat at the same place for lunch and dinner it would be a spolit between Texas Roadhouse or pretty much any Mexican food place. :)

Subway was my #1 college meal! It had the opposite effect on me however…I rarely go there now.

I like running with people, it really helps. Most of my runs are done solo though, so it is hard to tell on distance or anything specific.

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