A race this weekend and a craving that had to be fulfilled.

I did an 8 mile run this morning on the good ol’ treadmill.  I was going to sleep in and run after school but at 6 someone was kicking around (not Billy) and I couldn’t sleep so why not get my run on?  I really am loving my Brooks Green Silence and I even wore them to school today so that a bunch of teenagers would think I was cool and so that I could run around the halls going the speed of light.


Does it get any more fashionable than that?

I will be spinning and ellipticalling Thursday and Friday because we have the SLC 1/2 Marathon on Saturday! Anyone else running the 5k, 1/2 or full marathon in SLC on Saturday?

DSC 4269

I think I have told you this a trillion times but one more time doesn’t hurt right?  SLC was my very first marathon and so it holds a special place in my heart.  The best part of all is that I followed through with my evil plan and successfully brainwashed Billy in the last 2 years to love running and he will be running the 1/2 on Saturday and going for a sub 1:26.  I don’t have any goals for this race besides to see how many laughing cow wedges I can eat for fuel (they have replaced my beloved swedish fish for fuel during the race).

Billy has all of his splits ready which also take into account the course uphills and downhills.  He kind of likes math:)

SLC Pace


Since approximately 8:13 this morning I have been NEEDING lemonade.  This wasn’t a craving like ‘oh that sounds really good and I’ll have to eat that at some point.’  This was a ‘holy cow if I don’t have lemonade in my body in the next 10 minutes I might explode’ kind of craving.

The whole job thing kind of forced me to put my craving on hold until it was time for Drivers Ed.  Hey, learning how to use a drive-thru is totally part of the curriculum.

Photo on 4 18 12 at 3 16 PM

While we were out driving around we came across a couple just hanging out on a couch ‘talking’ and enjoying the view.  I don’t know why I feel the need to take a picture of everything random that happens in my day.

Photo copy

To conclude this thrilling post, the highlights of my day were lemonade, my treadmill and people on a couch.


Are the majority of the races in your area on Saturdays or Sundays?

-Here in Utah they are always on Saturdays.

Tell me three highlights about your day!

Do you figure out all of your goal splits etc. before a race?

Who have you brainwashed into loving running?  Who do you want to make love running?

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Wow, your husband is a huge nerd haha! ;) Just teasing, Billy!

Through my blog and just sharing with friends, I’ve had several friends start running! One of Brandon’s friends swore he’d NEVER run, and now he loves it! :)


I love that you said just teasing to him because you know he really does read the comments. AHHHH girl, look at you spreading the running love, that is awesome!


Haha it’s ok. Janae teases me all the time about it.


My husband is a big numbers guy, as well. When we sold our house, he had a MASSIVE spreadsheet with all of these numbers calculating all of the “what ifs” … it made my heard hurt. ;) Billy, I’m sure you would have loved it!


Have fun at the race on Saturday. Maybe I will try to get into that race next year. We usually have most races on Saturdays (including one I will be doing this Saturday)- some days I would like races on Sundays because of my work schedule. Lemonade does sound good right now.


lol… the couple on the couch made me chuckle at first and then I really looked at the view and now I’m jealous… I want a couch with a view!


GOOD LUCK to you & Billy on the race this weekend :) He can DEFINITELY get the sub 1:25, sounds like he is more than ready with his splits- that’s awesome!
Is that a random couch in the middle of the road? haha!


Thanks Holly!


My drivers ed teacher waaay back in 1986 used to take us to Jack in the Box every day for sweet tea! She said the same thing, you guys need to know drive thru etiquette! ewww is that couch safe to sit on??!!


That makes me feel better ha….I am not alone in making my students run my errands. Yeah…I don’t know about that couch!


Yay! GL this weekend!! Seriously, the couch made me laugh out loud. I would have taken a pic too.

So most races in Cali are on Sundays. It makes me crazy. I wish they were on Saturday. Thank goodness my church has 5 services!

Hugs mama :)


I had to pick up my driver’s ed teacher’s hunting rifle from his friends house once and went went and got boiled peanuts from this country bumpkin everyday! The drive thru is nothing!
And my last half was the first time I figured out my splits before the race and I loved it! I will definitely be doing it again!


PS! Have you heard about Ragnar?? The 200 miles 12 person relay race over 2 days and 1 night? It looks like so much fun! My friends and I are signing up for the Florida Miami to Key West race!


That couch is so random!! So funny!!
Yep, most races are on Sundays in Cali…ugh
Good luck at your race! I am so impressed…I can only hope that when I get pregnant again I would be able to run as much as you do!! I’m afraid I will get super lazy.
I really try to get my daughter interested in running. Lol, she’s not even 2 yrs old yet. But she does love it and atleast I can get her out walking with me for at least a mile! Which I think is pretty amazing for her age.


Duuuude. Billy needs to use his math skills and plug in my splits for Ogden! That is impressive. I thought he was cool before, but now I think he’s really cool. My sister in law is running her very first marathon in SLC on Saturday so I’m going to go cheer her in at the finish after I coach my little boy’s soccer game. Good luck! Have fun! Can’t wait to hear about a laughing cow PR. :)


What time are you shooting for?


BILLY!!!! I’m shooting for sub 3:30. If I can pull a 3:29:59 I’d be ecstatic.


haha that couple on the couch is SO random! I love it!!

mmm laughing cow wedges…okay what were we talking about…ok so yes I tried to get the boyfriend to love running too but he is more like a basketball kinda fella. But I did see him ‘like’ Run Keeper on facebook the other day and it made me kind of happy on the inside.

Rooting for you and Billy this weekend for the half! You will both do great!!


Thank you!


A lot of them in Upstate are actually on Sundays! It is always a struggle! My best friend loves running now as much as me (hard to believe eh?). I think I sent you a picture last year when you did race photos of us two! ;)


Enjoy the race Saturday. Good luck to Billy too!

I’ll be there running the full. Maybe I’ll run into you guys (pardon the pun).


AHHH Adam, I hope we get to RUN (hahahaha) into you:)


Just look for the skinny runner guy next to the super pregnant lady. . . oh wait, I almost forgot, that probably won’t work in back in Utah (works great being here in CA).


I am trying to get my boyfriend to like running but I can’t get him to just run that first race. I know once he does it once, he’ll be hooked like I was! A few of my friends and my sister started running because of me though, which makes me feel pretty cool (even though I’m really not that cool).


Most races here are on Sunday, although a few triathlons, etc seem to be on Saturdays. Billy’s chart is cracking me up– guys and numbers! If I had a chart like that, I’d probably just quit because I’d be so confused!


Haha it’s super helpful for courses that have some major grade changes. You’d be hooked if you tried it ;)


The highlight of my day was trying Ben and jerrys new frozen Greek yogurt. Yum!


That couch pic is pretty hilarious! It is a nice view though!


three hightlights: boyfriend is coming back a day early from being away all week, got coldstone creamery for only $2 thanks to a promotion, worked out!


That makes sense that they are all on Saturdays! Probably why they are all on Saturdays in rural Ohio, too. We’ve had a heck of a time finding Sunday races near the theatre we’ll be working at this summer, but Sundays are our only days off! Alex is basically on call every other day, so we can’t stray too far from home exempt on Sundays.

Have fun Saturday!


1) my long afternoon class was cancelled, 2) my oatmeal was amazing this morning, 3) I had a great strength training/elliptical workout this afternoon!


SO HAPPY your class was cancelled and you got a good workout AND your oatmeal was perfection:)


so if I’m planning on being at the marathon on Saturday (as a spectator – I’m doing the bike tour before the marathon/half marathon), what treats/post-race snacks should I have ready for you and Billy (and baby) just in case I see you? Your cravings keep changing so it’s hard for me to keep up!


You are the sweetest thing in the world. You seriously just made my day!!! I can’t wait to meet you:) Hmmmm Billy probably won’t be eating anything but I am good with anything or just even seeing you Hailey..that is what I really want!


Thank you Hailey! Hopefully we see you out there!


I was actually brainwashed into loving running by dad. He has been running since he was 15 and hasn’t stopped since. I look forward to our Saturday morning runs every week.
Wow Billy is a freakin speed bullet. I hope he has great race!


Thanks Grecia!


Are the majority of the races in your area on Saturdays or Sundays?
They are mostly on Saturday as well!
Tell me three highlights about your day!
1. i went to target, enough said!
2. i had coffee 2x today
3. i am eating a mini snickers right now:)
Do you figure out all of your goal splits etc. before a race?
nope, because i have yet to run a race.
Who have you brainwashed into loving running? Who do you want to make love running?
i ran cross country in middle school and then stopped soon after because the team disbanded. i would love to make my family run but because of health reasons my sister cannot, so maybe just learn to walk more:)


I’m currently trying to brainwash my boyfriend, brother, parents and basically everyone I talk to for more than five minutes. What can I say? I like running buddies :)


Holy cow! He’s got those splits all figured out! I did splits sort of but not at all like that for my husbands 100 mile – basically just put down ‘you had better be at this point by this time or you’ll never make it’, or something totally encouraging like that:)
The highlight and lowlight of my day was running at the track. glad to have run, but it was only 2 miles and it really hurt my right shin. So I’m off the running legs until my marathon next weekend!
GOOD LUCK on Saturday! I bet you are going to be amazingly surprised at how well you do, pregnant no less! Can’t wait to hear:)


Laughing cow instead of Gu. Brilliant idea! How do you keep them from getting smashed?

I wish more there were more races here on Sat. but sadly that is not the case. Church starts at 9 for me so I miss a lot of races.

I tried to brain wash scott into love running but didnt happen.

BTW I made the seltzer water on my post. It was pretty good!


I am showing my engineer husband that chart so he can make a formula and make me one for my next race! Love it!


HAHAHA gotta love engineers…they sure do come in handy!


Wow Billy sure likes his numbers ;)! 3 highlights of my day: 1) breakfast (highlight of my day every day) 2) killing the lunges part of my workout 3) dinner out with some friends- great way to break up the work-week monotony!


This post made me laugh so many times. I would love to have had you as a Driver’s Ed teacher! We were never able to go through McDonald’s drive-thrus! And the people on the couch? Weird!

Billy is speedster!! If he didn’t have you for a wife he may never have tapped into his talent as a runner! How cool is that? I’ll never forget how he surprised you and had been running secretly for months (or however long). That was the sweetest thing EVER! I am pretty sure I’ve shared that story multiple times. :)
I love your love!


You really are the sweetest Kate! It really is the sweetest story ever:) Cross your fingers that we get into law school in San Diego so that we can go running all the time together:) PS those pics of some of the runners from Boston were crazy! I am totally going to donate to your foot transplant surgery!


Thanks Kate!


Oh my gosh–that couch was really on the side of the road?! How random.

I get a kick out of Billy’s chart. I just have a ‘general’ pace I want to stick to and hang on for dear life;-) Maybe I should plan a bit better and see if it helps.

1) only 10 days til my marathon (Saturday races always around here) 2) a big hug and smile from my 2 year old when she got up this morning (never gets old) 3) we have a gallon pail of ice cream in the freezer (for when I get home from work at 11 p.m.)


AHHHH 10 days, I am beyond excited for you Becky! I can’t wait for those big hugs and smiles. ENJOY your ice cream tonight:)


Have fun at the race! Good luck to both of you. Races around here (up in British Columbia, Canada) seem to be on Sundays, which can make going back to work the next day the last thing I want to do.

I have one major highlight from today – Girl Guide Cookies! We only have two kinds in Canada: the Mint Chocolate Thins come out in the Fall and the Chocolate/Vanilla Sandwich cookies come out in the Spring. The baby is happy about this :)


I found your blog a few weeks ago and want you to know that I love reading it! You are probably the cutest pregnant woman around! I hope I can continue to run like you when I eventually have a baby! :)


Roseanne, you absolutely the cutest. Thank you for your sweet comment, you made my night!


i’m running the full on saturday!! hope to see you! and good luck with the half!!


Still toying with the idea of running the SL Half. All my running pals say I should as it would be a good tune up before Ogden Marathon. BUT I start a heavy mileage week on Monday. I’m nervous about having weaksauce race legs on a heavy training week. I’m not nearly as tough as your are!!!!

I have until 11:00pm to decide (that is when registration closes). Hard choices!

HOW did Billy figure out those splits?


DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT. It would be perfect for Ogden:) Let me know if you come up. Billy is going to write you in a minute about how he did the splits!


The first time I did it (for the Dogtown Half) I did it all by hand. Just estimated what equivalent effort paces would be for different grades based on my experience running hills. This time around Jake tipped me off that there’s a web app that will do it for you. To use it, you have to be a member of the Fast Running Blog which is run by a local elite runner here in Utah.


FRB Course Tool is the best – especially for Utah races. I think Paul Peterson was part of the brains behind this, it is what he does for a living. The SGM is extremely accurate.


FRB Course Tool is the best – especially for Utah races, most are already mapped out. I think Paul Peterson was part of the brains behind this, it is what he does for a living. The SGM is extremely accurate.


Jacobs…Thanks! You guys rock! I totally use FRB as my online training blog and love it! I actually saw you on the blog when you signed up – do you use it for your daily log? I’ve met so many awesome people from it (including Jake and Andrea). Good luck Saturday!


For now I’m using daily mile as a training log but I’ve thought about switching over or doing both. It seems like it’s a lot more powerful as far as tracking different types of runs I just haven’t gotten around to making the switch yet.


I have been using it for almost 5 years and really like it. It is a great community and there are a wealth of resources. The Utah community is extremely tight and I loved that when I lived there. Now I just log my runs and stalk.


Most races are on Sunday, it is bummer! I have made a few exceptions along the way and really do not like racing on Sunday.

OOOOHHH – highlights of the day: 1. Desert Runs 2. Going home to my family 3. Airline upgrades :)


Good luck on your race this weekend – how cool that it’s the first one you did :-) I am so impressed with Billy’s planning of all his splits. My plan is just to make it through them :-)


It helps me to break up the run into different segments. For some reason the pace seems more manageable when I’m out there. You should try it :)


Both Saturday and Sunday here…wish they were all Saturday. Good luck with the race and especially to your Mr. with his goal time.


I’m in the process of brainwashing the people at my church. I want to at least get everyone to run one race (any distance) and hope that they will become my running buddy in the future. I think I’ve had more than 10 people run their first race (through only a little bit of FORCE, hehe).
Most of the smaller races are on Saturdays, and the bigger local races are on Sundays.


In upstate NY almost all races are on Sundays. I actually get really annoyed if they’re on Saturdays because that’s my day to do whatever I want, darn it! :)


Janae, I don’t know if this will speak to your pregnancy cravings, but I just went to my local yogurtland and they have BIRTHDAY CUPCAKE BATTER FROYO!!! It is amazing. Hands down my favorite ever!


It spoke directly to my pregnancy cravings. Thank you so much for letting me know about it. I must have it within the next 25 hours.


1. after reading your post i went and put my hand in the shredded cheese package cause you got me craving cheese. Now I am back to comment.
2. swam this am, and ran this pm trying to get ready for a sprint tri we are doing with friends, so trying to make a respectable appearance.
3. Being a math teacher, Billy’s calculations made me more excited than they probably should have. (and after I press submit I am going back to look at it again.)


Haha us math people have to stick together.


I don’t like missing church so I prefer saturday races, but they’re about split here. Unfortunately most of the bigger races are Sundays – no fun.


I’m doing the SLC Half, too!! It’s my third one but I don’t think I’ll PR :( The last one I did was the Halloween Half and as you know, that is a ridiculously fast course! But, I’m still excited :)


I wish Colin and I were that cute couch couple….looks like such a nice spot.

I am excited about your race. I can’t believe you’re still running as pregnant as you are – inspirational!


Are the majority of the races in your area on Saturdays or Sundays?
Local small races are on Saturdays, but the 1/2 marathons/marathons are usually on Sundays. I like Saturdays better…I’ve always trained to race on Saturdays so the extra day throws me off. And I don’t like missing church on Sunday.

3 highlights- 1)someone offering me all their maternity clothes. 2)good naps taken by my children 3)asparagus for supper

I haven’t ever figured my splits, but I bet it would help.

I thought I had brainwashed my husband into running, but really he just ran with me when we were dating. He like to run 5ks without training though.


I would like to brainwash my dog Dante into loving running, so far … I have not been able to do it!


I just started following your blog and I absolutely love it! Your blog cracks me up.I wish I had the time to go through and read all of your past ones!


BRITTNEY!! Your comment made my day, thank you so much!


I signed up for the SLC half back in October but I’m injured now!!! It’s killing me!! I wish I could be there so bad, I was so ready for this one!!! I could have kicked some serious butt. I even dream about running this race, how
pathetic am I ?! :( How do you get through injured times?! I’m a mess and I am scared I will never get back out there and get back into the shape I was in before. I wish I had not pushed myself so hard and listened to my body a bit more. I’m way too competetive, motivated(?) and impatient to take it easy… Ugh!! Waiting for my injury to heal up is one of the hardest thing I have had to deal with. Just hope I can get back out there soon. How did you handle your injury? Anywho, Good luck Saturday, I hope you guys have a good, fun day at the race!


Mia, I am truly sorry that you are injured and I completely understand how difficult it is to miss a race due to injuries. I totally dreamed about running Boston when i missed it too! WHat is your injury? I think the biggest thing you can do is focus your energy into a NEW passion! Remember that this time will pass and before you know it you will be happily running around again. GOOD LUCK MIA and keep me updated on how you are doing!


They say I have Plantar fasciitis, my heel is jacked up and has been hurting and bothering me since January. Makes me feel like an 80 year old limping around. I’m frustrated because I didn’t see this injury coming, but I should not have pushed myself so hard. I just felt like I could do whatever I wanted, running made me feel very strong, happy and capable, it was very good to my esteem. It’s very hard mentaly to not be able to run anymore. It was a great stress reliever, gave me energy, made me smile! I tried to do biking for a while instead but it just aggravated the problem. Was told to take it easy, back off and rest my feet and I should be better in another month or two.. Not cool. So, now I am doing strenght training at the Gym which i hate , not sure what else to do that won’t make my heels hurt. Just waiting for this annoying injury to heal up. Definitley learned my lesson, I will take breaks every now and then if I ever get back to running again. So much more bearable than being out completley for months.. Anyways, got some new shoes, doing lots of RICE, pouting and counting the days! Thanks so much for the response! That made my day!! :)


Have fun at the race! I hope Billy runs his sub 1:26.
Now I have to go find some lemonade…that made my mouth water!


Thanks Abby!


I’ve actually started to love running! It’s not true love yet, but I can see that happening in the future. I may be willing to make a long term relationship out of it! :)

Highlights of my day – having an awesome discussion with my students about resilience, shaking my thang with my lovely zumba ladies, and eating the delicious dinner Daniel cooked (salmon, roasted squash, and sweet potato – followed by some dark chocolate).

When I start my half marathon training plan, will you help with all the numbers, Billy???


Haha for sure. Which HM are you going to do?


Awesome! I’m not sure yet – I just decided yesterday that I wanted to run one haha. It will either be Chicago in Sept, Nashville in Oct/Nov or Memphis St. Jude in Dec. I will probably be emailing Janae for all kinds of help – running is pretty much brand new to me!


That’s so awesome that you’re new to running and already have a great goal! Any of those races will be great I’m sure.


I am running the full on Saturday, I am nervous and feel under prepared! You will rock it!!! Good luck.


AHHH LAUREN!! I am so so excited for you. Will you pretty please let me know how it goes and if you see me please come talk to me, I would love to meet you!


Ahahaha Billy is awesome! He reminds me a lot of my sister, must be an engineer thing. She would totally do a pace chart based on elevation complete with grade of incline and all that stuff… haha she would also have great appreciation for his handiwork! How on earth does he memorize it?? Or draw giant diagram on his arm? I feel like a chart of that size would require some stomach… lol!

Almost all of our races where I live are on Saturdays! I kind of like the Saturday thing though, it’s really nice to have a day after the race off to be lazy :) Good luck to you both, can’t wait to hear about it!!


I actually input all of those lap paces into my Garmin and then display it as I’m running! Pretty cool huh. Although the full body diagram sounds like it would work too…


Hadn’t really thought about most common race day here (Maryland), but it seems they’re pretty evenly split. I really prefer Saturday races.

Highlights: 1) my new crocheted dress from Athleta arrived! 2) CrossFit workout was great (because it included 5×400 m sprints) 3) kids were good for our dinner out at Buffalo Wild Wings.

I walk a fine line between trying to map out paces and freaking out about them. Plus, I can’t do math once my body starts moving, much less sweating and breathing hard.

Thrilled that my 9 y.o. daughter is in Girls on the Run at her school. The running part of the program and the self esteem part of the program are both working wonders for her. Can’t wait to run the 5K with her in a few weeks!! :)


I have heard amazing things about Girls on the Run and I am so happy your 9 year old is participating. Keep me updated with how it is going! Great job at cross fit and now I am craving wings:)


I’m going to be running the SLC marathon this Saturday as well!! This is my first marathon so wish me luck!!


AHHHH GOOD LUCK JANEEN!! You are going to rock it and please let me know how it goes. Find me at the race I would love to chat:)


LOVE that your husband is all about the numbers–that’s how mine would be if he liked to run ;)

I might do the half on Sat–we shall see. Know of anyone trying to sell their spot?


I don’t know of anyone but I will keep a lookout….I would LOVE to finally meet you!


The couch thing is so Provo. Does Billy sell his pace figuring out services? I would pay to have someone figure that out for me. I always have a general idea, but specifics like that would be awesome!


HAHAH we will totally help you out and yes, the couch is SO provo!


Bahahahaha. You’re the best Drivers Ed teacher ever!


3 Highlights of My Day
1. I woke up at 4am and smelled something really sweet in the air. It turns out I fell asleep while cooking potatoes for a potato salad. I left the potatoes boiling all night on the stove and they had burned to a crisp. YIKES!

2. I had lunch at Panera Bread with friends. I had broccoli cheddar soup and a sun dried tomato, pesto and mozzarella panini.

3. I had Fro-Yo for dessert with the following toppings: granola, mini chocolate chips, coconut cookies, almond slivers and chocolate sauce. Yummilicious!


haha…gotta luv how they are just sofa surfing in a field like it’s no big thang. :)

GOOD LUCK at ur race, u’ll have a blast and u can then later report to little janilly how many miles they were able to wrack up in the womb AND even win some races like a champ. :)


I totally brainwashed the husband to like running. I took him for a 3mi run one day (he was very angry at the end of it). Then at a race expo, I talked him into entering a half because it was on sale (the man LOVES a sale). Now he’s addicted to it. So proud!

Have fun at your race! You need a shirt that says “Baby’s first half marathon” over your belly :)


I’ve gotten my friend Anne to start running. It’s pretty awesome. She’s loving trail running lately, so I meet up with her after work and bring the pup with me.

No races for me this weekend, I hope you guys have an awesome race!


I wish I could brainwash Peter – and now I need some damn lemonade! My races are 50/50 – Saturday/Sunday.

The highlight of my day was running along the Pacific Coast in Santa Monica. Quite different than my NY parks :)


catching up with you…! :)

I love that Billy worked out the splits of his half! pure genius! You sure got a smarty in your hands! (but, I know you know that already!) Can I pay Billy to do that for me?! (favorite candy, meal @ “hashhouse?!!” :)) Before I run a race I study elevation, course map etc. However, I underestimated the difficulty of the hills at the end of my last half. That lil’ cheat sheet Billy did sure would’ve come in handy!!

GOOD LUCK to the Jacob’s on the SLC half!! :) Can’t wait to hear about it!! My boys love to run. They tell me that they’re going to beat me in a race one day!! I really look forward to that day! :)

love you Janae!! xo


YES YES YES and YES!! I really think that it would work perfectly for you, let us know when you need the splits done. IT IS ALMOST TIME FOR RAGNAR…how are you feeling about it?!? I don’t know if they will ever beat you speedy woman, love you!


Thanks Pam!


I totally need that app to calculate splits when I run the Utah Valley marathon, I’m a little concerned about the hills! The engi-nerd in me appreciates the numbers and makes me want to go differentiate something.
I have been unable to brainwash anyone into running, but my husband was the one that made me drink the running kool-aide!


I am running the SLC 1/2 because I won the entry from your blog, yay!! Kind of excited for SLC. I ran Moab last month and it was not my favorite (expected to PR and didn’t). I really want to get a solid race in this spring before the Ogden Marathon next month! Hope I get to see you there :) And good luck, I can’t imagine running a half pregnant, you go girl!!


AHHH SO SO EXCITED!!! We have to meet up there!


I just got a pair of Brooks Green Silence too. I usually wear Nike Free, but these are cushier and I kinda like it. I got the purple ones


I wish my drivers ed teacher was as cool as you girl! Mine was an middle aged lady with a “beard” problem. Needless to say no one looked forward to drivers ed due to staring problems.


I won an entry to the 5k from SLRunningCo this week, so I’ll be there! Yay! which makes me happy b/c my cute hubby was way too worried about me running the half despite logging an awesome 10miler last week, (I’m 34wks) and begged me not to sign up for it. Short race it is then! I’ll take whatever I can get! :)


Um wait a minute… is that couch always there or did the couple BRING THE COUCH???? haha


Billy it totally going to rock the half! I think he will absolutely smash 1:25 on that course. Billy can you re-adjust your math for 1:24? I will be at Liberty Park (mile 10) so look for me and let me know if you need gatorade/gels/ect and I will have them ready for you.

Just love you Janae and seriously isn’t Provo like the most random town ever. I am always seeing the oddest things.


Thanks Rachelle. My training has been going pretty well so hopefully I wake up on Saturday feeling strong. See you at mile 10!


JANAE…seriously…how many jobs do you have??! And why are they all so school. Or why are you just so cool in general. I think I would blog more if I had interesting things to blog about haha.

I’m alllll about iced tea right now. If I didn’t love Starbucks iced tea lemonades so much, I might be willing to try and make my own..but that takes effort :P


Hahah wooops…do you like how I put school instead of cool… yeah ignore that one!


Do you like your brooks? I’ve been debating buying a pair, but they’re so unlike what I have been wearing for the past five years which are asics! I love asics and they fit well to my feet, but I really want to try something new!

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