Double the carbs and a birthday present

When I got to my parent’s house last night I realized my mom had only made one carb to go with dinner.  I decided I had to do the right thing and make more. Bisquick biscuits to the rescue.

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My love for steak has still been going strong and last nights dinner hit the spot. I even convinced them that for the baby’s sake I should take the extra steaks home with me.  Breakfast this morning is going to be delicious:)

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We ate dinner at 5 because my mom had to leave early so dessert #1 was eaten at approximately 5:45.

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I got some of my grocery shopping done.

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Thank goodness that she had Laughing Cows because I ran out today (I shared with Billy…I must have been sleep talking when I said he could have one) and now I am restocked again.

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After dessert we watched the NBA Playoffs because I owed Billy big time after the chick flick he watched last night.  Dessert #2 happened a little while later courtesy of my dad’s office.  That is a picture of my mom in the background when she was 19:)

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I just received this email from Billy with the subject: My Birthday is Coming Up.

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Sure thing honey, as soon as I sell your car, one of your kidneys and my treadmill the above watch will be all yours.


New HRG Baby post!


What is the smallest/silliest luxury item/service that you could justify spending $20,000 on?

What would be your number one thing on your birthday list if your bday was coming up?

What milk do you buy?  Question inspired by the fact my parent’s have 4 gallons of 1% milk in their fridge right now.

-We buy 2%.

Do you have an office in your house/apartment?

-Billy has a desk but it has been taken over as a second closet for me.

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My birthday is in a few weeks and all I want is a big party with all my family and friends around me!!!


What day is your bday? I hope your party is the best one ever!


May 22…. The big 3-0. Eeekkk!!!


Wahoooo! That is so exciting! I want to send you a cake:)


Hahahha I’ll be gladly accepting and devouring all cakes!


i buy 1% ! but also but large tubs of edy’s slow churned as pictured. they just came out with their samoas girls scout special flavor of the month. i had to toss everything in my freezer to make enough room for the 10+ cartons i purchased.


BAHAHA I must try the samoas girl scout cookie flavor, that sounds ridiculously good. The two best things in the world combined.


We buy skim milk, but Mike really likes whole milk. Gag.

I have an office at home because I work from home now! Woohoo!

I’m not sure I could justify spending $20k on anything other than a house downpayment. So many dollars!


I can’t stand whole milk either. I love that you work from home now and I can’t wait to hop on over to your blog to read all about your amazing PR!!!


I could drop $20k on a classic Cartier tank watch. :) I buy almond milk for me and 2% for my husband. What my husband envisioned as his “office” at our new house is now a walk in closet/office, too!


Don’t you love rooms that are dedicated to closets ha:) I am going to have to look into these Cartier tank watches!


We but fat free milk and almond milk. We don’t have an office but we do have a desk. It never gets used though :) haha I think I could make a long birthday wish list right now… A new watch would def be on there.


Yep, our desk never gets used either….the coffee table is our desk now ha. Hope you have an amazing day Becca!


A car. I can’t see spending that much money on anything other than a house or a car.
My birthday is coming up and I have no clue. I have some wishlist things, but nothing I want as a gift.
I work from home so yes, we have an office.
The Kidless Kronicles




5/11. Skittles are welcomed!


I made my own almond milk today since I’m not a big dairy milk drinker.

$20K? travel…lots of it. That’s all I really want for my birthday too…a weekend away.


WHAT?!?! You made your own almond milk…you are my hero. I am just like you and I would spend every dime on traveling.


I saw all the milk:) I prefer almond milk because I think I’m a little lactose intolerant (and it kind of grosses me out for some reason) and soy kind of tastes like dirt…yup.
I want a new garmin watch because everyone makes fun of my Dino Garmin:) haha!


Almond milk is pretty tasty…have you ever tried chocolate almond milk, delicious! I have the dino garmin too, I say we keep them and I am sure they will come back in style someday right?


Maybe a really great holiday, like an African safari!
Skim milk for me and soy milk for the hubby.


I would totally spend mine on traveling too! African safari…now you have me thinking!


My 30th birthday is coming up in May! Crazy! I better start thinking of fun stuff I want!

My son and I drink almond milk and my husband and other son drink 2%.


What day in May is your 30th bday? You better make that list!


My birthday is next week and I want a new laptop, I would lie and say I need a new one but honestly I’ve just had this one for almost 7 years and want a new one LOL!

We have an office in our house which is nice, always good to be able to close the door on that craziness!


AHHH It is almost your bday, that is so so exciting. I hope that you get your new laptop, you deserve it. Good for you to keep a laptop for 7 years without it breaking…I wish I could do that!


Hey, that post leaves me feeling fohiosl. Kudos to you!


That is easy since I already started my bday list (its Sept 12..) the Vinyasa scarf from Lululemon.
Almond milk, and for chocolate – soy. I have had problems with dairy milk the last few years and never drank any at all for the longest time. But we’ve now fully converted to almond.
Yes, our second spare bedroom upstairs is a office right now. I would like a actually office since one day that room will be a nursery instead.


I want that scarf too and I love that you already started your list, that makes me beyond happy!


2% milk all the way!!


WAHOOO….great minds think alike:)


I drink fat free milk- I always have so other milk just tastes weird to me. There is a lot of full fat milk in my daily chocolate consumption though ;)

If I had money, I would fly to Australia to visit my family, then come back via Mexico for a mini vacation :)


Can I come on your Australia/Mexico vacation? I am the same way as you, once my taste buds get used to something, everything else tastes so strange!


If I go to Walmart, I get the 2% Horizon Organic with Vitamin D and Omega 3’s….If I go to Costco, I get the 1% Organic because it comes in a big box with 3 of them in it. I drink milk every single day, so I run out fast!!!

That’s awesome that you can “shop” at your parent’s house. Every now and then my mom lets me do that, as long as my dad isn’t looking, and then we have to sneak it out to my car! haha.


HAHAH That is why I did it when they were gone:) I love that Walmart kind of milk too, we get that when we are there!


Almond milk or flax (haha sounds weird but I can’t have regular or soy!). And I don’t know what silly thing I would buy – I just keep thinking a car. Or vacations. Or student loans… I guess a special piece of jewelry if it had to be a silly item!


I have never tried flax milk before, now I want to! Nope, student loans aren’t allowed ha..those aren’t fun:) Hope you have a great day Katie!


That dinner looks great, I wish I lived closer to my parents so I could enjoy family Sundays with them as well. I agree, those laughing cow cheese spreads are the bomb.


Seriously, they taste amazing on everything! Hope you get to see your parents soon!


I have never been a fan of milk and it kind of upsets my stomach so I buy almond milk. If my birthday was coming up I’d probably just want a shopping spree :D


A shopping spree sounds good to me….now we just need to find 20 grand lying around somewhere:)


Mmmm you just made me remember that I have licorice stashed in my desk, yessss!!!

We buy 1% and skim milk, 1L cartons of each. We tried finding middle ground – whoever bought the milk/ groceries got to pick but my temper tantrums when he came how with 1% and subsequent refusal to drink milk kind of ended that one.. The we stood around at the grocery store wishing for middle ground… and discovered 0.5% milk – but neither of us liked it. Now we just buy 1L of each to save our relationship. He hates my watery milk and I think his tastes creamy, which makes me want to gag. There- more than you ever wanted to know about our milk-buying habits :D

I can’t even think of a $20,000 thing that I want… Maybe a state of the art home gym. That would = $20k because we’d have to build a room :D


HAHAH good…you better enjoy licorice all day long. I am so glad you two were able to work through your problems and find a solution:) We do the same thing with other food things too! Oh my goodness, that is the best idea ever. I am copying you and wanting to build a gym now!


Good call on the biscuits! I love bisquick : )

I am not sure what I would buy with that kinda money? I think I would just split it up and buy all new furniture or take a trip to South Africa and then Morocco!

I ate a bowl of Butter Pecan too! I love that stuff. I add chocolate syrup, crushed whole wheat pretzels and salt to the top.

I buy Scott skim and I buy almond milk.

We have a two bedroom and I use the 2nd room as my office and work studio.

Happy Monday!


I agree with you, I could spend A LOT of money on furniture and traveling. Okay, now I am going to have to go back to my parent’s tonight to try your ice cream combo, that sounds amazing!


I grew up only drinking 1% and thought skim was gross. Since college I have been drinking skim milk and now I can’t drink any other milk, it’s just too thick!

Have you tried the laughing cow strawberry cheese? I’m dying to try it but haven’t seen it around here!


Oh my goodness…I didn’t even know such thing existed, I must find it asap!


hahaha love this post! so funny. i do not understand your love of steak though…


Thanks Melanie! I didn’t love it before pregnancy but for some reason it is all I can think about now, my body must need tons of extra protein and iron! Have an amazing day!


Yes I work from home so I have an office in our apartment! We also have 2% milk.

Because I can’t fathom $20,000 I can’t even decide what I would spend it on :)


Yay for 2% milk and that is so cool that you work from home, I am jealous!


Hhahahhaha…I love that you get some of your grocery shopping done at your parents. I laugh because I swear whenever I go over to my mom’s, I always leave with at least something of hers. I then tell myself how bad of a child I am for taking things from my mom. But hey, half the time she offers!!

I think I should go “shopping” today, too ;)


I think moms secretly love it…at least that is what I keep telling myself. Hope you have a great shopping trip, load up:)


Get him this instead….my hubs has one and its pretty rad actually, hehe.


Okay, that is beyond awesome. There are so many different wristbands, I love it!!! Plus the price is a little more reasonable!


I don’t think I could justify spending $20,000 on anything unless I was a millionaire. I don’t even know what would cost that much, but I’m sure there are many things.

If my birthday was coming up, I think I would ask for a trip to the beach!!!

We usually don’t have regular milk, but if we do it’s 2%. I always have unsweetened vanilla almond milk and unsweetened almond coconut milk though!

We have a room that we call an office, but there’s nothing office-y in there. I have my laptop and we just use it wherever.


I couldn’t either…especially a watch ha. Now traveling, I could spend an infinite about for that. I hope you get a trip to the beach asap!


My birthday is just over a month away (on Father’s Day, so it’s doubly special!) and all I want is a big get together with all of my friends :)

I’m a 1% milk girl all the way. My parents know to buy double the amount when I come to visit, because I’ll drink it all and then my dad can’t have his cereal ;)


That is extra special, happy almost birthday and I hope you have the best get together with your friends!


i cant even think of a luxury item i would spend 20,000 on…except maybe a vacation :)

hmmm number 1 thing on my birthday list would probably be a bike rack for my car…its tiring hoisting it into my backseat and p.s. im a dork.

i do fat free milk because I dont tend to really use much milk except for cereal..although i’ve thought about switching to 1% or 2%.

no office in my apartment, we do have a guest bedroom that i suppose we couldve used but i dont mind using the couch as my office, lol.


That is what I told Billy I would spend my money on. I hope that you get that bike rack soon, you0 deserve it. My coffee table is my desk!


I dont have an answer for the 20k$ luxury item question haha. that is a tough one!
no office in our apartment yet! we plan to get a little desk and set up oa mini office space in our sunroom soon!


Oh fun….a sunroom would be the perfect space to work in!


I just can’t imagine owning a piece of jewelry that costs more than a CAR!!! That’s so ridiculous. Wouldn’t you be SO worried of losing it or scratching it or having it stolen? Happy Monday!


I lose absolutely everything so I can’t buy any jewelry over $20….it is amazing I still have my wedding ring! Happy Monday to you too!


If my birthday was coming up I’d love a shopping spree to Athleta for some running clothes. I can never get enough of that store.

I get skim milk/fat free. I can’t drink regular milk anymore because I’m so used to it! Regular milk tastes to thick to me.

No office in my tiny apartment. I wish! But my bed is my office haha.


OHHHHH yes, they have the best stuff ever and a shopping spree would be absolutely perfect! I think the bed makes the perfect office:)


1. I would spend $20,000 on a puppy right now – I WANT ONE SO BADLY!

2. A puppy for my birthday :)

3. 2% milk most of the time – or Chocolate Almond

4. We turned our guest room into an office.



How about we both just go for it and buy puppies. I really think that we NEED one. You in? Chocolate Almond milk is so so so good. Hope you have a great Monday too!


I made the mistake of showing my boyfriend Pigeut’s poker watch. You know, price upon request. I think he’s in love (with the watch, natch).

Among other things, my boyfriend is a set designer, so we have the cosiest little office built into the corner of our living room. It’s amazing what he’s accomplished with our 600 square feet!


Oh no!!!! Men and watches ha! I want your little office, I want to see a picture of it. That is awesome!


I guess I’m posting one tonight!


done :)


I LOVE laughing cow!!!! YUM!!!!! Best on crackers :) MMMMMMM I love how you had two desserts last night. You’re my type of girl I’d wanna hang out with :)

What is the smallest/silliest luxury item/service that you could justify spending $20,000 on?

O you know, maybe like a boyfriend online! hahah J/K!!!!!! HMMMMM……if I had that type of money I guess a car for myself or help my mom pay off debt!

What would be your number one thing on your birthday list if your bday was coming up?

Hmm..considering my bday isnt till Dec. and I’ll be turning the BIG 2-5 I guess a new driving licenses :) or maybe a garmin ;)

What milk do you buy? Question inspired by the fact my parent’s have 4 gallons of 1% milk in their fridge right now.

-my momma buys Skim. I bought Skim for myself when I lived alone last year as well

Do you have an office in your house/apartment?

-When I lived alone last year I had a desk, but it got kidnapped by my brother whom is in college and lives in a closest in a house with 7 guys. Yeah that desk I will NEVER see again


A bf online, you are hilarious!!! Crackers and laughing cow cheese belong together! WAHOOO almost 25:) Best year ever and I hope you get that garmin and maybe a new desk!


Usually 2 % milk :) I like the creaminess… Besides, my husband won’t go below 2%! Sometimes I have a smaller fat free one so I could mix or use it for cereal (and use 2% for coffee & tea :) )

I would rather go traveling than to buy something that expensive! :)


I love the creaminess too! I am the exact same way, I could spent ever dollar we have on traveling!


My birthday is coming up and the thing I want most is a tattoo. I’ve already booked my appointment.


Hahah your “Grocery shopping” photo is hilarious – I used to do that too when my parents lived in NJ and I would drive home for the weekend.


I want a new pillow for my birthday in July… it’s an awesome magnetic one & only costs $125!!! No, I can’t wait that long. It’s got to be for mother’s day!

I used to only drink skim, but I’ve switched my family to raw milk. Yep, it’s full cream- you have to shake it each time to mix it in. We love it!


Wow $20,000 would DEFINITELY be a dream fund for traveling! I’ve been dying to backpack through South America and 20k would be enough for months and months of travel!!! $4,000 lasted me for 2 months throughout Southeast Asia, plane ticket included!

I grew up drinking whole milk and would hold my nose every morning because it makes me gag. Now that I’m an “adult” and buy my own groceries, I drink almond milk. 1% and 2% milk confuses me… it’s like partially watery but not. but my bf loves whole milk and uses a ton of heavy cream in his coffee every morning… pretty sure he can drink that stuff straight out of the bottle… gross.

I’ve dreamt about having a gigantic library (or i guess office) in my house ever since I was a kid! (Beauty and the Beast style with 5 floors of books and spiraling staircases!)


I love 1% milk. I have two extra bedrooms in my house and keep saying that one of them should be an office but it has yet to happen. I have never thought about spending $20K on anything but if I could it would probably be a bigger diamond for my wedding ring! Maybe I will put that on my birthday wish list!! I am sure I won’t be getting it!!


I add seasoning after the cesehe has fermented. This way, you know exactly what flavors you’re working with because not all cesehe has the same fermentation taste;) Enjoy! Tina Jo


I thought I was the only one in the WORLD who likes Butter Pecan ice cream!


I just love you! You are soo cute! :)


I’d spend 20,000 on a house or fun trip. Love those things!

That ice cream is soooo yummy!

And when I get a chance, I grab ‘groceries’ from my parents’ fridge too! HAH


Oh my gosh… I could eat that entire plate of biscuits right now!


Hahaha, I`m commenting to say your last sentence was hilarious. I`d expect someone to say: sure, as soon as I sell my X, Y and Z, but actually HIS, that`s even better!


I love biscuits!!! So good!!!
I’d be fine with a $20,000 engage ring… ;)
I like 2% too! It just tastes better.
PS – Put the lemon Chobani yogurt in the freezer for like 30 minutes. It’s like sorbet/Italian ice!! Super good!


Yeah I don’t see myself spending $20k on anything anytime soon. I have buyers remorse after buying a pair of new socks, when all of mine have holes in them!! ;)


where’s your shirt from?! i’m in love


The one thing that makes me smile is my baby’s smile in the morning and his new found laugh! I would love the dress since it is so hot here in Tennessee, I am pretty sure I would wear it everyday :)


My husband just showed me Bubba Watson’s watch (he is a golfer). his watch cost him around $500,000!!! Holy cow! Talk about a luxury watch! Google it if you don’t believe me :)


Number one item on my bday list? A bicycle. I looked at a few this weekend.
Milk in my fridge? Almond milk
A luxury item worth $20,000? A huge flat screen tv, surround sound stereo system and the most current playstation.

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