Speedy company and a tiny marathon expo.

Call me a run nerd or a 4 year old stuck in a 26 year old body if you want but I will ALWAYS get overly excited to go to a race expo to pick up my bib, a shirt I will never wear and to be surrounded by all things running.  It was a really small expo but it still made me happy.

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Whoever you are Christopher Jacobs…I don’t like the fact that you took #2961 and split our bib numbers apart.  Lame alphabetizing.

I finally got to meet my running heroes, Jake and Andrea.  You seriously have to read Jake’s Boston race report.

Long story short, they are famous and ridiculously fast.  Andrea will be running the SLC half on Saturday and I will bet you all 1,000,000 dollars that she will win it.

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We all had the delicious salad and discussed the most important things in life: gamins, who loves ice cream the most (I won), sheep, a runner in our area that ran a 2:29 marathon in CROCS (the shoes) and how Jake is going to coach me when I am back racing again (I guess I should ask him first).

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We didn’t get home until about 9 (my curfew is usually 7 pm on school nights and so this shows how big of party animals we were) and for dessert I had a string cheese.  Buying things in bulk for a family of two…is that normal?


The string cheese even gets its own drawer in our fridge, that is just how special it is to us.  Since when did I want something with actual nutrients in it for dessert?


22 Week Update HERE!!


What foods do you buy in bulk?

Where is the coolest race expo that you have ever been to?  Do you ever buy things at the expo?

NYCM, I could have stayed there for 10 hours.

Who else will be running a race this weekend?

How often do you eat cheese?

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I’m running a Dine & Dash 5k with my family this weekend! First, I have to run a 5k, then I have to eat caramal bread pudding with no utensils!

Can’t wait to read your baby update!


AHHH Good luck and I totally want to do that race for the bread pudding. I can’t wait to read about it!


Happy Friday Janae! What a fun Thursday evening you had. I can’t wait to hear how your half marathon goes!

Yes, we buy almost all of our food in bulk and we are a family of 3 (and 1 is a toddler). We plow through a case of apples in 2 weeks.

I love the Twin Cities marathon expo. You leave with 2+bags of free samples and there are tons of free samples out to try (think Costco on a Saturday–but even more).


Good to know we are normal with the bulk food things. I want to run Twin Cities so so bad! Are you going to do it again?


I hope to, but the husband says more kids first;-)


I am such a sucker for expos! They always get me so exciting and then I end up buying way too much. Something about the fact that everyone there is a runner/athlete makes me happy.

My favorite was the NYCM expo too because it was huge and had everything imaginable (I ran the Dash to the Finish the day before the NYCM and we picked up bibs there).

The things I buy in bulk are pretzels (love salt!) and Clif bars. Not sure why, I think I convinced myself they are cheaper that way.


Seriously wasn’t NYCM incredible?!?! Pretzels in bulk..you are a smart smart woman!


GOOD LUCK for your race tomorrow- hope tonight involves a lot of carbo loading…and cheese for some post-race recovery protein :)


Thanks so much and you better believe there will be carb and cheese loading:) Have an amazing weekend!


First off I think I WANT that chocolate milk that is by your and Billy’s bibs for tomorrow! HAHA Good LUCK on your race tomorrow :) I know you will do AMAZING!!! Good luck to your Billy as well :)

What foods do you buy in bulk?
Well when I lived on my own last year at school, I would ALWAYS buy fruit snacks, granola bars and veggies in bulk. Yes I guess I am 5 years old at heart! haha

Where is the coolest race expo that you have ever been to? Do you ever buy things at the expo?

-Ive only been to one race expo and it was okay. I didnt buy anything last yr at the expo

Who else will be running a race this weekend?

-I feel SOO proud of myself for actually being able to answer this question Janae!!! I am RUNNING this weekend!! Sunday I am running my FIRST ever Half Marathon and I am soo nervous and scared! It is the Glass City Half. I feel like I may pee my pants by 7AM Sunday morning! haha

How often do you eat cheese?
Uhh not that often. I do LOVE it tho!!


AHHHHHHH YOUR FIRST HALF MARATHON. You are going to absolutely rock it and I want to hear all about it. I am beyond excited and happy for you! Fruit snacks in bulk, sounds good to me.


I don’t really buy anything in bulk, but stock up on things like protein bars and almond milk when I’m at target. I’ve never been to a really hue expo- I’m looking forward to NYCM for that! I’m guessing the rock and roll marathon I’m running in Nashville next weekend should be decent. I hope.
I want a running coach so badly! I think it would help me a ton. I can’t wait to see what you do when you are actually back racing- you are going to be SO fast!
No races for me this weekend, still trying to heal this bum right leg, ugh;)
GOOD LUCK IN YOUR HALF!!! So excited:)


You are going to LOVE NYCM, it is beyond incredible. The Nashville one will have a bunch of stuff too. I think you should totally get a coach, you are so talented!


A race in crocs???? Did this person forget their sneakers or was it by choice?? My husband and I always buy eggs, protein powder, string cheese and yogurt in bulk. Can’t run low on the staples!!!


BY CHOICE…..he has already ran 2000 miles THIS year in crocs. Seriously.


“A shirt that I will never wear”… lol.


No racing for me this weekend, but I’ll be virtually cheering for you guys. Have fun!!


I love huge expos! So much fun. USAT Collegiate National Championships are tomorrow in Tuscaloosa, AL! I’m ready to go fast and then it’s back to long distance Ironman training.

Good luck to you and Billy and Christopher (because why not) this weekend at the SLC 1/2!


I buy grahams in bulk. They are my favorite pre workout fuel.

I loved the Rock n Roll Phoenix AZ expo. Expos are just so much fun (period) They get you pumped for the race!

No races this weekend just my long run of 15.

And I love cheese :)

PS I posted a sneak peak of my photoshoot last night for my new project I am working on :)


Happy Friday!
Good luck on your race this weekend!! I’m racing, too- I’m hoping to channel your energy and speed (I bet your baby will win the -1 to 0 age group!).
My husband and I buy in bulk, too- we eat a lot of the same things, so we can get away with it! My current obsessions are red grapes, kiwi, greek yogurt, and organic spinach. I don’t mind 5 lb containers of those items :)
I enjoyed Portland’s expo last year- but mostly because they had my favorite Mizuno Wave Alchemys for 50% off! I bought two more pairs, so I came home with four. It was a full suitcase! :)


We buy a lot in bulk! Oatmeal, almond milk, Greek yogurt, cereal, chicken, avocados, spinach, hummus…
Disneyland Half Marathon Race Expo for sure. Around here we do not have to great of expos.
I am hoping to do a short run Sunday, we are finally supposed to see some sun!
Cheese – I should eat more, but probably once a week right now.
Best of luck with your race!


I eat cheese at least twice a day! One of the biggest things I buy in bulk is string cheese :) And cottage cheese, and blocks of cheese, mmm cheese!

A marathon in crocs? The thought of that makes me feet hurt!


We buy eggs in bulk. Like a flat of 30 eggs. It is definitely the cheapest way to go, and they last forever. I got that teary-eyed sad face when the boyf walked in with just a dozen eggs the other night. I actually said, “Do you think we should go get more?”


Over halfway to babyland! Yay!

We buy a ton of bulk items. Lettuce, spinach, hummus, eggs, turkey bacon, clif bars.


I loved reading this post! I am running a half tomorrow in Adamstown, PA and I just got so excited! Thanks for sharing.

Bulk, always from Costco: Milk, strawberries, spinach, Oatmeal Squares, frozen berries, delicious ciabatta rolls, salmon and gum.

Coolest running expo: Chicago. It was huge.

As for cheese….I love it, but have terribly high cholesterol. I am like an old person. I try to avoid it like the plague.


That’s awesome you met Jake and Andrea, they are such an inspiring duo! He had an amazing race in Boston and I loved his race recap because it gave such a great glimpse of racing as an elite. So cool.

Good luck this weekend!


Please tell me more about the 2:29 CROC runner! Linky please? That’s craziness right there.


GOOD luck to both you and Billy tomorrow!!! I hope I get to see you. :)


Me and kev have different things we buy in bulk…I buy gum, broccoli, pb/almond butter, fruit, and cheese and he buys string cheese, iced tea and pretzels. we are a winning combination!

i love expos!! my fave so far was the rock n roll philly one..i’m really excited to see how chicago pans out, im sure it’ll be a good one.

i eat cheese umm…all the time. whether crumbles on my salad, slices on my sandwiches, shredded in my omelettes or string cheese. YAY CHEESE!


My philosophy on food – anything is good with cheese – even better with melted cheese.


Good luck this weekend, Janae!!! :) That is so cool that you got to meet your running heroes! Maybe one day I’ll get to meet my running hero … you! ;) (OK, maybe that was a little too much brown nosing … hahaha!!!)


And good luck Mama!!!!


in crocs???? that’s crazy!! have THE best time!!


Best expo, by far Boston! They have everything you could imagine for running. I am looking forward to the MCM expo in Oct.
Good luck to you and Billy this weekend!


I bet Boston was out of control!!! Thanks Bethany, have an amazing weekend!


I’m running a local 5k this weekend. I need motivation so that I’m not just a lazy pregnant lady. But you’re still running 40-45 miles a week…that’s awesome! I have run mileage like that in years. Good luck on your race! Can’t wait to hear how it goes.

And I’ve been eating cheese sticks like they’re going out of style. So good.


AHHH GOOD LUCK at your 5k this weekend, you are going to rock it and please let me know how it goes!


I LOVE CHEESE. Bulk is totally acceptable. In fact, I encourage it.


String cheese has become a new favorite in this house – Ryleigh loves it!

I have a friend who runs 50K – 100 mile ultras in her Crocs, it is all she wears and she does a crazy amount of trail running. Ironmans too.


PS I love Ryleighs name:) 100 miles in CROCS…WOW!


I buy gluten free flours in bulk because it’s cheaper! I also bought some apples from costco last sunday and I’ve used most of them… I think there were about 18….


That is awesome that it is cheaper. We always get our apples at Costco, DELICIOUS!


I think string cheese just made my grocery list for this weekend!

I buy toilet paper in bulk lol. No food items, because I’m only purchasing for myself and I don’t go through food that quickly due to eating out way too often!

I eat cheese daily, my favorites being goat and feta!


You need to get some string cheese. Now you are making me crave goat cheese.


i eat cheese daily. its my fav.
now i feel that i need a block of mozzarella :) or some melty nachos! haha


I love how your names are on the bibs!


I’m running the inaugural San Luis Obispo marathon this weekend! I’m super-excited but also really nervous because the high is 77! GAH!!!


I eat cheese every day–I love it! (But it’s got to be good, strong cheese–). I might trey and just jump into the Half on Saturday….we shall see :)


I’m running the SLC 1/2 as well! It was a pretty small expo compared to last year. But, I was grateful for the chocolate milk. But, my favorite expos are the RunDisney expos. So much going on … and it’s Disney! I rarely buy anything, but I’ll gladly take whatever people want to give me.

Good luck with the race! You’ll probably beat me to the finish line, but look for that crazy guy running in long pants and a denim vest with pink shoes!



Haha we do the same thing – one of the drawers that is supposed to be for fruits or vegetables in completely devoted to the costco-sized string cheese supply!

Had a lot of fun last night – see you both at the race tomorrow! :-)


My cheese has it’s own drawer too! I eat cheese every day lunch, snack and a lot of times dinner too! It’s crazy how much cheese we have, shredded, string, blocks, cheese spread. It’s kind of ridiculous actually. I would hate to some day become lactose intolerant. That would kill me and I’m pretty sure that I would still eat ice cream and cheese and drink milk and just have to suffer the consequences. :-) Um, I too get excited about running expos and pick up all the freebies even if I don’t necessarily want it, but come on, it’s free LOL


hahaha I totally buy string cheese in bulk just for myself…..and I my dog. Okay wait I never share with her it is just for me. :)

Jake & Andrea are seriously two of the nicest people I have ever met. Jake takes his coaching payments in fro-yo ounces. ;) I will be at mile 10 of the half so put in your orders now for sweedish fish, string cheese, pizza, or whatever else you’d like me to have ready for you. I will be filling my handheld water bottles with gatorade and they are much easier to drink out of if Billy wants me to have one ready for him.


My first Chicago expo was my fav since it was the first HUGE expo I have seen, but since then I have come to hate big expos. They make me claustrophobic and in a near panic to get out. Packed in with too much stimulus and too many people. AHHHH. I love a smaller, more user friendly environment like the one you described.

My fav was when I went to sign books and wasn’t running, because then I could really relax.


I’ve only been to two race expos and both were small and we stayed for about 5 minutes. I have heard great things about the Vancouver Marathon expo though, which I will be attending on May 5, and am beyond excited that Saucony will be there with *fingers crossed* the new Kinvara 3s.
Have fun this weekend!


I eat some form of cheese pretty much every day.

We buy a TON of stuff in bulk (and there’s only two of us) – grapes, cottage cheese, cheese, salmon, frozen fruits and veggies, coffee, nuts, chicken, zima tomatoes, romaine, spinach, asparagus, etc.


I love cheese. I’m from WI so you kinda have to love it. Last time I was home, my dad and I split a block for breakfast.


I used to not eat cheese often.. now I eat it almost everyday! I love it..
I love those expos too!! They always have cool free things, and it’s just fun to see all the other runners!!


I really only been to one big expo (seattle marathon) everything else has been little bib pickups. This weeks bib pickup, I didn’t get no samples in the packet, but I pre-ordered some socks and grabbed a free, icy sugar free red bull. :-)


boston and chicago both had fun expos…i bet ny was cool!

i love cheese! i buy string cheese in bulk too haha my husband doesnt even eat it sooooo just for me!


Hey Janae! i’m not running any races this weekend, but i just signed up for the COLOR RUN in DC this summer. 5k, wear all white, and get splashed with colorful paint! looking forward to a fun race. :)

ps: i <3 cheeeese.


BROCCOLI from Costco! 2 bags every week. Cannot.live.without.it. Oh, and hummus for ultimate dippage, duh! Actually I buy all of my produce at Costco. And it’s just me eating it. I run a lot and eat a lot. No shame:)


Oh crap. My original purpose for commenting was to say GOOD LUCK, but then I got all excited about bulk broccoli that I forgot to write that. So, yeah, GOOD LUCK to you and Billy this weekend!!! I can’t wait to read all about it!


I don’t buy too many things in bulk. Yogurt, bread usually.

I could eat cheese everyday. If you count cream cheese, then I guess I do eat it everyday…


I LOVED meeting you in NYC!!!
I am CHEERING for you and Baby this weekend, you 2 are going to ROCK it…and BILLY will of course run amazingly FAST, tell him the race to a 1:25 is ON!!! :)
LOVE you J!!!


I always buy apple chips in bulk…errr…not sure I can explain that one. My local grocery store has them and they’re unsulfured apple rings (not crunchy) and they are my favorite snack ever. I probably eat 2lbs of them per week. They are good fuel which I need for the two half marathons I’m doing this weekend! Too many people are calling me crazy, one half tomorrow and one half on Sunday. I’m calling it good if I can walk on Sunday night!


Good luck to you and Billy this weekend! Have a blast! No race for me this weekend. Just hoping for some easy mileage. We have started buying yogurt in bulk, but that’s about it.


The Chicago Marathon Expo is unbelievable!
You should check it out!!!

I also love packet pick up. Just got my bike the drive shirt in the mail. It’s over a month away but I am already excited!


I had to laugh when I read about the string cheese. I now eat string cheese because of your blog! It was never something I snacked on or craved – I like cheese in a sandwich but not alone – and then about 2 weeks ago I bought a 16-pack at the grocery store and I eat at least one a day. Totally normal for a person living alone to now have two 16-packs of string cheese in the fridge…

Good luck to you and Billy in the race!


I am so so happy that you are loving string cheese! Such a delicious and easy snack! Hope you have an amazing weekend!


I hope I can meet you tomorrow! I’ve been reading your blog for too long!


We better be able too!!!!! Find me!!!


I will definitely be on the lookout for you guys! I’m watching make it or break it right now to get ready for the race, ha ;)


Best race prep ever!!!!


Running the SL marathon too. My fam is running the half. It’s going to rock.


I buy oatmeal and steel cut oats in bulk. Living on the edge, I know. :)

Good luck at your race!! I bet you guys will have a blast!


I really really hope you somehow manage to run into Christopher Jacobs that’d be so funny!


I buy meat, snacks and water at Costco. Oh, and toilet paper, even though that’s not a food, but I still buy it in bulk.

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