23 Weeks, a few days late:)

Things feel even more real now that we know we are having a girl.  I feel like I can finally start planning/thinking/spoiling her now which clearly leaves me no time to brush my hair.

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Changes and thoughts this week:

-I really NEED some salt and vinegar chips. (Thankfully I finally bought some).

-Once I wake up, I wake up for good.  This is awesome because it is easier to get up and workout in the morning but isn’t as fun when I get up at midnight to go to the bathroom….good thing Billy doesn’t mind me waking him up to watch Scrubs with me in the middle of the night.

-The kicks are getting a lot bigger.

-I haven’t ran all week.  I think the added weight kind of messed with my ankle during the 1/2 marathon last Saturday and so I have been focusing on doing other things.  Once I am running again I will be cutting down my mileage to about 30 miles per week to help save my joints.

-Still feeling really energetic and no nausea.  Why is it that we get the most sick/tired during the first trimester when no one can tell you are pregnant and therefore think you have just gone crazy and have no idea what is wrong with you?

-Another random craving I have been having are Werther’s hard candy.  If you have talked to me in real life the last week then you have probably been able to smell butterscotch anytime you are within 2 feet of me.

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-I like to brush my teeth again.  The minty taste of toothpaste still drives me crazy and so I tried out Colgate for the baking soda taste and it is perfect!


My mother-in-law is already telling people that the baby looks just like her;)

From her instagram:


Can we talk about how amazing ultrasounds are for a second.  Because I am a stress case and worry if I don’t feel the baby move every 12 minutes, the ultrasound really helps make those fears disappear.  To be able to see the 4 different chambers of the heart, her brain, her little feet and to know that she weighs more than a lb made me the happiest I have ever been.  And now I am officially crying….must end post now to stop my emotional pregnancy tears because I am in a room full of people.


Do your kids look like you?  Do they look alike?

What toothpaste brand do you use?

How many ultrasounds did you have during your pregnancy?

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awwww I love the ultrasound! That must be so nice to have that picture to look at! And I actually use a prescription toothpaste… apparently I’m special?


You are definitely special:) Isn’t the picture so cute!


Love seeing your belly grow!!

I met up with a fellow blogger in Nashville today (Natalie from Southern Fit Foodie) and we were both talking about how much we love you! ;) We also both think that Billy needs his own blog haha … or at least a page of his own on your blog! ;)


Oh Kristen, you made my day…I wish I could have met up with you guys. I keep telling him too and I will show him your comment and I am sure he will now:)


Are we going to get any inklings on the name options?!


As soon as I think of any, heck yeah. You know I can’t keep a secret from you guys:)


The boy hates toothpaste (minty) and I was looking for an alternative to suggest!


Lookin good girl!
I still cannot stand the taste of toothpaste right now (im in my first trimester and the m/s is out of control)so I’m of no help. I use arm and hammer whitening toothpaste.

I currently have had 2 ultrasounds (dating and 12week) and have one more at 19weeks. I only had 2 with my first. Love seeing the baby though. Definitely reassures me seeing as how I can’t feel any kicks or movement yet.


Isn’t it crazy how awful that minty taste is in the first trimester especially. I used to dread brushing my teach.


Isn’t it so fun that you can call “the baby” HER now! SUCH a fun time!!


Thanks Melissa and YES, it is so fun to say her:)


Oh my gosh you can see her NOSE!!! I can already tell she’s going to be adorable. And I totally see the grandma child resemblance :)


HAHAH You just made my MILs day:)


Love the ultrasound picture. It is so amazing what you can see. I had an ultrasound every two weeks with my first (high risk) and one with my second.

Both of my kids look just like their dad. I have a girl and a boy and they look a lot a like. People always ask if they are twins (I know a boy and a girl would be fraternal and would have nothing to do with looking alike) and it drives my daughter nuts because she is two years older.


My daughter looks like my husband. She is now five and I FINALLY think she has a few of my features. She acts just like me, so I guess it’s a fair trade.
I use crest with whitening and scope. I have a fear of bad breath.
I had two ultrasounds: one early on because of concerns and one at 21 weeks. We did not find out the gender until the delivery room. We figured it was a surprise in the ultrasound room or in the delivery room and in a rare show of patience we decided to wait.
You look great! Thanks for taking us along on your amazing journey!


23 weeks! So exciting! So cool! Your baby bump is so cute :) I hope your ankle is okay!


That is the cutest ultrasound ever, so adorable! I can only imagine how excited your family is, yay … Thanks for letting us follow along! And you are looking amazing with that little bump of yours!


I wonder if your lingering ankle pain has anything to do with the relaxin that your body produces during pregnancy?


Stacey, I think that you are completely right! It is driving me crazy….heal body heal body heal body!


Janae you are just too precious with that baby bump!! Thanks for letting all of us stalkers watch your belly grow!


We’re waiting to find out what we are having but my brother and SIL just found out they are having baby girl number 4! He’s going to have his hands full when they all start bringing home boys :) I was supposed to run a half marathon next week but the baby has decided it has had enough running. It sucks but now I can cheer on my friends and all the other runners!


Do your kids look like you? Do they look alike?
I don’t have kids, but ironically, my brother and I look NOTHING alike.
He is tall and thin, I am short (well, it’s relative, I am the shortest in my family at 5’9″) and kind of dumpy. I am built like my dad and have facial features from both parents.
My brother on the other hand is the second coming of my mother’s father. It’s creepy.

What toothpaste brand do you use?
This is kind of embarrassing… but I use the kids bubblegum flavoured one. I hate the taste of toothpaste….


Aww…I love the bump!! And, I love how excited your MIL is!
I don’t have kids yet, but my niece looked exactly like me when she was just a babe.


Awww.. you’re so cute. I’m pretty sure my belly looks like that now you know at 13 weeks. I love ultrasounds so much. I’ve had one and I’ll get another one at about 22 weeks for the anatomy scan. I love seeing my baby and dreaming about who they’ll look like. My first looks more like me and my second more like my husband (his dad really) but there’s definitely a brotherly resemblance.


I’m working in OB/GYN now and seeing the ultrasounds are my favorite part! And the nausea in the first trimester is a sign all the hormone hcg is working hard to keep that baby healthy! So happy for you Mamma, that belly is cute!


You are so adorable!


Yay! Your cute tummy! Now you look like me, but I’m not pregnant. You look so great. SOO SOO happy for you!

Ultra sounds are unreal these days. Technology blows my mind. The extremely 3d face ultrasounds do creep me out a little, I have to admit. I’m sure it’s diff when it’s your own child! haha


I was lucky with Ultrasounds because at me work we have a machine.. So I had a lot of them.. I didn’t do the 3-D ones until my last pregnancy which was with my twins so I never quite got a good picture, but they are so crazy! You are so dang cute and small! Out of my 4 kids 3 look pretty much just like me and one just like my husband… I think we all can’t wait to see your little one!


Pregnancy is sure agreeing with you nicely! You look beautiful! Your little baby bump is adorable


I’m not even pregnant but now I have a huge craving for Werthers now thanks to you! I haven’t had any in years.

I think my youngest daughter looks a little like me but both daughters look similar to each other because they both have red hair.

I’m a Crest person and my husband is a Colgate person. Every night we try to get our daughters to like our respective toothpastes. We have high hopes…

For my first daughter I had one ultrasound @ 20 weeks. With my second daughter I had two ultrasounds, one at 8 weeks to make sure there was a heartbeat since I had had two previous miscarriages and I had the second ultrasound at 20 weeks. I could have kissed my doc when he suggested we do an ultrasound at 8 weeks because I was a total basket case just stressing about whether or not my pregnancy would stick. I bawled when I saw that wiggly little bean!


Do your kids look like you? Do they look alike? They looked a lot more alike when they were little. They both have blond hair and blue eyes like their dad. My oldest looks just like me. My youngest favors her dad. Both have the exact same build I do.

What toothpaste brand do you use? Colgate Baking Soda & Peroxide Whitening

How many ultrasounds did you have during your pregnancy? Only had one with my first pregnancy. And two with my second. They needed to check her size and confirm due date. My first daughter was 10 days overdue before they induced. She was 9 lb, 5 oz. Dr wanted to make sure my second wouldn’t be bigger.


Pregnancy looks great on you! You have inspired me to start running (signed up for my first 5K in June!) and I hope to continue through pregnancies in the future. I tend to get really really sick for about 19ish weeks so who knows. I won’t be pregnant for a looong time so I guess I’ll just enjoy it while I can :)

I have two boys and one is my husbands clone and the other looks more like me. Maybe we’ll get a girl that will be a good mix. I LOVE ultrasounds. That is the best appointment. I only have 2, one at my first appointment, and one at 21 weeks. It is the absolute best feeling ever to know that everything looks great and that the baby is healthy and growing. We use whatever kind of toothpaste I can get for free with coupons. Yes, I am kind of a nerd.


Thanks Katelyn and I am beyond happy that you are running. You are going to rock your 5k and I want to hear all about it. SICK until 19 weeks…um, that sounds miserable. Teach me how to coupon!


I love the belly!! :) You are just too cute!!
Going for another ultrasound today :D Cannot wait.


AHHHHH SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I want to hear all about it Holly, this is awesome!


you look great! salt and vinegar chips are the bomb.


There’s cinnamon tooth paste, isn’t there? I wonder if that would help you.

I don’t even know what brand we use. It’s whatever is on sale. lol


You’re carrying so high!!! That’s awesome that you’re past 23 weeks, keep up the good baby growing work!!


I’m about to change your life here… Consider it repayment for making me CRAVE lemonade for 3 weeks and drive to about 10 different restaurants in search of it (finally found it at BP this weekend!!) – Lays Salt & Vinegar chips dipped in Ruffles Ranch dip. Sounds gross, but it’s DELICIOUS. I’m obsessed. It will change your life :-)

So glad to hear that you’re feeling well, the baby is beautiful! How amazing are ultrasounds at all that you can see the little one! Amazing :)


My son looks like me and also resembles my dad. He looks nothing like his father. I am thankful for that since I am not a huge fan of his father. I’ll find out who my daughter looks like once she is born! I think she has he daddy’s nose. poor girl. LOL!! it’s a typical polish nose!

Right now I am using some Colgate whitening. I buy whatever is on sale. I usually watch for the Kroger 10 for $10 sale and stock up. Can’t beat $1 tubes of tooth paste!

I’ve had quite a few since I had maginal placenta previa. I just had my last U/S a few weeks ago and found out my placenta moved. yay!!!


Our 2yr old. boy looks JUST like his Dad, it’s pretty amazing…since the day he was born people have said that. Thanks goodness, cause he has good looking genes :)
One ultrasound is common and usually only needed unless something is up or of concern. You should go get one of those 3d/4d ultrasounds in a couple weeks, just to see more of her. They are so cool!


My daughter looks like my husband and me. She really is a mix of both of us which is neat :D Personality-wise though… probably my husband. She is very energetic, exactly like my husby!


Mmm now I want salt and vinegar chips haha


ultrasounds are seriously the coolest things ever. i wish i had one around my house haha id watch that baby all day long!


I love, love, love the ultrasounds. I also love going to the doctor and hearing my baby’s heartbeat. It’s so magical.
When I had my first ultrasound, I cried like a baby because I needed the verification that the baby was okay. I had fallen twice pretty hard while running in the two weeks prior to the appointment (I had never fallen running before, ever!) and was so scared that the baby wasn’t okay. But he was so tiny then that his little home was well padded and kept him from getting hurt unlike his clumsy mama.
I just had my 35 week ultrasound last week to make sure he was in the right birthing position and it was amazing to see how big he had become since the last one at 22 weeks. And the doctor was able to verify that the lumps I’m feeling when I touch my belly are in fact his bottom, back, and little feet. It’s so cool! If it was safe for the baby, I’d want an ultrasound every week!


Ultrasounds are amazing, and hearing that heartbeat. I had lots since I was 37 when I was pregnant they do lots more monitoring. I never did want the 3D ones though and didn’t like trying to see the face too much. We didn’t know if it was a boy or girl and I wanted to wait for the delivery to see the baby. My favorite was the kicks/rolling around. I would push and shove and talk to her if I didn’t feel her for a while. Poor baby probably got hardly any sleep with me always bugging her to kick back at me ; )


My friend just had her baby on Saturday and I got to meet him yesterday. OMG, it’s really quite amazing how he looks a tiny bit like each parent (actually, he looks about 10% mom and 90% dad).
It’s so beautiful to finally see the face of this baby who has been in the womb for months! We’re so thankful he’s healthy and strong.
I’ll be praying for your beautiful daughter to also be healthy and strong like her parents :)


Our little boy is only 2 months old, but I think he looks mostly like my husband but has my nose. I had 6 ultrasounds, one was an elective 3d/4d ultrasound which was incredible and I highly recommend it. We got to see our little man’s face and he looked just like he did when he was born.


Wahoo!! A little baby girl–she’ll be so darling :)


oh my gosh, I HATED toothpaste during pgncy. I can only stomach cinnamon, but for awhile, I had to use children’s toothpaste. agh!

I had a TON of ultra sounds…my first being at 9 weeks, then 13weeks, 19weeks, and then TWICE weekly from 26weeks-37 weeks, then back down to once a week until delivery. Clearly they had to closely monitor me which was not good, but the “positive” thing about having that complication was that I got to “see” her twice a week! It always made me feel so much better. :)


I use 2 brands of toothpaste like a weirdo. Toms and my prescription toothpaste (yes this is real) Clinpro 5000!


You look great!

With my second son, I had an ultrasound every week! My older son was born at 25 weeks, so I had to be careful when I got pregnant with my second son. Those ultrasounds were awesome to see!


I LOVE ultrasounds!! They are incredible! My favorite is seeing the cute profile of my baby! That profile of your bundle is adorable! My first pregnancy I had 2 ultrasounds.. This pregnancy I have had 3 because I had some kidney issues a few weeks ago! Good thing my baby girl was not affected!

I went to the doctor today! I was dilated to a 1!!! Ahhh it’s coming quick! I also got to pick a date to be induced.. May 23 is D Day! Unless I go before! Crossing my fingers she stays put until then! :)

Have a great day! You look darling!


Yep, ultrasounds are super exciting. I’m pregnant with #3 and have my third ultrasound scheduled for next Monday. I will be overdue by then, so they want to make sure the placenta and fluid is all good.

My first two kiddos look nothing like me. I have dark brown hair, tan skin, and both kids have red hair, fair and freckles – just like their dad!


I loved getting ultrasounds. I had so many ultrasounds during my pregnancy. I couldn’t feel my daughter moving, so I had to have an ultrasound 2-3 times a week. My twins have similar noses, but otherwise do not look alike. My daughter looks like me with brown hair and my son looks like my husband with blonde hair.


By golly, your MIL is right…they are identical ;) I am so happy for you! You look amazing, so tiny!


I was the same way when I was prego! Worried about movements and all that jazz.. It was a relief when she was born so I could always see her wiggle!

My mom just posted a pic of myself and my daughter side by side on F. At the same age and we look vERY alike!


CUTE!!!! I am so happy for you and you look great pregnant


What a beautiful little profile! I knew one of my babies was going to look exactly like my husband at 15 weeks. I saw his profile and nose and just KNEW it. He does. I was spoiled and had an ultrasound every two weeks with my first pregnancy, being the complicated one that it was. It was the only way they could track three heartbeats. This one I’ve only had two so far, so I really soaked them both up. Hooray for having a little girl! So happy for you.


You look so great and too cute!! Congrats on finding out you’re having a girl!! Very exciting!

I had too many ultrasounds too count! In the beginning of my pregnancy they couldn’t find his kidney so I had so many trying to find it…then they realized I was measuring way too small close to 28/30 weeks mabye so I had an ultrasound every single week until I had him @ 34 weeks. He was just 2 pounds 15 ounces but now is a healthy, beautiful, amazing almost 3 year old (he’s just a little runt but healthy :) and with one functioning kidney but he’s okay!!) who I adore more than I can even begin to describe!! I just know your little girl is going to your bestie…my son is mine! (he says “mommy, you’re my best, best friend!”…I die every time). There is NOTHING like being a mom. So happy for you! It’s funny how after a long frustrating day w/ him (yes, they happen sometimes…), he kisses me and tells me he loves me and suddenly I forget the drama of the day. Being a mom is amazing….truly amazing. I feel like I know you from reading your blog and just know you are going to be so close to her, and you guys are going to be awesome parents!!


Aw so beautiful! Congrats again on the baby girl and you are going to be the best parents!

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