You ARE a Runner!!!

Turns out that all of your get well wishes healed me and I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday, still a little weird but so much better!

Can I tell you how awesome it is to go to stores while everyone else is at work?  I am so used to going at the busiest times of the day (right after work) but it was so nice to have no lines and the store felt like a ghost town.

I had something very important to get:

Photo 19

Skull Candy headphones are my absolute favorite in the whole wide world! I left the store only buying one thing (it is a miracle). I was going to buy nail polish too but I was so overwhelmed with the amount of choices that I got frustrated and left.  I am not a good decision maker especially when it comes to something as important as the color of my 8 toenails that no one ever sees because I am always wearing running shoes.

We were out of cottage cheese and so I was forced to go to Pita Pit for lunch.  (That doesn’t make sense but I just needed an excuse for picking up lunch).  McDonalds was on the way back and I NEEDED a lemonade.

Photo 19 copy

For so many years I have based the majority of my identity on being A RUNNER!  It was something I was good at and it gave me confidence.

When I got injured last year I really struggled with this because I felt like I lost a part of who I was (dramatic, yes).  I focused on telling myself that I needed to stop basing my identity off of running.  While pregnant I have slowed down big time and obviously my mileage has dropped.  I was struggling with the same problem until I cam across a part in Mile Markers (yes, I am beyond obsessed with this book).  I realized that running can still be a huge part of my identity whether I am running 5 miles a week or 50 miles a week and there is no need to try and tell myself that I shouldn’t base part of who I am on running.

In this chapter Kristen is talking about a dear friend that was an incredible runner but became really sick and couldn’t run like she used to.

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Photo 18 copy

It really doesn’t matter if you are too busy/sleep deprived to run or if you are out of the game for a few months due to injury, you are STILL a runner.  It is a part of who you are and before you know it, you will be back to your old self and soaking in those endorphins.


New HRG Baby post!!!  Click HERE!


Do you have a favorite type of headphones?  How often do you use your headphones?

Finish your I AM statement.  I am _____________.

Are you at the top of your game or are you taking time off right now?

Absolute favorite store to go browse around?


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I love that you just posted this today! I just got back from the doctor and I may have exerational compartment syndrome, which means no running and maybe surgery! Reading those passages made me feel better!
My favorite stroe to browse is Target too, but I always spend way more than I should!


Oh Heather, I am truly sorry that you are going through this right now. How long did he say that you would be out for? I am here for you!


Oh man I could definitely spend hours in a Target!

Love the quotes about being a “runner”!


Seriously, every single section in that store has stuff that I want….hours is right:)


I love this!! ANd yes–Target is a good place to go….and it’s amazing you only left with 1 thing! WOW.

I am ____ a dancer, fitness professional, motivator, coach, wife, and (hopefully) healthy inspiration! LOVe this about being a runner. I know I will allllwwwaayyyss be a dancer. It is my heart and soul :)

Gonna check out baby post. Wahoo!


YOU ARE a healthy inspiration! Love that about you and please teach me how to dance like you:)


Kristen really knows how to put things in words! I think I’ve highlighted on every page. Target is a place I know is not a “quick trip.” It’s like quick sand. Sucks me in every time.


She really does! She is able to reach so many women with her words. LOVE your quick sand analogy…you are so right!


I always run with headphones but I need a new pair bad! Mine are on their last leg.. I completely agree with on favorite store to browse! I could spend all the live long day at Target :)


You should try out skull candy headphones…they are awesome and they are at target:)


Skull candy, hands down!!

Finish your I AM statement. I am a pregnant runner. :-)

I am just pushing on at a slow pace.



YAY for pregnant runners….look at how awesome you are:)


I am…….looking for joy in everyday life. It’s a challenge I try to journal about daily & your post brought me some, thank you :)
You are always a runner Janae! And you will bring that passion to your role as a mom & be an awesome role model of pursuing & , persevering.
I’m not at the top of my game as I am 2 months back to running post sfx. I just found out that Meb had one 2yrs ago & look at him now! I am completely inspired & encouraged by him…..and ou too.
Thank for the post. I just got my copy of Mile MArkers & can’t wait to read it!


Heather, thank you so much for your comment…you really brightened my day! Please let me know if you need anything! Congrats on coming back from a stress fracture…that is tough stuff. Seriously, Meb is an incredible example of how we can come back stronger than ever. Enjoy Mile Markers!


I love this, it is SO true!!! I think running is about the passion you have for it. If you are dedicated and you love it, you are a runner.
I just use the iphone ones but they always fall out! I will have to check out yours.
I am a fitness enthusiast I guess you can say. I love so many forms of fitness from running, to weights, to yoga, I love to sweat! :D
I’m taking time off right now and focusing on the livefit trainer. I haven’t run since my half and I’m dying.
Target is FOR SURE my favorite store to browse around. It’s dangerous in there, I can never leave without getting something I don’t need.


I love what you said…it is totally about the passion that we have for it! My iPhone headphones always fall out too. You ARE a fitness enthusiast and it rubs off on everyone around you (and that read your blog). YAY for live fit, you are rocking that!


Thank you so much for this! I have been training big time for a race that is 3 days away… and have been fighting through back pain for a month. I’m sitting here wondering if and how I will be able to run on Sunday if things don’t get better. My friends and husband will all be there, and I so want to be a part of this race I encouraged everyone to sign up for. Reading the quotes from Mile Markers really hit home… if for some reason I can’t run – I am still a runner and there will be many more races in my future. :-)


HEY MARA ADAMS!! I am so so sorry about the back pain you are experiencing, that sounds awful! Please keep me updated on what happens this Sunday, I will be thinking about you! YES, you will always be a runner whether you are running in the race on Sunday or not….such a bright future ahead!


AHh I NEEDED this post today! I’ve been struggling with knee pain the past month or so and it’s really been getting me down….I feel like I’m not a runner anymore, like I’m being lazy, that I’m just not good, etc. This was so, so helpful and encouraging :)
You are an amazing runner and person! I’ve been reminded by a few people close to me that running is a sport for life. Even if you have to take some time off – whether thats weeks, months, or even years, you’ll still have the WHOLE rest of your life to run run run :) Soon you’ll have an adorable baby runner to run along side you!


When I got pregnant in August, it took me a while to adjust to running while pregnant. Even though I wasn’t running as far or as fast, just running made me a runner ;). So glad you are feeling better.


Glad you are feeling better! I am at the top of my game…just ran the Austin Marathon last month and gearing up to start training for Chicago! I love browsing in Whole Foods for new & different foods.


CONGRATS KAMAILE!! That is so great. You better keep me updated with how things are going with Chicago!


8 toenails? Am I missing something?


I lost some from running:) they are growing back though!


I can never leave Target buying one thing. Even if I ONLY go to get milk


Favourite headphones = Bose 1E2 headphones! I thought my Apple headphones were just fine until my sweet and thoughtful Dad surprised me with these Bose ones for Christmas and I was shocked at the difference! They have great sound and they’re much more comfortable (and they stay put better) than Apple ones.

I am a RUNNER and TRIATHLETE! (sorry that’s not original, but it’s what popped in my head!)

I’m taking time off now for a strained hip flexor (= BOO!) but I loved this post! It’s only been 5 days since I’ve been running but I’m already feeling like a chubby, lazy sloth for not being able to run. It’s not a nice feeling at all! Doctor ordered another week of no running, but at least I can swim.

Favourite store to browse = LULULEMON! Only problem is I cannot go in that store without convincing myself that I need a dozen things and I end up broke as can be and eating too much Kraft dinner because I have no money left for food :-P But at least I look cute eating my KD!!


Oooh I could also browse forever in Chapters. I could spend 4 hours in there easily!


Do you know what? I really needed to read this today.
My hip injury is still causing me so much pain and I’ve been off running since December. Initially it broke my heart but I’m learning to deal with it. I’ve got an orthopaedic consultation next month so fingers crossed it’s not permanently damaged.
Thanks for sharing those quotes.


I have been hearing nothing but good things about that Mile Markers book. I am always looking for inspiring running reading material so I will have to check it out! :-) I don’t know about being at the top of my game but I feel that I am in a good place with running right now. I am enjoying just running freely without a training schedule and doing lots of fun cross training (like turbo kick and spin class!)


Thanks for the post! Definitely motivating. I could compare myself to every amazing runner and be discouraged because I’m not as fast or strong or fit…but I still get my butt out there and run because it feels good, so I am happy to say that I am still a runner no matter what pace, etc…that will all come in time!
I’m on a home decor kick right now since we are doing some remodeling so Homegoods, World Market and of course, Target are my browsing go tos right now!!


I just visited Target today … it’s the first time I’ve been in one in ages, because they didn’t have any where I lived in Ohio. Anyways, it made me so happy. I just walked around for a while, admiring all of the pretty things haha. ;)


awe this is a perfect post! sometimes I think you read my mind and know exactly what I’m feeling before you blog. but then again that’s how BFF’s are


Such a great post, thank you – I needed that. Even when I was running all the time I wasn’t your typical “runner”, not thin, not fast but still a runner in my own right. I have always thought it is such a personal sport/activity and that is one of the things I love about it. You do it for you and nothing else.

I stopped running pretty early into my pregnancy and got really lazy. She is now 14 months and I am just barely trying to get back at it.

But the thing I hold onto is that I know “I am a runner” I have good days and bad but I will not loose hold of that truth. I am still a runner.

Thank you.


I needed this post. I am on week 5 of a stress fracture, and all my besties are running an amazing race in a couple weeks, sans me. Thank you for that passage–I’m going to have to check out the book soon.

Thanks Janae!!


Okay, you’ve convinced me–going to get this book ASAP!


You read my mind. This was exactly what has been bugging me lately, and I JUST blogged about it this morning.

I am… Heading out for some hill sprints. Fun.


LOVE this! I have struggled with this a lot too. I used to run 6 days a week, marathon distances for fun (or ‘fun’), and was super skinny. Being “THAT SKINNY CHICK WHO RUNS A LOT” became what people knew about me. It was their go-to topic for small talk with me, and it was a huge part of my own sense of self.

When I stopped running regularly (due to injury + burn out + neeeeeeeeding a break), stopped caring sooo much about it, and gained some weight, i felt so confused and frustrated and SCARED because I didn’t know how people would view me + how i would view myself.

I still struggle with this a bit, but I’ve kind of realised that I am a well-rounded, multi-dimensional, real, living, breathing human being… with LOADS of interests and hobbies and opinions. I have a LOT to offer the world…. not just endless miles and the ability to fit into skinny jeans (though i do kind of miss those days haha). I run now maybe… twice a week at most. I do not do long distances. I don’t train for events. I run when the urge strikes and love it. In that sense, I am more of a ‘runner’ than I ever was – I ENJOY it now… something I rarely did before!


Thank you so much for posting that! Really needed it today. I started running 3 months ago and was looking forward to my first 5k this Saturday… until I took a spill down the stairs yesterday and broke my big toe. I am super upset, but trying to remember that it doesn’t take away all my hard work to date.

Reply…. and i’m ok with that. :)


Pita Pit is a weekly occurrence for me. I used to have a love affair with Subway…and while I do still partake in it, Pita Pit is about to take the lead I think :)


Target is my favorite browsing store, too! Whenever my BFF is back in town and we’re together, we always make sure to make a target trip, just for fun :-)


Love this post Janae!! I need to buy that book!
I love browsing at Target too! They have everything you never knew you needed! haha


I am a Mile Markers fanatic, too. I highlighted areas that I love to re-read for motivation. Nerd alert! :)

Target is so awesome for cruising the aisles. Always hit up the end caps. That’s where you find the best deals!


I have the skull candy earphones and love them!
Right now I am kicking butt in my running, super proud of myself! I’m feeling great and in super good shape! It really pays off to eat good and workout!


My favorite headphones are yurbuds, but they seriously cancel out sound, so they scare me a little bit if I’m running on busy roads.


Running isn’t something you do, it’s who you are. Mileage is a number, just like speed limits are numbers, that we have to obey, usually by force, up or down! I feel terrible when injured and feel even worse for those who are, or who aren’t able to run as much as they’d like, when I’m not. But the runner is still inside and you’re also being a runner when you choose to rest or reduce mileage, make it through that injury/pregnancy/layoff and return to glory!


Thank you for this post Janae!! Really inspirational and reminds me that being a runner is deeper and more profound than going out and do it. It’s something so much deeper that only another runner understand what each run means.

I am getting back into running after a disappointing marked with injuries and your blog always remind me how much fun running can be.

Lululemon is favorite store and I can never walk past without going in!


This is great!! I always need to be reminded that I don’t have to compare myself with everyone who is faster than me. That I am a runner too, even if I am a middle of the pack runner. I am getting better, but just started running last summer, so I hope my peak is yet to come.

I am GOOD ENOUGH. My gosh I need that tattoo-ed on my body somewhere I can read it every day.

I love browsing around health food stores, or farmer’s markets! I could spend lots of time looking at all the odd things and wondering what I could make with it.


I love Target and Marshalls to browse around. My favorites!

Skull Candy are the only earbuds I buy too!


So true! Identity is such a mental thing so what it comes down to is what you care about rather than what you do. Just because you aren’t physically running as many miles doesn’t mean that you aren’t still living and breathing running through blogging, reading, etc!

And me? I am a health food junkie! I actually used this identity (along with the more traditional identities of socioeconomic status and religion) at a social identity retreat I attended!


I think that is a great point, and something I have been thinking about lately. When I moved from Utah to North Carolina, I felt like my identity took a huge hit (I still feel that way, I guess). But I’ve learned new ways to help myself feel like myself, and I think I feel most myself when I’m really physically active. Anyway, now I’m just rambling. Thanks for the post!!! I will have to check out this book!!


Thanks so much for sharing that quote! I loved it.


I actually never found a pair of headphones that I liked until I saw that you recommended skull candy and so I tried them and love them! I have a half marathon in 2 weeks but I keep getting injured and haven’t had a good run in ages… Normally I’d back off right now but I can’t with the race coming up!


love love LOVE this! so true :) & skull candies are my absolute favorite!


I am a strong, independent person who loves to run! I am not at the top of my game, but I hope to get there in the next few months! I am logging into the library website right now to put a hold on Mile Markers! Thanks for the heads up!


That reminds me I need some green nail polish for my st. Pattys day race!!


Love that bit about being a runner and totally agree- I am down to running 2-3 times a week yet definitely still consider myself a runner! I looove walking down the aisles of Whole Foods!


AGH!!!!! This is JUST what I needed to hear! I’m pregnant with TWINS and have been told NO RUNNING due to a few complications and then I cried. :) And for the record… when whatever baby/ies want Pita Pit or McDonalds or just a gallon of chocolate milk… that’s what baby/ies get. Oh the joy of pregnancy cravings! Happy Baby!


Okay I seriously need to buy this book!!!
I have been struggling with the mental game, this might be the hardest part. I use the headphones that clip over your ear, and I use them almost everyday when I run. Probably too much.


I’m a huge fan of the Skull Candy headphones as well. I never travel without them!


I can empathise so much with this: Unlike you, Im not a great runner, Im not even a good runner. Ive never been all that sporty and when I started running in 3rd year uni it hit me like… This is the only sport Ive ever fallen in love with. No matter how much I suck, I LOVE it. I LOVE my team. I LOVE crashing through the wet and wild weather you get around here. I even love sprints (only once I’m done mind…).

When I got injured in October, then got another 2 injuries from that, I didnt feel like me at all. My confidence plummeted I hate not running or working out at all so so so much.

“I realized that running can still be a huge part of my identity whether I am running 5 miles a week or 50 miles a week and there is no need to try and tell myself that I shouldn’t base part of who I am on running.”

– Thank you so so so much for this comment. It looks likely that for at least the next half year my mileage will have to be low and intermixed with a thousand types of cross training to quietly manage my ITBS. It just doesnt seem like, as much as I love it, I was actually built to run and I dont know if Im doing it wrong or if my body just isnt into it. But I LOVE it, so I will continue to remind myself that even if I only get to do a couple of runs a week, I will still be a runner at heart- where it all really matters.

Also, my running team elections were the other day and it was really sad because a) its my last year at uni and to be in the team you have to be at uni so I am leaving this year (although I will still meet up to run!) and b) So many great great people ran for positions and didnt get in, there were literally too many amazing members to positions and c) I was so sad I didnt get involved in running so much earlier and get a chance to be a high committee member (like secretary, social convenor or female captain) and really give back to the club I care about so much. I was chatting to sig other about this all since hes also in the team and was saying if I’d still been around I would have run for secretary. He really made me want to cry and made me smile by saying if I was there next year he thinks I should have run for captain. When I said I wasnt that great a runner though, he said thats not the point of captain. The point is to be in love with running, supportive of both competition and recreation, be really sociable, really organised, and most importantly love your team and be totally dedicated to them- all of which he thinks I am. I almost cried!

Now to be less slushy… :P

Do you have a favorite type of headphones? How often do you use your headphones? – I use just my ipod ones- theyre fine but they fall out sometimes!

I am stronger than my fears.

Are you at the top of your game or are you taking time off right now?-defintely not! My PBs are well below what im running now but Im taking it slow.

Absolute favorite store to go browse around?- Right now Zara (not sure they have this in the US, its a clothes retailer), everything is so beautiful!


Jeez sorry, holey moley thats a HUGE comment!!!


I need to find headphones I love – haven’t found any. I saw this quote this morning on another blog, “The real purpose of running isn’t to win a race, it is to test the limits of the human heart.” – Bill Bowerman. I thought it was fitting based on your post!

I love strolling around H&M :)


hahaha ‘8 toenails’
I am a runner and a baker.
I am coming back from bursitis in my hip. SLOWly but surely.


This is awesome. I love it. I know how I have struggled with considering myself a ‘runner’ when I actually wasn’t able to run because of my Crohn’s. It’s very upsetting because it IS a huge part of our lives. But it shouldn’t matter. If you are a runner, then you are a runner. NO matter what. Kind of like ‘in sickness & in health,’ ya know ;) It’s like a vow to ourselves.
Loved reading this. Sounds like a really good book!


Janae, I really needed this today. Thank you do much for posting this. I’m feeling very discouraged lately.

I loooove Skull Candy. I use the chops kind because I get too sweaty when I run and the buds just fall out.


I’ve been a lurker forever and love your blog. But I wanted to say I have to same purple headphones and LOVE them. and I took some embory thread and did the frendship braclet knot around the cord ( it take FOREVER but well worth it) and now they don’t tangle. I got the idea of pintrest, and it acutally makes them look pretty cool too! Just thought I would share!! Have a great weekend! Congrats on the baby as well!


This post made me want to cry!
I have been struggling so much with feeling like I’ve lost my identity since my hip injury. A year is such a long time to not be able to run and since my boyfriend and all my friends are runners I have just felt like I’ve been left behind.
I am more at peace now since I had my surgery last week though-I feel like now recovery has started and I can imagine myself running again. 2013 IS MY COMEBACK YEAR!


I need to read that book!!!


This post rocks! I agree! I agree and now I want this book!


I love this post. It is EXACTLY what I needed right now. And that decision thing with the nail polish…I found pregnancy really messed with my decision-making abilities BIG TIME. Off to read your HRG baby postie now :)

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