Some Pregnancy Details

Sorry for all of you that are having ussues with the blog. We weren’t prepared for the traffic we’re getting. Billy is going to fix the problem tonight (so you may see the blog offline for a little while) and we should be back to normal by tomorrow morning!

You guys are the absolute best.  I seriously have been so ridiculously excited to tell you our news because hello…we are all bf’s.

First things first, I am 15.43 weeks along (you better believe I add on the .xx, every day is one day closer:)  I am due on August 24th.

Photo 5

(Ultrasound at 10 weeks along to determine how far I was.  Hearing the heart beat is the coolest sound in the world and I become dehydrated from my tear ducts exploding whenever I get to hear it)

Here’s the story about the last few months.  (I probably won’t go into too much detail because my brothers read the blog religiously:)

After the 1/2 marathon in Vegas back in December I was really nauseated (talked about it HERE).  I thought I felt so sick because of the whole bad water at the race ordeal and just dealt with it.  Then there were the daily migraines and the fact that over Christmas break I couldn’t get out of bed before 11 a.m. or stop crying over the silliest things.  I didn’t think I pregnant for a while and this was a HUGE surprise for both of us. The nausea didn’t leave and certain areas of my body hurt more than I ever thought possible ha:)  After a while I had a good idea that something was going on and I stopped at Shopko on my way to the gym.  I took the test (S) at the bathroom there (classy, I know) and started crying instantly, I had never been so happy.  I rushed home and woke Billy up by jumping on the bed and talking 90 miles an hour, that feeling beat all of my runners highs that I have ever had combined.

I pretty much cry every time I see Billy playing with my nieces and nephews now, I know he will be the best dad ever.

Photo 6

Curly is extremely excited for the baby and they all sneak me their candy because they know I am now eating for two, some may say that is a myth but I am taking it to heart.

One of the first things I thought about when I found out I was pregnant was the running shoe picture.   (From my MIL’s Instagram)


I knew it was time to say something on the blog when a friend at the gym came up to me on Saturday and asked if I was pregnant (I should have said no and seen her reaction).  The sis and I spent Saturday looking for the perfect pair of shoes that didn’t have pink or blue on them because we won’t know the sex of the baby until April.  I secretly think it is a girl though.

How has being pregnant affected my running?

-The biggest thing is that I have slowed my pace per mile down a lot….anyone notice that I stopped posting my pace on the blog or daily mile?

I think I will stick to the 1/2 marathon distance as far as running races is concerned and keep running as long as I can throughout my pregnancy.  During the first trimester when I was nauseated all day/every day (don’t worry I will not complain to you about it because Billy heard enough of it for a lifetime), running (sleeping and eating) were the only things that made me feel better.  I thought it was in my head but my doctor said that exercise really does help with the nausea.  I grew to love running even more!

I now mainly run on the treadmill unless I have someone to go with (Billy, BIL and Sissy).   The treadmill allows me to stop and walk if I need and use the bathroom 28 times each run.   I also now have to wear 8 sports bras at a time which makes for extra chafing.

Remember the 1/2 marathon we did last weekend?  My sister could have easily ran a 1:37 (she has been training hard core) but stayed with me to make sure I could talk with her the whole time and that I didn’t push myself.  My doctors only requirement for me is that I am able to talk while I workout and to stop if I start cramping or feeling weird, he says my mileage is great and that spin is good for me but to focus on maintaining fitness right now, NOT building it.

Whenever I go running with Billy he puts his hand on my back at least every .25 miles and asks how I am feeling.  He is taking good care of me and goes to Costco 2 times a week to restock my cottage cheese, string cheese, potato and orange juice obsession.  He is also really great about dealing with the fact that I don’t like being hot and that I make us use the AC as it is snowing outside and going to bed with me at 8:15.

Running is actually feeling even better in the second trimester just because I am not nearly as tired as I used to be!

What are we going to name the baby?

-Janilly if it is a girl and Bilnae if it is a boy;)

We will be adding a new tab on the blog where I will talk about all things pregnancy…ESPECIALLY exercising and nutrition while pregnant because I have been reading some incredible books about these subjects. Of course I will talk about it a little bit on the main page but it will pretty much stay the same…. running/food/tangents/weirdness/pictures of myself taken in my classroom. Thanks again everyone for your sweet words, you mean the world to me!


Any other questions that you have that I didn’t talk about? All you moms out there…..start dishing out the ADVICE!!!  Did you experience ‘morning’ sickness?  What other symptoms did you experience in that first trimester? How was your workout today?

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Soooooooooooo exciting! Congratulations!! I just had my first child in December and it has been the most amazing experience of my life! It gets crazy and you will be tired but you will be the happier than you ever have been in your entire life! Enjoy every moment :) yay!!


I am so happy for you and Billy. This is so incredibly exciting for you! I think it’s great that you’ve already talked to your doctor about your running and have a great plan. Oh and I love the names you picked. Classy. ;)


i am so so so so happy for you guys. I really hope it can stay in till august 30 so it can be born on my birthday! can’t wati to hear about the name choices!!!


Ohhh I just knew it! I had a feeling when your posts changed a bit and I have been watching to see when you would tell us :) Oh momma how your life will change!! I ran all the way up to 35 weeks and even ran a half marathon race at 19 weeks and a 10K race at 30 weeks. No one could tell at 19 but I sure got some looks at 30 weeks let me tell you!!! Especially when I was passing people right and left :) Run until your body tells you no. Watch out on the treadmill because you will experience balance issues as your center of gravity changes and as your belly expands. I experienced some severe round ligament pains as my muscles and ligaments that inserted into the groin area stretched but this is not dangerous for you or the baby so you just have to decide when things get too uncomfortable. Keep on running momma because it really does make recovery happen quickly and you will not feel like such a blimp as your little peanut is growing :) CONGRATS!!!!


Sooooo excited for you!!!!


Congrats to you both! Enjoy every moment of pregnancy :)


EEE soo excited, I’m in nursing school doing my final preceptorship on the maternity ward as it is my PASSION, I am sooo excited for youuuuu!!!!!


Congrats, Janae!! I tried to leave you a comment this weekend but all the traffic you were getting must have messed up something because I got an error :)

You are going to be a great mom! And I can’t believe last weekend you ran a 1:45 half, pregnant. Gives me some hope that when I take the plunge with the baby stuff I’ll be able to keep running (slower, obv), too.


Congratulations!!!!!! So happy for you guys!!! :)


I don’t think my comment made it through yesterday, so I will share it again today
Is it strange that I got super excited even though I have never met you before? Clearly not, we are all bff’s as you stated. How very exciting.
You guys are going to be the cutest parents ever. Congrats!!


That is SO exciting!! Many congratulations!


Congratulations! How exciting.

I’m a mom but had no morning sickness. You should probably hate me. However, I will say that running and exercising made me feel normal in a time when everything seemed so out of control. It’s incredibly awesome that your doctor is so supportive.


Congratulations! I love being a mom. Cherish every minute from now until forever because it goes by so fast. I had one episode of morning sickness in the beginning, but my biggest complaint was being exhausted. In the middle and end of my pregnancy my ribs, lower back and pelvis hurt. I was carrying twins so that probably contributed to most of my pain. It’s great your doctor supports your running.


SDFJKLFJSD:KGJSIUHJGN I can’t believe I missed the announcement! Congrats! <3


Congratulations!!! This is so exciting!! I wish you and your growing family the very best!!


So darn excited for the two of you!! You are going to be great parents!!


Congrats again!! You and Billy are going to be the greatest parents. I wish you both all the best in the world!! I was so excited yesterday that I have told everyone here about your great news. My husband is worried that I may now think it’s time for us since I will be reading about baby things. He just accepted the running biz. :) I’m still hoping that you visit KY sometime, we could celebrate with some froyo.

P.S. you already have that glow :)


Maybe everyone who complained about the RnR Vegas dirty water situation is actually pregnant?!? :-)

Seriously – congrats! I think the information you will share will be so valuable to moms-to-be everywhere. Before Kara Goucher and Paula Radcliffe took their pregnancies “public” there just wasn’t a lot of good information out there in the public realm about exercise (esp running) during pregnancy. I’m willing to bet your knowledge will help a lot of women out there.


Congratulations to you and Billy! So excited for you. I’ve been reading your blog for a while (sorry for not commenting!). And I love your passion for life (and food!). Your family is wonderful and you will make great parents. What a lucky little kid. Take care of yourself and I can’t wait to read more about your pregnancy – especially how you maintain your fitness. So exciting!! And again congratulations. All the best to you!


Oh my Gooooddddnessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND BILLY!!!! I am sooo excited for you!!! I love how you shared your news with us.. the pic of the shoes is soo cute!! I can’t wait to read about your experience with pregnancy and maintaining your fitness level. I’m curious :)

Take good care of yourself Janae!!


CONGRATULATIONS JANAE & BILLY!!! You guys are going to be AWESOME-SAUCE AHHHMAZING parents! I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to read all the details!!


congrats Janae! what an amazing time in your life.

I’m currently 37 weeks and am still jogging (although slow and not very far). I ran a half while I was 20 weeks and haven’t raced since then. I really think staying active will help in the long run so keep it up!

I made a pregnancy page on my blog as well to kind of recap all of the weekly updates I was writing.

good luck with everything!


I am so so so so sooooo excited for you, Janae!!!! This post was so great, too. I’m not a momma yet, but just got married a year ago, and we’re definitely thinking about it, and I’ve been feeling that “baby fever” coming up pretty intensely lol! And now one of my role models (yes, YOU!!!) is having a babyyyy!!! So happy for you both! :)



Contrats!!! That is so awesome!.

I am 33 weeks now. My first trimester was rough and it wasn’t until I finally gave up trying everything else that I realized running made me feel better instead of worse. Everyone around me (outside of my husband and doctor) initially thought it insane that I’d choose to go run instead of curl up in a ball on the couch.

Overall, I was able to run easily (well sort of) until about two weeks ago. I ran a half at 24 weeks and 28 weeks, neither what I would consider racing or fast.

Every day that I can still do something, whether it be run, run-walk, swim, is just another day to be thankful.


Congratulations!!!!! You and Billy will be awesome parents, and I’m sure your kid will eventually become an amazing runner to follow in your footsteps :)


End of August babies are the best!! (even though August is brutal)
I ran till about June, the east coast humidity and heat got to me and I changed to waddling.
So happy for you!


I guess I’m a little late to the party (behind on my Google Reader, SR tipped me off!!) but WOW! Congratulations! How exciting for you two. I’m now neglecting my work catching up on all things HRG baby related! ;)


Congrats! I am due the exact same day! YAY


SO glad that your comments are now up & running again!!
I loved hearing your pregnancy story- too funny that you peed right in the store. Haha!! I bet Billy is BEYOND excited to be a Dad. You guys are going to be the BEST parents. I promise!!


I am SO excited for you!! I am also preggers and due Aug 16th! I haven’t stopped my running either- but have slowed down for sure! So excited I can come to this blog now for fitness AND pregnancy!!! Woo hoo!!!! PS- I think it will be a GIRL!


So excited for you. I hadn’t been able to see your bloc for a few days and I’m so glad skinnyrunner posted an update.


Oh girl … I had 24/7 sickness until 18 weeks. Lost 15 pounds haha. BUT there are these candies called “Preggie Pops” that are AH-MAZING and help a lot! Enjoy this time … it is fleeting! Granted the outcome is amazing. My daughter is 5 months old today!


Amazing!!!! congrats!


OMG! I miss like 1.5 days of reading blogs and THIS WONDERFUL NEWS is declared???
I know that plenty of people have said this, but CONGRATULATIONS, JANAE!!!
God has blessed you guys abundantly, and God has blessed your baby so much by giving him/her such wonderful, loving parents.
Your little Billnae/Janilly is going to be strong and beautiful like mommy :D


So so so excited for you and your family!!!


Btw soooo following you on instagram now!!


ok i’m finally catching up, and wow! CONGRATULATIONS!!! it could not happen to two people more kind, prepared, hilarious, and ready :) (all assuming from your posts, but i feel like i know yall so well…odd?! just a big fan of the blog!) seriously, God bless and hope you keep feeling great and all is healthy for the rest of it. cant wait to keep reading!


congrats! so excited for y’all!


I just have to tell you CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you. I don’t comment much but I read your blog all the time and feel like I know you. :) I have a son and I can just tell you there is NOTHING IN THE WORLD like being a Mom. You are not even going to believe how much you will love your baby. It gives me goose bumps thinking about it and I get so happy to hear when other people are pregnant and get to experience that. My baby boy is my “best, best friend” – as he says. :) I see how much you love your neices/nephews and know you and your hubby are going to be great parents!! So happy for you!!!


Congratulations!! just headed over here from skinny runner….so happy for you and billy…it is an extraodinary feeling being pregnant and being a mom…someone said to me that when you have a baby its like having your heart walking outside of your body…boy is that true…being a mom to two healthy beautiful girls it is the most amazing and rewarding feeling! advice…hhmm….i say enjoy every single moment…the good, the bad…enjoy eating that extra piece of cake/ice cream….send billy on those late night snack runs! lol…drink lots of water…oh yeah most importantly and i don’t think you’ll have this problem….but just in case put lots of lotion on your tummy area it will help with your skin stretching and will help prevent getting stretch marks….if i can think of anything else I’ll be sure to pass them on to you…. :D and oh yeah…if your gut feeling is that you are having a girl…you are probably right! i was right on with my two girls even before i went in for a sonogram…congrats again! :))


ahhhhhhhhh! big congrats to you and Billy!! My computer has been wonkie and I’m sick and I just saw this. how exciting! Hope your pregnancy is smooth as possible :) p.s. you HAVE to name the child Janilly. I just snorted when I read that


I lived off cottage cheese and string cheese during my first trimester too, it was the best! Good luck with the pregnancy:) You are going to be such a great mom!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I cried reading about how you found out you were pregnant and how you peed on a stick at the bathroom in the store. LOL. I peed on the stick at work.

I’m not nearly as fast as you, but I did run till the day I gave birth and let me tell you, it was the best thing ever. I was in labor for 5hours and pushed for 10 minutes. And the entire time, my OB/GYN, who is also in my running group, talked about what marathon we were running next. HAHAHA.

In any event, I wish you a very healthy and uneventful pregnancy.

Congratulations again.


Congratulations! So excited for you! I love the shoe picture. And this is hilarious:
What are we going to name the baby?
-Janilly if it is a girl and Bilnae if it is a boy;)


Congrats girl this is sooooo exciting! You will be the cutest family ever! Yay!!!!!


I am just now getting around to reading this post and it is so sweet! I am so excited for you guys!! It is going to be so wonderful to see you and your family go through this new time in your life! :)

Congrats again Janae!!


Ah fall behind on blog reading & this is what I miss, saw it posted on SR & had to rush over – Congratulations!!!! Not only are you & Billy going to make amazing parents but babyHRG is coming into a family filled with love – so excited for you guys.


Your picture is ADORABLE. What an exciting time!


Twas the weirdest thing to hear you were pregnant because for the past few weeks, I had been thinking about how you would cope with running when you got pregnant! Congratulations! You will make a wonderful mum.

Tash x


Aw congratulations! Such fab news. A few weeks ago on Marathon talk they had a section all about running/ training while being pregnant – might be worth a look?


Thanks Maria! I will definitely check that out!


First of all congratulations! I am so excited for you! I actually just had my little man on Monday. You can read about his birth story on my blog if you want but don’t let it scare you. His birth story is not your typical delivery.

I wanted to let you know that you might experience what is call round ligament pain while you are running. I would describe this as pain or pressure in your groin/crotch area. Totally normal so don’t get worried.


Congratulations! I’m so excited for you two! You’ll be great…just remember you should wait at least 6 months before feeding your infant sweedish fish ;)


Wow Janae, just found your blog through FB, so fun. Congratulations that is so so exciting. I feel you about the sports bra situation… its tough, just wait until after the baby then you’ll need A MILLION. seriously, no one told me that and I found out the hard way! Glad you’re feeling better, I bet you’ll be the fittest pregnant lady/mom ever!


Congratulations!! What an absolutely adorable picture!
As far as advice goes, I highly recommend this book:
It was written a while ago but it kind of debunks all the old advice about keeping your heart rate below 140, etc. I did buy a heart monitor and definitely recommend one if you don’t already have it. It just kind of helped to keep me in check. I couldn’t run and did the elliptical instead b/c it was too uncomfortable. But I was ALL stomach – I literally looked like I had a basketball sitting on my belly! I also did Group Power (like Body Pump) all throughout. Ask the teacher for modifications and they will really work with you to make sure you are safely doing the work out – esp not laying flat on your back, etc. You may have some strange cravings and food aversions! I literally ate like 4-5 apples a day when I was pregnant with my son – I wanted them constantly!! Enjoy and feel good!


Congrats Janae! I had no idea you were prego! That is wonderful news.

I hope it is a girl too. ;)



I miss a few days of blog reading and come back to the BEST NEWS EVER.

Congrats. How about I move to Utah and take over your Maternity Leave? Deal? Deal.

-Molly, aka, devoted reader, fellow teacher =)


Hi Janae!

First things first: Congrats on the baby! Second, that is the cutest picture ever of Billy playing with the kiddos. Third, you will be running our race (AF Canyon Half) six months pregnant. You are my hero. Enough said.



Correction: 7 months pregnant. (I was never very good at math;)

Holy Amazing.


Waaaaahhhh! I had no idea you are preggers! It took me like ten minutes to scroll down and leave a congrats. You are going to be such a fun awesome mom. Make sure you get an amamamamazing jogger. I’m sure you’ll be getting all sorts of Advice and I always felt like people wanted to share wayyyy too many horror stories. After you have the little one though the ordeal sort of becomes a badge o honor weirdly enough. I was sick up to six months unless I exercised. It made the morning sickness night and day for me. Why don’t people tell you morning sickness is not just for mornings?! Crazy people. I dunno how my mo had four kids, when I asked her she said memory loss. Good luck and the best advice I could Eva share would be truly enjoy every minute even if your pregnancy or your labor or your delivery don’t go exactly as you plan. But you don’t seem to have any problems enjoying the ride!



I have cut down on reading all my favourite blogs primarily because I do not have internet at home, which sucks but oh well….

I had no idea till today and it is March 18th here in New Zealand. I posted a pic of new zealand froyo on your facebook :)


Hi! It is Linda. Formally Carolinagirl. I have been away from blogging for awhile due to some health issues. I was so excited to hope on here and see that you are pregnant. Oh! The running shoes people are going to send you…;) Congrats!!!! Love, Linda


….I stop reading blogs for a couple of months (due to changing jobs, being a bit too busy and not being able to spend hours on the internet like at my old job!) and I miss out on huge news like this?!!?!?

I am SO so so so so so SO excited for you and Billy.

Kinda bummed that you took the name Janilly though… that was always a name I was going to name my first born! ;)

Congrats lady! You’re going to be an awesome mama! <3 <3


I know this response is late, but I am going back through your blogs, as I am 11 weeks pregnant. I am a runner, but nowhere near the level you are. I had started training for my 5th half marathon when I found out. I am stuck now at doing 5ks. It is better than not being able to do any running at all! It is great to read a pregnant runner’s experiences. I smiled when I read about how you loved hearing the heart beat because when I heard my baby’s heart beat today, I kept laughing(more of a nervous/excited laugh). My poor husband could hardly hear it through my laughter. I am totally enjoying reading your blog! You do such a great job!


Hi Janae!

I have been following your blog for awhile now and just HAD to find this post today. I am 6 weeks preggo with #2 with a half marathon 3 weeks away. I am starting to majorly freak out because I am getting so tired and nauseous. Before we got pregnant I was training hard core, and it is like a flip has switched in my head that says eat, sleep, repeat. Going on a 6 mile training run now. Thanks for the motivation to keep me going. I know I will feel 10000x better when I just GO. Thanks for creating the HRG baby section, I can go back and read them when I am in need of a pick me up :) My daughter (year and a half) loves races so hopefully this baby will too!

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