Running therapy and peeps.

Who looks up random peep facts late at night when they can’t sleep?  Me.

Who finds these facts extremely interesting?  Me.

I think I may need some new hobbies if I have this much free time to learn all about peeps.

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(Source)  27 hours to make one peep!??! I am going to be trying my next round of peeps frozen.  The pizza topping thing scares me unless the crust is made out of peeps and the sauce is made out of melted down peeps.


The other day a friend that is going through a huge loss in her life shared with me that she had the most incredible run that helped her to really push through the pain and sorrow that she was experiencing.  This really got me thinking about one of the running benefits that we sometimes forget.  I think that most people first think of running benefits as things like staying in shape, toning up, losing weight or having a healthy heart and cardiovascular system….but what about one of the most important benefits, therapy.

Running is my favorite form of therapy (besides retail therapy but usually a teachers salary doesn’t allow for much of that).

I found an article on (HERE) that really explained why this is true!  “Exercise-induced happiness fights anger, sadness, and anxiety. Who needs a shrink?”

When I look back at times in my life where I was struggling and going through a tough time I can honestly say that running helped me to get through it.  Whether it helped me think through things in a better perspective or help my anxiety about the situation or help me come up with a solution to the problem, it helped.

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Just a few weeks ago my sister and I went on a 10 mile run together and going into the run I was really struggling with some things (don’t worry, just those hormones in full swing).  After crying at least 5 times throughout the run and opening up more than I ever would have before, I finished the run feeling a million times better and I probably owe my sister a bunch of money for being my therapist for 90+ minutes.  Running is such a healthy outlet.

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Just one more long quote from the article….I couldn’t do it justice trying to summarize it, it is just too good!

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I think that when we go out for a run we have more gratitude for the beauty of the world and for being able to be healthy and strong enough to run.  Whenever we are focusing on what we are grateful for we realize that our problems aren’t so bad (I am not saying every problem, because there are a lot that are really bad) and that we are strong and capable to get through them!


I put up the first HRG Baby post HERE in case you are interested!


Do you use running for therapy?  Has running helped you to get through tough spots in life?

You have to understand, I am just going to be extra cheesy for the next few months and there is nothing I can do about it so…..What are you grateful for today?

Did you have a good lunch today? What was the most nutrient dense (opposite of a peep) thing that you ate today?


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Um, back to the peeps. Put one of those suckers in the microwave and just watch it go! It’s like the best science experiment ever. I do it every year and it never gets old!

Was that not the takeaway from this post?!


Definitely what I wanted you to get from this post. AHHH can’t wait to try this experiment with Billy!


Omg. What happens? I need to do this. Lol.


You can see it action here:

This is why we have kids . . .


Free therapy is seriously the reason I started running. Classroom management with high schoolers is no cake walk!!!!!!!!! :) I’ve also run through two big moves this year, changing jobs, our wedding!! And just a lot of things. It really really does help.

And we LOVE the extra cheese. :) Bring it on.


There have been several times that I have come home from work and I am just so frustrated. By the end of my run though, I have just let it go and it feels great to be able to move on. I am thankful for a lot :) I actually just did a whole blog post about it! On Thursdays I do the whole “Thankful Thursday” blog post. And I had some carrots with my lunch today! And also congrats on your new addition!


That’s how I feel about hiking! Total therapy. And hiking with someone else makes me really open up much faster than I would normally do, so it’s a great way to bond and really get to know each other.

Oh, and congratulations on your pending tiny runner!


Thanks for sharing this article – I agree 110%, but my therapy comes in different forms of exercise – as long as I get some type of physical activity in, I know I’ll feel better mentally.


I am 29 and was just diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Every time I run I try to remember that someday, I won’t be able to. I am grateful for every step I take – even the ones that are such a struggle. And btw, I don’t like peeps. Does that make me un-American??


Running is the BEST for clearing my head. Way better than anything else I’ve found. I get really bad anxiety when I’m stressed and for years it led to me having trouble breathing whenever I was freaking out over something. The past year that I’ve been consistently running I haven’t had ANY breathing problems!

Today I’m grateful for my boyfriend, my family, and Trader Joe’s coconut cookies haha! And the most nutritious thing I ate today were clementines… 2 and still counting so far!

I LOVE the baby page! You guys are going to have the cutest little mini HRG/B (girl or boy).


Great post! I absolutely agree that running is great therapy. I started running years ago while my husband was deployed because I didn’t know how else to get through the day. I have made some huge life decisions while out on a run. :)

I randomly ran into my husband at lunch today. We were not planning on getting together, he was getting out of a meeting just as I was walking home from my son’s school. We live in a town of 3,000 but it is still weird to run into your spouse when you are not expecting it. We had sandwiches (delicious) from the market.


I started running when the husband was deployed to Afghanistan. Totally free therapy!! Probably the one thing that got me through it. Besides chocolate. (He’s back, safe and sound. And I’m still running.)


I think that Peeps would be great on a dessert pizza… think graham cracker crust with chocolate and marshmallows! Yum.

Your baby post (and baby bump) are adorable! My husband and I are trying to conceive and I plan to exercise the whole time. It’s been a while since I’ve run… I despise the treadmill and we recently moved to a house where I don’t feel safe running on the roads… Maybe this spring I’ll be able to get back outdoors and find some places to run!

Congrats again!


Running is definitely a great form of therapy. You can get some alone time and really work through your problems or anxieties. I usually run solo but I find it helps a lot. Plus the endorphins make you see everything in a better light.

I had gorgonzola pizza for lunch so not super nutrient dense, but very tasty :)

p.s. Love the HRG baby section :)


I think running is the best therapy known to humankind. It’s also the all-purpose activity that can be used in any situation. I go for a run when I am sad or frustrated or angry, but I also go for a run to celebrate great joys in my life… and everything in between. There’s nothing like it.

Had a GREAT lunch today! Leftover Giordano’s spinach and mushroom stuffed pizza! I am pizza-ed out now for at least the next 24 hours. =D


Peeps-I like,for about 5 minutes.Then blech.But,like those big Easter basket jellybeans,I keep eating them!!Love your new bump.You look great!!!

I started running as a way out of the gym(and also b/c I had just started dating a triathlete,so we could go on running dates-btw,now my awesome husband) but soon saw the therapeutic effects.I used to run at all kinds of random hours and one of my first running buddies was my boss-we would run in between lunch and dinner service at the restaurant:)
I have been running with one friend for 11 years now-we have other girlfriends who join us too.The worst thing about my “year of injury” was not running with them!!!We have literally shared so much during our runs,been through pregnancies,job worries,husband stresses,many happy events…best thing ever.

I am really and truly thankful for them!!

Just got a whole bunch of mangoes at Whole Foods really cheap-so if that counts as healthy…..


I LOVE PEEPS. Oh man, those and Cadbury eggs are awesome.


I actually started running at then end of 2009 when my husband was deployed. It helped me deal with the stress of deployment, gave me some alone time after work and before I picked up my son from boys and girls club to just relax and not think or stress about all the danger he was in. I was lucky enough to have him come back in time to watch me run my first half marathon in 2010 and now I run to remember our Soldiers and the sacrifices they made.


Absolutely running is totally therapy. There is this beautiful place near by for great trail running called El Moro Canyon, I call it my “church”. When my Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer I went down to the local boxing gym and signed up for kick boxing classes on the heavy bag – punching until my knuckles were bloody with wraps and gloves on. Such a great way to work it out. Knocked the bag off the chain once. ; )

I am grateful for my 14 month old running up to me saying “Mama” and giving me a big kiss all on her own, first time that has happened.

Bring on the cheese! ; )


I’m pretty sure I need to go running with someone.

And I’m curious about this Peep pizza. SURELY they mean dessert pizza!? I mean, I love sweet and salty, but really?


My husband and I are having a difficult couple of days (related to some finacial stress involving the selling of our house … oh how I love being a grown-up). But I am still so grateful for my health, for an amazing husband, for great friends, and for a faith that can get me through all of the difficult times. :)


Love this post. Running is by far the best therapy for me!! It is crazy how it really can make almost all situations so much better. Thinking of you and hope you’re feeling great :)


I am so glad you mentioned running as therapy. I have found running to be the perfect outlet for when I am super stressed or worried.


I am so grateful to have work, although I may not always find it super fulfilling, being near mi familia and having the good health to run!!


Let’s see… I am grateful for running! And I’m grateful that blogs about running exist. It gives me a chance to write about running and to read about running with people who love running as much as I do – and that’s not very many in my day-to-day life!

Lunch was healthy chicken nuggets, zucchini sticks, grape tomatoes, and a pear. Delicious!

LOVE the baby bump picture!!!!!



Interesting timing; I just blogged about this! Running has TOTALLY helped me through rough times. In fact, I think it took a really rough breakup for me to truly become a “runner.”

Aside from running, I’m grateful for my family, of course. They are a constant source of happiness.

I had spaghetti squash for lunch today, and it was SOO good!


Running is totally my therapy, whether with my best running friend or solo. It helps me deal better with everything. Even when the kids get out of control, I can keep my cool much better if I’ve had a recent run (remember this ;)

After running and CrossFit in the same evening last week, I decided that my favorite “happy hour cocktail” is estrogen + endorphins: I was seriously high on life for the rest of the night.

I’m grateful that my 3rd grade daughter invited me to her Girls on the Run class today and thanked me 12 times for being there and encouraging her! ~Big grateful grin~


Wow – during my run today I was touched by something similar. I live down the street from a hospital – and was overfilled with joy to see patients out and about (walking or in a wheelchair with a loved one). The warmth allowed them to experience nature like me – but also was therapeutic that I have my health and can run. It makes you grateful <3


I’m not sure if I could run and cry at the same time. You’re talented :)


I had lots of veggies tonight at an Indian restaurants–I think that’s nutrient dense, right?? And I never heard of freezing peeps!! Brilliant!


i won’t say running saved my life, because that would be dramatic, but…no wait, i will actually say it. because sometimes life just plain ol’ falls apart, and that hour before dawn every morning was the only time i didn’t feel like i was carrying bricks on my chest. so today i’m grateful for running itself, and this post made me remember that (and made me able to remember that time in a nice way for once!).

also i am grateful for gummi bears. and ice cream. and the internet.

aaaaand today, to clean out the freezer, i ate a lot of salmon and spinach all sauteed with tons of garlic and lemon. yum!


I absolutely use running as my therapy. I’ve tried real therapy and not only is it expensive but it’s difficult to find a good therapist you feel comfortable with. I was recently diagnosed with PMDD and I have recently upped my running intesity & frequency to see if it would help and it really does. It has honestly been a life saver for me the last few months.
Today I’m thankful for my husband who encourages me to run and will watch our daughters any time I ask him to so I can go for a run. He is the best!
I at a spinach salad for lunch and it totally hit the spot. Yum!


In the words of Elle Woods – “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t kill their husbands – they just don’t!”

I’m incredibly grateful for a God that loves me no matter what and whose mercies are new every single morning.


I definitely using running as therapy! I couldn’t run at all last week and I about lost it with anxiety! I need to run to calm myself down. I also run when I’m upset. When I found out my Great Aunt Avis passed away last December year, 30 minutes later I was headed for the gym to hit the treadmill and it really helped me think through things and collect myself.


I definitely use running for therapy. that is why I love the long slow run, when I do it, by the end I swear all the topics that have been hamster wheeling through my mind through out the week are answered.

Most nutrient dense: fruit salad of grapefruit, orange, banana.


Running is definitely therapy for me! I do my best runs after work, getting all that stress out of my system!
BTW You look so cute in your baby bump picture! You are going to be all belly!


Running is the best therapy! From big things (loss of a loved one) to small things (a fight with a friend), I can think back to specific runs that helped me sort through things.

Whenever I’m worried about something (I tend to be a worrier) running always helps me realize that worrying doesn’t help. I always make a rule that I can think about whatever I’m obsessing over while running, but that’s IT! Then I can’t think about it anymore. Usually, running helps me realize that constantly thinking about it isn’t doing me any good!


Running with friends is the best therapy! I’ve had some really crappy days that did a 180 after a nice run/chat fest with my buds. You sweat and talk it out. Actually, you don’t even have to talk about what’s bugging you to feel better.

I ate spinach pb dip and kabocha squash today (not together). :) I think I got quite a few nutrients in!


seriously, i love my running partner. cheaper than therapy. i am a firm believer in the fact that if you run 10+ miles with someone, they will know EVERYTHING about you.
its awesome.


Running always helps me feel better! It feels so good to go out and clear my head.

Today I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been presented with lately.

Lunch was good! Had a working lunch with co-workers at a Home Town Buffet. Mile high salad for me!


I really don’t care for peeps. I have seen chocolate covered peep in the last few years, and that sounds disgusting to me.


GREAT post!! Running has most definitely helped me through some tough times and has given me quality time to think about things and DE-STRESS!! I find that running brings out all kinds of emotions lol but that’s a good thing!


I seriously agree about the better-than-therapy nature of exercise. I can’t count the number of times I’ve gone out for a run or into the gym or dance studio completely freaking out and on the verge of joining the circus, and come out ready to kick serious ass. It’s the best.

Peep anecdote from my childhood, when my family spent Easters at a state park with fireplaces: If you put a Peep in a fireplace just the right way, it will inflate like a balloon! (most of the time they just melt or catch fire. but when they inflate, it’s MAGICAL.)


me without running = a STARK contrast of character, i’m in full on beast mode…hehe.

oh peeps!! i always light up and think of kiddie time whenever i see one, dang, 27 hours though…that’s crazy!! thanks for the factoides!


Running is definitely a form of therapy for me- even if I’m not thinking about the problem at hand during my run, it’s nice to be able to ‘escape’ reality temporarily! And this peep pizza is taking the sweet and salty combo to a whole new level!


Running is most definitely my therapy. If I’m feeling out of sorts, blue, or just plain frustrated, a good run helps tons. I”m sure part of it is those wonderful endorphins, but I think part of it is also knowing that no matter what happens in the rest of my life, my body is capable of running and pushing through it all. Puts it all in perspective for me. :)


Running is definitely therapy for me! In fact, being injured has really made me re-assess my ‘dependence’ on running for my mental health. You just don’t get the same feelings from an elliptical!
I’ve had to find other ways to channel my anxiety and so far I’ve had success with swimming, Body Combat and chocolate :)


RUNNING IS THE BOMB!!! When I get injured it always turns me into a nut case. I really need it. I’m sorry to tell you Peeps make me very ill! HAHA!!!!!!! xxooo new mom.. I’m so incredibly happy for you!


I love how “stale” is the first way to eat Peeps, on top of pizza is….interesting. I’ve never had too many of them (you know… the whole sugar / diabetes thing) but I use to put marshmallows in the microwave. One marshmallow was a freebie & blowing it up allowed for way more bites.

There was a time when I couldn’t do cardio or yoga and it was stressful at work – no outlet did not make for a happy time.


I was born and raised in Bethlehem, PA. My grandmother used to work at Just Born, making those peeps by hand!! They now have a brilliant marketing tool, a bright yellow VW Beetle with a Monster size Peep on top…(im sure you can google this and find some photos) So cute!


I used to get horrible seasonal depression in the winter (right smack between my 2 rowing seasons) and have to take meds just to function most days. Since I started running, I haven’t had to take the meds at all. I was told once that burning 350 calories 3x a week (for a 150 lb. female) was basically equal to taking a mild anti-depressant, and I’m pretty sure I’ve lived it enough to call it true.


Thank you for this post! I started running last year to maintain a healthy weight after graduating college and getting a desk job (lovely, i know :P ). Last fall, I learned that my mom had cancer (don’t worry, thankfully they caught it early, she beat it and is in remission now!), and since then running has become a huge outlet for me! she’s a big supporter of my running. every time i don’t feel like getting up early for that long run, i think about her and how she and so many other people would LOVE to be able to run. Now, she’s training for her first half marathon, and i’m right by her side coaching her along the way! :)


Mmm Peeps are the best! I remember one year all one of my sisters and I wanted for Easter was Peeps. My poor dad (who had NO idea what they were) had the worst time finding them, but he did manage to find some Peeps socks.. haha! Freezer peeps sound AMAZING, I can’t believe I never thought of it!

Running really is the best therapy. It’s helped me to get through a lot of hard things and I think it’s also helped me to understand things better. When I am struggling with something, running helps me to think it through and figure out what about the situation is really upsetting me, to get to the root of it. I think it makes me a better person and helps me to get to know myself better and learn from things better. Great post idea!


Catching up on blogs today– I seriously LOVE this topic. Running is 100% my therapy. Running with someone is so good money can’t buy it. :) I have no idea where I would be without it. Which is why I am an emotional basketcase right now!!


Did you know there’s a Peeps store/museum by me (National Harbor, MD) so random!


I couldn’t have read this post at a better time. I am a naturally anxious/stressed person even though I try not to be. After running for a few months I have realized that not only am I in a better mood, but I actually don’t worry as much. I used to worry about small things that really don’t matter. Now I can just run and forget those things. It is really nice to have that outlet. Plus it is an added bonus that it is good for you (unlike my candy and ice cream therapy).

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