Running for Play

I found this the other day on Pinterest and it made me happy:

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This morning I would have regretted my workout if I had done it.  I got up and got all of my stuff together and as I was opening the door I realized I was way too sick to go to the gym.  Turns out my lungs hurting the other day on my run has turned into a full on cold and so I went right back to bed.  I have heard that pregnancy weakens your immune system?  Is that true….that might explain 3 colds in 2 months!

No sympathy because this gives me the excuse to spend quality time with my new antenna and drink milkshakes and eat donettes that a student brought me all day long after work:)  Just know that I am taking a ‘sick day’ from writing anything that actually makes sense, my brain is foggy:)

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I did get outside for a few minutes for a walk in PE because it was way too beautiful of a day not to.

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Turns out that dirt/rock roads are not the best when you are wearing Toms that already have 1245 walking miles on them

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Last night I was able to watch one of my favorite Friends episode as Billy was running on the treadmill.

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“You don’t care if people start staring because it is only for a second and then you are gone!” -Phoebe

The episode was, The One Where Phoebe Runs.  Phoebe likes to run with her arms flapping while jumping all over the place. She explains to Rachel that she loves to run this way because it reminds her of when she would run so fast as a kid that it felt like her legs were going to fall off.  She gave the example of how fun it was to run towards the swings trying to beat everyone else.  Sometimes I take running way too seriously and this was a great reminder of one of the reasons we should run, for enjoyment.

(PS Rachel tries it out and ends up loving running crazy like a little kid)

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Sure it is important to do the workout on our training plan, to push ourselves to get to our goal but really in the grand scheme of things we should try to remember how to truly enjoy running.

(From Mile Markers by Kristen Armstrong)

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I hope that you get in a run in the next few days that feels more like you are playing than working.

Billy, want to play tag next week at the park?  This could be more beneficial than doing fartleks!


Are you a Friends fan?  Favorite episode?  Favorite character?

-Phoebe will always be my favorite character.

Do you feel like you run for fun?  Is this something you want to do more often?

What was your favorite sport/recess game as a kid?

-Kickball, don’t mess with me.

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ahhhhh I’m OBSESSED with Friends! Just a little. I own all 10 seasons. Phoebe is by far my favorite….I love how quirky she is. There are wayy too many favorite episodes to keep track of, but this one is definitely up there!


Yes! Yes! Yes! I love Friends! I’ve posted that clip on my FB page a couple times. Another Phoebe lover!

On my easy training days I definitely try to make my runs fun. I will usually hit the trails watchless. I have a goal half marathon in May and a half this weekend to see where my fitness is right now…hoping it’s a good set-up for my goal race :)


So funny, I just read that part last night – loved it. Makes me think of my kids and how to just PLAY with them!
I loved kickball as a kid. And capture the flag.
I hope you feel better soon, and pregnancy definitely weakens your immune system – all the good stuff goes to the babe!:)


I really do feel like I always run for fun-I hope it is always that way. I CAN’T WAIT until I’m all healed up and able to run again!


Love this post! Makes me feel happy just thinking about it, AND that Friends episode! I’m going to remember that quote too.Favorite character is totally Chandler, aka Miss Chanandeler Bong :)


haha. Nice.


Love that little passage from mile markers. Just pinned it to my ‘runspiration’ board. :-)


Great post. I’ve been feeling under the weather and really frustrated about running. Maybe I just need to run for fun. I think I will. I love friends. Every episode. But maybe the one where chandler tells the little boy he is adopted. So funny. My sister is having a TOMS party this Friday where toms run from $25-35 I’m pretty excited about it. Let me know if you want me to pick you up a pair ;)


How do you have a TOMS party?


There’s a company here in Utah that does it. You host it and have to have 20 people come and they sell them for 25-35 dollars. They bring men’s and women’s and some European styles. If your party sells 20 they give you a free pair! If you want the information let me know and ill get it for you! I’m really excited to go. If you live in Utah you are more than welcome to come to it!


I think of my workouts as “me time” or my “play time” —SOOO true. Gotta have that fun aspect or else it can really blow.

HOPE you feel better sooon!!!!!!!


So sad for your shoes. We used to quote Chandler from Friends every day. Does that make him my favorite character? Have you watched Happy Endings. It’s like they are trying to be the new Friends. Sometimes I run for fun. Mostly I just run because otherwise I will go totally crazy. It’s either therapy or running.


LOVE Friends! Have every season and yet, I still watch it on TV every day after work. Can’t get old. My favorite episode is “The One with Ross’ Tan,” “I’m an 8?!” I too enjoy the one with Phebe running all crazy, I have done it before with friends, it’s kinda freeing, but it also uses a TON of energy lol.


A resounding amen to runs that suck worse than not running at all. Granted, they are the minority of runs, but I’ve definitely been on runs that sucked SO BADLY that the quality of my life was diminished for it. I’m talking about time that I would have rather spent scrubbing a public toilet by hand. I get a little “ORLY?” whenever I see inspirational quotes that say you never regret going for a run. ORLY? I must be doing something wrong then…


Friends is the BEST. I love that episode but not as much as the one with the holiday armadillo!


HAHAHAHA! I just laughed so hard remembering that episode :) Poor Ross.


Bummer on the missed workouts. Your body definitely needed the rest though. My kids were up sick throughout the night and I did not have the energy to get up when my alarm went off at 5AM. Good thing I still was able to run on my treadmill since my evening work out canceled on me ;)

I looove friends. I went through all 10 seasons when I would get up in the middle of the night to feed my first. I would still watch it when it was on TV in the evenings while I cooked dinner and my husband was like, ‘Didn’t you watch all the episodes a few months ago?’ Ummm. Yes. What is your point? There is no way to pick my fave. Maybe my fave from each season?? I always love the Thanksgiving ones. And the one where they are getting ready for Ross’ award. “Hey, I’m Chandler. Could I BE wearing any more clothes?’ Even though Joey said it, I think Chandler is my fave character.

I love kickball or teatherball (channeling my inner Napolean Dynamite). But I was the bomb at four square.

Get feeling better girl!


Oh my goodness i love playing tag!!! why on earth do people think thats a game just for children??????? :D :D


I love Phoebe and Chandler… pretty much all the episodes are great, can’t pick one.

I run for fun but I’m competitive with myself so I’m trying to get better.

I was a dodgeball queen. It’s really too bad they’ve changed the balls/rules.


I definitely want to run for fun more often. I take running more seriously than I should. I analyze everything about my training or races. Then I read all these other runners’ blogs that discuss doing the same and more, which makes me feel like I should be doing more… it’s a perpetual cycle.

I have my first race of the year this Sunday. It’s a half marathon and it’s St. Patrick’s Day themed, but I’ve been too focused on my race strategy and fueling/hydration plan to even think about enjoying the theme. Bad, I know. Time to whip out some kind of leprechaun attire!


I love finding exercise motivation quotes on Pinterest. My fave is one I have as my desktop background now that says: “You can be SORE tomorrow, or you can be SORRY tomorrow. YOU CHOOSE.”
Looooove Friends! Fave ep: The one with the embryos when the girls and boys bet the apartment during a game and Monica screams “noooooooooooo” all dramatically–cracks me up everytime. Fave character: Phoebe all the way!


omg, I cannot pick a favorite Friends character! that would be like picking a favorite child…if i had any. The more times I see an episode of friends, the harder I laugh. Best. Show. Ever.


Great post! I love that episode from “Friends.” Rachel says she’s embarrassed of Phoebe, but then Phoebe makes fun of how Rachel breathes as she runs haha! Hilarious!

I love all of the characters … but I think I probably relate to how anal Monica is haha! ;)


LOVE LOVE LOVE FRIENDS! “He’s her lobster”


Since being pregnant I have had more colds and been sicker that I have ever been. I seem to pick up every germ and it lasts much longer than normal. Your body is working serious overtime and I think just doesn’t have the energy to fight things. Hope you feel better soon.


I LOVE that Friends episode! My high school xc coach actually quoted it during practice once and I wish I could remember what is point was. I think I was to busy mentally recapping the entire episode to catch it….


Friends is by far the best show ever created! I sometimes actually feel like they are MY friends ( yup I’m a dork). And Chandler is the best. Love is sacaatic humor.
I likes the recess activity called “chase the boys”
! Now that was fun running :)


I’m not pregnant (so I don’t know from experience) but I do embryology at the moment and just the other day we learnt that your body has to lower its immune system to accomodate the foreign body (baby) inside you – so you may catch every cold that comes your way but your baby is staying strong :)

Also, that episode of Friends has the best quote ever “Running to the swings…or running from Satan…. the neighbours dog” ;)


Ahhh that’s a great episode, I love Phoebe! And I wish I was enjoying running right now. We are having a very rocky relationship at the moment, I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed one of my runs and felt great.


Love that episode! “Oh, watch out for the horse!!!” hahah I own every episode … and you know what, I can probably recite 95% of every episode too :)

When I started reading this post I actually said NO WAY out loud … I just saw that picture on Monday and saved it to my computer to include in a future blog post. Great minds think alike, girl!


I loved badminton. I actually played on my high school’s team and loved every minute of it.

I’ve never really watched Friends but now I really want to! I’ve seen a few of the re-runs on WGN back in the day and I did like it.


I love that episode! As soon as you showed the first picture, I knew which one you were talking about! I’ve also been craving (not pregnant, though) those crumb donettes since you mentioned them a few days ago and they’re not at target! :( sad day, I know, so I’m going to hit up a crazy gas station to fulfill this need! I love Phoebe, but Joey makes me laugh so hard!


I don’t know about pregnancy lowering your immune system, but I DO know that sugar does. Maybe it’s time to lay off the ice cream? lol


I love Friends, it’s one of my favorite shows! My sister and I can quote lines from all the episodes! lol
So sorry you are getting sick alot and unfortunately I do think it’s true that pregnancy weakens your immune system so you better take your vitamins girl!


I have a not-s0-mild obsession with Friends. I have all 10 seasons on DVD and yet, I still record five episodes a day. It’s more exciting when someone else picks the episodes each day. I watch that more than the DVDs, but each summer, I watch a season or two all the way through. I think Joey is my favorite, but I LOVE Chandler’s sense of humor and Ross had the best facial expressions.

Also, I was AWESOME at tetherball. I may only be 5’1″, but I will OWN everyone at tetherball!

Feel better soon!



Loved your post and really enjoying your blog. I admire your drive with the running and everything. Especially when preggers. I’m 30 weeks along myself. Come visit sometime if you like!


Great post and pininterest find!! I want to blow that up and hang it above me during my 430am aerobic classes! I haven’t seen Friends in years, but I loved it! I do run for fun. I have suffered through two torn hamstrings in the past 6 months and am so grateful for every pain free run that I make certain to run for pleasure. Even if I still challenge myself to go harder, faster, longer…. Such an addict!


hahaah! I just posted a clip from that Friends episode today! I felt like I was running like Phoebe on my run yesterday. Ridiculous.


I am almost feeling better enough for getting back on the dreadmill. I am almost missing it. I might secretly love it and I keep repressing my feelings towards it.


Ross has so many of hilarious one-liners and moments: “It tastes like FEET!” “PIVOT!” “No divorces in ’99. Whoo.” Then there’s when he does the spray tan, the teeth whitening, the leather pants… Oh wow, love me some Friends… wish I could watch right now! :)


omg pivot is the best! my family always says that whenever it applies. this comment had me cracking up, almost fell off the couch!


Me, too! We just used that one the other day, moving some luggage! ROFL!


I love that your TOMS are in as bad of shape as mine. My husband always reminds me that I have holes in the heels of them. I think he hopes that will keep me from wearing them.

I actually did play tag 2 weekends ago with a group of friends. It started out as a game of soccer but once the women started losing we convinced the guys to play freeze tag instead. I have to say it was just as fun as when I was a kid and a great workout!


I still love Friends just as much as I did 10 years ago…is it weird that I have like 100+ episodes recorded on my DVR? My favorite character is definitely Joey, how YOU Doin… never gets old :)


Ohhh I love that Friends episode! I love them all, but I think that if I HAD to pick one, I would choose the one where they bet the apartment. Chandler & Joey vs. Rachel & Monica. Hilarious. Or the one where Joey accidentally proposed to Rachel (actually it’s the one after that I think), and he ends up hurting Ross a ton of different ways.

I took my kids outside yesterday and today too! We were reading (in reading class, of course), so why sit in a desk when you could sit in the sunshine outside?!


kickball was my favorite in gym class! I am also a friends lover, in fact, I am watching it now. It never gets old.


I loved freeze tag as a kid :) Still do! Haha


Sorry you are sick, you were right to get back in bed!!

I love Friends. Will there ever be a show that is better than Friends? I doubt it. My favorite character was probably Pheobe or Ross. But I loved them all really. I liked the episode when Joey wears Pheobe’s maternity clothes to Thanksgiving.

Favorite game as a kid? Hmmmm I danced a lot, ballet and jazz. So I had a lot of dance parties in my room ;). I like to play games in the pool too. Like diving for rings and stuff. And doing tricks off the diving board.


I looooooove that friends episode! One of my faves!


feel better soon lady :)
I LOVE friends…have seen every episode a ton of times. this is one of my face episodes. I think of it all the time when the weather is great, and I just go out to run to be with nature and feel good. I don’t do it, but I should! I do sport a goofy grin though.
early years I liked chandler the best, but the mid-seasons, Ross became totally hysterical, so then he was the best. but I feel like every episode I change my mind, haha.
the “they don’t know that we know that they know”…when they all find out Chandler and Monica are screwing. lol-ing now!


Thank you this post tonight!! I really needed to see the motivation sign, the Friend’s episode and the quote. I’m dealing with some things right now and I’ve let it interfere with my running.

Friend’s is my all time favorite show. I love them all, one of my top picks is where Ross buys the couch and they are trying to get it up the stairs. We randomly use the word pivot to bring a giggle when needed. Rumor has it, I act like Monica. :)

I hope you feel better!


I’m obsessed with Friends.
As soon as I got engaged, I put the series on our registry, and my amazing sister bought it for us! Best.Wedding.Gift. EVER!!!!!


Friends is my all time favorite show, and I love Phoebe so much I named my dog after her. You should totally name your baby Phoebe, too! Ha.


I definitely run and dance at the same time, including on big group runs. I think it surprises people and weirds them out, but I could care less. I’m having way more fun than they are running and dancing to kesha at the same time! Try it! It will make you so sore too!

I work with kids and teach them games, so I’m a pro at tag and red light green light!


Chandler is my favorite with Joey a close second. I def run for fun well except on a 22 miler towards the end the fun factor is gone. Oh and red rover , hopscotch & double dutch…,


Phoebe & chandler are a tie for me!! Favorite episode is The One With The Ball… Rachel tries to adopt the hairless cat… Hilarious!


I loved playing handball (red ass) as a kid. Those were the days…I should do that sometime soon hehe.


I love FRIENDS and I can watch it again and again. My favourite episodes are
the one where Rachel makes a trifle and also when Ross wears leather pants!
Ross and Chandler are my favourite characters!


1. Feel better soon!

2. I have the same Toms and they have holes in the same spots. I will NEVER toss them out. So comfy!

3. I want to read that book!

(too many exclamation points!)


Haha I love that episode..Chandler & Rachel will always be my favorite character…oh and Monica and Joey…love ’em all, but I can do without Ross & Pheobe (sorryy :))!


I agree sometimes running does feel like work . Last night I forced myself into a run and I didn’t really enjoy it the whole hour and a half . When I feel like this I take 1 or two days off and do Pilates / body pump. 

I have been reading your blog everyday & you inspired me to blog!! 
We are similar sort of in ways – I am
A group fitness instructor (but teach body pump- i want to teach cycle but I fear I’ll get too ambitious and over train when mixed with my training for marathon!) 
-I an studying to be a pe and health teacher ! 3rd year in, but also I work as a teacher aide the days I’m not at uni ! 
– I love running and ran first marathon last year . I’m aiming for sub 3 hours for a marathon in 10 weeks!!! 
– I love candy :) I pretend to buy them for my students but secretly eat them hehe
-frogo is called orange leaf here, it’s perfect after an ocean swim! 


Thanks for these wonderful quotes! I really like that episode of Friends, too. My favorite? That’s super tough… but one that comes to mind right now is the Thanksgiving episode with Brad Pitt. “YAMS!”

As far as your colds, my friend who is due at the end of April was getting colds early on and more susceptible to allergies (or symptoms like allergies such as coughing, post nasal drip, congestion). Glad you took a rest this morning!


hahaha….how did i miss that one friends?!?! i thought i had caught them all, well now i need to fix that!! hehe.

i’ve seen that quote a lot and i think for the first time u’ve come up with a legit argument against it! good for u and feel better soon!!


Oh my goodness, Janae! I’m cracking up at work while reading this. My husband always tells our three year old she runs like Phoebe (and she does), but it devastates me because I’ve always been a runner, coach track and cross country, and my lil peanut doesn’t have any type of form! Other than Phoebe form, that is! Thanks for the laugh this morning while I proctor testing!


Great quote- and that is one of my favorite episodes too! I always use that segment of the show in my classes when I have the students jumping around like crazy and they feel silly or too shy.. it gets that to take themselves less seriously and realize.. “Oh yeah.. I can have fun at the same time I break a sweat”- Imagine! That is something that really gets people out of their comfort zone and gets the light bulb to come on… Hey working out is fun!


Ohhh, Friends is the BEST! My husband, best friend and I saw them all from day 1. It was the defining series and soundtrack of my 20’s and will forever be the best. I simply can’t chose a favorite character–they each added so much to the show! We still quote them (and Seinfeld) on a weekly basis. We just used, “PIVOT!!!” the other day, lol!
Sadly, the immune system lowering is true. Pack in the fresh veggies, fruit, and liquids and rest/recover….and wait for the next bug. =)


I do love me some Friends…but my favorite has to be Dawson’s Creek. I recently just bought the complete collection and can’t wait to hunker down on the couch and do work on that during spring break!

I’m 6 weeks out of my marathon so running is less enjoyable than usual, but that’s because I miss heading out there with no plan. I love just enjoying the weather and covering however many miles feel good.. knowing exactly how many miles I am to cover is less fun :(


I hope you feel better soon!! Sorry you are sick. Yes, pregnancy can DEFINITELY lower your immune system. But I hear donettes help with immunity though ;) Love ya! & I owe you an email!!!


Hahaha I love that episode! Hope you feel better soon!


That’s one of my favorite episodes, too!! I mentioned this episode on my blog a few months ago!


I just watched that Friends episode, too! I love it. It really made want to go out and run like no one is watching ;).
I just bought myself my first pair of TOMS for our anniversary. (yes, I buy my own birthday/anniversary presents). So excited to wear them!


I LOVE that episode of Friends!! Phoebe is definitely the best.

and that quote? i totally have it pinned, too. hehe. “no one. ever.” AMEN!!

i was a tetherball QUEEN!


OMG love Friends!! I can’t really think of a favorite because they are all amazing. But I do love that episode!!


Ok so… your PE class is held in a horse farm??


My favorite is Rachel. In the beginning it wasn’t but then she grew on me and I love her. I haven’t run for fun in awhile…but this weekend it is ON. We get to spend the weekend down at the beach (30 minutes from my house) at my boyfriend’s cousin’s beach house. :) The other cousin is getting married down there on Saturday so I will do my morning runs at the beach and act like a nutjob because everyone here is pretty much on Spring Break anyhow so I will never see most of them ever again. Great idea!
My favorite was kickball and I still think it should be a professional sport.


I LOVE Friends. It’s funny because right htis moment I’m watching the epidode where Monica and Chandler get married!

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