MPH, A Giant Donut and Some Tunes

Yesterday Billy finished his project in plenty of time to hang out with me which means one thing… we got to go on a run together.  I had already ran in the morning and I can only keep up with his warm-up miles these days and so it was short and sweet.  It is incredible what just 20 minutes in the sun can do for your mood.  I am addicted to Vitamin D.

While he was out doing his tempo miles I did Jillians 30-Day Shred.  Remember how once upon I time a committed to doing that 3 times a week, I didn’t even make it through the first week.  Running and spin are the only thing I truly stick to for an extended amount of time.   Those mountains are going to be really hard to leave someday.

Photo 24

We decided to invite people over for dinner last night and I cooked for the first time in approximately 4.5 months.  Billy made the steak, Pillsbury made the biscuits and I made real mashed potatoes for the first time in my life.  The ratio is supposed to be 1 potato: 1 stick of butter: 1 tablespoon of salt right?

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The main event was after dinner.  I am telling you in all honesty, this Cinnamon Roll Cake is my new favorite dessert.  Billy said it tasted like a big warm donut.  If you do make it, you have to eat it straight out of the oven.  It was super easy and this would be a great way to make new friends, apologize to someone or to eat while watching the Biggest Loser tonight.

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This morning the alarm clock went off way too early.  A definite bonus about teaching fitness classes in the morning is that you have more motivation than ever to get up and get your sweat on….that whole ‘your job is on the line’ thing gets me up every time. If it wasn’t for that I would have slept until 7:29 and eaten the second half of the above cake….good thing I didn’t because now I get to eat it after school instead.

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For your viewing entertainment:

A girl that tries to figure out what MPH means based on her speed when she runs on the treadmill.


New HRG BABY post!!


Claire is doing an awesome giveaway HERE where you can win a Golden Ticket to run the Marine Corps Marathon which sold out already!

From a cute reader Elissa:

Hi Everyone,
My name is Elissa I am a Beachbody Coach. I am looking for motivated, fitness minded people to join my team and help coach Beachbody’s rapidly growing clientele! Beachbody is the company responsible for workout dvds such as P90X, TurboFire, and Insanity. It’s a great opportunity to help people get fit and earn extra income. For more information please feel free to email me directly or check out my website.


Do you live near mountains?  Have you ever lived near mountains?

What are the workouts that you actually STICK to?

Anyone still watching the Biggest Loser?

What was the last thing you did outside to get some Vitamin D in? (I am guessing 95% of the answers will be running/biking:)

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i grew up near the mountains in upstate NY! so beautiful in the fall especially.

workouts i stick to are pretttty much running and spinning. i have been great about lifting 2-3 times a week the last couple of weeks tho!

i walked around today in the city cause its sooo warm and sunny and am about to go do some more! sadly i cant really run right now.. training for a 1/2 marathon, got fitted for new sneakers and they have given me the worst shin splints of my life :-( not even sure what to do seeing as i paid $90 for them and they were obviously worn.. and i really dont want to drop out of my 1st half marathon!!


I bet it was GORGEOUS THERE!! Great job on sticking to are my inspiration. OH JEN, I am so sorry that you are experiencing shin splints!
My favorite (short) list of ways to help shin splints:,7120,s6-241-286-289-12604-0,00.html

BOO for wasting so much money too!


Wow, what a great day of working out you had yesterday! I don’t really stick to anything – just do whatever I can fit in.
I don’t live near the mountains, but I LOVE Utah.
I had no idea marine corps already sold out?!?! I was supposed to do that with the hubs, guess not! I guess I didn’t know it was SO popular.
I’ve been outside since 11:30am with the kids – I’ve gotten my fill of vitamin D!!
Have a great night!!


They sold out QUICK..record time this year. So happy that you were able to be outside so much today and how about you come visit Utah again. We can go running….I will be running, you will be walking;) Have a great day Katie.


I love love love the biggest loser!!! Is it bad that I plan my workouts around it? I’m going for a short run as soon as my supper is no longer sitting in my belly (bad, I’m supposed to be resting hip flexor issues for 5 more days but I feel good and it’s gorgeous outside!! I will go slowwww and easy and stop at the first sign of pain!) then I’m going to do some elliptical and bike while watching BL :) Best!!


Not bad at all!! Enjoy your run but really listen to that body of yours:) Enjoy the BL tonight.


I CANNOT get over that video. Cannot. I’d love to see how angry she is by him posting it online.

aaaand the workouts I typically stick to are the ones that are a mashup of all my favorite moves. and running, obs. :)


I KNOW…I am amazed that she let him post it. There are a ridiculous amount of page views too!


That cake looks soooo good! I want it right now!

I’m watching the Biggest Loser. It’s not my favorite show, but I still find it interesting. I hate how they do such OBVIOUS product placement, though! Like when they talk about a certain soup or frozen dinner brand. It’s so fake!


You should make it…you would love it. It calls for nuts but I didn’t have any. Oh my…the commercials in the show are out of control!


I really need to watch B.L.! I keep forgetting it comes on. I watch a lot of the crazy reality shows on Bravo -guilty pleasure

Oh and I agree about teaching classes – I always feel like I have to bring my A game when I teach dance. I like having that job and going to the gym for free.

Workouts I can stick to – running and dancing! Never grow tired of either one! I love me some endorphins!! :)


Teach me how to dance pretty please with sugar on top:) I wish I could go to your dance classes, you are probably the best instructor ever!


I have always lived near the mountains. Not sure if I would know which way was North if I didn’t have them ;)

I love that you said you could eat the cake while watching BL. That is so what I do when I watch it. And yes, I still watch it. Not sure why this season. Though the last couple of episodes have been better – less drama – FINALLY! I miss Jillian though.

The weather has been fabulous for running outside lately. I have been loving it. I just hope that it doesn’t snow all through May to make up for it. Utah can be lame like that.

Swimming and spinning I go through cycles with. I have only stuck with running and weights and now Turbokick.


OH MY GOD THAT GIRL. I didn’t know people actually were like that.


I love, love that picture of the mountains. Would definitely be hard to leave. ;)


I grew up in Alaska, and until I moved to Minnesota I never realized how much I took those beautiful mountains for granted! Now every time I go back to visit it just takes my breath away.

The only workouts I really stick to are running and spin. I’m usually pretty good about getting yoga or pilates in once a week.

I ran outside on Sunday, but made the mistake of waiting until the middle of the day when it was 80 degrees. I think I may have OD’d on vitamin D ;)


I don’t think I’ve told you this lately…maybe a month or so….but I just adore your blog!! You are so stinkin cute. And HRG plus baby=smiles for me. :) :) :)

I live near the San Juan Mountains and I am head over heels in LOVE.

Workout I stick to is running. 12 years and going strong (minus current injury).

I am totally still watching BL!! Who is your favorite? I like Emily.

Vitamin D= hiking with my BFF last Saturday.

Your cinnamon roll cake will be making an appearance this weekend I just KNOW it.


I love TBL, but won’t actually watch it till tomorrow.

We live in the mountains now, we had moved to the desert for several years and I missed them terribly.

I ran outside today (finally broke 10 min mile) but it was snowing so I am not sure how much Vit. D I actually got.


That girl has got to be on drugs or something!

The picture of the mountains is so pretty! I want to go running in Utah!


We live near gorgeous mountain too, and will sad to be leaving them. We love taking the dogs un the mountain for hikes!


Woah…that giant donut. YUM! It’s definitely tough to get up for a workout, but the reward of being done so early is enough to push me to get up!


Why did he MARRY her?! Holy cow. She has issues. Hahahaha.

I have only ever watched the finale of TBL! I should watch an episode tonight. I don’t have a TV, so I have to go to the gym to watch, but totes worth it.

I miss mountains! I just lived in CO for a summer, but they grabbed my heart.

Vitamin D: Run and drink Vega for post-workout snack!


Those mountains are beautiful!! I live in SoCal which makes me happy since we have the mountains about 1 1/2 hrs away and the beach only 15 min away. Best of both worlds!
Biggest Loser is dvred and watch it when I can.
My shot of vitamin d came when I played outside with my daughter BUT it’ll be sunny here for another 2 hrs so I’m heading out for a run at my fave place…yipee!!


I live in Denver- I totally feel you on the mountains. Also, thanks for making me feel like a slacker ;-). You exercise more pregnant than I do non-pregnant


I live IN the mountains, yippee! I will never be able to live away from them, I’m too much in love :)

The video is hilarious! The sad thing is that I can totally relate to not being able to understand something so simple… I consider myself a pretty smart girl but still have LOTS of blonde moments!

Yum, that cake looks amaaaazing. I will have to make one soon!! And yay for new HRG baby post!


that video is absolutely ridiculous! bahaha
I watch BL most weeks still, its not the best season i have seen. Totally bummed that Emily went home, she is my most favourite!


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the shout out! I’m so excited that I can give the gift of the opportunity to register for a popular marathon :-)


Can I come over for cinnamon roll cake? Holy gosh, that looks delicious!!
We went outside for a walk this morning to get some Vitamin D!


I would give anything to live by mountains! If I had to choose mountains or beach, definitely mountains!

Running and strength training are the two activities I stick followed by spinning.


Forget not understanding what MPH means, he is ridiculously stupid (and that is me using my nicest language!) for driving and making a video at the same time! That goes right up there with texting while driving…someone could have truly gotten hurt. :(


There’s pretty much just one, solitary mountain near me, and I keep promising myself to go there for serious hill training if I ever get to do Big Sur marathon or something. It’s laughable to call it a mountain compared to Utah’s, though.

I’ve been not just sticking to CrossFit, but actually craving it! Wild.

Nope on the BL.

Totally psyched that CrossFit included a 200-400-800-400-200 ladder, then I added to the vitamin D dosage with a 2-miler. Doubly happy girl when I push my strength limits AND run in the same day.


I’m still watching The Biggest Loser! In fact, it’s on my TV right now while I catch up on blog readin’. And when I read the title of this post, I KNEW you were going to have that video on here. I saw it today. Couldn’t watch it all – she’s giving blondes a bad rep ;)


OMG! That girl!! Holy!!!

I like to run but I am living in the Seattle, WA area and I dont even know what sun looks like any more (can you tell Im getting anxious to move?)

Running is the only thing I ever stick to. It is so easy…I need my shoes and my iPod and I can do it….ok I make other things necessary too but it seems like everything else is too much work lol

I watch BL but this season is seriously awwffullll. I dont like nearly any of the people on the show this season. It is just all drama drama drama. There is like no support for one another and they are all just super catty. Of course Im going to finish watching the season but I really hope next season is better.


I love that you would eat that cake while watching The Biggest Loser. I do the same thing with ice cream :).


Ha I used to do the 30 day shred. I actually think I did it 5 days a week, alternating between the 3 levels. I think I should start that back up again!

I live near hills, and do hill runs, but no mountains. I can see the snow on the mountains here though, but its far away. I do go each summer to stay at Mt Shasta, where my mom stays for the summer, if that counts.

Running and Ab work 5-6 times a week. I have to.

Anyone still watching the Biggest Loser?

What was the last thing you did outside to get some Vitamin D in? (I am guessing 95% of the answers will be running/biking:)
I actually didnt run outside today! I took the dog for a walk though and I grilled in the backyard in the sun!


Video just makes me sad…. how can someone be so dense. Just glad she is not the one driving


We love the biggest loser


I live about 45 minutes from the mountains. I love where we live in New Hampshire because in addition to the mountains being close, the beach is only 15 minutes away. We’ve got it all!

Today was absolutely gorgeous! I ran an easy run this morning and spent most of the day soaking in the vitamin D.


I stick to kickboxing, yoga and running – in order of which addiction came first in life.

I am actually severely deficient on Vitamin D – besides the fact I am outside during all seasons way more than other people. I am going on Friday to get ANOTHER blood test to see if my vitamin pills are working… yet.



holy crap that girl is dumb as rocks. at least she’s pretty?


watching that video made my head hurt


YUM your dinner and dessert looks divine!!


We’re moving back to the mountains….wheeee!!! SO happy about that :)

That cake/dessert looks/sounds awesomesauce!


cinnamon roll cake?!?!? where has that been all my life!!!! gah! I need to make that asap. I feel ya on the workout thing too, running and cycling are my only true loves!!! I tolerate swimming too but I don’t love it lol. And YES to mountains – I don’t live near any right now, but I am moving to Colorado this summer and will be surrounded!!! I can’t wait!!


I would love to live near the mountains! We travel to east TN to visit the smokies, and they are so gorgeous. Nothing like the mountains out west though!!!

I soaked up some vitamin D today at the park with my precious twin cousins (they are almost four). We played on the swings, took a walk by the pond to look at frogs, and played tag.


I sooo want a piece of that cinnamon roll cake!!! Mail me some please!


Love the mountains! I live in a valley between two mountain ranges. Love it so much here! I never lived anywhere near a mountain until I moved here almost two years ago.


I’m still totally hooked on the Biggest Loser! I watch it on Wednesdays though (I hardly watch shows in real time anymore. Thanks, Hulu!). I usually watch it while on the elliptical on my non-running days.


Oh wow that dessert sounds great- bahahah for eating it during Biggest Loser! The weather in Dubai was amazing when I was there last week which meant eating breakfast al fresco every single day…vitamin d intake? check!


That video is HILARIOUS. And because running always comes first in my mind, are we sure she runs 7 minutes miles? Because if so, I’m impressed.


That cake looks delicious. I actually had a bowl of ice cream during Biggest Loser. Yum. I live in a valley surrounded by mountains. They look like your mountains only less snow. I go through phases when it comes to running, especially since having kids. I’ve been running since I was 14 years old, so running and now HIIT workouts are my constant. My kids are sick , so I actually haven’t been outside in almost a week…. I know crazy. I think I’m going to go nuts if I don’t get out of the house. I’m hoping tomorrow will be that day. I think I can hear Costco and HomeGoods calling my name.


wow, i really really really wish i could dive into that cinnamon roll cake and just destroy it!! ;)

i’m the same way with workout DVD’s or programs that aren’t really running or somehow tied to running. i am good at staying dedicated to my little strength circuit, but most classes and such tend to leave me bored and i lose interest even if they do work wonders…lol.


Oh my goodness, that video!

I was seriously cracking up the entire time I was watching it – is that girl for real? I am *useless* at maths but…wow, I’m glad she’s not perpetuating the dumb blonde stereotype at all. Ha!

The sun strength in the North of the UK is terrible – I am out in it most days (albeit not at midday when it’s at its full strength) and I have an ongoing vitamin D deficiency, causing calcium level ‘issues.’ It’s a major contributing factor to my stress fractures – if I could tell every runner to take a D3 supplement (not just generic ‘D’) then I would.



We just moved away from the mountains of CO last summer and it’s KILLING ME! We lived there for 10 years and I’m anxiously waiting for the moment that I learn we get to move back (in about 2 years….maybe sooner). I just swoon looking at the sun rising and setting over those gorgeous Rockies. While we live in a perfectly nice little town right now, there is nothing like living near the mountains! Also, they help so much for sense of direction–I spent 10 years orienting myself to mountains to the west. Of course, when we travel to Salt Lake, I’m allllllll turned around. =)
I’m crossing my fingers for that MCM golden ticket. I’ve wanted to do that marathon for the past several years, but I have small kids and it always seems to fall on Halloween weekend (can’t miss Halloween!). This year it’s on my 40th birthday–how perfect would that be?


That video is SO DARN FUNNY. I can’t get over it! I love the facial expressions from the husband and you can tell the girl is really thinking about her answers. Is that a phone or a calculator in her hand? It would be even better if it was a calculator! I am most definitely reporting that video today. “Miles PER HOUR” ‘yea MPH!” “I can run a 9 minute mile, 7 if I’m in good shape. Really good shape”

Still laughing.


I’ve said it before, but I just LOVE your mountain views and am SO jealous you get to look at those everyday!! I need to visit your town so I can stare in aww at those mountains in person!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the mountain pics coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That cinnamon roll cake looks amazzzzzzzzzing!!!!


Wow, that video was great entertainment. It’s so much easier for me to get up at 6 for a morning spin class than it is to get up at like 7 or 8 for class. My vitamin D is going to be a morning run soon, in the super warm, record-high Mach temps!


I don’t get to live near mountains right now, but would love to at some point! I do good at sticking with running, evening walks (we walk for miles) and crazy dancing in the privacy of my living room ;) I’m pretty good with my yoga too, though some times I do go a week with none… I got my vitamin D today by going to the park. I had a disaster of a morning, so just got out of the apartment and hobbled down the road and sat there and watched the squirrels & birds until I felt like I was ready to face my day again :)


That video…
the education system is failing us…

I’m still watching the Biggest Loser.. although I miss Olivia and Hannah’s season!


okay, that video??


I needed that today – thanks!


Vitamin D <3 I went outside during an unexpected break between classes yesterday to enjoy an impromptu picnic lunch. It was so much nicer than my usual chow fest during chemistry class!

I go to school in the mountains and will be very sad to leave them in two months when I graduate!


I used to live in the mountains in Tennessee. Moving to CT was a huge change!

I am making that cake tonight!


the mountains sure were gorgeous yesterday, weren’t they?! ahh i love days like that. i enjoyed a great run outdoors too.
that cinnamon roll cake looks incredible!! wowwww.


WAIT! I have clearly not been here enough of late. CONGRATS!!! Very excited for you. What a fun mama you are going to make. Such great news.


1. You should never, ever, move away from the mountains. That would be a huge mistake.
2. You have the ratio of butter/potato/salt correct.
3. It’s 8:32 AM and I’m typing this from my bed. Getting up is overrated ;)

Can you get together next week sometime? I’m open any day!


Yep, I live right by the mountains – the ones that hosted the 2010 Olympics :)

And regarding that video, I don’t understand how people can be so… braindead. It may be mean of me to say it, but *someone* needs to go back to kindergarten.


I REALLY want that cinnamon roll cake. I’m going to have to make that in the very near future! YUM!
I grew up in Oregon and there are a mountains there, but here in New York there really aren’t. Just a lot of noise and people…
On Monday it was really nice out so I spent my lunch break out in Central Park reading the Hunger Games! I’m almost done with book #2 :)


oh my god that video!


We live in British Columbia and are surrounded by mountains. We both grew up in the Maritimes and after spending 10+ years out West I doubt we will ever go back to the flatness :)
I spent yesterday afternoon at the park with our 2 1/2 year-old son and our dog.


Hahahahaha I LOVE eating unhealthy things while watching the Biggest Loser!!! I don’t know why, it’s just more fun that way. That sounds awful! but so true. Aaaaanyway, I do not live anywhere near mountains, or hills. Unless you count the bridges over the rivers, which have an elevation change of about 10ft. Yay Chicago! I do, however, hope to move to Colorado (or somewhere out west – suggestions?) after law school!

I did have a question about spinning, you said you’ve toned down running and it’s harder to run now that you’re pregnant, but do you find it’s the same with spinning? Haha just curious!


Strangely, I never run when it’s light outside! I walk to the park with my kids all the time, though.
Running is the only thing I have stuck with for the last 1.5 years.
That girl was hilarious. I really have no clue what she was talking about- but good for her, running 10 mph ;).


Speaking of donuts (sort of), have you heard of the new smores bear claw at daylight donuts?


I wish I lived near the mountains! I’m always so jealous of your photos of them!

That video is pretty funny and I love how she keeps trying to base it on treadmill speeds. But it really makes the math teacher part of me cringe :-)


Oh my dear goodness, this dessert looks like my idea of heaven. I am making it STAT!!! Literally, pulling out pan and ingredients now. Can’t wait to try it!!!!


Do you live near mountains? Have you ever lived near mountains?yes! the Cascade Mountains in Oregon they are amazing! Google the three sisters mountains and you will find some beautiful scenes! Great for hiking which I have written about on my blog!

What are the workouts that you actually STICK to?
Running, cycling, and crossfit

Anyone still watching the Biggest Loser? not me but I do love it


AMAZINGLY, my last vitamin D hit was at work yesterday… my supervisor and I had to do my performance review (a quarterly thing to give each other feedback, set goals, etc etc.. but mostly we talk about clothes and how much we like baby animals), and it was such a nice day we went and sat on a bench down near a pond. After weeks of iffy-to-miserable weather here, it was just what I needed! I could even feel myself burning a little! Andddddddd today we’re back to rain and clouds and booooo :(

My city is pretty mountainous (pretty pumped i got an opportunity to use that word.. probably for the first time in my life), but not in the same EXTREME and totally knock-your-breath-outta-you-beautiful kind of way yours is! Waaay jealous! It’s seriously majestic! (another word i don’t get to use often enough!)

THAT CAKE IS BLOWING MY MIND OH MY GOD. I want to pour custard all over it (not like it needs it, but i believe in taking things to the extreme) and faceplant into it.


I made that cake last week, and it made me all sorts of new friends at work, hah.

And I’m getting extra vitamin D this week by taking my patients outside for treatment as much as possible; we are having record high temps here,

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