The Best Movie Ever

Get prepared for the best photo ever of me and Billy.  I was blocking the sun from my eyes with the phone and Billy was blocking his eyeballs with his hat.

We sat outside yesterday for a few minutes because we were just a little early to the movie.  I kind of have this thing where I will do whatever it takes to avoid sitting in the front of a movie theater and I have to have the perfect seats.  We probably waited just as long before the movie as the actual movie was:)

I love it when we are wearing the same colored shirt.  Photo 24 copy 5

I had a boring salad before we left and made sure to pack my purse full of goodies.  Orange juice in a water bottle is a good idea.

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I never made it to the Sour Patch Kids because 1) Mom, make sure you are sitting down for this one……they didn’t sound good and 2) my hand was too busy reaching into my SIL’s popcorn.

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How in the world do they make movie popcorn 5 trillion times better than normal popcorn?

The SIL….we both read the books and we were so excited to see the movie.  Best movie I have seen in years.  I was in heaven every minute.  You have to go see it.  Thank you Yogurtland for the tickets!!!  Make sure to vote for Yogurtland HERE for the Best Of Utah Frozen Yogurt!!!

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We even got to see a bunch of people dressed up…

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As I am typing this Billy is eating leftover tortilla, beans and rice just minutes before he goes out for his 7 mile run.  He has a stomach of steel.   The thought of running after that is making my eyes cross.  I will keep the couch warm for him as I watch Scrubs.

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I will be sleeping in this morning and maybe hit up the gym after work.  At this time in my life sleep/rest is much more important than the gym:)


Do you buy popcorn at the movie theater?  Do you bring your own snacks?  Who is going to go see the Hunger Games?  If you already saw it, what did you think?

Would you rather have movie theater popcorn or movie theater candy?

Who else loves the TV show Scrubs?!?!

-You can read more about our Scrubs addiction here.

What will your workout be today?  I need some inspiration and good examples from you guys to motivate me to go lift weights after work:)

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Candy over popcorn everytime for me! I try to bring my own – when we go to the movies, which is rarely! I probably won’t see hunger games until it come out on DVD.
Sorry I can’t be a workout inspiration – total rest day for me. I’m battling some serious shin splints that I NEED to go away asap!!! marathon crunch time. I might do some Jillian Michaels though.
Have a great day!!!


I’m so jealous! I can’t wait to see the movie! I love getting nachos at the movies.
I’m doing BodyPump this morning, my gym recently started offering it on Fridays, so now I can do it three days a week.


I assume you’re are talking about the Hunger Games, but I have no idea what they are about. People seem to love them, so maybe I will have to check out the books first. My friend warned me I would quickly become addicted!

Today my hip was bothering me a bit. I have learned the hard way that it is stupid to think you are really tough and to push through the pain, so I walked on the treadmill with weights in my hands (I actually think this is a great exercise and really helps your form and core and arm strength!) and then lifted.

I can’t imagine running with a tortilla full of rice and beans in my stomach! Wow : )


Oh and movie popcorn? Yes I agree it’s way better than regular popcorn, and I made the mistake one day looking up the nutrition facts in a bag of AMC popcorn. It scarred me for life.


I am definitley going to see the movie. I’m on book 2 at the end. What a great series! I usually stop at Target or Walgreens and grab candy to sneak in. I have to have their popcorn and a medium fountain diet coke (which is usually about 32 oz)! I usually end up spending $30 on a ticket, popcorn and a drink but I only go once in a while so I go all out and treat myself. :) My co-workers and I are planning on going Sunday evening.
I am running 5 miles after work today for my workout.


I buy popcorn about 25% of the time, mainly I don’t because of long line ups. Tomorrow when we got to see the movie, I am sneaking in snacks for sure. They sometimes check purses so my fingers are crossed I do not get caught!
Popcorn for sure :)
I have dental surgery today so if I am feeling up to it I might join my hubby after work at the gym and walk on the treadmill/read gossip magazines.


We’re going in less than 10 hours. I am so excited.
So is this how Treckies feel? What should we call ourselves, Hungries? Soon pumped.


I’m SO EXCITED to see that movie! I agree with you 100% on the popcorn thing. I have a serious popcorn addiction – like, I go and buy some without seeing a movie. And that container you got has a FREE refill, and I just might be disappointed in you if you didn’t take advantage. :)


I am trying out hot yoga tonight for the first time and I am excited! I’ve done other types of yoga at 24 hr fitness but this will be a first for me to try hot yoga out at an actual yoga stuido! :)


I still have to read the books, so I’m trying to avoid the movie reviews. I ALWAYS read the book before I see a movie based on one!

When I do go to the movies, I buy popcorn. And I always regret it. I eat the whole thing by myself, and then get a serious stomachache. But I can’t help it! It’s sooo good.

My workout today is an active rest day; so just core and light weights, and maybe a hike in the sunshine! :D


I can’t wait to see the Hunger Games!! I am going camping this weekend though, so I have to wait until Monday :(. I LOVE movie popcorn, plus if you get the Large you get a free re fill. I ALWAYS bring my snacks because spending 5 dollars on something that costs 50 cents is just ridiculous.

I’m training for my tri so today I have 30 minutes of swimming and 30 minutes of biking. Eesh!

Have a great weekend!


So jealous you got to see HG early yesterday! I fandangoed tix for the local IMAX weeks ago! A super fast run after work followed by a lightening fast shower, quick stop at the corner bakery cafe, then off to wait in line for the movie so I don’t have to sit in the reject seats! I’m glad you liked it! I knew I should have taken off work to see the 1pm instead of 7:30!


Haha I am a manager at a movie theatre and always bring my own snacks :) I’m kinda cheap! I am really looking forward to seeing the Hunger Games, it looks really goods. No inspiration for a workout… I think sitting on the sofa sounds good today!


Sounds like a fun evening! Glad you had a good time! Workout today = Running a mile to the gym, revolving staircase + elliptical for 40 min, run home, then take pup on a little jog. I’m building my mileage up slowly post surgery so sandwiching the gym in between mini runs makes it more bearable!

Happy (almost) weekend! :)


Movie theater candy for sure! I am not a huge popcorn fan but I love caramel corn. This evening I am going to do an easy run on the treadmill before I go in for my weekly overnight shift. I run whatever distance feels good before work. Just something to keep my energy up!


Really glad you enjoyed the movie – I kind of want to see it, but I found the books to be really brutal so I’m not sure I’m brave enough to go!!

My fiance and I are also totally addicted to scrubs but the medical school series was pants!

I just did a gentle 4 miler to test out my new shoes! then while I was stretching afterward in the gym, just for kicks, I did one unassisted pull-up from dead hang, just to see if I could. I managed it, but am sure I must have burst a bunch of blood vessels from the exertion!

Hope you have a fab weekend!!


I am seeing The Hunger Games tonight and I am SO EXCITED. I’ve been waiting for this day since Novemeber. Gosh, I’m cool ;) I will most definitely be indulging in popcorn even though it’s not friendly for the waistline. Good thing I’ll eat healthy the rest of the day!

Today I will attempt to run (I’m so burnt out with only 5 weeks before my first marathon…any tips to stay motivated are appreciated!!) and do an Insanity workout. :)


I am so excited to see the movie!! I AM GOING SUNDAY!!


I saw it last night too and I’m running on 4 hours of sleep at work. Not pretty. It was great though! It didn’t feel as long as it was. I thought they fit in most of the important stuff, but some of the relationship development wasn’t there. But all in all I loved it! Please tell me I’m not the only one who lost it over Rue.

I prefer salty snacks so I like movie popcorn. Today I can’t decide if I should do my long run or do a strength workout. I had a crapola run yesterday so I kinda want to run to “redeem myself”. Is that weird?


i think im going to see the hunger games tomorrow excited! Me and Kev went to the movies to see 21 jump street last night and the theatre was PACKED with people waiting to see the hunger games…insanity!

i’m a HUGE movie popcorn fan, but I dont buy it much at the theatres anymore. Kev is more of a candy man, we go good hand in hand together.

i’m nursing a mild ankle sprain so no running today…i’m planning on elliptical/stairmaster. hoping to feel good enough to run tomorrow but who knows…im in the stage of finally realizing I need to not run if its going to make my injuries worse…i was tempted to email you the other day cause i’m feeling pretty down about it all..but I know I might need time off from running before marathon training to heal in order to be 100%. its just hard to wrap your brain around when running has been such a big part of your life for so long, lol.

ok, done writing a novel. happy friday!!


My workout was a run before work, and I’m going to a fundraiser gala (sounds so mature!!) tonight, so I’ll be dancing the night away at that! I bring my own snacks to the movies… The amount of money they charge is absurd!!!


I’m going to see it today or tomorrow! I keep hearing it’s actually good, but I’m trying not to set my hopes too too high. I’m definitely guilty of sneaking in my own candy… Why pay three times the price?!


ENJOY every second and bring some delicious candy. It really was amazing, don’t worry about setting your hopes high:)


Before my first ever half marathon, I ate cold leftover pepperoni and jalepeno pizza for breakfast. I’m surprised I didn’t pass out from eating that before running! haha I want to see Hunger Games so bad! Can’t wait till next weekend to see it. I worked at a movie theater in high school (free movies was AWESOME!), and I couldn’t eat movie theater popcorn for about 5 years – the smell just made me ill. Now I get it sometimes. I feel like it’s too expensive though, especially after paying so much for movie tickets, it’s hard to justify. So, I usually bring snacks with me. When I was about 6, my family went to go see a movie, and we brought our own snacks. The movie theater worker came in to do a walk through during the movie, saw us eating our own goodies, and confiscated them! We had to wait until the end of the movie to get our candy back. Talk about sad 6 year old!! So, now, I’m a little paranoid about hiding my secret snacks :)


WOW….how in the world did you eat that before a 1/2 marathon…you are my hero! I can see how you would get sick of even the smell of that stuff. THEY TOOK IT AWAY!?!?! That is the meanest thing in the whole wide world. How could they?


I told myself I had to run two..only two miles and I could be done. So that is exactly what I did. :)

I always bring water and snacks to the movies.


I’m a candy gal! Sure I love a handful of salty buttery popcorn, but my choice would always be pick and mix candies- sour patch, milk duds, m and ms, raspberries, lolly snakes etc! :)

Today I am elypticalling. Tomorrow I plan on doing a night time 5km race – should be interesting!


I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THE HUNGER GAMES!! I love movie theatre popcorn. We usually see a move on Friday nights – we tend to date by eating dinner – and then desert is always popcorn and snowcaps. Yum!


I seriously cracked up at that first picture of you and Billy. so funny!

Today is just weights! Since I can’t run cause of this stupppidd injury I’m trying to stay strong and lift!

enjoy your weekend! :)


Movie theater popcorn is always so much better!!! I think it’s all the salt they use…
I’m going to spinning class tonight! I can’t wait! I haven’t been in sooo long!
I can’t wait to see The Hunger Games! I”m going to wait a little bit though because I’m not a fan of crowds…
Happy Friday!


I love the show Scrubs! I think the humor is very clever. Wish I could find the reruns on TV. I’m all about shows in syndication!

The goal is to try to get out for a run this evening. It’s been raining on and off here in Chicago, which is both a good and bad thing. It makes the air nice and fresh and I enjoy running in the rain as long as its not a torrential downpour. But, I am pretty protective of my running shoes and I hear that their cushioning will never fully recover after they get wet. =(


EMILY…do you have Netflix? It is on instant watch…that is how we watch it. Girl, let’s both get a workout in today after work:) Could you do your run on a treadmill if it is raining?


My workout was 6am TRX class! I am in love.
My daughter went to see Hunger Games at midnight and took her dad instead of me. So..I still haven’t seen it. Although she said that it was the most similar to the book movie she has seen in a long.
Definately bring my own candy. Movie theatre popcorn makes me sick.


I really really want to try TRX out…you are inspiring me!


I’m going with a couple of gf’s to see HG on Sunday! I didn’t read the books so I had no idea what to expect… I had no idea that it would be like Harry Potter with people dressing up?! Should be a fun time :P


I’m a “Sour Patch Kids at the movies” kinda girl. But I always eat them so fast, that I’m usually done by the time the previews are over and my tongue really hurts from the sugar. I know others do this too, so I’m okay admiting it :)

I have tickets for tomorrow!!! I can’t wait!


YES! I went to the midnight showing, too! I’m so out of it, we left at 10:20, and when we got there they had already seated for our showing. Luckily I was able to find 3 seats on the front row for my daughter & her friends, and then I sat on a single seat on the first row as you walk in.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED it! Katniss was perfect! And Gale…. he’s really cute!

I skipped my run this morning, but am going to get it in later. My kids are home from school for a teacher work day. Perfect timing!


My husband and I are taking his parents to the movie on Sunday. His mom hasn’t gotten to read the books yet, but his dad did and loved them almost as much as we did. I’m excited for the movie, but I think my husband might actually be more excited. Anytime there’s a preview on TV, he stops whatever he doing and makes sure to sit and watch it all. Too funny!
We always get popcorn and the candied almonds and cashews, and a soda at the theater.


my hair is already in a side french braid in preparation. AHHHHHHHH (I am almost 29, can you tell?)


Do you buy popcorn at the movie theater? Do you bring your own snacks? Who is going to go see the Hunger Games? If you already saw it, what did you think?

The smell of movie theater popcorn is intoxicating, we definitely get some but skip the extra oil/butter.

Would you rather have movie theater popcorn or movie theater candy?

What will your workout be today? I need some inspiration and good examples from you guys to motivate me to go lift weights after work:)
Hill runs!


Yay – glad you liked Hunger Games. I was hoping it wasn’t going to be one of those movies that didn’t live up to the hype. Tomorrow my husband and I are taking our 13 year old and 5 of his friends for part (a) of his birthday party – followed by pizza and then Nerf wars – we pre-bought tickets but are still going early. DO THE WEIGHTS (or don’t – wouldn’t make a good trainer). Have a great Friday, Janae.


OH FUN…best bday party ever…can I come. BAHAHAH I loved your motivation with the added, or don’t ha. You are hilarious. Let me know what you think about the movie.


I can’t wait to see the Hunger Games! I haven’t been to a theatre in almost two years but I think it’s time.


I def wanna go see the Hunger Games! I think I’m gonna wait till Monday night till the crows clears out a little! :) They had a thing on the news last night where most of the weekends tickets were sold out already! Crazy!

I buy movie popcorn but I swear I think it’s criminal what they ask you to pay for it! It’s like $25 for popped air! The Indians would be rich if we were back in the days of Lewis and Clark. I do pack my own candy tho :)


I’m a candy person. I would choose candy over popcorn at the theater. I am hoping to see Hunger Games the next time I have a free weekend. I read the first book and loved it!

Today is a rest day and my legs need it! Sorry I can’t be much inspiration. Have a great weekend!


I’m so excited to see Hunger Games. Everyone is loving it!

I love getting movie theater popcorn. When we were kids, my mom used to not eat dinner when we went to the movies and then get popcorn as her meal. I’ve taken up the habit. Too bad it’s so expensive!


Movie theatre popcorn all the way.. I rarely get it though (the few times that I do go to the movie theatre). It is just SO GOOD! how do they do it? lots of butter.. that’s my guess :)

PS: with all of your talk about blizzards.. you have me craving one and I CAN’T stop thinking about it lol. thanks a lot haha!


I went to a midnight showing and I loved it!! Now I cannot wait until they make the next movie. I will be counting down the days for it… ;)


I KNOW….they did such an incredible job…I can’t wait for the next one.


I used to watch Scrubs back in the day, haven’t seen it in SO long!

I can’t be much inspiration in the workout dept today, since Fridays are always rest days for me and my resting my legs up for Sunday’s Rock N Roll Dallas Half Marathon! I’m tempted to go to dance class tonight though…

Definitely would pick candy over the popcorn…but sometimes there is nothing better than some buttery movie theater style popcorn! I have brought all kinds of food into the movie theater. Adult beverages, chinese food, tacos you name it! I think every theater should be one of those ones where they have a menu and you can order real food.


I can’t wait to see the Hunger Games! I absolutely loved the books, and I’ve already heard how amazing the movie is! I’m hoping I can convince Daniel to go see it with me tomorrow. I always bring my own snacks to the movies – usually some sort of granola bar or every now and then some candy, and always a big bottle of water!


Saw the Hunger Games last night and LOVED it! It seemed so short, which is rare for me and movies! I honestly would have been happy even if it was four hours long :-)

I packed a ziploc bag full of blackberries as a snack (plus pretzels and a bag of peanut butter M&Ms) and the berries turned into berry mush before the movie even started. Guess I’ll be having a blackberry smoothie sometime soon :-)


YES, movie theatre popcorn is actually the best thing ever!! SO much better than make yourself stuff :)

SCRUBS!!! My absolute all time favourite show – I find the random humour the funniest thing! My boyfriend and I are watching old episodes now (I had to buy all the seasons because I am obsessed and still find them funny the 15th time over!) – can you believe he had never seen it??? The last episode we watched was the one where the Janitor was “bustin chops”… so freaking funny, I don’t even know how they come up with this stuff. Anyway I’ll stop rambling about my undying love for Scrubs.. It’s just so awesome!


Did you love love LOVE IT???!! I am dying to see it but I would literally die of I went to the midnight showing. That’s awesome you got to see it at a normal time! Hopefully I will see it this weekend though traveling might mess that up!


sometimes i sneak my own popcorn in my purse. sorry but i’m not paying $9 for a box of popcorn. INSANE!!


Ahhhhh! I am SO jealous. I am so excited to see that movie. Loved those books!!
You’re a Scrubs fan?! We watch that a lot. My husband loved that show and dragged me into it…so clever, so funny! Love Sarah Chalke!
Also, I have been craving popcorn for the last week. That’s it, going to go get me some. Cheers!


Just picture yourself in some cute summer tank tops with your super cute belly, totally defined arms, and other women saying ” look at that super cute pregnant lady”…………..the thing is, you don’t need to lift to already be this………so no, not the best motivator. i tried!

I am not a fan of candy really ever. Popcorn all the way!
Workout: Ran two miles with a woman who needed some motivation to just get started.


And your comment just made me want to run to the gym to left….exactly what I needed:) That is so awesome that you went with a lady that need some are awesome. 10 miler tomorrow?


AHHHHHHHHH I can NOT wait to see it today!!! You got me SO excited :) Thank you!!

Love that pic of you and Shelly. You’re both totally gorgeous!


you are looking GREAT pregnant Janae :) such a beautiful glow!

and I am so happy you loved Hunger Games! I can’t WAIT to see it :)

love the photo sun block – using that next time I’m on a sunny run with no sunglasses! lol


I love the people in costumes … too funny. I am definitely going to see it, but I’m not sure when. Probably later in the week when the madness dies down. ;)


I’m so jealous! I want to see Hunger Games!! Hopefully I can go soon..might have to wait a few weeks until the crowd kind of dies down…if it ever does. Loved the books, so I know I’ll love the movie.
Totally with you on the popcorn- sounds so much better than candy!


Workout today is an upper body workout and some time on the bike, thanks to shin splints. Mmmmm movie theatre popcorn is delicious, but so are any treats at the movies!!


I’m not a fan of popcorn, but I LOVE me some kettle corn. So if I went to the movies and had to choose, I would get the Raisinets or those Crunch ball thingies. Of course, I usually bring my own snacks, so I don’t have to worry about paying 5 bucks for a box of candy :P


We totally went last night. I took a nap at 9:00 lol. I’m getting too old. Woke up and ate some shotblocks. I had a free drink and popcorn coupon. Totally scored there. Double win. Paid 2$ to upgrade size. We really enjoyed the movie. I loved the books too. I think the girl Rue was exactly what I pictured loved her. I still kinda wish she would end up with Gale. My 7 mile run this mOrning turned into 6. It was a lot warmer than I thought it would be. Bummer for me. Lots of shirtless runners- myself not included


nah hunger games. lol. but i can’t help but love SCRUBS. zach braff. awwa.


O man – I am SO excited to see Hunger Games even tho I know it will be really disappointing compared to the books. I will have to try REALLY hard not to explain extra details to my hubby throughout the whole movie – because I have tendency to do that hehe.

I LOVE movie theatre popcorn – way better than microwave popcorn! Sooo looking forward to that tomorrow. And I always bring my own candy, cheaper and better selection, yum yum yum :)

p.s. I think that baby weight isn’t going to your tummy at all… you are so tiny… it may be residing a little higher these days tho lol now I understand your comment about needing an extra sports bra ;-) Our little J. is growing up! lol


BAHAHAH Your comment made me laugh so hard. The girl teachers at work cannot get over how huge I have gotten up top…. I don’t know if I can fit any more ha:) I am growing up…finally!

I am so sorry about your grandpa. I am thinking about you and praying for your family during this tough time!


I am in total envy of you right now for several reasons: you saw “The Hunger Games,” you weren’t drawn to eat candy (I wish I could kick that nasty habit), and you’re in weather that is sunny!


Finished a 17 miler this morning, and I bring in cans of pop, subway sandwhiches, chocolate and licorice but usually buy the movie popcorn.


I saw it at midnight and I LOVED IT!!! I was so glad that it was good because I really love the books. Unfortunately I got up really early and went running yesterday and wasn’t able to take a nap- which means I fell asleep at my favorite part! BOOO! Guess I’ll have to go and see it again.


AHAHAHAHAHA! (Excitement for the Hunger Games) I’m so excited to go see the Hunger Games this weekend. I have two tests next week that I should probably be studying for, but I have to see the movie as soon as I can. haha.


I usually bring my own snacks to the movie theater.
Once my hubby and I brought sushi and had dinner as we were watching the movie, it was nice lol


movie popcorn omg! so good. though I honestly prefer ice cream during movies. though there is nothing like delicious, salty, buttery popcorn!


I am beyond jealous that you got to see the hunger games!!!! I can’t wait to see it…but it probably won’t be to next week sometime. And seriously, too funny that people dressed up for it! That’s awesome. Glad you had a great time!


Oh I wish I could give you some workout inspiration today! I had a nasty and rare reaction to an treatment injection I got in my knee and now my leg is the size of a huge watermelon. I’m just DYING not being able to run…or exercise at all. On the bright side, I can’t wait to go see THG. So jealous that you went :-)


POPCORN is the answer to all things. I do bring my own “other” snacks and sometimes even a drink. I figure they are getting the popcorn money out of me.
I will go see the Hunger Games but not sure when yet. I read all of the books.
Did 4 miles this morning.

The Kidless Kronicles


I like to pop a personal sized bag of popcorn and bring it in my purse… Because I’m that cheap. I’m actually iffy on movie theater popcorn, sometimes it’s just TOO buttery. I’m not a fan of buttery popcorn, it’s just greasy. When I was little I ALWAYS got sour patch kids! Every time! I have a serious sweet tooth.


we loooooved the movie! glad you did too!


Rest day for me! :D


Sour Patch Berries are the BEST flavor ever!!! Yes, that is what I took away from this post. (You see what I focus on.)


Totally random and off topic, but I was on Pinterest today and came across this picture and immediately thought “That looks like Janae’s sister!” Crazy!


That is too funny…it really does! LOVE IT!


Loved the movie too- SO good! My workout was an upper body weights session. Go girl, don’t you want to have arm strength like Katniss ;)


Haha I love that you have snacks for the movie!


I about through up readying about what Billy ate before running.

I watch Scrubs every now and then. The first time I ever saw it was in Germany.

I hope to see the Hunger Games in theaters! But then I told myself I’d see Harry Potter and Twilight in theaters and only saw the 1st of the Deathly Hollows in theaters…


Threw up* I’m also half asleep…


The heart of your writing while aepnaripg reasonable in the beginning, did not really settle properly with me personally after some time. Somewhere within the paragraphs you were able to make me a believer but only for a short while. I however have got a problem with your leaps in logic and one would do well to fill in those breaks. In the event you actually can accomplish that, I would surely end up being fascinated.


I’m going to see Hunger Games tomorrow! I wish I could see it sooner! I prefer popcorn over candy…I’m one of those weird people who prefer salty snacks over sweet ;) I’m hoping to s 3-4 mile run in yet today but I’m exhausted and super busy. Hopefully I can make it work!


I can’t wait to see it! I got the third book yesterday!


i cant even read this because im sooo sooo excited to see the hunger gamesss~!! ahhhh


I can’t wait to see th movie (Loved the books) but want to wait until the crowds die down. Movie popcorn is way better than movie candy because movie candy tastes just the same as grocery store candy but only movie popcorn tastes like movie popcorn.
I did a 5:45 am boot camp and loved every second of it. My quads and hammies are screaming because of my workouts this week. I am so ready for my Tough Mudder next Saturday.


Billy totally has a stomach of steel. Yowzers! It looks like you guys had a good time and you look so cute. Just love your outfit. :)

Lets hangout soon k? I have missed your gorgeous face!


ok so i havent read hunger games yet and feel like a loser now haha. im downloading it tonight!! apparently people like it? :)


THIS had to be a great movie if you stayed awake the entire time! I CAN’T wait to see it! I may just re-read book 1 to prepare myself mentally!

Wow–iron gut for sure. No way could I run on that w/out heading straight to the pooper! You go Billy!


We always bring our own snacks to the movie!! If buying something there I would have to go with candy. Movie theater popcorn is just too buttery for me. Weird, I know. Until recently, the local AMC theaters would allow you to bring in any food or drink of choice. We would walk in with bags of Subway sandwiches, Quiznos etc ALL the time… it was awesome. They recently implemented a no food rule… boo.


I saw Hunger Games at midnight last night and LOVED IT. I am a teacher too, and today was a little rough, but so worth it! :)


I have tickets at the fancy theater for tomorrow night. I can not wait!
I will eat popcorn and some snacks and wine that they serve in the theater. So fun adn I wanted to guarantee a seat without waiting!


Billy & I haven’t read the books, but still want to see the movie once the theater hype dies down a bit! I like a little sweet & a little salty snack at the movie. gotta balance it out. and I can’t drink too much or I’ll have to go to the bathroom. :)


Oh I cannot wait to go see the Hunger Games, Ive read all three books and am a
die hard Hunger Games fan.


I cannot wait to get out this weekend or this week and watch this movie. People are RAVING about it!!!!


We waited for 2 hours to see the Midnight showing Thursday night!!! The entire Theater was sold out! Crazy sauce. I thought it was really good, but don’t think they emphasized on the rebellion part enough. The people that we were with who haven’t read the books, didn’t catch on to that part well.

I packed my own candy, a bottle of Chick-Fil-a lemonade, and bought a large tub of popcorn!!! Can’t…. live….. without…… the POPCORN.


My oldest read HG, and wants to see the movie. I have not read it … so … should I take him to see the movie, or make him wait until I read the book to see it?


OH MY GOSH THE MOVIE WAS AMAZING! I love the books so much and I was so worried it wouldn’t live up to them but it totally did! I rarely eat movie theater popcorn even though my husband and my family all almost always get it. I know I think I am the only person in the world that doesn’t like it. It smells funny to me for some reason…

My workout today was my arms, legs, and what I can do for my abs anymore followed by 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the stair stepper than some good stretching :). This is totally written on the wrong post but I am SO impressed that you are still running 10 miles! You are awesome! I am capped out at 3 now but it still feels good.


OMG I can’t wait to see this movie! I read all the books too and they were amazing and now that I know the movie is fantastic, I am even more ready!


I haven’t read the books yet (will read them all now), but Hunger Games was amazing! I said in my blog, my favorite movie that I’ve seen since The Departed! I now can’t wait to start reading the books and seeing the next 2 movies! Also, not sure what subject you teach or what grade level you teach at, but I think Hunger Games would be a perfect book to teach in high school english – it brings up a ton of controversial topics and would make for great papers and ideas.


I just finished the first book (in two days), started the second, and will see the movie this Thursday! I can’t wait!! :)

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