The healthiest eater award goes to me.

Playing new sports make me realize more and more why I run.  These sports take coordination, thinking skills and it is a lot easier to fall when playing them.  I only fall once in a while running and it takes zero thinking on my part besides when I need to think about when to eat more swedish fish (usually every 1.4 miles).

Wanna know something new about me (actually I have probably told you a million times but I can’t remember)?  I write and eat with my left hand but play sports/bowl with my right hand.

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(We are playing a game called flip in the above picture)

After playing around for a few hours we met up with my sister and her family for dinner at BYU’s creamery.  It is a grocery store, grill and ice cream parlor all in one stop.  The only problem was I was sitting facing the cookie aisle and now I can’t get EL Fudge, Circus Animals and Coconut Delights out of my brain.

Winner of the healthiest eater award goes to me.

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If chicken strips are on the menu, I will order them.

We found out that curly actually enjoys eating fry sauce plain.  FYI fry sauce is mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together, I think it is just a Utah thing.

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She didn’t want to be interrupted while eating her ice cream but my other niece’s smile makes me smile just looking at it.

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Billy and I got home at about 10 and he is playing on the iPad while I am half blogging, half watching Everybody Loves Raymond and half thinking about what I want to do for my Saturday workout.

FYI I write my posts at night and set them to post in the morning.  I don’t know why I do this but I always have and so I am sticking to it because I am stubborn.  I do not get up and write a blog post at 5 something in the morning….maybe I should say that I do write them in the morning so that people will think my grammar errors are because I am still waking up.


Any other left-handers out there?

Fill in the blank.  I will always order _____________ when it is on the menu.

If you have a blog, do you blog on a schedule or do you post according to when you have free time to write a post?  What time(s) of day do you usually read blogs?

On the weekends are you a night owl or early riser….or both?

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Ahhhh both my Dad and brother have the same handed-ness as you! They write with their left hands, but play sports with their right hands!!!
Your nieces are adorable! Have a great weekend :)


Funny, I swear I’m not stalking you (well, at least not waiting around until the first moment you post), but the last two days in a row I must have clicked over to your blog right as you posted! Usually there’s already a ton of comments! : )

As for posting, I pretty much write whenever I feel motivated, too and/or have free time. I don’t have nearly as many readers as you do, so if I go a few days without writing, I’m pretty sure nobody is disappointed. haha.

I’m pretty much an early riser all the time. I just love the peace and quiet of the morning and naturally get up easily. I usually read other blogs in the morning while having my breakfast and coffee, and then sporadically throughout the day.


I MEANT to sleep in today… my body didn’t cooperate. Big piano event going on for my students today- stupid anxiety woke me up. Thank goodness I’ve got a long trail run planned today to help relieve the stress before I’m off to spend the rest of the day at the event. So right now I’m filling time until it’s time to go.

I love that you use different hands- I’m that way, too! I use right to write & eat, but use left for dribbling in basketball, as the lead hand in dealing cards, and on top when clapping :). Yeah, weird things most people wouldn’t notice.

I saw your mom at Costco the other day… I smiled and wondered what she was buying for you that visit. Maybe that’s when she bought the waffle maker? :)

Have a great day!


If there chocolate bread pudding is on the menu, I will order it! I would love to blog on a schedule, but it is whenever I have free time! I would also love to blog everyday, but that’s just really hard with three non-stop kids. I try to do it when the little one is napping, if he happens to nap;)
Have a great Saturday!


I always get up early on the weekends. My husband has been out playing golf since 6:30, and I’ve been up since before 6, and am heading to spin class now. We love getting the most out of our weekends! Hope you have a great weekend!


We have fry sauce here in Florida but we call it special sauce. It is especially good with fried seafood and salmon patties.

I blog when I have something to say or when I have time. I plan to start making more time, just haven’t done it yet!


I’m the same way with my left and right hands.
When you wrote that you were eating dinner at the creamery, I read cemetary and thought that was pushing it a little too far, haha.
Unfortunately, my children have the same sleeping pattern as my husband, so they get up in the 5 o’clock hour. every. day.


GOAT CHEESE! I will order anything with goat cheese that is on the menu.
I blog whenever I have something interesting to say. Which may only happen a few times a week, if I’m lucky.


I’m left handed too! (so are Jerry Seinfeld and the Queen) :)

I will always order a chicken parmagiana if its on the menu, but Australian style with chips and vegies.

I am morning person but not this early (4am)… I am still suffering jetlag from Japan.


I’m left handed too!! :) You know we’re supposed to be smarter, right? ;)

I usually do my blog posts the night before, too. And then I just set them to post in the morning. But I didn’t realize you did that!

If fish tacos, sushi, or sweet potato fries are on the menu, I will likely order them (but not all together … that would just be weird.). :)


Your niece’s fry sauce reminds me of boarding school so much! For lord knows why, fries were always on our lunch menu and that combo of Ketchup & mayo was a favorite of so many of my friends..I’m more of a ketchup/mustard girl! I follow a blog schedule too: Monday, Wednesday, Friday …some weeks I’ll put an extra one up but overall, this keeps me sane and takes the pressure off! If salmon is on the menu (and not deep fried), I will always order it!


My youngest daughter likes condiments more than the meal almost every time. She’ll eat salsa by the spoonful and if there’s ketchup, mayo, ranch or BBQ sauce, she’ll dip her finger in it to polish it off and then eat her meal. Kids crack me up.


I should try to set them to post the next morning. I tend to write at night, but I read in the morning..or all the time.. ;)


My hubby and mom are both left handed. I am a sucker for good french fries!

I usually blog in the afternoons, when my niece is a taking a nap and my older son is still at school. Having three kids here can get hectic, so I blog during the day when I get a chance, but at least once a day.
I read blogs at random times when I can – in the morning with my coffee, at the gym on my ipod.

Have a great St. Patrick’s Day!!


I love classic yellow mustard… Never have drank it solo but wouldn’t be opposed?! And pickle juice is a great alternative to vinegar on salads… Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!

I’ve been so sporadic with posting/ reading blogs lately because of so many things going on but I prefer to read in the morning and write at night :)


I write and eat with my left hand…that’s IT. All sports, right handed–even scissors, flat ironing my hair, etc – all right handed. Probably explains why I didn’t use scissors properly until age 13 (i’m now 30) – they were always giving me the green handle “lefty scissors”. My 8th grade home-ec teacher thought I was “special”….they really should listen to 5 year olds. I tried to tell them I was a righty :)


I write my posts at night when I’m relaxed on my couch… and then I edit all the errors in the morning when I’m actually able to use my brain.
If there is anything with portobella mushrooms… I order it. I don’t care what it comes with, gimmie those shrooms!!! :)


1. Tiramisu. I will ALWAYS order Tiramisu! And french fries! With mustard and ketchup. Mmmm.

2. I usually blog once a day; because my blog is focused on my training, I try to write about the previous days’ sessions. But I skip days here and there, and don’t usually blog on the weekends.

3. I slept in until 7am today.. but seeing as I wake up at 4:45 during the week, I consider staying up until 10 and waking up at 7 to be sleeping in! :D


im kind of a night owl on weekends but i still get up at a decent time (for me) which is 9:30am…haha


I’m a lefty all the way, using my right for anything makes me look like a complete fool. My older sister is ambidextrious like you are, it’s pretty cool :)


I’m kind of the opposite of you, I write and eat with my right hand, but play sports with my left. I think I always wanted to be left-handed because I thought it was so cool. haha.


I will always order a grilled veggie panini/pita/sandwich.

“we are young” was the perfect song at the perfect time, oh boy, this might be on repeat today.

happy saturday!


I’m in bed early and a fan of shutting off the computer by a certain time. I blog whenever I have time and feel the inspiration.I am usually up at a normal time on the weekends.


I always write my blog posts the night before then re-read them the next morning to make sure I didn’t write something crazy or misspell something and then I make sure to post it around 8 am. It works for me :)


I’m a left handed writer, right handed athlete too! Soul sistas


Current things I can’t resist on a menu: chicken tetrazzini! It’s ALL I will order at East Side Mario’s :)

I usually blog in the evenings because that’s when I have time and can actually think in complete sentences. I worry that my morning posts would be too angry.. haha I hate mornings and I’m not really that enjoyable to be around pre-10am!!


My hubby does the fry sauce thing, too! I think it’s just a weird thing personally :)

I wish I had a blog schedule…I just get lazy sometimes. But when I do try to follow a schedule, I do the same thing so that they’ll post in the morning.


I’m the exact opposite of you! I eat/write with my right hand and do everything else with my left hand! Maybe we both exist to balance out the other one?! :)


I love chicken strips! :)

I try really hard to post at least once a day, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Especially on the weekend. ;) I can also read blogs while I am at work due to quite a bit of down time, but mostly after 6 pm.

I will always order specialty coffee no matter where I am at if it’s on the menu. :)


Left hander here! =) It’s ironic, all of the blondes in my family are lefties, and brunettes are righties.

– I will always order SWEET POTATOES when it’s on the menu.


I have the same rightie/leftie quirk, except I write with my right and kick with my left.

When I was 6, my parents signed me up for softball and took me to buy a glove. I was still ambidextrous at that point, so we spent 2 hours at Sportsmart trying to decide if I would be right or left handed. Right won!


I’m a definite early riser on sat mornings – I love leaving for a run when my whole family is sleeping & coming home to them just getting up. Sunday is my one sleep in day (11am church this year, wahoo!)

Idont have a go to dish but i can predict what my husband will get every time…..Caesar salad w/anchovies and crab cakes are his favorite. Although we just watched Forks over Knives and he is on a month long vegan challenge so who knows what he’ll order tonight!


I used to blog but I haven’t updated for about a year so I just read them… and I usually read them while I am eating something, like the yummy omelet my husband just made me and I polished off while reading yours:)
I will usually always order something with chicken at any restuarant- Chicken Maderra at Cheesecake Factory is my favorite.
I am definitely a morning person. I LOVE waking up early to get my workout done and I usually get cranky at night when it is time to go to bed and I’m not in bed…if I pass a certain point of tiredness my husband knows I become irrational and just plain crazy haha!


I always get chicken fingers, too! I used to think it was because I am perpetually a big kid, but it makes me feel better to know you do it, too. :)

I usually blog in the evenings whenever I have a chance. Of course, I always think of things to write about on the days that I CAN’T blog for whatever reason. Doesn’t it just figure?!?

Also, I spent my youth wanting to be a left-handed writer. I would do all my assignments with my left hand and my teachers would always send them home for me to redo because they couldn’t read it. My mom would fuss at me for writing messily at school, and no one understood my burning desire to be a leftie! What a rough life I lead.



My blogging style is exactly the same!!


I am a lefty and have always felt special about it ; )

I will always order sauvignon blanc!

I try to start a post in the morning while I’m getting ready, doesn’t always work that way. Lots of blog reading while breastfeeding, though that is down to only morning and night now.

I am a typical 85 year old, early to bed and early to rise.


Oh my goodness how exciting! I’m left handed too! Like you, I eat and write with my left, bowl, cut with scissors with my right. I also kick with my right foot, throw with my left…oh there’s a lot. We’re not just ambidextrous folks, we’re talented ;)…(or so I tell myself)


I tend to do a lot of my blogging the night before once the kiddos are in bed. On Tuesday and Thursday, I’m home with them so I’ll wait till nap time to write.

I’m an old lady ( even older today ’cause it’s my birthday!) – I’m in bed by 9 or 10 and up anywhere between 5 and 6:30 a.m. No matter what, I have never been able to sleep in. My brain doesn’t work that way!


I can’t tell you how happy that “FLIP” picture makes me…’s just a “mom thing”!


Cool I though the mayo & Ketchup mixture was only a European/Canadian thing. I used it a lot abroad but when I came back to Florida, people were like “eeeewww what is that?!?” So now I can tell them Fry Sauce! and to suck it because people in Utah use it too :D


i have no answers for your three questions today. I had to tell you that fry sauce is alive and well in new jersey. i know (from years ago) that it’s the sauce on some sort of McDonald’s burger. but we used to mix it up ourselves for our fries in the dining hall when we lived on campus. ;-)


I will always order fresh cut fries when they are on the menu…and a whole list of other things (especially being 30 weeks preggers)

I mainly blog at night after the babe is gone to bed, but catch myself typing when I should be playing with dolls or coloring :P


I blog as it comes and I have time for it, sometimes I schedule the posts, but not too often. Concerning the blog reading – I do lot of it while commuting to work, since I use public transport. But concerning the HRG blog, as you post, I got it to mail mailbox delivered in the evening (here in Europe), so I really love reading it before going to sleep! I hope that does not sound weird. But lately I kind of cannot wait until the mailing of the accumulated posts get out, so I go to your site more often. It must be something with the cutest HGR baby coming :) :) :)


That’s crazy– I am the exact opposite–I write with my right hand but play sports with my left!


I totally set my blog posts to post at 3am the next morning. Why? I have no idea, I’m an idiot. I think mayonaisse is absolutely DISGUSTING. But fry sauce is good, as long as I pretend it’s not made of mayo! Curly is so precious. :-)


Woohoo for lefties! My whole family (mom+bro+sis) are lefties–and proud of it. :)


I’m left handed with everything I do. Its funny though, that stuff I learned later in life, like golf, I can do left or right, but left better. It always makes to impress when on hole 5 if I’m doing bad I can switch and play out right-handed.
I’m going to mix myself up some fry sauce. Mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together sounds great.


I always blog at night for the next morning too. Sometimes if I’m feeling ambitious I even do it a few days in advance!!


hey, i am also left handed and only eat and write with it and then everything else with my right. i think we are just super smart because we adapted to the right hand ways of the world:)

happy saturday!


I’m always an early riser, and I also wrote my blog post the day before, that way I can just push publish and get on with my day!


I am a right hander all the way, but my husband is EXACTLY like you! I sleep in a little later on the weekends, but late for me is 7:00:-). I usually get LESS sleep on the weekends.


I’m right handed all the way! When I was little I wanted to be like my cousins who were both left handed and went through a phase where I was determined to switch to writing that way. It didn’t work. Buzzkill.

I always blog at night and just post it whenever I’m done. I tend to read blogs throughout the day on my RSS app on my iphone and mark ‘keep unread’ for the ones that I want to reply to when I get a chance.


Honey, that’s a Puerto Rican thing too! It’s called “mayoketchup”. I’ve seen it served on everything from plantains to salads (seriously). :-)


I will ALWAYS order a BLT if it is on the menu. Thank goodness it is on Subway! I usually post when I have something to share. Based on race schedule and Long Runs I like to go to bed early if they are planned. Other wise I am up late because I don’t see my BF during the week because he works nights. So I stay up when I can to hang out.


I am new to the blotting thing. I usually post at night. That is usually when I have the most time. I usually read them at night also.


Can we be friends? I’m a day late by my Saturday night was/is being spent half blogging and half watching Everybody Loves Raymond. And I completely suck at team sports requiring coordination – I avoid them because I’m afraid my teammates will hate me forever for sucking so bad!


My first thought was “What is FRY dip”…We also eat May.and Ketchup mixed in Louisiana and call it Crawfish dip!! We eat it with very spicy boiled crawfish or shrimp. Sometimes we add Worcestershire sauce or garlic sauce for extra boldness…I don’t..Just mayo and ketchup with spicy (red pepper, salt, black pepper) crawfish and/or jumbo shrimp!!! Now I’m craving… :)


Fill in the blank. I will always order a salad when it is on the menu.

I started blogging last month and its been hard to keep up with all my favorite blogs. I try to do my posts first thing in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at night if I am lucky. After I post then I go read my favorite blogs, so morning, afternoon and night.

On the weekends are you a night owl or early riser….or both?
Early riser! I’m changing as I get older. used to be such a night owl, now im getting up at 6am every day


Never heard of fry sauce! Those fries sure look good. :)

If there is an omelet and toast on the menu I will usually order it! Or a salad but it must have a million fun toppings…… hard toss up.

I blog randomly…. just whenever I have time free. No set schedule. :)


I will always order fish tacos or a crazy strange food combination when it is on the menu.

I read blogs when I have the time throughout the day. I usually post at night around 9. Maybe I should set mine to post in the morning as well! :)

I have to be up by 5 during the week, so on the weekends I like to sleep in a little. However, my body usually won’t let me sleep after 7, and neither will my dogs.

Ketchup + mayo is how we always made “thousand island” dressing growing up (no relish for us). We put it on EVERYTHING – salads, steaks, spaghetti (okay that one was just me), fries, baked potatoes, etc. It goes with everything!


How do you play this Flip game? I’m intrigued…
And I do the same thing–write my posts at night and set them to autopost in the morning!


French onion soup – if it’s on the menu I have to have it. Poutine (fries, cheese curds ad gravy) is a close second but I save that for special occasions :)


I’m a proud lefty. I had the worst handwriting as a kid, and always came home with ink on my hand.
I dont have a blog, but I think bloggers should post whenever is works best for them. I like having posts to read first thing in the am, so setting posts to go up in the morning is nice for me.


Most of the time during the week I post on my blog at night, I usually try to gather my thoughts for the post throughout the day. Sometimes I blog every day but most of the time it’s 4-5 times a week.


I love cheeseburgers and im kind of a cheeseburger snob but here in Nashville, we have quite a few amazing burger joints so I am lucky in that wherever we are in town I know I have some place to go to get a great burger!

I am an early riser no matter what, even if we do stay out til whee hours.

I dont have a bolg (yet) but I usually read my fav blogs at the end of the day

happy sunday!


I am a leftie!


I’m glad you clarified the type of store it is, because I was wondering why it looked like you were eating in the aisle of a regular grocery store… Haha!


I wish I was organized enough to prepare at night and post in the morning … I post when I can … lately I have been missing in action as I have had people visiting from Brazil for work … late nights and early days have not left much space for anything else.

I love that you are always are with your family.


I just wanted to share that we live in Connecticut, my whole family was born and raised here and they make and eat fry sauce on everything! It is really good with potato chips!


I’m a lefty with righty tendencies as well — batting, golfing, throwing, kicking I do all with my right, but write/eat with my left.. always thought that was pretty weird/cool!! glad to know I’m not alone ;-)

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