You know your body is changing when you have toothpaste stains all over your jackets in two specific areas.

Photo copy 4

Yeah, I don’t have an explanation for why I decided to make this face, things just happen sometimes.


Okay, here is a more normal faced one:

Photo 2

Changes this week:

-My dreams are out of control.  I keep having to wake up Billy because I am so freaked out by them.  At least I learned through them to never walk down a dark alley in NYC at 2 in the morning by myself?!?  That was an extra scary dream.

-Food loves: My mom’s lasagna.  Hopefully she is reading this and will make it for me.  Fresh fruit always sounds delicious and I could really go for some beef jerky right about now.

-Food hatred:  Still broccoli, the smell of sloppy joes (school lunch one day), dark chocolate or anything that is just pure chocolate (donuts excluded) but nothing else anymore.

-Just a tiny bit of heart burn but nothing to really complain about and it was probably due to eating 3000 calories at one sitting, not the baby.

-People are starting to notice more which is fun because I kind of like talking about this, just a little bit:)

-I am not nearly as tired as I used to be and I want to run around all day (with the exception of my mandatory 20 minute nap on the floor everyday as soon as the bell rings).

-I think I felt the baby moving around last night but I am not sure…please tell me what it feels like and how far along you were when you felt your baby moving.


Did you experience heart burn?

-Only for a day or two but I have heard it can get bad later on!

What happened in your last dream that you can remember?

When did you start feeling your baby move around?  What did it feel like?

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I first felt the babies move at about 22 weeks. It sort of feels like gas. Fun stuff. I miss laying in the bath tub and watching my tummy move. Never had too much heart burn. Your bump is very cute!


Heartburn got worse for me later in the pregnancy. =(

Last dream I remember, I was visiting a friend in CO. Was great because I haven’t seen him in a couple years.

I remember feeling my second daughter later the same day I had the sonogram to find out she was a girl! I was leaning over the stove to reach something and felt a little flutter. So amazing! I keep leaning over several times trying to make it happen again.


I have no business being here commenting as my “baby” is 15 but I have to say you are so freaking little I don’t think you can blame the toothpaste on the baby changes. Nice try though. ;)


You have so many shoes! Or do I not have enough? :) My second pregnancy I was feeling baby flutter around 19 weeks. They were like tiny taps inside my belly. They say that if you’re on the smaller side (you are) you can feel baby sooner! It’s so great, isn’t it?


I felt mine early, it was sort of like gas. You probably did!

I had some heartburn too, it gets worse instead of better. I had a lot of ligament pain. And a very pesky vein that I ended up having to get these compression stockings at the end of my pregnancy. That was a sight, trust me.


Aww so exciting! You look great … even with the toothpaste stains. ;)


You look so great! I don’t remember exactly when I started feeling my kids move – maybe around 18 weeks? It was so exciting, but also kind of weird, especially when you’re farther along and it feels like the baby is playing soccer in there.


Not sure if you visit a chiropractor, but they can help with heartburn. No need to suffer!


Thanks for this advice! I am pregnant and if I get heartburn later I’ll have to remember this, because my Father-in-law is a chiropractor. :)


I turned 35 weeks today! yay!! I didn’t really decipher my baby moving until about 24 weeks. This is a lot later than most women’s experience so maybe I just didn’t know what I was looking for? I had zero heartburn in the beginning but once I hit 30 weeks it came in full force! :)


I felt both of mine move around 18 weeks or so. You’re thin, so I’m sure that’s what you felt. I think it feels like little bubbles popping inside you at first. Soon you’ll be able to see your belly jumping. Very fun!

I had horrendous heartburn with my first, and horrendous sciatica with my 2nd. Thank goodness I’m done! :o)

You’re absolutely adorable.


So exciting!! I had crazy heartburn – it’s pretty terrible when it hits bad…You look fantastic, by the way!
With my first pregnancy, I would say it wasn’t until 22 weeks’ish that I really felt it moving – and it’s really tiny little flutters very low. I could feel it the most if I laid on my stomach – my belly was really tiny so I could still kind of lay on my stomach then.
If you think it’s fun now, just wait until you feel that baby ALL the time! The greatest thing ever.


I second that about walking down a dark alley in NYC at 2 Am. Bad idea!
You look fabulous!


I can’t believe baby has you hatin’ on the Broc. You’re the one who got me to eat more!!! Hopefully the urge to eat it will come back once Baby has arrived.

Dark chocolate?! OMG.


I felt my little guy around 22 weeks. It felt like a teeny bubble popping inside my stomach – not so much like gas feelings though. NOW – he’s kicking my ribs (I’m due in 9 weeks) – sometimes painful but you will love every single movement you feel. You look great!!!


I experienced heart burn… before starting my acid reflux prescription. haha not due to pregnancy. But I love that you can really see your bump now! So exciting!!!!


Janae you are going to be the cutest pregnant woman ever, so beautiful! My best friend is 24.5 weeks and she is showing as if she’s 34 weeks. It’s so crazy!


Oh the boob dribble catcher! On the plus side, cleavage is great for catching dropped M&Ms.


I had two pregnancy symptoms that I recall clearly (luckily never had morning sickness, even with twins)–insomnia and HEARTBURN, big time. From early one. I started taking Tums, but then switched over to papaya enzyme tablets–they are a natural remedy and they worked better for me than Tums or Pepcid. I remember it was quite awhile before I could feel my daughter moving–close to 19 or 20 weeks? It felt like gas bubbles. I don’t remember how soon it was with my boys, but I think a bit earlier. My husband and I both had crazy dreams the night before last–my most memorable part was dreaming about this huge fence of ours that blew down in the wind last week. In my dream, it blew right back up into place and fastened itself, as if it was part of a Harry Potter scene. Where’s my wand so I can make that happen for real?!


You are soo cute! I was about 14 weeks with both my girls. It kinda feels like gas bubbles but different. I had really bad heartburn with my first but not as bad with my 2nd.


Your the cutest!!! I love the baby bump pics!


I agree that feeling baby move first felt like a small gas bubble in my lower abdomen. The way I could decipher it, though, was instead of moving down, like a gas bubble would, I felt the movement go across my tummy. I felt baby #1 at about 17 weeks and baby #2 at 15 weeks, but I’m small too and a NICU nurse, so I think I was way tuned in to all things baby and what my body was doing. It seemed like all of us NICU nurses felt our babies move very early compared to my non-nurse friends. I’ll bet it was baby that you felt!


I had terrible heartburn through both of my pregnancies. I ended up taking Zantac 150 twice a day and it helped a ton. Feeling the baby move at first feels sort of like little bubbles – it’s a weird feeling. It will start getting more consistent and feeling like little jabs in a few weeks. So exciting!


You are so cute! I think with my first it was around 15-16 weeks. It really felt like a butterfly gently flying around in my stomach.

I had such bad heartburn 20 weeks on that I had huge bottles of tums stashed everywhere. I had to cut out all spicy foods, especially jalepenos, which I love on everything.


No heartburn yet, and I’m really hoping it doesn’t start!

I had some really crazy dreams in the beginning, but I can’t think of a specific one right now.

I don’t know if I’ve felt the baby move yet, I sometimes think I do but then I always wonder if it’s just gas. It seems like most of my friends felt theirs by now so I was starting to worry a little, but I think (s)he may just be snuggled up down on my bladder – I’m so glad I have a treadmill with a bathroom nearby because I swear this week I must be getting kicked in the bladder during all my runs!


I felt my son move the first time at 13 weeks. It felt like little flutters and the movement was very low, near my bikini line.

I got terrible terrible heartburn! I found if I limited my bread intake it helped but near the end it came back full force. Once he was born it was gone.

I had crazy dreams when I was pregnant too.


With both my kids, the placenta was at the front of my uterus, so I didn’t feel any movement until about 20 – 21 weeks. The doctor said the placenta being in front made it harder to feel the babes kicking. It was kind of weird going to the ultrasound appointment and seeing my son doing sommersaults and flips and moving non-stop (he’s still this way!), and not being able to feel any of it. But I guess that’s nice too – I don’t know if I’d want to feel ALL of that!


i started feeling baby at around 19 weeks. felt like teeny tiny taps from the inside – like baby was poking me with tiny fingers saying hey mom!! we’re having our baby this Thursday at 39 weeks…you won’t believe what it feels like to be carrying a fully grown squirming little baby! it’s unbelievable! no heartburn ever for me. lots of hip pain during sleep, and from 16 to maybe 26 or 28 weeks, tons of round ligament pain. other than that it’s been easy! and amazing!! just very tiring!


I first realized I was feeling my baby move at 19 weeks. I never had the gas/flutters feeling. I thought it felt almost like a muscle twitch in my abdomen.


I’ll bet you ARE feeling the baby!!!! My favorite thing EVER!!!!! To me it felt like little butterflies flitting their sweet little wings on the inside of my abdomen. I LOVE feeling the baby move :)


First felt baby at 16 weeks, felt like a flutter. My first pregnancy I didn’t have heartburn, but towards the end of my second pregnancy I took a LOT of Tums!


With baby #1, I believe I felt her move around 19/20 weeks. Zero heartburn the entire time.

With baby #2, I thought I may have felt slightly earlier- maybe 18 weeks? Definitely heartburn at the end.

Now, with baby #3, I am definitely having some heartburn, terrible nausea (as usual), fatigue etc. too early for movement around here. I feel like my stomach is already popping way too early.


We actually felt the baby kicking at 17 weeks…and you WILL know it…both of us could feel it.

You look absolutely great!


I had terrible heartburn, starting from about the halfway point of my pregnancy. It started out as normal heartburn but grew increasingly strong. I was taking Tums but it turned out it didn’t do much/maybe made it worse. Finally I started taking Pepcid AC and that took away all my pain! It was probably the hardest part of pregnancy for me – extremely awfully agonizing heartburn! I hope yours passes quickly!

I first felt baby movement around 17 or 18 weeks. It felt like a little flutter or tickle, like I had a little bit of gas moving around. For the first few months after my baby was born I’d feel an actual gas bubble shifting around and I’d think, “The baby is moving!! … wait …”


I have CRAZY dreams – like insanely ridiculous. Whenever I tell Daniel about them, he always asks me if I took some sort of drug before bed haha. Last night I dreamed we were at this amazing mansion somewhere on an island, and there was a bathroom the size of my house. It had a hot tub, an ice bath, a steam room, a huge shower, and a wall of mirrors. Then when I walked out of it, Daniel got into a fight with this guy and someone got his jaw broken. It was weird.


heart burn gets worse as the pregnancy progresses. it bites that way.

baby #1 about 20 weeks, people with long torsos and high waists typically feel movement later because of where everything is located.

At first it feels like bubbles, not at all dissimilar to gas, then little punches, then they’re kicking you in the ribs and your entire belly moves like in “Alien”

I’ll call you Ripley when that happens.


That is so exciting!! I can’t imagine what it will be like to feel my future baby kick for the first time!

Your bump is crazy cute, but kinda still looks like you ate a big meal haha! I think I could push my abs out and look like that too ;) Seriously you are beautiful and adorable! Glad you have so much energy these days!

And no pregnancy experience here, but I used to have terrible heartburn a couple of years ago, thankfully it went away. I always have crazy vivid dreams, my husband used to find it interesting but now that they happen all the time, he hardly listens to me about them anymore.


I feel my babies move sooner with each pregnancy. I think my first I was about twenty weeks. It felt to me like a muscle twitch. You know when your eye twitches or a spot on your leg or arm? It twitches for like half the day and is really annoying? Like that…..only once….and in your tummy. I’m nine weeks with baby number four. Ahh! Hopefully I don’t die!


I only had reflux when pregnant! Ice tea bothered me with my first. Hmm them moving around the first time felt weird. As baby gets bigger they will only really move when you lie down to sleep!


Heartburn is THE WORST!!! I had a stomach ulcer last year (yes, marathon runner in my 20s with a stomach ulcer. Apparently what they tell you about too much advil and your stomach lining is true) which meant constant, unending heartburn. Anyway, after months of staying up all night taking all of the available anti-acid pills, I figured out that going for a walk does wonders. I don’t know what anti-acid pills are approved of to take while you’re pregnant, but just in case you’re limited, or if it gets worse and you discover, like I did, that there is no amount of pepcid and tums that will get the job done, go for a walk. I live in a quiet neighborhood so I’m usually ok going out with my (very confused and sleepy) dog at 2 a.m., but you might want to drag Billy out with you before you start marching around the block in the middle of the night. Also – no tomatoes! And congratulations on the pregnancy, I love reading your updates!


I bet you did feel him/her move! It was right about 18 or 19 weeks for me. It took a couple days of feeling that sensation before I knew for sure that it was baby movement. So exciting!


The only time I have ever had heartburn in my life was when I was pregnant with my daughter. It was so bad I had to sleep sitting up! My grandmother told me to try my grandfather’s remedy: a tablespoon of baking soda mixed into a glass of water. I chugged it down and the heartburn was gone!


I had heartburn and acid reflux HORRIBLE during pregnancy. It started in the first trimester, tapered off, and then came back full force in the third trimester. Once my daughter was born it resolved immediately, yay!
I felt my daughter move around 17 or 18 weeks I think. Feels like a little flip flop, or a little fish squiggling around. =) At 22 weeks I could see her move when watching my tummy laying in the bathtub, it was soo so so awesome! Can’t wait for you to see and feel your baby move more! Congrats congrats congrats! And you’re so tiny. I truly am amazed at how much you can exercise while pregnant. I was so out of breath just walking every day at lunch, even early on in pregnancy. Props to you!


Your baby bump is so adorable!


That’s great you are not feeling as tired as before!
Yes, I liked the second trimester because I was more energized but my tummy was small enough to do stuff :)
I was lucky and never experienced heartburn!


ooooo i hate the smell of broccoli these days too!! thats never been a problem before but suddenly, i want nothing to do with it!! thats the only aversion though so not too bad.

i had crazy heart burn last week..this weeks a little better for some reason? who knows.

i cant wait to feel the baby!! last night i thought i felt something but pretty sure it was gas haha…damn. oh well…you should feel him or her soon!! yay! :)


You look so stinking cute!!!
I think I felt my first baby movements around 19 or 20 weeks. It feels like a little fish swimming around and some little pokes.


So funny! Soon you won’t be able to see those feet looking down. And I heart Billy’s t-shirt. <3 <3


Oh ya on the heart burn. I ended up buying a wedged pillow (like the old people kind) and adding more pillows on top of it so I could sleep upright for the last 3 months of my first pregnancy. It was uberlame!

With my first I felt her move around 18 weeks and with my second it was much earlier. Feels like gas or butterflies. Those flutters are so fun. The full on kick in the ribs or the gut at the end just hurt. lol. I dont miss those in the middle of the night ;)

You look so great. Such a stinkin cute prego girl! I swear I grow baby parts in my face and neck too. That is the only explanation for the growth there, right?! Also, it isn’t even 10am and now I am craving some lasagna. How am I going to make that happen?


Heartburn like a mother whenever I ate chocolate! Huge bummer!
I remember wondering if I was feeling my DMan, or if it was gas…at around 19 weeks…then it was the most surreal feeling…like, whoa, there really IS somebody in there!!
I also had to stop running around then because the ligaments on the sides of my belly started to really hurt when I did, like sharp pains instead of a dull “feeling”.
How exciting for you!!


We just announced that I am pregnant too!! 13 weeks as of yesterday. :) I am loving all of your updates and seeing you still exercise. I have been running and exercising the whole time too, and it makes a huge difference! I can’t wait to feel the baby kick – it really doesn’t feel real yet for me. You are so cute and small!!


I had crazy dreams when pregnant! Adam used to ask me every morning about my crazy dreams. Unfortunately, I had heartburn throughout all of my pregnancies. It was the tell-tell sign I was pregnant with baby 2 & 3. With my first, I didn’t notice movement until about 18 weeks. I wasn’t sure what it would feel like. With the second and third it was around 15 weeks. It felt like little flutters, almost like if you have butterflies in your stomach.


Wow, I’m so behind in blog reading…you’re pregnant! Congratulations! I started feeling the baby at about 14 weeks. I always thought it felt like a baby kicking…ha! In all seriousness though, maybe tiny pokes when it first started and the baby was still so small.


Looking great lady!


1) youre having a boy i will put money on it.

2) i used to get tooth paste stains on my shirt every single day during my pregnancy. why oh why?


I was just commenting to my co-workers that my heartburn is back. I had it bad with our first and was hoping I wouldn’t get it this time around but no dice.

I’ve started feeling the baby move earlier this time just because I knew what to expect. Mine feels like someone is rolling around and bumping the inside of my tummy – I have a little acrobat apparently. If you think the baby is moving then it probably is :) It may take longer to feel it on the outside though.


I felt her first at 20 weeks and it felt like a flutter and the next time it felt more like a gas bubble. It takes a while before you actually feel the whole roling thing..but when that happens its awesome au n totally tell body parts!


Sorry I comment on like every post, I swear I have a life :). You look adorable! I love reading all the stuff you are going through since I am at the exact same point! I have felt baby move for the last couple nights (actually very early mornings when I’m getting up for work). At first I didn’t know if that was it, but now I think it must be because it keeps happening. Its so fun, I love it! It has felt sort of like gas bubbles but a little different, more like fluttering gas bubbles I guess? Haha hard to explain.


your bump is so cute!!!!


My due date was aug 31 and I first felt her move late March. We were flying to Italy (last trip with out baby and second anniversary) and I turn to my husband and was like “I think something just happened” he stood up and asked if there was a doctor on the plane.
It felt like bubbles popping. Quickly it turned to jabs and pows. My little rockette.


The best way I could describe baby movement is that it feels like gas. hehe! In fact, when I eat beans or other gas inducing foods I get a little nervous I’m pregnant again! Cute little bump you are getting!


I felt my baby moving around 18/19 weeks- to me it felt like someone was tickling you very softly from the inside.


It feels like the most amazing thing ever. Like God is giving you a hug from the inside out.


I had heartburn so bad with my last pregnancy I was eating TUMS like candy.


I felt the baby move starting around 19.5 weeks and it felt like flutters. Now at 38 weeks, it’s rolls and jabs :). I only had heartburn for a bit but found that eating small meals made that all go away. I hated chocolate too in the middle but I’m back to loving it! You look great


This is SO exciting–it’s becoming so real even though you are still so tiny!! Looking amazing!!

No chocolate?! Who are you?! Kidding!

How similar is your pregnancy to your sister’s?


I felt my first baby movement around 20 weeks (I have 4 children and it was always around then). It felt like someone was flicking me from the inside. Or like little bubbles popping. Super fun to realize someone is in there! Congrats!


YOU ARE TOO CUTE!! I still can’t believe no broccoli. Crazy.


I felt the baby move right around where you are 18-19 weeks. It was in the morning when I was laying down- I thought it was gas. But then a couple of days later I felt the exact same thing- grabbed my husbands hand and then we felt it again. Once you start feeling the exact same thing and you don’t have gas (ha!)- then you should know that is him/her!! :)


a flutter–like a gas bubble


I looked about the same at 19 weeks and I have those pink shorts too! you look great!!!


Can I just say that I love seeing your little bump grow? You look so happy and I can’t help but to smile when I see you so happy :)


Is it bad that I can’t remember when I started feeling the kicks? However, I do remember distinctly thinking that it felt like little butterflies fluttering their wings in my belly. The best feeling ever!


You are so teeny! I felt like I was huge from the minute I found out I was pregnant. The first time I felt my first baby move, it felt like a butterfly was in my tummy. Like fluttering. It was the coolest thing ever! I think I was around 20 weeks.


I think you’re definitely feeling it :)

When I lie down in a very still room, I can almost always feel some kind of movement in there – from taps to bubbles


It feels like butterflies in your stomach!


I had heartburn, but had no idea what it was. I described the feeling to one of my friends, as I was wondering what kind of bizarre thing was happening to me, and she basically said “dumb-a$$ – that’s heartburn – take a Tums”.
Can’t remember when I felt the movement, but I thought it felt like a little-tiny flitter/rumble/bubble feeling – very helpful, I know!


I didn’t have heartburn but I have heard that heartburn and gaining weight in the backside means….a girl ( :
With my son I looked like I had a basketball coming out of my stomach! By the way – if you haven’t bought it yet – I highly recommend the book Baby Bargains by Denise & Alan Fields. Great recs on everything from cribs to strollers to diaper pails, etc.!


You look so happy!!

One of my good friends is also preggo and I think it’s so interesting how things can be SO different for everyone, like in terms of energy level, food cravings, etc.


I am 20 weeks along and I *think* I feel the baby moving…it’s feels kind of like butterflies…like fluttering…such an amazing feeling!! Good luck and you look fantastic!!!


I’m 18 weeks and seriously, am about 4 times rounder than you! I’m in full-fledged maternity tops and pants. I’ve only gained 6 pounds so far, so I’m going to blame it on the fact that this my 3rd, and I only had my last baby 14 months.

Yes, I have heartburn now too, mostly at night. Bleh.


JANAE! Oh my goodness! I want to cry! I have been avoiding ALL running blogs because of my darn stress fracture and I finally decided I am ready to dig back in. So, the first thing I did was type in to find out that you are PREGNANT!! I am so far behind and so sad that I missed the big announcement! Wahhhh! Well, COGRATULATIONS!!! I am so HAPPY for both of you! You and Billy are going to be the most INCREDIBLE parents! AHH. Smiling ear to ear over here! (that rhymes!)

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